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Preview Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1997: Vol 527 Index

ournal a me tallic Chemistry Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 527 (1996) 311—312 Author Index of Volume 527 Adams, K.J., 283 Gottlieb, H.E., 21 Nanno, T., 103 Ahlers, W., 191 Green, M.L.H., 173 Nettle, A., 125 Aisa, A.M.A., 239 Nijbacker, T., 1 Akkerman, O.S., | Hart, W.P., 43 Nozaki, K., 103 Ang, S.-H., 15 Hasegawa, T., 287 Avis, M.W., 263 Heinemann, F.W., 239 Okada, F., 277 O’Leary, P.J., 21 Herberhold, M., 203 Ordung, I., 163 Baird, M.C., 7, 137 Herrmann, W.A., 297 Osborn, J.A., 65 Beddows, C.J., 21 Herzog, U., 117 Bedford, R.B., 75 Hibbs, D.E., 291 Palmisano, G., 93 Béguin, A., 167 Hitchcock, P.B., 75, 145, 305 Panigati, M., 215 Benetollo, F., 173 Hogarth, G., 247 Beringhelli, T., 215 Hor, T.S.A., 133 Pierre, F., 51 Pietzsch, C., 109 Bertholdt, U., 203 Howell, J.A.S., 21 Polo, E., 173 Bickelhaupt, F., | Hursthouse, M.B., 291 Priermeier, T., 297 Borisova, L., 295 Prini, G., 173 Boys, D., 125 Jacob, K., 109 Pu, L., 287 Jeremic, D., 7 Cenini, S., 93 Jones, C., 291 Quyoum, R., 7 Chaloner, P.A., 75, 145 Chien, J.C.W., 71 Keok, C.-A., 15 Raimondi, P., 93 Collin, J., 225 Kim, Y., 155 Rausch, M.D., 43, 71 Contreras, R., 125 Koitabashi, R., 277 Rheinwald, G., 167 Cunninghan, D., 21 Koo, B.H., 155 Riera, V., 35 Kuksis, I., 137 Robinson, B.H., 179 Dai, M.C., 167 Roewer, G., 117 D’A lfonso, G., 215 Laurenczy, G., 167 Roulet, R., 167 Davies, S.E., 145 Lavender, M.H., 247 Royles, B.J.L., 259 Demartin, F., 93 Lawless, G.A., 305 Ruiz, J., 35 Dewa, S.Z., 75 Lee, H.K., 133 Do, Y., 155 Lehmann, S., 239 Sablong, R., 65 Domingos, A., 225 Li, S., 133 Santos, I., 225 Duffy, N.W., 179 Looi, E.-S., 15 Satyanarayana, C.V.V., 83 Lépez, G., 75 Schniéckel, H., 209 Ecker, A., 209 Lukevics, E., 295 Scholz, J., 109 Ehleiter, Y., 209 Schreuder Goedheijt, M., 1 Eisch, J.J., 301 Ma, X., 301 Schwarze, B., 163 Elsevier, C.J., 263 Mabrouk, S.T., 43 Sekar, P., 29 Erker, G., 191 Malik, K.M.A., 291 Sekiguchi, O., 277 Manimaran, B., 83 Serrano, J.L., 75 Faller, J.W., 65 Marziano, I., 305 Shukri, K., 247 Foster, P., 71 Mathur, P., 29, 83 Simpson, J., 179 Fox, T., 191 McAdam, C.J., 179 Singh, M., 301 Francis, M.D., 291 McArdle, P., 21 Sitzmann, H., 209 Frohlich, R., 191 McGrath, T.D., 283 Smeets, W.J.J., 263 Fujishige, M., 277 Merzweiler, K., 109 Smith, D.M., 259 Fun, H.-K., 15 Moinet, C., 51 Sostero, S., 173 Momblona, F., 75 Spek, A.L., 1, 263 Gevorgyan, V., 295 Mori, S., 277 Steinborn, D., 239 Gillis, DJ., 7 Mosquera, M.E.G., 35 Stoeckli-Evans, H., 167 Glidewell, C., 259 Siiss-Fink, G., 167 Elsevier Science S.A. 312 Author Index of Volume 527 Tabacchi, R., 167 Trifonov, A.A., 225 Wang, Q., 7 Tajima, S., 277 Tudoret, M.-J., 7 Wei, B., 133 Takaya, H., 103 Welch, A.J., 283 Uffing, C., 209 Temme, B., 191 Weller, A.S., 283 Teo, S.-B., 15 Valderrama, M., 125 Wilke, G., 301 Teoh, S.-G., 15 Van der Boom, M.E., 263 Wolmershauser, G., 209 Thomas, R.LI., 283 Van de Weghe, P., 225 Wrackmeyer, B., 163 Tollari, S., 93 Varghese, B., 83 Toupet, L., 51 Veldman, N., | Traverso, O., 173 Vogel, A., 297 Yates, P.C., 21 eed ournal O metallic Chemistry LSEVIER Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 527 (1996) 313-320 Subject Index of Volume 527 Acyl function in a-position of the arene ligand (F, Pierre, C. Moinet Diiron o-a alkenyl complexes: crystal structures of cis- and L. Toupet), 51 [Fe,(CO),(u-RC=CH, Xp-PPh.,Xp-dppm)], (R = Ph, CH,OH), Arsine trans-[Fe,(CO),(w-HC=CHPhXp-PPh, Xy-dppm)] and the «,B- Anomalous reactivity of triphenylarsine and triarylphosphines of low unsaturated acyl complex trans-[Fe,(CO),{p-O=C- basicity with [Ir(codXpy),][PF,] and use of the complexes as C(Ph)=CH,}(y-PCy, Xp.-dppm)] (G. Hogarth, M.H. Lavender and precatalysts for imine hydrogenation (R.B. Bedford, P.A. Chaloner, K. Shukri), 247 S.Z. Dewa, G. Lépez, P.B. Hitchcock, F. Momblona and J.L. Agostic Serrano), 75 The formation and structures of the methyl-bridged complexes Cp* TiMe,( w-Me)B(C,F,;), and [Cp* TiMe,(p- Basic Me)TiMe,Cp * [MeB(C,F;),] (Q. Wang, DJ. Gillis, R. Quyoum, Organylsilatranes from the reaction of tetraorganylsilanes with tri- D. Jeremic, M.-J. Tudoret and M.C. Baird), 7 ethanolamine (V. Gevorgyan, L. Borisova and E. Lukevics), 295 Alkene B/E linked scan Asymmetric hydroformylation catalyzed by an Rh(I)-(R,S)-BI- Metastable ion study of organosilicon compounds. Part IX. NAPHOS complex: substituent effects in olefins on the regiose- CH,COOSi(CH,), and CF,COOSi(CH ;), (S. Mori, F. Okada, O, lectivity (K. Nozaki, T. Nanno and H. Takaya), 103 Sekiguchi, M. Fujishige, R. Koitabashi and S. Tajima), 277 Synthesis and characterisation of platinum(0) complexes of Betaine propenoates: X-ray diffraction study of [Pt(CH,=CHCO,CH,- Dynamic features of the zirconocene—boron-betaine complexes ob- PhXPPh,).] (P.A. Chaloner, S.E. Davies and P.B. Hitchcock), tained by treatment of bis(alkynyl)zirconocenes with the tris(pen- 145 tafluorophenyl)borame Lewis-acid (W. Ahlers, B. Temme, G. Alkenyl Erker, R. Frohlich and T. Fox), 191 Diiron o-a alkenyl complexes: crystal structures of cis- Bidentate bridging [Fe,(CO),(u-RC=CH, Xp-PPh,X.-dppm)], (R = Ph, CH,0H), Novel hydroxo bidentate carboxylate bridging in diorganotin(I'V) trans-[Fe,(CO),(u-HC=CHPhX(y-PPh, (-dppm)] and the a ,B- carboxylate complex. Synthesis and Crystal structure of p-hy- unsaturated acyl complex trans-[Fe,(CO),{p-O=C- droxo-j-trichloroacetato- 0,0” -bis( trichl oroacetato-O)- bis[dibuty]- C(Ph)=CH,,}(u-PCy, X-dppm)] (G. Hogarth, M.H. Lavender and tin(IV)], Sn,(C 4H ),(02CCC1,);COH) (S.~G. Teoh, S.-H. Ang, K. Shukri), 247 E.-S. Looi, C.-A. Keok, S.-B. Teo and H.-K. Fun), 15 Aluminium compounds Bimetallic complexes Zwei strukturell verschiedenartige Stibocenium-Kationen (H. Sitz- Synthesis and structure of a p-( E)-vinylene-bis{dimethylglyoximato mann, Y. Ehleiter, G.W olmershauser, A. Ecker, C. Uffing und H. (1-)dimeth ylglyoximato(2-)-Ctriphenylphosphine )rhodate] com- Schnockel), 209 plex: a vinylene-bridged dinuclear rhodium complex (D. Stein- Aluminum-nickel bonds bom, A.M.A. Aisa, F.W. Heinemann and S. Lehmann), 239 Aluminum-nickel bonded intermediates in the Ziegler Nickel Effect: Bis(indeny]) mechanistic support from catalyzed hydroalumination and carbalu- Ansa-bis(indenyl)dimethylamido zirconocenes (A, Vogel, T. Prier- mination reactions (J.J. Eisch, X. Ma, M. Singh and G. Wilke), meier and W.A. Herrmann), 297 301 Boron Antimony Dynamic features of the zirconocene—boron-betaine complexes ob- Synthesis and structural characterisation of the first uncoordinated tained by treatment of bis(alk ynyl)zirconocenes with the tris(pen- phosphorus-substituted stibolyl anion (M.D. Francis, D.E. Hibbs, tafluorophenyl)borame Lewis-acid (W. Ahlers, B. Temme, G. M.B. Hursthouse, C. Jones and K.M.A. Malik), 291 Erker, R. Frohlich and T. Fox), 191 Antimony compounds Zwei strukturell verschiedenartige Stibocenium-Kationen (H. Sitz- mann, Y. Ehleiter, G. Wolmershauser, A. Ecker, C. Uffing und H. Carbalumination Schnéckel), 209 Aluminum-nickel bonded intermediates in the Ziegler Nickel Effect: Arene mechanistic support from catalyzed hydroalumination and carbalu- Stereoelectronic effects on arene rotation: the structure and fluxional- mination reactions (J.J. Eisch, X. Ma, M. Singh and G. Wilke), ity of [1,4-C,H,SiMe;),]CrCO), PPh, and [1,3,5-C,H, Bu) 301 Cr(CO),PPh, (J.A.S. Howell, C.J. Beddows, P.J. O’ Leary, P.C. Carbon monoxide Yates, P. McArdle, D. Cunningham and H.E. Gottlieb), 21 Asymmetric hydroformylation catalyzed by an Rh(I)-(R,5)-BI- Synthesis, structure and hydrolysis of some [(°-cyclopentadieny]) NAPHOS complex: substituent effects in olefins on the regiose- (m°-arene)iron(ID|[PF,] complexes bearing an imine or a nitrone lectivity (K. Nozaki, T. Nanno and H. Takaya), 103 314 Subject Index of Volume 527 Carbonyl CH — Rh interactions Facile complexation of 1,1’-bis(diphenyl phosph.no)ruthenocene (dppr) Reversible on /off switching of CH — Rh interactions in rhodathiabo- to ruthenium(II) — simple entry to stable bimetallic ranes with ‘‘anomalous’’ electron counts. Synthesis and molecular ruthenoruthenocenyl system (B. Wei, S. Li, H.K. Lee and T.S.A. structure of [(Ph ,P),N][1-dppe-1,2-closo-RhSB,H,](K.J. Adams, Hor), 133 T.D. McGrath, R.L1. Thomas, A.S. Weller and A.J. Welch), 283 Stereoelectronic effects on arene rotation: the structure and fluxional- Chromium ity of [1,4C,H,(SiMe,), ]Cr(CO), PPh, and [1,3,5-C,H ; Bu) Stereoelectronic effects on arene rotation: the structure and fluxional- Cr(CO), PPh; (J.A.S. Howell, CJ. Beddows, P.J. O’Leary, P.C. ity of [1,4-C;H,(SiMe),]CrCO),PPh, and [1,3,5-C,H, Bu;) Yates, P. McArdle, D. Cunningham and H.E. Gottlieb), 21 Cr(CO), PPh, (J.A.S. Howell, C.J. Beddows, PJ. O’Leary, P.C. Synthesis and redox chemistry of 1,1’-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferro- Yates, P. McArdle, D. Cunningham and H.E. Gottlieb), 21 cene derivatives of R,C>,Co,(CO), (R= MeO,C, CF,) (C.J. Cluster McAdam, N.W. Duffy, B.H. Robinson and J. Simpson), 179 Synthesis and spectroscopic characterisation of CpCoFe,(CO),(p3 - Synthesis and spectroscopic characterisation of CpCoFe,(CO),(p 3- Se),(PP) [PP = dppm or dppe]: crystal structure of Se),(PP) [PP= dppm or dppe]: crystal structure of CpCoFe,(CO),(u.3-Se),(dppm) (P. Mathur and P. Sekar), 29 CpCoFez(CO),( 3-Se),(dppm) (P. Mathur and P. Sekar), 29 Protonation reactions of the triangular cluster anion [Re3(y-H),(p- Synthesis, spectroscopic and _ structural characterisation of NC,H,XCO),,]°> containing an orthometalated pyridine molecule (CO), Fe>EE’{.-C(HXCH,)}, and (CO),Fe,{u-EC(H\CH;)E’} (T. Beringhelli, G. D’Alfonso and M. Panigati), 215 (E, E’= S, Se, Te) (P. Mathur, B. Manimaran, C.V.V. Satya- Cobalt narayana and B. Varghese), 83 Synthesis and redox chemistry of 1,1'-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferro- The reactivity of aza—diferra—thia tetrahedranes Fe,(CO),(y-SNR): cene derivatives of R,C,Co,(CO), (R =Me0,C, CF;) (C.J. reductive cleavage of the S-N bond and CO substitution (M. McAdam, N.W. Duffy, B.H. Robinson and J. Simpson), 179 Herberhold and U. Bertholdt), 203 Synthesis and spectroscopic characterisation of CpCoFe,(CO);(p.3- Carbon ylation Se),(PP) [PP = dppm or dppe]: crystal structure of Asymmetric hydroformylation catalyzed by an Rbh(I)-(R,S)-BI- CpCoFe,(CO),(.;-Se),(dppm) (P. Mathur and P. Sekar), 29 NAPHOS complex: substituent effects in olefins on the regiose- The Friedel-Crafts reactivity of (1°-cyclopentadieny]dicarbonylco- lectivity (K. Nozaki, T. Nanno and H. Takaya), 103 balt (S.T. Mabrouk, W.P. Hart and M.D. Rausch), 43 Carbox ylate Conformational chirality Novel hydroxo bidentate carboxylate bridging in diorganotin(IV) Dynamic features of the zirconocene—boron—betaine complexes ob- carboxylate complex. Synthesis and crystal structure of p-hy- tained by treatment of bis(alkynyl)zirconocenes with the tris(pen- droxo-y-trichl oroacetato-O, O'-bis(trichloroacetato-O)-bis[dibuty]- tafluorophenyl)borane Lewis-acid (W. Ahlers, B. Temme, G. tin(IV)], Sn,(C,H,),(O,CCC1,),(OH) (S.-G. Teoh, S.-H. Ang, Erker, R. Frohlich and T. Fox), 191 E.-S. Looi, C.-A. Keok, S.-B. Teo and H.-K. Fun), 15 Crystal structure Catalysis Ansa-bis(indenyl)dimethylamido zirconocenes (A. Vogel, T. Prier- Organylsilatranes from the reaction of tetraorganylsilanes with tri- meier and W.A. Herrmann), 297 ethanolamine (V. Gevorgyan, L. Borisova and E. Lukevics), 295 Bis([2-(dimethylaminomethyDferroceny]]-thalliumchlorid — ein heter- Catalysts obimetallischer Chelatkomplex (K. Jacob, J. Scholz, K. Merzweiler Synthesis and polymerization behavior of various substituted indeny] und C. Pietzsch), 109 titanium complexes as catalysts for syndiotactic polystyrene (Y. Novel hydroxo bidentate carboxylate bridging in diorganotin(IV) Kim, B.H. Koo and Y. Do), 155 carboxylate complex. Synthesis and crystal structure of p-hy- CD insertion droxo- p-trichloroacetato-O,O’ -bis(trichloroacetato-O)-bis[dibutyl- Cyclometallation of indole derivatives: cyclopalladation of gramine tin(IV)], Sn,(C ,H,),O,CCCI,),(OH) (S.-G. Teoh, S.-H. Ang, and 1-methyl gramine and CO insertion (S. Tollari, F. Demartin, E.-S. Looi, C.-A. Keok, S.-B. Teo and H.-K. Fun), 15 S. Cenini, G. Palmisano and P. Raimondi), 93 Synthesis and characterization of new homo-heterobinuclear plat- Chalcogen inum(II) complexes with dimethylphosphonate as bridging lig- Synthesis, spectroscopic and _ structural characterisation of ands. Crystal structure of [(7?dppm)Pt{u-P(OKOMe),}, (p- (CO),_Fe> EE {p-CCHXCH,)}, and (CO),Fe2{y-EC(HXCH;)E’} DPtMe,] (R. Contreras, M. Valderrama, A. Nettle and D. Boys), (E, E’= S, Se, Te) (P. Mathur, B. Manimaran, C.V.V. Satya- 125 Marayana and B. Varghese), 83 Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of 2-(methoxymethyl)phenyldi- Chelate cyclopentadienyltitanium (III) (M. Schreuder Goedheijt, T. Nij- Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of 2-(methoxymethy])phenyldi- backer, O.S. Akkerman, F. Bickelhaupt, N. Veldman and A.L. cyclopentadienyltitanium (III) (M. Schreuder Goedheijt, T. Nij- Spek), 1 backer, C.S. Akkerman, F. Bickelhaupt, N. Veldman and A.L. Synthesis, spectroscopic and structural characterisation of Spek), | (CO), Fe, EE{w-C(HXCH;)}, and (CO),Fe,{u-EC(HXCH ;)E’} Chirality (E, E’=S, Se, Te) (P. Mathur, B. Manimaran, C.V.V. Satya- Asymmetric hydroformylation catalyzed by an Rh(I)-(R,S)-BI- narayana and B. Varghese), 83 NAPHOS complex: substituent effects in olefins on the regiose- Crystal structures lectivity (K. Nozaki, T. Nanno and H. Takaya), 103 Synthesis and structure of a p-(E)-vinylene-bis[dimethylglyoximato Synthesis of lanthanide complexes coordinated by an asymmetric (1-)dimeth ylglyoximato(2-)-(triphenylphosphine)rhodate] _com- cyclopentadienyl ligand (A.A. Trifonov, P. Van de Weghe, J. plex: a vinylene-bridged dinuclear rhodium complex (D. Stein- Collin, A. Domingos and I. Santos), 225 born, A.M.A. Aisa, F.W. Heinemann and S. Lehmann), 239 Chiral poisoning 2 + 2 cycloadditions Chiral poisoning of rac-diop iridium complexes in the catalytic Reactions of bis(iminophosphoranes) with palladium(II) dichloride: enantioselective hydrogenation of imines (R. Sablong, J.A. Os- metal-induced tautomerization orthopalladation and unexpected born and J.W. Faller), 65 platinum-assisted [2 + 2] cycloaddition of an aryl—nitrile with a Subject Index of Volume 527 315 phosphinimine moiety (M.W. Avis, M.E. Vander Boom, C.J. C(Ph)= CH 5 \(u-PCy, Xj.-dppm)] (G. Hogarth, M.H. Lavender and Elsevier, W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek), 263 K. Shukri), 247 Cyclohexyl D-labeling Structure and molecular dynamics of Ru,(CO),( u-PCy,),: an un- Metastable ion study of organosilicon compounds. Part IX. usual case of cyclohexyl rearrangement (A. Béguin, M.C. Dai, G. CH ;,COOSi(CH ;), and CF,COOSi(CH ,), (S. Mori, F. Okada, O. Laurenczy, G. Rheinwald, R. Roulet, H. Stoeckli-Evans, G. Siss- Sekiguchi, M. Fujishige, R. Koitabashi and S. Tajima), 277 Fink and R. Tabacchi), 167 Cyclopalladation Early transition metals Cyclometallation of indole derivatives: cyclopalladation of gramine Dynamic features of the zirconocene—boron—betaine complexes ob- and 1-methyl gramine and CO insertion (S. Tollari, F. Demartin, tained by treatment of bis(alkynyl)zirconocenes with the tris(pen- S. Cenini, G. Palmisano and P. Raimondi), 93 tafluorophenyl)borane Lewis-acid (W. Ahlers, B. Temme, G. Cyclopentadienyl Erker, R. Frohlich and T. Fox), 191 Synthesis of lanthanide complexes coordinated by an asymmetric Ehrlich—Sachs reaction cyclopentadieny] ligand (A.A. Trifonov, P. Van de Weghe, J. Synthesis, structure and hydrolysis of some [(n>°-cyclopentadienyl) Collin, A. Domingos and I. Santos), 225 (1°-arene)iron(II)][PF,] complexes bearing an imine or a nitrone Synthesis, structure and hydrolysis of some [(7°-cyclopentadienyl) function in a-position of the arene ligand (F. Pierre, C. Moinet (7°-arene)iron(II)[PF,] complexes bearing an imine or a nitrone and L. Toupet), 51 function in a@-position of the arene ligand (F. Pierre, C. Moinet Electrochemistry and L. Toupet), 51 Synthesis and redox chemistry of 1,1'-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferro- The Friedel-Crafts reactivity of (n°-cyclopentadieny!)dicarbonylco- cene derivatives of R,C,Co,(CO), (R =MeO,C, CF;) (CJ. balt (S.T. Mabrouk, W.P. Hart and M.D. Rausch), 43 McAdam, N.W. Duffy, B.H. Robinson and J. Simpson), 179 17-Electrons Formation and chemistry of the transient 17-electron compounds CpFe(CO)L’ (L = PMe.Ph, PPh,) (I. Kuksis and M.C. Baird), Diazoethane 137 Synthesis, spectroscopic and_ structural characterisation of (CO), Fe, EE{w-C(HXCH;)}, and (CO), Fe,{u-EC(HXCH 3)E’} Enantioselective catalysis (E, E’ =S, Se, Te) (P. Mathur, B. Manimaran, C.V.V. Satya- Chiral poisoning of rac-diop iridium complexes in the catalytic narayana and B. Varghese), 83 enantioselective hydrogenation of imines (R. Sablong, J.A. Os- bom and J.W. Faller), 65 Dibutyl- tin(IV) Novel hydroxo bidentate carboxylate bridging in diorganotin(IV) F-compound carboxylate complex. Synthesis and crystal structure of p-hy- Metastable ion study of organosilicon compounds. Part IX. droxo-1-trichl-obisr( toriachcloreoatceatatto-oO)--biOs[,diObut’y] - CH,COOSi(CH;) , and CF,COOSi(CH,), (S. Mori, F. Okada, O. tin(IV)], Sn,(C,H,),(O,CCCI,),(OH) (S.-G. Teoh, S.-H. Ang, Sekiguchi, M. Fujishige, R. Koitabashi and S. Tajima), 277 E.-S. Looi, C.-A. Keok, S.-B. Teo and H.-K. Fun), 15 Ferrocene Diorganotin (IV) A simple high-yielding synthesis of ferrocene-1,-diylbis-(methyltri- Novel hydroxo bidentate carboxylate bridging in diorganotin(IV) methylammonium iodide) (C. Glidewell, B.J.L. Royles and D.M. carboxylate complex. Synthesis and crystal structure of p-hy- Smith), 259 droxo-p-trichloroacetato-O,O’-bis(trichloroacetato-O)-bis[dibuty]- Bis[2-(dimethylaminomethy])ferroceny]]-thalliumchlorid — ein heter- tin(IV)], Sn,(C,H,),(0,CCCI,),(OH) (S.-G. Teoh, S.-H. Ang, obimetallischer Chelatkomplex (K. Jacob, J. Scholz, K. Merzweiler E.-S. Looi, C.-A. Keok, S.-B. Teo and H.-K. Fun), 15 und C. Pietzsch), 109 Diphosphastiboly] The Friedel-Crafts reactivity of (n°-cyclopentadienyldicarbonylco- Synthesis and structural characterisation of the first uncoordinated balt (S.T. Mabrouk, W.P. Hart and M.D. Rausch), 43 phosphorus-substituted stibolyl anion (M.D. Francis, D.E. Hibbs, Ferrocenylphosphine M.B. Hursthouse, C. Jones and K.M.A. Malik), 291 Synthesis and redox chemistry of 1,1'-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferro- Diphosphine cene derivatives of R,C,Co,(CO), (R =MeO,C, CF;) (CJ. A study of the reactivity of trans-[RuCl,(dppm), ]t oward isocyanides McAdam, N.W. Duffy, B.H. Robinson and J. Simpson), 179 (J. Ruiz, M.E.G. Mosquera and V. Riera), 35 Fluxionality Diiron o-w alkenyl complexes: crystal structures of cis- Diiron o-w alkenyl complexes: crystal structures of cis- [Fe,(CO),(uXy--PRPhC, =XuC-dHpp,m) ], (R = Ph, CH,OH), [Fe,(CO),(uXp--PRPhC, =(pC-dHpp,m) ], (R = Ph, CH,OH), trans-[Fe,(CO),(u~-HC=CHPhXX--dPpPphm),] and the a,B- trans-[Fe,(CO),(u-HC=CHPh\2-XjP.P-dhp,pm,)] and the a,B- unsaturated acyl complex trans-[Fe,(CO),{p-O=C-— unsaturated acyl complex trans-[Fe,(CO),{w-O=C- C(Ph)=CH ,}(-PCy, X-dppm)] (G. Hogarth, M.H. Lavender and C(Ph)=CH ,}\(-PCy,Xy-dppm)] (G. Hogarth, M.H. Lavender and K. Shukri), 247 K. Shukri), 247 Synthesis and characterization of new homo-heterobinuclear plat- Stereoelectronic effects on arene rotation: the structure and fluxional- inum(II) complexes with dimethylphosphonate as bridging lig- ity of [1,4-C,H,(SiMe,),]Cr(CO),PPh, and [1,3,5-C,H,'Bu,) ands. Crystal structure of [(m?dppm)Pt{ u-P(OKOMe),}, (p- Cr(CO), PPh, (J.A.S. Howell, C.J. Beddows, P.J. O’Leary, P.C. I)PtMe,] (R. Contreras, M. Valderrama, A. Nettle and D. Boys), Yates, P. McArdle, D. Cunningham and H.E. Gottlieb), 21 125 Diron Diiron o-t alkenyl complexes: crystal structures of cis- Gramine [Fe,(CO),(uX--PPRh,C =XpC-dHpp,m) ], (R = Ph, CH,OH), Cyclometallation of indole derivatives: cyclopalladation of gramine trans-[Fe,(CO),(4-HC=CHPhX2X.--PdPpphm,)] and the a,B- and |-methyl gramine and CO insertion (S. Tollari, F. Demartin, unsaturated acyl complex trans-[Fe,(CO),{p-O=C- S. Cenini, G. Palmisano and P. Raimondi), 93 316 , Subject Index of Volume 527 Group 4 Indeny] derivatives Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of 2-(methoxymethyl)phyeldni - Synthesis and polymerization behavior of various substituted indeny l cyclopentadienyltitanium (III) (M. Schreuder Goedheijt, T. Nij- titanium complexes as catalysts for syndiotactic polystyrene CY. backer, O.S. Akkerman, F. Bickelhaupt, N. Veldman and A.L. Kim, B.H. Koo and Y. Do), 155 Spek), | Intramolecular coordination Group 8 Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of 2-Cmethoxymethyl)phenyldi- Facile complexation of 1, 1’-bis(diphenylphosphino)ruthenocene (dppr) cyclopentadienyltitanium (III) (M. Schreuder Goedheijt, T. Nij- to ruthenium(II) — simple entry to stable bimetallic backer, O.S. Akkerman, F. Bickelhaupt, N. Veldman and A.L. ruthenoruthenoceny! system (B. Wei, S. Li, H.K. Lee and T.S.A. Spek), 1 Hor), 133 Iodomethane Group 15 A simple high-yielding synthesis of ferrocene-1/-diylbis-(methyltri- The molecular structure of 2,2',5,5’-tetraphenyl-1, l’-diphosphaferro- methylammonium iodide) (C. Glidewell, B.J.L. Royles and D.M. cene (P.B. Hitchcock, G.A. Lawless and I. Marziano), 305 Smith). 259 Iridium Anomalous reactivity of triphenylarsine and triarylphosphines of low basicity with [Ir(codXpy),][PF,] and use of the complexes as Heterobimetallics precatalysts for imine hydrogenation (R.B. Bedford, P.A. Chaloner, Bis{2-(dimethylaminomethy])ferroceny]]-thalliumchlorid — ein heter- S.Z. Dewa, G. Lépez, P.B. Hitchcock, F. Momblona and J.L. obimetallischer Chelatkomplex (K. Jacob, J. Scholz, K. Merzweiler Serrano), 75 und C. Pietzsch), 109 Chiral poisoning of rac-diop iridium complexes in the catalytic Facile complexation of 1, 1’-bis(diphenylphosphino)ruthenocene (dppr) enantioselective hydrogenation of imines (R. Sablong, J.A. Os- to ruthenium(II) — simple entry to stable bimetallic born and J.W. Faller), 65 ruthenoruthenoceny! system (B. Wei, S. Li, H.K. Lee and T.S.A. Hor), 133 Iron Formation and chemistry of the transient 17-electron compounds Hydrides CpFe(CO)L’ (L =PMe,Ph, PPh,) (I. Kuksis and M.C. Baird), Protonation reactions of the triangular cluster anion [Re,(w-H),(p- 137 NC5H,XCO),,.]~ containing an orthometalated pyridine molecule Synthesis and spectroscopic characterisation of CpCoFe,(CO).(p 3- (T. Beringhelli, G. D’Alfonso and M. Panigati), 215 Se),(PP) [PP = dppm or dppe]: crystal structure of Hydroalumination CpCoFe,(CO),(p1;-Se),(dppm) (P. Mathur and P. Sekar), 29 Aluminum-nickel bonded intermediates in the Ziegler Nickel Effect: Synthesis, spectroscopic and structural characterisation of mechanistic support from catalyzed hydroalumination and carbalu- (CO),Fe,EE(u-C(HXCH)}, and (CO),Fe,{u.-ECCHXCH,)E)} mination reactions (J.J. Eisch, X. Ma, M. Singh and G. Wilke), (E, E’=S, Se, Te) (P. Mathur, B. Manimaran, C.V.V. Satya- 301 narayana and B. Varghese), 83 Hydroformylation Synthesis, structure and hydrolysis of some [(n°-cyclopentadieny]) Asymmetric hydroformylation catalyzed by an Rh(I)-(R,S)-BI- (n°-arene)iron(II)][PF,] complexes bearing an imine or a nitrone NAPHOS complex: substituent effects in olefins on the regiose- function in a-position of the arene ligand CF. Pierre, C. Moinet lectivity (K. Nozaki, T. Nanno and H. Takaya), 103 and L. Toupet), 51 Hydrogenation The reactivity of aza-diferra-thia tetrahedranes Fe >(CO),(u-SNR): Anomalous reactivity of triphenylarsine and triarylphosphines of low reductive cleavage of the S—N bond and CO substitution (M. basicity with [Ir(pcy)o, d[PMF, ] and use of the complexes as Herberhold and U. Bertholdt), 203 precatalysts for imine hydrogenation (R.B. Bedford, P.A. Chaloner, S.Z. Dewa, G. Lépez, P.B. Hitchcock, F. Momblona and J.L. Isocyanide The reactivity of aza—diferra-thia tetrahedranes Fe >(CO),(u-SNR): Serrano), 75 reductive cleavage of the S—N bond and CO substitution (M. Base catalysed hydrogenation of methylbromooligosilanes with tri- Herberhold and U. Bertholdt), 203 alkylstannanes, identification of the first methylbromohydrogeno- ligosilanes (U. Herzog and G. Roewer), 117 Isocyanides A study of the reactivity of trans-[RuCl,(dppm),] toward isocyanides Chiral poisoning of rac-diop iridium complexes in the catalytic (J. Ruiz, M.E.G. Mosquera and V. Riera), 35 enantioselective hydrogenation of imines (R. Sablong, J.A. Os- born and J.W. Faller), 65 Lanthanum Synthesis of lanthanide complexes coordinated by an asymmetric cyclopentadienyl ligand (A.A. Trifonov, P. Van de Weghe, J. Imine Collin, A. Domingos and I. Santos), 225 Anomalous reactivity of triphenylarsine and triarylphosphines of low "Li NMR basicity with [Ir(codMpy), [PF] and use of the complexes as Synthesis of N,C-dilithio-2-allylpyrrole and its solvent-controlled re- precatalysts for imine hydrogenation (R.B. Bedford, P.A. Chaloner, actions with electrophiles (B. Wrackmeyer, J. Ordung and B. S.Z. Dewa, G. Lépez, P.B. Hitchcock, F. Momblona and J.L. Schwarze), 163 Serrano), 75 Low coordination Synthesis, structure and hydrolysis of some [(n°-cyclopentadienyl) Synthesis and structural characterisation of the first umcoordinated (°-arene)iron(ID][PF, ]c omplexes bearing an imine or a nitrone phosphorus-substituted stiboly] anion (M.D. Francis, D.E. Hibbs, function in @-position of the arene ligand (F. Pierre, C. Moinet M.B. Hursthouse, C. Jones and K.M.A. Malik), 291 and L. Toupet), 51 Indenyl Main group metallocenes The synthesis and polymerization behavior of methoxy-substituted Zwei strukturell verschiedenartige Stibocenium-Kationen (H. Sitz- (indeny))trichlorotitanium complexes (P. Foster, M.D. Rausch and mann, Y. Ehleiter,G. Wolmershiuser, A. Ecker, C. Uffing und H. J.C.W. Chien), 71 Schnockel), 209 Subject Index of Volume 527 Mass spectrometry Nitrone Metastable ion study of organosilicom compounds. Part IX. Synthesis, structure and hydrolysis of some [(»°-cyclopentadieny]) CH,COOSi(CH,), and CF,COOSi(CH,), CS. Mori, F. Okada, O. (77°-arene)iron(ID][PF,] complexes bearing an imine or a nitrone Sekiguchi, M. Fujishige, R. Koitabashi and S. Tajima), 277 function in a-position of the arene ligand (F. Pierre, C. Moinet Metal amide and L. Toupet), 51 Ansa-bisCindenyl)dimethylamido zirconocenes (A. Vogel, T- Prier- Nuclear magnetic resonance meier and W.A. Hermann), 297 Base catalysed hydrogenation of methylbromooligosilanes with tri- Metal-enediyne Complexes alkylstannanes, identification of the first methylbromohydrogeno- The first water soluble metal-enediyne complexes: structural charac- ligosilanes CU. Herzog and G. Roewer), 117 terization of frans-[Os(en),(n?-L)Br)*Br- Cen = Structure and molecular dynamics of Ru(CO),( u-PCy,),: an un- ethylenediamine, L = cis-1,6-bistrimethylsilyl-3-ene-1 ,5-diyne) CT. usual case Of cyclohexyl rearrangement (A. Béguin, M.C. Dai, G. Hasegawa and L. Pu), 287 Laurenczy, G. Rheinwald, R. Roulet, H. Stoeckli-Evans, G. Siiss- Metallo—aromatic Fink and R. Tabacchi), 167 The Friedel—Crafts reactivity of (4>-cyclopentadieny])diocnaylrcbo - Synthesis and characterisation of platinum(0) complexes of balt (S.T. Mabrouk, W.P. Hart and M.D. Rausch), 43 propenoates: X-ray diffraction study of [Pt(CH ,=CHCO,CH,- Metallocene PhXPPh,),] (P.A. Chaloner, S.E. Davies and P.B. Hitchcock), A Sterically hindered bis-y-alkylcyclopentadienylzirconium com- 145 pound as Catalyst for the polymerisation of ethene and propene CE. Nucleophilic Polo, M.L.H. Green, F. Benetollo, G. Prini, S. Sostero and O. Organylsilatranes from the reaction of tetraorganylsilanes with tri- Traverso), 173 ethanolamine (V. Gevorgyan, L. Borisova and E. Lukevics), 295 Ansa-bisCindenyl)dimethylamido zirconocenes (A. Vogel, T- Prier- meier and W.A. Hermann), 297 Olefin ansa-Metallocene The formation and structures of the methyl-bridged complexes Ansa-bisCindenyl)dimethylamido zirconocenes (A. Vogel, T- Prier- Cp* TiMe,( w-Me)B(C,F;)3, and [Cp* TiMe,(p- meier and W.A. Herrmann), 297 Me)TiMe,Cp* [MeB(C,F),] (Q. Wang, D.J. Gillis, R. Quyoum, Metallocenes D. Jeremic, M.-J. Tudoret and M.C. Baird), 7 Dynamic features of the zirconocene—boron-betaine complexes Ob- Olig Osilanes tained by treatment of bis(alkynyl)zirconocenes with the tris(pen- Base catalysed hydrogenation of methylbromooligosilanes with tri- tafluorophenyl)borame Lewis-acid (W. Ahlers, B. Temme, G. alkylstannames, identification of the first methylbromohydrogeno- Erker, R. Frohlich and T. Fox), 191 ligosilanes CU. Herzog and G. Roewer), 117 1-Methy] gramine Organoodoxr ihme s Cyclometallation of indole derivatives: cyclopalladation of gramine Synthesis and structure of a p-( £)-vinylene-bis[dimethylglyoximato and 1-methyl gramine and CO insertion (S. Tollari, F. Demartin, (1 -)dimeth ylgly oxim ato(2-)-(triphenylphosphine)rhodate] com- S. Cenini, G. Palmisano and P. Raimondi), 93 plex: a vinylene-bridged dinuclear rhodium complex (D. Stein- Molecular structure bom, A.M.A. Aisa, F.W. Heimemamn and S. Lehmann), 239 The molecular structure of 2,2’ ,5,5’-tetrapheny]-1,1’-diphosphaferro- Orthometalation cene (P.B. Hitchcock, G.A. Lawless and I. Marziano), 305 Protonation reactions of the triangular cluster anion [Re,(y-H),(p- MOssbauwer spectroscopy NC,H 4XCO),.}~ containing an orthometalated pyridine molecule Bis[2-(dimeth ylam inomethyDferroceny]]-thalliumchlorid — ein heter- (T. Beringhelli, G. D’Alfonso and M. Panigati), 215 obimetallischer Chelatkomplex (K. Jacob, J. Scholz, K. Merzweiler und C. Pietzsch), 109 Palladium Reactions of bis(iminophosphoranes) with palladium(II) dichloride: metal-induced tautomerization orthopalladation and unexpected platinum-assisted [2 + 2] cycloaddition of an aryl-nitrile with a N,C-dilithiation phosphinimine moiety (M.W. Avis, M.E. Van der Boom, C.J. Synthesis of N,C-dilithio-2-allylpyrrole and its solvent-controlled re- Elsevier, W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek), 263 actions with electrophiles (B. Wrackmeyer, I. Ordung and B. Phos phide Schwarze), 163 Diiron o-7 alkenyl complexes: crystal structures of cis- Nickel effect [Fe,(CO),(u-RC=CH,\(p-PPh,(p-dppm)], (R = Ph, CH,OH), Aluminum-nickel bonded intermediates in the Ziegler Nickel Effect: trans-[Fe,(CO),€u-HC=CHPh\Xy-PPh. Xp-dppm)] and the a,B- mechanistic support from catalyzed hydroalumination and carbalu- unsaturated acyl complex trans-[Fe,(CO),{y-O=C- mination reactions (J.J. Eisch, X. Ma, M. Singh and G. Wilke), CC(Ph)=CH 3\(-PCy> X-dppm)] (G. Hogarth, M.H. Lavender and 301 K. Shukri), 247 Nickel hydrides Phos phine Alurmminum-nickel bonded intermediates in the Ziegler Nickel Effect: Facile complexation of 1 ,1’-bis(diphenylphosphino)muthenocene (dppr) mechanistic support from catalyzed hydroalumination and carbalu- to mthenium(II) — simple entry to stable bimetallic mination reactions (J.J. Eisch, X. Ma, M. Singh and G. Wilke), ruthenomuthenocenyl system (B. Wei, S. Li, H.K. Lee and T.S.A. 301 Hor), 133 Nitriles Phos phinimines Reactions of bis(iminophosphoranes) with palladium(ID dichloride: Reactions of bis(iminophosphoranes) with palladium(II) dichloride: metal-induced tautomerization orthopalladation and unexpected metal-induced tautomerization orthopalladation and unexpected platinum-assisted [Z + 2] cycloaddition of an aryl-nitrile with a platinum-assisted [2 + 2] cycloaddition of an aryl-nitrile with a phosphinimine moiety (M.W. Avis, M.E. Van der Boom, C.J. phosphinimine moiety (M.W. Avis, M.E. Van der Boom, C.J. Elsevier, W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek), 263 Elsevier, W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek), 263 318 Subject Index of Volume 527 Phosphonate Reversible switching Synthesis and characterization of new homo-heterobinuclear plat- Reversible on/off switching of CH — Rh interactions in rhodathiabo- inum(II) complexes with dimethylphosphonate as bridging lig- ranes with ‘‘anomalous’”’ electron counts. Synthesis and molecular ands. Crystal structure of [(n?dppm)Pt{ u-P(OXOMe),}, (u- structure of [(PhP), N][l-dppe-1,2-closo-RhSB,H,] (KJ. Adams, )PtMe,] (R. Contreras, M. Valderrama, A. Nettle and D. Boys), T.D. McGrath, R.LI. Thomas, A.S. Weller and A.J. Welch), 283 125 Rhenium Phosphorous Protonation reactions of the triangular cluster anion [Re,(w-H),(p- Synthesis and spectroscopic characterisation of CpCoFe,(CO),(y3- NC;H,XCO),,.]~ containing an orthometalated pyridine molecule Se),(PP) [PP=dppm or dppe]: crystal structure of (T. Beringhelli, G. D’ Alfonso and M. Panigati), 215 CpCoFe ,(CO),(j2 ;-Se),(dppm) (P. Mathur and P. Sekar), 29 Rhodium Phosphorus Asymmetric hydroformylation catalyzed by an Rh(I)-(R,S)-BI- Synthesis and structural characterisation of the first uncoordinated NAPHOS complex: substituent effects in olefins on the regiose- phosphorus-substituted stibolyl anion (M.D. Francis, D.E. Hibbs, lectivity (K. Nozaki, T. Nanno and H. Takaya), 103 M.B. Hursthouse, C. Jones and K.M.A. Malik), 291 Rhodium complexes Phospine Synthesis and structure of a yu-(E)-vinylene-bis[dimethylglyoximato Stereoelectronic effects on arene rotation: the structure and fluxional- (1-)dimethylglyoximato(2-)-(triphenylphosphine)rhodate] com- ity of [1,4-C,H,(SiMe,),]Cr(CO),PPh, and [1,3,5-C,H, Bu;) plex: a vinylene-bridged dinuclear rhodium complex (D. Stein- Cr(CO), PPh; (J.A.S. Howell, C.J. Beddows, P.J. O’Leary, P.C. born, A.M.A. Aisa, F.W. Heinemann and S. Lehmann), 239 Yates, P. McArdle, D. Cunningham and H.E. Gottlieb), 21 Ruthenecene Platinum Facile complexation of 1, 1’-bis(diphenylphosphino)ruthenocene (dppr) Reactions of bis(iminophosphoranes) with palladium(II) dichloride: to ruthenium(II) — simple entry to stable bimetallic metal-induced tautomerization orthopalladation and unexpected ruthenoruthenoceny! system (B. Wei, S. Li, H.K. Lee and T.S.A. platinum-assisted [2 + 2] cycloaddition of an aryl—nitrile with a Hor), 133 phosphinimine moiety (M.W. Avis, M.E. Van der Boom, C.J. Ruthenium Elsevier, W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek), 263 A study of the reactivity of trans-[RuCl,(dppm), ] toward isocyanides Synthesis and characterisation of platinum(0) complexes of (J. Ruiz, M.E.G. Mosquera and V. Riera), 35 propenoates: X-ray diffraction study of [Pt(CH,=CHCO,CH,- Facile complexation of 1, 1’-bis(diphenylphosphino)ruthenocene (dppr) PhXPPh ;),] (P.A. Chaloner, S.E. Davies and P.B. Hitchcock), to ruthenium(II) — simple entry to stable bimetallic 145 ruthenoruthenoceny! system (B. Wei, S. Li, H.K. Lee and T.S.A. Synthesis and characterization of new homo-heterobinuclear plat- Hor), 133 inum(II) complexes with dimethylphosphonate as bridging lig- Structure and molecular dynamics of Ru,(CO),( u-PCy,),: an un- ands. Crystal structure of [(7?dppm)Pt{ 4-P(OXOMe),}, ( p- usual case of cyclohexyl rearrangement (A. Béguin, M.C. Dai, G. I)PtMe,] (R. Contreras, M. Valderrama, A. Nettle and D. Boys), Laurenczy, G. Rheinwald, R. Roulet, H. Stoeckli-Evans, G. Siiss- 125 Fink and R. Tabacchi), 167 Pnicogenium cations Zwei strukturell verschiedenartige Stibocenium-Kationen (H. Sitz- mann, Y. Ehleiter, G. Wolmershauser, A. Ecker, C. Uffing und H. Samarium Synthesis of lanthanide complexes coordinated by an asymmetric Schniéckel), 209 cyclopentadienyl ligand (A.A. Trifonov, P. Vande Weghe, J. Polymerisation Collin, A. Domingos and I. Santos), 225 A Sterically hindered bis-y-alkylcyclopentadienylzirconium com- pound as catalyst for the polymerisation of ethene and propene (E. Sandwich compounds Zwei strukturell verschiedenartige Stibocenium-Kationen (H. Sitz- Polo, M.L.H. Green, F. Benetollo, G. Prini, S. Sostero and O. mann, Y. Ehleiter, G. Wolmershauser, A. Ecker, C. Uffing und H. Traverso), 173 Schnéckel), 209 The formation and structures of the methyl-bridged complexes Cp* TiMez(u-Me)B(C,F,;), and [Cp* TiMe,( p- Selenium Synthesis and spectroscopic characterisation of CpCoFe,(CO)<(u5- Me)TiMe,Cp * |[MeB(C, F;),] (Q. Wang, D.J. Gillis, R. Quyoum, D. Jeremic, M.-J. Tudoret and M.C. Baird), 7 Se),(PP) [PP= dppm or dppe]: crystal structure of CpCoFe,(CO),(. 5-Se),(dppm) (P. Mathur and P. Sekar), 29 The synthesis and polymerization behavior of methoxy-substituted (indeny])trichlorotitanium complexes (P. Foster, M.D. Rausch and Si-compound J.C.W. Chien), 71 Metastable ion study of organosilicon compounds. Part IX. CH,COOSi(CH,), and CF,;,COOSi(C,H) ; (S. Mori, F. Okada, O. Pyridine Protonation reactions of the triangular cluster anion [Re,(y-H),(p- Sekiguchi, M. Fujishige, R. Koitabashi and S. Tajima), 277 NC,H,XCO),,]~ containing an orthometalated pyridine molecule Silane (T. Beringhelli, G. D’Alfonso and M. Panigati), 215 Base catalysed hydrogenation of methylbromooligosilanes with tri- Pyrtole alkylstannanes, identification of the first methylbromohydrogeno- ligosilanes (U. Herzog and G. Roewer), 117 Synthesis of N,C-dilithio-2-allylpyrrole and its solvent-controlled re- actions with electrophiles (B. Wrackmeyer, I. Ordung and B. Organylsilatranes from the reaction of tetraorganylsilanes with ti- Schwarze), 163 ethanolamine (V. Gevorgyan, L. Borisova and E. Lukevics), 295 Silatrane Organylsilatranes from the reaction of tetraorganylsilanes with tri- ethanolamine (V. Gevorgyan, L. Borisova and E. Lukevics), 295 Radicals Silicon Formation and chemistry of the transient 17-electron compounds Metastable ion study of organosilicon compounds. Part IX. CpFe(CO)L’ (L = PMe,Ph, PPh,) (I. Kuksis and M.C. Baird), CH,COOSi(CH,), and CF,COOSi(CH,), (S. Mori, F. Okada, O. 137 Sekiguchi, M. Fujishige, R. Koitabashi and S. Tajima), 277 Subject Index of Volume 527 Sodium phenoxide Triethanolamine A simple high-yielding synthesis of ferrocene-1 /-diylbis-(methyltri- Organylsilatranes from the reaction of tetraorganylsilanes with tri- methylammonium iodide) (C. Glidewell, B.J.L. Royles and D.M. ethanolamine (V. Gevorgyan, L. Borisova and E. Lukevics), 295 Smith), 259 Trimethylplatinum(IV) complex Stannanes Synthesis and characterization of new homo-heterobinuclear plat- Base catalysed hydrogenation of methylbromooligosilanes with tri- inum(II) complexes with dimethylphosphonate as bridging lig- alkylstannanes, identification of the first methylbromohydrogeno- ands. Crystal structure of [(n*dppm)Pt{u-P(OKOMe),}, ( p- ligosilanes (U. Herzog and G. Roewer), 117 I)PtMe,] (R. Contreras, M. Valderrama, A. Nettle and D. Boys), Stibocenium cations 125 Zwei strukturell verschiedenartige Stibocenium-Kationen (H. Sitz- mann, Y. Ehleiter, G. Wolmershauser, A. Ecker, C. Uffing und H. Schniéckel), 209 Vanadium Bis[2-(dimethylaminomethy])ferrocenyl]-thalliumchlorid — ein heter- Styrene obimetallischer Chelatkomplex (K. Jacob, J. Scholz, K. Merzweiler The synthesis and polymerization behavior of methoxy-substituted und C. Pietzsch), 109 (indeny])trichlorotitanium complexes (P. Foster, M.D. Rausch and J.C.W. Chien), 71 Vinylene-bridged complexes 2-Substituted Synthesis and structure of a u-(E)-vinylene-bis[dimethylglyoximato Synthesis of N,C-dilithio-2-allylpyrrole and its solvent-controlled re- (1-)dimethylglyoximato(2-)-(triphenylphosphine)rhodate] com- actions with electrophiles (B. Wrackmeyer, I. Ordung and B. plex: a vinylene-bridged dinuclear rhodium complex (D. Stein- Schwarze), 163 bom, A.M.A. Aisa, F.W. Heinemann and S. Lehmann), 239 Sulfur—nitrogen compounds The reactivity of aza—diferra—thia tetrahedranes Fe,(CO),(j-SNR): Weak ligands reductive cleavage of the S—N bond and CO substitution (M. Protonation reactions of the triangular cluster anion [Re,(j-H)3(p- Herberhold and U. Bertholdt), 203 NC,H,XCO),0]” containing an orthometalated pyridine molecule Syndiotactic polystyrene (T. Beringhelli, G. D’ Alfonso and M. Panigati), 215 Synthesis and polymerization behavior of various substituted indenyl titanium complexes as catalysts for syndiotactic polystyrene CY. Kim, B.H. Koo and Y. Do), 155 X-ray diffraction Synthesis Anomalous reactivity of triphenylarsine and triarylphosphines of low Reversible on/off switching of CH — Rh interactions in rhodathiabo- basicity with [Ir(codXpy), ][PF,] and use of the complexes as ranes with ‘‘anomalous’”’ electron counts. Synthesis and molecular precatalysts for imine hydrogenation (R.B. Bedford, P.A. Chaloner, structure of [(PhP), N][1-dppe-1,2-closo-RhSBH,y ] (K.J. Adams, S.Z. Dewa, G. L6pez, P.B. Hitchcock, F. Momblona and J.L. T.D. McGrath, R.LI. Thomas, A.S. Weller and A.J. Welch), 283 Serrano), 75 Structure and molecular dynamics of Ru,(CO),(-PCy,),: an un- Tetrahedranes usual case of cyclohexyl rearrangement (A. Béguin, M.C. Dai, G. The reactivity of aza—diferra—thia tetrahedranes Fe,(CO),(-SNR): Laurenczy, G. Rheinwald, R. Roulet, H. Stoeckli-Evans, G. Siiss- reductive cleavage of the S—N bond and CO substitution (M. Fink and R. Tabacchi), 167 Herberhold and U. Bertholdt), 203 Synthesis and characterisation of platinum(0) complexes of Thallium propenoates: X-ray diffraction study of [Pt(CH,=CHCO,CH,- Bis(2-(dimethylaminomethy])ferroceny]]-thalliumchlorid — ein heter- PhXPPh,),] (P.A. Chaloner, S.E. Davies and P.B. Hitchcock), obimetallischer Chelatkomplex (K. Jacob, J. Scholz, K. Merzweiler 145 und C. Pietzsch), 109 The molecular structure of 2,2’,5,5’-tetrapheny]-1,1’-diphosphaferro- Titanium cene (P.B. Hitchcock, G.A. Lawless and I. Marziano), 305 The formation and structures of the methyl-bridged complexes X-ray structure Cp*TiMe,(u-Me)B(C,F,), and [Cp* TiMe,( p- A sterically hindered bis-yn-alkylcyclopentadienylzirconium com- Me)TiMe,Cp* ][MeB(C, F;),] (Q. Wang, D.J. Gillis, R. Quyoum, pound as catalyst for the polymerisation of ethene and propene CE. D. Jeremic, M.-J. Tudoret and M.C. Baird), 7 Polo, M.L.H. Green, F. Benetollo, G. Prini, S. Sostero and O. The synthesis and polymerization behavior of methoxy-substituted Traverso), 173 (indeny])trichlorotitanium complexes (P. Foster, M.D. Rausch and Synthesis and redox chemistry of 1,1’-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferro- J.C.W. Chien), 71 cene derivatives of R,C,Co,(CO), (R= MeO,C, CF;) (CJ. Titanium(III) McAdam, N.W. Duffy, B.H. Robinson and J. Simpson), 179 Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of 2-(methoxymethyl)phenyldi- cyclopentadienyltitanium (III) (M. Schreuder Goedheijt, T. Nij- backer, O.S. Akkerman, F. Bickelhaupt, N. Veldman and A.L. Ziegler—Natta catalyst Spek), 1 A sterically hindered bis-n-alkylcyclopentadienylzirconium com- Titanium metallocene pound as catalyst for the polymerisation of ethene and propene CE. Synthesis and polymerization behavior of various substituted indeny| Polo, M.L.H. Green, F. Benetollo, G. Prini, S$. Sostero and O. titanium complexes as catalysts for syndiotactic polystyrene CY. Traverso), 173 Kim, B.H. Koo and Y. Do), 155 Zirconium Trichloroacetate A sterically hindered bis-n-alkylcyclopentadienylzirconium com- Novel hydroxo bidentate carboxylate bridging in diorganotin(IV) pound as catalyst for the polymerisation of ethene and propene CE. carboxylate complex. Synthesis and crystal structure of u-hy- Polo, M.L.H. Green, F. Benetollo, G. Prini, $. Sostero and O. droxo--trich0’l- bois(r troichalorcoaecettatao-Ot)-bois-[diObu,ty] - Traverso), 173 tin(1V)], Sn(C,H,),€0,C;C),C(OIH ) (S.-G. Teoh, S.-H. Ang, Ansa-bis(indenyl)dimethylamido zirconocenes (A. Vogel, T. Prier- E.-S. Looi, C.-A. Keok, S.-B. Teo and H.-K. Fun), 15 meier and W.A. Herrmann), 297 320 Subject Index of Volume 527 Zirconium—boron-betaine Book Review Dynamic features of the zirconocene-boron—betaine complexes ob- Palladium Reagents and Catalysts: Innovation on Organic Synthesis, tained by treatment of bis(alkynyl)zirconocenes with the tris(pen- Jiro Tsuji (S. Caddick), 309 tafluoropheny))borane Lewis-acid (W. Ahlers, B. Temme, G. Erker, R. Frohlich and T. Fox), 191

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