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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1992: Vol 431 Index PDF

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Preview Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1992: Vol 431 Index

JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, VOL. 431 (1992) AUTHOR INDEX Abu-Mour, I., (431) 159 Granell, J., (431) 359 Nolte, M., (431) 297 Adams, B., (431) 313 GraBl, R., (431) 143, 151 Nuber, B., (431) 143, 171 Afeworki, S., (431) 81 Hartmann, A., (431) 303 Oliver, J.P., (431) 271 Baker, P.K., (431) 81 Hayashi, A., (431) C35 Olmstead, M.M., (431) 335 Barber, M., (431) 271 Hendershot, D.G., (431) 271 Opiela, S., (431) C29 Behrens, U., (431) C11 Hengge, E., (431) 1 Oro, L.A., (431) 87 Bertani, R., (431) 117 Hirai, T., (431) 227 Ozkar, S., (431) 159 Biedrzycka, Z., (431) 255 Hirotsu, K., (431) C35 Biedrzycki, M., (431) 255 Houlton, A., (431) C17 Bitterwolf, T.E., (431) 199 Howie, R.A., (431) 27 Parri, O.L., (431) 81 Brown, R.A., (431) C17 Huang, Y.-H., (431) 247 Petrenz, R., (431) 297 Brunner, H., (431) 143, 151 Hubler, T.L., (431) 199 Pombeiro, A.J.L., (431) 117 Cambie, R.C., (431) 177 Iglesias, M., (431) 233 Rheingold, A.L., (431) 133, 199 Carlton, L., (431) 103 Ipaktschi, J., (431) 303 Rickard, C.E.F., (431) 177 Carmona, D., (431) 87 Itoh, K., (431) 227 Riviére-Baudet, M., (431) 17 Castilho, T.J., (431) 117 Roberts, R.M.G., (431) C17 Chang, C.-C., (431) 65 Jain, V.K., (431) 283 Rosenhein, L.D., (431) 327 Chang, K.-Y., (431) 65 Jin, Z.-S., (431) 289 Rudler, H., (431) C6 Cheng, C.P., (431) 215 Jurayev, A.D., (431) 129 Rutledge, P.S., (431) 177 Cohen, F., (431) C6 Jutzi, P., (431) C29 Corma, A., (431) 233 Sales, J., (431) 359 Cox, P.J., (431) 27 Klapotke, T.M., (431) 47 Sanchez, F., (431) 233 Kotzian, M., (431) 159 Schinnerling, P., (431) 41 Daran, J.C., (431) C6 Kovacs, I., (431) 1 Schore, N.E., (431) 335 Del Pino, C., (431) 233 Kreiter, C.G., (431) 159 Scouten, W.H., (431) 255 Doidge-Harrison, $.M.S.V., Kriiger, C., (431) 297 Siems, K., (431) 47 (431) 27 Kunkely, H., (431) C42 Silver, J., (431) C17 D’Silva, C., (431) 81 Smith, K.-T., (431) 55 Lahoz, F.J., (431) 87 Solans, X., (431) 359 Ealy, J.L., (431) 133 Lin, J.T., (431) 65 Spencer, J.N., (431) 133 Edelmann, F.T., (431) Cl, C21 Stalke, D., (431) Cl, C21 Eibl, M., (431) 1 Makhsumov, A.G., (431) 129 Stang, P.J., (431) 247 Eppley, H.J., (431) 133 Mendoza, A., (431) 87 Steiner, A., (431) C21 Erker, G., (431) 297 Merlic, C.A., (431) 313 Stiiger, H., (431) 1 Metzler, M.R., (431) 177 Fanwick, P.E., (431) 327 Michelin, R.A., (431) 117 Taghiof, M., (431) 271 Ferrer, J., (431) 87 Miller, J.R., (431) C17 Tashiro, K., (431) C35 Font-Bardia, M., (431) 359 Miyahara, I., (431) C35 Thewalt, U., (431) 41, 47 Mokal, V.B., (431) 283 Thomas, M., (431) C17 Gau, H.-M., (431) 65 Moragas, R., (431) 359 Tiekink, E.R.T., (431) 283 Gong, M.L., (431) 65 Morére, A., (431) 17 Tilset, M., (431) 55 Gornitzka, H., (431) C21 Mozzon, M., (431) 117 Tolipova, M.A., (431) 129 Gorzellik, M., (431) 171 Toscano, R.A., (431) C6 Goumont, R., (431) C6 Najdi, S.D., (431) 335 Toyota, K., (431) C35 Gowik, P., (431) 47 Nishiyama, H., (431) 227 Tsen, L.-H., (431) 65 C46 Vogler, A., (431) C42 Wen, Y.S., (431) 65 Yoshifuji, M., (431) C35 Woodgate, P.D., (431) 177 Yuldasheva, K., (431) 129 Wachter, J., (431) 143, 151 Wormsbicher, D., (431) C11 Wang, S.-L., (431) 215 Wu, Z.-Z., (431) 289 Zanetti, E., (431) 27 Wang, S.R., (431) 215 Zhou, X.-G., (431) 289 Wardell, J.L., (431) 27 Yang, C.S., (431) 215 Ziegler, M.L., (431) 143, 171 Wedler, M., (431) Cl Yoder, C.H., (431) 133 Ziegler, W., (431) Cll JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, VOL. 431 (1992) SUBJECT INDEX Aluminium Methylation of bis(oxazolinyl)pyridinerhodium(III) chlorides with trimethylaluminum (H. Nishiyama, T. Hirai and K. Itoh), (431) 227 Synthesis and characterization of alkylaluminum and -gallium derivatives of thiomorpholine. Molecular structures of Me,Al-N(H)C,H,S and [Et,Al(u-NC,H,S)], (M. Taghiof, D.G. Hendershot, M. Barber and J.P. Oliver), (431) 271 Boron Derivatives of tetrahedral boronic acids (M. Biedrzycki, W.H. Scouten and Z. Biedrzycka), (431) 255 Chromium Synthese und strukturelle Charakterisierung von bepm-Metallcarbonyl-Dimeren (bcpm = Biscyclopen- tadienylmethan) mit Metallen der 6. Nebengruppe (H. Brunner, R. GraBl, J. Wachter, B. Nuber und MLL. Ziegler), (431) 143 Untersuchungen zum Einflu8 des Biscyclopentadienylmethanliganden auf die Bildung von Cyclopenta- dienylchromsulfiden (H. Brunner, R. GraBl und J. Wachter), (431) 151 Gehinderte Ligandbewegungen in Ubergangsmetallkomplexen. XL. Synthese und dynamisches Verhal- ten von Tricarbonyl-n*-tricyclo[’ Jundeca-3,5-dien-trimethylphosphit-metall(0)- und Dicar- bonyl-7*-tricyclo[ Jundeca-3,5-dien-bis(trimethylphosphit)metall(0)-Komplexen der Ele- mente Chrom, Molybdan und Wolfram (C.G. Kreiter, M. Kotzian, S. Ozkar und I. Abu-Mour), (431) 159 Dihydropyridine-induced reductions of methyl(ethoxy)carbene complexes of chromium and tungsten: formation and X-ray crystal structure of the adduct between pyridine and the corresponding ethylidene carbene complexes (F. Cohen, R. Goumont, H. Rudler, J.C. Daran and R.A. Toscano), (431) C6 Cobalt Optically active complexes of transition metals (Rh', Ru!!, Co!! and Ni!) with 2-aminocarbonylpyr- rolidine ligands. Selective catalysts for hydrogenation of prochiral olefins (A. Corma, M. Iglesias, C. del Pino and F. Sanchez), (431) 233 Use of metal complexation in the synthesis of medium-ring acetylenic lactones (S.D. Najdi, M.M. Olmstead and N.E. Schore), (431) 335 Gallium Synthesis and characterization of alkylaluminum and -gallium derivatives of thiomorpholine. Molecular structures of Me,Al-N(H)C,H,S and [Et,Alu-NC,H,S)], (M. Taghiof, D.G. Hendershot, M. Barber and J.P. Oliver), (431) 271 Germanium Sur la stabilisation d’une germa-imine par effet stérique et mésomérie (M. Riviére-Baudet et A. Morére), (431) 17 Si-, Ge- and Sn-diine derivatives in 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions (A.D. Jurayev, A.G. Makhsumov, K. Yuldasheva and M.A. Tolipova), (431) 129 C48 Iridium Binuclear hydroxo-, methoxo-, and pyrazolate-bridged complexes of ruthenium(II). Molecular structure of [{( p-cymene)Ru},u(4-uOH-),p JzBF , ( p-cymene = p-MeC,,H,CHMe,, pz = pyrazolate) (D. Car- mona, A. Mendoza, J. Ferrer, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro), (431) 87 Reactivity studies of square planar platinum, iridium, and rhodium triflate complexes with alkynols (P.J. Stang and Y.-H. Huang), (431) 247 Iron The synthesis and polymerisation of some new 1,1’-substituted vinylferrocenes of the type [Fe(>- C;H,X){n°-C;H (CH=CH ,)}] (X = Cl, Br, CN or CONH,) (S. Afeworki, P.K. Baker, O.L. Parri and C. D’Silva), (431) 81 Synthesis and structure of [NEt]Fe(CO),(u-SPh),Mo(CO),(SPh): a heterodinuclear compound with bridging and terminal thiolate ligands (L.D. Rosenhein and P.E. Fanwick), (431) 327 Interesting magnetic effects caused by bulky substituents in ferrocenium salts. Zero applied-field magnetic hyperfine interactions in 1,1’,3,3’-tetrakis(trimethylsilyl)ferrocenium triflate (A. Houlton, R.A. Brown, J.R. Miller, R.M.G. Roberts, J. Silver and M. Thomas), (431) C17 Ein neues Verfahren zur Synthese von Metall-funktionalisierten Diphosphenen, Arsaphosphenen und Tetraphospha-bicyclobutanen (P. Jutzi und S. Opiela), (431) C29 Photolysis of Fe(CO),?~ in an aqueous NaOH glass at 77 K. Formation of solvated electrons (H. Kunkely and A. Vogler), (431) C42 Lead Structure and equilibria in triorganolead halide adduct formation (H.J. Eppley, J.L. Ealy, C.H. Yoder, J.N. Spencer and A.L. Rheingold), (431) 133 Manganese Reactions of 77-tetracarbonylmanganese complexes derived from podocarpic acid with electrophiles; functionalization of ring C (R.C. Cambie, M.R. Metzler, C.E.F. Rickard, P.S. Rutledge and P.D. Woodgate), (431) 177 Synthesis and chemistry of 1-acetyl, 2-methylsubstituted cyclopentadienyl thallium and its chiral manganese and rhodium carbonyl derivatives. The molecular structure of [1-CH,CO, 2- CH 3;C;H;]Rh(CO)[P(C,H;)3] (T-E. Bitterwolf, T.L. Hubler and A.L. Rheingold), (431) 199 Metallocenes Organo-Ubergangsmetall-Chemie hochfluorierter Ligand-Systeme. XIV. Vanadocenhexafluoroarse- nat-Komplexe: Struktur von Cp,V(AsF,)> und 51V-NMR von [Cp,VCI,]*[AsF,]~ (P. Gowik, T.M. Klapotke, K. Siems and U. Thewalt), (431) 47 The synthesis and polymerisation of some new 1,1’-substituted vinylferrocenes of the type [Fe(n>- C;H,X){n°-C;H ,(CH=CH,)}] (X = Cl, Br, CN or CONH;) (S. Afeworki, P.K. Baker, O.L. Parri and C. D’Silva), (431) 81 Structure of an oxazirconacyclohexadiene synthesized by thermolysis of difurylzirconocene (G. Erker, R. Petrenz, C. Kriiger and M. Nolte), (431) 297 Interesting magnetic effects caused by bulky substituents in ferrocenium salts. Zero applied-field magnetic hyperfine interactions in 1,1’,3,3’-tetrakis(trimethylsilyl)ferrocenium triflate (A. Houlton, R.A. Brown, J.R. Miller, R.M.G. Roberts, J. Silver and M. Thomas), (431) C17 Molybdenum Oxidation of the molybdenum hydride CpMo(CO),(PPh;)H. Synthesis of cis- and trans- CpMo(CO),(PPh;(NCMe)* and the kinetics of their interconversion (K.-T. Smith and M. Tilset), (431) 55 Synthese und strukturelle Charakterisierung von bepm-Metallcarbonyl-Dimeren (bcpm = Biscyclopen- tadienylmethan) mit Metallen der 6. Nebengruppe (H. Brunner, R. GraBl, J. Wachter, B. Nuber und M.L. Ziegler), (431) 143 C49 Gehinderte Ligandbewegungen in Ubergangsmetallkomplexen. XL. Synthese und dynamisches Verhal- ten von Tricarbonyl-n*-tricyclo[ Jundeca-3,5-dien-trimethylphosphit-metall(0)- und Dicar- bonyl-74-tricyclo[;’ Jundeca-3,5-dien-bis(trimethylphosphit)metall(0)-Komplexen der Ele- mente Chrom, Molybdan und Wolfram (C.G. Kreiter, M. Kotzian, S. Ozkar und I. Abu-Mour), (431) 159 Synthese des neuartigen organometallischen Molybdan—Antimon-Clusters (4 4-Sb),Cp,Mo,(CO),, (M. Gorzellik, B. Nuber und M.L. Ziegler), (431) 171 Reaktion von Hydridotrispyrazolylboratomolybdin-Komplexen des Typs [TpMo(CO),(n*-dien)]* mit Ein-Elektronen-Donor-Reagenzien (J. Ipaktschi und A. Hartmann), (431) 303 Molybdenum-95 nuclear magnetic resonance studies on molybdenum carbonyl complexes of isonitriles and amines (C.A. Merlic and B. Adams), (431) 313 Synthesis and structure of [NEt,]Fe(CO),(4-SPh),Mo(CO),(SPh): a heterodinuclear compound with bridging and terminal thiolate ligands (L.D. Rosenhein and P.E. Fanwick), (431) 327 Ubergangsmetall-Heteroallen-Komplexe. XXVI. Synthese und Struktur von zweikernigen Molybdan- Thioketen-Komplexen (W. Ziegler, D. Wormsbacher und U. Behrens), (431) C11 X-Ray structure analyses of diphosphinidenecyclobutene and its chelate type tetracarbonylmolybde- num(0) complex (K. Toyota, K. Tashiro, M. Yoshifuji, I. Miyahara, A. Hayashi and K. Hirotsu), (431) C35 Nickel Optically active complexes of transition metals (Rh', Ru!!, Co! and Ni") with 2-aminocarbonylpyr- rolidine ligands. Selective catalysts for hydrogenation of prochiral olefins (A. Corma, M. Iglesias, C. del Pino and F. Sanchez), (431) 233 Palladium Reactions with nucleophiles and cathodic electrochemical behaviour of some neutral and cationic diamino-, dioxy- and aminooxycarbene complexes of palladium(II) and platinum(II) (R. Bertani, M. Mozzon, R.A. Michelin, T.J. Castilho and A.J.L. Pombeiro), (431) 117 Cyclometallation of phenylhydrazones of ketones. Crystal and molecular structure of [PdCI{C,- H,C(C,H;)=NNH(C,H ,-4-C)\(PPh ;)>] (J. Granell, R. Moragas, J. Sales, M. Font-Bardia and X. Solans), (431) 359 Phosphorus Ein neues Verfahren zur Synthese von Metall-funktionalisierten Diphosphenen, Arsaphosphenen und Tetraphospha-bicyclobutanen (P. Jutzi und S. Opiela), (431) C29 Platinum Reactions with nucleophiles and cathodic electrochemical behaviour of some neutral and cationic diamino-, dioxy- and aminooxycarbene complexes of palladium(ID) and platinum(II) (R. Bertani, M. Mozzon, R.A. Michelin, T.J. Castilho and A.J.L. Pombeiro), (431) 117 Reactivity studies of square planar platinum, iridium, and rhodium triflate complexes with aikynols (P.J. Stang and Y.-H. Huang), (431) 247 Rhenium The reaction between unsaturated tetrarhenium cluster H,Re,(CO),, and _tris(diphenylphosphi- no)methane (S.R. Wang, S.-L. Wang, C.P. Cheng and C.S. Yang), (431) 215 Rhodium Binuclear hydroxo-, methoxo-, and pyrazolate-bridged complexes of ruthenium(II). Molecular structure of [{( p-cymene)Ru},u(-OuH)-, pJzBF , ( p-cymene = p-MeC,H,CHMe,, pz = pyrazolate) (D. Car- mona, A. Mendoza, J. Ferrer, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro), (431) 87 Rhodium pentafluorophenylthiolate complexes derived from [Rh,(u-SC,F;).(PPh3),] (L. Carlton), (431) 103 C50 Synthesis and chemistry of 1-acetyl, 2-methylsubstituted cyclopentadienyl thallium and its chiral manganese and rhodium carbonyl derivatives. The molecular structure of [1-CH,CO, 2- CH ,C;H,]JRh(CO)[P(C,,H;)3] (T.E. Bitterwolf, T.L. Hubler and A.L. Rheingold), (431) 199 Methylation of bis(oxazolinyl)pyridinerhodium(IID chlorides with trimethylaluminum (H. Nishiyama, T. Hirai and K. Itoh), (431) 227 Optically active complexes of transition metals (Rh', Ru", Co! and Ni!!) with 2-aminocarbonylpyr- rolidine ligands. Selective catalysts for hydrogenation of prochiral olefins (A. Corma, M. Iglesias, C. del Pino and F. Sanchez), (431) 233 Reactivity studies of square planar platinum, iridium, and rhodium triflate complexes with alkynols (P.J. Stang and Y.-H. Huang), (431) 247 Ruthenium Binuclear hydroxo-, methoxo-, and pyrazolate-bridged complexes of ruthenium(II). Molecular structure of [{( p-cymene)Ru},(4.-pz)(u-OHJ)B,F , (p-cymene = p-MeC,H,CHMe,, pz = pyrazolate) (D. Car- mona, A. Mendoza, J. Ferrer, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro), (431) 87 Optically active complexes of transition metals (Rh', Ru!!, Co! and Ni!) with 2-aminocarbonylpyr- rolidine ligands. Selective catalysts for hydrogenation of prochiral olefins (A. Corma, M. Iglesias, C. del Pino and F. Sanchez), (431) 233 Struktur von [Cp*Ru(CO),], (Cp*= n°-Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) (A. Steiner, H. Gornitzka, D. Stalke und F.T. Edelmann), (431) C21 Ein neues Verfahren zur Synthese von Metall-funktionalisierten Diphosphenen, Arsaphosphenen und Tetraphospha-bicyclobutanen (P. Jutzi und S. Opiela), (431) C29 Silicon Permethylheteroatomcyclopolysilane mit Heteroatomen der VI. Hauptgruppe. Darstellung und spek- troskopische Eigenschaften (H. Stiiger, M. Eibl, E. Hengge und I. Kovacs), (431) 1 Si-, Ge- and Sn-diine derivatives in 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions (A.D. Jurayev, A.G. Makhsumov, K. Yuldasheva and M.A. Tolipova), (431) 129 Dimere Alkalimetallbenzamidinate: Einflu8 des Metallions auf die Struktur (D. Stalke, M. Wedler und F.T. Edelmann), (431) Cl Sulphur Ubergangsmetall-Heteroallen-Komplexe. XXVI. Synthese und Struktur von zweikernigen Molybdan- Thioketen-Komplexen (W. Ziegler, D. Wormsbiacher und U. Behrens), (431) C11 Tin Addition of sulphenyl halides and thiocyanates to alkenyl-metal compounds. Structures of [1-chloro-2- (4-methyl-2-nitrophenylethyl]-triphenylstannane and [2-(2-nitrophenyl)-1-thiocyanatoethyl]triphen- ylstannane (R.A. Howie, J.L. Wardell, E. Zanetti, P.J. Cox and S.M.S.V. Doidge-Harrison), (431) 27 Si-, Ge- and Sn-diine derivatives in 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions (A.D. Jurayev, A.G. Makhsumov, K. Yuldasheva and M.A. Tolipova), (431) 129 Structural chemistry of organotin carboxylates. XVIII. Synthesis, characterization and X-ray crystal structure of bis(u-hydroxo)-bis[di-t-butyltin(IV)acetate]: [‘Bu,Sn(O,CCH 3)(4-OH)], (V.B. Mokal, V.K. Jain and E.R.T. Tiekink), (431) 283 Titanium Die Struktur von [Cp,Ti!"(CN)], (P. Schinnerling und U. Thewalt), (431) 41 Tungsten Reactivity of dinuclear tungsten carbonyls bridged both by hydride and by bidentate phosphine ligands, (u-H)u-5)P,, hPP,h,P)W((COC)(HNO ) (n = 1-3) U.T. Lin, K.-Y. Chang, M.L. Gong, C.-C. Chang, H.-M. Gau, L.-H. Tsen and Y.S. Wen), (431) 65 CS1 Synthese und strukturelle Charakterisierung von bepm-Metallcarbonyl-Dimeren (bcpm = Biscyclopen- tadienylmethan) mit Metallen der 6. Nebengruppe (H. Brunner, R. GraBl, J. Wachter, B. Nuber und MLL. Ziegler), (431) 143 Gehinderte Ligandbewegungen in Ubergangsmetallkomplexen. XL. Synthese und dynamisches Verhal- ten von Tricarbonyl-n*-tricyclo[ Jundeca-3,5-dien-trimethylphosphit-metall(0)- und Dicar- bonyl-7*-tricyclo[” Jundeca-3,5-dien-bis(trimethylphosphit)metall(0)-Komplexen der Ele- mente Chrom, Molybdin und Wolfram (C.G. Kreiter, M. Kotzian, §. Ozkar und I. Abu-Mour), (431) 159 Dihydropyridine-induced reductions of methyl(ethoxy)carbene complexes of chromium and tungsten: formation and X-ray crystal structure of the adduct between pyridine and the corresponding ethylidene carbene complexes (F. Cohen, R. Goumont, H. Rudler, J.C. Daran and R.A. Toscano), (431) C6 Vanadium Organo-Ubergangsmetall-Chemie hochfluorierter Ligand-Systeme. XIV. Vanadocenhexafluoroarse- nat-Komplexe: Struktur von Cp,V(AsF,), und *'V-NMR von [Cp,VCl,]*[AsF,]~ (P. Gowik, T.M. Klapotke, K. Siems und U. Thewalt), (431) 47 Ytterbium Synthesis, thermal stability and X-ray crystal structure of the bis(cyclopentadienyl)ytterbium naphthox- ide derivative (C;H;),Yb(OC,)H,THF) (X.-G. Zhou, Z.-Z. Wu and Z.-S. Jin), (431) 289 Zirconium Structure of an oxazirconacyclohexadiene synthesized by thermolysis of difurylzirconocene (G. Erker, R. Petrenz, C. Kriiger and M. Nolte), (431) 297

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