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Preview Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1995: Vol 486 Index

Sop 7s ELSEVIER Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 486 (1994) C4—C5 Author Index of Volume 486 Afshari, M., 69 Freedman, L.D., 1 Lee, T.-Y., 141 Ahigrén, M., 193, 217 Fu, F., 263 Ali, S., 51 Alt, H.G., 51 Gerfin, T., 37 Andersen, R.A., 177 Gielen, M., 263 Loebel, J., 177 André, J.-J., 95 Girdwood, S.E., 183 Louati, A., 95 Anguiano, J., 45 Goddard, R., 163 Luttikhedde, H.J.G., 193 Armstrong, D.R., 79 Gongalves, L.S., 155 Gonzalez, G., 45 Badshah, A., 51 Gramlich, V., 37 MacGregor, M., 79 Baldoli, C., 279 Graziani, R., 105 Maiorana, S., 279 Baum, G., 229 Gregor, I.K., 109 Marquez, A., 45 Baxter, P.N.W., 115 Gregor, R.C., 109 Mashima, K., 291 Beletskaya, I.P., 259, 297 Gross, M., 95 Matsunaga, P.T., 177 Bernard, M., 95 Guillemin, J.-C., 57 Mazhar, M., 51 Biesemans, M., 263 Mel’nikov, M.Ya., 249 Bochkarev, M.N., 177 Habel, W., 267 Monflier, E., 123 Brauer, D.J., 129 Monti, H., 69 Haubtmann, C., 95 Brik, M.E., 283 Hemling, H., 177 Moore, P., 237 Brunet, J.-J., 275 Morawietz, M.J.A., 291 Henderson, K.W., 79 Brunette, J.-P., 95 Mortreux, A., 123 Heras, J.V., 63 Bumagin, N.A., 259 Muir, K.W., 183 Herberhold, M., 255 Bykov, V.V., 259 Mulvey, R.E., 79 Herrmann, W.A., 291 Mynott, R., 163 Hey-Hawkins, E., 229 Cambie, R.C., 199 Hofmann, T., 255 Cannadine, J.C., 237 Hopp, G., 163 Niasman, J.H., 193 Cano, M., 63 Nazar-ul-Islam,, 51 Casellato, U., 105 Imhof, D., 37 Nield, E., 237 Cheprakov, A.V., 297 Chou, Y.C., 147 Chung, T.-M., 211 Jaaskelainen, S., 217 Oelschlager, A., 267 Chung, Y.K., 135, 141, 211 Janati, T., 57 O'Neil, P.A., 79 Clegg, W., 79 Jolly, P.W., 163 Ovejero, P., 63 Cloke, F.G.N., 177 Jung, J.-H., 211 Connor, J.A., 115 Jutzi, P., 287 Pakkanen, T., 193 Dahmen, K.-H., 37 Kane-Maguire, L.A.P., 243 Pakkanen, T.A., 217 Dalby, C.1., 177 Kanitz, R., 243 Pan, H., 263 Danish, M., 51 Kayser, F., 263 Papagni, A., 279 Daran, J.C., 283 Kemmitt, R.D.W., 171 Pawelke, G., 129 Del Buttero, P., 279 Kim, J.-A., 211 Pellegrini, S., 123 Delcourt, M.O., 283 Kleimeier, J., 287 Peruzzo, V., 105 Doak, G.O., 1 Kriiger, C., 163 Pétillon, F.Y., 183 Kuncaka, A., 95 Pichon, R., 183 El Zaizi, A., 275 Kurz, S., 229 Plazzogna, G., 105 Errington, W., 237 Poder-Guillou, S., 183 Léandri, G., 69 Ponomareva, N.V., 297 Faweett, J., 171 Lee, S.-g., 135 Prasad, R., 31 Fenn, D., 237 Lee, S.S., 141 Priermeier, T., 291 Fernandez Sanz, J., 45 Lee, S.W., 141, 211 Pursiainen, J., 217 Sop 7s ELSEVIER Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 486 (1994) C4—C5 Author Index of Volume 486 Afshari, M., 69 Freedman, L.D., 1 Lee, T.-Y., 141 Ahigrén, M., 193, 217 Fu, F., 263 Ali, S., 51 Alt, H.G., 51 Gerfin, T., 37 Andersen, R.A., 177 Gielen, M., 263 Loebel, J., 177 André, J.-J., 95 Girdwood, S.E., 183 Louati, A., 95 Anguiano, J., 45 Goddard, R., 163 Luttikhedde, H.J.G., 193 Armstrong, D.R., 79 Gongalves, L.S., 155 Gonzalez, G., 45 Badshah, A., 51 Gramlich, V., 37 MacGregor, M., 79 Baldoli, C., 279 Graziani, R., 105 Maiorana, S., 279 Baum, G., 229 Gregor, I.K., 109 Marquez, A., 45 Baxter, P.N.W., 115 Gregor, R.C., 109 Mashima, K., 291 Beletskaya, I.P., 259, 297 Gross, M., 95 Matsunaga, P.T., 177 Bernard, M., 95 Guillemin, J.-C., 57 Mazhar, M., 51 Biesemans, M., 263 Mel’nikov, M.Ya., 249 Bochkarev, M.N., 177 Habel, W., 267 Monflier, E., 123 Brauer, D.J., 129 Monti, H., 69 Haubtmann, C., 95 Brik, M.E., 283 Hemling, H., 177 Moore, P., 237 Brunet, J.-J., 275 Morawietz, M.J.A., 291 Henderson, K.W., 79 Brunette, J.-P., 95 Mortreux, A., 123 Heras, J.V., 63 Bumagin, N.A., 259 Muir, K.W., 183 Herberhold, M., 255 Bykov, V.V., 259 Mulvey, R.E., 79 Herrmann, W.A., 291 Mynott, R., 163 Hey-Hawkins, E., 229 Cambie, R.C., 199 Hofmann, T., 255 Cannadine, J.C., 237 Hopp, G., 163 Niasman, J.H., 193 Cano, M., 63 Nazar-ul-Islam,, 51 Casellato, U., 105 Imhof, D., 37 Nield, E., 237 Cheprakov, A.V., 297 Chou, Y.C., 147 Chung, T.-M., 211 Jaaskelainen, S., 217 Oelschlager, A., 267 Chung, Y.K., 135, 141, 211 Janati, T., 57 O'Neil, P.A., 79 Clegg, W., 79 Jolly, P.W., 163 Ovejero, P., 63 Cloke, F.G.N., 177 Jung, J.-H., 211 Connor, J.A., 115 Jutzi, P., 287 Pakkanen, T., 193 Dahmen, K.-H., 37 Kane-Maguire, L.A.P., 243 Pakkanen, T.A., 217 Dalby, C.1., 177 Kanitz, R., 243 Pan, H., 263 Danish, M., 51 Kayser, F., 263 Papagni, A., 279 Daran, J.C., 283 Kemmitt, R.D.W., 171 Pawelke, G., 129 Del Buttero, P., 279 Kim, J.-A., 211 Pellegrini, S., 123 Delcourt, M.O., 283 Kleimeier, J., 287 Peruzzo, V., 105 Doak, G.O., 1 Kriiger, C., 163 Pétillon, F.Y., 183 Kuncaka, A., 95 Pichon, R., 183 El Zaizi, A., 275 Kurz, S., 229 Plazzogna, G., 105 Errington, W., 237 Poder-Guillou, S., 183 Léandri, G., 69 Ponomareva, N.V., 297 Faweett, J., 171 Lee, S.-g., 135 Prasad, R., 31 Fenn, D., 237 Lee, S.S., 141 Priermeier, T., 291 Fernandez Sanz, J., 45 Lee, S.W., 141, 211 Pursiainen, J., 217 Author Index / Journal ofO rganometallic Chemistry 486 (1994) C4—C5 Razskazovskii, Yu.V., 249 Shin, W., 135 Venanzi, L.M., 37 Remita, H., 283 Sieler, J., 229 Riether, K.-B., 123 Soufiaoui, M., 57 Wallbridge, M.G.H., 237 Roginskaya, M.V., 249 Stevenson, R.J., 199 Wen, Y.S., 147 Romao, C.C., 155 Sugano, K., 21 Willem, R., 263 Ross, M.J., 79 Sukhomlinova, L.I., 259 Wirtz, C., 163 Russell, D.R., 171 Woodgate, P.D., 199 Rutledge, P.S., 199 Wrackmeyer, B., 255 Talarmin, J., 183 Sartori, P., 267 Tanase, T., 21 Yamamoto, Y., 21 Schollhammer, P., 183 Teppana, T., 217 Yeh, A.C., 147 Schumann, H., 177 Tolstaya, T.P., 259 Yoon, T.-S., 135 Serindag, O., 171 Trifonov, A.A., 177 Sheil, M.M., 243 Tsai, T.Y.R., 147 Zanotti-Gerosa, A., 279 ELSEVIER Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 486 (1994) C6—C13 Subject Index of Volume 486 Ab initio Aminomethylphosphines Synthetic and theoretical MO calculational studies of lithiotria- Zerovalent palladium and platinum complexes of aminometh- zine intermediates produced during alkyllithium-induced cy- ylphosphines. Crystal structure of the palladium(0) dibenzyli- clotrimerisation reactions of organic nitriles, and comparison deneacetone complex [Pd(PhCH=CHCO=(CC,HH P,h;) >- of their structures with that of a methylmagnesiotriazine de- PCH ,),NMe}] (J. Fawcett, R.D.W. Kemmitt, D.R. Russell rivative (D.R. Armstrong, K.W. Henderson, M. MacGregor, and O. Serindag), 171 R.E. Mulvey, M.J. Ross, W. Clegg and P.A. O'Neil), 79 Ansa-bridging Ab-initio calculations Synthesis and characterization of ansa-[1,1-bis(inden-1,1-diyl)-I- A theoretical approach to the molecular structure of vinylstan- silacyclopentane]zirconium dichlorides. Crystal structures of nane and some structural isomers (A. Marquez, J. Anguiano, meso- and _ racemic-{1,1-bis[inden-1,1-diyl)-1-silacyclopen- G. Gonzalez and J. Fernandez Sanz), 45 tane}-dichlorozirconium and racemic-(1,1-bis(4,5,6,7-tetrahy- Acetylacetonate droinden-1,1-diyl)-1-sila-cylopentane }dichlorozirconium Radiolytic synthesis and characterization of [Ru!(acac),(CO)L] (H.J.G. Luttikhedde, R.P. Leino, J.H. Nasman, M. Ahigrén (L = MeOH, EtOH or Pr'OH) (H. Remita, M.E. Brik, J.C. and T. Pakkanen), 193 Daran and M.O. Delcourt), 283 Antimony Acyl compound Antimony. Annual review covering the year 1991 (L.D. Freedman Reactivity of [(1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene )Mn(CO),]PF,: mo- and G.O. Doak), | lecular structure of [(1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene)Mn(CO),- Arene complexes (C(O)Me)] (T.-Y. Lee, S.S. Lee, Y.K. Chung and S.W. Lee), Addition-protonation reactions of (n°-arene)tricarbonylchro- 141 mium(0) complexes of podocarpic acid derivatives: synthesis Addition-protonation of steroidal alicyclic skeletons (R.C. Cambie, P.S. Rutledge, Addition-protonation reactions of (n°-arene)tricarbonylchro- R.J. Stevenson and P.D. Woodgate), 199 mium(0) complexes of podocarpic acid derivatives: synthesis Aryl of steroidal alicyclic skeletons (R.C. Cambie, P.S. Rutledge, Palladium-catalyzed arylation of styrene and acrylic acid in water R.J. Stevenson and P.D. Woodgate), 199 (N.A. Bumagin, V.V. Bykov, L.I. Sukhomlinova, T.P. Tolstaya Adducts and I.P. Beletskaya), 259 Amine adducts of bis(trifluoromethyl)borane, (CF,),BH, crystal Aryl iodides and molecular structure of (CF,),BH~NMe,CH,Ph (DJ. Synthesis of benzophenone by carbonylation of iodobenzene with Brauer and G. Pawelke), 129 [Bu NJHFe(CO),] (J.-J. Brunet and A. El Zaizi), 275 Allyltrimethylsilane Etude de la réactivité de |'allyltriméthylsilane avec les cétones a-cyclopropaniques en présence de tétrachlorure de titane (H. Monti, M. Afshari et G. Léandri), 69 Benzophenone Aluminium Synthesis of benzophenone by carbonylation of iodobenzene with Group 13 tetraazamacrocyclic complexes. The synthesis and char- [Bu] NJHFe(CO),]} (J.-J. Brunet and A. El Zaizi), 275 acterisation of the monomethyl- and dimethyl-aluminium(IID Biological activity and gallium(III) complexes of the two tetraazamacrocyclic Organotin esters of 3-(2-furanyl)-2-propenoic acid: their charac- ligands omtaa*~ (H,omtaa = 2,3,6,8,11,12,15,17-octamethyl- terization and biological activity (M. Danish, H.G. Alt, A. 5,14-dihydro-(H ,tmtaa = 6,8,15,17-tetramethyl-5,14-dihydro- Badshah, S. Ali, M. Mazhar and Nazar-ul-Islam), 51 5,9,14,18-tetraaza-dibenzo[a,h]|cyclotetradecene), and the Bipyridine crystal structure of [MeGa(omtaa)] (J.C. Cannadine, W. Solvatochromism in substituted 2,2’-bipyridinetetracarbonyl- Errington, P. Moore, M.G.H. Wallbridge, E. Nield and D. metal complexes of chromium, molybdenum and tungsten Fenn), 237 (P.N.W. Baxter and J.A. Connor), 115 Amino Donor Ligands Bis(trifluoromethyl borane Cyclische Amine als intramolekulare Hilfsliganden in 7- Amine adducts of bis(trifluoromethyl)borane, (CF,), BH, crystal Komplexen des Titans (W.A. Herrmann, M.J.A. Morawietz, and molecular structure of (CF,),BH-NMe,CH,Ph (D.J. T. Priermeier und K. Mashima), 291 Brauer and G. Pawelke), 129 Subject Index / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 486 (1994) C6-—C13 c7 Bridging thiolate Tetrahydrothioph derivatives of metal carbonyl clusters (T. Reactions of di- and poly-nuclear complexes. 13. Synthesis, struc- Teppana, S._ J aiskelainen, M. Ahigrén, J. Pursiaiannd eTn.A . ture and fluxional behaviour of hydrido- and thiolato- or Pakkanen), 217 selenato-bridged complexes [Mo,Cp,(u-HX u-ERXCO),] (E Cobalt = S, R = Me, ‘Bu, Bz, or Ph; E = Se, R = Ph) (P. Schollham- A convenient electrosynthesis of new complexes [Sn{(Co(CO),- mer, F.Y. Pétillon, R. Pichon, S. Poder-Guillou, J. Talarmin, PR,},] and their spectroscopic characterization (K.-B. K.W. Muir and S.E. Girdwood), 183 Riether, S. Pellegrini, A. Mortreux and E. Monflier), 123 Electrochemical reduction of 1,10-bis(1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-hy- Carbene complex droxy-4-pyrazolyl)-1,10-decanedione. Characterization of its The first chiral racemic Fischer-type aminocarbene complex bear- electrogenerated mononuclear Co", Ni" and Cu" complexes. ing a C, symmetry amine: stereochemical characteristics and ESR properties of Co" and Cu" complexes (A. Louati, A. application to Michael addition reactions (C. Baldoli, P. Kuncaka, M. Gross, C. Haubtmann, M. Bernard, J.-J. André Del Buttero, E. Licandro, $. Maiorana, A. Papagni and A. and J.-P. Brunette), 95 Zanoiti-Gerosa), 279 Reactions of dicobalt octa(isocyanide) with 2-bromoaceto- Carbon monoxide phenone (Y. Yamamoto, T. Tanase and K. Sugano), 21 Palladium catalyzed carbonylation of iodoarenes in aqueous solu- Tetrahydrothiophene derivatives of metal carbonyl clusters (T. bilized systems (A.V. Cheprakov, N.V. Ponomareva and LP. Teppana, S. Jaaskelainen, M. Ahigrén, J. Pursiainen and T.A. Beletskaya), 297 Pakkanen), 217 Carbonyl Copper Addition—protonation reactions of (7°-arene)tricarbonylchro- Electrochemical reduction of 1,10-bis(1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-hy- mium(0) complexes of podocarpic acid derivatives: synthesis droxy-4-pyrazolyl)-1,10-decanedione. Characterization of its of steroidal alicyclic skeletons (R.C. Cambie, P.S. Rutledge, electrogenerated mononuclear Co", Ni" and Cu" complexes. R.J. Stevenson and P.D. Woodgate), 199 ESR properties of Co" and Cu" complexes (A. Louati, A. Chemistry of coordinatively unsaturated and electron deficient Kuncaka, M. Gross, C. Haubtmann, M. Bernard, J.-J. André carbonyl metallate ions. Gas phase reactions of [Fe(CO),}~ and J.-P. Brunette), 95 with alcohols (1.K. Gregor and R.C. Gregor), 109 “Cr NMR Solvatochromism in substituted 2,2’-bipyridinetetracarbonyl- Characterization of manganese sandwich complexes by Mn metal complexes of chromium, molybdenum and tungsten NMR spectroscopy (B. Wrackmeyer, T. Hofmann and M. (P.N.W. Baxter and J.A. Connor), 115 Herberhold), 255 Carbonylation Crystal structure Palladium catalyzed carbonylation of iodoarenes in aqueous solu- Group 13 tetraazamacrocyclic complexes. The synthesis and char- bilized systems (A.V. Cheprakov, N.V. Ponomareva and 1.P. acterisation of the monomethyl- and dimethyl-aluminium(III) Beletskaya), 297 and gallium(III) complexes of the two tetraazamacrocyclic Synthesis of benzophenone by carbonylation of iodobenzene with ligands omtaa*~ (H,omtaa = 2,3,6,8,11,12,15,17-octamethyl- [Bu NJHFe(CO),] (J.-J. Brunet and A. El Zaizi), 275 5,14-dihydro-(H ,tmtaa = 6,8,15,17-tetramethyl-5,14-dihydro- Catalysis 5,9,14,18-tetraaza-dibenzol a,h|cyclotetradecene), and the Palladium-catalyzed arylation of styrene and acrylic acid in water crystal structure of [MeGa(omtaa)] (J.C. Cannadine, W. (N.A. Bumagin, V.V. Bykov, L.1. Sukhomlinova, T.P. Tolstaya Errington, P. Moore, M.G.H. Wallbridge, E. Nield and D. and I.P. Beletskaya), 259 Fenn), 237 Chromium Reactions of di- and poly-nuclear complexes. 13. Synthesis, struc- Addition-protonation reactions of (n°-arene)tricarbonylchro- ture and fluxional behaviour of hydrido- and thiolato- or mium(0) complexes of podocarpic acid derivatives: synthesis selenato-bridged complexes [Mo,Cp(u-HXu-ERXCO),]} (E of steroidal alicyclic skeletons (R.C. Cambie, P.S. Rutledge, = S, R = Me, ‘Bu, Bz, or Ph; E = Se, R = Ph)(P . Schollham- R.J. Stevenson and P.D. Woodgate), 199 mer, F.Y. Pétillon, R. Pichon, S. Poder-Guillou, J. Talarmin, Comparison of electrospray mass spectrometry with other soft K.W. Muir and S.E. Girdwood), 183 ionization techniques for the characterisation of cationic 7- Synthesis and characterization of ansa-(1,1-bis(inden-1,1-diyl)-I- hydrocarbon organometallic complexes (L.A.P. Kane-Mag- silacyclopentane]zirconium dichlorides. Crystal structures of uire, R. Kanitz and M.M. Sheil), 243 meso- and _ racemic-{1,1-bis{inden-1,1-diyl)-1-silacyclopen- Phosphido bridged heterodinuclear (Mn/Fe, Mn/Cr, Mn/W) tane}-dichlorozirconium and racemic-(1,1-bis(4,5,6,7-tetrahy- complexes (J.T. Lin, A.C. Yeh, Y.C. Chou, T.Y.R. Tsai and droinden-1,1-diyl)-1-sila-cylopentane|dichlorozirconium Y.S. Wen), 147 (H.J.G. Luttikhedde, R.P. Leino, J.H. Nasman, M. Ahigrén Solvatochromism in substituted 2,2'-bipyridinetetracarbonyl- and T. Pakkanen), 193 metal complexes of chromium, molybdenum and tungsten Synthesis and properties of 1,3- and 1,4-{(n°-C,H,)Mn(CO),),- (P.N.W. Baxter and J.A. Connor), 115 C.H,: molecular structure of (u-n?: 9°: 9°-CsH «CH ,)- The first chiral racemic Fischer-type aminocarbene complex bear- Mn,W(CO),] J.-A. Kim, T.-M. Chung, Y.K. Chung, J.-H. ing a C, symmetry amine: stereochemical characteristics and Jung and S.W. Lee), 211 application to Michael addition reactions (C. Baldoli, P Synthetic and theoretical MO calculational studies of lithiotria- Del Buttero, E. Licandro, $. Maiorana, A. Papagni and A. zine intermediates produced during alkyllithium-induced cy- Zanotti-Gerosa), 279 clotrimerisation reactions of organic nitriles, and comparison Cluster of their structures with that of a methylmagnesiotriazine de- Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of the heterometallic plat- rivative (D.R. Armstrong, K.W. Henderson, M. MacGregor, inum-mercury cluster [{Pt,(u-CO),PMe,Ph),Hu,-Hgl),) R.E. Mulvey, M.J. Ross, W. Clegg and P.A. O'Neil), 79 (K.-H. Dahmen, D. Imhof, L.M. Venanzi, T. Gerfin and V. Zerovalent palladium and platinum complexes of aminometh- Gramlich), 37 ylphosphines. Crystal structure of the palladium(0) dibenzyli- Subject Index / Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 486 (1994) C6-C13 deneacetone complex [Pd(PhCH=CHCO=CHPh)(C,H,,)>- Dithioether PCH ;),NMe}] (J. Fawcett, R.D.W. Kemmitt, D.R. Russell Synthesis, spectral and electrochemical aspects of maleoni- and O. Serindag), 171 triledithiolate and dibenzyldithiomaleonitrile complexes of cy- Cycloheptadienyl clopentadienylruthenium(II) (R. Prasad), 31 Reaction of tricarbonyl(n°-cycloheptatriene)manganese cation with phosphorus ylides (S.-g. Lee, Y.K. Chung, T.-S. Yoon and W. Shin), 135 Electrochemistry A convenient electrosynthesis of new complexes [Sn{Co(CO),- Cycloheptatriene Reaction of tricarbonyl(n*-cycloheptatriene)manganese cation PR,},] and their spectroscopic characterization (K.-B. with phosphorus ylides (S.-g. Lee, Y.K. Chung, T.-S. Yoon Riether, S. Pellegrini, A. Mortreux and E. Monflier), 123 Electrochemical reduction of 1,10-bis(1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-hy- and W. Shin), 135 Cyclohexadienyl droxy-4-pyrazolyl)-1,10-decanedione. Characterization of its Reactivity of [(1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene)Mn(CO),]PF,: mo- electrogenerated mononuclear Co", Ni" and Cu" complexes. ESR properties of Co" and Cu" complexes (A. Louati, A. lecular structure of [(1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene)Mn(CO),- (C(O)Me)] (T.-Y. Lee, S.S. Lee, Y.K. Chung and S.W. Lee), Kuncaka, M. Gross, C. Haubtmann, M. Bernard, J.-J. André 141 and J.-P. Brunette), 95 Synthesis and properties of 1,3- and 1,4-((n°-C,H,)Mn(CO),),- Synthesis, spectral and electrochemical aspects of maleoni- CsH,: molecular structure of [(u-n*: 9°: n°-C,7H,sXCH4 ) triledithiolate and dibenzyldithiomaleonitrile complexes of cy- Mn,W(CO),] (J.-A. Kim, T.-M. Chung, Y.K. Chung, J.-H. ck Pp di ylruthenium(II) (R. Prasad), 31 Jung and S.W. Lee), 211 Electrospray mass spectrometry Cyclopentadienyl Comparison of electrospray mass spectrometry with other soft Cyclische Amine als intramolekulare Hilfsliganden in 7- ionization techniques for the characterisation of cationic 7- Komplexen des Titans (W.A. Herrmann, M.J.A. Morawietz, hydrocarbon organometallic complexes (L.A.P. Kane-Mag- uire, R. Kanitz and M.M. Sheil), 243 T. Priermeier und K. Mashima), 291 EPR Der (N,N-Dimethylaminoethyl)cyclopentadienyl-Ligand in der Electrochemical reduction of 1,10-bis(1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-hy- Komplexchemie von Titan und Zirkon (P. Jutzi und J. Kleimeier), 287 droxy-4-pyrazolyl)-1,10-decanedione. Characterization of its Synthesis and properties of 1,3- and 1,4-((n°-C,H,)Mn(CO),),- electrogenerated mononuclear Co", Ni"! and Cu" complexes. C;H,: molecular structure of [(u-n*: 9°: 9°-C)9H,,XCH4 ) ESR properties of Co" and Cu" complexes (A. Louati, A. Mn,W(CO),] (J.-A. Kim, T.-M. Chung, Y.K. Chung, J.-H. Kuncaka, M. Gross, C. Haubtmann, M. Bernard, J.-J. André Jung and S.W. Lee), 211 and J.-P. Brunette), 95 Synthesis of mixed-ring indenyl analogues of tungstenocene (LS. Esters Gongalves and C.C. Romao), 155 Organotin esters of 3-(2-furanyl)-2-propenoic acid: their charac- terization and biological activity (M. Danish, H.G. Alt, A. Synthesis, spectral and electrochemical aspects of maleoni- triledithiolate and dibenzyldithiomaleonitrile complexes of cy- Badshah, S. Ali, M. Mazhar and Nazar-ul-Islam), 51 clopentadienylruthenium(II) (R. Prasad), 31 Fluxional behavior 2D EXSY NMR Reactions of di- and poly-nuclear complexes. 13. Synthesis, struc- Study of halogen exchanges in (Z)-1-[24Bromochlorophenylstan- ture and fluxional behaviour of hydrido- and thiolato- or selenato-bridged complexes [Mo,Cp,(u-HX u-ERXCO),] (E nylvinyl}-1-cyclohexanol by 2D ''’Sn EXSY NMR (F. Kayser, = S, R = Me, ‘Bu, Bz, or Ph; E = Se, R = Ph) (P. Schollham- M. Biesemans, F. Fu, H. Pan, M. Gielen and R. Willem), 263 mer, F.Y. Pétillon, R. Pichon, S. Poder-Guillou, J. Talarmin, Diazabutadiene K.W. Muir and S.E. Girdwood), 183 Synthesis, magnetic susceptibility and X-ray crystal structure of (‘BuNCHCHN 'Bu),Yb (M.N. Bochkarev, A.A. Trifonov, 3-(2-furanyl)-2-propenoic acid Organotin esters of 3-(2-furanyl)-2-propenoic acid: their charac- F.G.N. Cloke, C.I. Dalby, P.T. Matsunaga, R.A. Andersen, H. terization and biological activity (M. Danish, H.G. Alt, A. Schumann, J. Loebel and H. Hemling), 177 Dibenzylideneacetone Badshah, S. Ali, M. Mazhar and Nazar-ul-Islam), 51 Zerovalent palladium and platinum complexes of aminometh- ylphosphines. Crystal structure of the palladium(0) dibenzyli- Gallium deneacetone complex [Pd(PhCH=CHCO=CHPh}(C,H,;)>- Group 13 tetraazamacrocyclic complexes. The synthesis and char- PCH ,),NMe}] (J. Fawcett, R.D.W. Kemmitt, D.R. Russell acterisation of the monomethyl- and dimethyl-aluminium(II]) and O. Serindag), 171 and gallium(III) complexes of the two tetraazamacrocyclic 1,3-Diketones ligands omtaa*~ (H,omtaa = 2,3,6,8,11,12,15,17-octamethyl- The palladium-catalyzed intramolecular cyclization of alkadienyl- 5,14-dihydro-(H ,tmtaa = 6,8,15,17-tetramethyl-5,14-dihydro- substituted 1,3-diketones (R. Goddard, G. Hopp, P.W. Jolly, 5,9,14,18-tetraaza-dibenzo[a,h]cyclotetradecene), and the C. Kriiger, R. Mynott and C. Wirtz), 163 crystal structure of [MeGa(omtaa)] (J.C. Cannadine, W. Dinuclear diphosphine complexes Errington, P. Moore, M.G.H. Wallbridge, E. Nield and D. Heterobimetallic Group 6-rhodium complexes III. [M(CO),(NN)- Fenn), 237 (dppm-P)] (M = Mo, W; NN = phen or bpy) as P-donor in M-Rh complexes (M. Cano, P. Ovejero and J.V. Heras), 63 Diphenylphosphinemethane Halogen exchange Heterobimetallic Group 6-rhodium complexes III. [M(CO),(NN)- Study of halogen exchanges in (Z)-1-(2-4Bromochlorophenylstan- (dppm-P)] (M = Mo, W; NN = phen or bpy) as P-donor in nyl)vinyl]-1-cyclohexanol by 2D ''’Sn EXSY NMR (F. Kayser, M-Rh complexes (M. Cano, P. Ovejero and J.V. Heras), 63 M. Biesemans, F. Fu, H. Pan, M. Gielen and R. Willem), 263 Subject Index / Journal ofO rganometallic Chem48i6 (s199t4)r C6y-C 13 cy Hartree-Fock Comparison of electrospray mass spectrometry with other soft A theoretical approach to the molecular structure of vinylstan- ionization techniques for the characterisation of cationic 7- nane and some structural isomers (A. Marquez, J. Anguiano, hydrocarbon organometallic complexes (L.A.P. Kane-Mag- G. Gonzalez and J. Fernandez Sanz), 45 uire, R. Kanitz and M.M. Sheil), 243 Heterobimetallic complexes Phosphido bridged heterodinuclear (Mn/Fe, Mn/Cr, Mn/W) Heterobimetallic Group 6-rhodium complexes III. [M(CO),(NN)- complexes (J.T. Lin, A.C. Yeh, Y.C. Chou, T.Y.R. Tsai and (dppm-P)] (M = Mo, W; NN = phen or bpy) as P-donor in Y.S. Wen), 147 M-Rh complexes (M. Cano, P. Ovejero and J.V. Heras), 63 Isocyanide Heterobimetallics Reactions of dicobalt octa(isocyanide) with 2-bromoaceto- Phosphido bridged heterodinuclear (Mn/Fe, Mn/Cr, Mn/W) phenone (Y. Yamamoto, T. Tanase and K. Sugano), 21 complexes (J.T. Lin, A.C. Yeh, Y.C. Chou, T.Y.R. Tsai and Y.S. Wen), 147 Kinetics Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of the heterometallic plat- The reactions of silylenes on the chemically activated silica sur- inum-mercury cluster [(Pt,(u-CO),PMe,Ph),,-HHgyl)u, ) face (Yu.V. Razskazovskii, M.V. Roginskaya and M.Ya. (K.-H. Dahmen, D. Imhof, L.M. Venanzi, T. Gerfin and V. Melnikov), 249 Gramlich), 37 Hydride Lewis acids Tetrahydrothiophene derivatives of metal carbonyl clusters (T. Etude de la réactivité de l'allyltriméthylsilane avec les cétones Teppana, S. Jaaskeliinen, M. Ahigrén, J. Pursiainen and T.A. a-cyclopropaniques en présence de tétrachlorure de titane (H. Pakkanen), 217 Monti, M. Afshari et G. Léandri), 69 Vinylstannanes: synthesis and characterization (T. Janati, J.-C. Lithium Guillemin and M. Soufiaoui), 57 Synthetic and theoretical MO calculational studies of lithiotria- Hydride ligands zine intermediates produced during alkyllithium-induced cy- Reactions of di- and poly-nuclear complexes. 13. Synthesis, struc- clotrimerisation reactions of organic nitriles, and comparison ture and fluxional behaviour of hydrido- and thiolato- or of their structures with that of a methylmagnesiotriazine de- selenato-bridged complexes [Mo,Cp(u-HXu-ERXCO),] (E rivative (D.R. Armstrong, K.W. Henderson, M. MacGregor, = S, R = Me, ‘Bu, Bz,o r Ph; E = Se, R = Ph)(P . Schollham- R.E. Mulvey, M.J. Ross, W. Clegg and P.A. O'Neil), 79 mer, F.Y. Pétillon, R. Pichon, S. Poder-Guillou, J. Talarmin, K.W. Muir and S.E. Girdwood), 183 Macrocycles m-Hydrocarbon complexes Group 13 tetraazamacrocyclic complexes. The synthesis and char- Comparison of electrospray mass spectrometry with other soft acterisation of the monomethyl- and dimethyl-aluminium(III) ionization techniques for the characterisation of cationic 7- and gallium(1I1) complexes of the two tetraazamacrocyclic ligands omtaa*~ (H,omtaa = 2,3,6,8,11,12,15,17-octamethyl- hydrocarbon organometallic complexes (L.A.P. Kane-Mag- uire, R. Kanitz and M.M. Sheil), 243 5,14-dihydro-(H ,tmtaa = 6,8,15,17-tetramethyl-5,14-dihydro- 5,9,14,18-tetraaza-dibenzo| a,h|cyclotetradecene), and the Indenyl crystal structure of [MeGalomtaa)] J.C. Cannadine, W. Synthesis and characterization of ansa-{1,1-bis(inden-1,1-diyl)-I- Errington, P. Moore, M.G.H. Wallbridge, E. Nield and D. silacyclopentane]zirconium dichlorides. Crystal structures of Fenn), 237 meso- and _ racemic-{1,1-bis[inden-1,1-diyl)-1-silacyclopen- Magnesium tane}-dichlorozirconium and racemic-(1,1-bis(4,5,6,7-tetrahy- Synthetic and theoretical MO calculational studies of lithiotria- droinden- 1, 1-diyl)-1-sila-cylopentane \dichlorozirconium zine intermediates produced during alkyllithium-induced cy- (H.J.G. Luttikhedde, R.P. Leino, J.H. Nasman, M. Ahigrén clotrimerisation reactions of organic nitriles, and comparison and T. Pakkanen), 193 of their structures with that of a methyimagnesiotriazine de- Indenyl compounds rivative (D.R. Armstrong, K.W. Henderson, M. MacGregor, Synthesis of mixed-ring indeny!l analogues of tungstenocene (1.S. R.E. Mulvey, M.J. Ross, W. Clegg and P.A. O'Neil), 79 Gongalves and C.C. Romao), 155 Magnetic susceptibility Insertion Synthesis, magnetic susceptibility and X-ray crystal structure of Reactions of dicobalt octa(isocyanide) with 2-bromoaceto- (‘BuNCHCHN'Bu),Yb (M.N. Bochkarev, A.A. Trifonov, phenone (Y. Yamamoto, T. Tanase and K. Sugano), 21 F.G.N. Cloke, C.1. Dalby, P.T. Matsunaga, R.A. Andersen, H. Intramolecular cyclization Schumann, J. Loebel and H. Hemling), 177 The palladium-catalyzed intramolecular cyclization of alkadienyl- Maleonitriledithiolate substituted 1,3-diketones (R. Goddard, G. Hopp, P.W. Jolly, Synthesis, spectral and electrochemical aspects of maleoni- C. Kriiger, R. Mynott and C. Wirtz), 163 triledithiolate and dibenzyldithiomaleonitrile complexes of cy- lon cyclotron resonance clopentadienylruthenium(II) (R. Prasad), 31 Chemistry of coordinatively unsaturated and electron deficient Manganese carbonyl metallate ions. Gas phase reactions of [Fe(CO),]~ Phosphido bridged heterodinuclear (Mn/Fe, Mn/Cr, Mn/W) with alcohols (1.K. Gregor and R.C. Gregor), 109 complexes (J.T. Lin, A.C. Yeh, Y.C. Chou, T.Y.R. Tsai and lon/molecule reactions Y.S. Wen), 147 Chemistry of coordinatively unsaturated and electron deficient Reaction of tricarbonyl(n°-cycloheptmaatnrgiaenensee cation carbonyl metallate ions. Gas phase reactions of [Fe(CO),]~ with phosphorus ylides (S.-g. Lee, Y.K. Chung, T.-S. Yoon with alcohols (1.K. Gregor and R.C. Gregor), 109 and W. Shin), 135 Iron Reactivity of [(1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene)Mn(CJOP)F,, : mo- Chemistry of coordinatively unsaturated and electron deficient lecular structure of [(1,2,3,4-tetrahydronapht)hMna(lCeOn)e,- carbonyl metallate ions. Gas phase reactions of [Fe(CO),]” (C(O)Me)] (T.-Y. Lee, S.S. Lee, Y.K. Chung and S.W. Lee), with alcohols (1.K. Gregor and R.C. Gregor), 109 141 c10 Subject Index / Jouofr Ornganaometlall ic Chemistry 486 (1994) C6-C13 Synthesis and properties of 1,3- and 1,4-((n°-C,H,)Mn(CO),),- Reactions of di- and poly-nuclear complexes. 13. Synthesis, struc- C.H,: molecular structure of [(u-*: n°: °-C,7H,sXCH4 ) ture and fluxional behaviour of hydrido- and thiolato- or Mn,W(CO),] (J.-A. Kim, T.-M. Chung, Y.K. Chung, J.-H. selenato-bridged complexes [Mo,Cp,(u-HX u-ERXCO),]} (E Jung and S.W. Lee), 211 = S, R = Me, ‘Bu, Bz, or Ph; E = Se, R = Ph) (P. Schollham- Manganese sandwich complexes mer, F.Y. Pétillon, R. Pichon, S. Poder-Guillou, J. Talarmin, Characterization of manganese sandwich complexes by Mn K.W. Muir and S.E. Girdwood), 183 NMR spectroscopy (B. Wrackmeyer, T. Hofmann and M. Solvatochromism in substituted 2,2’-bipyridinetetracarbonyl- Herberhold), 255 metal complexes of chromium, molybdenum and tungsten Mass spectroscopy (P.N.W. Baxter and J.A. Connor), 115 Chemistry of coordinatively unsaturated and electron deficient carbonyl metallate ions. Gas phase reactions of [Fe(CO),]~ Nickel with alcohols (1.K. Gregor and R.C. Gregor), 109 Electrochemical reduction of 1,10-bis(1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-hy- Mechanism droxy-4-pyrazolyl)-1,10-decanedione. Characterization of its The reactions of silylenes on the chemically activated silica sur- electrogenerated mononuclear Co", Ni"! and Cu" complexes. face (Yu.V. Razskazovskii, M.V. Roginskaya and M.Ya. ESR properties of Co" and Cu" complexes (A. Louati, A. Melnikov), 249 Kuncaka, M. Gross, C. Haubtmann, M. Bernard, J.-J. André Mercury and J.-P. Brunette), 95 Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of the heterometallic plat- NMR inum—mercury cluster [{Pt,(u-CO)Ph,)(, PM5-eHg,l), ) Organotin esters of 3-(2-furanyl)-2-propenoic acid: their charac- (K.-H. Dahmen, D. Imhof, L.M. Venanzi, T. Gerfin and V. terization and biological activity (M. Danish, H.G. Alt, A. Gramlich), 37 Badshah, S. Ali, M. Mazhar and Nazar-ul-Islam), 51 Metal Synthese und Charakterisierung von Poly(dialkenylsilylen-co- Synthesis, magnetic susceptibility and X-ray crystal structure of methylenen) als Grundmaterialien von SiC-Fasern (W. Habel, (‘BuNCHCHN'Bu),Yb (M.N. Bochkarev, A.A. Trifonov, A. Oelschlager und P. Sartori), 267 F.G.N. Cloke, C.1. Dalby, P.T. Matsunaga, R.A. Andersen, H. NMR-spectroscopy Schumann, J. Loebel and H. Hemling), 177 Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of the heterometallic plat- Metal carbonyl anions inum-mercury cluster [{Pt,(u-CO),(PMe,Ph.)-H,g}l)u, ) Chemistry of coordinatively unsaturated and electron deficient (K.-H. Dahmen, D. Imhof, L.M. Venanzi, T. Gerfin and V. carbonyl metallate ions. Gas phase reactions of [Fe(CO),]~ Gramlich), 37 with alcohols (1.K. Gregor and R.C. Gregor), 109 NMR-study Phosphido bridged heterodinuclear (Mn/Fe, Mn/Cr, Mn/W) Vinylstannanes: synthesis and characterization (T. Janati, J.-C. complexes (J.T. Lin, A.C. Yeh, Y.C. Chou, T.Y.R. Tsai and Guillemin and M. Soufiaoui), 57 Y.S. Wen), 147 N,N-dimethylaminoethylcyclopentadieny! titanium complexes Metallocene Der (N,N-Dimethylaminoethyl)cyclopentadienyl-Ligand in der Synthesis of mixed-ring indenyl analogues of tungstenocene (LS. Komplexchemie von Titan und Zirkon (P. Jutzi und J. Gongalves and C.C. Romao), 155 Kleimeier), 287 Metallocenes N, N-dimethylaminoethylcyclopentadienyl zirconium complexes Synthesis and characterization of ansa-(1,1-bis(inden-1,1-diyl)-I- Der (N,N-Dimethylaminoethyl)cyclopentadienyl-Ligand in der silacyclopentane]zirconium dichlorides. Crystal structures of Komplexchemie von Titan und Zirkon (P. Jutzi und J. meso- and _ racemic-(1,1-bis{inden-1,1-diyl)-1-silacyclopen- Kleimeier), 287 tane}-dichlorozirconium and racemic-(1,1-bis(4,5,6,7-tetrahy- Nucleophilic addition droinden-1,1-diyl)-1-sila-cylopentane }dichlorozirconium Reactivity of [(1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene)Mn(CJOP)F,, : mo- (H.J.G. Luttikhedde, R.P. Leino, J.H. Nasman, M. Ahlgrén lecular structure of [(1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene Mn(CO),- and T. Pakkanen), 193 (C(O)Me)] (T.-Y. Lee, S.S. Lee, Y.K. Chung and S.W. Lee), Michael addition 141 The first chiral racemic Fischer-type aminocarbene complex bear- ing a C, symmetry amine: stereochemical characteristics and Olefinated application to Michael addition reactions (C. Baldoli, P. Reaction of tricarbonyl(n®°-cycloheptatriene manganese cation Del Buttero, E. Licandro, §. Maiorana, A. Papagni and A. with phosphorus ylides (S.-g. Lee, Y.K. Chung, T.-S. Yoon Zanotti-Gerosa), 279 and W. Shin), 135 Mn NMR Organoantimony Characterization of manganese sandwich complexes by Mn Antimony. Annual review covering the year 1991 (L.D. Freedman NMR spectroscopy (B. Wrackmeyer, T. Hofmann and M. and G.O. Doak), | Herberhold), 255 Organotin Molybdenocene Organotin esters of 3-(2-furanyl)-2-propenoic acid: their charac- Synthesis of mixed-ring indenyl analogues of tungstenocene (1.S. terization and biological activity (M. Danish, H.G. Alt, A. Gongalves and C.C. Romiao), 155 Badshah, S. Ali, M. Mazhar and Nazar-ul-Islam), 51 Molybdenum Oxidative addition Comparison of electrospray mass spectrometry with other soft Reactions of dicobalt octa(isocyanide) with 2-bromoaceto- ionization techniques for the characterisation of cationic 7- phenone (Y. Yamamoto, T. Tanase and K. Sugano), 21 hydrocarbon organometallic complexes (L.A.P. Kane-Mag- uire, R. Kanitz and M.M. Sheil), 243 Palladium Heterobimetallic Group 6-rhodium complexes III. [M(CO),(NN)- Palladium catalyzed carbonylation of iodoarenes in aqueous solu- (dppm-P)] (M = Mo, W; NN = phen or bpy) as P-donor in bilized systems (A.V. Cheprakov, N.V. Ponomareva and I.P. M-Rh complexes (M. Cano, P. Ovejero and J.V. Heras), 63 Beletskaya), 297 Subject Ind/e Jouxrna l ofO rganometallic Chemistry 486 (1994) C6-—C13 Palladium-catalyzed arylation of styrene and acrylic acid in water Preparation (N.A. Bumagin, V.V. Bykov, L.1. Sukhomlinova, T.P. Tolstaya Synthesis of mixed-ring indenyl analogues of tungstenocene (1S. and I.P. Beletskaya), 259 Gongalves and C.C. Romao), 155 Zerovalent palladium and platinum complexes of aminometh- Pyrazoles ylphosphines. Crystal structure of the palladium(0) dibenzyli- Dichlorodialkyltin complexes with 4-bromopyrazole. The crystal deneacetone complex [Pd(PhCH=CHCO=CHPh (C,H, , )>- structure of bis(4-bromopyrazole-N *)d ichlorodimethyltin(IV) PCH ,),NMe)}] UJ. Fawcett, R.D.W. Kemmitt, D.R. Russell (U. Casellato, R. Graziani, V. Peruzzo and G. Plazzogna), 105 and O. Serindag), 171 Pyrazoline complexes Palladium catalysis Electrochemical reduction of 1,10-bis(1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-hy- The palladium-catalyzed intramolecular cyclization of alkadienyl- droxy-4-pyrazolyl)-1,10-decanedione. Characterization of its substituted 1,3-diketones (R. Goddard, G. Hopp, P.W. Jolly, electrogenerated mononuclear Co", Ni"! and Cu" complexes. C. Kriiger, R. Mynott and C. Wirtz), 163 ESR properties of Co" and Cu" complexes (A. Louati, A. Pentacarbonyliron Kuncaka, M. Gross, C. Haubtmann, M. Bernard, J.-J. André Synthesis of benzophenone by carbonylation of iodobenzene with and J.-P. Brunette), 95 [Bu| NJHFe(CO),] (J.-J. Brunet and A. El Zaizi), 275 Pyrolysis Phosphide Synthese und Charakterisierung von Poly(dialkenylsilylen-co- Phosphido bridged heterodinuclear (Mn/Fe, Mn/Cr, Mn/W) methylenen) als Grundmaterialien von SiC-Fasern (W. Habel, complexes (J.T. Lin, A.C. Yeh, Y.C. Chou, T.Y.R. Tsai and A. Oelschlager und P. Sartori), 267 Y.S. Wen), 147 Phosphine A convenient electrosynthesis of new complexes [Sn{Co(CO),- Radiolysis PR,},] and their spectroscopic characterization (K.-B. Radiolytic synthesis and characterization of [Ru'(acac),(CO)L} Riether, S. Pellegrini, A. Mortreux and E. Monflier), 123 (L = MeOH, EtOH or Pr'OH) (H. Remita, M.E. Brik, J.C. Phosphine complexes Daran and M.O. Delcourt), 283 A convenient electrosynthesis of new complexes [Sn{(Co(CO),- Reaction mechanism PR,)},] and their spectroscopic characterization (K.-B. Etude de la réactivité de l'allyltriméthylsilane avec les cétones Riether, S. Pellegrini, A. Mortreux and E. Monflier), 123 a-cyclopropaniques en présence de tétrachlorure de titane (H. Phosphonium Monti, M. Afshari et G. Léandri), 69 Reaction of tricarbonyl(n°-cycloheptatriene manganese cation Reduction with phosphorus ylides (S.-g. Lee, Y.K. Chung, T.-S. Yoon Vinylstannanes: synthesis and characterization (T. Janati, J.-C. and W. Shin), 135 Guillemin and M. Soufiaoui), 57 Platinum Rhodium Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of the heterometallic plat- Tetrahydrothiophene derivatives of metal carbonyl clusters (T. inum—mercury cluster [{Pt,(u-CO),(PMe,Ph,)-H,egHlu), ) Teppana, S. Jaaskelainen, M. Ahigrén, J. Pursiainen and T.A. (K.-H. Dahmen, D. Imhof, L.M. Venanzi, T. Gerfin and V. Pakkanen), 217 Gramlich), 37 Rhodium—Group 6 complexes Zerovalent palladium and platinum complexes of aminometh- Heterobimetallic Group 6-rhodium complexes III. [M(CO),(NN)- ylphosphines. Crystal structure of the palladium(0) dibenzyli- (dppm-P)] (M = Mo, W; NN = pFen or bpy) as P-donor in deneacetone complex [Pd(PhCH=CHCO=CHPh}(C,|,H) ,- M-Rh complexes (M. Cano, P. Ovejero and J.V. Heras), 63 PCH ,),NMe)] (J. Fawcett, R.D.W. Kemmitt, D.R. Russell Ruthenium and O. Serindag), 171 Radiolytic synthesis and characterization of [Ru"(acac)(CO)L] Podocarpic acid (L = MeOH, EtOH or Pr'OH) (H. Remita, M.E. Brik, J.C. Addition—protonation reactions of (n°-arene)tricarbonylchro- Daran and M.O. Delcourt), 283 mium(0) complexes of podocarpic acid derivatives: synthesis Synthesis, spectral and electrochemical aspects of maleoni- of steroidal alicyclic skeletons (R.C. Cambie, P.S. Rutledge, triledithiolate and dibenzyldithiomaleonitrile complexes of cy- R.J. Stevenson and P.D. Woodgate), 199 clopentadienylruthenium(I]) (R. Prasad), 31 Poly(Carbosilanes) Tetrahydrothiophene derivatives of metal carbonyl clusters (T. Synthese und Charakterisierung von Poly(dialkenylsilylen-co- Teppana, S. Jaaskelainen, M. Ahigrén, J. Pursiainen and T.A. methylenen) als Grundmaterialien von SiC-Fasern (W. Habel, Pakkanen), 217 A. Oelschlager und P. Sartori), 267 Poly(dialkenylsilylene-co-methylene) Synthese und Charakterisierung von Poly(dialkenylsilylen-co- Si-C-fibres methylenen) als Grundmaterialien von SiC-Fasern (W. Habel, Synthese und Charakterisierung von Poly(dialkenylsilylen-co- A. Oclschlager und P. Sartori), 267 methylenen) als Grundmaterialien von SiC-Fasern (W. Habel, Polymetallic A. Oclschlager und P. Sartori), 267 Synthesis and properties of 1,3- and 1,4-{(n°-C,H,)Mn(CO),)},- Silacyclopentyl C.H,: molecular structure of [(u-n*: 9°: 9°-C,,H,.XCH,)- Synthesis and characterization of ansa-{1,1-bis(inden-1,1-diyl)-I- Mn,W(CO),] (J.-A. Kim, T.-M. Chung, Y.K. Chung, J.-H. silacyclopentane]zirconium dichlorides. Crystal structures of Jung and S.W. Lee), 211 meso- and _ racemic-{1,1-bis{inden-1,1-diyl)-1-silacyclopen- Precursor tane}-dichlorozirconium and racemic-{1,1-bis(4,5,6,7-tetrahy- Synthese und Charakterisierung von Poly(dialkenylsilylen-co- droinden-1,1-diyl)-1-sila-cylopentane }dichlorozirconium methylenen) als Grundmaterialien von SiC-Fasern (W. Habel, (H.J.G. Luttikhedde, R.P. Leino, J.H. Nasman, M. Ahigrén A. Ocelschlager und P. Sartori), 267 and T. Pakkanen), 193 ci12 Subject Index /J ournal ofO rganometallic Chemistry 486 (1994) C6-C13 Silicon Titanium Etude de la réactivité de l’allyltriméthylsilane avec les cétones Cyclische Amine als intramolekulare Hilfsliganden in 7- a-cyclopropaniques en présence de tétrachlorure de titane (H. Komplexen des Titans (W.A. Herrmann, M.J.A. Morawietz, Monti, M. Afshari et G. Léandri), 69 T. Priermeier und K. Mashima), 291 The reactions of silylenes on the chemically activated silica sur- Der (N,N-Dimethylaminoethyl)cyclopentadienyl-Ligand in der face (Yu.V. Razskazovskii, M.V. Roginskaya and M.Ya. Komplexchemie von Titan und Zirkon (P. Jutzi und J. Mel’nikov), 249 Kleimeier), 287 Silylene Etude de la réactivité de Il’allyltriméthylsilane avec les cétones The reactions of silylenes on the chemically activated silica sur- a-cyclopropaniques en présence de tétrachlorure de titane (H. face (Yu.V. Razskazovskii, M.V. Roginskaya and M.Ya. Monti, M. Afshari et G. Léandri), 69 Melnikov), 249 Triazine Solvatochromism Synthetic and theoretical MO calculational studies of lithiotria- Solvatochromism in substituted 2,2'-bipyridinetetracarbonyl- zine intermediates produced during alkyllithium-induced cy- metal complexes of chromium, molybdenum and tungsten clotrimerisation reactions of organic nitriles, and comparison (P.N.W. Baxter and J.A. Connor), 115 of their structures with that of a methylmagnesiotriazine de- Solvent rivative (D.R. Armstrong, K.W. Henderson, M. MacGregor, Palladium-catalyzed arylation of styrene and acrylic acid in water R.E. Mulvey, M.J. Ross, W. Clegg and P.A. O'Neil), 79 (N.A. Bumagin, V.V. Bykov, L.I. Sukhomlinova, T.P. Tolstaya Tungsten and I.P. Beletskaya), 259 Comparison of electrospray mass spectrometry with other soft Stereochemistry ionization techniques for the characterisation of cationic r- The first chiral racemic Fischer-type aminocarbene complex bear- hydrocarbon organometallic complexes (L.A.P. Kane-Mag- ing a C, symmetry amine: stereochemical characteristics and uire, R. Kanitz and M.M. Sheil), 243 application to Michael addition reactions (C. Baldoli, P. Heterobimetallic Group 6-rhodium complexes III. [M(CO),(NN)- Del Buttero, E. Licandro, S. Maiorana, A. Papagni and A. (dppm-P)] (M = Mo, W; NN = phen or bpy) as P-donor in Zanotti-Gerosa), 279 M-Rh complexes (M. Cano, P. Ovejero and J.V. Heras), 63 Structure Solvatochromism in substituted 2,2’-bipyridinetetracarbonyl- Cyclische Amine als intramolekulare Hilfsliganden in 7- metal complexes of chromium, molybdenum and tungsten Komplexen des Titans (W.A. Herrmann, M.J.A. Morawietz, (P.N.W. Baxter and J.A. Connor), 115 T. Priermeier und K. Mashima), 291 Synthesis and properties of 1,3- and 1,4-{(m°-C,.H,)Mn(CO),)},- Synthesis C.H,: molecular structure of [(u-n*: 9°: 9°-C ,pH,.MCH,)- P-H-funktionelle Zirkonocen—Phosphido-KompSlyenxthee—se Mn;W(CO),] (J.-A. Kim, T.-M. Chung, Y.K. Chung, J.-H. und Molekiilstruktur von cis-(Cp’,Zr(u-PHR)], (Cp’ = Jung and S.W. Lee), 211 C;H,Me, R = C,H, (‘Bu), C,9H,s (Ad)) (E. Hey-Hawkins, Tungstenocene S. Kurz, J. Sieler und G. Baum), 229 Synthesis of mixed-ring indenyl analogues of tungstenocene (1.S. Radiolytic synthesis and characterization of [Ru'(acac)(CO)L] Gongalves and C.C. Romao), 155 (L = MeOH, EtOH or Pr'OH) (H. Remita, M.E. Brik, J.C. Daran and M.O. Delcourt), 283 Vapour synthesis Synthesis of benzophenone by carbonylation of iodobenzene with Synthesis, magnetic susceptibility and X-ray crystal structure of [Bu NJHFe(CO),] (J.-J. Brunet and A. El Zaizi), 275 (‘BuNCHCHN'Bu);Yb (M.N. Bochkarev, A.A. Trifonov, F.G.N. Cloke, C.1. Dalby, P.T. Matsunaga, R.A. Andersen, H. Tetrahydronaphthalene Schumann, J. Loebel and H. Hemling), 177 Reactivity of [(1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene Mn(CO),]PF,: mo- lecular structure of [(1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene)Mn(CO),- Vinylstannane (C(O)Me)] (T.-Y. Lee, S.S. Lee, Y.K. Chung and S.W. Lee), A theoretical approach to the molecular structure of vinylstan- 141 nane and some structural isomers (A. Marquez, J. Anguiano, G. Gonzalez and J. Fernandez Sanz), 45 Tetrahydrothiophene Vinylstannanes Tetrahydrothiophene derivatives of metal carbonyl clusters (T. Vinylstannanes: synthesis and characterization (T. Janati, J.-C. Teppana, S. Jaaskelainen, M. Ahigrén, J. Pursiainen and T.A. Guillemin and M. Soufiaoui), 57 Pakkanen), 217 Visible spectra Theoretical study Synthesis, spectral and electrochemical aspects of maleoni- A theoretical approach to the molecular structure of vinylstan- triledithiolate and dibenzyldithiomaleonitrile complexes of cy- nane and some structural isomers (A. Marquez, J. Anguiano, G. Gonzalez and J. Fernandez Sanz), 45 clopentadienylruthenium(II) (R. Prasad), 31 Tin A convenient electrosynthesis of new complexes [Sn{Co(CO),- Water PR,},] and their spectroscopic characterization (K.-B. Palladium catalyzed carbonylation of iodoarenes in aqueous solu- Riether, S. Pellegrini, A. Mortreux and E. Monflier), 123 bilized systems (A.V. Cheprakov, N.V. Ponomareva and LP. Dichlorodialkyltin complexes with 4-bromopyrazole. The crystal Beletskaya), 297 structure of bis(4-bromopyrazole-N *)dichlorodimethyltin(IV) Palladium-catalyzed arylation of styrene and acrylic acid in water (U. Casellato, R. Graziani, V. Peruzzo and G. Plazzogna), 105 (N.A. Bumagin, V.V. Bykov, L.1. Sukhomlinova, T.P. Tolstaya Study of halogen exchanges in (Z)-1-(24Bromochlorophenylstan- and I.P. Beletskaya), 259 nyl)vinyl}-1-cyclohexanol by 2D ''’Sn EXSY NMR (F. Kayser, Water-soluble phosphines M. Biesemans, F. Fu, H. Pan, M. Gielen and R. Willem), 263 A convenient electrosynthesis of new complexes [Sn{Co(CO),- Vinylstannanes: synthesis and characterization (T. Janati, J.-C. PR,},) and their spectroscopic characterization (K.-B. Guillemin and M. Soufiaoui), 57 Riether, S. Pellegrini, A. Mortreux and E. Monflier), 123

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