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JOURNAL OF NURSE-MIDWIFERY ANNUAL INDEX AUTHOR INDEX, Volume 44 Albers L: Letter to the editor, 44(6): Baldwin KA: The midwifery solution Burgin K: Into the next millennium 604 to contemporary problems in Amer- with the American College of Nurse- Albrecht H: Letter to the editor, ican obstetrics (i and 0), 44(1):75 Midwives (edit), 44(2):87 44(2):157 Barger M: Research Exchange, Dr. Susan Love’s hormone book: mak- Alef K: Clostridium difficile—associ- 449(1):36; 44(2):139; 44(3):320 ing informed choices about meno- ated disease: implications for mid- Barger MK, Rorie JL, Steuer BC, pause (bk rev), 44(3):331 wifery practice, 44(1):19 Paine LL, Declercq ER: Letters to Alzugaray M: See Raisler J the editor, 44(4):422 The CNM Data Group: Oral intake Amasheh N: See Nahas VL Barnes PM, Dossey MS: Triage is- in labor: trends in midwifery practice sues in an out-of-hospital birth cen- Ament L: Quality management activ- (clin pract exch), 44(2):135 ities in the obstetric triage setting, ter, 44(5):458 Calderon L: See Austin DA 44(6):592 Bash D: Student Exchange, 44(2):154 Carr KC: Creating off-campus/dis- Beal MW: Acupuncture and acupres- Anderson C: See Raisler J tance learning courses for midwifery Anderson DA: See Anderson RE sure: application to women’s repro- education: a brief introduction (ed ductive health care, 44(3):217 Anderson GC: See Pagliotti F update), 44(1):57 Belew C: Herbs and the childbearing Carter BJ: See Angelini DJ Anderson RE, Anderson DA: The woman: guidelines for midwives, Castro M: Homeopathy: a theoretical cost-effectiveness of home birth, 44(3):231 framework and clinical application, 44(1):30 Beuby AN: Letter to the editor, 44(6): 44(3):280 Angelini DJ: Obstetric triage: man- 604 Chern-Hughes B: Clinical Practice agement of acute nonobstetric ab- Blair G: Birthing from within (bk rev), Exchange, 44(1):40; 44(2):135; dominal pain in pregnancy, 44(6): 44(3):335 44(3):310; 44(5):493 Sa Blais R, Lambert J, Maheux B: Clark C: Perineal outcomes in a Obstetric triage: the realm of the mid- What accounts for physician opin- home birth setting (jnl rev), 44(4):409 wife (edit), 44(5):430 ions about midwifery in Canada, Clay LS, McElroy K: Media Re- Obstetric triage: the realm of the mid- 44(4):399 views, 44(2):171; 44(3):330; 44(4): wife, part 2 (edit), 44(6):536 Bradbury B: Letter to the editor, 415; 44(5):520 Obstetric triage in 10 U.S. midwifery 44(6):603 Coggins M: You and your only child: practices (clin pract exch) (con- Branden PS: Public relations: a the joys, myths, and challenges of tributors: Elsberry, Huser, Pascoe, shared responsibility (edit), 44(1):1 raising an only child (bk rev), 44(2): Spears, DeJoy, Haas, Carter, Tillett, Breen J: Aromatherapy for preg- 181 Cooper), 44(5):493 nancy and childbirth (bk rev), 44(3): Cooper E: See Angelini DJ The utilization of nurse-midwives as 336 Corry MP, Rooks JP: Public educa- providers of obstetric triage services: Brennan P: Homeopathic remedies tion: promoting the midwifery model results of a national survey, 44(5): in prenatal care, 44(3): 291 of care in partnership with the Ma- 431 Brill Al: See Engstrom JL ternity Center Association (prof up- Austin DA, Calderon L: Triaging Brockmann S: Koutine ultrasound screening in pregnancy and the chil- date), 44(1):47 patients in the latent phase of labor, Curtin SC: Recent changes in birth dren’s subsequent neurologic devel- 44(6):585 attendant, place of birth, and the use opment (jnl rev), 44(2):169 Routine midwifery care: why not here? of obstetric interventions, United States, 1989-1997, 44(4):349 (inl rev), 44(1):84 Silicone breast implants: epidemiolog- The following abbreviations are used: (bk ical evidence of sequelae (jnl rev), Davis H: The timeless way: a history rev) book review, (clin pract exch) clinical 44(4):414 of birth from ancient to modern practice exchange, (ed exch) education ex- change, (edit) editorial, (ed update) education Vaginal douching as a risk factor for times (media rev), 44(4):420 update, (i and o) issues and opinions, (intl cervical Chlamydia trachomatis in- Davis L: Vulvovaginal candidiasis: exch) international exchange, (jnl rev) journal fection (jnl rev), 44(1):81 clinical manifestations, risk factors, review, (media rev) media review, (prof up- Burch PM: Letter to the editor, 44(6): management algorithm (jn! rev), date) professional update, (res exch) research exchange, (student exch) student exchange. 604 44(2):169 Journal of Nurse-Midwifery « Vol. 44, No. 6, November/December 1999 605 © 1999 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives 0091-2182/99/$20.00 « Pll S0091-2182(99)00115-9 Issued by Elsevier Science Inc. Davis-Floyd R: Letter to the editor, contraception and reproductive en- Larkin M: Vaginal birth after cesar- 44(6):603 docrinology (bk rev), 4(2):172 ean: an appraisal of fetal risk (jnl rev), Declercq ER: See Barger MK See also Hosmer L 44(4):412 DeCoopman J: See Tillett J Hillege S: See Nahas VL Lee L: Introducing herbal medicine DeJoy SA: See Angelini DJ Hines S: See Sampselle CM into conventional health care set- Devore NE: Telephone triage: a chal- Holz LA: Diary of a midwife: the tings, 44(3):253 lenge for practicing midwives, 44(5): power of positive childbearing (bk Liburd A: The use of complementary 471 rev), 44(4):416 therapies in midwifery in the UK (intl Dibal DA: The new father: a dad’s Horwitz LA: Cervical cancer screen- exch), 44(3):325 guide to the toddler years (bk rev), ing among low-income women: re- Lieberman E: No free lunch on labor 44(2):180 sults of a national screening program, day: the risks and benefits of epidural Donaldson N: See Tillett J 1991-1995 (jnl rev), 44(2):165 analgesia during labor, 44(4):394 Donohue M: See Raisler J Health consequences of pregnancy Lievois DR: Emergency care of the and childbirth as perceived by women Dossey MS: See Barnes PM woman (bk rev), 44(5):521 and clinicians (jnl rev), 44(2):166 Douglass J: The gentle greeting: an Low LK: Letter to the editor, 44(6): obstetrician’s complete guide to plan- Hosmer L: See Heymann M 602 Hosmer L, Heymann M, Mackey ning a loving pregnancy and birth Lowell SH: See Hosmer L M: Limited sonography in obstetric experience (bk rev), 44(5):528 Lukanich CM: See Engstrom JL and gynecologic triage (bk rev), Dove D, Johnson P: Oral evening 44(5):520 primrose oil: its effects on length of Mackey M: See Heymann M, Hos- Hosmer L, Mackey M, Heymann pregnancy and selected intrapartum mer L M, Lowell SH: Heart and hands: a outcomes in low-risk nulliparous Maheux B: See Blais R midwife’s guide to pregnancy (bk women, 44(3):320 Marzella KA: Our stories of miscar- rev), 44(3):330 Dower CM: See Paine LL riage: healing with words (bk rev), Hughes CA: Nursing mother, work- Dunning L: See Raisler J 44(4):418 ing mother (bk rev), 44(2):178 Mashburn J: Ectopic pregnancy: tri- Hunter L: Education Exchange, Elsberry PC: See Angelini DJ age do’s and don'ts, 44(6):549 44(2):151 Engstrom JL, Rose R, Brill Al, McElroy K: The king’s midwife: a Huser SM: See Angelini DJ Polhill KM, Lukanich CM, Fritz history and mystery of Madame du L: Midwifery care of the woman with Coudray (bk rev), 44(2):175 Jean-Baptiste M: Caries prevention menorrhagia, 44(2):89 See also Clay LS during pregnancy: results of a 30- Fife R: In her own right: the Institute McFarlane J, Parker B, Soeken K, month study (jnl rev), 44(2):164 of Medicine’s guide to women’s Silva C, Reed S: Severity of abuse Johnson PG: See Fischer S, Dove D health issues (bk rev), 44(5):525 before and during pregnancy for Af- Fischer S, Johnson PG: Therapeu- rican American, Hispanic, and Anglo Kaiser P: See Tillett J tic touch: a valuable link to midwifery women (res exch), 44(2):139 Kelley MA: Triage and management practice, 44(3):300 McFarlin BL: Letter to the editor, of the pregnant hypertensive patient, Fitchitt B: Letter to the editor, 44(2): 44(6):558 44(6):603 157 McFarlin BL, Gibson MH, O’Rear Kirkland BM: Birth and human evo- Freels DL: Collaboration: a health lution: anatomical and _ obstetrical J, Harman P: A national survey of care imperative (bk rev), 44(5):523 mechanisms in primates (bk rev), herbal preparation use by nurse-mid- Fritz L: See Engstrom JL 44(2):173 wives for labor stimulation: review of the literature and recommendations Klerman LV, Rooks JP: A simple, Gibson MH: See McFarlin BL effective method that midwives can for practice, 44(3):205 Graves BW: See Krause SA use to help pregnant women stop Mehl-Madrona L: Letter to the edi- Grifin J: See Spears G smoking, 44(2):118 tor, 44(2):157 Griffis N: See Peck D Krause SA, Graves BW: Midwifery Menihan CA: The effect of uterine E—ET T triage of first trimester bleeding, rupture on fetal heart rate patterns Haas SM: See Angelini DJ 44(6):537 (clin pract exch), 44(1):40 Hackley BK: Immunizations in preg- Kronenberg F: See Murphy PA Letter to the editor, 44(4):423 nancy: a public health perspective, Krov KN: Homeopathy for midwives Michael T: Still shiny: the newborn’s 44(2):106 (bk rev), 44(3):334 first 28 days (media rev), 44(5):529 Hally SS: Letter to the editor, 44(2): Psychological perspectives on preg- Miller L: Nurse’s clinical guide: mater- 158 nancy and childbirth (bk rev), 44(4): nity care (bk rev), 44(5):522 Hanafin MJ: See Raisler J 421 Mitcheom K: See Raisler J Hanson L: See Tillett J Kuhn MP: Miscarriage: your ques- Morningstar SM: Natural mothering Harman P: See McFarlin BL tions answered (bk rev), 44(5):527 (bk rev), 44(3):333 Heymann M, Hosmer L, Mackey Morris TL: The baby system (media M: Mishell’s textbook of infertility, Lambert J: See Blais R rev), 44(2):177 606 Journal of Nurse-Midwifery « Vol. 44, No. 6, November/December 1999 Murphy PA, Kronenberg F, Wade The Stockholm birth centre trial: ma- Stehle K: The effects of self-adminis- C: Complementary and alternative ternal and infant outcome (jnl rev), tering emergency contraception (jnl medicine in women’s health: devel- 44(2):159 rev), 44(1):82 oping a research agenda, 44(3):192 See also Corry MP; Klerman LV Stephany TM: The pregnant addict: Myers-Ciecko JA: Evolution and cur- Rorie JL: See Barger MK treat or prosecute? Implications for rent status of direct-entry midwifery Rose R: See Engstrom JL midwifery management (student education, regulation, and practice in Rosenberg K: Don't manage the exch), 44(2):154 the United States, with examples third stage of labour! (jnl rev), 44(2): Steuer BC: See Barger MK from Washington State, 44(4):384 162 Stobinski-Johnson L: Letter to the Letter to the editor, 44(4):424 editor, 44(6):602 Nahas VL, Hillege S, Amasheh N: Postpartum depression: the lived ex- Tillett J: See Angelini DJ periences of Middle Eastern migrant Sampselle CM, Hines S: Spontane- Tillett J, Hanson L: Midwifery triage women in Australia (intl exch), ous pushing during birth: relationship and management of trauma and sec- 44(1):65 to perineal outcomes (res exch), ond/third trimester bleeding, 44(5): Nyholt E: See Tillett J 44(1):36 439 Scheideberg D: Service-learning O’Neil EH: See Paine LL Tillett J, Kaiser P, Whalen E, De- O’Rear J: See McFarlin BL within a midwifery curriculum (ed Coopman J, Nyholt E, Wilson C, Osborne K: See Tillett J exch), 44(2):151 Donaldson N, Hanson L, Os- A history of the breast (bk rev), 44(2): borne K: Letters to the editor, Pagliotti F, Anderson GC: Letter to 175 44(4):422 the editor, 44(4):423 Seger SM: Paths to becoming a mid- Trexler JC: Varney’s pocket midwife Paine LL: See Barger MK wife: getting an education (bk rev), (bk rev), 44(2):171 Paine LL, Dower CM, O’Neil EH: 44(5):523 On call obstetrics and gynecology (bk Midwifery in the 21st century: rec- Physical violence during pregnancy: rev), 44(2):174 ommendations from the Pew Health maternal complications and _ birth Professions Commission/ UCSF outcomes (jnl rev), 44(4):410 Uzych L: Beyond second opinions (bk Center for the Health Professions Shah MA: Complementary and alter- rev), 44(4):419 1998 Taskforce on Midwifery, 44(4): native therapies in women’s health: a Medical futility (ok rev), 44(5):526 341 home study program sponsored by Parker B: See McFarlane J Valhoff WL: Normalizing the breech the Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, Pascoe M: See Angelini DJ 44(3):183 delivery (media rev), 44(3):332 Peck D, Griffis N: Preterm labor in Vest V: Where women have no doc- Obstetric triage, part 1: implications the triage setting, 44(5):449 tor: a health guide for women (bk for midwifery practice: a home study Peters M: Safe motherhood: a jour- rev), 44(4):417 program sponsored by the Journal of ney (intl exch), 44(2):145 Polhill KM: See Engstrom JL Nurse-Midwifery, 44(5):425 Wade C: See Murphy PA Obstetric triage, part 2: implications Ward S: Addressing nicotine addic- Raisler J: Complementary and alter- for midwifery practice: a home study tion in women: role of the midwife, native healing in midwifery care program sponsored by the Journal of 44(1):3 (edit), 44(3):189 Nurse-Midwifery, 44(6):531 Weed SS: Menopause and beyond: Alternative healing in nurse-midwifery Who’s who among ACNM fellows in- the wise woman way, 44(3):267 practice (clin pract exch) (contribu- ducted in 1999, 44(5):510 Whalen E: See Tillet J tors: Hanafin MJ; Donohue M; Dun- Shah-Kerbs J: Midwives (bk rev), Williams DR: Preserving midwifery ning L; Anderson C; Mitcheon K; 44(2):176 Alzugaray M), 44(3):310 practice in a managed care environ- Sharp ES: Health and welfare for International Exchange, 44(1):65; ment, 44(4):375 families in the 21st century (bk rev), 44(2):145, 44(3):325 Wilson C: See Tillett J 44(4):415 Reed S: See McFarlane J Silva C: See McFarlane J Yarnell E: Letter to the editor, 44(6): Rees SJ: Should emergency contra- Skinner SL: Letter to the editor, ceptive pills be available without pre- 602 44(4):422 scription? (jnl rev), 44(2):162 Soeken K: See McFarlane J Zeidenstein L: Journal Reviews, Rooks JP: Evidence-based practice Sonnenstuhl P: The VBAC compan- 44(1):80; 44(2):159; 44(4):408 and its application to childbirth care ion: the expectant mother’s guide to Breast-feeding and infant illness: a for low-risk women, 44(4):355 The midwifery model of care, 44(4): vaginal birth after cesarean (bk rev), dose-response relationship? (jnl re- 370 44(2):179 view), 44(4):408 A state-of-the-profession report on Spears G: See Angelini DJ Outcomes of intended home births in midwifery in the managed care mar- Spears G, Griffin J: Ultrasound in nurse-midwifery practice: a prospec- ket (edit), 44(4):337 obstetric triage, 44(5):480 tive descriptive study (jnl rev), 44(1):80 Journal of Nurse-Midwifery e Vol. 44, No. 6, November/December 1999 607 JOURNAL OF NURSE-MIDWIFERY ANNUAL INDEX SUBJECT INDEX, Volume 44 Abdomen ACNM Clinical Bulletins Obstetric triage in 10 U.S. midwifery Obstetric triage: management of acute Clinical bulletin no. 3, December practices (clin pract exch) (Angelini), nonobstetric abdominal pain in preg- 1998: intrapartum nutrition, 44(2): 44(5):493 nancy (Angelini), 44(6):572 124 Oral intake in labor: trends in mid- Clinical bulletin no. 4, December wifery practice (clin pract exch) (The 1998: bacterial vaginosis in preg- CNM Data Group), 44(2):135 Abuse Severity of abuse before and during nancy, 44(2):129 pregnancy for African American, Clostridium-difficile Hispanic and Anglo women (res ACNM Fellowship Clostridium difficile—associated dis- exch) (McFarlane, Parker, Soeken, Fellowship in the American College of ease: implications for midwifery prac- Silva, Reed), 44(2):139 Nurse-Midwives, 44(5):510 tice (Alef), 44(1):19 Roster of ACNM Fellows (current through May 2000), 44(5):511 Acupressure Collaborative practice Who's who among ACNM Fellows in- Acupuncture and acupressure: appli- The midwifery solution to contempo- ducted in 1999, 44(5):512 cations to women’s reproductive rary problems in American Obstet- health care (Beal), 44(3):217 rics (i and o) (Baldwin), 44(1):75 Antibiotics Quality management activities in the Clostridium difficile-associated dis- obstetric triage setting (Ament), Acupuncture ease: implications for midwifery prac- 44(6):592 Acupuncture and acupressure: appli- tice (Alef), 44(1):19 What accounts for physician opinions cations to women’s reproductive about midwifery in Canada? (Blais, health care (Beal), 44(3):217 Bacterial vaginosis Lambert, Maheux), 44(4):399 Clinical bulletin no. 4, December Addiction 1998: bacterial vaginosis in preg- Complementary therapies Safe motherhood: a journey (intl exch) nancy, 44(2):129 Acupuncture and acupressure: appli- (Peters), 44(2):145 cations to women’s reproductive Beasley, W. B. Rogers health care (Beal), 44(3):217 Alternative therapies In memoriam, 44(4) Alternative healing in nurse-midwifery See Complementary therapies practice (clin pract exch) (Raisler), Birth Center 44(3):310 American College of Nurse-Mid- Triage issues in an out-of-hospital birth Complementary and alternative heal- wives (ACNM) center (Barnes, Dossey), 44(5):458 ing in midwifery care (edit) (Raisler), Into the next millennium with the 44(3):189 American College of Nurse-Midwives Breast-feeding Complementary and alternative medi- (edit) (Burgin), 44(2):87 Homeopathy: a theoretical framework cine in women’s health: developing a Preserving midwifery practice in a and clinical application (Castro), research agenda (Murphy, Kronen- managed care environment (Wil- 44(3):280 berg, Wade), 44(3):192 liams), 44(4):375 Herbs and the childbearing woman: Public relations: a shared responsibility Canada guidelines for midwives (Belew), (edit) (Branden), 44(1):1 What accounts for physician opinions 44(3):231 about midwifery in Canada? (Blais, Homeopathic remedies in prenatal Lambert, Maheux), 44(4):399 care (Brennan), 44(3):291 Homeopathy: a theoretical framework The following abbreviations are used: (bk Clinical practice exchange and clinical application (Castro), rev) book review, (clin pract exch) clinical Alternative healing in nurse-midwifery 44(3):280 practice exchange, (ed exch) education ex- change, (edit) editorial, (ed update) education practice (clin pract exch) (Raisler), Introducing herbal medicine into con- update, (i and o) issues and opinions, (intl 44(3):310 ventional health care settings (Lee), exch) international exchange, (jnl rev) journal The effect of uterine rupture on fetal 44(3):253 review, (media rev) media review, (prof up- heart rate patterns (clin pract exch) Menopause and beyond: the wise date) professional update, (res exch) research exchange, (student exch) student exchange. (Menihan), 44(1):40 woman way (Weed), 44(3):267 608 Journal of Nurse-Midwifery « Vol. 44, No. 6, November/December 1999 © 1999 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives 0091-2182/99/$20.00 e Pil S0091-2182(99)00116-0 Issued by Elsevier Science Inc. A national survey of herbal prepara- place of birth, and the use of obstet- curriculum (ed exch) (Scheideberg), tion use by nurse-midwives for labor ric interventions, United States, 44(2):151 stimulation: review of the literature 1989-1997 (Curtin), 44(4):349 and recommendations for practice Safe motherhood: a journey (intl exch) Education exchange (McFarlin, Gibson, O’Rear, Har- (Peters), 44(2):145 Service-learning within a midwifery man), 44(3):205 Telephone triage: a challenge for prac- curriculum (ed exch) (Scheideberg), Oral evening primrose oil: its effect on ticing midwives (DeVore), 44(5):471 44(2):151 length of pregnancy and selected in- Therapeutic touch: a viable link to trapartum outcomes in low-risk nul- midwifery practice (Fischer, John- Education update liparous women (res exch) (Dove, son), 44(3):300 Creating off-campus/distance learning Johnson), 44(3):320 The utilization of nurse-midwives as courses for midwifery education: a Therapeutic touch: a viable link to providers of obstetric triage services: brief introduction (ed update) (Carr), midwifery practice (Fischer, John- results of a national survey (Angelini), 44(1):57 son), 44(3):300 44(5):431 The use of complementary therapies Epidural in midwifery in the UK (intl exch) Direct-entry midwifery No free lunch on labor day: the risks (Liburd), 44(3):325 and benefits of epidural analgesia Evolution and current status of direct- entry midwifery education, regula- during labor (Lieberman), 44(4):394 tion, and practice in the United Delivery of health care States, with examples from Washing- Evidence-based practice Complementary and alternative heal- Evidenced-based practice and its appli- ton State (Myers-Ciecko), 44(4):384 ing in midwifery care (edit) (Raisler), cation to childbirth care for low-risk 44(3):189 women (Rooks), 44(4):355 Distance education Complementary and alternative medi- Creating off-campus/distance learning cine in women’s health: developing a Fetal monitoring courses for midwifery education: a research agenda (Murphy, Kronen- The effect of uterine rupture on fetal brief introduction (ed update) (Carr), berg, Wade), 44(3):192 heart rate patterns (clin pract exch) 44(1):57 The cost-effectiveness of home birth (Menihan), 44(1):40 (Anderson, Anderson), 44(1):30 Ectopic pregnancy Evidenced-based practice and its appli- First trimester Ectopic pregnancy: triage do’s and cation to childbirth care for low-risk Ectopic pregnancy: triage do’s and don’ts (Mashburn), 44(6):549 women (Rooks), 44(4):355 don’ts (Mashburn), 44(6):549 Evolution and current status of direct- Midwifery triage of first trimester entry midwifery education, regula- Editorial bleeding (Krause, Graves), 44(6):537 tion, and practice in the United Complementary and alternative heal- States, with examples from Washing- ing in midwifery care (edit) (Raisler), Gynecology ton State (Myers-Ciecko), 44(4):384 44(3):189 Midwifery care of the woman with Herbs and the childbearing woman: Into the next millennium with the menorrhagia (Engstrom, Rose, Brill, guidelines for midwives (Belew), American College of Nurse-Midwives Polhill, Lukanich, Fritz), 44(2):89 44(3):231 (edit) (Burgin), 44(2):87 Homeopathy: a theoretical framework Obstetric triage: the realm of the mid- Hattie Hemschemeyer Award and clinical application (Castro), wife (edit) (Angelini), 44(5):430 Hattie Hemschemeyer Award recipi- 44(3):280 Obstetric triage: the realm of the mid- ents, 1999: Elizabeth S. Sharp, Introducing herbal medicine into con- wife, part 2 (edit) (Angelini), 44(6): 44(6):600 536 ventional health care settings (Lee), 44(3):253 Public relations: a shared responsibility Health care The midwifery model of care (Rooks), (edit) (Branden), 44(1):1 Midwifery in the 21st century: recom- 44(4):370 A. state-of-the-profession report on mendations from the Pew Health The midwifery solution to contempo- midwifery in the managed care mar- Professions Commission/UCSF Cen- rary problems in American Obstet- ket (edit) (Rooks), 44(4):337 ter for the Health Professions 1998 rics (i and o) (Baldwin), 44(1):75 Taskforce on Midwifery (Paine, Preserving midwifery practice in a Education Dower, O’Neil), 44(4):341 managed care environment (Wil- Complementary and alternative heal- Preserving midwifery practice in a liams), 44(4):375 ing in midwifery care (edit) (Raisler), managed care environment (Wil- Public education: promoting the mid- 44(3):189 liams), 44(4):375 wifery model of care in partnership Creating off-campus/distance learning Recent changes in birth attendant, with the maternity center association courses for midwifery education: a place of birth, and the use of obstet- (prof update) (Corry, Rooks), brief introduction (ed update) (Carr), ric interventions, United States, 44(1):47 44(1):57 1989-1997 (Curtin), 44(4):349 Recent changes in birth attendant, Service-learning within a midwifery A. state-of-the-profession report on Journal of Nurse-Midwifery e Vol. 44, No. 6, November/December 1999 609 midwifery in the managed care mar- Hypertension Spontaneous pushing during birth: re- ket (edit) (Rooks), 44(4):337 Triage and management of the preg- lationship to perineal outcomes (res nant hypertensive patient (Kelley), exch) (Sampselle, Hines), 44(1):36 Herbal therapies 44(6):558 Triaging patients in the latent phase of Herbs and the childbearing woman: labor (Austin, Calderon), 44(6):585 guidelines for midwives (Belew), Immunizations 44(3):231 Immunizations in pregnancy: a public Letters to the Editor Introducing herbal medicine into con- health perspective (Hackley), 44(2): 44(2):157; 44(4):422- 44(6):602 ventional health care settings (Lee), 106 44(3):253 Managed care Menopause and beyond: the wise International exchange See Health care woman way (Weed), 44(3):267 Postpartum depression: the lived ex- A national survey of herbal prepara- periences of Middle Eastern migrant Maternity Center Association tion use by nurse-midwives for labor women in Australia (int'l exch) (Na- Public education: promoting the mid- stimulation: review of the literature has, Hillege, Amasheh), 44(1):65 wifery model of care in partnership and recommendations for practice Safe motherhood: a journey (intl exch) with the maternity center association (McFarlin, Gibson, O’Rear, Har- (Peters), 44(2):145 (prof update) (Corry, Rooks), 44(1): man), 44(3):205 The use of complementary therapies 47 Oral evening primrose oil: its effect on in midwifery in the UK (intl exch) length of pregnancy and selected in- (Liburd), 44(3):325 Media reviews trapartum outcomes in low-risk nul- 44(2):171; 44(3):330; 44(4):415:. liparous women (res exch) (Dove, Intrapartum care 44(5):520 Johnson), 44(3):320 See Labor Menopause Home birth Issues and opinions Menopause and beyond: the wise The cost-effectiveness of home birth The midwifery solution to contempo- woman way (Weed), 44(3):267 (Anderson, Anderson), 44(1):30 rary problems in American Obstet- Home study programs rics (i and o) (Baldwin), 44(1):75 Menorrhagia Complementary and alternative thera- Midwifery care of the woman with pies in women’s health: a home Journal reviews menorrhagia (Engstrom, Rose, Brill, study program sponsored by the 44(1):80; 44(2):159-; 44(4):408 Polhill, Lukanich, Fritz), 44(2):89 Journal of Nurse-Midwifery (Shah), 44(3):183 Labor Midwifery Complementary and alternative thera- Clinical bulletin no. 3, December Addressing nicotine addiction in wom- pies in women’s health: post-test, 1998: intrapartum nutrition, 44(2): en: role of the midwife (Ward), 44(1):3 44(3):185 124 Alternative healing in nurse-midwifery Obstetric triage, part 1: implications The effect of uterine rupture on fetal practice (clin pract exch) (Raisler), for midwifery practice: a home study heart rate patterns (clin pract exch) 44(3):310 program sponsored by the Journal of (Menihan), 44(1):40 The cost-effectiveness of home birth Nurse-Midwifery (Shah), 44(5):426 Evidenced-based practice and its appli- (Anderson, Anderson), 44(1):30 Obstetric triage, part 1: implications cation to childbirth care for low-risk Evolution and current status of direct- for midwifery practice: test ques- women (Rooks), 44(4):355 entry midwifery education, regula- tions, 44(5):427 A national survey of herbal prepara- tion, and practice in the United Obstetric triage, part 2: implications tion use by nurse-midwives for labor States, with examples from Washing- | for midwifery practice: a home study stimulation: review of the literature ton State (Myers-Ciecko), 44(4):384 | program sponsored by the Journal of and recommendations for practice Into the next millennium with the Nurse-Midwifery (Shah), 44(6):531 (McFarlin, Gibson, O’Rear, Har- American College of Nurse-Midwives Obstetric triage, part 2: implications man), 44(3):205 ) (edit) (Burgin), 44(2):87 for midwifery practice: post-test No free lunch on labor day: the risks Midwifery care of the woman with questions, 44(6):533 and benefits of epidural analgesia menorrhagia (Engstrom, Rose, Brill, Supporters of JNM home study pro- during labor (Lieberman), 44(4):394 Polhill, Lukanich, Fritz), 44(2):89 grams, 44(3):II; 44(5):VI, 44(6):1 Oral evening primrose oil: its effect on The midwifery model of care (Rooks), length of pregnancy and selected in- 44(4):370 Homeopathy trapartum outcomes in low-risk nul- The midwifery solution to contempo- Homeopathic remedies in prenatal liparous women (res exch) (Dove, rary problems in American Obstet- care (Brennan), 44(3):291 Johnson), 44(3):320 rics (i and o) (Baldwin), 44(1):75 Homeopathy: a theoretical framework Oral intake in labor: trends in mid- Midwifery in the 21st century: recom- and clinical application (Castro), wifery practice (clin pract exch) (The mendations from the Pew Health 44(3):280 CNM Data Group), 44(2):135 Professions Commission/UCSF Cen- 610 Journal of Nurse-Midwifery ¢ Vol. 44, No. 6, November/December 1999 ter for the Health Professions 1998 place of birth, and the use of obstet- Herbs and the childbearing woman: Taskforce on Midwifery (Paine, ric interventions, United States, guidelines for midwives (Belew), Dower, O'Neil), 44(4):341 1989-1997 (Curtin), 44(4):349 44(3):231 Obstetric triage: the realm of the mid- Triage and management of the preg- Homeopathic remedies in prenatal wife (edit) (Angelini), 44(5):430 nant hypertensive patient (Kelley), care (Brennan), 44(3):291 Obstetric triage: the realm of the mid- 44(6):558 Immunizations in pregnancy: a public wife, part 2 (edit) (Angelini), 44(6): Ultrasound in obstetric triage (Spears, health perspective (Hackley), 44(2): 536 Griffin), 44(5):480 106 Obstetric triage in 10 U.S. midwifery Oral evening primrose oil: its effect on practices (clin pract exch) (Angelini), Obstetric triage length of pregnancy and selected in- 44(5):493 See Triage trapartum outcomes in low-risk nul- Public education: promoting the mid- liparous women (res exch) (Dove, wifery model of care in partnership Perineum Johnson), 44(3):320 with the maternity center association Spontaneous pushing during birth: re- A simple, effective method that mid- (prof update) (Corry, Rooks), 44(1):47 lationship to perineal outcomes (res wives can use to help pregnant Public relations: a shared responsibility exch) (Sampselle, Hines), 44(1):36 women stop smoking (Klerman, (edit) (Branden), 44(1):1 Rooks), 44(2):118 Recent changes in birth attendant, Pew Health Professions Commis- place of birth, and the use of obstet- sion/UCSF Center for the Health Preterm labor ric interventions, United States, Professions Preterm labor in the triage setting 1989-1997 (Curtin), 44(4):349 Midwifery in the 21st century: recom- (Peck, Griffis), 44(5):449 Safe motherhood: a journey (intl exch) mendations from the Pew Health (Peters), 44(2):145 Professions Commission/UCSF Cen- Postpartum care A state-of-the-profession report on ter for the Health Professions 1998 Clostridium difficile-associated dis- midwifery in the managed care mar- Taskforce on Midwifery (Paine, ease: implications for midwifery ket (edit) (Rooks), 44(4):337 Dower, O’Neil), 44(4):341 practice (Alef), 44(1):19 The utilization of nurse-midwives as Herbs and the childbearing woman: providers of obstetric triage services: Pregnancy guidelines for midwives (Belew), results of a national survey (Angelini), Ectopic pregnancy: triage do’s and 44(3):231 44(5):431 don’ts (Mashburn), 44(6):549 Postpartum depression: the lived ex- What accounts for physician opinions The midwifery model of care (Rooks), periences of Middle Eastern migrant about midwifery in Canada? (Blais, 44(4):370 women in Australia (int’] exch) (Na- Lambert, Maheux), 44(4):399 Midwifery triage of first trimester has, Hillege, Amasheh), 44(1):65 bleeding (Krause, Graves), 44(6):537 Spontaneous pushing during birth: re- Obstetric triage: management of acute lationship to perineal outcomes (res Nurse-midwifery nonobstetric abdominal pain in preg- See Midwifery exch) (Sampselle, Hines), 44(1):36 nancy (Angelini), 44(6):572 The pregnant addict: treat or prose- Postpartum depression Obstetric complications cute? Implications for midwifery man- Postpartum depression: the lived ex- Ectopic pregnancy: triage do’s and agement (student exch) (Stephany), periences of Middle Eastern migrant don’ts (Mashburn), 44(6):549 44(2):154 women in Australia (int’] exch) (Na- The effect of uterine rupture on fetal Preterm labor in the triage setting has, Hillege, Amasheh), 44(1):65 heart rate patterns (clin pract exch) (Peck, Griffis), 44(5):449 (Menihan), 44(1):40 Safe motherhood: a journey (intl exch) Primary care Homeopathic remedies in prenatal (Peters), 44(2):145 Addressing nicotine addiction in wom- care (Brennan), 44(3):291 Severity of abuse before and during en: role of the midwife (Ward), Midwifery triage of first trimester pregnancy for African American, 44(1):3 bleeding (Krause, Graves), 44(6):537 Hispanic and Anglo women (res Midwifery triage and management of exch) (McFarlane, Parker, Soeken, trauma and second/third trimester Silva, Reed), 44(2):139 Professional update bleeding (Tillett, Hanson), 44(5):431 Triage issues in an out-of-hospital birth Public education: promoting the mid- No free lunch on labor day: the risks center (Barnes, Dossey), 44(5):458 wifery model of care in partnership and benefits of epidural analgesia Ultrasound in obstetric triage (Spears, with the maternity center associa- during labor (Lieberman), 44(4):394 Griffin), 44(5):480 tion (prof update) (Corry, Rooks), Obstetric triage: management of acute See also Prenatal care 44(1):47 nonobstetric abdominal pain in preg- nancy (Angelini), 44(6):572 Prenatal care Public health Preterm labor in the triage setting Clinical bulletin no. 4, December Immunizations in pregnancy: a public (Peck, Griffis), 44(5):449 1998: bacterial vaginosis in preg- health perspective (Hackley), 44(2): Recent changes in birth attendant, nancy, 44(2):129 106 Journal of Nurse-Midwifery « Vol. 44, No. 6, November/December 1999 Service-learning within a midwifery en: role of the midwife (Ward), obstetric triage setting (Ament), curriculum (ed exch) (Scheideberg), 44(1):3 44(6):592 44(2):151 A simple, effective method that mid- Telephone triage: a challenge for prac- wives can use to help pregnant ticing midwives (DeVore), 44(5):471 Public relations women stop smoking (Klerman, Triage issues in an out-of-hospital birth Public relations: a shared responsibility Rooks), 44(2):118 center (Barnes, Dossey), 44(5):458 (edit) (Branden), 44(1):1 Triage and management of the preg- A state-of-the-profession report on Student exchange nant hypertensive patient (Kelley), midwifery in the managed care mar- The pregnant addict: treat or prose- 44(6):558 ket (edit) (Rooks), 44(4):337 cute? Implications for midwifery man- Triaging patients in the latent phase of agement (student exch) (Stephany), labor (Austin, Calderon), 44(6):585 Quality management 44(2):154 Ultrasound in obstetric triage (Spears, Quality management activities in the Griffin), 44(5):480 obstetric triage setting (Ament), Therapeutic touch The utilization of nurse-midwives as 44(6):592 Therapeutic touch: a viable link to providers of obstetric triage services: midwifery practice (Fischer, John- results of a national survey (Angelini), Reproductive health son), 44(3):300 44(5):431 Herbs and the childbearing woman: guidelines for midwives (Belew), Trauma Ultrasound 44(3):231 Midwifery triage and management of Ultrasound in obstetric triage (Spears, Introducing herbal medicine into con- trauma and second/third trimester Griffin), 44(5):480 ventional health care settings (Lee), bleeding (Tillett, Hanson), 44(5):431 44(3):253 Triage United Kingdom Research exchange Ectopic pregnancy: triage do’s and The use of complementary therapies Oral evening primrose oil: its effect on don’ts (Mashburn), 44(6):549 in midwifery in the UK (intl exch) length of pregnancy and selected in- Midwifery triage of first trimester (Liburd), 44(3):325 trapartum outcomes in low-risk nul- bleeding (Krause, Graves), 44(6):537 liparous women (res exch) (Dove, Midwifery triage and management of Vaginal birth after cesarean Johnson), 44(3):320 trauma and second/third trimester The effect of uterine rupture on fetal Severity of abuse before and during bleeding (Tillett, Hanson), 44(5):439 heart rate patterns (clin pract exch) pregnancy for African American, Obstetric triage: management of acute (Menihan), 44(1):40 Hispanic and Anglo women (res nonobstetric abdominal pain in preg- exch) (McFarlane, Parker, Soeken, nancy (Angelini), 44(6):585 Silva, Reed), 44(2):139 Obstetric triage: the realm of the mid- Women’s health Spontaneous pushing during birth: re- wife (edit) (Angelini), 44(5):430 Acupuncture and acupressure: appli- lationship to perineal outcomes (res Obstetric triage: the realm of the mid- cations to women’s reproductive exch) (Sampselile, Hines), 44(1):36 wife, part 2 (edit) (Angelini), 44(6): health care (Beal), 44(3):217 536 Complementary and alternative medi- Sharp, Elizabeth S. Obstetric triage in 10 U.S. midwifery cine in women’s health: developing a Hattie Hemschemeyer Award recipi- practices (clin pract exch) (Angelini), research agenda, (Murphy, Kronen- ents, 1999, 44(6):600 44(5):493 berg, Wade), 44(3):192 Preterm labor in the triage setting Midwifery care of the woman with Smoking (Peck, Griffis), 44(5):449 menorrhagia (Engstrom, Rose, Brill, Addressing nicotine addiction in wom- Quality management activities in the Polhill, Lukanich, Fritz), 44(2):89 Journal of Nurse-Midwifery « Vol. 44, No. 6, November/December 1999

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