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SUBJECT INDEX JOURNAL FOR NURSES IN STAFF DEVELOPMENT @ Volume 14, Number 6, 301-304 © 1998 ® Lippincott Williams & Wilkins patrick, D Modley, P Poletti Role of the Preceptor: A Activity-based management, cost- & R Zanotti, 160 Guide for Nurse Educators ing nursing education pro- Hormone Replacement Ther- and Clinicians, J Pieri- grams, 227 apy, Sth ed., RD Gambrell, Flynn, 57 Jr., 298 Systems Challenge: Getting Increasing Patient Satisfaction: the Clinical Information B A Guide for Nurses, RL Support You Need to Im- Bereavement, grief support for Messner & SJ Lewis, 102 prove Patient Care, NA nursing staff in ICU, 293 Internet Workbook for Health Kreider & BJ Haselton, 297 Book reviews Professionals, D Hutchinson, Toolbook for Health Care Re- Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, 299 design, RI Hansten & MJ B Daly, 251 Int.. Juction to Critical Care Washburn, 298 ANAC’s Core Curriculum for Nursing, 2nd ed., J Your Dollars, Your Health: HIV/AIDS Nursing, KM Hartshorn, ML Sole & M Healing Strategies and Skills, Casey, F Cohen & A Lamborn, 251 RG Swartz, G Peske, & K Hughes, 99 Managed Health Care Hand- Pennebaker, 252 Business of Nursing. AONE book, 3rd ed., PR Leadership Series, American Kongstredt, 59 C Organization of “"4..e FX 2c- Managing Outcomes, Process, Cancer education, rural communi- utives, 101 and Cost in a Managed ties, nursing education project Clinical Guideline Deveion- Care Envirorment, R Kirk, mobile unit, 237 ment: An Algorithm Ap- 59 Capitation, teaching managed care proach, JP Mozena, CE Em- Nursing Management in the to hospital staff, 240 erick & SC Black, 206 New Paradigm, CE Lover- Case manager, teaching managed Delmar’s A to Z NDR-97, age & SH Cummings, 205 care to hospital staff, 240 Nurse’s Drug Reference, GR Patient Education: A Practical Charge-back system, costing nurs- Spratto & AL Woods, 57 Approach, K Lorig & asso- ing education programs, 227 Discharge Planning for the El- ciates, 99 Clinical expertise, nurse educator, derly: A Guide for Nurses, K Presenter’s EZ Graphics Kit: A 169 Dash, NC Zarle, L O’Donnell Guide for the Artistically Clinical nurse educator, 169 & C Vince-Whitman, 58 Challenged, L Backer & M Collaboration Estrogen Replacement Therapy Deck, 205 consortium approach to intra- User Guide, RD Gambress, Preventing Patient Falls, JM venous therapy certification, Jr., 206 Morse, 159 >be ad Fostering Learning in Small Reengineering of Operative experience with "research by Groups: A Practical Guide, J and Invasive Services: committee,” 244 Westberg & H Jason, 159 Preparing for the Capitated Committee, experience with "re- Guide to Clinical Resource Dollar, MT Moss, 100 search by committee,” 244 Management: Strategies for Renegotiating Health Care: Re- Communication skills, nurse edu- Improving Patient Care, ML solving Conflict to Build cator, 109 Parson, CL Murdaugh, TF Collaboration, 297 Competency-based practice, Purdon & BE Farrell, 252 Research for the Health Pro- cross-training for obstetrics Home Care Nursing Services: fessional: A Practical Guide, using an internship program, International Lessons, J Fitz- 2nd ed., DM Bailey, 102 154 JOURNAL FOR NURSES IN STAFF DEVELOPMENT Computer technology D role orientation in novice computer-based instruction for Death and dying, grief support for home healthcare nurses, pre/post HIV test counsel- nursing staff in ICU, 293 287 ing, 69 Decision making self-directed learning mod- computer use in staff develop- critical thinking, 267 ules, 17, 73 ment, 117 improving critical thinking teaching managed care to pharmacology review for pri- skills in nursing practice, hospital staff, 240 vate duty nurses using com- 183 understanding learning styles, puters and self learning con- Discharge planning, 47 41 cepts (Focus), 95 Documentation, documentation in workload/outcome measure- Consortium, consortium approach the "Land of Perfect Charts,” ment for hospital educators, to intravenous therapy certifi- 283 7 F cation, 277 Continuing education E Financial issues, costing nursing art and science of teaching Editorial, something old, some- education programs, 227 rounds, 127 thing new, 115 Focus, pharmacology review for costing nursing education pro- Education private duty nurses using grams, 227 cancer nursing education in computers and self learning creating an educational video- rural areas, nursing educa- concepts, 95 tape, 261 tion project mobile unit, 237 critical thinking, 267 computer-based instruction for G developing self-directed learn- pre/post HIV test counsel- Games, documentation in the ing modules, 17 ing, 69 "Land of Perfect Charts,” education handouts, 176 computer use in staff develop- 283 experience with "research by ment, 117 Geriatric nursing, impact of staff committee,” 244 consortium approach to intra- development on nursing prac- learning needs assessment, 137 venous therapy certification, tice, 198 orientation with style, 192 277 Grief support group, grief support staff development specialist costing nursing education pro- for nursing staff in ICU, participation in continuing grams, 227 293 nursing education programs, documentation in the "Land of 219 Perfect Charts,” 283 H understanding learning styles, educational programs for sup- HIV/AIDS, computer-based in- 41 plemental staff, 188 struction for pre/post HIV test workload/outcome measure- factors that influence learning counseling, 69 ment for hospital educators, in relation to nursing prac- Home healthcare nursing, role 5 tice, 147 orientation in novice home writing learning objectives, 87 impact of staff development on healthcare nurses, 287 Coping, grief support for nursing nursing practice, 198 Hospital staff staff in ICU, 293 improving critical thinking skills literacy and learning for hospi- Costing model, costing nursing in nursing practice, 183 tal employees, 143 education programs, 227 literacy and learning for hospi- managed care education, 240 Counseling, computer-based in- tal employees, 143 orientation to new patient care struction for pre/post HIV test matching teaching/learning facility, 23 counseling, 69 style, 192 workload/outcome measure- Critical thinking nursing internships, university ment for hospital educators, - art and science of teaching faculty participation, 273 rounds, 127 obstetric cross-training intern- improving critical thinking skills ship program, 154 | in nursing practice, 183 patient-focused care, educa- Intensive care unit, grief support strategies for clinical practice, tional approach, 81 for nursing staff, 293 267 pharmacology review for pri- Internship Cross-training, cross-training for vate duty nurses using com- cross-training for obstetrics obstetrics using an internship puters and self learning using an internship program, program, 154 concepts (Focus), 95 154 302 November/December 1998 nursing internships, university research-based model of nurs- Patient education faculty participation, 273 ing orientation, 31 creating an educational video- Intravenous therapy, consortium N tape, 261 approach to intravenous ther- education handouts, 176 National Nursing Staff Develop- apy certification, 277 preoperative teaching in ment Organization preadmission clinic, 52 (NNSDO), position state- L Patient-focused care, educational ment, education in health- Leadership skills, nurse educator, approach, 81 care settings, 162 169 Needs assessment survey Pharmacology, pharmacology Learning needs assessment, 137 computer use in staff devel- review for private duty Learning objectives, writing learn- opment, 117 nurses using Computers ing objectives, 87 learning needs assessments, and self learning concepts Learning style, 41 137 (Focus), 95 Literacy Nurse educator Phenomenologic research, factors literacy and learning for hospi- discharge planning, 47 that influence learning in rela- tal employees, 143 improving critical thinking tion to nursing practice, 147 reading level of patient educa- skills in nursing practice, Political savvy, nurse educator, tion handouts, 176 183 169 Preadmission clinic, preoperative learning neec's assessments, M 137 patient teaching in preadmis- sion clinic, 52 Managed care, teaching managed role in clinical setting, 169 Preceptors care to hospital staff, 240 understanding learning styles, matching teaching/learning Management skills, nurse educa- 41 style, 192 tor, 169 writing learning objectives, 87 Media review Nursing judgment, improving criti- nursing orientation, 31 Private duty nurse, pharmacol- Cross Training: Women’s cal thinking skills in nursing Health Issues, Association practice, 183 ogy review for private duty nurses using computers and of Women’s Health, Obstet- O self learning concepts, 95 ric and Neonatal Nurses, 61 Developing Leadership Skills, Obstetric cross-training internship Problem solving, critical think- V Cramer & S Walsh (Medi- program, 154 ing, 267 Sim), 160 Oncology, cancer nursing educa- Prospective payment, teaching Discussing Advanced Direc- tion in rural areas, nursing edu- managed care to hospital cation project mobile unit, 237 staff, 240 tives: A Practical Guide, Orientation Picture Business Produc- orientation with style, 192 R tions & Jewish Home and orienting hospital staff to new Reading skills, utility of patient Hospice for the Aged, patient care facility, 23 education handouts, 176 300 research-based model of nursing Record keeping, documentation Essentials of Cardiac Rhythm orientation, 31 in the "Land of Perfect Recognition, Medi-Sim, role orientation in novice home Charts,” 283 207 healthcare nurses, 287 Reimbursement, teaching managed Pills, Powders, Potions: Phar- Outcome measurement care to hospital staff, 240 macology Fun, HS Charron, impact of staff development on Relfection, improving critical P Korte & ML Miller (Medi- nursing practice, 198 thinking skills in nursing Sim), 105 workload/outcome measurement practice, 183 Scientific Calculations: The Di- for hospital educators, 7 Research mensional Analysis/Label discharge planning, 47 Factor Method of Solving P experience with "research by Drug Dosage Problems, HS Pain management, art and science committee,” 244 Charron & P Korte (Medi- of teaching rounds, 127 factors that influence learning Sim), 253 Participation Reasons Scale, staff in relation to nursing prac- Models/modeling development specialist partici- tice, 147 costing nursing education pro- pation in continuing nursing learning needs assessments, grams, 227 education programs, 219 137 JOURNAL FOR NURSES IN STAFF DEVELOPMENT 303 research-based model of nurs- cross-training for obstetrics Stress debriefing, grief support for ing orientation, 31 using an internship pro- nursing staff in ICU, 293 Revenue generation, educational gram, 154 Supplemental staff, educational programs for supplemental developing self-directed learn- programs for, 188 staff, 188 ing modules, 17 T Rural healthcare, cancer nursing factors that influence learning Teaching rounds, art and science education in rural areas, in relation to nursing prac- of, 127 nursing education project tice, 147 mobile unit, 237 impact on nursing practice, 198 Ss nurse educator role in clinical Videotapes. See also Media review Self-directed learning modules, setting, 169 creating an educational video- 17, 73 Staff development specialist tape, 261 Socialization, role orientation in discharge planning, 47 novice home healthcare orienting hospital staff to new WwW nurses, 287 patient care facility, 23 Workload measurement, work- Staff development participation in continuing load/outcome measure- computer use in staff develop- nursing education programs, ment for hospital educa- ment, 117 219 tors, 7 November/December 1998 AUTHOR INDEX JOURNAL FOR NURSES IN STAFF DEVELOPMENT © Volume 14, Number 6, 305 © 1998 ¢ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins A Fowler, Latrell P, 183 Mitchell, Gail J, 81 Anderson, Judy K, 192 Monastiere, Georgene, 117 H Aucoin, Julia W, 219 Morse, Joyce S, 41 Habel, Maureen, 23 Murray, Teri A, 287 B Haggard, Ann, 240 Bauer, Charise G, 293 Harris, Heather 147 oO Beeken, Janice ET, 244 Herrick, Charlotte A, 17 Oberer, Joan, 41 Beetstra, Joanne, 7 Herrick, Charlotte A, 73 Bittner, Nancy P, 267 Hess, Vicki T, 143 Borgeson, Lydia, 47 Hodge, Charles S, 261 Paul, Kimberlee, 117 Brazil, Kevin, 198 Hoffart, Nancy, 31 Posel, Nancy, 52 Brighton, Diane D, 293 Hume, Rosemary, 227 Prociuk, Joan L, 7 Brownson, Kenneth, 176 J Bush, Susan, 244 Jenkins, Tommie B, 17 Rankin, Sandra, 23 Cc Jenkins, Tommie B, 73 Reid, Mary Jean, 147 Carlson, Joy H, 17 Jewell, Anne, 198 Rutledge, Carole, 244 Carlson, Joy H, 73 Johnson, Jacqueline J, 293 S Clark, Barbara A, 244 K Saltmarche, Anita, 81 Connelly, Lynne M, 31 Kelly, Denise, 2 oo Segal, Sharon, 127 D Knaub, Georgie, 244 Shumlas, Deborah, 77 Dance, Susan, 147 Kolodny, Vita, 81 Stanton, Sally, 198 Davis, Kristine A, 69 Komara, Carol, 154 Stefaniak, Karen, 154 DeGiovanni, Kathleen, 188 Korn, Ruth, 188 Stringer, Tia M, 293 Dobbins, Jo-Anne, 41 L T E Larsen, Pamala D, 244 Tobin, Elizabeth, 267 Eagle, Joan, 147 Lassen, Christiana F, 23 Ellis, Coni, 237 Lenart, Sylvia B, 293 WwW Elmer, Paula R, 117 Lile, Janet L, 47 Webster, Mary R, 283 Emerick, Rita, 227 Lyle, Cathy, 198 White, Karen, 147 Evans, Lois Ann, 147 Wieczorek, Rita Reis, 188 M Williams, Michael L, 127 F Mason, Diana J, 127 Williams, Nina H, 261 Fahje, Carol J, 169 Mateo, Magdalena, 169 Wolgin, Francie, 261 Fanelli, Susan, 273 Matlin, Carol, 117 Ferguson, Linda M, 87 McDaniel, Anna M, 117 Z Files, Barbara, 277 McNeil, Helena, 147 Ziemba, Statira, 77 Fisher, Mary L, 227 Mitchell, Diane, 41 Zuraw, Lisa, 198 JOURNAL FOR NURSES IN STAFF DEVELOPMENT

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