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Preview Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1998: Vol 550 Index

ELSEVIER Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 550 (1998) 485-486 Author Index of Volume 550 Adams, H., 7 Donaghy, K.J., 77 Jerzykiewicz, L., 111 Adams, KJ., 315 Donkervoort, J.G., 463 Johnson, B.F.G., 431 Akhter, Z., 131 Dérfler, U., 441 Allan, R.E., 71 Dorn, H., | Kee, T.P., 29 Armspach, D., 193 Dyson, PJ. 431 Kennedy, A.R., 355 Armstrong, D.R., 233, 355 Kennedy, J.D., 151, 341, 441 Edelman, M.A., 397 Kitees, 84. 59 Bailey, N.A., 7 : 4 Kim, Y.-h., 341 Errington, R.J., 47: Kitchen. SJ. 7 Ball, S.C., 457 . . — Ezhova, M.B., 409 Banister, A.J., 241 Knobler, C.B., 423 Barker, J., 301 Kooijman, H., 463 Batsanov, A.S., 59, 445 Fehiner, T.P., 21 Krause Bauer, J., 309 Beddows, CJ., 267 Fenton, D.E., 7 Kursawe, M., 267 Beswick. M.A.. 71 Ferguson, G., 477 Bickethaupt, F., 347 Finn, M.G., 469 Lamb, S., 481 Boche. G.. 359. 381 Fleischer, R., 173 Lappert, M.F., 397 Bolton, P.D., 445 Fornies-Camer, J., 347 Lawlor, FJ., 183 Bowmaker, G.A., 89 Fox, M.A. 207, 331 Lehmann, C.W., 59, 449 Box, M.R., 267 Fusek, J., 125 Lesley, G., 183 Brown, M.A., 165 Lewis, J., 131 Butters, C., 267 Gallagher, J.F., 477 Liu, D.-S., 397 Gibson. V.C.. 453 Liu, J., 309 Cain, C.P., 29 Gindl. J.. | Lustig, C., 445 Callaghan, K.L.F., 441 Goeta, A.E., 449 Lynn, M.A., 141 Cardin, C., 347 Greatrex, R., 207, 331, 341 Maguire, J.A., 409 Carr, N., 267 Green, M., 267 Mahon, M.F., 267 Carroll, PJ., 77 Green, M.L.H., 63 Marder, T.B., 183 Chisholm, M.H., 141 Greenwood, N.N., 207 Martin, C.M., 431 Chivers, T., 213 Grimes, R.N., 469 May, I., 241 Churakov, A.V., 89 CCldegige, enW. . 6~h. 72 33, 473 Haggitt, J.. 63 nMcGarrve y, aBd.eR-.o,a ge1n6d5 Constable. E.C. 193 Harris, R.K., 89 McGrath, T.D., 315, 441 apa Harwell, D-E., 423 McIntyre, G.M., 449 Cooke, P.A.. 341 Hawley, J.C., 7 Mehnert, C.P., 63 ; ; } lehnert, C.P., 6: Ceny BEB. 48 Hawthorne, M.F., 423 Mitchell, M.C., 29 Cowey, C., 151 Heath, S.L., 473 Mulvey, R.E., 355 Conall. R.A.. 473 Heaton, B.T., 221 Murphy, MP, 151 Cotuse, SP. 39 Hitchcock, P.B., 397 ; Craig, FJ. 355 Hodgson, S.M., 233 Nabakka, J.M., 423 Cranson, SJ., 207 Hofmann. M.. 331 Neuburger, M., 193 Curtis, M.A., 469 Holub. J.. 151 Noltemeyer, M., | Hong, F.-E., 309 Norman, N.C., 183 Dam, M.A., 347 Hosmane, N.S., 409 Davidson, MG., 445, 449, 481 Housecroft, C.E., 193 Oh. J.R., 309 Davies, J.E., 431 Howard, J.A.K., 59, 445, 449, 481 Oh, S.-W., 89 Davies, M.K., 71 Olah, G.A., 119 DDaavviieess,, SR..RP..,, 42597 'e so. J.A., 2a2s 1 OOrnpaekn,, T.A,. G.1,0 1 183, 255 De Kanter, F.JJ., 347 ingham, SL. 131 Ozarowski, A. 165 Deng, H., 309 Devitt, P.G., 29 Jaballas, J., 101 Parvez, M., 213 Dillon, K.B., 481 Jastrzebski, J.T.B.H., 463 Pasynkiewicz, S., 111 Elsevier Science S.A. 486 Author Index of Volume 550 Pearson, R.H.H., 431 Schatte, G., 213 Tian, S., 397 Phillips, P.R., 301 Schleyer, P.R., 331 Trojanowska, L., 111 Pietrzykowski, A., 111 Schmidt, H.-G., | Tuck, D.G., 165 Podkorytov, 1.S., 221 Scott, A.J., 183 Tunik, S.P., 221 Prakash, G.K.S., 119 Shah, S.A.A., | Price, R.D., 445, 449 Sheehan, J.P., 477 Van den Ancker, T.R., 283 Pringle, P.G., 255 Shields, G.P., 457 Van Koten, G., 463 Shore, $.G., 309 Vicario, J.L., 463 Quayle, M.J., 183 Smeets, W.J.J., 347 Vifhas, C., 125 Smith, J.N.B., 241 Raithby, P.R., 71, 131, 457 Smith, M.B., 255 Wallbridge, M.G.H., 301 Raston, C.L., 283 Snaith, R., 233, 457 Wang, Q., 119 Rasul, G., 119 Sneddon, L.G., 77 Welch, A.J., 315 Rawson, J.M., 241 Sobota, P., 111 Weller, A.S., 315 Redshaw, C., 453 Souza, F.E.S., 183 Wheatley, A.E.H., 233 Rice, C.R., 183 Spalding, T.R., 151, 477 White, A.J.P., 453 Ridland, J., 473 Spek, A.L., 347, 463 Willett, K.J., 473 Rijnberg, E., 463 Stalke, D., 173 Williams, D.J., 453 Roden, M.D., 481 Steiner, A., 71 Williams, R.E., 331 Roesky, H.W., | Stibr, B., 125 Worboys, K., 255 Rosair, G.M., 315 Wright, D.S., 71 Taylor, RJ., 29 Sampanthar, J., 221 Teixidor, F., 125 Zehnder, M., 193 Schade, S., 359, 381 Thornton-Pett, M., 151, 341, 441 Zhang, H., 409 ELSEVIER Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 550 (1998) 487-493 Subject Index of Volume 550 Ab initio Synthesis and structural characterisation of aluminium imino-amide Formation of the lith alkylal ium secondary amide and pyridyl-amide complexes: bulky monoanionic N.N chelate [Me, Al{(PhCH , ), N),L i - THF] by a methane elimination /amide ligands via methyl group transfer (V.C. Gibson, C. Redshaw, insertion process (D.R. Armstrong, F.J. Craig, A.R. Kennedy and AJ.P. White and DJ. Williams), 453 R.E. Mulvey), 355 Amide Ab initio calculations Formation of the lithium alkylaluminium secondary amide A structural and theoretical study of the monolithiation of hydroxyl- (Me, Al{(PhCH , ),N}, Li - THF] by a methane elimination /amide amines (D.R. Armstrong, W. Clegg, S.M. Hodgson, R. Snaith and insertion process (D.R. Armstrong, F.J. Craig, A.R. Kennedy and A.E.H. Wheatley), 233 R.E. Mulvey), 355 Six-vertex nido-carborane structures with unusual CHB bridges or (Poly amine ligands endo-CH hydrogens (M. Hofmann, M.A. Fox, R. Greatrex, R.E. The effect of (polyamine ligands on the solution structure of [°Li}-a- Williams and P.R. Schleyer), 331 (phenylthio)benzyllithium in tetrahydrofuran: A 'H,°Li-HOESY Absolute configuration NMR study (S. Schade and G. Boche), 359 Phospho-transfer catalysis. On the asymmetric hydrophosphony lation Amphoteric catalysts of aldehydes (S.R. Davies, M.C. Mitchell, C.P. Cain, P.G. Devitt, Phospho-transfer catalysis. On the asymmetric hydrophosphonylation R.J. Taylor and T.P. Kee), 29 of aldehydes (S.R. Davies, M.C. Mitchell, C.P. Cain, P.G. Devitt, Alane RJ. Taylor and T.P. Kee), 29 Polymer and metal oxide supported alkali metal naphthalenides: Aqueous solution application in the generation of lithium and sodium reagents (T.R. A convenient route to carbon-substituted derivatives of nido-5,6- Van den Ancker and C.L. Raston), 283 C,B,H,, (B. Stibr, F. Teixidor, C. Viiias and J. Fusek), 125 Alkali metal complexes Arachno Synthesis and characterization of trimethylsilylmethyl-, bis(trimethy!- Metallaheteroborane chemistry. Part 14. Synthesis of the ({MS,B-}- sily)methyl-and silyl-substituted cyclopentadienes and their alkali cluster compounds [9,94PX ,),-9,6,8-PtS,B,H,] (where X = Ph metal complexes (M.A. Edelman, P.B. Hitchcock, M.F. Lappert, or OMe), [9,94PPh,),-9,6,8-RhS,B,H,] and [5,5-(PPh,),- D.-S. Liu and S. Tian), 397 5,6.10-RhS,B,H,], and the {M,S,B,}-cluster compound Alkoxide {(PPh ,), HRh(PPh , ICIRHS, B,H,] (M.P. Murphy, T.R. Spalding. Organophosphonate derivatives of titanium and niobium alkoxoanions C. Cowey, J.D. Kennedy, M. Thornton-Pett and J. Holub), 151 (R.J. Errington, J. Ridland, KJ. Willett. W. Clegg, R.A. Coxall Arachno-B,H, ,L and S.L. Heath), 473 Polyhedral nonaborane chemistry: an unsuspected new isomeric type Alkyl in the nine-vertex arachno-B,H,,L system (K.L.F. Callaghan, U. Preparation and structures of some tetraazamacrocyclic complexes of Dérfler, T.D. McGrath, M. Thornton-Pett and J.D. Kennedy), 441 In(11) (P.R. Phillips, M.G.H. Wallbridge and J. Barker), 301 7 Arene Alkyne bridge Synthesis and reactions of [Mo(2,6-lutidine Xphosphine)] derivatives The non-perpendicular and non-parallel alkyne bridge in W,( p- (C.P. Mehnert, J. Haggitt and M.L.H. Green), 63 C,H, ~-OCHS Bu),(OCHS Bu), (M.H. Chisholm and M.A. Lynn), 141 7 -Allyl 'B chemical shifts The synthesis, structure and reactivity of aldehyde substituted 7‘-al- Experimental and theoretical studies on group | metallacarboranes: lylic complexes of molybdenum (CJ. Beddows, M.R. Box, C. Synthesis, structure and ab initio calculations of the NMR chemi- Butters, N. Carr, M. Green, M. Kursawe and M.F. Mahon), 267 cal shifts of the 1-(THF)-1-4TMEDA)-1-Na-2,4-(,)S,i-M2,e4 - Alumina C,B,H, and related carboranes (M.B. Ezhova, H. Zhang, J.A. Polymer and metal oxide supported alkali metal naphthalenides: Maguire and N.S. Hosmane), 409 application in the generation of lithium and sodium reagents (T.R. Bibracchial Schiff base macrocycle Van den Ancker and C.L. Raston), 283 Dinuclear copper(l) complexes of 24-membered bibracchial te- Aluminium traimine Schiff base macrocycles derived from 2,5-dif- Formation of the lithium alkylaluminium secondary amide ormylthiophene (H. Adams, N.A. Bailey, S.R. Collinson, D.E [Me, Al{(PhCH , ), N},L i - THF] by a methane elimination /amide Fenton, J.C. Hawley and S.J. Kitchen), 7 insertion process (D.R. Armstrong, F.J. Craig, A.R. Kennedy and Borane cluster R.E. Mulvey), 355 Polyhedral nonaborane chemistry: an unsuspected new isomeric type Elsevier Science S.A. Subject Index of Volume 550 in the nine-vertex arachno-B,H,,L system (K.L.F. Callaghan, U. Cluster Dérfler, T.D. McGrath, M. Thornton-Pett and J.D. Kennedy), 441 A molecular orbital analysis of four chromaboranes. On the curious Boranes behavior of (n'-C.R, Cr fragments in a borane cluster environ- Studies on tetraborane(8) carbonyl, B,H, - CO: its isomeric composi- ment (T.P. Fehiner), 2! tion in the gas phase and in solution, and its reactions with alkenes Cluster carbonyls (S.J. Cranson, M.A. Fox, R. Greatrex and N.N. Greenwood), 207 Metal core rearrangements in hetero-bimetallic nona-osmium car- Boron bony! clusters; the crystal and molecular structures of [Os,(CO),, A molecular orbital analysis of four chromaboranes. On the curious {Au(PCy,)},] and [Os,(CO),,(Au, DPPE)] (Z. Akhter, S.L. Ing- behavior of (*°-C.R,)Cr fragments in a borane cluster environ- ham, J. Lewis and P.R. Raithby), 131 ment (T.P. Fehlner), 21 Cluster compound B-frame supported bimetallics. [(PMe, ph), PtB,H,,Ru(m°- Metallaheteroborane chemistry. Part 14. Synthesis of the (MS,B,)}- ‘¢PrC,H,Me)] and [(PMe, ph), PtB,H,Ru(P7rC°,,-H ',M ’e) }: cluster compounds [9,9-(PX ,),-9.6,8-PtS,B,H,] (where X = Ph an interesting pair of electron-deficient nido and closo geometries or OMe), [9,94PPh,),-9.6.8-RhS,B,H,] and [5.5-(PPh,),- (Y.-h. Kim, P.A. Cooke, R. Greatrex, J.D. Kennedy and M. 5,6,10-RhS,B,H,], and the {M,S,B,}-cluster compound Thornton-Pett), 341 [(PPh ,), HRh(,I PCIRPHS,h B,H,] (M.P. Murphy, T.R. Spalding, Six-vertex nido-carborane structures with unusual CHB bridges or C. Cowey, J.D. Kennedy, M. Thornton-Pett and J. Holub), 151 endo-CH hydrogens (M. Hofmann, M.A. Fox, R. Greatrex, R.E. C-N-Li cluster Williams and P.R. Schleyer), 331 Preparation and structures of (Li[C(N'Bu),(HN'Bu)]}, -(THF) and Boron hydride {Li,[C(N'Bu),]},, containing the novel anions [C(N'Bu), Stability and NMR correlations, experimental vs. calculational, among (HN'Bu)]~ and [C(N'Bu),P~ (7. Chivers, M. Parvez and G. isoelectronic closo-hexaborane /carborane compounds (J. Jaballas Schatte), 213 and T. Onak), 101 Contigurational stability Phospho-transfer catalysis. On the asymmetric hydrophosphony lation Cage boron atom of aldehydes (S.R. Davies, M.C. Mitchell, C.P. Cain, P.G. Devitt, Synthesis and structural characterisation of the carbene-containing R.J. Taylor and T.P. Kee), 29 metallaheteroborane compound [2-I-2-(Bu' NC)-3-(Bu' NHCH)- Conformation closo-2,\-Pd,T,e,H By ] (G. Ferguson, J.F. Gallagher, J.P. Sheehan Synthesis and properties of new tris(cyanoethyl phosphine complexes and T.R. Spalding), 477 of platinum (01D, palladium (0.11), iridium (1) and rhodium (1). Carbodiimides Conformational analysis of tris(cyanoethyl)phosphine ligands Preparation and structures of {Li[{C(N'Bu),(HN'Bu)]}, -(THF) and (A.G, Orpen, P.G. Pringle, M.B. Smith and K. Worboys), 255 {Li,[C(N'Bu),]},, containing the novel anions [C(N'Bu),(HN' Copper(1) Bu)]~ and [C(N'Bu),}~ (T. Chivers, M. Parvez and G. Schatte), Dinuclear copper(l) complexes of 24-membered bibracchial te- 213 traimine Schiff base macrocycles derived from 2,5-dif- Carbon-substituted derivatives ormylthiophene (H. Adams, N.A. Bailey, S.R. Collinson, D.E. A convenient route to carbon-substituted derivatives of nido-5,6- Fenton, J.C. Hawley and S.J. Kitchen), 7 C,B,H,, (B. Stibr, F. Teixidor, C. Vilas and J. Fusek), 125 Crystal structure Carborane n'- and n°-benzene coordination in [Ag(C,,D,),BF,] (A.S. Batsanov, Experimental and theoretical studies on group | metallacarboranes: S.P. Crabtree, J.A.K. Howard, C.W. Lehmann and M. Kilner), 59 Synthesis, structure and ab initio calculations of the NMR chemi- Experimental and theoretical studies on group | metallacarboranes: cal shifts of the 1-(THF)-1-~TMEDA)-1-Na-2,4-(,S),i-M2.e4 - Synthesis, structure and ab initio calculations of the NMR chemi- C,B,H, and related carboranes (M.B. Ezhova, H. Zhang, J.A. cal shifts of the 1-(THF)-1-CTMEDA)-1-Na-2,4-(,S),i-M2.e4 - Maguire and N.S. Hosmane), 409 C,B,H, and related carboranes (M.B. Ezhova, H. Zhang, J.A. Six-vertex nido-carborane structures with unusual CHB bridges or Maguire and N.S. Hosmane), 409 endo-CH hydrogens (M. Hofmann, M.A. Fox, R. Greatrex, R.E. Organophosphonate derivatives of titanium and niobium alkoxoanions Williams and P.R. Schleyer), 331 (RJ. Errington, J. Ridland, K.J. Willett, W. Clegg, R.A. Coxall Stability and NMR correlations, experimental vs. calculational, among and S.L. Heath), 473 isoelectronic closo-hexaborane /carborane compounds (J. Jaballas Synthesis and reactions of [Mo(2,6-luXtp ihodspihninee] derivatives and T. Onak), 101 (C.P. Mehnert, J. Haggitt and M.L.H. Green), 63 Carboranes Vibrational spectroscopy and solid-state MAS NMR studies of mer- A hydridotantalum(V )-carborane analogue of Schwartz's reagent: syn- cury(II) acetate complexes [Hg(X)OAc]. Crystal structure of thesis and reactivity (M.A. Curtis, M.G. Finn and R.N. Grimes), [Hg(CN)OAc] (G.A. Bowmaker, A.V. Churakov, R.K. Harris and 469 S.-W. Oh), 89 Chelate Cyclopentadiene Dithiadiazolyls as heterocyclic chelators: a radical approach to coordi- Synthesis and characterization of trimethylsilylmethy!-, bis(trimethyl- nation chemistry? (A.J. Banister, I. May, J.M. Rawson and J.N.B. silyl) methyl-and silyl-substituted cyclopentadienes and their alkali Smith), 241 metal complexes (M.A. Edelman, P.B. Hitchcock, M.F. Lappert, Chiral derivatising agent D.-S. Liu and S. Tian), 397 Phospho-transfer catalysis. On the asymmetric hydrophosphonylation Cyclopentadieny! of aldehydes (S.R. Davies, M.C. Mitchell, C.P. Cain, P.G. Devitt, Preparation and structures of some tetraazamacrocyclic complexes of R.J. Taylor and T.P. Kee), 29 In(1) (P.R. Phillips, M.G.H. Wallbridge and J. Barker), 301 Chromium CyclopentadienyInickel clusters A molecular orbital analysis of four chromaboranes. On the curious Reactions of nickelocene with lithium and magnesium alkyls contain- behavior of (1°-C.R,)Cr fragments in a borane cluster environ- ing B-hydrogen atoms (S. Pasynkiewicz, A. Pietrzykowski, L. ment (T.P. Fehiner), 21 Trojanowska, P. Sobota and L. Jerzykiewicz), 111 Subject Index of Volume 550 489 Deuterobenzene 7-coordination cal shifts of the 1-(THF)-14(TMEDA)-1-Na-2,4-(,S),i-M2.e4 - 7'- and 7*-benzene coordination in [Ag(C, D,),BF,] (A.S. Batsanov, C,B,H, and related carboranes (M.B. Ezhova, H. Zhang, J.A. S.P. Crabtree, J.A.K. Howard, C.W. Lehmann and M. Kilner), 59 Maguire and N.S. Hosmane), 409 DFT /IGLO method GIAO /NMR Preparation, *’Si and '‘C NMR and DFT /IGLO studies of silylear- Stability and NMR correlations, experimental vs. calculational, among boxonium ions (G.K.S. Prakash, Q. Wang, G. Rasul and G.A. isoelectronic closo-hexaborane /carborane compounds (J. Jaballas Olah), 119 and T. Onak), 101 Dicarbaborane Gold A convenient route to carbon-substituted derivatives of nido-5,6- Metal core rearrangements in hetero-bimetallic nona-osmium car- C,B,H,, (B. Stibr, F. Teixidor, C. Vitias and J. Fusek), 125 bony! clusters; the crystal and molecular structures of [Os,(CO),, 9,10-Dimetallatriptycenes {Au(PCy ,)},] and [Os,(CO),,(Au, DPPE)] (Z. Akhter, S.L. Ing- 9,10-Dimetallatriptycenes of group 14: a structural study (M.A. Dam, ham, J. Lewis and P.R. Raithby), 131 F.JJ. De Kanter, F. Bickelhaupt, W.JJ. Smeets, A.L. Spek, J. Grignard reagent Fornies-Camer and C. Cardin), 347 The metallation of imino(triphenyl)phosphorane by ethylmagnesium Dipropargy! thioether chloride: The synthesis, isolation and X-ray structure of Synthesis and structural characterization of a thioether-bridged [Ph ,P=NMgCl -O=P(NMe,),], (A.S. Batsanov, P.D. Bolton, commo-metallabis(dicarbollide) species: a model system for Venus R.C.B. Copley, M.G. Davidson, J.A.K. Howard, C. Lustig and flytrap cluster reagents (J.M. Nabakka, D.E. Harwell, C.B. Kno- R.D. Price), 445 bler and M.F. Hawthorne), 423 Group 4 Dithiadiazoly! Synthesis and structural characterization of sulfonates, phosphinates Dithiadiazolyls as heterocyclic chelators: a radical approach to coordi- and carboxylates of organometallic Group 4 metal fluorides nation chemistry? (AJ. Banister, |. May, J.M. Rawson and J.N.B. (S.A.A. Shah, H. Dorn, J. Gindl, M. Noltemeyer, H.-G. Schmidt Smith), 241 and H.W. Roesky), | Halides Electron count B-frame supported bimetallics. [(PMe, ph), PtB,H,,Ru(n°- Synthesis and structural characterization of sulfonates, phosphinates ‘““PrC,H,Me)] and [(PMe, ph), PtB,H,Ru(n®-"’’HP,r MCe,)) : and carboxylates of organometallic Group 4 metal fluorides (S.A.A. Shah, H. Dorn, J. Gindl, M. Noltemeyer, H.-G. Schmidt an interesting pair of electron-deficient nido and closo geometries and H.W. Roesky), | (Y.-h. Kim, P.A. Cooke, R. Greatrex, J.D. Kennedy and M. B-H elimination Thornton-Pett), 341 Reactions of nickelocene with lithium and magnesium alkyls contain- Enantiopurity assay ing B-hydrogen atoms (S. Pasynkiewicz, A. Pietrzykowski, L. Phospho-transfer catalysis. On the asymmetric hydrophosphonylation Trojanowska, P. Sobota and L. Jerzykiewicz), 111 of aldehydes (S.R. Davies, M.C. Mitchell, C.P. Cain, P.G. Devitt, Heteroatom assisted lithiation RJ. Taylor and T.P. Kee), 29 Formation of mixed aryl—, alkyl—lithium aggregates in the heteroatom Enantioselective assisted lithiation of a,a’-dialkyl substituted | ,3-bis{(dimethyl- Phospho-transfer catalysis. On the asymmetric hydrophosphony lation amino)methyl}benzene (J.G. Donkervoort, J.L. Vicario, E. Rijn- of aldehydes (S.R. Davies, M.C. Mitchell, C.P. Cain, P.G. Devitt, berg. J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and G. R.J. Taylor and T.P. Kee), 29 Van Koten), 463 Ether-bridged commo-metallabisdicarbollide complex Heterobimetallics Synthesis and structural characterization of a thioether-bridged Formation of the lithium alkylaluminium secondary amide commo-metallabis(dicarbollide) species: a model system for Venus [Me Al{(PhCH , ), N}, Li - THF] by a methane elimination /amide flytrap cluster reagents (J.M. Nabakka, D.E. Harwell, C.B. Kno- insertion process (D.R. Armstrong, FJ. Craig, A.R. Kennedy and bler and M.F. Hawthorne), 423 R.E. Mulvey), 355 Hetero-trimethylenemethane ligands Fluxionality Preparation and structures of {Li[C(N'Bu),(HN'Bu)}}, -(THF) and Studies on tetraborane(8) carbonyl, B,H, - CO: its isomeric composi- {Li,[C(N'Bu),}},, containing the novel anions [C tion in the gas phase and in solution, and its reactions with alkenes (N'Bu),(HNBu') ” and [C(N' Bu), ~ (1. Chivers, M. Parvez and (S.J. Cranson, M.A. Fox, R. Greatrex and N.N. Greenwood), 207 G. Schatte), 213 Hexanuclear and pentanuclear ruthenaborides Gallane Formation of H,Ru,(CO),, from H,Ru,(CO),, an improved synthe- Polymer and metal oxide supported alkali metal naphthalenides: sis of HRu,(CO),, B (D.A. McCarthy, J. Krause Bauer, F.-E. application in the generation of lithium and sodium reagents (T.R. Hong, J.R. Oh, H. Deng, J. Liu and S.G. Shore), 309 Van den Ancker and C.L. Raston), 283 Hexaphenylditin Geometrical isomerism Studies of organotin(IV)-orthoquinone systems (M.A. Brown, B.R. Studies on tetraborane(8) carbonyl, B,H, - CO: its isomeric composi- McGarvey, A. Ozarowski and D.G. Tuck), 165 tion in the gas phase and in solution, and its reactions with alkenes Hg(X)OAc (S.J. Cranson, M.A. Fox, R. Greatrex and N.N, Greenwood), 207 Vibrational spectroscopy and solid-state MAS NMR studies of mer- Germanium cury(I]) acetate complexes [Hg(X)OAc]. Crystal structure of 9,10-Dimetallatriptycenes of group 14: a structural study (M.A. Dam, [Hg(CN)OAc] (G.A. Bowmaker, A.V. Churakov, R.K. Harris and F.JJ. De Kanter, F. Bickelhaupt, WJJ. Smeets, A.L. Spek, J. S.-W. Oh), 89 ‘H.°Li-HOESY Fornies-Camer and C. Cardin), 347 GIAO computed '*C The effect of (polyamine ligands on the solution structure of [°Li}-a- Experimental and theoretical studies on group | metallacarboranes: (phenylthio)benzyllithium in tetrahydrofuran: A 'H.°Li-HOESY Synthesis, structure and ab initio calculations of the NMR chemi- NMR study (S. Schade and G. Boche), 359 490 Subject Index of Volume 550 The effect of polyether ligands on the solution structure of [°Li}a- closo-2,1-Pd,Tye HB, ] (G. Ferguson, J.F. Gallagher, J.P. Sheehan (phenylthio)benzyllithium in tetrahydrofuran: A 'H.°Li-HOESY and T.R. Spalding), 477 NMR study (S. Schade and G. Boche), 381 Lithium Hydridometallacarboranes A structural and theoretical study of the monolithiation of hydroxyl- A hydridotantalum(V )-carborane analogue of Schwartz's reagent: syn- amines (D.R. Armstrong, W. Clegg, S.M. Hodgson, R. Snaith and thesis and reactivity (M.A. Curtis, M.G. Finn and R.N. Grimes), A.E.H. Wheatley), 233 469 Formation of the lithium alkylaluminium secondary amide Hydroboration [Me, Al{(PhCH , ),N },L i: THF] by a methane elimination /amide Studies on tetraborane(8) carbonyl, B,H, - CO: its isomeric composi- insertion process (D.R. Armstrong, FJ. Craig, A.R. Kennedy and tion in the gas phase and in solution, and its reactions with alkenes R.E. Mulvey), 355 (S.J. Cranson, M.A. Fox, R. Greatrex and N.N. Greenwood), 207 The mechanism of lithiation and nitrile insertion reactions of B-meth- Hydroxylamine ylazines: evidence from the structure of 3-C,H,NCH=C A structural and theoretical study of the monolithiation of hydroxyl- (Ph)NCHIC(Ph)=NLi - PMDETA (S.C. Ball, R.P. Davies, P.R. amines (D.R. Armstrong, W. Clegg, S.M. Hodgson, R. Snaith and Raithby, G.P. Shields and R. Snaith), 457 A.E.H. Wheatley), 233 Lithium reagent Polymer and metal oxide supported alkali metal naphthalenides: IGLO/NMR application in the generation of lithium and sodium reagents (T.R. Stability and NMR correlations, experimental vs. calculational, among Van den Ancker and C.L. Raston), 283 isoelectronic closo-hexaborane /carborane compounds (J. Jaballas and T. Onak), 101 MAS NMR Imino-amide ligands Vibrational spectroscopy and solid-state MAS NMR studies of mer- Synthesis and structural characterisation of aluminium imino-amide cury(II) acetate complexes [Hg(X)OAc]. Crystal structure of and pyridyl-amide complexes: bulky monoanionic N,N chelate [Hg(CN)OAc] (G.A. Bowmaker, A.V. Churakov, R.K. Harris and ligands via methyl group transfer (V.C. Gibson, C. Redshaw, S.-W. Oh), 89 A.J.P. White and D.J. Williams), 453 Metal complexes Iminophosphorane Phospho-transfer catalysis. On the asymmetric hydrophosphonylation Low temperature neutron and X-ray diffraction study of imino(tri- of aldehydes (S.R. Davies, M.C. Mitchell, C.P. Cain, P.G. Devitt, phenyl )phosphorane (M.G. Davidson, A.E. Goeta, J.A.K. Howard, RJ. Taylor and T.P. Kee), 29 C.W. Lehmann, G.M. Mcintyre and R.D. Price), 449 Metallaborane The metallation of imino(tripheny))phosphorane by ethylmagnesium A molecular orbital analysis of four chromaboranes. On the curious chloride: The synthesis, isolation and X-ray structure of behavior of (7°-C,R, Cr fragments in a borane cluster environ- [Ph ,P=NMgCl-O=P(NMe,),], (A.S. Batsanov, P.D. Bolton, ment (T.P. Fehiner), 21 R.C.B. Copley, M.G. Davidson, J.A.K. Howard, C. Lustig and Metallacarboranes R.D. Price), 445 A hydridotantalum(V )-carborane analogue of Schwartz's reagent: syn- Indium thesis and reactivity (M.A. Curtis, M.G. Finn and R.N. Grimes), Preparation and structures of some tetraazamacrocyclic complexes of 469 In(II}) (P.R. Phillips, M.G.H. Wallbridge and J. Barker), 301 Metallaheteroborane cluster compound Intramolecular electron transfer reactions Synthesis and structural characterisation of the carbene-containing Studies of organotin(IV)-orthoquinone systems (M.A. Brown, B.R. metallaheteroborane compound [2-I-2-(Bu' NC)-3-(Bu' NHCH)- McGarvey, A. Ozarowski and D.G. Tuck), 165 closo-2,1-PdTHeyB] (G. Ferguson, J.F. Gallagher, J.P. Sheehan lon pair equilibria and T.R. Spalding), 477 The effect of (polyamine ligands on the solution structure of [°Li]-a- Metal vapour synthesis (phenylthio)benzyllithium in tetrahydrofuran: A 'H,°Li-HOESY Synthesis and reactions of [Mo(2,6-lutidineXphosphine)] derivatives NMR study (S. Schade and G. Boche), 359 (C.P. Mehnert, J. Haggitt and M.L.H. Green), 63 The effect of polyether ligands on the solution structure of [°Li]-a- Methyl! group transfer (phenylthio)benzyllithium in tetrahydrofuran: A 'H.°Li-HOESY Synthesis and structural characterisation of aluminium imino-amide NMR study (S. Schade and G. Boche), 381 and pyridyl-amide complexes: bulky monoanionic N,N chelate Iridium ligands via methyl group transfer (V.C. Gibson, C. Redshaw, Synthesis and properties of new tris(cyanoethyl phosphine complexes A.J.P. White and DJ. Williams), 453 of platinum (0,11), palladium (OID, iridium (1) and rhodium (1). Mixed organolithium aggregate Conformational analysis of tris(cyanoethyl)phosphine ligands Formation of mixed aryl-, alkyl—lithium aggregates in the heteroatom (A.G. Orpen, P.G. Pringle, M.B. Smith and K. Worboys), 255 assisted lithiation of a,a’-dialkyl substituted 1,3-bis{(dimethyl- [°Li}-a-(phenylthio)benzyllithium amino)methyl]benzene (J.G. Donkervoort, J.L. Vicario, E. Rijn- The effect of (poly)amine ligands on the solution structure of [°Li]}-a- berg, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and G. (phenylthio)benzyllithium in tetrahydrofuran: A 'H.°Li-HOESY Van Koten), 463 NMR study (S. Schade and G. Boche), 359 Molybdenum The effect of polyether ligands on the solution structure of [°Li}a- Synthesis and reactions of [Mo(2,6-lutidineXphosphine)] derivatives (phenylthio)benzyllithium in tetrahydrofuran: A 'H,°Li-HOESY (C.P. Mehnert, J. Haggitt and M.L.H. Green), 63 NMR study (S. Schade and G. Boche), 381 The synthesis, structure and reactivity of aldehyde substituted 7°-al- Ligand redistribution lylic complexes of molybdenum (CJ. Beddows, M.R. Box, C. Studies of organotin(IV)-orthoquinone systems (M.A. Brown, B.R. Butters, N. Carr, M. Green, M. Kursawe and M.F. Mahon), 267 McGarvey, A. Ozarowski and D.G. Tuck), 165 Multinuclear NMR Ligand transfer Multinuclear NMR studies on substituted derivatives of Rh,(CO),,, in Synthesis and structural characterisation of the carbene-containing solution (S.P. Tunik, LS. Podkorytov, B.T. Heaton, J.A. Iggo and metallaheteroborane compound [2-I-2-(Bu' NC)-3-(Bu' NHCH)- J. Sampanthar), 221 Subject Index of Volume 550 491 Nickel Conformational analysis of tris(cyanoethy))phosphine ligands Reactions of nickelocene with lithium and magnesium alkyls contain- (A.G. Orpen, P.G. Pringle, M.B. Smith and K. Worboys), 255 ing B-hydrogen atoms (S. Pasynkiewicz, A. Pietrzykowski, L. ortho-Phenylenemagnesium Trojanowska, P. Sobota and L. Jerzykiewicz), 111 9,10-Dimetallatriptycenes of group 14: a structural study (M.A. Dam, Nido and closo geometries FJJ. De Kanter, F. Bickelhaupt, W.JJ. Smeets, A.L. Spek, J. B-frame supported bimetallics. [(PMe, ph), PtB,H,,Ru(n°- Fornies-Camer and C. Cardin), 347 ‘“°PrC,,H,Me)} and [(PMe, ph), PtB,H,Ru(’-'*’PrC,,MHe,)} : Phosphide an interesting pair of electron-deficient nido and closo geometries The first synthesis, isolation and X-ray structure of a phosphonium (Y.-h. Kim, P.A. Cooke, R. Greatrex, J.D. Kennedy and M. phosphide, (Ph ,PMe)* {(C,H (CF, ),-2.4.6],P}~ (M.G. David- Thornton-Pett), 341 son, K.B. Dillon, J.A.K. Howard, S. Lamb and M.D. Roden), 481! Niobium Phosphine Organophosphonate derivatives of titanium and niobium alkoxoanions Synthesis and reactions of [Mo(2,6-lutidine Xphosphine)] derivatives (R.J. Errington, J. Ridland, KJ. Willeu, W. Clegg, R.A. Coxall (C.P. Mehnert, J. Haggitt and M.L.H. Green), 63 and S.L. Heath), 473 Phosphines Nitriles Metal core rearrangements in hetero-bimetallic nona-osmium car- The mechanism of lithiation and nitrile insertion reactions of B-meth- bony! clusters; the crystal and molecular structures of [Os,(CO),, ylazines: evidence from the structure of 3-C,H,NCH=C(Ph) {Au(PCy ,)},] and [Os,(CO),,(Au, DPPE)] (Z. Akhter, S.L. Ing- N(H)C(Ph)=NLi - PMDETA (S.C. Ball, R.P. Davies, PR. ham, J. Lewis and P.R. Raithby), 131 Raithby, G.P. Shields and R. Snaith), 457 Phosphonium Nitrogen The first synthesis, isolation and X-ray structure of a phosphonium Dithiadiazolyls as heterocyclic chelators: a radical approach to coordi- phosphide, (Ph ,PMe)* {[C,H,(CF,),-2,4.6],P}” (M.G. David- nation chemistry? (A.J. Banister, 1. May, J.M. Rawson and J.N.B. son, K.B. Dillon, J.A.K. Howard, S$. Lamb and M.D. Roden), 481 Smith), 241 Phosphorus NMR spectroscopy Low temperature neutron and X-ray diffraction study of iminoltri- Polyhedral nonaborane chemistry: an unsuspected new isomeric type pheny!)phosphorane (M.G. Davidson, A.E. Goeta, J.A.K. Howard, in the nine-vertex arachno-B,H,,L system (K.L.F. Callaghan, U. C.W. Lehmann, G.M. McIntyre and R.D. Price), 449 Dérfler, T.D. McGrath, M. Thornton-Pett and J.D. Kennedy), 441 Platinum Rhodathiaboranes with ‘anomalous’ electron counts: synthesis, struc- Synthesis and properties of new tris(cyanoethyl phosphine complexes ture and reactivity (K.J. Adams, T.D. McGrath, G.M. Rosair, A.S. of platinum (0,11), palladium (0,11), iridium (1) and rhodium (1). Weller and A.J. Welch), 315 Conformational analysis of tris(cyanoethyl)phosphine ligands Synthesis and characterization of trimethylsilylmethyl-, bis(trimethyl- (A.G. Orpen, P.G. Pringle, M.B. Smith and K. Worboys), 255 silymethyl-and silyl-substituted cyclopentadienes and their alkali Polyether ligands metal complexes (M.A. Edelman, P.B. Hitchcock, M.F. Lappert, The effect of polyether ligands on the solution structure of [°Li}a- D.-S. Liu and S. Tian), 397 (phenylthio)benzyllithium in tetrahydrofuran: A 'H.°Li-HOESY NMR study (S. Schade and G. Boche), 381 Organoboranes Polystyrene Studies on tetraborane(8) carbonyl, B,H, - CO: its isomeric composi- Polymer and metal oxide supported alkali metal naphthalenides: tion in the gas phase and in solution, and its reactions with alkenes application in the generation of lithium and sodium reagents (T.R. (S.J. Cranson, M.A. Fox, R. Greatrex and N.N, Greenwood), 207 Van den Ancker and C.L. Raston), 283 Organomagnesium Pudovik reaction The metallation of imino(triphenyl)phosphorane by ethylmagnesium Phospho-transfer catalysis. On the asymmetric hydrophosphonylation chloride: The synthesis, isolation and X-ray structure of of aldehydes (S.R. Davies, M.C. Mitchell, C.P. Cain, P.G. Devitt, [Ph ,P=NMgCl -O=P(NMe,),], (A.S. Batsanov, P.D. Bolton, R.J. Taylor and T.P. Kee), 29 R.C.B. Copley, M.G. Davidson, J.A.K. Howard, C. Lustig and Pyridyl-amide complexes R.D. Price), 445 Synthesis and structural characterisation of aluminium imino-amide Organometallic clusters and pyridyl-amide complexes: bulky monoanionic N.N chelate The synthesis and characterisation of some closed polyhedral metallo- ligands via methyl group transfer (V.C. Gibson, C. Redshaw, carbon clusters (J.E. Davies, B.F.G. Johnson, C.M. Martin, R.H.H. A.J.P. White and D.J. Williams), 453 Pearson and P.J. Dyson), 431 Organophosphonate Organophosphonate derivatives of titanium and niobium alkoxoanions (R.J. Errington, J. Ridland, KJ. Willet. W. Clegg, R.A. Coxall Radiotransition and S.L. Heath), 473 Synthesis and structural characterization of a thioether-bridged Orthoquinones llabis(dicarbollide) species: a model system for Venus Studies of organotin(IV)-orthoquinone systems (M.A. Brown, B.R. flytrap cluster reagents (J.M. Nabakka, D.E. Harwell, C.B. Kno- McGarvey, A. Ozarowski and D.G. Tuck), 165 bler and M.F. Hawthorne), 423 Osmium Reaction mechanisms Metal core rearrangements in hetero-bimetallic nona-osmium car- The mechanism of lithiation and nitrile insertion reactions of B-meth- bony! clusters; the crystal and molecular structures of [Os,(CO),, ylazines: evidence from the structure of 3-C,H,NCH=C {Au(PCy,)},] and [Os,(CO),,(Au, DPPE)] (Z. Akhter, S.L. Ing- (Ph)NCHIC(Ph)=NLi - PMDETA (S.C. Ball, R.P. Davies, P.R. ham, J. Lewis and P.R. Raithby), 131 Raithby, G.P. Shields and R. Snaith), 457 Rh,(CO),,, Palladium Multinuclear NMR studies on substituted derivatives of Rh,(CO),,, in Synthesis and properties of new tris(cyanoethyl phosphine complexes solution (S.P. Tunik, 1S. Podkorytov, B.T. Heaton, J.A. Iggo and of platinum (0,11, palladium (01D, iridium (1) and rhodium (1). J. Sampanthar), 221 492 Subject Index of Volume 550 Rhodathiaboranes Sulfur Rhodathiaboranes with ‘anomalous’ electron counts: synthesis, struc- Dithiadiazolyls as heterocyclic chelators: a radical approach to coordi- ture and reactivity (K.J. Adams, T.D. McGrath, G.M. Rosair, A.S. nation chemistry? (A.J. Banister, 1. May, J.M. Rawson and J.N.B. Weller and A.J. Welch), 315 Smith), 241 Rhodium Synthesis Multinuclear NMR studies on substituted derivatives of Rh,(CO),, in A convenient route to carbon-substituted derivatives of nido-5,6- solution (S.P. Tunik, LS. Podkorytov, B.T. Heaton, J.A. Iggo and C,B,H,, (B. Stibr, F. Teixidor, C. Viiias and J. Fusek), 125 J. Sampanthar), 221 Synthesis and properties of new tris(cyanoethyl phosphine complexes Synthesis and properties of new tris(cyanoethy| phosphine complexes of platinum (0.11), palladium (01D, iridium (1) and rhodium (1). of platinum (01D, palladium (0,1), iridium (D and rhodium (1. Conformational analysis of tis(cyanoethyl)phosphine ligands Conformational analysis of tris(cyanoethyl)phosphine ligands (A.G. Orpen, P.G. Pringle, M.B. Smith and K. Worboys), 255 (A.G. Orpen, P.G. Pringle, M.B. Smith and K. Worboys), 255 Tantalacarboranes closo-Ru ,C , polyhedral frameworks A hydridotantalum(V )-carborane analogue of Schwartz's reagent: syn- The synthesis and characterisation of some closed polyhedral metallo- thesis and reactivity (M.A. Curtis, M.G. Finn and R.N. Grimes), carbon clusters (J.E. Davies, B.F.G. Johnson, C.M. Martin, R.H.H. 469 Pearson and P.J. Dyson), 431 Ruthenium clusters Formation of H,Ru,(CO),, from H,Ru,(CO),, an improved synthe- Tantalum sis of HRu,(CO),, B (D.A. McCarthy, J. Krause Bauer, F.-E. A hydridotantalum(V )-carborane analogue of Schwartz's reagent: syn- Hong, J.R. Oh, H. Deng, J. Liu and S.G. Shore), 309 thesis and reactivity (M.A. Curtis, M.G. Finn and R.N. Grimes), 469 Tetraazamacrocycle Preparation and structures of some tetraazamacrocyclic complexes of Si and '“C NMR spectroscopy In(III) (P.R. Phillips, M.G.H. Wallbridge and J. Barker), 301 Preparation, ~’Si and '‘C NMR and DFT /IGLO studies of silylear- Tetraborane(8) carbony! boxonium ions (G.K.S. Prakash, Q. Wang, G. Rasul and G.A. Studies on tetraborane(8) carbonyl, B,H, - CO: its isomeric composi- Olah), 119 tion in the gas phase and in solution, and its reactions with alkenes Silica (S.J. Cranson, M.A. Fox, R. Greatrex and N.N. Greenwood), 207 Polymer and metal oxide supported alkali metal naphthalenides: Thiophene application in the generation of lithium and sodium reagents (T.R. Dinuclear copper(1) complexes of 24-membered bibracchial te- Van den Ancker and C.L. Raston), 283 traimine Schiff base macrocycles derived from 2,5-di- Silicon formylthiophene (H. Adams, N.A. Bailey, S.R. Collinson, D.E. 9,10-Dimetallatriptycenes of group 14: a structural study (M.A. Dam, Fenton, J.C. Hawley and S.J. Kitchen), 7 FJ.J. De Kanter, F. Bickelhaupt, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, J. Tin Fornies-Camer and C. Cardin), 347 9,10-Dimetallatriptycenes of group 14; a structural study (M.A. Dam, Silver FJ3.J. De Kanter, F. Bickelhaupt, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, J. n'- and 7*-benzene coordination in [Ag(C, D,),BF,] (A.S. Batsanov, Fornies-Camer and C. Cardin), 347 S.P. Crabtree, J.A.K. Howard, C.W. Lehmann and M. Kilner), 59 Titania Silylearboxonium ions Polymer and metal oxide supported alkali metal naphthalenides: Preparation, *’Si and '"C NMR and DFT /IGLO studies of silylear- application in the generation of lithium and sodium reagents (T.R. boxonium ions (G.K.S. Prakash, Q. Wang, G. Rasul and G.A. Van den Ancker and C.L. Raston), 283 Olah), 119 Titanium Sodium reagent Organophosphonate derivatives of titanium and niobium alkoxoanions Polymer and metal oxide supported alkali metal naphthalenides: (R.J. Errington, J. Ridland, K.J. Willett, W. Clegg. R.A. Coxall application in the generation of lithium and sodium reagents (T.R. and S.L. Heath), 473 Van den Ancker and C.L. Raston), 283 Synthesis and structural characterization of sulfonates, phosphinates Solution structures and carboxylates of organometallic Group 4 metal fluorides The effect of (polyamine ligands on the solution structure of [° Li}-a- (S.A.A. Shah, H. Dorn, J. Gindl, M. Noltemeyer, H.-G. Schmidt (phenylthio)benzyllithium in tetrahydrofuran: A 'H.°Li-HOESY and H.W. Roesky), | NMR study (S. Schade and G. Boche), 359 Total orbital energy Solution structures in THF /(D, JTHF 1:1 The non-perpendicular and non-parallel alkyne bridge in W,( p- The effect of polyether ligands on the solution structure of [°Li}-a- C,H, w-OCHS Bu),(OCHS Bu), (M.H. Chisholm and M.A. (phenylthio)benzyllithium in tetrahydrofuran: A 'H.°Li-HOESY Lynn), 141 NMR study (S. Schade and G. Boche), 381 Transition metals Stereoselective crystallization Synthesis and structural characterization of sulfonates, phosphinates Formation of mixed aryl—, alkyl—lithium aggregates in the heteroatom and carboxylates of organometallic Group 4 metal fluorides assisted lithiation of a,a'-dialkyl substituted |, 3-bis[{(dimethyl- (S.A.A. Shah, H. Dorn, J. Gindl, M. Noltemeyer, H.-G. Schmidt amino)methylJbenzene (J.G. Donkervoort, J.L. Vicario, E. Rijn- and H.W. Roesky), | berg, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and G. Triruthenium dodecacarbony| Van Koten), 463 The synthesis and characterisation of some closed polyhedral metallo- Structure carbon clusters (J.E. Davies, B.F.G. Johnson, C.M. Martin, R.H.H. Synthesis and properties of new tris(cyanoethyl phosphine complexes Pearson and PJ. Dyson), 431 of platinum (0,11), palladium (0,11), iridium (1) and rhodium (1). Tris(cyanoethy|! phosphine Conformational analysis of tris(cyanoethyl)phosphine ligands Synthesis and properties of new tris(cyanoethy! phosphine complexes (A.G. Orpen, P.G. Pringle, M.B. Smith and K. Worboys), 255 of platinum (0,11), palladium (0,11), iridium (1) and rhodium (1). Subject Index of Volume 550 493 Conformational analysis of tris(cyanoethyl)phosphine ligands The metallation of imino(triphenyl)phosphorane by ethylmagnesium (A.G. Orpen, P.G. Pringle, M.B. Smith and K. Worboys), 255 chloride: The synthesis, isolation and X-ray structure of Tungsten [Ph ,P=N-M O=gP(NCMe,l),] , (A.S. Batsanov, P.D. Bolton, The non-perpendicular and non-parallel alkyne bridge in W,( p- R.C.B. Copley, M.G. Davidson, J.A.K. Howard, C. Lustig and C,H, w-OBuC), (HOCHS B u), (M.H. Chisholm and M.A. R.D. Price), 445 Lynn), 141 The synthesis, structure and reactivity of aldehyde substituted 7 ‘-al- lylic complexes of molybdenum (CJ. Beddows, M.R. Box, C Wade's rules Butters, N. Carr, M. Green, M. Kursawe and M.F. Mahon), 267 Rhodathiaboranes with ‘anomalous’ electron counts: synthesis, struc- X-ray diffraction analysis ture and reactivity (K.J. Adams, T.D. McGrath, G.M. Rosair, A.S. Metallaheteroborane chemistry. Part 14. Synthesis of the {MS,B,}- Weller and A.J. Welch), 315 cluster compounds [9,9-(PX ,),-9.6.8-PtS,B,H,] (where X = Ph or OMe), [9,94(PPh,),-9,.6.8-RhS,B,H,] and [5.5-(PPh,),- X-ray 5,6,10-RhS,B,H,], and the (M,S,B,}-cluster compound Preparation and structures of some tetraazamacrocyclic complexes of ((PPh ,), HRA(PPh , ICIRHS, B,H,] (M.P. Murphy, T.R. Spalding. In(I11) (PLR. Phillips, M.G.H. Wallbridge and J. Barker), 301 C. Cowey, J.D. Kennedy, M. Thornton-Pett and J. Holub), 151 X-ray and neutron diffraction X-ray structure Low temperature neutron and X-ray diffraction study of imino(tri- A structural and theoretical study of the monolithiation of hydroxy|- pheny! )phosphorane (M.G. Davidson, A.E. Goeta, J.A.K. Howard. amines (D.R. Armstrong. W. Clegg. S.M. Hodgson. R. Snaith and C.W. Lehmann, G.M. Mcintyre and R.D. Price), 449 A.E.H. Wheatley), 233 X-ray crystal structure Metal core rearrangements in hetero-bimetallic nona-osmium car- Dinuclear copper(]) complexes of 24-membered bibracchial te- bony! clusters: the crystal and molecular structures of [Os,(CO),, traimine Schiff base macrocycles derived from 2,5-dif- {Au(PCy ,)},] and [Os,(CO),,(Au, DPPE)] (Z. Akhter, S.L. Ing- ormylthiophene (H. Adams, N.A. Bailey, S.R. Collinson, D.E. ham, J. Lewis and P.R. Raithby), 131 Fenton, J.C. Hawley and S.J. Kitchen), 7 Preparation and structures of {Li[C(N' Bu),(HN'Bu)]}, -(THF) and X-ray diffraction {Li,[C(N'Bu),]},. containing the novel anions [C(N'Bu), Experimental and theoretical studies on group | metallacarboranes: (HN'Bu)]” and [C(N'Bu),}~ (T. Chivers, M. Parvez and G. Synthesis, structure and ab initio calculations of the NMR chemi- Schatte), 213 cal shifts of the 1|4(THF)-1-TMEDA)-1-Na-2,44,S),i-M2.e4 - The mechanism of lithiation and nitrile insertion reactions of B-meth- C,B,H, and related carboranes (M.B. Ezhova, H. Zhang, J.A. ylazines: evidence from the structure of 3-C,.H,NCH=C Maguire and N.S. Hosmane), 409 (Ph)NCHIC(Ph)- =PMNDLETiA (S.C. Ball, R.P. Davies, PR. Formation of the lithium alkylaluminium secondary amide Raithby, G.P. Shields and R. Snaith), 457 [Me, Al{(PhCH , ),N},L i - THF] by a methane elimination /amide insertion process (D.R. Armstrong, FJ. Craig, A.R. Kennedy and Ylide R.E. Mulvey), 355 The first synthesis, isolation and X-ray structure of a phosphonium Polyhedral nonaborane chemistry: an unsuspected new isomeric type phosphide, (Ph ,PMe)* [C,H (CF, ),-2.4.6],P}> (M.G. David- in the nine-vertex arachno-B,H,,L system (K.L.F. Callaghan, U. son, K.B. Dillon, J.A.K. Howard, S. Lamb and M.D. Roden), 481 Dérfler, T.D. McGrath, M. Thornton-Pett and J.D. Kennedy), 441 Rhodathiaboranes with ‘anomalous’ electron counts: synthesis, struc- ture and reactivity (K.J. Adams, T.D. McGrath, G.M. Rosair, A.S. Zirconium Weller and AJ. Welch), 315 Synthesis and structural characterization of sulfonates, phosphinates The first synthesis, isolation and X-ray structure of a phosphonium and carboxylates of organometallic Group 4 metal fluorides phosphide, (Ph ,PMe)* {([C,,H,(CF,),-2.4.6],P}” (M.G. David- (S.A.A. Shah, H. Dorn, J. Gindl, M. Noltemeyer, H.-G. Schmidt son, K.B. Dillon, J.A.K. Howard, S. Lamb and M.D. Roden), 481 and H.W. Roesky), |

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