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Preview Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1996: Vol 518 Index

mA! LSEVIER Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 518 (1996) 239 Author Index of Volume 518 Ahlgrén, M., 203 Haggitt, J., 155 Pakkanen, T.A., 203 Alt, H.G., 7 Hassner, A., 69 Pampaloni, G., 189 Andrews, P.C., 85 Haupt, H.-J., 213 Petrovskii, P.V., 115 Henderson, K.W., 139 Pursiainen, J., 203 Baker, P.K., 235 Horn, E., 121 Barnett, N.D.R., 85 Houghton, R.P., 21 Raston, C.L., 197 Barr, D., 85 Humphrey, P.A., 121 Richards, R.L., 235 Bilda, D., 79 Hursthouse, M.B., 235 Rottger, D., 17, 221 Bochmann, M., 97 Royo, P., 37 Bruce, M.I., 121 Isea, R., 29 Rybinskaya, M.I., 115 Brunner, H., 47 Byun, G.-g., | Kaganovich, V.S., 115 Selegue, J.P., 197 Kakkonen, H.J., 203 Selke, R., 79 Calderazzo, F., 189 Kang, K.S., | Siebel, E., 181 Cannon, R.D., 97 Kerzina, Z.A., 115 Skelton, B.W., 197 Castro, A., 37 Kivikoski, J., 115 Solans, X., 105 Choi, Y.-Y., 227 Kolehmainen, E., 115 Struchkov, Yu.T., 115 Clark, A.I., 235 Kortus, K., 79 Clegg, W., 85 Kotila, S., 17 Coles, S.J., 235 Koutsantonis, G.A., 197 Tiekink, E.R.T., 121 Cowton, L., 85 Tillack, A., 79 Crespo, M., 105 Troyanov, S., 189 Laihia, K., 115 Lee, C.-s., | Dawson, A.J., 85 Lee, D., | Ushioda, T., 155 Dolgushin, F.M., 115 Lu, J., 97 Dorigo, A.E., 139 Valkonen, J., 115 Emge, T.J., 55 Manzanero, A., 37 Van der Zeijden, A.A.H., 147 Martinez-Cruz, L.A., 29 Erker, G., 17, 221 Martinho SimGes, J.A., 167 Wakefield, B.J., 85 Masaguer, J.R., 29 Ferri, I., 189 Wang, K., 55 Minas da Piedade, M.E., 167 Fischer, Ch., 79 White, A.H., 197 Mulvaney, A.W., 21 Fischer, R.D., 181 Wittbecker, R., 213 Mulvey, R.E., 85, 139 Flérke, U., 213 Wong, W.-T., 227 Font-Bardia, M., 105 Wong, W.-Y., 227 Frohlich, R., 17, 221 Naderer, H., 181 Namboothiri, I.N.N., 69 Goldman, A.S., 55 Navarro-Ranninger, C., 29 Yan, X., 155 Goldman, M.E., 55 Noh, S.K., | Yanovsky, A.I., 115 Gémez, M., 37 Nuber, B., 47 Yoon, K.-b., | Gémez-Sal, P., 37 Green, M.L.H., 155 Oeschey, R., 47 Zamora, F., 29 Griffith, C.S., 197 O’Neil, P.A., 85 Zenk, R., 7 Elsevier Science S.A. ournal ofOrgano. metallic emistry Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 518 (1996) 241-246 Subject Index of Volume 518 Ab initio MO calculations dienyltitanium trichloride) and hexamethyltrisiloxanediylbis- Solvent induced disproportionation of alkyl(amido)magnesium species (cyclopentadienyltitanium trichloride) (S.K. Noh, G.-g. Byun, C.-s. containing a (2-pyridyl)amido unit: synthetic, theoretical and NMR Lee, D. Lee, K.-b. Yoon and K.S. Kang), | spectroscopic studies of bis(amido)magnesium compounds (K.W. Bis(diphenylphosphino)alkane Henderson, R.E. Mulvey and A.E. Dorigo), 139 Synthesis of triosmium alkylidyne clusters incorporating bis(diphenyl- Addition reaction phosphino)alkane type ligands. Crystal structures of [{Os,( p- Additions of organomanganese reagents to conjugated nitroolefins H),(CO)( 4 3-C)},( u-dppp)] _(dppp = bis(diphenylphosphino)- (I.N.N. Namboothiri and A. Hassner), 69 propane) and [Os,( u-H),(CO),( 4;-CPPh,CH,PPh,)] (Y.-Y. Alkanes Choi, W.-Y. Wong and W.-T. Wong), 227 Transfer-dehydrogenation of alkanes catalyzed by rhodium(I) phos- Bridging ligand phine complexes (K. Wang, M.E. Goldman, T.J. Emge and A.S. Optically active transition metal complexes. Part 108. Synthesis, Goldman), 55 crystal structure and properties of a novel **quasi-meso’’ dinuclear Alkenes 7°-benzene-ruthenium(II) complex with chiral salicylaldiminato Additions of organomanganese reagents to conjugated nitroolefins ligands (H. Brunner, R. Oeschey and B. Nuber), 47 (I.N.N. Namboothiri and A. Hassner), 69 Carbonyl Alkylidyne A re-investigation of the reaction of [RuCl,(CO),], with C;H.- Synthesis of triosmium alkylidyne clusters incorporating bis(dipheny]- (Me,Si). X-ray structure determination of [Ru(CO),(n-C;H;)] phosphino)alkane type ligands. Crystal structures of [{Os,( p- [f ac-RuCl ,(CO),] (C.S. Griffith, G.A. Koutsantonis, C.L. Raston, H),(CO),( 4 3-C)},( u-dppp)] _(dppp = bis(diphenylphosphino)- J.P. Selegue, B.W. Skelton and A.H. White), 197 propane) and [Os,( y-H),(CO),( 43-CPPh,CH,PPh,)] (Y.-Y. Reactions of HRuCo,(CO),[HC(PPh,),] and H,Ru,Co- Choi, W.-Y. Wong and W.-T. Wong), 227 (CO),[HC(PPh,),] with PMe,Ph. Crystal structures of clusters Amide HRuCo,(CO),[HC(PPh,),] (PMe,Ph) and H,Ru,Co- X-ray crystallographic studies and comparative reactivity studies of a (CO),[HC(PPh,),] (PMe,Ph)-CH,Cl, (HJ. Kakkonen, M. sodium diisopropylamide (NDA) complex and related hindered Ahlgrén, T.A. Pakkanen and J. Pursiainen), 203 amides (P.C. Andrews, N.D.R. Barnett, R.E. Mulvey, W. Clegg, Synthesis of triosmium alkylidyne clusters incorporating bis(diphenyl- P.A. O'Neil, D. Barr, L. Cowton, A.J. Dawson and B.J. Wake- phosphino)alkane type ligands. Crystal structures of [{Os,( y- field), 85 H),(CO)o( 23-C)},( -dppp)] (dppp = bis(diphenylphosphino)- propane) and [Os,( u-H),(CO),( u;-CPPh,CH,PPh,)] (Y.-Y. Amido Solvent induced disproportionation of alkyl(amido)magnesium species Choi, W.-Y. Wong and W.-T. Wong), 227 containing a (2-pyridyl)amido unit: synthetic, theoretical and NMR Catalysis spectroscopic studies of bis(amido)magnesium compounds (K.W. Cluster catalysis trends in the hydrogenation and isomerization be- Henderson, R.E. Mulvey and A.E. Dorigo), 139 haviour of |-hexene with trinuclear or tetranuclear diorganophos- Arene phido and hydrido bridged rhenium carbonyl clusters with respect Optically active transition metal complexes. Part 108. Synthesis, to the change of the organyl substituent from phenyl to parafluo- crystal structure and properties of a novel *‘quasi-meso”’ dinuclear rophenyl (H.-J. Haupt, R. Wittbecker and U. Flérke), 213 n°-benzene-ruthenium(II) complex with chiral salicylaldiminato Novel chiral Lewis acids based on a new asymmetric cyclopentadi- ligands (H. Brunner, R. Oeschey and B. Nuber), 47 enyl ligand (A.A.H. Van der Zeijden), 147 n-Arene derivatives Syndiospezifische Polymerisation von Propylen: Neue Metallo- n°-Arene derivatives of titanium(IV), zirconium(IV) and hafnium(IV) cenkomplexe des Typs (C,,H,_ ,,R,,CR’R’C;H,)MCI, (n = 0,2; (F. Calderazzo, I. Ferri, G. Pampaloni and S. Troyanov), 189 R = Alkyl, Aryl, Hal; R’, R” = H, Alkyl, Aryl; M = Zr, Hf) unter Benzylidenebenzylamines besonderer Beriicksichtigung verschiedener Brickensubstituenten C-—H and C-Cl bond activation in the formation of cyclometallated (H.G. Alt und R. Zenk), 7 platinum(II) and platinum(IV) compounds with chlorinated N-ben- Synthesis and catalytic properties of ansa-binuclear metallocenes of zylidenebenzylamines (M. Crespo, X. Solans and M. Font-Bardia), the Group IV transition metals (T. Ushioda, M.L.H. Green, J. 105 Haggitt and X. Yan), 155 Betaine Transfer-dehydrogenation of alkanes catalyzed by rhodium(I) phos- Reaction of dimethylzirconocene with imidazole in the presence of phine complexes (K. Wang, M.E. Goldman, T.J. Emge and A.S. tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane (D. Réttger, G. Erker, R. Frohlich Goldman), 55 and S. Kotila), 17 Catalysts Binuclear Cluster catalysis trends in the hydrogenation and isomerization be- Synthesis, characterization, and reactivities of the polysiloxane-bridged haviour of |-hexene with trinuclear or tetranuclear diorganophos- binuclear metallocenes tetramethyldisiloxanediylbis(cyclopenta- phido and hydrido bridged rhenium carbonyl clusters with respect Elsevier Science S.A. Subject Index of Volume 518 to the change of the organyl substituent from phenyl to parafluo- HRuCo,(CO),[HC(PPh,),] (PMe,Ph) and H,Ru,Co- ropheny! (H.-J. Haupt, R. Wittbecker and U. Flérke), 213 (CO),[HC(PPh,),] (PMe,Ph)-CH,Cl, (HJ. Kakkonen, M. CC-coupling reactions Ahlgrén, T.A. Pakkanen and J. Pursiainen), 203 Eine Ni°-induzierte CC-Kupplungsreaktion von Phenylisocyanat mit Synthesis, molecular structure and reactions of the novel organometal- Cyclopenten in Gegenwart von chiralen Phosphor-Liganden (A. lic thioether ligand [WI,(CO){(Me)S(CH,),S(CH ,)SMe- Tillack, R. Selke, Ch. Fischer, D. Bilda und K. Kortus), 79 S,S'M?-PhC,Ph)] (P.K. Baker, A.I. Clark, S.J. Coles, M.B. CH,-Bridging ligand Hursthouse and R.L. Richards), 235 Cyclopentadienyl derivatives of octahedral carbonylcarbide Synthesis of triosmium alkylidyne clusters incorporating bis(diphenyl- hexaruthenium clusters: synthesis, NMR, IR and X-ray characteri- phosphino)alkane type ligands. Crystal structures of [{Os,( u- zation (V.S. Kaganovich, M.I. Rybinskaya, Z.A. Kerzina, F.M. H),(CO),( uw ;-C)},0 u-dppp)] (dppp = Dolgushin, A.Il. Yanovsky, Yu.T. Struchkov, P.V. Petrovskii, E. bis(diphenylphosphino)propane) and [Os,( u-H),(CO),( u5- Kolehmainen, J. Kivikoski, J. Valkonen and K. Laihia), 115 CPPh,CH,PPh,)] (Y.-Y. Choi, W.-Y. Wong and W.-T. Wong), Chirality 227 Optically active transition metal complexes. Part 108. Synthesis, X-ray crystallographic studies and comparative reactivity studies of a crystal structure and properties of a novel ‘‘quasi-meso”’ dinuclear sodium diisopropylamide (NDA) complex and related hindered n°-benzene—ruthenium(II) complex with chiral salicylaldiminato amides (P.C. Andrews, N.D.R. Barnett, R.E. Mulvey, W. Clegg, ligands (H. Brunner, R. Oeschey and B. Nuber), 47 P.A. O'Neil, D. Barr, L. Cowton, A.J. Dawson and B.J. Wake- Chirality transfer field), 85 Novel chiral Lewis acids based on a new asymmetric cyclopentadi- Cyclometallation enyl ligand (A.A.H. Van der Zeijden), 147 C-H and C-—Cl bond activation in the formation of cyclometallated Cluster platinum(II) and platinum(IV) compounds with chlorinated N-ben- Cyclopentadieny! derivatives of octahedral carbonylcarbide zylidenebenzylamines (M. Crespo, X. Solans and M. Font-Bardia), hexaruthenium clusters: synthesis, NMR, IR and X-ray characteri- 105 zation (V.S. Kaganovich, M.I. Rybinskaya, Z.A. Kerzina, F.M. Cyclopentadienyl Dolgushin, A.I. Yanovsky, Yu.T. Struchkov, P.V. Petrovskii, E. A re-investigation of the reaction of [RuCl,(CO),], with Kolehmainen, J. Kivikoski, J. Valkonen and K. Laihia), 115 C;H,(Me,Si). X-ray structure determination of [Ru(CO),(7- Reactions of HRuCo,(CO),[HC(PPh,),] and H,Ru,Co- C;H,)]l fac-RuCl,(CO),] (C.S. Griffith, G.A. Koutsantonis, C.L. (CO),[HC(PPh,),] with PMe,Ph. Crystal structures of clusters Raston, J.P. Selegue, B.W. Skelton and A.H. White), 197 HRuCo,(CO),[HC(PPh,),;] (PMe,Ph) and H,Ru,Co- Mixed-dicyclopentadienyl niobium and tantalum complexes: synthesis (CO),[HC(PPh,),] (PMe,Ph)-CH,Cl, (HJ. Kakkonen, M. and reactivity. X-ray molecular structures of Ta(n°-C;Me;X7°- Ahigrén, T.A. Pakkanen and J. Pursiainen), 203 C,H,SiMe,)Cl, and Ta(n°-C;Me,){7°-C,H,(SiMe,),}H, (A. Clusters Castro, M. Gémez, P. Gémez-Sal, A. Manzanero and P. Royo), Synthesis of triosmium alkylidyne clusters incorporating bis(diphenyl- 37 phosphino)alkane type ligands. Crystal structures of [{Os,( p- Novel chiral Lewis acids based on a new asymmetric cyclopentadi- H),(CO).( 43-C)},( u-dppp)] (dppp = bis(diphenylphosphino)- enyl ligand (A.A.H. Van der Zeijden), 147 propane) and [Os,( u-H),(CO),( u,-CPPh,CH,PPh,)] (Y.-Y. Cyclopentadienyl ligands Choi, W.-Y. Wong and W.-T. Wong), 227 Cyclopentadienyl derivatives of octahedral carbonylcarbide Cobalt hexaruthenium clusters: synthesis, NMR, IR and X-ray characteri- Reactions of HRuCo,(CO),[HC(PPh,),] and H,Ru,Co- zation (V.S. Kaganovich, M.I. Rybinskaya, Z.A. Kerzina, F.M. (CO).[HC(PPh,),] with PMe,Ph. Crystal structures of clusters Dolgushin, A.I. Yanovsky, Yu.T. Struchkov, P.V. Petrovskii, E. HRuCo,(CO),([HC(PPh,),] (PMe,Ph) and H,Ru,Co- Kolehmainen, J. Kivikoski, J. Valkonen and K. Laihia), 115 (CO),[HC(PPh,),] (PMe,Ph)-CH,Cl, (HJ. Kakkonen, M. Cycloplatination Ahlgrén, T.A. Pakkanen and J. Pursiainen), 203 C-—H and C-—Cl bond activation in the formation of cyclometallated Conjugated nitroolefins platinum(II) and platinum(IV) compounds with chlorinated N-ben- Additions of organomanganese reagents to conjugated nitroolefins zylidenebenzylamines (M. Crespo, X. Solans and M. Font-Bardia), (I.N.N. Namboothiri and A. Hassner), 69 105 Cross-coupling Dehydrogenation Synthesis of ferrocene-based redox-active polymers via palladium- Transfer-dehydrogenation of alkanes catalyzed by rhodium(I) phos- catalysed coupling reactions (M. Bochmann, J. Lu and R.D. phine complexes (K. Wang, M.E. Goldman, T.J. Emge and A.S. Cannon), 97 Goldman), 55 Crystal structure Dimethylzirconocene Cyclopentadienyl derivatives of octahedral carbonylcarbide Reaction of dimethylzirconocene with imidazole in the presence of hexaruthenium clusters: synthesis, NMR, IR and X-ray characteri- tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane (D. Roéttger, G. Erker, R. Frohlich zation (V.S. Kaganovich, M.I. Rybinskaya, Z.A. Kerzina, F.M. and S. Kotila), 17 Dolgushin, A.I. Yanovsky, Yu.T. Struchkov, P.V. Petrovskii, E. Diphenylacetylene Kolehmainen, J. Kivikoski, J. Valkonen and K. Laihia), 115 Synthesis, molecular structure and reactions of the novel organometal- Isomeric zirconocenophane dichlorides involving two disiloxane- lic thioether ligand [WI,(CO){(Me),)S(SCH( C,)HSM,e - bridged indeny! ligands (H. Naderer, E. Siebel and R.D. Fischer), S,S'\(?-PhC,Ph)] (P.K. Baker, A.l. Clark, S.J. Coles, M.B. 181 Hursthouse and R.L. Richards), 235 Optically active transition metal complexes. Part 108. Synthesis, Disproportionation crystal structure and properties of a novel *‘quasi-meso”’ dinuclear Solvent induced disproportionation of alkyl(amido)magnesium species n°-benzene—ruthenium(II) complex with chiral salicylaldiminato containing a (2-pyridylamido unit: synthetic, theoretical and NMR ligands (H. Brunner, R. Oeschey and B. Nuber), 47 spectroscopic studies of bis(amido)magnesium compounds (K.W. Reactions of HRuCo,(CO),[HC(PPh,),] and H,Ru,Co- Henderson, R.E. Mulvey and A.E. Dorigo), 139 (CO),[HC(PPh,),] with PMe,Ph. Crystal structures of clusters Subject Index of Volume 518 243 Dynamic metallocene complexes phido and hydrido bridged rhenium carbony! clusters with respect Formation of stable organometallic planar-tetracoordinate carbon to the change of the organyl substituent from phenyl to parafluo- compounds containing a cationic ( 4-R'CCR?)[ u-chloro(ZrCp),, | rophenyl (H.-J. Haupt, R. Wittbecker and U. Flérke), 213 framework (D. Réttger, G. Erker and R. Frohlich), 221 Lewis acid Electrochemistry Novel chiral Lewis acids based on a new asymmetric cyclopentadi- Synthesis of ferrocene-based redox-active polymers via palladium- enyl ligand (A.A.H. Van der Zeijden), 147 catalysed coupling reactions (M. Bochmann, J. Lu and R.D. Reaction of dimethylzirconocene with imidazole in the presence of Cannon), 97 tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane (D. Réttger, G. Erker, R. Froéhlich Entropy data and S. Kotila), 17 Energetics of organometallic species: the entropic factor (M.E. Lithium Minas da Piedade and J.A. Martinho SimGes), 167 X-ray crystallographic studies and comparative reactivity studies of a Ferrocene polymers sodium diisopropylamide (NDA) complex and related hindered Synthesis of ferrocene-based redox-active polymers via palladium- amides (P.C. Andrews, N.D.R. Barnett, R.E. Mulvey, W. Clegg, catalysed coupling reactions (M. Bochmann, J. Lu and R.D. P.A. O'Neil, D. Barr, L. Cowton, A.J. Dawson and B.J. Wake- Cannon), 97 field), 85 Gas phase reactions Magnesium Energetics of organometallic species: the entropic factor (M.E. Solvent induced disproportionation of alkyl(amido)magnesium species Minas da Piedade and J.A. Martinho SimGes), 167 containing a (2-pyridyl)amido unit: synthetic, theoretical and NMR Group 5 spectroscopic studies of bis(amido)magnesium compounds (K.W. Mixed-dicyclopentadieny! niobium and tantalum complexes: synthesis Henderson, R.E. Mulvey and A.E. Dorigo), 139 and reactivity. X-ray molecular structures of Ta(n°-C;Me,7°- Manganese C;H,SiMe,)Cl, and Ta(n°-C;Me,n°-C;H,(SiMe,),}H, (A. Additions of organomanganese reagents to conjugated nitroolefins Castro, M. Gémez, P. Gémez-Sal, A. Manzanero and P. Royo), (I.N.N. Namboothiri and A. Hassner), 69 37 Metallocene Group 4 metallocene cations Synthesis, characterization, and reactivities of the polysiloxane-bridged Formation of stable organometallic planar-tetracoordinate carbon binuciear metallocenes tetramethyldisiloxanediylbis(cyclopenta- compounds containing a cationic ( u-R'CCR?)[ 4-chloro(ZrCp),, ] dienyltitanium trichloride) and hexamethyltrisiloxanediylbis- framework (D. Réttger, G. Erker and R. Frohlich), 221 (cyclopentadienyltitanium trichloride) (S.K. Noh, G.-g. Byun, C.-s. Hafnium Lee, D. Lee, K.-b. Yoon and K.S. Kang), | n°-Arene derivatives of titanium(IV), zirconium(IV) and hafnium(IV) Metallocene cation (F. Calderazzo, I. Ferri, G. Pampaloni and S. Troyanov), 189 Reaction of dimethylzirconocene with imidazole in the presence of Syndiospezifische Polymerisation von Propylen: Neue Metallo- tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane (D. Réttger, G. Erker, R. Frohlich cenkomplexe des Typs (C,,H,_,,R,,CR’R’C;H,)MCI, (n= 0,2; and S. Kotila), 17 R = Alkyl, Aryl, Hal; R’, R” = H, Alkyl, Aryl; M = Zr, Hf) unter Metallocene complexes besonderer Bericksichtigung verschiedener Brickensubstituenten Syndiospezifische Polymerisation von Propylen: Neue Metallo- (H.G. Alt und R. Zenk), 7 cenkomplexe des Typs (C,,H,_,,R,,CR’R’C;H,)MCI, (n = 0,2; Synthesis and catalytic properties of ansa-binuclear metallocenes of R = Alkyl, Aryl, Hal; R’, R’ = H, Alkyl, Aryl; M = Zr, Hf) unter the Group IV transition metals (T. Ushioda, M.L.H. Green, J. besonderer Beriicksichtigung verschiedener Brickensubstituenten Haggitt and X. Yan), 155 (H.G. Alt und R. Zenk), 7 Hydrides Metallocenes Mixed-dicyclopentadieny! niobium and tantalum complexes: synthesis Isomeric zirconocenophane dichlorides involving two disiloxane- and reactivity. X-ray molecular structures of Ta(n°-C,Me,X7°- bridged indenyl ligands (H. Naderer, E. Siebel and R.D. Fischer), C;H,SiMe,)Cl, and Ta(n°-C;Me,n°-C;H,(SiMe,),}H, (A. 181 Castro, M. Gémez, P. Gémez-Sal, A. Manzanero and P. Royo), Reaction of dimethylzirconocene with imidazole in the presence of 37 tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane (D. Roéttger, G. Erker, R. Frohlich Hydrogenation and S. Kotila), 17 Cluster catalysis trends in the hydrogenation and isomerization be- Synthesis and catalytic properties of ansa-binuclear metallocenes of haviour of |-hexene with trinuclear or tetranuclear diorganophos- the Group IV transition metals (T. Ushioda, M.L.H. Green, J. phido and hydrido bridged rhenium carbonyl clusters with respect Haggitt and X. Yan), 155 to the change of the organyl substituent from phenyl! to parafluo- Nickel ropheny! (H.-J. Haupt, R. Wittbecker and U. Flérke), 213 Eine Ni°-induzierte CC-Kupplungsreaktion von Phenylisocyanat mit Imine Cyclopenten in Gegenwart von chiralen Phosphor-Liganden (A. C-—H and C-—Cl bond activation in the formation of cyclometallated Tillack, R. Selke, Ch. Fischer, D. Bilda und K. Kortus), 79 platinum(II) and platinum(IV) compounds with chlorinated N-ben- Niobium zylidenebenzylamines (M. Crespo, X. Solans and M. Font-Bardia), Mixed-dicyclopentadienyl niobium and tantalum complexes: synthesis 105 and reactivity. X-ray molecular structures of Ta(n°-C,,Me,X7°- Indenyl C;H,SiMe,)Cl, and Ta(n°-C,Me,){n°-C,H,(SiMe,),}H, (A. Isomeric zirconocenophane dichlorides involving two disiloxane- Castro, M. Gémez, P. Gémez-Sal, A. Manzanero and P. Royo), bridged indenyl! ligands (H. Naderer, E. Siebel and R.D. Fischer), 37 181 NMR Isomerization Isomeric zirconocenophane dichlorides involving two disiloxane- Cluster catalysis trends in the hydrogenation and isomerization be- bridged indenyl ligands (H. Naderer, E. Siebel and R.D. Fischer), haviour of |-hexene with trinuclear or tetranuclear diorganophos- 181 244 Subject Index of Volume 518 Synthesis and NMR structural analysis of several orthopalladated Platinum complexes of substituted benzo-imidazole, -oxazole and -thiazole C-H and C-—Cl bond activation in the formation of cyclometallated and study of two polymorphic crystals (C. Navarro-Ranninger, F. platinum(II) and platinum(IV) compounds with chlorinated N-ben- Zamora, L.A. Martinez-Cruz, R. Isea and J.R. Masaguer), 29 zylidenebenzylamines (M. Crespo, X. Solans and M. Font-Bardia), Olefin-polymerisation 105 Synthesis and catalytic properties of ansa-binuclear metallocenes of Polyethylene the Group IV transition metals (T. Ushioda, M.L.H. Green, J. Synthesis and catalytic properties of ansa-binuclear metallocenes of Haggitt and X. Yan), 155 the Group IV transition metals (T. Ushioda, M.L.H. Green, J. Organomanganese reagents Haggitt and X. Yan), 155 Additions of organomanganese reagents to conjugated nitroolefins Polysiloxane (I.N.N. Namboothiri and A. Hassner), 69 Synthesis, characterization, and reactivities of the polysiloxane-bridged Organometallic reactions binuclear metallocenes tetramethyldisiloxanediylbis(cyclopenta- Energetics of organometallic species: the entropic factor (M.E. dienyltitanium trichloride) and hexamethyltrisiloxanediylbis- Minas da Piedade and J.A. Martinho SimGdes), 167 (cyclopentadienyltitanium trichloride) (S.K. Noh, G.-g. Byun, C.-s. Orthopalladation Lee, D. Lee, K.-b. Yoon and K.S. Kang), | Synthesis and NMR structural analysis of several orthopalladated Redox-active polymers complexes of substituted benzo-imidazole, -oxazole and -thiazole Synthesis of ferrocene-based redox-active polymers via palladium- and study of two polymorphic crystals (C. Navarro-Ranninger, F. catalysed coupling reactions (M. Bochmann, J. Lu and R.D. Zamora, L.A. Martinez-Cruz, R. Isea and J.R. Masaguer), 29 Cannon), 97 Osmium Rhenium carbonyl cluster derivatives Synthesis of triosmium alkylidyne clusters incorporating bis(diphenyl- Cluster catalysis trends in the hydrogenation and isomerization be- phosphino)alkane type ligands. Crystal structures of [{Os,( y- haviour of |-hexene with trinuclear or tetranuclear diorganophos- H),(CO),( 2 3-C)},( u-dppp)] (dppp = bis(diphenylphosphino)- phido and hydrido bridged rhenium carbonyl clusters with respect propane) and [Os,( y-H),(CO),( 4 ;-CPPh,CH,PPh,)] (Y.-Y. to the change of the organyl substituent from phenyl to parafluo- Choi, W.-Y. Wong and W.-T. Wong), 227 rophenyl (H.-J. Haupt, R. Wittbecker and U. Flérke), 213 Oxo-chloro mixed species Rhodium Mixed-dicyclopentadienyl niobium and tantalum complexes: synthesis Transfer-dehydrogenation of alkanes catalyzed by rhodium(1) phos- and reactivity. X-ray molecular structures of Ta(n°-C;Me,X7°- phine complexes (K. Wang, M.E. Goldman, T.J. Emge and A.S. C;H,SiMe,)Cl, and Ta(n°-C;Me;n°-C,H,(SiMe,),}H, (A. Goldman), 55 Castro, M. Gémez, P. Gémez-Sal, A. Manzanero and P. Royo), Ruthenium 37 Cyclopentadienyl derivatives of octahedral carbonylcarbide Oxygen bridge hexaruthenium clusters: synthesis, NMR, IR and X-ray characteri- Synthesis, characterization, and reactivities of the polysiloxane-bridged zation (V.S. Kaganovich, M.I. Rybinskaya, Z.A. Kerzina, F.M. binuclear metallocenes tetramethyldisiloxanediylbiscyclopenta- Dolgushin, A.I. Yanovsky, Yu.T. Struchkov, P.V. Petrovskii, E. dienyltitanium trichloride) and hexamethyltrisiloxanediylbis- Kolehmainen, J. Kivikoski, J. Valkonen and K. Laihia), 115 (cyclopentadienyltitanium trichloride) (S.K. Noh, G.-g. Byun, C.-s. Optically active transition metal complexes. Part 108. Synthesis, Lee, D. Lee, K.-b. Yoon and K.S. Kang), | crystal structure and properties of a novel *‘quasi-meso’’ dinuclear Palladium 7°-benzene—ruthenium(II) complex with chiral salicylaldiminato Synthesis and NMR structural analysis of several orthopalladated ligands (H. Brunner, R. Oeschey and B. Nuber), 47 complexes of substituted benzo-imidazole, -oxazole and -thiazole Reactions of HRuCo,(CO),[HC(PPh,),] and H,Ru,Co- and study of two polymorphic crystals (C. Navarro-Ranninger, F. (CO),[HC(PPh,),] with PMe,Ph. Crystal structures of clusters Zamora, L.A. Martinez-Cruz, R. Isea and J.R. Masaguer), 29 HRuCo,(CO),{[HC(PPh,),] (PMe,Ph) and H,Ru,Co- Palladium catalyst (CO),[HC(PPh,),] (PMe,Ph)-CH,Cl, (HJ. Kakkonen, M. Synthesis of ferrocene-based redox-active polymers via palladium- Ahlgrén, T.A. Pakkanen and J. Pursiainen), 203 catalysed coupling reactions (M. Bochmann, J. Lu and R.D. Ruthenium anion Cannon), 97 A re-investigation of the reaction of [RuCl,(CO),], with Phenylisocyanate C;H.(Me,Si). X-ray structure determination of [Ru(CO),(»- Eine Ni°-induzierte CC-Kupplungsreaktion von Phenylisocyanat mit C5H,)Il fac-RuCl,(CO),] (C.S. Griffith, G.A. Koutsantonis, C.L. Cyclopenten in Gegenwart von chiralen Phosphor-Liganden (A. Raston, J.P. Selegue, B.W. Skelton and A.H. White), 197 Tillack, R. Selke, Ch. Fischer, D. Bilda und K. Kortus), 79 Ruthenium cation Phosphine A re-investigation of the reaction of [RuCl,(CO),], with Reactions of HRuCo,(CO),[HC(PPh,),] and H,Ru,Co- C;H.(Me,Si). X-ray structure determination of [Ru(CO),(7- (CO),[HC(PPh,),] with PMe,Ph. Crystal structures of clusters C.H.)][ fac-RuCl,(CO),] (C.S. Griffith, G.A. Koutsantonis, C.L. HRuCo,(CO),[HC(PPh,),] (PMe,Ph) and H,Ru,Co- Raston, J.P. Selegue, B.W. Skelton and A.H. White), 197 (CO),[HC(PPh,),] (PMe,Ph)-CH,Cl, (HJ. Kakkonen, M. Schiff base Ahlgrén, T.A. Pakkanen and J. Pursiainen), 203 Optically active transition metal complexes. Part 108. Synthesis, Transfer-dehydrogenation of alkanes catalyzed by rhodium(1) phos- crystal structure and properties of a novel *‘quasi-meso”’ dinuclear phine complexes (K. Wang, M.E. Goldman, T.J. Emge and A.S. n°-benzene—ruthenium(I1) complex with chiral salicylaldiminato Goldman), 55 ligands (H. Brunner, R. Oeschey and B. Nuber), 47 Planar-tetracoordinate carbon Semibridging carbonyl group Formation of stable organometallic planar-tetracoordinate carbon Cyclopentadienyl derivatives of octahedral carbonylcarbide compounds containing a cationic ( 4-R'CCR? )[ z-chloro(ZrCp, ), | hexaruthenium clusters: synthesis, NMR, IR and X-ray characteri- framework (D. Réttger, G. Erker and R. Frohlich), 221 zation (V.S. Kaganovich, M.I. Rybinskaya, Z.A. Kerzina, F.M. Subject Index of Volume 518 Dolgushin, A.l. Yanovsky, Yu.T. Struchkov, P.V. Petrovskii, E. Tin carboxylates Kolehmainen, J. Kivikoski, J. Valkonen and K. Laihia), 115 Mechanism of tin(IV)-catalysed urethane formation (R.P. Houghton Silicon and A.W. Mulvaney), 21 A re-investigation of the reaction of [RuCl,(CO),], with Tin thiolates C,H,(Me,Si). X-ray structure determination of [Ru(CO),(»- Mechanism of tin(IV)-catalysed urethane formation (R.P. Houghton C;H;)]l fac-RuCl,(CO),] (C.S. Griffith, G.A. Koutsantonis, C.L. and A.W. Mulvaney), 21 Raston, J.P. Selegue, B.W. Skelton and A.H. White), 197 Titanium Synthesis, characterization, and reactivities of the polysiloxane-bridged 7°-Arene derivatives of titanium(IV), zirconium(IV) and hafnium(1V) binuclear metallocenes tetramethyldisiloxanediylbisXcyclopenta- (F. Calderazzo, I. Ferri, G. Pampaloni and S. Troyanov), 189 dienyltitanium trichloride) and hexamethyltrisiloxanediylbis- Novel chiral Lewis acids based on a new asymmetric cyclopentadi- (cyclopentadienyltitanium trichloride) (S.K. Noh, G.-g. Byun, C.-s. enyl ligand (A.A.H. Van der Zeijden), 147 Lee, D. Lee, K.-b. Yoon and K.S. Kang), | Synthesis and catalytic properties of ansa-binuclear metallocenes of Siloxane the Group IV transition metals (T. Ushioda, M.L.H. Green, J. Isomeric zirconocenophane dichlorides involving two disiloxane- Haggitt and X. Yan), 155 bridged indeny! ligands (H. Naderer, E. Siebel and R.D. Fischer), Tris(pentafluoropheny])borane 181 Reaction of dimethylzirconocene with imidazole in the presence of Silyl tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane (D. Réttger, G. Erker, R. Frohlich Mixed-dicyclopentadienyl niobium and tantalum complexes: synthesis and S. Kotila), 17 and reactivity. X-ray molecular structures of Ta(n°-C,Me,X7°- Tungsten C;H,SiMe,)Cl, and Ta(n°-C;Me,){n°-C,H,(SiMe,),}H, (A. Synthesis, molecular structure and reactions of the novel organometal- Castro, M. Gémez, P. Gémez-Sal, A. Manzanero and P. Royo), lic thioether ligand [WI,(CO){(Me)S(C,H ) ,S(CH ,)SMe- 37 S,S'(n?-PhCPh,) ] (P.K. Baker, A.I. Clark, S.J. Coles, M.B. Sodium Hursthouse and R.L. Richards), 235 X-ray crystallographic studies and comparative reactivity studies of a Urethane formation sodium diisopropylamide (NDA) complex and related hindered Mechanism of tin(IV)-catalysed urethane formation (R.P. Houghton amides (P.C. Andrews, N.D.R. Barnett, R.E. Mulvey, W. Clegg, and A.W. Mulvaney), 21 P.A. O'Neil, D. Barr, L. Cowton, A.J. Dawson and B.J. Wake- Van’t Hoff/Le Bel compound field), 85 Formation of stable organometallic planar-tetracoordinate carbon Starting material compounds containing a cationic (u -R'CCR?)[ u-chloro(ZrCp, ),] A re-investigation of the reaction of [RuCl,(CO),], with framework (D. Réttger, G. Erker and R. Frohlich), 221 C,H.(Me,Si). X-ray structure determination of [Ru(CO),(7- X-ray structure C.H,)I{ fac-RuCl,(CO),] (C.S. Griffith, G.A. Koutsantonis, C.L. C-—H and C-—Cl bond activation in the formation of cyclometallated Raston, J.P. Selegue, B.W. Skelton and A.H. White), 197 platinum(II) and platinum(IV) compounds with chlorinated N-ben- Sulphur zylidenebenzylamines (M. Crespo, X. Solans and M. Font-Bardia), Synthesis, molecular structure and reactions of the novel organometal- 105 lic thioether ligand [WI,(CO){(M,)e,S)(CSH (,C)SHMe - Synthesis and NMR structural analysis of several orthopalladated 5,5 \(n?-PhC,Ph)] (P.K. Baker, A.I. Clark, S.J. Coles, M.B. complexes of substituted benzo-imidazole, -oxazole and -thiazole Hursthouse and R.L. Richards), 235 and study of two polymorphic crystals (C. Navarro-Ranninger, F. Superlattice symmetry Zamora, L.A. Martinez-Cruz, R. Isea and J.R. Masaguer), 29 A re-investigation of the reaction of [RuCl,(CO),], with X-ray structures C,H,(Me,Si). X-ray structure determination of [Ru(CO),(»- 7°-Arene derivatives of titanium(IV), zirconium(IV) and hafnium(IV) C,H.) I fac-RuCl ,(CO),] (C.S. Griffith, G.A. Koutsantonis, C.L. (F. Calderazzo, I. Ferri, G. Pampaloni and S. Troyanov), 189 Raston, J.P. Selegue, B.W. Skelton and A.H. White), 197 Zinc reagent Syndiotactic polypropylene Synthesis of ferrocene-based redox-active polymers via palladium- Syndiospezifische Polymerisation von Propylen: Neue Metallo- catalysed coupling reactions (M. Bochmann, J. Lu and R.D. cenkomplexe des Typs (C,,H,_,,R,CR’R”C;H,)MCI, (n= 0,2; Cannon), 97 R = Alkyl, Aryl, Hal; R’, R” = H, Alkyl, Aryl; M = Zr, Hf) unter Zirconium besonderer Beriicksichtigung verschiedener Brickensubstituenten 7°-Arene derivatives of titanium(IV), zirconium(IV) and hafnium(IV) (H.G. Alt und R. Zenk), 7 (F. Calderazzo, I. Ferri, G. Pampaloni and S. Troyanov), 189 Synthesis Novel chiral Lewis acids based on a new asymmetric cyclopentadi- Synthesis and NMR structural analysis of several orthopalladated enyl ligand (A.A.H. Van der Zeijden), 147 complexes of substituted benzo-imidazole, -oxazole and -thiazole Reaction of dimethylzirconocene with imidazole in the presence of and study of two polymorphic crystals (C. Navarro-Ranninger, F. tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane (D. Réttger, G. Erker, R. Frohlich Zamora, L.A. Martinez-Cruz, R. Isea and J.R. Masaguer), 29 and S. Kotila), 17 Tantalum Syndiospezifische Polymerisation von Propylen: Neue Metallo- Mixed-dicyclopentadieny! niobium and tantalum complexes: synthesis cenkomplexe des Typs (C,,Hg_,,R,,CR’R’C5H,)MCI, (n= 0,2; and reactivity. X-ray molecular structures of Ta(n°-C,Me,n°- R = Alkyl, Aryl, Hal; R’, R” = H, Alkyl, Aryl; M = Zr, Hf) unter C,H,SiMe,)Cl, and Ta(n°-C,Me,{n°-C,H,(SiMe,),}H, (A. besonderer Beriicksichtigung verschiedener Brickensubstituenten Castro, M. Gomez, P. Gémez-Sal, A. Manzanero and P. Royo), (H.G. Alt und R. Zenk), 7 37 246 Subject Index of Volume 518 Synthesis and catalytic properties of ansa-binuclear metallocenes of Isomeric zirconocenophane dichlorides involving two disiloxane- the Group IV transition metals (T. Ushioda, M.L.H. Green, J. bridged indenyl ligands (H. Naderer, E. Siebel and R.D. Fischer), Haggitt and X. Yan), 155 181 Zirconocene Formation of stable organometallic planar-tetracoordinate carbon compounds containing a cationic ( 4-R'CCR?)[ y-chloro(ZrCp, ),] framework (D. Réttger, G. Erker and R. Frohlich), 221

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