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Preview Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery : Official Journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 2005: Vol 63 Index

Index to Volume 63 AUTHOR INDEX Note: Page numbers preceded by the letter “S” -, The Chief: H. David Hall's Legacy [editorial], 57 indicate articles found in Supplement 2, September. Distance Traveled: The Millennial Generation Enters Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery [editorial], 161 Abdullakutty, A., see Gibbons, A.J., 1557 Drugs, Science, the Press, and Politics: An Unwieldy Melange Toward the Abrego, M., see Atchison, K.A., 449 Public Good [editorial], 289 Abubaker, A.O., see Le, A.D., 1426 rhe Elements of Surgical Style [editorial], 1407 Acocella, A., Catelani, C., Nara, P., Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia With Eosin- see Holmgren, E.P., 651 ophilia: A Case Report of Orbital Involvement, 140 Indications for Elective Therapeutic Third Molar Removal: The Evidence Is Adebayo, E.T, Ajike, $.O., Adekeye, E.O., A Review of 318 Odontogenic In |editorial], 1691 lumors in Kaduna, Nigeria, 811 Methamphetamine: An Epidemic of Oral Health Neglect, Loss of Access to Adekeye, E.O., see Adebayo, E.T, 811 Care, Abuse, and Violence [editorial], 1253 Adeyemo, W.L., Ogunlewe, M.O., Ladeinde, A.L., Bamgbose, B.O., Are Sterile . Nosocomial Infection and Fomites in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Prac Gloves Necessary in Nonsurgical Dental Extractions?, 936 tice [editorial], 889 Adolphs, N., see Kunz, C., 93 . The Offshore Medical Degree: An Opportunity to Reflect on the Future of Aghaloo, T.L., see Feinberg, S.E., 1418 Our Profession and Our Specialty [editorial], 1 Agthong, S., Huanmanop, T., Chentanez, V., Anatomical Variations of the Readiness and Response: The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon's Role in Supraorbital, Infraorbital, and Mental Foramina Related to Gender and Disaster [editorial], 1565 side, 800 Test Yourself: The Reader's Circle, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Self Ahn, S.-G., see Park, C.-Y., 1522 Assessment Tool and board Recertification [editorial], 1067 Ajayi, O.F., see Arotiba, G.T., 747 , Trans=la9t ing Science: From Idea, to Research, to Clinical Practice [editorial] Ajike, $.O., see Adebayo, E.T, 811 -, see Arotiba, G.T., 747 Atchison, K.A., Black, E.E., Leathers, R., Belin, T.R., Abrego, M., Gironda Al-Belasy, F.A., A Short Period of Maxillomandibular Fixation for Treatment of M.W., Wong, D., Shetty, V., DerMartirosian, C., A Qualitative Report Fractures of the Mandibular Tooth-Bearing Area, 953 of Patient Problems and Postoperative Instructions, 449 -, Ultrasound-Guided Drainage of Submasseteric Space Abscesses, 36 August, M., see Ardekian, L., 941 AL-Bishri, A., Dahlin, L., Sunzel, B., Rosenquist, J., Systemic Betamethasone see Sedaghatfar, M., 3 Accelerates Functional Recovery After a Crush Injury to Rat Sciatic Bacchetti, P., see Robert, R.« Nerve, 973 Bae, E.H., see Cho, B.C., 1754 Allais de Mauretto, M., see Mazzonetto, R., 1708 Bagheri, $., see Carter, T.G., 1244 Almeida. F., see Martinez-Lage, J.L., 1680 Holmgren, E., Kademani, D., Hommer, L., Bell, R.B., Potter, B.E., Dierks Almeida, L.E., Wang, K., Costa. D.. Pho, M.A.O., Treatment of the Prominent E.J., Comparison of the Severity of Bilateral Le Fort Injuries in Isolated Mandibular Angle by Using a Custom Made Surgical Splint, 1052 Midface Trauma, 1123 Alparslan, Z.N., see Esen, E., 457 -, see Kademani, D., 1599 Alrawi, S.J., Tan, D., Sullivan, M., Winston, J., Loree, T., Hicks, W., Rigual, N., -, Lenox, N., Verschueren, D.S., Holmgren, E., Kademani, D., Bell, R.B Peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor of the Mandible With Dierks, E.J., Abstracts From the American Association of Oral and Cytogenetic and Molecular Biology Aberrations, 1216 Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting: Proportion Pub Al-Sebaei, M.O., Gagari, E., Papageorge, M., Mandibular Distraction Osteo- lished and Time to Publication, 838 genesis: A Rabbit Model Using a Novel Experimental Design, 664 -, see Mehrabi, M., 1543 Altini, M., see Mahomed, F., 1549 Bailey, J.S., see Tate, $., 556 Amir, J., see Ruskin, J.D., 829 Balcioglu, $.T., see Ersin, N.K., 1731 Anavi, Y., see Kaplan, 1., 435 Balcioglu, Y.O., see Esen, E., 457 Andresen, R.V., see Coyle, T.T., 163 Bamgbose, B.O., see Adeyemo, W.L., 936 Andressakis, D., see Rapidis, A.D., 546, 1337 Bar, T., Mishal, J., Lewkowicz, A., Nahlieli, O., Osteoinyelitis of the Mandible Ansari, M.H., Blindness After Facial Fractures: A 10-Year Retrospective Study, Due to Mycobacterium abscessis: A Case Report, 841 229 Baron, M., see Gruber, R., 238 Apasova, E., see Gear, A.J.L., 655 Barros-Angueira, F., see Somoza-Martin, J.M., 786 Apostolidis, C., see Vilos, G.A., 1461 Basi, D.L., see Le, A.D., 1426 Ardekian, L., see el-Naaj, LA., 405 Batra, A., see Roychoudhury, A., 257 -, Faquin, W., Troulis, M.J., Kaban, L.B., August, M., Synovial Chondromatosis Baughman, D.G., see Block, M.S., 291 of the TemporomandibulJaorin t: Report and Analysis of Eleven Cases, Baur, D.A., see Clark, C.L., 377 941 Baurmash, H., Monto, M., Delayed Healing Human Bite Wounds of the -, see Peled, M., 220 Orofacial Area Managed With Immediate Primary Closure: Treatment Arias, J., see Gomez, E. Rationale, 1391 Ariyoshi, W., see Kanno, T., 362, 499 -, Parotid Biopsy Technique [letter], 1556 -, see Yamauchi, K., 1398 Bauss, O., Schwestka-Polly, R., Schilke, R., Kiliaridis, S., Effect of Different Arotiba, G.T., Ladeinde, A.L., Arotiba, J.T., Ajike, $.O., Ugboko, V.1., Ajayi, Splinting Methods and Fixation Periods on Root Development of O.F., Ameloblastoma in Nigerian Children and Adolescents: A Review Autotransplanted Immature Third Molars, 304 of 79 Cases, 747 Beck, J.D., see Elter, J.R., 179 Arotiba, J.T., see Arotiba, G.T., 747 Becker A., see Chaushu, S., 323 Asakura, S., see Iwase, H., 1115 Beckley, M.L., Management of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting: The Case Asano, K., see Iwase, H., 1115 for Symptomatic Treatment, 1528 Asimaki, A., see Dimitrakopoulos, L., 845, 1227 Beder, E., Ozgursoy, O.B., Ozgursoy, $.K., Current Diagnosis and Transoral Asprino, L., see Brasileiro, B.F., 1080 Surgical Treatment of Eagle’s Syndrome, 1742 Assael, L.A., Can You Hear Me Now? Listening to Our Patients and Ourselves Beirne, O.R., see Carter, T.G., 1021 {editorial], 425 -, Evidence to Continue Oral Anticoagulant Therapy for Ambulatory Oral -, see Block, M.S., S1 Surgery, 540 AUTHOR INDEX Belin, T.R., see Atchison, K.A., 449 Carlson, D.S., see Shibazaki, R., 505 Bell, R.B., see Bagheri, $.C., 838, 1123 Carrao, V., see Mandel, L., 560 -, Diercks, E.J., Homer, L., Potter, B.E., Management and Outcome of Patients Carrillo, R., see Martinez-Lage, J.L., 1680 With Malignant Salivary Gland Tumors, 917 Carter, T.G., Bagheri, $., Dierks, E.J., Towel Clip Reduction of the Depressed -, see Holmgren, E.P., 651 Zygomatic Arch Fracture, 1244 -, see Kademani, D., 1599 Dierks, E.J., Bracis, R., Beirne, O.R., Community Acquired Methicillin- Benlidayi, M.E., see Kurkcu, M., 1593 Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Facial Abscesses: Case Reports, 1021 Berger, J.R., see Chritah, A., 1737 , Egbert, M., Traumatic Prolapse of the Buccal Fat Pad (Traumatic Pseudo- Berrone, S., see Roccia, F., 1101 lipoma): A Case Report and Literature Review, 1029 Bertin, P.M., see Rapidis, A.D., 1337 Caruso, J.M., see Herford, A.S., 771 Bertoli, E., see de Leeuw, R., 42 Casadaban, M.E., see Block, M.S., 1633 Bertolini, F., see Bianchi, B., 1026 -, see Castellon, P., $72 Bessho, K., see Nakamura, S., 989 Casap, N., Wexler, A., Tarazi, E., Application of a Surgical Navigation System Beumer, J., Ill, see Sharma, A.B., 1 0 for Implant Surgery in a Deficiency Alveolar Ridge Postexcision of an Bhatt, V., Chhabra, P., Dover, M.S., Removal of Miniplates in Maxillofacial Odontogenic Myxoma, 982 Surgery: A Follow-Up Study, 756 Castellon, P., Casadaban, M., Block, M.S., Techniques to Facilitate Provision- Bianchi, B., Bertolini, F., Ferrari, $., Tullio, A., The Rectus Abdominis Myo- alization of Implant Restorations, $72 cutaneous Flap Combined With Vascularized Costal Cartilages for -, see Salinas, T.J., $45 Orbito-Malar Facial Reconstruction, 1026 Castro, W.H., Gomez, R.S., Oliveira, J.S., Moura, M.D.G., Gomez, R.S., Botu- Bibb, R., see Winder, J., 1006 linum Toxin Type A in the Management of Masseter Muscle Hyper- Binger, T., see Rucker, M., 87 trophy, 20 Biosca, M.J., see Hernandez-Alfaro, F., 464 Catelani, C., see Acocella, A., 140 Black, E.E., see Atchison, K.A., 449 Cha, I.H., see Yoon, J.H., 699 Blakey, G.H., see Shugars, D.A., 341 Chacon, G.E., Dillard, F., Clelland, N., Rashid, R., Comparison of Strains Blanco-Carrion, A., see Somoza-Martin, J.M., 786 Produced by Titanium and Poly D,L-Lactide Acid Plating Systems to In Blatz, M.B., see Holst, S., S89 Vitro Forces, 968 Block, M.S., Assael, L.A., Welcome Back! [preface], $1 Chandu, A., Sun, K.C.V., DeSilva, R.N., Smith, A.C.H., The Assessment of -, Baughman, D.G., Reconstruction of Severe Anterior Maxillary Defects Quality of Life in Patients Who Have Undergone Surgery for Oral Using Distraction Osteogenesis, Bone Grafts, and Implants, 291 Cancer: A Preliminary Report, !606 -, Casadaban, M.E., implant Restoration of External Resorption Teeth in the Chang, H., Israel, H., Analysis of Inflammatory Mediators in Temporoman- Esthetic Zone, 1633 dibular Joint Synovial Fluid Lavage Samples of Symptomatic Patients . See Castellon, P., $72 and Asymptomatic Controls, 761 , see Grossman, Y., 1642 Chang, R.C.-S., see Chou, J.1.- -, see Ryser, M.R., 1184 Chang, S.-F., see Huang, Y.-C., 138 -, see Salinas, T.J., $45 Chaushu, G., see Chaushu, $., 323 Bornstein, M.M., see Germanier, Y., 1357 Chaushu, S., Becker A., Zeltser, R., Branski, S., Vasker, N., Chaushu, G., Borotikar, B., see Chuong, C.-J., 68 Patients’ Perception of Recovery After Exposure of Impacted Teeth: A Bos, R.R.M., Treatment of Pediatric Facial Fractures: The Case for Metallic Comparison of Closed-Versus Open-Eruption Techniques, 323 Fixation, 382 Chen, C.-H., see Chen, C.-M., 948 Bosson, G., see Scolozzi, P., 1368 Chen, C.-M., Chen, C.-H., Lai, C.-S., Lin, $.-D., Huang, [I.-Y., Shieh, T.-Y. Boyne, P.J., see Herford, A.S., 771 Anterolateral Thigh Flaps for Reconstruction of Head and Neck De- -, Lilly, L.G., Marx, R.E., Moy P.K., Nevins, M., Spagnoli, D.B., Triplett, R.G., fects, 948 De Novo Bone Induction by Recombinant Human Bone Morphoge- Chen, F., Ouyang, H., Feng, X. Gao, Z., Yang, Y., Zou, X., Liu, T., Zhao, G., netic Protein-2 (rhBMP-2) in Maxillary Sinus Floor Augmentation, Mao, T., Anchoring Dental Implant in Tissue-Engineered Bone Using 1093 Composite Scaffold: A Preliminary Study in Nude Mouse Model, 586 Bracis, R., see Carter, T.G., 1021 -, Terada, K., Hanada, K., Saito, I., Predicting the Pharyngeal Airway Space Branski, $., see Chaushu, 5., 323 After Mandibular Setback Surgery, 1509 Brasileiro, B.F., Cortez, A.L.V., Asprino, L., Passeri, L.A., Moraes, M., Maz- Chen, P.K.T., see de Villa, G.H., 1584 zonetto, R., Moreira, R.W.F., Traumatic Subcutaneous Emphysema of Chen, W., Wang,J ., Li., J.. Xu, L., Comprehensive Treatment of Arteriovenous the Face Associated With Paranasal Sinus Fractures: A Prospective Malformations in the Oral and Maxillofacial Region, 1484 Study, 1080 Chen, X.-M., see Qin, X.-N., 694 Brey, E.M., see Lalani, Z., 1500 Chen, Y.-R., see de Villa, G.H., 1584 Brook, |., Microbiology and Management of Infected Neck Cysts, 392 Cheng, Y., see Long, X., 897 Broumand, V., see Marx, R.E., 1567 Chentanez, V., see Agthong, S., 800 Brown, B., see Herford, A.S., 1266 Cheung, A., Hudson, J.W., Vichweg, T., Unique Pericoronal Orocutaneous Brown, S.A., see Clark, C.L., 377 Fistula: Sequelae of Chronic Subclinical Inflammation, 1676 Buchel, P., Rahal, A., Seto, L., lizuka, T., Reconstruction of Orbital Floor Chhabra, P., see Bhatt, V., 75060 Fracture With Polyglactin 910/Polydioxanon Patch (Ethisorb): A Ret- Chidzonga, M.M., Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Cervical Region in an AIDS rospective Study, 646 Patient: Report of a Case, 855 Buescher, P., see Kunz, C., 93 Chigurupati, R., Myall, R., Airway Management in Babies With Micrognathia: Buono, U., Mangone, G.M., Michelotti, A., Longo, F., Califano, L., Surgical The Case Against Early Distraction, 1209 Approach to the Stylohyoid Process in Eagle’s Syndrome, 714 Cho, B.C., Chung, H.Y., Lee, D.G., Yang, J.D., Park, J.W., Roh, K.H., Kim, Burch, J.G., see Sherwood, K.H., 279 G.U., Lee, D.S., Kwon, LC., Bae, E.H., Jang, K.H., Park, R.W., Kim, LS., Burke, A., see Landesberg, R., 529 The Effect of Chitosan Bead Encapsulating Calcium Sulfate as an -, See Tsay, R.C., 521 Injectable Bone Substitute on Consolidation in the Mandibular Dis- Burton, C.C., see Morgan, T.A., 635 traction Osteogenesis of a Dog Model, 1753 Busenlechner, D., see Gruber, R., 238 Choi, H.-S., Rebellato,J ., Yoon, H.-J., Lund, B.A., Effect of Mandibular Setback Buser, D., see Germanier, Y., 1357 via Bilateral Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy on Transverse Displace- ‘alderon, S., see Kaplan, I., 435 ment of the Proximal Segment, 908 califano, L., see Buono, U., 714 Chou, J.1.-C., Fong, H.-J., Kuang, S.-H., Gi, L.-Y., Hwang, F.-Y., Lai, Y.-C., aloss, R., see Schmidt, B.L., 1410 Chang, R.C.-S., Kao, S.-Y., A Retrospective Analysis of the Stability and an, Z., see Serel, $., 396 Relapse of Soft and Hard Tissue Change After Bilateral Sagittal Split varceller, F., see Gomez, E., 8 Osteotomy for Mandibular Setback of 64 Taiwanese Patients, 355 varlson, C.R., see de Leeuw, R., 42 Chritah, A., Lazow, S.K., Berger, J.R., Transoral 2.0-mm Locking Miniplate AUTHOR INDEX Fixation of Mandibular Fractures Plus | Week of Maxillomandibular del Castillo, R., Drago, C., Indexing and Provisional Restoratior. of Single Fixation: A Prospective Study, 1737 Implants, S11 huah, C., Mehra, P., Bilateral Lingual Anesthesia Following Surgically As- Delcheva, K., see Riicker, M., 87 sisted Palatal expansion: Report of a Case, 416 de Leeuw, R., Bertoli, E., Schmidt, J.E., Carlson, C.R., Prevalence of Traumatic chung, C.-H., see Wong, T.-Y., 200 Stressors in Patients With TemporomandibulJaorin t Disorders, 42 thung, H.Y., see Cho, B.C., 1753 Demirdji, S., see Herford, A.S., 771 huong, C.-J., Borotikar, B., Schwartz-Cagney, C., Sinn, D.P., Mechanical Deng, M., see Long, X., 897 Characteristics of the Mandible After Bilateral Sagittal Split Ramus de Oliveira, D.M., see de Holanda Vasconcellos, R.J., 1057 Osteotomy: Comparing 2 Different Fixation Techniques, 68 de Oliveira, P.A., Jr, Pires, L.F.S., Oliveira, G.S., Faber, P.A., Temporomandib- tian, R., see Politi, M., 707 ular Joint Ankylosis After Condylar Fracture With Penetration of the icek, S., see Ersin, N.K., 1731 Condyle in the Medium Cranial Fossa, 1778 illo, J.E., Jr, Ellis, E., IM, Kessler, H.P., Pericoronal Squamous Odontogenic DerMartirosian, C., see Atchison, K.A., 449 Fumor Associated With an Impacted Mandibular Third Molar: A Case Desai, R.S., Vanaki, S.S., Puranik, R.S., Thanuja, R., Traumatic Herpiation of Report, 413 Buccal Fat Pad (Traumatic Pseudolipoma) in a 4-Year-Old Boy: A Case , Finn, R., Hemodynamics and Oxygen Saturation During Intravenous Seda- Report, 1033 tion for Office-Based Laser-Assisted Uvuloplasty, 752 DeSilva, R.N., see Chandu, A., 1606 , Finn, R., Moderate Intravenous Sedation for Office-Based Full Face Laser de Villa, G.H., Huang, C.-S., Chen, P.K.T., Chen, Y.-R., Bilateral Sagittal Split Resurfacing Using a Continuous Infusion Propofoi Pump, 903 Osteotomy for Correction of Mandibular Prognathism: Long-Term , Sinn, D.P., Ellis, E., I, Traumatic Dislocation of the Mandibular Condyle Results, 1584 into the Middle Cranial Fossa Treated With Immediate Reconstruc- Diaz-Gonzalez, FJ., see Rubio-Bueno, P., 598 tion: A Case Report, 859 Dierks, E.J., see Bagheri, $.C., 838, 1123, 1599 , Stella, J.P., The Push Osteotome: An Alternative Technique To Preserve -. see Bell, R.B., 917 Periodontal Health in Segmental Le Fort Osteotomies: Technique and -, see Carter, T.G., 1021, 1244 Retrospective Review, 275 -, see Holmgren, E.P., 651 , Stella, J.P., Selection of Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy Technique Based -, see Kademani, D., 563 on Skeletal Anatomy and Planned Distal Segment Movement: Current Dietrich, M.S., see Hall, H.D., 1174 rherapy, 10° di Lauro, A. E., see Sammartino, G., 766 Dillard, F., see Chacon, G.E., 968 lark, C.L., Thompson, S.H., Brown, S.A., Fielding, C., Baur, D.A., Helman, Dimitrakopoulos, I., Lazaridis, N.. Asimaki, A., Craniofacial Invasive Aspergil J.1., Asymptomatic Radiolucent Lesion of the Posterior Mandible, 377 losis in an Immunocompetent Patient: A Case Report, 845 lark, I.H., see Gibbons, A.J., 1557 -, Psomaderis, K., Asimaki, A., Papaemanouel, S., Karakasis, D., Primary De ‘audio, P.P., see Sammartino, G., 766 Novo Intraosseous Carcinoma: Report of Two Cases, 1227 lelland, N., see Chacon, G.E., 968 Dimitroulis, G., The Use of Dermis Grafts After Discectomy for Internal leveland, D., see Reisine, $., 513 Derangement of the TemporomandibulJaorin t, 173 sogulu, D., see Ersin, N.K., 1731 Dobert, N., see Kovacs, A.F., 185 ‘ohen, D., see Reisine, S., 514 Dodson, E.B., Frequency of Trigeminal Nerve Injuries Following Third Molar ohen, M.E., see Roberts, H.W., 95 Removal [discussion], 736 Okmez, B., see Ersin, N.K., 1731 see Halpern, L.R., 1255 olella, G., Giudice, A., Moscariello, A., A Case of Madelung’s Disease, 1044 Is There a Role for Reconstructive Techniques to Prevent Periodontal oleman, H., see Mahomed, F., 1549 Defects After Third Molar Surgery, 891 oll, J.R., see Eiseman, B., 28 , See Sedaghatfar, M., 3 onnor, F.A., see Overly F.L., -, see Susarla, S., 191, 427.1138 onrad, S.J., see Tiwana, P.S Donoff, R.B., see Susarla, $.M., 1138 ook, T.R., Hl, The Offshore Medical Degree: Views of a Graduate [letter], Douzinas, E.E., see Rapidis, A.D., 546 883 Dover, M.S., see Bhatt, V., 756 ooper, L., De Kok, IJ., Reside, G.J., Pungpapong, P., Rojas-Vizcaya, | Drago, C., see del Castillo, R., $11 Immediate Fixed Restoration of the Endentulous Maxilla After Implant Duc, J.-Mare P., see Schmitter, M., 1295 Placement, S97 Ducic, Y., see Potter, J.K., 566 ortez, A.L.V., see Brasileiro, B.F., L080 Duke, P.J., see Lalani, Z., 1500 osta, D. see Almeida, L.E., 1052 Dunford, R., see Gossett, C.B., 609 osta, F., see Politi, M., 707 soyle, T.T., Helfrick, J.F., Gonzalez, M.L., Andresen, R.V., Perrott, D.H., Egbert, M., see Carter, T.G., 1029 Office-Based Ambulatory Anesthesia: Factors That Influence Patient Eggers, G., Muhling, J., Marmulla, R., Template-Based Registration for Image- Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction With Deep Sedation/General Anesthe Guided Maxillofacial Surgery, 1330 sia, 163 Eiseman, B., Johnson, L.R., Coll, J.R., Ultrasound Measurement of Mandibular ui, N.-H., see Nomura, T., 1489 Arterial Blood Supply: Alveolar Ridge Atrophy and Tooth Loss in the cunningham, L.L., Jr, see Feinberg, $.E., 1418 Elderly, 28 , Madsen, M.J., Peterson, G., Stereolithographic Modeling Technology Ap- Eisenberg, E., see Reisine, S., 513 plied to Tumor Resections, 873 Eisig, $.B., see Landesberg, R., 529 Peterson, G.P., Haug, R.H., The Relationship Between Enophthalmos, -, see Tsay, R.C., 521 Linear Displacement, and Volume Change in Experimentally Re- Eitner, S., see Holst S., S89 created Orbital Fractures, 1169 Eizou, T., see Shibahara, T., 618 suzalina, A.L., Holmes J.D., A Simple and Reliable Landmark for Identification Ellis, E., Hl, see Cillo, J.E., Jr, 413, 859 of the Supraorbital Nerve in Surgery of the Forehead: An In Vivo -, see Potter, J.K., 566 Anatomical Study, 25 -, Throckmorton, G S., Treatment of Mandibular Condylar Process Fractures: Cvikl, B., see Turhani, D., 673, 793 Biological Considerations, 115 El-Naaj, A., see Peled, M., 220 D Agostino, E., see Sammartino, G., 766 El-Naaj, I.A., Krausz, A.A., Ardekian L., Peled, M., Primary Intraosseous Car- Dahlin, L., see Al-Bishri, A., 973 cinoma of the Anterior Maxilla: Report of a New Case, 405 de Holanda Vasconcellos, R.J., de Oliveira, D.M., Vasconcelos, B.C., do E Elter, J.R., Offenbacher, $., White, R.P., Jr, Beck, J.D., Third Molars Associated Nogueira, R.V.B., Modified Intraoral Approach to Removal of Mandib- With Periodontal Pathology in Older Americans, 179 ular Angle for Correction of Masseteric Hypertrophy: A Technical -, see Shugars, D.A., 341 Note, 1057 Engel, E.R., see Gateno, J., Dekeister, C., see Payoux, P., 1091 Engroff, S.L., see Ricalde, P., 1180 De Kok, LJ., see Cooper, L., $97 Eom, T.-G., see Park, C.-Y., 1522 AUTHOR INDEX Eppley, B.L., Use of Resorbable Plates and Screws in Pediatric Facial Frac- Gear, A.J.L., Apasova, E., Schmitz, J.P., Schubert, W., Treatment Modalities tures, 385 for Mandibular Angle Fractures, 655 Ersin, N.K., Oncag, O., Cogulu, D., Cicek, $., Balcioglu, $.T., Cokmez, B., Geldzahler, G., see Keene, J.R., 1674 Postoperative Morbidities Following Dental Care under Day-Stay Gen- Gerlach, K.L., Zahl, C., Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion Using a eral Anesthesia in Intellectually Disabled Children, 1731 New Distraction Device: Report of a Case With an Epimucosal Fixa- Ersoy, A., see Serel, S., 396 tion, 711 Esen, E., Ustiin, Y., Balcioglu, Y.O., Alparslan, Z.N., Evaluation of Patient- Germanier, Y., Bornstein, M.M., Stauffer, E., Buser, D., Calcifying Epithelial Controlled Remifentanil Application in Third Molar Surgery, 457 Odontogenic (Pindborg) Tumor of the Mandible With Clear Cell Esquerre, J.P., see Payoux, P., LO91 Component Treated by Conservative Surgery: Report of a Case, 1357 Everett, P., see Yeshwant, K., 335 Gerressen, M., Ghassemi, A., Stockbrink, G., Riediger, D., Zadeh, M.D., Ewers, R., Maxilla Sinus Grafting With Marine Algae Derived Bone Forming Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome: Case Report of a 30-Year Misdiagno- Material: A Clinical Report of Long-Term Results, 1712 sis, 1035 -, Schicho, K., Wagner, A., Undt, G., Seemann, R., Figl. M., Truppe, M., Seven Ghassemi, A., see Gerressen, M., 1035 Years of Clinical Experience With Teleconsultation in Craniomaxillo- Gi, L.-Y., see Chou, J.1-C., 355 facial Surgery, 1447 Gibbons, AJ., Abdullakutty, A., Clark, LH., Millar, B.G., Orbital Trauma: -, see Turhani, D., 673, 793 Which Side? [letter], 1557 Gil-Dolz, J.L., see Rubio-Bueno, P., 598 Faber, P.A., see de Oliveira, P.A., Jr, 1778 Gimeno, J., see Hernandez-Alfaro, F., 464 Fan, W.S., Mulliken, J.B., Padwa, B.L., An Association Between Hemifacial Gironda, M.W., see Atchison, K.A., 449 Microsomia and Facial Clefting, 330 Gitelman, J.M., Lifelong Learning and Residency Education [letter], 2 Fang, J.-M., see Wong, T.-Y., 200 Giudice, A., see Colella, G., 1044 Faquin, W., see Ardekian, L., 941 Glickman, R.S., see Turner, M.D., 996 Faratzis, G., see Rapidis, A.D., 820 Gliddon, M.J., Vigneswaran, N., Xia, J.J., Marchena, J.M., Endoscope-Guided Fattahi, T., Johnson, C., Steinberg, B., Comparison of 2 Preferred Methods Biopsy of a Mandibular Cystic Lesion, 1371 Used for Frontal Sinus Obliteration, 487 Goldberg, M.H., Frequency of Trigeminal Nerve Injuries Following Third . See Steinberg, B, 1206 Molar Removal [letter], 1783 Feinberg, $.E., Aghaloo, T.L., Cunningham, L.L., Jr, Role of Tissue Engineer- Golden, B.A., Zide, M.F., Cutaneous Cysts of the Head and Neck, 1613 ing in Oral and Maxillofacial Reconstruction: Findings of the 2005 Golub, L., see Reinhardt, R.A., 1455 AAOMS Research Summit, 1418 Gomes, A.C.A., Vasconcelos, B.C. do E., Silva, E.D. de O. e, Silva, L.C. F., -, see Ward, B.B., 1039 Lingual Nerve Damage After Mandibular Third Molar Surgery: A Ran- Feingold, M., see Lim, A.A.T., 27 domized Clinical Trial, 1443 Feng, X., see Chen, F., 586 Gomez, E., Martin, M., Arias, J., Carceller, F., Clinical Applications of Norian Fernandez-Alba, J., see Patino, B., 13061 SRS (Calcium Phosphate Cement) in Craniofacial Reconstruction in Ferrari, $., see Bianchi, B., 1026 Children: Our Experience at Hospital La Paz Since 2001., 8 Fielding, C., see Clark Gomez, R.S., see Castro, W.H., 20 Fig], M., see Ewers, R., Gonzalez, M.L., see Coyle, T.T., 163 Filho, M.A.O., see Aimeida, L.E., 1052 -, see Haug, R.H., 1106 Filippi, A., see Stubinger, $., 1283 Gonzalez-Garcia, R., Rodriguez-Campo, F.J., Naval-Gias, L., Sastre-Perez, J., Finger, I.M., see Grossman, Y., 1642 Oral to Nasal Endotracheal Tube Exchange Following Reconstructive Finn, R., see Cillo, J.E., Jr, 752, 903 Surgery of the Oral Cavity by Means of Vascularized Free Flaps [letter], -, see Miles, B.A., 253 1249 Fischbein, N.j., see Lee, J.S., Goodger, N.M., Wang, J., Smagalski, G.W., Hepworth, B., Methylmethacry- Fong, H.-J., see Chou, J.1.-€ late as a Space Maintainer in Mandibular Reconstruction, 1048 Fortin, M., see Marx, R.I Gornitsky, M., Hammouda, W., Rosen, H., Rehabilitation of a Hemophiliac Foy, S.P., see Tiwana, P.S., 5 With Implants: A Medical Perspective and Case Report, 592 Fuerst, G., see Gruber, R., 238 Goss, A.N., see Kurita, K., 319 Fukuda, Y., see lida, $., 690 Gossett, C.B., Preston, C.B., Dunford, R., Lampasso, J., Prediction Accuracy of Funaki, K., see Yamauchi, K 398 Computer-Assisted Surgical Visual Treatment Objectives as Compared Futran, N.D., Primary Reconstruction of the Maxilla Following Maxillectomy With Conventional Visual Treatment Objectives, 609 With or Without Sacrifice of the Orbit, 1765 Granstrom, G., Osscointegration in Irradiated Cancer Patients: An Analysis Gagari, E., see Al-Sebaei, M.O., 664 With Respect to Implant Failures, 579 Gal, G., see Kaplan, 1., 435 Greer, J., see Giller, N., 1201 Gandara-Rey, J.M., see Somoza-Martin, J.M., 786 Griffin, J.E., Jr, Johnson, D.L., Management of the Maxillofacial Burn Patient Current Therapy, 247 Gandara-Vila, P., see Saulacic, N., 978 -, see Somoza-Martin, J.M., 786 Grossman, Y., Finger, 1.M., Block, M.S., Indications for Splinting Implant Restorations, 1642 Ganesan, K., Mizen, K., Cat Scratch Disease: An Unusual Cause of Facial Palsy and Partial Ptosis: Case Report, 869 Gruber, R., Baron, M., Busenlechner, D., Kandler, B., Fuerst, G., Watzek, G., Proliferation and Osteogenic Differentiation of Cells from Cortical Ganz, S.D., Presurgical Planning With CT-Derived Fabrication of Surgical Bone Cylinders, Bone Particles from Mill, and Drilling Dust, 238 Guides, $59 Gao, Z., see Chen, F., 586 Guerrero, C., see Whitesides, L.M., 261 Guimond, C., Johnson, J.V., Marchena, J.M., Fixation of Mandibular Angle Garcia-Garcia, A., Coronectomy: A Questionable Procedure [letter], 723 Fractures With a 2.0-mm 3-Dimensional Curved Angle Strut Plate, 209 -, On Alveolar Distraction in the Upper Jaw [letter], 1687 Giler, N., Yumuk, P.F., Ilguy, D., Olgac, V., Greer, J., Limited Painful Mouth -, see Saulacic, N., 978 Opening, 1201 -, see Somoza-Martin, J.M., 786 Gunesli, A., see Kiirkcti, M., 1593 -, Somoza-Martin, M., Bone Distraction Versus Dynamic Guided Bone Regen- Guralnick, W.C., see Kaban, L.B., 1069 eration [letter], 724 Gutierrez-Perez, J.L., see Infante-Cossio, P., 1539 Garcia-Perla, A., see Infante-Cossio, P., Guttenberg, $.A., Educational Purpose and Content: More on the Offshore Garcia-Rozado, A., see Patino, B., 1361 Medical Degree [letter], 571 Gateno, J., Engel, E.R., Teichgraeber, J.F., Yamaji, K.E., Xia, J.J.. A New Le Fort I Internal Distraction Device in the Treatment of Severe Maxillary Haga, M., see Kanno, T., 499 Hypoplasia, 148 Hall, H.D., Indresano, A.T., Kirk, W.S., Jr, Dietrich, M.S., Prospective Multi- -, see Lemoine, J.J., 961 center Comparison of 4 Temporomandibular Joint Operations, 1174 -, see Yeshwant, me , Halpern, L.R., Susarla, $.M., Dodson, T.B., Injury Location and Screening Gavilan-Carrasco, F., see Infante-Cossio, P., Questionnaires as Markers for Intimate Partner Violence, 1255 AUTHOR I Hammer, B., see Kunz, C., 93 -, see Morimoto, Y., 1234 Hammouda, W., see Gornitsky, M., 592 Indresano, A.T., see Hall, H.D., 1174 Hamscho, H., see Kovacs, A.F., 185 Infante-Cossio, P., Gutierrez-Perez, J.L.. Garcia-Perla, A., Noguer-Mediavilla, Hanada, K., see Chen, F., 1509 M., Gavilan-Carrasco, F., Primary Ewing’s Sarcoma of the Maxilla and Hashimoto, S., see Muramatsu, T., 703 Zygoma: Report of a Case, 1539 Hassani, A.. Khojasteh, A., Shamsabad A.N., The Anterior Palate as a Donor Inman, J.L., see Kretzschmar, D.P., 865 Site in Maxillofacial Bone Grafting: A Quantitative Anatomic Study Inokuchi, T., see Uehara, M., 244 1196 Inoue, T., see Muramatsu, T., 703 Hasson, O., Levi, G., Huszar, M., Scleroma of the Soft and Hard Palate, 1536 Iranmanesh, A., see Lee, J.S., 103 Hattori, M., see O’Ryan, F., 551 Ishibashi, H., see Nakayama, E., 311 Haug, R.H., see Cunningham, L.L., 1169 Ishimaru, T., Hayatsu, Y.. Ueyama, Y., Shinozaki, F., Hodgkin's Lymphoma of -, Perrott, D.H., Gonzalez, M.L., Talwar, R.M., The American Association of the Mandibular Condyle: Report of a Case, 144 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Age-Related Third Molar Study, 1106 Israel, H., see Chang, H., 761 -, see Peterson, G.P., 1317 Iwase, H., Sasaki, T., Asakura, $., Asano, K., Mitrirattanakul, $.. Matsuka, Y -, see Shugars, D.A., 341 Imai, Y., Characterization of Patients With Disc Displacement Without -, see Van Sickels, J.E., 1620 Reduction Unresponsive to Nonsurgical Treatment: A Preliminary Hayatsu, Y., see Ishimaru, T., 144 Study, 1115 Heffez, L.B., Kirton, M., Vector Control in Traasportation Osteogenesis, 737 Hegenbarth, E., see Holst, S., S89 Jacks, M.T., see Shugars, D.A., 341 Helfrick, J.F., see Coyle, T.T., 163 Janal, M.N., see Rutner, T.W., 1145 Hellstein, J.W., Marek, C.L., Bisphosphonate Osteochemonecrosis (Bis- Jang, K.H., see Cho, B.C., 1753 Phossy Jaw): Is This Phossy Jaw of the 21st Century?, 682 Jaques, B., see Scolozzi, P., 1368 Helman, J.I., see Clark, C.L., 377 Jay. G.D., see Overly F.L., 215 Henschel, V., see Schmitter, M., 1295 Jenkins, C., see Madion, D.C., 1774 Hepworth, B., see Goodger, N.M., 1048 Jensen, O., see Laster, Z., 1724 Herford, A.S., Hoffman, R., Demirdji, $.. Boyne, P.J., Caruso, J.M., Leggitt . Schendel, S., A Sagittal Mandibular Osteotomy Variation for Distraction V.L., and Vega, L., 775, 771 Osteogenesis [letter], 1062 -, Ying, T., Brown, B., Outcomes of Severely Comminuted (Type ID Naso- Jerjes, W., see Swinson, B.D., 1231 orbitoethmoid Fractures, 1266 Jia, J.. see Zhao, Y.-F., 51 Hernandez-Alfaro, F.. Marti, C., Biosca, M.J., Gimeno, J., Minimally Invasive Jia Y see Zhao, Y.-F., 51 libial Bone Harvesting Under Intravenous Sedation, 464 Jian, X.-C., Surgical Management of Lymphangiomatous or Lymphangiohe Hicks, W., see Alrawi, S.J., 1216 mangiomatous Macroglossia, 15 Higginbottom, F.L., Implants as an Option in the Esthetic Zone, $33 Johnson, C., see Fattahi, T., 487 Higuera, S., see Tiwari, P., 1354 Johnson, D.L., see Griffin, J.E., Jr, 24 Hillard, V.H., see Keene, J.R., 1674 Johnson, J.V., see Guimond, C., 209 Hinton, R.J.. see Shibazaki, R., 505 Johnson, L.R., see Eiseman, B., 28 Hoffman, R., Demirdji, $., Boyne, P.J., Caruso, J.M., Leggitt, V.L., Vega, | Johnston, C., see Lalani, Z.. 1500 -, see Herford, A.S., 771 Joos, U., see Kleinheinz, J., 1310 Hollier, H.H., see Tiwari, P., 1354 Jung, Y.-S., Lee, S.-H., Park, H.-S... Decompression of Large Odontogenic Holmes, J.D., see Cuzalina, A.L., 25 Keratocysts of the Mandible, 267 -, See Sittitavornwong, S., 1278 Kaban, L.B., see Ardekian, L., 941 Holmgren, E., see Bagheri, $.C., 838, 1123 -, Guralnick, W.C., Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard MD Oral and -, Dierks, E.J., Assael, L.A., Bell, R.B., Potter, B.E., Facial Soft Tissue Injuries Maxillofacial Surgery Program, 1069 as an Aid to Ordering a Combination Head and Facial Computed -, see St. John, D., 419 Tomography in Trauma Patients, 651 -, see Steinbacher, D.M., 1072 -, see Kademani, D., 1599 -, see Susarla, $.M., 1138 Holms, S., see Van Sickels, J.E., 1620 -, see Yeshwant, K., 335 Holst, S., Blatz, M.B., Hegenbarth, E., Wichmann, M., Eitner, S., Prosthodontic Kademani, D., see Bagheri, $.C., 838, 1123 Considerations for Predictable Single-Implant Esthetics in the Anterior -, Bell, R.B., Bagheri, S.. Holmgren, E., Dierks, E., Potter, B., Homer, | Maxilla, $89 Prognostic Factors in Intraoral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: The Influ Homer, L., see Bell, R.B., 917 ence of Histologic Grade, 1599 -, see Kademani, D., 1599 -, Dierks, E.J., A Straight-Line Incision for Neck Dissection: Technical Note Hommer, L., see Bagheri, $.C., 1123 563 Hsu, W.-C. see Huang, Y.-C., 138 Kanagaraja, S., Kashani, H., Zellin, G., Fixation of Comminuted Alveolar Huang, C.-S., see de Villa, G.H., 1584 Ridge Fracture After Severe Trauma by Application of Ti-Osteosynthe- Huang, I.-Y., see Chen, C.-M., 948 sis Plates on Soft Tissue: A Technical Note, 720 Huang, J.-S., see Wong, T.-Y., 200 Kanda, S., see Nakayama, E., 311 Huang, Y.-C., Wang, H.-C., Tsai, Y.-F., Chang, S.-F., Hsu, W.-C., Postsurgical Kandler, B., see Gruber, R., 238 Brachial Neuritis After Orthognathic Surgery: A Case Report, 1387 Kanno, T., Takahashi, T., Arivoshi, W., Tsujisawa, T., Haga, M., Nishihara, T., Huanmanop, T., see Agthong, S., 800 Fensile Mechanical Strain Up-Regulates Runx2 and Osteogenic Factor Hudson, J.W., see Cheung, A., 1676 Expression in Human Periosteal Cells: Implications for Distraction Hui, Y., see Wong, L.L.N., 1374 Osteogenesis, 499 Huszar, M., see Hasson, O., 15: rsujisawa, T., Ariyoshi, W., Nishihara, T., Platelet-Rich Plasma Enhances Hwang, F.-Y., see Chou, J.1.-€ Osteoblast-Like Cell Proliferation and Differentiation, 362 Ide, Y., see Kato, Y., 1325 Kao, S.-Y., see Chou, J.L-C., 355 lida, S., Fukuda, Y., Ueda, T., Sakai, T., Okura, M., Kogo, M., Kimura's Kaplan, I., Gal, G., Anavi, Y., Manor, R., Calderon, S., Glandular Odontogenic Disease: Report of a Case With Presentation in the Cheek and Upper Cyst: Treatment and Recurrence, 435 Eyelid, 690 Kara, C.O., Kara, LG., Topuz, B., Does Creating a Subperiosteal Tunnel lizuka, T., see Buchel, P., 646 Influence the Periorbital Edema and Ecchymosis in Rhinoplasty’, 1088 -, see Nakamura, S., 989 Kara, 1.G., see Kara, C.O., 1088 -, see Nishida, M., 410 Karakasis, D., see Dimitrakopoulos, I., 1227 -, see Smolka, W., 471 Karayazgan, G., see Ruskin, J.D., 829 Iiguy, D., see Giller, N., 1201 Kashani, H., see Kanagaraja, $., 720 Imai, Y., see Iwase, H., L115 Katakura, A., see Shibahara, T., 618 AUTHOR INDEX Kato, Y., Kizu, Y., Tonogi, M., Ide, Y., Yamane, G.-Y, Internal Structure of Ultrathin 15,000 Fiberoptic Arthroscope: Comparison of Arthroscopic Zygomatic Bone Related to Zygomatic Fixture, 1325 and Histologic Findings in a Sheep Model, 319 Katz, R., see Landesberg, R., 529 Kirkcu, M., Oz, A., KOksal, F., Benlidayi, M.E., Giinesli, A., Microbial Analysis Katzberg, R.W., Tallents, R.H., Normal and Abnormal Temporomandibular of the Autogenous Bone Collected by Bone Filter During Oral Surgery: Joint Disc and Posterior Attachment as Depicted by Magnetic Reso- A Clinical Study, 1593 nance Imaging in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Subjects, 1155 Kushner, G.M., see Madion, D.C., 1774 Kaur, T., see Sandhu, S., 640 Kuttenberger, J., see St. John, D., 1283 Kavantzas, N., see Vairaktaris, E., 1016 Kwon, I.C., see Cho, B.C., 1 533 Kawamura, H., see Koeda, S., 1222 Ladeinde, A.L., see Adeyemo, W.L., 936 Kawano, S., see Nakamura, N., 1239 -, see Arotiba, G.T., 747 Keene, J.R., Hillard, V.H., Murali, R., Geldzahler, G., Intraorbital Epidermoid Lagogiannis, G., see Rapidis, A.D., 546, 820, 1337 fumors: A Case Report and a Review of the Literature, 1674 -, see Vilos, G.A., 1461 Keller, E.E., see Yoon, H.-J., 629 Lai, C.-S., see Chen, C.-M., 948 Kelly, J.P., Fixate: Incorrect Grammar [letter], 1687 Lai, Y.-C., see Chou, J.1-C., 355 Kenno, T., see Yamauchi, K., 1398 Lalani, Z., Wong, M., Brey, E.M., Mikos, A.G., Duke, P.J., Miller, M,J., Kessler, H.P., see Cillo, J.E., Jr, 413 Johnston, C., Montufar-Solis, D., Spatial and Temporal Localization of Kessler, P., see Nkenke, E., 623 FGF-2 and VEGF in Healing Tooth Extraction Sockets in a Rabbit -, see Thorwarth, M., 1626 Model, 1500 Khojasteh, A., see Hassani, A., 1196 Lam, N.P., see Susarla, $.M., 1138 Kikinis, R., see Yeshwant, K., 335 Lampasso, J., see Gossett, C.B., 609 Kiliaridis, S., see Bauss, O., 304 Landes, C.A., see Kovacs, A.F., 185 Kim, G.U., see Cho, B.C., 1753 Landesberg, R., Burke, A., Pinsky, D., Katz, R., Vo, J., Eisig, $.B., Lu, H.H., Kim, H.J., see Yoon, J.H., 699 Activation of Platelet-Rich Plasma Using Thrombin Receptor Agonist Kim, I.S., see Cho, B.C., 1753 Peptide, 529 Kim, J., see Yoon, J.H., 699 -, see Tsay, R.C., 521 Kim, J.-W., see Song Laster, Z., Rachmiel, A., Jensen, O.T., Alveolar Width Distraction Osteogen- Kim, M.-D., see Park, esis for Early Implant Placement, 1724 Kim, S8.-G., see Park Lauer, G., see Turhani, D., 793 Kim, T.-G., see Song, Lauwers, F., see Payoux, P., 1091 Kim, Y.-K., see Yun, P.-Y, Lazaridis, N., see Dimitrakopoulos, I., 845 King, G.J., see Shin, J.¥ Lazow, S.K., see Chritah, A., 1737 Kirita, T., see Morimoto, Y Le, A.D., Basi, D.L., Abubaker, A.O., Wound Healing: Findings of the 2005 Kirk, W.S., Jr, see Hall, H.D., AAOMS Research Summit, 1426 Kirton, M., see Heffez, L.B.. 7 Leathers, R., see Atchison, K.A., 449 Kizu, Y., see Kato, Y., 1325 Lee, C.Y.S.. A New Method to Harvest Ramus Bone Using the Erbium, Klapow, J.C., see Sittitavornwong, S., 1278 Chromium-Yttrium-Scandium-Gallium-Garnet Laser, 879 Kleinheinz, J., Stratmann, U., Joos, U., Wiesmann, H.P, VEGF-Activated An- , D.G., see Cho, B.C., 1753 giogenesis During Bone Regeneration, 1310 >. D.S.;.see Cho; B:C.,. 1753 Kobayashi, H., see Kurita, H., 717 *, H., see Reinhardt, R.A., 1455 Kobayashi, I., see Nakayama, E., 311 >, J.S., Iranmanesh, A., Schmidt, B.L., Fischbein, N.J., McKenna, S.J., Lim- Koeda, $., Nagasaka, H., Kunamoto, H., Kawamura, H., Extra-Abdominal ited Oral Opening in a 43-Year-Old Man, 103 Fibromatosis of the Cheek: Report of a Case, 1222 Lee, J.-W., see Wong, T.-Y., 200Lee, S.-H., see Jung, Y.-S., 267 Kogo, M., see lida, $., 690 Leggitt, V.L., see Herford, A.S., 771 Koike, T., see Kurita, H., 717 Lemoine, J.J., Xia, J.J.. Gateno, J., Liebschner, M.A.K., Radiographic Analysis Koksal, F., see Kurkcli, M., 1593 for Jaw Motion Normalization, 961 Kolk, A., Pautke, C., Wiener, E., Ploder, O., Neff, A., A Novel High-Resolution Lemons, J.E., see Waite, P.D., 63 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Microscopy Coil as an Alternative to the Lenox, N., see Bagheri, $.C., 838 Multislice Computed Tomography in Postoperative Imaging of Orbital Leonard, M.K., see Mehrabi, M., 1543 Fractures and Computer-Based Volume Measurement, 492 Levi, G., see Hasson, O., 1536 Koutsoubi, K., see Rapidis, A.D., 820 Lewkowicz, A., see Bar, T., 841 Kovac, A.L., The Prophylactic Treatment of Postoperative Nausea and Vom- Li., J., see Chen, W., 1484 iting in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 1531 Li, J.-R., see Qin, X.-N., 694 Kovacs, A.F., Landes, C.A., Hamscho, H., Débert, N., Menzel, C., Pattern of Li, X., see Long, X., 897 Drainage in Sentinel Lymph Nodes After Intra-Arterial Chemotherapy Liebschner, M.A.K., see Lemoine, J.J., 961 for Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer, 185 Lilly, L.G., see Boyne, P.J., 1693 Koyama, T., see Mano, T., 399 Lim, A.A.T., Kozakewich, P.W., Feingold, M., Padwa, B.L., Juvenile Hyaline Kozakewich, P.W., see Lim, A.A.T., 271 Fibromatosis: Report of a Case and Comparison With Infantile Sys- Kratochvil, F.J.. see Yih, W.-Y., 805 temic Hyalinosis, 271 Krausz, A.A., see el-Naaj, LA., 405 Lin, $.-D., see Chen, C.-M., 948 Kretzschmar, D.P., Postma, G.N., Inman, J.L., Intraoral Endoscopic Enucle- Linakis, J.G., see Overly F.L., 215 ation of a Central Mandibular Condylar Lesion, 865 Lipin, Y., see Peled, M., 220 Krump, J.L., see Yih, W.-Y., 1382 Lirk, P., see Ong, C.K.S., 1162 Ku, A.S.W., Rodrigo, C.R., To, P.C.Y., Anesthetic Management of a Child Liu, T., see Chen, F., 586 With Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhydrosis, 848 Liu, Z.J., see Shin, J.¥ Kuang, S.-H., see Chou, J.L-C., 355 Long, X., Li, X., Cheng, Y., Yang, X., Qin, L., Qiao, Y., Deng, M., Preservation Kunamoto, H., see Koeda, $., 1222 of Disc for Treatment of Traumatic Temporomandibular Joint Anky- Kunz, C., Adolphs, N., Buescher, P., Hammer, B., Rahn, B., Distraction losis, 897 Osteogenesis of the Canine Mandible: The Impact of Acute Callus -, see Qin, X.-N., 694 Manipulation on Vascularization and Early Bone Formation, 93 Longo, F., see Buono, U., 714 Kurashina, K., see Kurita, H., 717 Lopez, R., see Payoux, P., 1091 Kurita, H., Sakai, H., Narikawa, J.-N., Nakatsuka, A., Koike, T., Kobayashi, H., Lopez-Cedrun, J.L., see Patino, B., 13061 Kurashina, K., Intraoperative Video Monitoring With a Wireless Micro Loree, T., see Alrawi, S.J., 1216 Digital Camera System, 717 Lorenzo, F., see Martinez-Lage, J.L., 1680 Kurita, K., Ogi, N., Miyamoto, K., Goss, A.N., Diagnostic Evaluation of an Lu, H.H., see Landesberg, R., 529 AUTHOR II -, see Tsay, R.C., 521 Mizen, K., see Ganesan, K., 869 Lund, B.A., see Choi, H.-S., 908 Mohit-Tabatabai, M., see Reisine, $., 513 Monto, M., see Baurmash, H.D., 1391 McCabe, J.C., Offshore Medical Degree, Onshore Medical License [letter], Montufar-Solis, D., see Lalani, Z., 1500 1247 Moraes, M., see Brasileiro, B.F., 1080 McKenna, $.J., see Lee, J.S., 103 Moreira, R.W.F., see Brasileiro, B.F., 1080 Madan, A.D., see Madan, G.A., 1262 Morgan, T.A., Burton, C.C., Qian, F., A Retrospective Review of Treatment of Madan, G., see Madan, G.A., 1262 the Odontogenic Keratocyst, 635 Madan, G.A., Madan, S.G., Madan, G., Madan, A.D., Minor Oral Surgery Morimoto, Y., Tatebayashi, S., Imai, Y., Kirita, T., Efficacy of Vancomycin- Without Stopping Daily Low-Dose Aspirin Therapy: A Study of 51 Impregnated Cement Beads for the Treatment of MRSA Infection of Patients, 1262 Madan, S.G., see Madan, G.A., 1262 Failed Graft Tissue at the Mandible, 1234 Morse, D.E., see Reisine, $., 513 Madion, D.C., Marshall, M.K., Jenkins, C., Kushner, G.M., Brown Recluse Morton, D., see Ruskin, J.D., 829 Spider Bite to the Face, 1 Moscariello, A., see Colella, G., 1044 Madsen, M.J., see Cunningham, L.L., Jr., 873 Moura, M.D.G., see Castro, W.H., 20 Mahomed, F., Altini, M., Meer, $., Coleman, H., Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia With Associated Simple Bone cysts, 1549 Moy, P.K., Parminter, P.E., Chairside Preparation of Provisional Restorations, Maki, K., see Shibazaki, R., 505 S80 Manabe, U., see Seto, M., 1096 -, see Boyne, P.j., 1693 Mihling, J., see Eggers, G., 1330 Mandel, L., Carrao, V., Bilateral Parotid Diffuse Hyperplastic Oncocytosis Case Report, 560 Mulliken, J.B., see Fan, W.S., 330 -, see St. John, D., 419 -, Surattanount, F., Lateral Dermoid Cyst, 137 Murakami, K.-I., see Nishida, M., 410 -, Vakkas, J., Saqi, A., Alcoholic (Beer) Sialosis, 402 Mangone, G.M., see Buono, U., 714 Murali, R., see Keene, J.R., 1674 Mano, T., Ueyama, Y., Koyama, T., Nishiyama, A., Matsumura, T., Trismus Muramatsu, T., Hashimoto, S., Inoue, T., Shimono, M., Melanotic Schwan- Due to Bilateral Coronoid Hyperplasia in a Child: Case Report, 399 noma Arising in the Floor of the Mouth, 703 Manor, R., see Kaplan, I., 435 Murchison, D.F., see Roberts, H.W., 957 Mao, T., see Chen, F., 586 Myall, R., see Chigurupati, R., 1209 Marchena, J.M., see Gliddon, M.J., 1371 Nagasaka, H., see Koeda, $., 1222 -, see Guimond, C., 209 Nagata, Y., see Nishida, M., 410 Marciani, R.D., see Tiwana, P.S., 55 Nahlieli, O., see Bar, T., 841 Marek, C.L., see Hellstein, J.W., 682 Nakagawa, K., see Ueki, K., 350, 442, 1494 Marenzi, G., see Sammartino, G., 766 Nakamura, N., Kawano, S., Nakao, Y., Tateishi, K., Ohishi, M., An Alternative Marmulla, R., see Eggers, G., 1330 Method for Vermilion Reconstruction After Resection of Hemangio- Marshall, M.K., see Madion, D.« mas of the Lip, 1239 Marti, C., see Hernandez-Alfaro, F Nakamura, S., Bessho, K., Nakao, K., lizuka, T., Scott, R.F., Langerhans’ Cell Martin, M., see Gomez, E., 8 Histiocytosis Confined to the Jaw, 989 Martin, R., see Patino, B., 13061 Nakao, K., see Nakamura, S., 989 Martinez-Lage, J.L., Almeida, F., Picon, M., Lorenzo, F., Carrillo, R., Maxillo- Nakao, Y., see Nakamura, N., 1239 malar Monoblock Removal, Reshaping and Reinsertion in Paget's Nakatsuka, A., see Kurita, H., 717 Disease, 1680 Nakayama, E., Sugiura, K., Kobayashi, I., Oobu, K., Ishibashi, H., Kanda, $ Martis, C., see Vairaktaris, E., 1016 The Association Between the Computed Tomography Findings, His- Marukawa, K., see Ueki, K., 350, 442, 1494 tologic Features, and Outcome of Osteosarcoma of the Jaw, 311 Marx, R.E., see Boyne, P.J., 1693 Nardi, P., see Acocella, A., 140 -, Sawatari, Y., Fortin, M., Broumand, V., Bisphosphonate-Induced Exposed Narikawa, J.-N., see Kurita, H., 717 Bone (Osteonecrosis/Osteopetrosis) of the Jaw, 1567 Nath, A., Pogrel, M.A., Preoperative Autologous Blood Donatifoorn Osra l and Massoth, N.A., see Zallen, R.D., 572 Maxillofacial Surgery: An Analysis of 913 Patients, 347 Matsuka, Y., see Iwase, H., L115 Naval, L., see Rubio-Bueno, P., 598 Matsumura, T., see Mano, T., 399 Naval-Gias, L., see Gonzalez-Garcia, R., 1249 Mazzonetto, R., Allais de Mauretto, M., Radiographic Evaluation of Alveolar Neff, A., see Kolk, A., 492 Distraction Osteogenesis: Analysis of 60 Cases, 1708 Neukam, F.W., see Nkenke, E., 623 -, see Brasileiro, B.F., 1080 Nevins, M., see Boyne, P.J., 1693 Meer, S., see Mahomed, F., 1549 Ng, I., see Wong, L.L.N., 1374 Mehra, P., see Chuah, C., 416 Niizawa, S., see Ueki, K., 442 Mehrabi, M., Bagheri, $., Leonard, M.K., Jr, Perciaccante, V.J.. Mucocutane- Nishida, M., Yasuda, $., Murakami, K.-I., Yamamura, I., Nagata, Y., lizuka, T ous Manifestation of Cryptococcal Infection: Report of a Case and Retropharyngeal Lymph Node Metastases from Oral Cancer: A Report Review of the Literature, 1543 of 2 Patients, 410 Menger, M.D., see Ricker, M., 87 Nishihara, T., see Kanno, T., 362, 499 Menzel, C., see Kovacs, A.F., 185 Nishiyama, A., see Mano, T., 399 Mercante, D.E., see Ryser, M.R., 1184 Nkenke, E., Kessler, P., Wiltfang, J., Neukam, F.W., Weisbach, V., Hemoglo- Michelotti, A., see Buono, U., 714 bin Value Reduction and Necessity of Transfusion in Bimaxillary Mikos, A.G., see Lalani, Z., 1500 Orthognathic Surgery, 623 Milam, $.B., see Schmidt, B.L., 1410 Nogueira, R.V.B., see de Holanda Vasconcellos, R.J., 1057 Milani, B., see Roccia, F., 1101 Noguer-Mediavilla, M., see Infante-Cossio, P., 1539 Miles, B.A., Finn, R.A., Circulating Factor VIII Inhibitor: Case Report and Noma, H., see Nomura, T., 1489 Review, 253 Nomura, T., Shobahara. T., Cui, N.-H., Noma, H., Patterns of Mandibular Millar, B.G., see Gibbons, A.J., 1557 Invasion by Gingival Squamous Cell Carcinoma, 1489 Miller, K.G., Communication: Managing the Deficits of Our Educational System [letter], 1061 Oda, T., Bone Distraction Versus Dynamic Guided Bone Regeneration [re- Milier, MJ., see Lalani, Z., 1500 ply], 724 Miloro, M., Stoner, J.A., Subjective Outcomes Following Sural Nerve Harvest Offenbacher, S., see Elter, J.R., 179 1150 Ogi, N., see Kurita, K., 319 Mishal, J., see Bar, T., 841 Ogle, O., see Saker, M., 1385 Mitrirattanakul, S., see !wase, H., 1115 Ogunlewe, M.O., see Adeyemo, W.L., 936 Miyamoto, K., see Kurita, K., 319 Ohishi, M., see Nakamura, N., 1239 1794 AUTHOR II Okura, M., see lida, $., 690 . Coronectomy: A Questionable Procedure [reply], 723 Olgac, V., see Giller, N., 1201 . Frequency of Trigeminal Nerve Injuries Following Third Molar Removal Oliveira, G.S., see de Oliveira, P.A., Jr, 1778 [reply], 1783 Oliveira, $., see Castro, W.H., 20 -, see Nath, A., 347 Oncag, O., see Ersin, N.K., 1731 -, see Robert, R.C., 732 Ong, C.K.S., Lirk, P., Tan, J.M.H., Sow, B.W.Y., The Analgesic Efficacy of -, Treatment of Keratocysts: The Case for Decompression and Marsupializa- Intravenous Versus Oral Tramadol for Preventing Postoperative Pain tion, 1667 After Third Molar Surgery, 1162 Politi, M., Toro, C., Cian, R., Costa, F., Robiony, M., Horner's Syndrome Due Oobu, K., see Nakayama, E., 311 to a Large Schwannoma of the Cervical Sympathetic Chain: Report of Opperman, L.A., see Shibazaki, R., 505 a Case, 707 Orr, D.L., Clinical Controversies: June 2005 [letter], 1403 Poor, D.B., see O’Ryan, F., 551 O’Ryan, F., Poor, D.B., Hattori, M., Intraoperative Angioedema Induced by Posnick, J.C., see Ricalde, P., 1180 Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors: Overview and Case Re- Postma, G.N., see Kretzschmar, D.P., 865 port, 551 Potter, B.E., see Bagheri, $.C., 1123 -, see Seim, P., 852 -, see Bell, R.B., 917 Otero-Rey, E., see Somoza-Martin, J.M., 786 -, see Holmgren, E.P., 651 Ouyang, H., Feng, X., Gao, Z., Yang, Y., Zou, X., Liu, T., Zhao, G., Mao, T., -, see Kademani, D., 1599 see Chen, F., 586 Potter, J.K., Ducic, Y., Ellis, E., Il, Extended Bilaminar Forehead Flap With Overly F.L., Wright, R.O., Connor, F.A., Jr, Jay, G.D., Linakis, J.G., Bispectral Cantilevered Bone Grafts for Reconstruction of Full-Thickness Nasal Analysis During Deep Sedation of Pediatric Oral Surgery Patients, 215 Defects, 566 Oz, A., see Kiirkcu, M., 1593 Preston, C.B., see Gossett, C.B., 609 Ozgursoy, O.B., see Beder, E., 1742 Priest, G., Virtual-Designed and Computer-Milled Implant Abutments, $22 Ozgursoy, S.K., see Beder, E., 1742 Prince, S., see Smith, W., 1746 Psomaderis, K., see Dimitrakopoulos, I., 1227 Padwa, B.L., see Fan, W.S., 330 Psoter, W.J., see Reisine, $., 513 -, see Lim, A.A.T., 271 Pungpapong, P., see Cooper, L., $97 -, see St. John, D., 419 Puranik, R.S., see Desai, R.S., 1033 Paoli, J.R., see Payoux, P., 1091 Papaemanoucl, S., see Dimitrakopoulos, I., 1227 Qian, F., see Morgan, T.A., 635 Papageorge, M., see Al-Sebaci, M.O., 664 Qiao, Y., see Long, X., 897 Papakosta, V., see Vairaktaris, E., 1016 Qin, L., see Long, X., 897 Parel, $.M., Schow, S.R., Early Clinical Experience With a New One-Piece Qin, X.-N., Li, J.-R., Chen, X.-M., Long, X., The Glandular Odontogenic Cyst: Implant System in Single Tooth Sites, $2 Clinicopathologic Features and Treatment of 14 Cases, 694 Park, C.-Y., Kim, $.-G., Kim, M.-D., Eom, T.-G., Yoon, J.-H., Ahn, $.-G., Surface Properties of Endosseous Dental Implants After NGYAG and CO, Laser Rabie, A.B.M., see Wong, R.W.K., 1515 Treatment at Various Energies, 1522 Rachmiel, A., see Laster, Z., 1724 Park, H.-S., see Jung, Y.-S., 267 Rahal, A., see Biichel, P., 646 Park, J.W., see Cho, B.C., 1753 Rahn, B., see Kunz, C., 93 Park, R.W., see Cho, B.C., 1753 Rak, R.A., see Tate, $., 556 Parkash, H., see Roychoudhury, A., 257 Rammelsberg, P., see Schmitter, M., 1295 Parminter, P.E., see Moy, P.K., $22 Rapidis, A.D., Andressakis, D.D., Lagogiannis, G.A., Douzinas, E.E., Malignant Passeri, L.A., see Brasileiro, B.F., L080 Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Tongue. Review of the Literature and Patino, B., Fernandez-Alba, J., Garcia-Rozado, A., Martin, R., Lopez-Cedrun, J.L., Report of a Case, 546 Sanroman, B., Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic (Pindborg) Tumor: A Faratzis, G., Lagogiannis, G., Koutsoubi, K., Large Swelling of the Lateral Series of 4 Distinctive Cases and a Review of the Literature, 13061 Neck, 820 Patsouris, E., see Vairaktaris, E., 1016 , Stavrianos, $.D., Andressakis, D., Lagogiannis, G., Bertin, P.M., Calcifying Pautke, C., see Kolk, A., 492 Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor (CEOT) of the Mandible: Clinical Ther Payne, J.B., see Reinhardt, R.A., 1455 apeutic Conference, 1337 Payoux, P., Dekeister, C., Lopez, R., Lauwers, F., Esquerre, J.P., Paoli, J.R., -, see Vilos, G.A., 1461 Effectiveness of Lymphoscintigraphic Sentinel Node Detection for Rashid, R., see Chacon, G.E., 968 Cervical Staging of Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Rebellato, J., see Choi, H.-S., 908 Head and Neck, 1091 -, see Yoon, H.-J., 629 Peled, M., El-Naaj, A., Lipin, Y., Ardekian, L., The Use of Free Fibular Flap for Reboiras-Lopez, M.D., see Somoza-Martin, J.M., 786 Functional Mandibular Reconstruction, 220 Regezi, J.A., see Seim, P., 852 -, see el-Naaj, LA., 405 Reinhardt, R.A., Lee, H., Schmid, M., Payne, J.B., Golub, L., Relationship Between Perciaccante, V.J.. see Mehrabi, M., 1543 Gelatinases and Bone Turnover in the Healing Bone Defect, 1455 Perenack, J., Treatment Options to Optimize Display of Anterior Dental Reisine, $., Morse, D.E., Psoter, W.J., Eisenberg, E., Cohen, D., Cleveland, D., Esthetics in the Patient With the Aged Lip, 1634 Mohit-Tabatabai, M., Sociodemographic Risk Indicators for Depressive Perrott, D.H., see Coyle, T.T., 163 Symptoms Among Persons With Oral Cancer or Oral Epithelial Dys- -, see Haug, R.H., 1106 plasia, 513 Peterson, G.P., see Cunningham, L.L., 873, 1169 Reside, G.J., see Cooper, L., S97 -, Haug, R.H., Sickels, J.V., A Biomechanical Evaluation of Bilateral Sagittal Ricalde, P., Engroff, $.L., von Fraunhofer, J.A., Posnick, J.C., Strength Analysis Ramus Osteotomy Fixation Techniques, 1317 of Titanium and Resorbable Internal Fixation in a Mandibulotomy -, see Van Sickels, J.E., 1620 Model, 1180 Phelan, S., see Smith, W, 1746 Riediger, D., see Gerressen, M., 1035 Phillips, C., see Ruvo, A.T., 929 Rigual, N., see Alrawi, S.J., 1216 -, see Shugars, D.A., 341 Robert, R.C., Bacchetti, P., Pogrel, M.A., Frequency of Trigeminal Nerve -, see Snyder, M., 1130 Injuries Following Third Molar Removal, 732 -, see Tiwana, P.S., 55 Roberts, H.W., Cohen, M.E., Murchison, D.F., Oral Surgical Handpiece Use Picon, M., see Martinez-Lage, J.L., 1680 Time Parameters, 957 Pinsky, D., see Landesberg, R., 529 Robiony, M., see Politi, M., 707 Pires, C.A.S., see Ward, B.B., 1039 Roccia, F., Spada, M.C., Milani, B., Berrone, $., Telemedicine in Maxillofacial Pires, L.F.S., see de Oliveira, P.A., Jr, 1778 Trauma: A 2-Year Clinical Experience, 1101 Ploder, O., see Kolk, A., 492 Rodgers, S.F., Safety of Intravenous Sedation Administered by the Operating Pogrel, M.A., Antibiotic Usage for Coronectomy: Is It Necessary? [reply], 572 Oral Surgeon: The First 7 Years of Office Practice, 1478 AUTHOR INDEX Rodrigo, C.R., see Ku, A.S.W., 848 Schwartz, H.C., Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaws [let- Rodriguez-Campo, F.J., see Gonzalez-Garcia, R., 1249 ter], 1555 -, see Rubio-Bueno, P., 598 -, Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: A Complex Group of Disorders [letter], 1248 Roh, K.H., see Cho, B.C., 1753 Schwartz-Cagney, C., see Chuong, C.-J., 68 Rojas-Vizcaya, F., see Cooper, L., S97 Schwestka-Polly, R., see Bauss, O., 304 Rosen, H., see Gornitsky, M., 592 Scolozzi, P., Bosson, G., Jaques, B., Severe Isolated Temporomandibular Joint Rosenquist, J., see Al-Bishri, A., 973 Involvement in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, 1368 Roychoudhury, A., Batra, A., Parkash, H., Pseudo Temporomandibular Joint Scott, R.F., see Nakamura, S., 989 Ankylosis in a Patient With Klippel-Feil Syndrome, 257 Sedaghatfar, M., August, M.A., Dodson, T.B., Panoramic Radiographic Find- Rubio-Bueno, P., Naval, L., Rodriguez-Campo, F., Gil-Dolz, J.L., Diaz-Gonza- ings as Predictors of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Exposure Following Third lez, F.J., Internal Distraction Osteogenesis With a Unidirectional De- Molar Extraction, 3 vice for Reconstruction of Mandibular Segmental Defects, 598 Seemann, R., see Ewers, R., 1447 Rucker, M., Binger, T., Delcheva, K., Menger, M.D., Reduction of Midfacial Seim, P., Regezi, J.A.. O’Rvan, F., Hybrid Ameloblastoma and Calcifying Periosteal Perfusion Failure by Subperiosteal Versus Supraperiosteal Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor: A Case Report, 852 Dissection, 87 Sekine, J., see Uehara, M., 244 Ruskin, J.D., Morton, D., Karayazgan, G., Amir, J., Failed Root Canals: The Seldin, E.B., Gateno, J.. Everett, P., White, C.L., Kikinis, R., Kaban, L.B Case for Extraction and Immediate Implant Placement, 829 Troulis, M.J., see Yeshwant, K., 335 Rutner, T.W., Ziccardi, V.B., Janal, M.N., Long-Term Outcome Assessment for Sen, Z., see Serel, $., 396 Lingual Nerve Microsurgery, 1145 Seo, K., Tanaka, Y., Terumitsu, M., Someya, G., Characterization of Different Ruvo, A.T., Shugars, D.A., White, R.P., Jr, Phillips, C., The Impact of Delayed Paresthesias Following Orthognathic Surgery of the Mandible, 298 Clinical Healing After Third Molar Surgery on Health-Related Quality- Serel, S., Can, Z., Ersoy, A., Sen, Z., Management of Mandibular Fracture of-Life Outcomes, 929 Using Open Reduction and Internal Fixation in a Neonate: Case Ryser, M.R., Block, M.S., Mercante, D.E., Correlation of Papilla to Crestal Report, 396 Bone Levels Around Single Tooth Implants in Immediate or Delayed Seto, I., see Buchel, P., 646 Crown Protocols, 1184 Seto, M., Manabe, U., Taniguchi, S., Autonomic Nervous System Activity Ryu, D.-M., see Song, W.-S., 135 During Autologous Blood Donation for Orthognathic Surgery, 1096 Sader, R., see Stibinger, S., 1283 Shamsabad A.N., see Hassani, A., 1196 St. John, D., Mulliken, J.B., Kaban, L.B., Padwa, B.L., Omission: Anthropo- Sharma, A.B., Beumer, J., III, Reconstruction of Maxillary Defects: The Case metric Analysis [letter], 419 for Prosthetic Rehabilitation, 1770 Saito, I., see Chen, F., 1509 Sheridan, P.J., see Salinas, TJ., $45 Sakai, H., see Kurita, H., 717 Sherwood, K.H., Burch, J.G., Skeletally Based Miniplate Supported Orthodon- Sakai, T., see lida, $., 690 tic Anchorage, 279 Saker, M., Ogle, O., Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Subsequent to Shetty, V., see Atchison, K.A., 449 Sinus Lift via Closed Technique, 1385 Shibahara, T., Eizou, T., Katakura, A., Evaluation of Taste Sensation Following Salinas, T.J., Sheridan, P.J., Castellon, P., Block, M., Treatment Planning for Tongue Reconstruction by Microvascular Forearm Free Flap, 618 Multiunit Restorations—The Use of Diagnostic Planning to Predict Shibaski, Y., see Shibazaki, R., 505 Implant and Esthetic Results in Patients With Congenitally Missing Shibazaki, R., Maki, K., Tachikawa, T., Shibaski, Y., Hinton, R.J., Carlson, D.S Teeth, $45 Opperman, L.A., Changes in Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein Samman, N., see Wong, L.L.N., 1374 and 3-Dimensional Trabecular Bone Structure of the Mandibular Con- -, see Yau, Y.-Y., 479 te dyle Following Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis in Growing Rats, Sammartino, G., Tia, M., Marenzi, G., di Lauro, A.E., D'Agostino, E., Claudio, 505 P.P., Use of Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in Periodontal Shieh, T.-Y., see Chen, C.-M., 948 Defect Treatment After Extraction of Impacted Mandibular Third Shimada, M., see Ueki, K., 350, 442, 1494 Molars, 766 Shimono, M., see Muramatsu, T., 703 Sandhu, S., Kaur, T., Radiographic Evaluation of the Status of Third Molars in Shin, J.Y., Liu, Z.J., King, G.J., Trabecular Organization in Mandibular Osteo the Asian-Indian Students, 640 distraction in Growing and Maturing Rats, 7 Sanroman, B., see Patino, B., 1361 Shinozaki, F., see Ishimaru, T., 144 Saqi, A., see Mandel, L., 402 Shobahara. T., see Nomura, T., 1489 Sasaki, T., Asakura, S., Asano, K., Mitrirattanakul, $., Matsuka, Y., Imai, Y., see Shugars, D.A., Elter, J.R., Jacks, M.T., White, R.P., Jr, Phillips C., Haug, R.H Iwase, H., 1115 Blakey, G.H., Incidence of Occlusal Dental Caries in Asymptomatic Sastravaha, P., see Waite, P.D., 63 Third Molars, 341 Sastre-Perez, J., see Gonzalez-Garcia, R., 1249 -, see Ruvo, A.T., 929 Saulacic, N., Somoza-Martin, M., Gandara-Vila, P., Garcia-Garcia, A., Relapse -, see Snyder, M., 1130 in Alveolar Distraction Osteogenesis: An Indication for Overcorrec- -, see Tiwana, P.S., 55 tion, 978 Sickels, J.V., see Peterson, G.P., 1317 Sawatari, Y., see Marx, R.E., 1567 Silva, E.D. de O. e, see Gomes, A.C.A., 1443 Schendel, S., see Jensen, O., 1062 Silva, L.C. F., see Gomes, A.C.A., 1443 Schicho, K., see Ewers, R., 1447 Sinn, D.P., see Chuong, C.-J., 68 Schilke, R., see Bauss, O., 304 -, see Cillo, J.E., Jr, 859 Schlegel, K.A., see Thorwarth, M., 1626 Sittitavornwong, S., Waite, P.D., Holmes, J.D., Klapow, J.C., The Necessity of Schmid, M., see Reinhardt, R.A., 1455 Routine Clinic Follow-Up Visits After Third Molar Removal, 1278 Schmidt, B.L., see Lee, J.S., 103 Smagalski, G.W., see Goodger, N.M., 1048 -, Milam, S.B., Caloss, R., Future Directions for Pain Research in Oral and Smith, A.C.H., see Chandu, A., 1606 Maxillofacial Surgery: Findings of the 2005 AAOMS Research Summit, Smith, W., Prince, S., Phelan, $., The Role of Imaging and Surgery in the 1410 Management of Vascular Tumors of the Masseter Muscle, 1746 Schmidt, J.E., see de Leeuw, R., 42 Smolka, W., lizuka, T., Arthroscopic Lysis and Lavage in Different Stages of Internal Schmitter, M., Zahran, M., Duc, J.-Marc, P., Henschel, V., Rammelsberg, P., Derangement of the TemporomandibulJoairnt : Correlation of Preoperative Conservative Therapy in Patients With Anterior Disc Displacement Staging to Arthroscopic Findings and Treatment Outcome, 471 Without Reduction Using 2 Common Splints: A Randomized Clinical Snyder, M., Shugars, D.A., White, R.P., Jr, Phillips, C., Pain Medication as an Trial, 1295 Indicator of Interference With Lifestyle and Oral Function During Schmitz, J.P., see Gear, AJ.L., 655 Recovery After Third Molar Surgery, 1130 Schow, S.R., see Parel, $.M., S2 Someya, G., See Seo, K., 298 Schubert, W., see Gear, A.J.L., 655 Somoza-Martin, J.M., Garcia-Garcia, A., Barros-Angueira, F., Otero-Rey, E., Schultze-Mosgau, S., see Thorwarth, M., 1626 Torres-Espanol, M., Gandara-Vila, P., Reboiras-Lopez, M.D., Blanco- 1796 AUTHOR INDEX Carrion, A., Gandara-Rey, J.M., Gene Expression Profile in Oral Squa- Tiwari, P., Higuera, $., Thornton,J ., Hollier, H.H., The Management of Frontal mous Cell Carcinoma: A Pilot Study, 786 Sinus Fractures, 1354 Somoza-Martin, M., see Garcia-Garcia, A., 724 To, P.C.Y., see Ku, A.S.W., 848 -, see Saulacic, N., 978 Todd, D.W., Anesthetic Considerations for the Obese and Morbidly Obese Song, W.-S., Kim, J.-W., Kim, T.-G., Ryu, D.-M., A Case Report of Congenital Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Patient, 1348 Epulis in the Fetus, 135 -, Evidence to Support an Individualized Approach to Modification of Oral Sow, B.W.Y., see Ong, C.K.S., 1162 Anticoagulant Therapy for Ambulatory Oral Surgery, 536 Spada, M.C., see Roccia, F., 1101 Tonogi, M., see Kato, Y., 1325 Spagnoli, D.B., see Boyne, P.J., 1693 Topuz, B., see Kara, C.O., 1088 Stauffer, E., see Germanier, Y., 1357 Toro, C., see Politi, M., 707 Stavrianos, $.D., see Rapidis, A.D., 1337 Torres-Espanol, M., see Somoza-Martin, J.M., 786 Steinbacher, D.M., Kaban, L.B., Troulis, M.J., Mandibular Advancement by Totsuka, Y., see Yura, S., 225 Distraction Osteogenesis for Tracheostomy-Dependent Children With Trieger, N., Oral Diseases Research Fund [letter], 1403 Severe Micrognathia, 1072 Triplett, R.G., see Boyne, P.J., 1693 Steinberg, B., see Fattahi, T., 487 -, Interactive Imaging for Implant Planning [reply], 884 -, Fattahi, T., Distraction Osteogenesis in Management of Pediatric Airway: Troulis, M.J., see Ardekian, L., 941 Evidence to Support Its Use, 1206 -, see Steinbacher, D.M., 1072 Stella, J.P., see Cillo, J.E., Jr, 109, 275 -, Ward, B.B., Zuniga, J.A., Emerging Technologies: Findings of the 2005 Stewart, J.C.B., see Yih, W.-Y., 805 AAOMS Research Summit, 1436 Stockbrink, G., see Gerressen, M., 1035 -, see Yeshwant, K., 335 Stoelinga, P.J.W., The Treatment of Odontogenic Keratocysts by Excision of Truppe, M., see Ewers, R., 1447 the Overlying, Attached Mucosa, Enucleation, and Treatment of the Tsai, Y.-F., see Huang, Y.-C., 1387 Bony Defect With Carnoy Solution, 1662 Tsay, R.C., Vo, J., Burke, A., Eisig, $.B., Lu, H.H., Landesberg, R., Differential Stratmann, U., see Kleinheinz, J., 1310 Growth Factor Retention by Platelet-Rich Plasma Composites, 521 Stiibinger, $., Kuttenberger, J., Filippi, A., Sader, R., Zeilhofer, H.-F., Intraoral Tsujisawa, T., see Kanno, T., 362, 499 Piezosurgery: Preliminary Results of a New Technique, 1283 Tullio, A., see Bianchi, B., 1026 Sudbrink, $.D., Computer-Guided Implant Placement With Immediate Provi- Turhani, D., Cvikl, B., Watzinger, E., Weissenb6ck, M., Yerit, K., Thurnher, sionalization: A Case Report, 771 D., Lauer, G., Ewers, R., In Vitro Growth and Differentiation of Sugiura, K., see Nakayama, E., 311 Osteoblast-Like Cells on Hydroxyapatite Ceramic Granule Calcified Sullivan, M., see Alrawi, S.J., 1216 From Red Algae, 793 Sun, K.C.V., see Chandu, A., 1606 , Watzinger, E., Weissenbéck, M., Cvikl, B., Thurnher, D., Wittwer, G., Yerit, Sunzel, B., see Al-Bishri, A., 973 Surattanount, F., see Mandel, L., 137 K., Ewers, R., Analysis of Cell-Seeded 3-Dimensional Bone Constructs Susarla, $.M., Dodson, T.B., Estimating Third Molar Extraction Difficulty: A Manufactured In Vitro With Hydroxyapatite Granules Obtained From Comparison of Subjective and Objective Factors, 427 Red Algae, 673 -, Dodson, T.B., How Well Do Clinicians Estimate Third Molar Extraction Turner, M.D., Glickman, R.S., Epilepsy in the Oral and Maxillofacial Patient: Difficulty?, 191 Current Therapy, 996 -, see Halpern, L.R., 1255 eda, T., see lida, $., 690 -, Lam, N.P., Donoff, R.B., Kaban, L.B., Dodson, T.B., A Comparison of ehara, M., Sekine, J., Wang, Z., Inokuchi, T., Morphometric Analysis of Patient Satisfaction and Objective Assessment of Neurosensory Func- Mouse Tumor Nuclei Subjected to Photodynamic Therapy, 244 tion After Trigeminal Nerve Repair, 1138 Jeki, K., Change in Condylar Long Axis and Skeletal Stability Following Swinson, B.D., Jerjes, W., Thomas, G.J., Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising in Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy and Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteot- a Residual Odontogenic Cyst: Case Report, 1231 omy for Mandibular Prognathia, 1494 lachikawa, T., see Shibazaki, R., 505 , Marukawa, K., Shimada, M., Nakagawa, K., Yamamoto, E., The Assessment Takahashi, T., see Kanno, T., 362, 499 of Blood Loss in Orthognathic Surgery for Prognathia, 350 -, see Yamauchi, K., 1398 , Niizawa, S., Changes in the Chewing Path of Patients in Skeletal Class III Tallents, R.H., see Katzberg, R.W., 1155 With and Without Asymmetry Before and After Orthognathic Surgery, Talwar, R.M., see Haug, R.H., 1106 442 Tan, D., see Alrawi, S.J., 1216 Jeyama, Y., see Ishimaru, T., 144 Tan, J.M.D., see Ong, C.K.S., 1162 -, see Mano, T., 399 Tanaka, Y., See Seo, K., 298 Ugboko, V.I., see Arotiba, G.T., 747 laniguchi, $., see Seto, M., 1096 Undt, G., see Ewers, R., 1447 Tarazi, E., see Casap, N., 982 Ustun, Y., see Esen, E., 457 Tate, S., Rak, R.A., Bailey, J.S., Unusual Presentation of a Cervical Pseudome- ningocele: A Case Report and Review of the Literature, 556 Vairaktaris, E., Vassiliou, $., Yapijakis, C., Papakosta, V., Kavantzas, N., Martis, Tatebayashi, $., see Morimoto, Y., 1234 C., Patsouris, E., Salivary Gland Manifestations of Sarcoidosis: Report Tateishi, K., see Nakamura, N., 1239 of Three Cases, 1016 Teichgraeber, J.F., see Gateno, J., 148 Vakkas, J., see Mandel, L., 402 Terada, K., see Chen, F., 1509 Vanaki, S.S., see Desai, R.S., 1033 Terumitsu, M., See Seo, K., 298 Van Sickels, J.E., Peterson, G.P., Holms, $., Haug, R.H., An In Vitro Compar- rhanuja, R., see Desai, R.S., 1033 ison of an Adjustable Bone Fixation System, 1620 Thomas, G.J., see Swinson, B.D., 1231 van Steenberghe, D., Interactive Imaging for Implant Planning [letter], 883 Thompson, S.H., see Clark, C.L., 377 Vasconcelos, B.C. do E., see de Holanda Vasconcellos, R.J., 1057 rhornton, J., see Tiwari, P., 1354 -, see Gomes, A.C.A., 1443 Thorwarth, M., Schultze-Mosgau, S., Kessler, P., Wiltfang, J., Schlegel, K.A., Vasker, N., see Chaushu, $., 323 Bone Regeneration in Osseous Defects Using a Resorbable Nanopar- Vassiliou, S., see Vairaktaris, E., 1016 ticular Hydroxyapatite, 1626 Vega, L., see Herford, A.S., 771 Throckmorton, G.S., see Ellis, E., Il, 115 Verschueren, D.S., see Bagheri, $.C., 838 Thurnher, D., see Turhani, D., 673, 793 Viehweg, T., see Cheung, A., 1676 Tia, M., see Sammartino, G., 766 Vigneswaran, N., see Gliddon, M.J., 1371 Tiwana, P.S., Foy, $.P., Shugars, D.A., Marciani, R.D., Conrad, S.J., Phillips, C., Vilos, G.A., Rapidis, A.D., Lagogiannis, G.D., Apostolidis, C., Leiomyosarco- White, R.P., Jr, The Impact of Intravenous Corticosteroids With Third mas of the Oral Tissues: Clinicopathologic Analysis of 50 Cases, 1461 Molar Surgery in Patients at High Risk for Delayed Health-Related Vo, J., see Landesberg, R., 529 Quality of Life and Clinical Recovery, 55 -, see Tsay, R.C., 521

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