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S > S” >3 =P e has etoes es vyy : ewe. ic ee i t www.elsevier.nl/locate/jorganchem Chemistry ¢ !) 7 ELSEVIER Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 606 (2000) 212 Author Index of Volume 606 Aitola, E., 112 liskola, E.I., 169 Ozawa, F., 16 Albano, V.G., 163 Inoue, S., 147 Amir-Ebrahimi, V., 84 Ivin, K.J., 37 Paavola, S., 183 Pakkanen, T.T., 169 Bassindale, A.R., 125 Jafarpour, L., 49 Parker, D.J., 125 Bhaduri, S., 151 Jan, D., 55 Parrain, J.-L., 93 Borbaruah, M., 125 Juvaste, H., 169 Pathak, D.D., 188 Borowski, S., 108 Payra, P., 176 Bossek, U., 132 Karlou-Eyrisch, K., 3 Piironen, U., 112 Boys, D., 197 Katayama, H., 16 Bunz, U.H.F., 13 Kenwright, A.M., 37 Rime, F., 65 Busetto, L., 163 Khosravi, E., 37 Rodriguez, A., 156 Kirner, H.-J., 65 Rooney, A.D., 84 Carmona, D., 197 Kivekas, R., 183 Rooney, J.J., 8, 84 Chadha, R.K., 176 Klinga, M., 112 Ruiz, M.J., 156 Chicote, F.O., 176 Kloppenburg, L., 13 Contreras, R., 197 Kéckerling, M., 108 Kohler, K., 101 Sanders, C.J., 141 Delaude, L., 55 Kohl, F.J., 8 Santelli, M., 93 Demonceau, A., 55 Kolly, R., 65 Satyanarayana, C.V.V., 176 Djakovitch, L., 101 Korning, J., 108 Scott, P., 141 Détz, K.H., 26 Kunkely, H., 207 Segnitz, O., 132 Dyker, G., 108 Seidel, G., 75 Lahiri, G.K., 151 Simal, F., 55 Eisentrager, F., 88 Laine, T.V., 112 Souma, Y., 147 Lamata, M.P., 197 Stengel, K., 88 Fandos, R., 156 Lappalainen, K., 112 Stevens, E.D., 49 Ferrer, J., 197 Leskelé, M., 112 Strelets, V.V., 203 Fischer, R.A., 132 Loukova, G.V., 203 Siiltemeyer, J., 26 Folsing, H., 132 Frenzel, U., 8 Mathur, P., 176 Taylor, P.G., 125 Firstner, A., 75 Merz, K., 132 Teixidor, F., 183 Michaut, M., 93 Terreros, P., 156 Ghose, S., 176 Mirkin, C.A., 79 Gillespie, K.M., 141 Monari, M., 163 Urushima, H., 16 Glynn, S.J., 125 Morton, C., 141 Gross, J.H., 88 Miihlebach, A., 65 Valderrama, M., 197 Miiller, B.K.M., 3 van der Schaaf, P.A., 65 Hafner, A., 65 Munshi, P., 151 Vinas, C., 183 Hamilton, J.G., 8, 37, 84 Vogler, A., 207 Hansen, S.M., 88 Nakatani, H., 147 Volland, M.A.O., 88 Harding, C.J., 84 Nelson, J., 84 Heiermann, J., 108 Nguyen, S.B.T., 79 Henkel, G., 108 Nieger, M., 26 Walkden, A., 188 Hernandez, C., 156 Noels, A.F., 55 Watson, K.J., 79 Herrmann, W.A., 8 Nolan, S.P., 49 Weskamp, T., 8 Herzig, C., 3 Nuyken, O., 3, 8 White, C., 188 Hofmann, P., 88 Winter, M., 132 Hossain, M.M., 176 Opwis, K., 108 Xu, Q., 147 Hupfer, H., 26 Orellana, E.M., 197 Hutton, A.T., 188 Oro, L.A., 197 Hyde, J., 188 Otero, A., 156 Zanotti, V., 163 PII: S0022-328X(00)00445-9 ‘ ay www.elsevier.nl/locate/jorganchem ELSEVIER Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 606 (2000) 213-217 Subject Index of Volume 606 Acetonitrile Carbene Synthesis and evaluation of new RuCl,(p-cymene)(ER,R’) and Reactions of acetonitrile di-iron p-aminocarbyne complexes; syn- thesis and structure of [Fe,(u-CNMe,)(u-H)(CO),(Cp),], (n':n°-phosphinoarene)RuCl, complexes as ring-opening 163 metathesis polymerization catalysts, 55 Carbene complexes Acyclic diyne metathesis Alkyne metathesis with in situ catalysts; W(CO), and 4- Isolation and characterization of a monomeric, solvent coordi- chlorophenol are efficient in the formation of poly(para- nated ruthenium(I])carbene cation relevant to olefin phenyleneethynylene)s, 13 metathesis, 88 Alkoxide Reactions of complex ligands: Part 91. Application of ring closing Synthesis and characterisation of Group 4 metallocene alkoxide metathesis to Fischer-type carbene complexes: synthesis and structure of medium-sized chromium oxacycloalkenyli- complexes. X-ray crystal structure of Cp#ZrCl- (OCH,CH,SPh), 156 denes, 26 Alkyl Carbenes Complexes of zirconium with aryl substituted triamidoamines: Synthesis and reactivity of novel ruthenium carbene catalysts. molecular structures of amide and alkyl derivatives, 141 X-ray structures of [RuCl,(=CHSC,H,)(P’Pr,),] and Alkylidynes {[RuCl,(CHCH,CH,-C,N-2-C,H,N)(P’Pr,)], 65 Ring closing alkyne metathesis: stereoselective synthesis of cive- Carbonyl derivatives tone, 75 First heterogeneously palladium catalysed a-arylation of diethyl Alkyne metathesis malonate, 101 Alkyne metathesis with in situ catalysts; W(CO), and 4- Carboranes chlorophenol are efficient in the formation of poly(para- Revising the [PdCl,(1,2-(PPh,),-1,2-C,B,,)H,,)] synthesis and com- phenyleneethynylene)s, 13 parison of its behavior with [PdCl,(1,2-(P’Pr,),-1,2- Alkynes C,B,,H,,)]. Crystal structure of [PdCl,(1,2-(PPh,).- Ring closing alkyne metathesis: stereoselective synthesis of cive- 1,2-C,B oH o)], 183 tone, 75 Carbyne complexes Allylation/alkylation-RCM Reactions of acetonitrile di-iron y-aminocarbyne complexes; syn- Efficient synthesis of spirolactones from cyclic anhydrides via an thesis and structure of [Fe (u-CNMe,)(u-H)(CO).(Cp),], allylation/alkylation-RCM sequence, 93 163 Aluminium Catalysis Synthesis and structure of adduct stabilized Group III transition Pyridinylimine-based nickel(II) and palladium(II) complexes: metal carbonyl complexes: new examples for Fe—Ga, preparation, structural characterization and use as alkene Fe-In, W-—Al, Cr—Al and Cr—Ga bonds, 132 polymerization catalysts, 112 Amide Catalyst Complexes of zirconium with aryl substituted triamidoamines: Hydrogenation of «-acetamidocinnamic acid with polystyrene- molecular structures of amide and alkyl derivatives, 141 supported rhodium catalysts, 151 Preparation and characterization of immobilized constrained-ge- Synthesis and reactivity of novel ruthenium carbene catalysts. ometry hafnium complexes, 169 X-ray structures of [RuCl,(-CHSC,H.)(P’Pr;),] and Arylation [RuCl,(CHCH,CH,-C,N-2-C;H,N)(P’Pr,)], 65 First intermolecular palladium catalyzed arylation of an unfunc- Chalcogens tionalized aromatic hydrocarbon, 108 Synthesis and characterisation of [Fe,M,(y4-E)(y;-E’)(CO),,] and Aryl halides [Os,(p3-E)(p,-E’(CO),.] (M=Os or Ru; E=S, Se, Te; First heterogeneously palladium catalysed a-arylation of diethyl E’ = Se, Te), 176 malonate, 101 Charge transfer Azametallatrane Photoreactivity of the triphenylphosphine adduct of methyl(tri- Complexes of zirconium with aryl substituted triamidoamines: oxo)rhenium(VII) induced by ligand-to-metal charge trans- molecular structures of amide and alkyl derivatives, 141 fer excitation, 207 Azulene Chiral First intermolecular palladium catalyzed arylation of an unfunc- Chiral sandwich compounds of ruthenium(II) and (IV): X-ray tionalized aromatic hydrocarbon, 108 crystal structure of [Ru{n°-C,H,(neomenthyl)},I]I,, 188 Cluster Basic organometallics Revising the [PdCl,(1,2-(PPh,),-1,2-C,B,)H,,)] synthesis and com- Radical anion forming activity of the Grubbs’ catalyst and related parison of its behavior with [PdCl,(1,2-(P’Pr,),-1,2- organometallics: Michael acceptors as metathesis pro- C,B,,H,,)]. Crystal structure of [PdCl,(1,2-(PPh,),- moters, 84 1,2-C,B oH jo), 183 PII: $0022-328X(00)00446-0 214 Subject Index of Volume 606 / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 606 (2000) 213-217 Clusters Density functional theory calculations Synthesis and characterisation of [Fe,M,(y14-E)(y,-E’)(CO),,] and Isolation and characterization of a monomeric, solvent coordi- [Os,(u3-E)(u,-E’(CO),] (M=Os or Ru; E=S, Se, Te; nated ruthenium(II)carbene cation relevant to olefin E’ = Se, Te), 176 metathesis, 88 Cobalt carbonyl cluster Dichloro Formation of M(CO),* (M =Co, Rh) by dissolution of neutral Modelling nucleophilic substitution at silicon using hypervalent Co and Rh carbonyl clusters in strong acids under CO silicon compounds based on di and tri halosilanes, 125 atmosphere, 147 Dicyclopentadiene Cobalt tetracarbonyl cation Synthesis and reactivity of novel ruthenium carbene catalysts. Formation of M(CO),* (M =Co, Rh) by dissolution of neutral X-ray structures of [RuCl,(-CHSC,H,)(P’Pr,),] and Co and Rh carbonyl clusters in strong acids under CO [RuCl,(CHCH,CH,-C,N-2-C,H,N)(P’Pr,)], 65 atmosphere, 147 Dienes and monoenes Conjugated polymers Radical anion forming activity of the Grubbs’ catalyst and related Alkyne metathesis with in situ catalysts) W(CO), and 4- organometallics: Michael acceptors as metathesis pro- chlorophenol are efficient in the formation of poly(para- moters, 84 phenyleneethynylene)s, 13 Difluoro Constrained-geometry Modelling nucleophilic substitution at silicon using hypervalent Preparation and characterization of immobilized constrained-ge- silicon compounds based on di and tri halosilanes, 125 ometry hafnium complexes, 169 Correlations Electrochemistry Electrochemical versus optical insight in frontier orbitals of Chiral sandwich compounds of ruthenium(II) and (IV): X-ray Ti(IV), Zr(IV), and Hf(IV) bent metallocenes, 203 crystal structure of [Ru{n°-C,H,(neomenthyl)},IJI,, 188 Cross-linking Electronic spectra Ring-opening metathesis polymerization of 7-methylbicy- Electrochemical versus optical insight in frontier orbitals of clo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-diene initiated by well-defined molybde- Ti1V), Zr(IV), and Hf(IV) bent metallocenes, 203 num and ruthenium carbene complexes, 37 Ethenolysis Cross-metathesis Ethenolysis of silicon containing cycloolefins, 3 Reactions of complex ligands: Part 91. Application of ring closing Ethylene metathesis to Fischer-type carbene complexes: synthesis Pyridinylimine-based nickel(II) and palladium(II) complexes: and structure of medium-sized chromium oxacycloalkenyli- preparation, structural characterization and use as alkene denes, 26 polymerization catalysts, 112 Crotonates Reactions of complex ligands: Part 91. Application of ring closing Ferrocene metathesis to Fischer-type carbene complexes: synthesis The synthesis and ring-opening metathesis polymerization of an and structure of medium-sized chromium oxacycloalkenyli- amphiphilic redox-active norbornene, 79 denes, 26 Frontier molecular orbitals Crystal structure Electrochemical versus optical insight in frontier orbitals of Reactions of acetonitrile di-iron p-aminocarbyne complexes; syn- TiuIV), Zr(TV), and Hf(TV) bent metallocenes, 203 thesis and structure of [Fe(u-CNMe,)(u-H)(CO),(Cp),], 163 Gallium Crystal structures Synthesis and structure of adduct stabilized Group III transition Pyridinylimine-based nickel(II) and palladium(II) complexes: metal carbonyl complexes: new examples for Fe-—Ga, preparation, structural characterization and use as alkene Fe—In, W-—Al, Cr—Al and Cr—Ga bonds, 132 polymerization catalysts, 112 Group III transition metal bonds Cyclic anhydrides Synthesis and structure of adduct stabilized Group III transition Efficient synthesis of spirolactones from cyclic anhydrides via an metal carbonyl complexes: new examples for Fe-—Ga, allylation/alkylation-RCM sequence, 93 Fe-In, W-—Al, Cr—Al and Cr—Ga bonds, 132 Cyclic voltammetry Grubbs’ catalyst Electrochemical versus optical insight in frontier orbitals of Radical anion forming activity of the Grubbs’ catalyst and related Ti(IV), Zr(TV), and Hf(IV) bent metallocenes, 203 organometallics: Michael acceptors as metathesis pro- Cyclooctene moters, 84 Synthesis and evaluation of new RuCl,(p-cymene)(ER,R’) and (n':n°-phosphinoarene)RuCl, complexes as ring-opening Hafnium metathesis polymerization catalysts, 55 Preparation and characterization of immobilized constrained-ge- Cyclopentadienyl ometry hafnium complexes, 169 Preparation and characterization of immobilized constrained-ge- Heterodinuclear complexes ometry hafnium complexes, 169 Synthesis and characterization of heterodinuclear RuPt and IrPt Cyclopropanation complexes containing pyrazolate bridging ligands. Crystal Synthesis and evaluation of new RuCl,(p-cymene)(ER,R’) and structure of [(n°-C;Me.)Ir(u-pz),PtMe,] (pz = pyrazolate), (n':n°-phosphinoarene)RuCl, complexes as ring-opening 197 metathesis polymerization catalysts, 55 Heterogeneous catalytic a-arylation First heterogeneously palladium catalysed «a-arylation of diethyl Deboronation malonate, 101 Revising the [PdCl,(1,2-(PPh,),-1,2-C,B,,H,,)] synthesis and com- Homogeneous catalysis parison of its behavior with [PdCl,(1,2-(P’Pr,),-1,2- Synthesis and evaluation of new RuCl,(p-cymene)(ER,R’) and CB, H;,)]. Crystal structure of [PdCl,(1,2-(PPh,),- (n':n°-phosphinoarene)RuCl, complexes as ring-opening metathesis polymerization catalysts, 55 1,2-C,B}oH\o)], 183 Subject Index of Volume 606 / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 606 (2000) 213-217 Homogenous catalysis Nickel Isolation and characterization of a monomeric, solvent coordinated Pyridinylimine-based nickel(I]) and palladium(II) complexes: ruthenium(II)carbene cation relevant to olefin metathesis, 88 preparation, structural characterization and use as alkene Hydride polymerization catalysts, 112 Reactions of acetonitrile di-iron .-aminocarbyne complexes; syn- Nitrogen ligand thesis and structure of [Fe(u-CNMe,)(u-H)(CO).(Cp),], 163 Pyridinylimine-based nickel(I]) and palladium(II) complexes: Hydrogenation preparation, structural characterization and use as alkene Ring-opening metathesis polymerization of 7-methylbicy- polymerization catalysts, 112 clo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-diene initiated by well-defined molybde- NMR num and ruthenium carbene complexes, 37 Modelling nucleophilic substitution at silicon using hypervalent silicon compounds based on di and tri halosilanes, 125 Indium Norbornene Synthesis and structure of adduct stabilized Group III transition Pyridinylimine-based nickel(II) and palladium(II) complexes: metal carbonyl complexes: new examples for Fe—-Ga, Fe-—In, preparation, structural characterization and use as alkene W-AI, Cr—Al and Cr—Ga bonds, 132 polymerization catalysts, 112 Iridium The synthesis and ring-opening metathesis polymerization of an amphiphilic redox-active norbornene, 79 Synthesis and characterization of heterodinuclear RuPt and IrPt Nuclear magnetic resonance complexes containing pyrazolate bridging ligands. Crystal Preparation and characterization of immobilized constrained-ge- structure of [(n°-C.Me.)Ir(y-pz),PtMe,] (pz = pyrazolate), 197 ometry hafnium complexes, 169 Nucleophilic carbene Iron A sterically demanding nucleophilic carbene: 1,3-bis(2,6-diiso- Synthesis and characterisation of [Fe.M,(p4-E)(u,-E’(CO),,] and propylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene). Thermochemistry and [Os,(u,-E)(u,-E’(CO),.] (M =Os or Ru; E=S, Se, Te; catalytic application in olefin metathesis, 49 E’ = Se, Te), 176 Olefin metathesis Macrocycles Ethenolysis of silicon containing cycloolefins, 3 Ring closing alkyne metathesis: stereoselective synthesis of civetone, Olefin-metathesis 75 N-Heterocyclic carbenes (NHC) in olefin metathesis: influence of Metallocene complexes the NHC-ligands on polymer tacticity, 8 Electrochemical versus optical insight in frontier orbitals of Ti(IV), Olefin metathesis Zr(IV), and Hf(IV) bent metallocenes, 203 A sterically demanding nucleophilic carbene: 1,3-bis(2,6-diiso- Metathesis propylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene). Thermochemistry and Isolation and characterization of a monomeric, solvent coordinated catalytic application in olefin metathesis, 49 ruthenium(II )carbene cation relevant to olefin metathesis, 88 «,@-Olefins Ring closing alkyne metathesis: stereoselective synthesis of civetone, Ethenolysis of silicon containing cycloolefins, 3 75 Organic semiconductors Ring-opening metathesis polymerization of 7-methylbicy- Alkyne metathesis with in situ catalysts: W(CO), and 4-chlorophe- clo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-diene initiated by well-defined molybde- nol are efficient in the formation of poly(para-phenyle- num and ruthenium carbene complexes, 37 neethynylene)s, 13 Synthesis and reactivity of novel ruthenium carbene catalysts. X-ray Osmium structures of [RuCl,(=CHSC,H,)(P’Pr,),] and Synthesis and characterisation of [Fe.M,(u4-E)(u,-E’)(CO),,] and [RuCl,(CHCH,CH,-C,N-2-C,H,N)(P’Pr;)], 65 [Os,(p3-E)(u,-E’(CO),] (M=Os or Ru; E=S, Se, Te; The synthesis and ring-opening metathesis polymerization of an E’ = Se, Te), 176 amphiphilic redox-active norbornene, 79 7-Methylbicyclo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-diene Palladium Ring-opening metathesis polymerization of 7-methylbicy- Pyridinylimine-based nickel(II) and palladium(II) complexes: clo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-diene initiated by well-defined molybde- preparation, structural characterization and use as alkene num and ruthenium carbene complexes, 37 polymerization catalysts, 112 7-Methylnorbornadiene Revising the [PdCl,(1,2-(PPh,),-1,2-C,B,.H,,)] synthesis and com- Ring-opening metathesis polymerization of 7-methylbicy- parison of its behavior with [PdCl,(1,2-(P’Pr,),-1,2- clo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-diene initiated by well-defined molybde- C,B,.H;,)]. Crystal structure of [PdCl,(1,2-(PPh,),- num and ruthenium carbene complexes, 37 1,2-C,BjoH0)], 183 Molecular weight control Palladium catalysis Olefin-metathesis reactions using vinylideneruthenium(II) com- First intermolecular palladium catalyzed arylation of an unfunc- plexes as catalyst precursors, 16 tionalized aromatic hydrocarbon, 108 Molybdenum p-Benzoquinones Ring closing alkyne metathesis: stereoselective synthesis of civetone, Radical anion forming activity of the Grubbs’ catalyst and related 75 organometallics: Michael acceptors as metathesis promoters, Molybdenum carbene complexes 84 Ring-opening metathesis polymerization of 7-methylbicy- Pentacoordinate clo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-diene initiated by well-defined molybde- Modelling nucleophilic substitution at silicon using hypervalent num and ruthenium carbene complexes, 37 silicon compounds based on di and tri halosilanes, 125 Phosphines N-Heterocyclic carbene Photoreactivity of the triphenylphosphine adduct of methyl(tri- N-Heterocyclic carbenes (NHC) in olefin metathesis: influence of oxo)rhenium(VII) induced by ligand-to-metal charge trans- the NHC-ligands on polymer tacticity, 8 fer excitation, 207 216 Subject Index of Volume 606 / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 606 (2000) 213-217 Photochemistry Ring-closing metathesis (RCM) Photoreactivity of the triphenylphosphine adduct of methyl(tri- Olefin-metathesis reactions using vinylideneruthenium(II) com- oxo)rhenium(VII) induced by ligand-to-metal charge trans- plexes as catalyst precursors, 16 fer excitation, 207 Ring-opening Ring-opening metathesis polymerization of 7-methylbicy- Platinum clo[2.2.1}hepta-2,5-diene initiated by well-defined molybde- Synthesis and characterization of heterodinuclear RuPt and IrPt complexes containing pyrazolate bridging ligands. Crystal num and ruthenium carbene complexes, 37 structure of [(n°-C,Me.)Ir(u-pz),PtMe,] (pz = pyrazolate), Ring-opening metathesis 197 Ethenolysis of silicon containing cycloolefins, 3 Polymer Ring-opening metathesis polymerisation N-Heterocyclic carbenes (NHC) in olefin metathesis: influence of Radical anion forming activity of the Grubbs’ catalyst and related the NHC-ligands on polymer tacticity, 8 organometallics: Michael acceptors as metathesis pro- The synthesis and ring-opening metathesis polymerization of an moters, 84 amphiphilic redox-active norbornene, 79 Ring-opening metathesis polymerization Polymerization Synthesis and evaluation of new RuCl,(p-cymene)(ER,R’) and Pyridinylimine-based nickel(II) and palladium(II) complexes: (n':n°-phosphinoarene)RuCl, complexes as ring-opening preparation, structural characterization and use as alkene metathesis polymerization catalysts, 55 polymerization catalysts, 112 Ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) Ring-opening metathesis polymerization of 7-methylbicy- Olefin-metathesis reactions using vinylideneruthenium(I]) com- clo[2.2.|}hepta-2,5-diene initiated by well-defined molybde- plexes as catalyst precursors, 16 num and ruthenium carbene complexes, 37 ROMP Poly(para-phenyleneethynylene) N-Heterocyclic carbenes (NHC) in olefin metathesis: influence of Alkyne metathesis with in situ catalysts: W(CO), and 4- the NHC-ligands on polymer tacticity, 8 chlorophenol are efficient in the formation of poly(para- Synthesis and reactivity of novel ruthenium carbene catalysts. phenyleneethynylene)s, 13 X-ray structures of ([RuCl,(-CHSC,H,)(P’Pr;),] and Polystyrene supported {[RuCl,(CHCH,CH,-C,N-2-C,H,N)(P’Pr,)], 65 Hydrogenation of a-acetamidocinnamic acid with polystyrene- Ruthenium supported rhodium catalysts, 151 Ethenolysis of silicon containing cycloolefins, 3 Pyrazolate Isolation and characterization of a monomeric, solvent coordi- Synthesis and characterization of heterodinuclear RuPt and IrPt nated ruthenium(II)carbene cation relevant to olefin complexes containing pyrazolate bridging ligands. Crystal metathesis, 88 structure of [(n°-C;Me.)Ir(u-pz),PtMe,] (pz= pyrazolate), N-Heterocyclic carbenes (NHC) in olefin metathesis: influence of 197 the NHC-ligands on polymer tacticity, 8 Olefin-metathesis reactions using vinylideneruthenium(II) com- Quaternary ammonium salt plexes as catalyst precursors, 16 The synthesis and ring-opening metathesis polymerization of an Synthesis and characterisation of [Fe,M,(y14-E)(u3-E’)(CO),,] and amphiphilic redox-active norbornene, 79 [Os,(p1,-E)(u,-E’(CO),.] (M=Os or Ru; E=S, Se, Te; E’ = Se, Te), 176 Radical anions Synthesis and characterization of heterodinuclear RuPt and IrPt Radical anion forming activity of the Grubbs’ catalyst and related complexes containing pyrazolate bridging ligands. Crystal organometallics: Michael acceptors as metathesis pro- structure of [(n°-C,Me.)Ir(u-pz);PtMe,] (pz = pyrazolate), moters, 84 197 Redox properties Synthesis and evaluation of new RuCl,(p-cymene)(ER,R’) and Electrochemical versus optical insight in frontier orbitals of (n':7n°-phosphinoarene)RuCl, complexes as ring-opening Ti(IV), Zr(TV), and Hf(IV) bent metallocenes, 203 metathesis polymerization catalysts, 55 Rhenium Synthesis and reactivity of novel ruthenium carbene catalysts. Photoreactivity of the triphenylphosphine adduct of methyl(tri- X-ray structures of [RuCl,(-CHSC,H,)(P’Pr,),] and oxo)rhenium(VII) induced by ligand-to-metal charge trans- [RuCl,(CHCH,CH,-C,N-2-C,H,N)(P'Pr;)], 65 fer excitation, 207 Ruthenium carbene complex Rhodium Ring-opening metathesis polymerization of 7-methylbicy- Hydrogenation of «a-acetamidocinnamic acid with polystyrene- clo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-diene initiated by well-defined molybde- supported rhodium catalysts, 151 num and ruthenium carbene complexes, 37 Rhodium carbonyl cluster Ruthenocene Formation of M(CO),* (M=Co, Rh) by dissolution of neutral Chiral sandwich compounds of ruthenium(II) and (IV): X-ray Co and Rh carbonyl clusters in strong acids under CO crystal structure of [Ru{n°-C,H,(neomenthy])},I]I,, 188 atmosphere, 147 Rhodium tetracarbonyl cation Silica Formation of M(CO),;* (M=Co, Rh) by dissolution of neutral Preparation and characterization of immobilized constrained-ge- Co and Rh carbonyl clusters in strong acids under CO ometry hafnium complexes, 169 atmosphere, 147 Silicon Ring closing metathesis Modelling nucleophilic substitution at silicon using hypervalent Reactions of complex ligands: Part 91. Application of ring closing silicon compounds based on di and tri halosilanes, 125 metathesis to Fischer-type carbene complexes: synthesis Spirolactones and structure of medium-sized chromium oxacycloalkenyli- Efficient synthesis of spirolactones from cyclic anhydrides via an denes, 26 allylation/alkylation-RCM sequence, 93 Subject Index of Volume 606 / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 606 (2000) 213-217 Strong acid Vinylidene complexes Formation of M(CO),* (M = Co, Rh) by dissolution of neutral Co Olefin-metathesis reactions using vinylideneruthenium(II) com- and Rh carbonyl clusters in strong acids under CO atmo- plexes as catalyst precursors, 16 sphere, 147 Superacid X-ray crystallography Formation of M(CO),;* (M = Co, Rh) by dissolution of neutral Co Chiral sandwich compounds of ruthenium(II) and (IV): X-ray and Rh carbonyl! clusters in strong acids under CO atmo- crystal structure of [Ru{n°-C,H,(neomenthy])},I]I,, 188 sphere, 147 X-ray single crystal structure Synthesis and structure of adduct stabilized Group III transition Tacticity metal carbonyl complexes: new examples for Fe-Ga, Fe-In, N-Heterocyclic carbenes (NHC) in olefin metathesis: influence of W-AI, Cr—Al and Cr—Ga bonds, 132 the NHC-ligands on polymer tacticity, 8 X-ray structure Thermochemistry Complexes of zirconium with aryl substituted triamidoamines: A sterically demanding nucleophilic carbene: 1,3-bis(2,6-diiso- molecular structures of amide and alkyl derivatives, 141 propylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene). Thermochemistry and catalytic application in olefin metathesis, 49 Titanocene Zeolite supported palladium Synthesis and characterisation of Group 4 metallocene alkoxide First heterogeneously palladium catalysed «-arylation of diethyl complexes. X-ray crystal structure of Cp#ZrCl- malonate, 101 (OCH,CH,SPh), 156 Zirconium TREN Complexes of zirconium with aryl substituted triamidoamines: Complexes of zirconium with aryl substituted triamidoamines: molecular structures of amide and alkyl derivatives, 141 molecular structures of amide and alkyl derivatives, 141 Zirconocene Tungsten Synthesis and characterisation of Group 4 metallocene alkoxide Ring closing alkyne metathesis: stereoselective synthesis of civetone, complexes. X-ray crystal structure of Cp#ZrCl- 75 (OCH,CH,SPh), 156 Tungsten hexacarbonyl Zirconocenes Alkyne metathesis with in situ catalysts: W(CO), and 4-chlorophe- Electrochemical versus optical insight in frontier orbitals of Ti(IV), nol are efficient in the formation of poly(para-phenyle- Zr(IV), and Hf(IV) bent metallocenes, 203 neethynylene)s, 13

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