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Preview Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1995: Vol 501 Table of Contents

Volume 501, Numbers 1-2, 4 October 1995 Contents Pentafluoro-)°-sulfanylacetylene complexes of cobalt T. Henkel, A. Klauck and K. Seppelt (Berlin, Germany) Isolation and Structure of a Homoleptic Yttrium Trimethylsilyimethyl Complex W.J. Evans, J.L. Shreeve, R.N.R. Broomhall-Dillard and J.W. Ziller (Irvine, CA, USA) Modellreaktionen zur Umsetzung von Ferrocen-1,1'-dithiol mit Diolefinen: II. Die Séuren- und Basenkatalysierten Reaktionen von Ferrocenthiolen mit aktivierten Olefinen M. Herberhold,O .N uykuendn T. Péhimann (Bayreuth, Deutschland) Organolanthanoids. XIX. The X-ray crystal structures of dil -(acetato-O,0 :O ’ )bis(diphenylphosphino-1) -cyclopentadieny])ytterbium(III)] and dilp (acetato-O,0 : O') bis(y°-cyclopentadieny!)ytterbium(II)] — unexpected examples of formal nine coordination in lanthanoid organometallics G.B. Deacon, G.D. Fallon, B.M. Gatehouse, A. Rabinovich (Clayton, Australia), B.W. Skelton and A.H. White (Nedlands, Australia) The preparation and characterization of 9-substituted bis(fluorenyl) zirconium dichloride complexes K. Patsidis and H.G. Alt (Bayreuth, Germany) Indeny! effect in d°-transition metal complexes: synthesis, molecular structure and lactone polymerization activity of [Ti(4°-C,H ,)Cl,(OMe)] J. Okuda, P. Konig, LL. Rushkin, H.-C. Kang and W. Massa (Marburg, Germany) Formation of tetrabenz4o.0.d4.i3 }strpideicarteotralen e by a titanium mediated fluorenyl coupling reaction C. Fritze, G. Erker and R. Frohlich (Miinster, Germany) Sodium tetraphenylborate as a phenylating agent for goid(I) complexes A. Sladek, S. Hofreiter, M. Paul and H. Schmidbaur (Garching, GGeerrmmaanny ) Interactions in crystals. LXXVIII. The structure of *‘naked’’ 9, 10-bis(trimethysity)anthracene radical anion iH. Bock, M. Ansari, N.| .N agel (Frankfurt, Germany) and R.F.C. Claridge (Christchurch, New Zealand) K ffverbrickte Komplexe. XXXIII. Synthese zweikerniger kohlenwasserstoffverbriickter Komplexe durch Oxidation von Fischer- Carbenanionen und Ferrocenenolaten und deren Reaktionen A. Geisbauer, S. Mihan und W. Beck (Miinchen, Deutschland) Compounds of germanium and tin. XIV. Rearrangement of bis(2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenyl)stannylene: synthesis and structure of a donor-free alkylarylstannylene-tungsten complex M. Weidenbruch, A. Stilter, J. Schlaefke (Oldenburg, Germany), K. Peteanrd sH.G . Von Schnering (Stuttgart, Germany Synthese und Struktur des heterobimetallischen thalliumorganischen Chelatkomplexes Tris{2-(dimethy] thy|)ferrocenyl}thallium K. Jacob, J. Scholz (Merseburg, Deutschland), C. Pietzsch (Freiberg /Sa., Deutschlaunndd F).T . Edelmann (Magdeburg, Deutschland) Das Tetraalkyldigallan-Radikalanion (R ,GaG aR, }~ [R = CH(SiMe,),] mit langer Einelektron-7-Bindung W. Uhl, U. Schiitz (Oldenburg, Germany), W. Kaim und E. Waldhor (Stuttgart, Germany) Synthesis of 1,6-dihalogeno-2,3,4,5-tetracarba-nido-hexaborane(6) derivatives B. Wrackmeyanedr G . Kehr (Bayreuth, Germany) Synthesis, characterization, and solid-state structures of the 14-electron open metallocenes M[1,5-(Me,Si),C,H,], (M = Ti or Zr) R.W. Gedridge, A.M. ArainfdR . D. Emst( Salt LakeC ity,U T, USA) Unbridged cych I-fl a ee M.A. Schmid, H.G. Alta ndW . Milius (Bayreuth, Germany) Combined p ption study of (n-cycloheptatrieny|X n-cyclopentadieny|)tungsten J.C. Green, M.L.H. Green, C.N. Field, D.K.P. Ng (Oxford, UK) and S.Yu. Ketkov (Nizhny NovgoroRudss,ia ) Synthesis of (Me,SiCH, Sb), and reactions with ditellurides: crystal structure of [(Cp,CoJ[Me,SiCH ,SbCI,] A. Silvestru (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), HJ. Breunig, K.H. Eberantd R.K aller (Bremen, Germany) Reactions of cyclopentadienycolmp—lenxeas pohf ltuthetaiulm ewinthe C - and N-unsaturated compounds: moleand ccryustall staructrure of [CpLu(DME)},[1,1--4,4-p4Ph)C—(Ph)C=C(Ph)—C(Ph)] M.N. Bochkarev, A.V. Protchenko, L.N. Zakharov, G.K. Fukin (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) and Yu.T. Struchkov (Moscow, Russia) Metal -complexes of benzene derivatives. XLVIII. Dimethylphosphano derivatives of bis(benzene)chromium as monodentate and chelating ligands at j-ethylidyne-nona(carbonyl)-tri(cobalt). Synthesis via ETC-autocatalysis, crystal structure determination and redox behavior of (Me, P-n°-C,H.Xn°-C,H,)Cr( x-MeC)Co(CO),}, [(Me,P-n°-C,H,),Crll( u-MeC)Co,(CO),}, and [(Me,P-n°-C,H,),Cril( p- MeC)Co,(CO),] C. Elschenbroich,T . Isenburg,A .B ehrendt,G .F renzaendn K . Harms (Marburg, Germany) “luorine-containing derivatives of the muscarinic antagonists sila-pridinol and sila-difenidol: syntheses and antimuscarinic properties R. Tacke, D. Terunuma, A. Tafel, M. Mithleisen, B. Forth (Karlsruhe, Germany), M. Waelbroeck (Bruxelles, Belgium), J. Gross, E. Mutschler, T. Friebe and G. Lambrecht (Frankfurt, Germany) Preparation, NMR spectra and reactivity of pentafluorophenyltetrafluorosilicates M* [C,F,SiF,]~ H.J. Frohn (Duisburg, Germany) and V.V. Bardin (Novosibirsk, Russia) Enantioselektive Katalyse 97'. Optisch aktive Salicyloxazolin-Liganden in der enantioselektiven Kupfer-katalysierten Cyclopropanierung H. Brunner und J. Berghofer (Regensburg, Deutschland) Novel silicon and phosphorus containing heterocycles H.H. Karsch, R. Richter, A. Schier, M. Heckel, R. Ficker and W. Hiller (Garching, Germany) Regioselektive Reaktionen der fremdligandfreien Titanocen—Alkin-Komplexe Cp,Ti(RC, SiMe,) (R = Me,Si, Ph, ‘Bu, "Bu) C. Lefeber, A. Ohff, A. Tillack, W. Baumann, R. Kempe, V.V. Burlakov, U. Rosenthal (Rostock, Deutschland) und H. Gdrls (Jena, Darstellung und regioselektive Reaktionen des phosphinfreien Zirconocen—Alkin-Komplexes Cp, Zr(THFX'B,u C SiMe,) C. Lefeber, A. Ohff, A. Tillack, W. Baumann, R. Kempe, V.V. Burlakov und U. Rosenthal (Rostock, Deutschland) Synthese und Charakterisierung von Cp; M(DAD)-Komplexen (M=Y oder La): Molekiilstruktur von Cp; Y[N(C,H,-4Me)=C(Ph)- C(Ph)= N(CH ,-4-Me)} A. Scholz, K.-H. Thiele, J. Scholz (Merseburg, Deutschland) und R. Weimann (Berlin, Deutschland) Hydrocarbon activation by ‘*bare’’ uranium cations: formation of a cationic uranium—benzene complex from three ethylene units C. Heinemann, H.H. Cornehl and H. Schwarz (Berlin, Germany) Zirconocenophane dichlorides with di- and trisiloxane-bridged ring ligands: crystal structure of rac-[1,1,3,3-tetramethyldisiloxane-diyl-bis(3-tert- butyl-1°-cyclopentadienyl)zircodniichulmo(riIdVe ] J. Graper (Hamburg, Germany), G. Paolucci (Venezia, Italy) and R.D. Fischer (Hamburg, Germany) The influence of electronic and steric effects and the importance of polymerization conditions in the ethylene polymerization with zirconocene /M AO catalysts C. Janiak, U. Versteeg, K.C.H. Lange, R. Weimaanndn E . Hahn (Berlin, Germany) Synthese und perenne wes! heterobimetallischer Komplexe des Typs [('C "H,O),Ti- ML,,] (ML, = CpMo(CO),, CpFe(CO),, Mn(CO),). Einkristallrié skturanalyse von [("C,H,O),Ti-Mn(CO),) bei 213 K. Extended Hiickel MO-Rechnungen an [(‘C,H,O),Ti-Mn(CO),] und [('C ,H,0),Ti-Co(CO),L] (L = CO, PPh,) D. Selent, M. Ramm und C. Janiak (Berlin, Deutschland) 1,1'-Dimesityluranocene and its unusual dynamic NMR phenomena A. Streitwieser, M.H. Lyttle, H.-K. Wang, T. Boussie, A. Weinliinder and J.P. Solar (Berkeley, CA, USA) Zum Reaktionsverhalten von DialkyK(trichlorsilyl)phosphanen — verglichen mit Trimethylsilylphosphanen — gegeniber Dichlordimethylstannan: Austauschreaktionen und Strukturen cyclischer Chlorstannylphosphan-Dichlordimethylstannan-Addukte R. Martens, W.-W. Du Mont,J .J eske, P.G. Jones (Braunschweig, Deutschland), W. Saak und S. Pohl (Oidenburg, Deutschland) Synthesis and characterization of cationic pyridine-2-thiolate complexes of lanthanoid(III): crystal structures of pentagonal bipyramidal [Ln(SC,H,N),(hmpa), }I (Ln =S m, Yb; hmpa= hexamethylphosphoric triamide) K. Mashima,T . Shibahara, Y. Nakayamaan d A. Nakamura (Osaka, Japan) A general synthesis and crystal structure of [((Me,C),C,H,],Ce C.D. Sofield and R.A. Andersen (Berkeley, CA, USA) X-ray structure of the dimeric bis{(1,7-dicarba-clos|o- -cadrbooxdyleatcoa)-bdio-nr-bautnyleti-n] oxide M. Gielen, A. Bouhdid, R. Willem (Brussels, Belgium), V.I. Bregadze, L.V. Ermanson (Moscow, Russia) and E.R.T. Tickink (Adelaide, Insertion von CO,, COS und CS, in die N—Si-Bindung des extrem elektronenreichen | ,4-Bis(trimethylsilyl)-1,4-dihydropyrazins und Bildung eines neuen poly(N,S-)heterocyclischen Systems durch mehrfache Cycloaddition A. Ehlend, H.-D. Hausen, W. Kaim, A. Lichtblau und W. Schwarz (Stuttgart, Deutschland) Wasserlésliche Phosphane. V. Komplexe amphiphiler tertidrer Alkylphosphane mit Ammoniumgruppierungen in den Seitenketten A. HeBler, S. Kucken, O. Stelzer (Wuppertal, Deutschland), J. Blotevoge!-Baltronat und W.S. Sheldrick (Bochum, Deutschland) 7’ -1,3,5-Triazacyclohexane complexes of tribenzylchromium(III) R.D. Kohn, G. Kociok-Kéhn and M. Haufe (Berlin, Germany) Pentacarbonylchromium(0) and -tungsten(0) complexes with the bis(diisopropylamino)cyclopropenylidene ligand M. Tamm, A. Grzegorzewski and F.E. Hahn (Berlin, Germany) Monomere Bis(*-cyclopentadieny|)lanthanoid(III)-Komplexe mit raumerfillenden Alkoxid- und Thiolat-Liganden: Molekiilstruktur von (C,H,),YATHFASC,H ,(CF,)5-2,4,6] P. Poremba (Magdeburg, Germany), M. Noltemeyer, H.-G. Schmidt (Gottingen, Germany) und F.T. Edelmann (Magdeburg, Coney? a-H-Ubertragungsreaktionen an Vinylmetallverbindungen — Darstellung von (n°-CyclopentadienylX°-p methyliden)titanacyclobutan R. Beckhaus, J. Oster und R. Loo (Aachen, Deutschland) Zur Chemie des Tris(trimethylstannylamins. Die Kristallstrukturen von [Me,In—N(SnMe,),] und [RClIn—N(SnMe,),]}, mit R = Methyl und Ethyl R. Hillwig, K. Harms und K. Dehnicke (Marburg, Deutschland) Titanium(IV) complexes incorporating the aminodiamide ligand [(SiMe ,)N{CH ,CH , N(SiMe,)}, ’~ (L), the X-ray crystal structures of [TiMe,(L)] and [TiC(CH(SiMe,),(L)] H.C.S. Clark, F.G.N. Cloke, P.B. Hitchcock, J.B. Love and A.P. Wainwright (Brighton, UK) Isocyanide complexes of titanium: synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of cis-tetrachlorobis(2-trimethylsiloxyphenylisocyanide)titanium(IV) F.E. Hahn and T. Liigger (Berlin, Germany) Novel heterocycles from alkylamino-bis(trifluoromethyl)borane, (CF,),BNR., and isocyanides. Crystal and molecular structure of (NCXCF,), B t e .! NHMe, . (CF, ), B-NMe,-B(CF, )-NEt=C-C(NMe, )= NEt and (CF, ) B-NMe,-B(CF, ),-CH-C( =NMe, )-N(CH 2 Ph)—CH(Ph)-—N A. Ansorge, D.J. Brauer, S. Buchheim-Spiegel, H. Birger, T. Hagen and G. Pawelke (Wuppertal, Germany) Alkenylsubstituierte Calcocene M. Westerhausen, M. Hartmann und W. Schwarz (Stuttgart, Deutschland) *Slipped-Sandwich’-Strukturen in der Cyclopentadieny|-Kupfer-Chemie P. Jutzi, W. Wieland, B. Neumann und H.-G. Stammier (Bielefeld, Deutschland) Disiloxane bridged indenyi metallocene catalysts for olefin polymerizations W. Song, K. Shackett, J.C.W. Chien and M.D. Rausch (Amherst, MA, USA) Syntandh streuctusresi ofs so me intercompmouneds tof agallliuml aind icndi um A.H. Cowley, A. Decken (Austin, TX, USA), N.C. Norman (Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK), R.D. Schluter and B.A. Walden (Austin, TX, USA) . Synthesis and structure of silylene complexes of silacyclobutanes N. Auner, M. Grasmann, B. Herrschaft (Berlin, Germany) and P. Kiprof (Melbourne, FL, USA) Sterically demanding organoindium compounds. Synthesis and molecular structure of bis{(2,6-dimesitylphenyl)indium dichloride], {((Mes,C,H incl, lh,( Mes = 2,4,6-Me,C,H,) G.H. Robinson, X.-W. Li and W.T. Pennington (Clemson, SC, USA) Preliminary Communication Synthesis and structure of an ionic beryllium—*‘carbene’’ complex W.A. Herrmann, O. Runte and G. Artus (Garching, Germany) Author Index Subject Index The publisher encourages the submission of articles in electronic form thus saving time and avoiding rekeying errors. A leaflet describing our requirements is available from the publisher upon request.

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