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© 2002 Journal ofP eace Research, vol. 39, no. 6, 2002, pp. 765-767 INDEX TO Sage Publications (London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi) RELACL [0022-3433(2002 11 )39:6; 765-767; 028847] VOLUME 39, 2002 Articles Kuus, Merje, European Integration in Identity Narratives Addison, Tony & S. Mansoob Murshed, Credibility and in Estonia: A Quest for Security, 39(1), 91-108 Reputation in Peacemaking, 39(4), 487-501 Lamb, Guy, see Batchelor, Peter Anastasiou, Harry, Communication Across Conflict Lines: Lieberfeld, Daniel, Evaluating the Contributions of Track- The Case of Ethnically Divided Cyprus, 39(5), Two Diplomacy to Conflict Termination in South 581-596 Africa, 1984-90, 39(3), 355-372 Azam, Jean-Paul & Anke Hoeffler, Violence Against Civil- Lindstrom, Nicole see Duffy, Gavan ians in Civil Wars: Looting or Terror?, 39(4), 461-485 Mack, Andrew, Civil War: Academic Research and the Azar, Fabiola & Etienne Mullet, Muslims and Christians in Policy Community, (CP) 39(5), 515-525 Lebanon: Common Views on Political Issues, 39(6), Martin, Curtis H., Rewarding North Korea: Theoretical Per- 735-746 spectives on the 1994 Agreed Framework, 39(1), 51-68 Batchelor, Peter; Paul Dunne & Guy Lamb, The Demand Mehlum, Halvor; Karl Ove Moene & Ragnar Torvik, for Military Spending in South Africa, 39(3), 339-354 Plunder & Protection Inc., 39(4), 447-459 Berejikian, Jeffrey D., A Cognitive Theory of Deterrence, Moene, Karl Ove see Mehlum, Halvor 39(2), 165-183 Morgan, T. Clifton see Palmer, Glenn Buhaug, Halvard & Scot Gates, The Geography of Civil Mullet, Etienne see Azar, Fabiola War, 39(4), 417-433 Murshed, S. Mansoob, Conflict, Civil War and Under- Chan, Steve, On Different Types of International Relations development: An Introduction, 39(4), 387-393 see also Scholarship, (RE) 39(6), 747-756 Addison, Tony Chiozza, Giacomo, Is There a Clash of Civilizations? Evi- Neumayer, Eric, Do Democracies Exhibit Stronger Inter- dence from Patterns of International Conflict Involve- national Environmental Commitment? A_ Cross- ment, 1946-97, 39(6), 711-734 Country Analysis, 39(2), 139-164 Colaresi, Michael & William R. Thompson, Strategic Nincic, Donna J. see Nincic, Miroslav Rivalries, Protracted Conflict, and Crisis Escalation, Nincic, Miroslav & Donna J. Nincic, Race, Gender and 39(3), 263-287 War, 39(5), 547-568 Craft, Cassady & Joseph P. Smaldone, The Arms Trade and Palmer, Glenn; Scott B. Wohlander & T. Clifton Morgan, the Incidence of Political Violence in Sub-Saharan Give or Take: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy Substi- Africa, 1967-97, 39(6), 693-710 tutability, 39(1), 5-26 Dorussen, Han, Trade and Conflict in Multi-Country Parish, Randall & Mark Peceny, Kantian Liberalism and Models: A Rejoinder, (D) 39(1), 115-118 the Collective Defense of Democracy in Latin America, Duffy, Gavan & Nicole Lindstrom, Conflicting Identities: 39(2), 229-250 Solidary Incentives in the Serbo-Croatian War, 39(1), Peceny, Mark see Parish, Randall 69-90 Pickering, Jeffrey, War-Weariness and Cumulative Effects: Dunne, Paul see Batchelor, Peter Victors, Vanquished, and Subsequent Interstate Inter- Eriksson, Mikael see Gleditsch, Nils Petter vention, 39(3), 313-337 Gates, Scott see Buhaug, Halvard Saideman, Stephen M., Discrimination in International Gleditsch, Nils Petter, Editorial: Double-Blind but More Relations: Analyzing External Support for Ethnic Transparent, 39(3), 259-262 Groups, 39(1), 27-50 Gleditsch, Nils Petter; Peter Wallensteen, Mikael Eriksson, Sample, Susan G., The Outcomes of Military Buildups: Margareta Sollenberg & Havard Strand, Armed Conflict Minor States vs. Major Powers, 39(6), 669-691 1946-2001: A New Dataset, (SDF) 39(5), 615-637 Sandler, Todd see Shimizu, Hirofumi Hegre, Havard, Trade Decreases Conflict More in Multi- Schneckener, Ulrich, Making Power-Sharing Work: Actor Systems: A Comment on Dorussen, (D) 39(1), Lessons from Successes and Failures in Ethnic Conflict 109-114 Regulation, 39(2), 203-228 Hermann, Tamar & Ephraim Yuchtman- Yaar, Divided yet Sezgin, Selami see Yildirim, Jiilide United: Israeli-Jewish Attitudes Toward the Oslo Shambaugh, George E. see Weitsman, Patricia A. Process, 39(5), 597-613 Shamir, Jacob & Khalil Shikaki, Determinants of Recon- Hoeffler, Anke see Azam, Jean-Paul ciliation and Compromise Among Israelis and Pales- Jungblut, Bernadette M. E. & Richard J. Stoll, The Liberal tinians, 39(2), 185-202 Peace and Conflictive Interactions: The Onset of Mili- Shikaki, Khalil see Shamir, Jacob tarized Interstate Disputes, 1950-78, 39(5), 527-546 Shimizu, Hirofumi & Todd Sandler, Peacekeeping and Knutsen, Torbjorn L., Twentieth-Century Stories, (RE) Burden-Sharing, 1994-2000, 39(6), 651-668 39(1), 119-127 Skaperdas, Stergios, Warlord Competition, 39(4), 435-446 765 journal of PEACE RESEARCH volume 39 / number 6 / november 2002 Smaldone, Joseph P. see Craft, Cassady Cox, Michael; G. John Ikenberry & Takashi Inoguchi, eds, Sollenberg, Margareta see Gleditsch, Nils Petter American Democracy Promotion: Impulses, Strategies, Soysa, Indra de, Paradise Is a Bazaar? Greed, Creed, and and Impacts, 39(6), 758 Governance in Civil War, 1989-99, 39(4), 395-416 Darby, John, The Effects of Violence on Peace Processes, Stoll, Richard J. see Jungblut, Bernadette 39(6), 758-759 Strand, Havard see Gleditsch, Nils Petter Dobkowski, Michael N. & Isidor Wallimann, eds, On the Thompson, William R. see Colaresi, Michael Edge of Scarcity: Environment, Resources, Population Torvik, Ragnar see Mehlum, Halvor Sustainability, and Conflict, 39(6), 759 Wallensteen, Peter see Gleditsch, Nils Petter Dodds, Klaus & David Atkinson, eds, Geopolitical Tra- Weitsman, Patricia A. & George E. Shambaugh, Inter- ditions: A Century of Geopolitical Thought, 39(4), national Systems, Domestic Structures, and Risk, 503-504 39(3), 289-312 Dummett, Michael, On Immigration and Refugees, 39(5), Wohlander, Scott B. see Palmer, Glenn 640 Yildirim, Jiilide & Selami Sezgin, Defence, Education and Eide, Asbjorn; Helge Ole Bergesen & Pia Rudolfsen Goyer, Health Expenditures in Turkey, 1924-96, 39(5), 569-580 eds, Human Rights and the Oil Industry, 39(1), 129 Yuchtman- Yaar, Ephraim see Hermann, Tamar Ericson, Maria, Reconciliation and the Search for a Shared Moral Landscape: An Exploration Based on a Study of Book Notes, 39(1), 129-133; 39(2), 251-255; 39(3), Northern Ireland and South Africa, 39(2), 251 373-379; 39(4), 503-508; 39(5), 639-644; 39(6), Feuerverger, Grace, Oasis of Dreams: Teaching and Learn- 757-762 ing Peace in a Jewish—Palestinian Village in Israel, Books Received, 39(1), 135-136; 39(2), 256; 39(3), 39(4), 504-505 381-382; 39(4), 509-511; 39(5), 645-646; 39(6), Gagnon, Alain-G. & James Tully, eds, Multinational 763-764 Democracies, 39(4), 505 Genin, Vlad E., ed., The Anatomy of Russian Defence Book Notes, by the Books Author(s) Conversion, 39(2), 252 Adomeit, Hannes, Russische Sicherheits- und Verteidi- Ghimire, Krishna B., ed., The Native Tourist: Mass gungspolitik unter Putin. Neue Akzente oder gewohnte Tourism within Developing Countries, 39(2), 252 Grofmachtnostalgie? [Russian Security and Defence Goemans, Hein E., War and Punishment: The Causes of Policy under Putin: New Accents or Old Habits of Big War Termination and the First World War, 39(5), Power Nostalgia?], 39(6), 757 640-641 Aslund, Anders, Building Capitalism: The Transformation Goldstein, Joshua S., War and Gender: How Gender of the Former Soviet Bloc, 39(6), 757 Shapes the War System and Vice Versa, 39(3), 374-375 Austin, Jay E. & Carl E. Bruch, eds, The Environmental Gunaratna, Rohan, Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Consequences of War: Legal, Economic, and Scientific Terror, 39(6), 759 Perspectives, 39(3), 373 Gustafson, Carrie & Peter Juviler, eds, Religion and Baechler, Giinther, Violence Through Environmental Dis- Human Rights — Competing Claims?, 39(2), 252-253 crimination, 39(2), 251 Guyer, Paul, Kant on Freedom, Law, and Happiness, 39(3), Baxendale, James; Stephen Dewar & David Gowan, eds, 375 The EU and Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad and the Impact Hagendoorn, Louk; Hub Linssen & Sergei Tumanoy, Inter- of EU Enlargement, 39(3), 373 group Relations in States of the Former Soviet Union: Bottomley, Ruth, Spontaneous Demining Initiatives: Mine The Perception of Russians, 39(4), 505 Clearance by Villages in Rural Cambodia, 39(5), 639 Hale, William, Turkish Foreign Policy, 1774-2000, 39(3), Brown, Archie, ed., Contemporary Russian Politics: A 375 Reader, 39(1), 129 Hanssen, Beatrice, Critique of Violence: Between Post- Brynen, Rex, A Very Political Economy: Peacebuilding and structuralism and Critical Theory, 39(1), 129-130 Foreign Aid in the West Bank and Gaza, 39(5), 639 Hayden, Robert M., Blueprints for a House Divided: The Carter, Ashton B. & John P. White, eds, Keeping the Edge: Constitutional Logic of the Yugoslav Crisis, 39(3), Managing Defense in the Future, 39(5), 639-640 375-376 Chandler, David, Bosnia: Faking Democracy After Dayton, Hettige, S. T. & Markus Mayer, eds, Sri Lanka at Cross- 39(3), 373-374 roads: Dilemmas and Prospects After 50 Years of Inde- Chulos, Chris J. & Timo Piirainen, eds, The Fall of an pendence, 39(1), 130 Empire, the Birth of aN ation, 39(4), 503 Hochstrasser, T. J., Natural Law Theories in the Early Cooke, Bill & Uma Kothari, eds, Participation: The New Enlightenment, 39(2), 253 Tyranny, 39(3), 374 Honneland, Geir & Helge Blakkisrud, eds, Centre—Periph- Cottey, Andrew; Timothy Edmunds & Anthony Forster, ery Relations in Russia: The Case of the Northwestern eds, Democratic Control of the Military in Postcom- Regions, 39(3), 376 munist Europe: Guarding the Guards, 39(6), 757-758 Horwood, Chris, Humanitarian Mine Action: The First Cowan, Jane K.; Marie-Bénédicte Dembour & Richard A. Decade of a New Sector in Humanitarian Aid, 39(5), Wilson, eds, Culture and Rights: Anthropological Per- 641 spectives, 39(4), 503 International Campaign to Ban Landmines, Landmine INDEX TO VOLUME 39, 2002 Monitor Report 2001: Toward a Mine-Free World, Onwudiwe, Ihekwoaba D., The Globalization of Terror- 39(4), 506 ism, 39(6), 761 Jaspers, Karl, The Question of German Guilt, 39(4), 506 Ortakovski, Vladimir, Minorities in the Balkans, 39(2), Jeong, Ho-Won, Peace and Conflict Studies: An Introduc- 255 tion, 39(3), 376-377 O’Tuathail, Geardid; Simon Dalby & Paul Routledge, eds, Jok, Jok Madut, War and Slavery in Sudan, 39(6), 759-760 The Geopolitics Reader, 39(4), 503-504 Juergensmeyer, Mark, Terror in the Mind of God: The Pollack, Jonathan D. & Chung Min Lee, Preparing for Global Rise of Religious Violence, 39(2), 253 Korean Unification: Scenarios & Implications, 39(4), Keridis, Dimitris & Dimitrios Triantaphyllou, eds, 508 Greek—Turkish Relations in the Era of Globalization, Quandt, William B., Peace Process: American Diplomacy 39(1), 130-131 and the Arab-Israeli Conflict Since 1967, 39(5), Khalilzad, Zalmay; David Orletsky, Jonathan Pollack, 642-643 Kevin Pollpeter, Angel Rabasa, David Shlapak, Abram Rashid, Ahmed, Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Shulsky & Ashley Tellis, The United States and Asia: Central Asia, 39(5), 643 Toward a New U.S. Strategy and Force Posture, 39(6), Reddaway, Peter & Dmitri Glinski, The Tragedy of Russia’s 760 Reforms: Market Bolshevism Against Democracy, Klare, Michael T., Resource Wars: The New Landscape of 39(1), 131 Global Conflict, 39(2), 253-254 Roy, Olivier, The New Central Asia: The Creation of Larsen, Knud & Amund Sinding-Larsen, The Lhasa Atlas: Nations, 39(5), 643 Traditional Tibetan Architecture and Townscape, Segal, Jerome M.; Shlomit Levy, Nadar Izzat Sa’id & Elihu 39(4), 506-507 Katz, Negotiating Jerusalem, 39(2), 255 Leatherman, Janie; Willam deMars, Patrick D. Gaffney & Shenfield, Stephen D., Russian Fascism: Traditions, Ten- Raimo Vayrynen, Breaking Cycles of Violence: Con- dencies, Movements, 39(1), 131-132 flict Prevention in Intrastate Crises, 39(6), 760-761 Shlaim, Avi, The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World, Lee, MaryJo Benton, Ethnicity, Education and Empower- 39(5), 643-644 ment: How Minority Students in Southwest China Small Arms Survey 2001: Profiling the Problem, 39(3), Construct Identities, 39(2), 254 377-378 Lizée, Pierre P., Peace, Power and Resistance in Cambodia: Stewart, Frances & Valpy Fitzgerald, eds, War and Under- Global Governance and the Failure of International development; Vol. 1 The Economic and Social Conse- Conflict Resolution, 39(2), 254-255 quences of Conflict, Vol. 2 Country Experiences, McFaul, Michael, Russia’s Unfinished Revolution: Political 39(3), 378 Change from Gorbachev to Putin, 39(3), 377 Verdery, Katherine, The Political Life of Dead Bodies: Maresca, Louis & Stuart Maslen, eds, The Banning of Anti- Reburial and Postsocialist Change, 39(1), 132 Personnel Landmines: The Legal Contribution of the West, Katarina, Agents of Altruism: The Expansion of International Committee of the Red Cross 1955-1999, Humanitarian NGOs in Rwanda and Afghanistan, 39(4), 507 39(5), 644 Mearsheimer, John J., The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, Westad, Odd Arne, ed., Reviewing the Cold War: 39(5), 641 Approaches, Interpretations, Theory, 39(6), 761 Midlarsky, Manus I., The Evolution of Inequality: War, Williams, Cindy, ed., Holding the Line: US Defense State Survival, and Democracy in Comparative Per- Alternatives for the Early 21st Century, 39(4), 508 spective, 39(5), 641-642 Winkelmann, Rainer, Econometric Analysis of Count Natsios, Andrew S., The Great North Korean Famine: Data: Third, Revised and Enlarged Edition, 39(1), Famine, Politics, and Foreign Policy, 39(4), 507-508 132-133 Nivat, Anne, Chienne de Guerre: A Woman Reporter Women’s Shelter Project, Stories of Courage Told by Behind the Lines of the War in Chechnya, 39(3), 377 Women, 39(3), 378-379 Olcott, Martha Brill, Kazakhstan: Unfulfilled Promise, Wyn Jones, Richard, ed., Critical Theory and World Poli- 39(5), 642 tics, 39(1), 133 O'Neill, Barry, Honor, Symbols, and War, 39(1), 131 Zevelev, Igor, Russia and Its New Diasporas, 39(1), 133 CP = Counterpoint D = Debate RE = Review Essay SDF = Special Data Feature

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