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Preview Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1999: Vol 577 Table of Contents

“ > > ELSEVIER Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 577 (1999) 373-375 Contents of Volume 577 Regular Papers Characteristic spectral studies, and antimicrobial and antiinflammatory activities of diorganotin(IV) derivatives of dipeptides en a Ce oe ee or, ee oe, , . . os oe cae ks EE SMA. OS Oo Ck es Oe Ol b kee Ko aoe ee Sas Monocyclopentadienyltitanium complexes with thiolate ligands; crystal structure of Ti(y°-C;H<)(SC,H;), Sa Ta VAs Se Ce I Sa cc ee eke ns a ee ae bs ee ON EL ee Pe oo es CR oe ee Oe be ae The structural characterisation of telluraphthalic anhydride, selenaphthalic anhydride and of 2-selenaphthalide ee eS EE Pe a eee ee ee eee ee ee 15 Variable-temperature one- and two-dimensional '*C CP/MAS NMR studies of the dynamics of monohaptocyclopentadienyl rings of hafnium and titanium tetracyclopentadienyl in the solid state E.J. Munson, M.C. Douskey, S.M. De Paul, M. Ziegeweid, L. Phillips, F. Separovic, M.S. Davies and M.J. Aroney......... 19 Intermolecular hydrogenation of a C=C bond during z-cyclopentadienyliron complexation of 1,8-dichloro-9,10-dihydro-9,10-ethenoan- thracene ne ey CP 0 ae Se oa MeaSabicn0: ai Cemabioete dha 24 IR spectroscopic studies of the reversible equilibria between Rh(1)(triphos) aryloxides, aryloxycarbonyls, and carbonyls ee ety Seen EE UII cnt) UO NSS (tn a Ta es. il Seria Ee nolan Wa CRETE 0 ee oe 3] Synthesis and X-ray characterization of new 1-[u-dithio-bis-(tricarbonyliron)]-2-(p-R-benzoyl)ethane complexes C. Alvarez-Toledano, J. Enriquez, R.A. Toscano, M. Martinez-Garcia, E. Cortés-Cortés, Y.M. Osornio, O. Garcia-Mellado and R. RD el ec Serie os Oi OR es SL an bbe oo 86 ae oO a © eA Ok ete oO eed ewe Synthesis and electrochemistry of complexes containing the ferrocenyl—phosphine ligand PPh(CH,CH,-7°-C.H,),Fe 2s. .seeee, OS. Ceenee, G. Tier, 3.5. SR Se I .. Dees dS ba OT ON TS a I BK The first osmium(II), ruthenium(II) and iron(II) complexes of [3,,]cyclophanes (n = 2—4): synthesis and electrochemical study T. Satou, K. Takehara, M. Hirakida, Y. Sakamoto, H. Takemura, H. Miura, M. Tomonou and T. Shinmyozu............ 58 Synthesis and characterization of dicyclohexyl telluride; Raman spectra and multinuclear NMR studies of dialkyl tellurides eg a ee ea Se ee eee eee ee ee ek ere 69 1,4-Distanna-[4]ferrocenophanes by Pt(0)-catalysed distannation of alkynes a i, Mee ge ek it oii bb eee. Xe6 16 ch MCRL BeOS be ee eee 4 76 1,1-Organoboration of tetraynes—routes to new siloles, stannoles and fused heterocycles a a 2, ee ee Oo ss sk ev a ce ee Oa en OO eS Oe SeO SE h OS 88 CRE RSS Me eee 82 Halbsandwich-Komplexe von (S)-1-Amino-2-(methoxymethyl)pyrrolidin (SAMP) Ww. Tee, . Poewere, ©. vce, 5S. POU Ge 'W. BOG es a a PR BS Titanium-catalyzed head-to-tail dimerization of tert-butylacetylene. Crystal structures of [(C;HMe,),Ti(u-H),Mg(THF)(u-Cl)], (THF-te- trahydrofuran) and (C;HMe,),TiOCMe, M. Hordaéek, I. Cisatova, J. Cejka, J. Karban, L. Petrusova and K. Mach... .....00.. ce e.ee. ee.e ee. ee e es 103 Tin(IV) complexes with O-ethyl(N-ethyl-N,N-dimethylammoniomethyl)phosphonate E.V. Grigoriev, N.S. Yashina, V.S. Petrosyan, L. Pellerito, A. Gianguzza, A. Pellerito, E.V. Avtomonov, J. Lorberth, A.A. Prischenko en Ct ta Th iad Ea so 0 ce F Oee oh eae 6.9 8 He ORES EP UR EEE KEANE EES HEP RE OREO 113 Transition-metal mediated exo selective and enantioselective Diels-Alder reactions for the preparation of octalones with unusual stereochemistries. Reactions of 2-cobaloxime substituted 1,3-dienes with cyclohexenone in optically active Lewis acid catalyzed [4 + 2] cycloadditions Ce 6 sa oo 6 be 6 a 6 OO 2 Oe ee ee OEE 8 8 ee 8 ee ee *120 Oxide bridged mixed metal organometallics: the reaction of Ru,(CO), ,[“,-PN(R),] R = ‘Pr, Cy with Cp*W(O),CCPh es ne: SC eg oa So ae) ae ek ee ee Rk Oe eee ee 8 ee ees 126 374 Contents of Volume 577 / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 577 (1999) 373-375 Syntheses and reactivity of molybdenum complexes containing the diphenylphosphinodithioformato ligand EE” ee ee a en a ee i ee ee er ee, ee eee 134 Diorgano(1,3-dithiole-2-one-4,5-dithiolato)tin compounds, R,Sn(dmio) and [Q][R,Sn(dmio)X] [Q= onium cation; R =alkyl or aryl; X = halide or pseudohalide]: crystal structures of Me,Sn(dmio) and [NEt,][Ph,SnCl(dmio)] ee ee ee re Bn a ere ae aE Re eee bb ah ch eee eee ee ee 140 Eg AR AS a a i eg Te ee nc a a a PR Ce Cen a eee ne a ae eee ee ae ee ae ey 150 EE Ts ae ee eee ee ee ee eee hae a ee Re eh Re eee er ee ene 153 The photochemical reaction of Si-substituted vinyl(ethynyl)- and diethynylsilanes with ethanethiol and its C-functional derivatives rr, ee rr, rr , Ce 6 ce ce ek ee eee ee ke ee ee eee ee ee eae eee 157 Bispentamethylcyclopentadienyl uranium diphenylphosphide compounds a ee eee ee ee ee ee ee ee rer 161 [Rh,(u-CO)(CO).,(y-indenyl),] from solid state decarbonylation of the monomer (y-indenyl)-Rh(CO), i a a. Gs ey a, Ch I Rs WO gn wc tcc we ete eee eee ere ee re ee eee aeuns 167 Synthesis of new oxy and thiolate [hydro-tris(pyrazol-l-yl)borato] titanium and zirconium(IV) complexes. Molecular structure of [Ti(HB(3,5-Me,pz),)Cl,] A. Antifiolo, F. Carrillo-Hermosilla, A.E. Corrochano, J. Fernandez-Baeza, M. Lanfranchi, A. Otero and M.A. Pellinghelli. ... . 174 Facile cleavage of Si-Si or Si—Ge bonds in the reactions of disilanes or germylsilanes with cobalt carbonyl ee aS US ha SS. ee ae eae ee te Se ieee ae 0 eee Se He bls Ve oeO RG 181 Redox properties of the 17-electron sandwich (n°-C;H,)Mo(n°-C,Ph,): electrochemical characterization of the 16 e~ Lewis acid monocation and its PF, adduct I.C. Quarmby, R.C. Hemond, F.J. Feher, M. Green and W.E. Geiger... 1... ce tte te et ee ee tt ee ts 189 Synthesis and structural characterization of new weakly coordinating anions. Crystal structure of Ag(1-CH,—CB,,H;X,) (X = H, Cl, Br, I) a a, eo ke hae Nd Wd 6 Oe Kw ese bw Wee ere WEE 8-09 4R kde eee he oneness 197 Concerning the transannular bond in silatranes and germatranes: a quantum chemical study a 9S ts ars, o Rw ack le Gk eer actp le aha St sceveceve@ ele oe wwe Were 205 Synthesis of ring-substituted bis-7°-cyclopentadienyl derivatives of the Group IV elements containing the bicyclic ligands 4°-C;H,(1,2- CH,-),, n=4, 5, or 6 =, See. ee, eee. Co. Pee. CD Terese ome Wee, Coss ok bi. is we ce ww dee ble thd oR eld ove bbc wtate § 211 Synthesis and characterisation of the first auracyclobutane complex rs ee A a acs: 2 glk Psu ia) Sle ak SA ew ele bees eda wie aes « A OLE Ulece 'Win Shela one we ale 219 Unsaturated alkylidyne ligands bearing a terminal isocyanide functionality and intervening ethynylbenzene groups ee eo ee hk Pee Se ON A ae Sch MEE EERE EP RET OE eo eee RE eee Ce MRS 223 Synthesis and X-ray crystal structures of the samarium mono(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) aryloxide complexes (7-C;Me,)Sm(O-2,6-t- Bu,C,H,),(THF) and [(7-C;Me,)Sm(O-2,6-i-Pr,C,H,),Li(THF)]. Differences in metathesis chemistry of 2,6-di-iso-propylphenoxide and 2,6-di-tert-butylphenoxide ligands ee es sg es 6 ig 5 6 6 60 eek & 6 0 cplgked® & 6.ps Rcbe # Oe <% «40 meen 228 Chemistry of vinylidene complexes. XIII. The reaction between Cp(CO),MnPt(u-C=CHPh)(n?-dppm) and Fe,(CO),: simultaneous formation of the p1,-vinylidene MnFePt and p,-vinylidene PtFe, clusters. Crystal structure of (n°-C;H;)MnFePt(y,-C=CHPh)(CO),[n'- Ph,PCH,P(=O)Ph,] A.B. Antonova, A.A. Johansson, N.A. Deykhina, D.A. Pogrebnyakov, N.I. Pavlenko, A.I. Rubaylo, F.M. Dolgushin, P.V. Petrovskii rr re eh ag abe ga wh bees Vk SR eee ae S's oN ee 08 © he ae SA OO Ele eens OED. (PRES 238 Synthesis and characterization of monomeric tellurolato complexes of zinc and cadmium: crystal and molecular structure of bis[2-(4,4- dimethyl]-2-oxazolinyl)phenyl]ditelluride re Ae Ae SoG ee ee ee ee eRe ee ees ee ee EE, 243 Alkynyl and butadiynyl complexes of the cycloheptatrienylmolybdenum auxiliary Mo(CO),(n-C;H,) J. Cambridge, A. Choudhary, J. Friend, R. Garg, G. Hill, Z.1. Hussain, S.M. Lovett and M.W. Whiteley ............... 249 Syntheses and spectroscopic characteristics of dialkylpalladium(II) complexes; PdR.,(cod) as precursors for derivatives with N- or P-donor ligands ee ee ee ee ee ee a a ee ae 257 Contents of Volume 577/ Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 577 (1999) 373-375 Reductive elimination of the alkenyl fragment and a phosphine ligand from [Rh(acac){(£)-CH=CHR}(PCy,),]BF, (R =Cy, Ph, H): preparation of [(E)-RHC=CHPCy,]BF, from alkynes M. A. Esteruelas, F.J. Lahoz, M. Martin, A. Martinez, L.A. Oro, M.C. Puerta and P. Valerga New studies on the reactivity of allyl difluorophosphate palladium complexes: synthesis of the first difluorophosphate metallocene derivatives R. Fernandez-Galan, B.R. Manzano and A. Otero Investigation of the possible role of arylamine formation in the ortho-substituted nitroarenes reductive cyclization reactions to afford heterocycles F. Ragaini, P. Sportiello and S. Cenini Palladium (II) and platinum (I]) compounds containing bi- and terdentate ferrocenyl ligands. X-ray crystal structure of cis-[Pd{(n°- C.H,)Fe{(n°-C;H,)—CH=N-—CH,—CH,—N(CH,),]} Cl] A. Caubet, C. Lopez, R. Bosque, X. Solans and M. Font-Bardia Stereoselective addition reactions of diphenylphosphine to pyridyl and pyrimidylalkynes: chiral 1,2-diheteroaryl-1,2-bis(diphenylphos- phino)ethanes and their Group 6 metal carbonyl complexes J.L. Bookham and D.M. Smithies Synthesis and reactivity studies of Pd(Il) complexes of the bulky CH(SiMe;), group. X ray structure of the indenyl derivative (n-Ind)Pd[CH(SiMe,),](PMe;) F.M. Alias, T.R. Belderrain, E. Carmona, C. Graiff, M. Paneque and A. Tiripicchio Syntheses and molecular structures of heterometallic carbonyl clusters derived from the triruthenium carbonyl methoxynitrido cluster; crystal and molecular structures of [Ru,Mo(u-H)(CO),(n°-C;H.)(3-NOMe)], [Ru,Mo(p-H)(CO),.(n°-C;H;)(u3-NH)] and [Ru,(CO),o- (u-NH,)(u3-Hg){Mo(n?-C5H;)(CO),}] K.K.-H. Lee and W.-T. Wong Reactions of a cyclotrisilane with Lewis acids—formation of new cyclotrisilanes and siliconium ions J. Belzner, V. Ronneberger, D. Schar, C. Brénnecke, R. Herbst-Irmer and M. Noltemeyer Thiazoline- and oxazoline-annulated (n'-P)-1,3-azaphosphole-(pentacarbonyl)chromium, -molybdenum and -tungsten complexes C.B. Jain, D.C. Sharma, N. Gupta, J. Heinicke and R.K. Bansal Synthesis, structure and properties of 1,2-dihydroxy-tetramethyldisilane M. Prasse, H. Reinke, C. Wendler and H. Kelling Enantioselective catalysis: Part 129. A new rhodium(I) complex with a p,-H bridged Cp,WH, ligand H. Brunner and D. Mijolovic Poly(organosiloxan)mikrogele als Tragermaterialien fiir heterogene Methylalumoxancokatalysatoren A. Koppl, H.G. Alt and R. Schmidt Preliminary Communication Photooxidation of Rh(PPh,),(CS)CI induced by metal-to-ligand charge transfer excitation H. Kunkely and A. Vogler Subject Index of Volume 577 Contents of Volume 577

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