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Preview Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1994: Vol 484 Table of Contents

“ (Oan 0 re te ELSEVIER Volume 484, Numbers 1-2, 10 December 1994 Contents Regular Papers Synthesis, X-ray structure and chemical properties of 17@-ferrocenylestradiOl D. Vichard, M. Gruselle, G. Jaouen (Paris, France), M.N. Nefedova, I.A. Mamedyarova, V.I. Sokolov (Moscow, Russian Federation) andJ . Vaissermann (Paris, France) . ‘3 vee ia ee : 330 pina oA Boron- and phosporus-containing heterocycles: first evidence ‘of:a transient yelic phosphaborolane with P-H and B-H bonds A.-C. Gaumont, K. Bourumeau, J..M. Denis and P. Guenot (Rennes, France) . a Reactions of mercuric acetate with pentacarbonyliron in alcohols. Crystal and molecular structures of Hel[Fe(COORXCO) i (R== CH,, C,Hs) AE. Mauro, V.A. De Lucca Neto, J.R. Zamian (Araraquara, Brazil), RH. De Almeida Santos, M.T. Do Prado Gambardella, J.R. Lechat (Sao Carlos, Brazil) and H.R. Rechenberg (Sio Paulo, Brazil). see Cyclometallated compounds of Pd(II) with pyrazole derivatives. Unusual double pallladation ot diarylbis(N-pyrazoly)methanes M.T. Alonso, O. Juanes, J. De Mendoza and J.C. Rodriguez-Ubis (Madrid, Spain). . pel Sai uty a saad de cas aa VS le Dry synthesis under microwave irradiation: synthesis of ferrocenylenones D. Villemin, B. Martin, M. Puciova (Caen, France )and S. Toma (Bratislawa, Slovak Republic)... .. oes Crystal and molecular structure of 1-phenyl-1H-tetrazole-5-thiolato-trimethyltin(V), Me ,SnSCN,, Ph, exhibiting unususl trimeric associa- tions through intermolecular N — Sn bonds R. Cea-Olivares, O. Jiménez-Sandoval, G. Espinosa-Pérez and C. Silvestru(Coyoacin, México) .. Uranium complexes with hydrotris(pyrazolyl) borate M.P.C. Campello, A. Domingos and I. Santos (Sacavém, Portugal) . ike ae ep ik eer ee ea Redox reactivity of azathiaferrocenophane complexes with copper(I) and palladium(il) ~ J.S. Kim, A.J. Bessire, R.A. Bartsch, R.A. Holwerda (Lubbock, TX, USA) and B.P. Czech (Tarrytown, NY,USA). .. -. Selectivity in reactions of a dimethylplatinacyclopentane complex M. Rashidi, N. Shahabadi, A.R. Esmaeilbeig, M. Joshaghani (Shiraz, Iran) and R.J. Puddephatt (London, Ont.,Camada).. .....-.. Kinetics of chain reactions between organochromium macrocyclic complexes and iodine S. Shi and H.C. Zeng(Kent Ridge,Singapore) ..... ae ‘ 4 ee Redox behaviour of ferrocene derivatives. VII. Chalcogen- bridged tri- and tetta-nuclear fetrocenes | P. Zanello, G. Opromolla (Siena, Italy), M. Herberhold and H.-D. Brendel (Bayreuth, Germany) . Site selectivity in carbon monoxide insertion into a Pt—-C o-bond of the binuclear complex [((CH.C IP ty —C peP h,PPy)Pt(CH ;i (DMSO)JDMSO. Structural characterization of the derivatives [(CH,CO)CIPt(y- -C1Xu—Ph » PPy)P(CH, (DMS0)] and [CCH 5 )CIPt(u—Ph, PPy),Pt(COCH,)]* C.G. Arena (Messina, Italy), G. Ciani (Milano, Italy), D. Drommi, F. Faraone (Messina, Italy), D.M. Proserpio (Milano, Italy) and E. Rotondo (Messina, Italy).. ary ; nie o: Darstellung und Figenschaften bis Komplexes (dipy)Ni(n 2_PhC SiMe 5).Z ur ‘Koreltion urektureler Bindungsparametet mit IR- eer NMR-spektroskopischen Daten in Ubergangsmetall- -Alkin-Komplexen U. Rosenthal, C. Nauck, P. Arndt, §. Pulst, W. Baumann, V.V. Burlakov (Rostock, Deutschland) und H. Gorls ena, Deutschland) . . The generation of 1,1-dimethylsilanimine by flash vacuum thermolysis M. Letulle, A. Systermans, J.-L. Ripoll (Caen, France)andP . Guenot (Rennes, France) . . , piesatk took Synthesis and spectra of novel diorganotellurides and diorganoditellurides, Potential Palydentate hybrid organotellurium ligands V. Srivastava, R. Batheja and A.K. Singh CNew Dehli,India). The reaction of R,S and R,R/S,S-[Fe>{n,7-C ~H,CHINMe, )CH(NMe)C 5H, CO), p-- CO)s) and [Fe,(77,- C,H ,CH >CH(NMe,)C<- H 4CO),(2-CO),] with alkylating agents. esate, structure and spectra of [Fe,{7.7-C 5H CHCNMe 5 )CH(NMe, IC 5H 4 KCO)(nu - CO),]* and [Fe s(n, n-C.<H ,CHCH(NMe IC. H,}(CO)>(u-CO)>]* salts M.G. Cox, A.R. Manning, P. Soye (Dublin, Ireland), P. McArdle and D, Cunningham (Galway, Ireland) ...... -. New heterocycles from the reaction of azoniaboratacyclopropane with isocyanides D.J. Brauer, H. Biirger, T. Hagen and G, Pawelke (Wuppertal, Germany) - Pentafluorophenyl complexes of palladium and platinum containing chelating wil bridging Fe(C.- H,PPh, x or FelC, H ,SPh), §. Coco and P. Espinet (Valladolid, Spain)... .......... 25. - cree 3,4-Functionalized silacyclopentanes. Synthesis of trans-4-amino-. azido- "and " alkyloxy-1-silacyclopentan-3-ols from 6-0a-}- silabicyclo[3.1.0]hexanes R. Boukherroub, G. Manuel (Toulouse, France), §. Mignani and D. Damour(Vitry sur Seine, France). . Organometallic photochemistry in supercritical fluids: reactions of cyclopentadieny! carbonyl and phosphine carbonyl ‘complexes of manganese with dinitrogen J.A. Banister, M.W. George, S. Grubert, S.M. Howdle, M. Jobling, F.P.A. Johnson, $.L. Mortison, M. Poliakoff, U- Schubert and J.R- PT CPO UD ns ae ky bk aba es beeOa 6 ek ke ay eee 6 Le ae AA ee aS A ae bee Cyclic 1,8-napththalenediyl compounds containing group 14 hetero atoms M.A.G.M. Tinga, GJ.H. Buisman, G. Schat, 0.S. Akkerman, F. Bickelhaupt (Amsterdam, Netherlands), W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek i et a A i a oe eo lerken sa Wi ae MAK eben © wom x # Alm ke we 137 Catalysis of hydrosilylation. Part XXV. Effect of nickel(O) and nickel(II)complex catalysts on dehydrogenative silylation, hydrosilylation and dimerization of vinyltriethoxysilane B. Marciniec, H. Maciejewski (Poznan, Poland) and U. Rosenthal (Rostock, Germany) .......0.0 c.e e.ee.eee0cc0ee e 147 New refinement of the Me,E-EP’h , (E= Ge, E’=Sn; E= Sn, E’ = Ge) isomeric compounds and the crystal structure of their solid solu tion L. Parkanyi, A. Kalman (Budapest, Hungary), K.H. Pannel and H. Sharma (El Paso, TX, USA) ..........00.0 .ee. e.e e 153 Synthesis and structural characterization of cobalt complexes derived from conjugated tetraynes J. Lewis, B. Lin,M.S. Khan, M.R.A. Al-Mandhary and P.R. Raithby (Cambridge, UK) ......0..0.00.. .ee .ee. cu es 161 BisCalkyne) complexes of the type [WI,(CO XNCRX 7?-R’C,R’),] (R = Et, ‘Bu, Ph or CH,Ph; R’ = Me or Ph). X-ray crystal structure of [WIN,C '(B uC 7?O-Me C 2M e),] P.K. Baker (Gwynedd, UK), M.E. Harman, M.B. Hursthouse (Cardiff, UK), A.J. Lavery (Manchester, UK), K.M.A. Malik (Cardiff, UK), DJ. Muldoon (Gwynedd, UK) and A. Shawcross (Manchester, UK)... 1-1. . ee ee ee ee ee ee eee 169 Steric effects in triorganosilanes: crystal and molecular structure of tribenzylsilane, a silane isomorphous with the corresponding silanol i Ee ee ee re ere a ee eee ee 175 Zum Reaktionsverhalten eines Vinylidentitanocen-Intermediates gegentber protischen Agenzien—selektive Synthesen von 1-Alkenylti- tanocenverbindungen R. Beckhaus, J. Sang, J. Oster und T. Wagner (Aachen, Deutschland) . 179 Synthesis of Optically active benzyl-a-d alcohols by asymmetric hydrogenation of benzaldehyde-a-d and its derivatives catalyzed by BINAP-Ru(IDcomplexes ees, Wh. PN I FTI MOO, PD os he ee ee eee wee ees eine esses 191 Reaction of uranium tetrachloride with trimethylsilylcyclopentadiene: crystal structure of a dichloromethane adduct of [{U(cp)>(y- C))},Cr3-CD, I{U(cp)Cl 5},(4-Cl)3] (Cp = n-CsHs) T. Arliguie, M. Ephritikhine, M. Lance, J- Vigner and M. Nierlich (Gif sur Yvette, France)... 2.2... 0.0e.ee .eee. ee eee 195 Zirkonadihydrofuran-Komplexe: Darstellung, Struktur und Reaktivitats-Betrachtungen U. Rosenthal, A. Ohff, W. Baumann, A. Tillack (Rostock, Deutschland), H. Gérls (Jena, Deutschland), V.V. Burlakov und V.B. Shur Ss oe eRe A ee ees 6A kw bee 4 9h 6 ot ek ea OR Rd ewe 203 Synthesis, structural characterization and photophysical properties of ethyne—gold(I) complexes T.E. Miller (London, UK), S.W.-K. Choi (Hong Kong, Hong Kong), D.M.P. Mingos, D. Murphy, D.J. Williams (London, UK) and ee en a I ka) wc bee ye 60k 34 4 A bb et set Uae h ee dhe cede eaen 209 Synthesis and characterization of some amine complexes of bromocarboxyboranes and bromo(methoxycarbonyl)boranes B. Gydri, Z. Kovacs, J. Emri and Z. Berente (Debrecen, Hungary)... 1... 1... cc te cc ete ec cece ee, 225 Kohlenwasserstoffverbriickte Metallkomplexe. XX XI. 2,4-Bis(pentacarbonylmangan- und rhenium)but-3-enolide aus Fumarsduredichlorid und Carbonylmetallaten V7. Weeder, C_ Rotel wal W. Dock: (cen, Toetetaciland) 2 6. cetteete ne ue cen 233 Prelirninary Communications Mehrfach cyclopentadienylsubstituierte Disilane und Trisilane K. Schenzel (Halle, Deutschland) und K. Hassler (Graz, Osterreich).... 2.2.0... ee cee ee eee ee ee eee ee eee eee Cl Bicyclisches As, als Komplexligand O.J. Scherer, J. Schulze und G. Wolmershauser (Kaiserslautern, Deutschland). ....0.... 00.. cee .eee .ee ee.e cc eee C5 Nucleophilic additions to palladium(II)-activated C=C bonds: synthesis of cyclopalladated 8-substituted quinoline derivatives J. Dupont, R.A.P. Halfen, F.K. Zinn (Porto Alegre, Brazil) and M. Pfeffer (Strasbourg, France). ...........00000eececee C8 Facile a-H Elimination in cationic zirconium alkyl complexes: formation of “-CH> complexes as a possible deactivation pathway in polymerization catalysis ee ene meas a, SO I, AOD ic ek sc eh ee ee eee hee eee ew ee tenes ce C10 REESE SES GD IIS GRRE A NR BES es ENE CE a Na a e C13 —_—— The publisher encourages the submission of articles in electronic form thus saving time and avoiding rekeying errors. A leaflet describing A"SLE BaAeRSReS-— R.e _I e SE r our tequirerments is available from the publisher upon request. aPoNeEnrnT TnTeTetES a eReRTnE sTA Tee S AeD e i !

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