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Preview Journal of Nuclear Materials 1991: Vol 182 Index

Journal of Nuclear Materials 182 (1991) 297-298 North-Holland Author index Abramov, E., see Shi, S.-Q. 182 (1991) 128 Kistemaker, J., see Boersma-Klein, W. 182 (1991) 11 Alekseeva, Z.M., see Petrov, Y.I. 182 (1991) 60 Kistemaker, J., see Boersma-Klein, W. 182 (1991) 24 Asaoka, Y., see Moriyama, H. 182 (1991) 113 Klein, H., see Jung, P. 182(1991) 1 Ashida, K., see Watanabe, K. 182 (1991) 274 Klueh, R.L. and J.M. Vitek, Tensile proper- ties of 9Cr-1MoVNb and 12Cr-1MoVW Battilana, G., see Nanni, P. 182 (1991) 118 steels irradiated to 23 dpa at 390 to 550°C 182 (1991) 230 Boersma-Klein, W., J. Kistemaker and H.N. Kutsuwada, M., see Shinohara, K. 182 (1991) 145 Stein, Equation of state and specific heats Kutty, T.R.G. and C. Ganguly, Hot hardness of U-C-F gas mixtures 182 (1991) 11 and indentation creep studies on Ti mod- Boersma-Klein, W. and J. Kistemaker, Trans- ified stainless steel cladding material for port phenomena in a dissociating U-C-F nuclear fuel pins 182 (1991) 258 gas mixture 182 (1991) 24 Boucher, C., see Paynter, R.W. 182 (1991) 247 Laursen, T., J.R. Leslie and R.L. Tapping, Buscaglia, V., see Nanni, P. 182 (1991) 118 Corrosion of Zr-2.5 wt% Nb pressure tube material in D,O steam:. Deuterium depth Cubicciotti, D., Effect of copper on Zircaloy distributions measured by nuclear reac- corrosion in BWR 182 (1991) 287 tion analysis 182 (1991) 151 Laursen, T., J.R. Leslie and R.L. Tapping, Flamm, B.F., see Martz, J.C. 182 (1991) 277 The early stage of aqueous corrosion of Forcey, K.S., D.K. Ross and C.H. Wu, The Zr-2.5 wt% Nb and Zircaloy-2 pressure formation of hydrogen permeation bar- tube materials 182 (1991) 158 riers on steels by aluminising 182 (1991) 36 Leslie, J.R., see Laursen, T. 182 (1991) 151 Ford, I.J., Transgranular fracture of Fast Re- 182 (1991) 52 Leslie, J.R., see Laursen, T. 182 (1991) 158 actor irradiated stainless steel Fukuda, K., see Minato, K. 182(1991) 6 Lubbehusen, M., K. Vieregge, G.M. Hood, H. Mehrer and Chr. Herzig, Self-diffusion Ganguly, C., see Kutty, T.R.G. 182 (1991) 258 in a-Zr single crystals 182 (1991) 164 Gurov, K.P. and A.B. Tsepelev, The kinetics Martz, J.C., D.W. Hess, J.M. Haschke, J.W. of radiation point defect accumulation in metals during irradiation 182 (1991) 240 Ward and B.F. Flamm, Demonstration of plutonium etching in a CF,/O, RF glow Haasz, A.A., see Youle, LS. 182 (1991) 107 discharge 182 (1991) 277 Haschke, J.M., see Martz, J.C. 182 (1991) 277 Matsuyama, M., see Watanabe, K. 182 (1991) 274 Herzig, Chr., see Lubbehusen, M. 182 (1991) 164 Matzke, Hj. and R.A. Verrall, Release of Hess, D.W., see Martz, J.C. 182 (1991) 277 volatile fission products from ThO, with a Hirabayashi, T., Y. Sun, H. Yamamoto, Y. simulated burnup of 4 at% 182 (1991) 261 Toida and M. Saeki, Chemical and topo- Mehrer, H., see Lubbehusen, M. 182 (1991) 164 graphical properties of tritium-resistant Minato, K. and K. Fukuda, Strength and stainless steel surfaces formed by chro- Young’s modulus of silicon carbide layers mium diffusion coating 182 (1991) 135 of HTGR fuel particles at high tempera- Hoinkis, E., The chemisorption of hydrogen tures 182(1991) 6 on porous graphites at low pressure and Miyazaki, M., see Moriyama, H. 182 (1991) 113 at elevated temperature 182 (1991) 93 Moalem, M. and D.R. Olander, Oxidation of Hood, G.M., see Lubbehusen, M. 182 (1991) 164 Zircaloy by steam 182 (1991) 170 Mochel, M.E., see Wright, R.N. 182 (1991) 281 Jarman, R.A., see Moran, F.J. 182 (1991) 203 Moran, F.J. and R.A. Jarman, The attack of Jung, P. and H. Klein, Segregation in DIN titanium-6 wt% aluminium-4 wt% va- 1.4914 martensitic stainless steel under nadium alloy by a molten uranium-5.7 proton irradiation 182 (1991) 1 wt% manganese alloy at 1015°C 182 (1991) 203 298 Author index Moritani, K., see Moriyama, H. 182 (1991) 113 Smeltzer, W.W., see Shi, S.-Q. 182 (1991) 128 Moriyama, H., M. Miyazaki, Y. Asaoka, K. Stein, H.N., see Boersma-Klein, W. 182 (1991) 11 Moritani and J. Oishi, Kinetics of reduc- Sun, Y., see Hirabayashi, T. 182 (1991) 135 tive extraction of actinide and lanthanide elements from molten fluoride into liquid bismuth 182 (1991) 113 Takahashi, Y., see Yamagishi, S. 182 (1991) 195 Murphy, S.M., Contribution of interstitial Tanabe, T., Comments on the paper “The migration to segregation in concentrated compensation effect on diffusion con- alloys 182 (1991) 73 stants of hydrogen in metals” by K. Watanabe, K. Ashida and M. Sonobe, J. Nanni, P., V. Buscaglia, G. Battilana and E. Nucl. Mater. 173 (1990) 294 182 (1991) 270 Ruedl, Air oxidation of a Mn-Cr Tapping, R.L., see Laursen, T. 182 (1991) 151 austenitic steel of potential use for fusion Tapping, R.L., see Laursen, T. 182 (1991) 158 reactor structural applications between Terreault, B., see Paynter, R.W. 182 (1991) 247 1073 and 1473 K at 10° Pa 182 (1991) 118 Thériault, D., see Paynter, R.W. 182 (1991) 247 Naundorf, V., On the origin of freely migrat- Thompson, D.A., see Shi, S.-Q. 182 (1991) 128 ing defects in ion and neutron irradiated Toida, Y., see Hirabayashi, T. 182 (1991) 135 metals 182 (1991) 254 Tsepelev, A.B., see Gurov, K.P. 182 (1991) 240 Oishi, J., see Moriyama, H. 182 (1991) 113 Olander, D.R., see Moalem, M. 182 (1991) 170 Usmar, S.G., see Wright, R.N. 182 (1991) 281 Paynter, R.W., C. Boucher, B. Terreault and Van Siclen, C.D., see Wright, R.N. 182 (1991) 281 D. Thériault, Auger electron spectroscopy Verrall, R.A., see Matzke, Hj. 182 (1991) 261 depth profiling of silicon long-term wall Vieregge, K., see Lubbehusen, M. 182 (1991) 164 samples exposed in the Tokamak de Vitek, J.M., see Klueh, R.L. 182 (1991) 230 Varennes 182 (1991) 247 Petrov, D.D., see Petrov, Y.I. 182 (1991) 60 Petrov, Y.I., Z.M. Alekseeva and D.D. Pet- Walter, A.J., see Small, G.J. 182 (1991) 265 rov, Phase equilibria in the U-U,Si,- Ward, J.W., see Martz, J.C. 182 (1991) 277 UAI, system 182 (1991) 60 Watanabe, K., K. Ashida and M. Matsuyama, Platonov, P.A., see Zherdev, F.F. 182 (1991) 223 Reply to the comments by Tanabe on “The compensation effect on the diffu- Quanci, J.F., Thermal extraction apparatus sion constants of hydrogen in metals” 182 (1991) 274 for tritium assay and release rate experi- Wright, R.N., C.D. Van Siclen, $.G. Usmar ments from neutron-irradiated lithium and M.E. Mochel, Accelerated helium oxide 182 (1991) 214 bubble growth in aluminum in the pres- ence of lead precipitates 182 (1991) 281 Rohde, M., Reduction of the thermal conduc- Wu, C.H., see Forcey, K.S. 182 (1991) 36 tivity of SiC by radiation damage 182 (1991) 87 Ross, D.K., see Forcey, K.S. 182 (1991) 36 Ruedl, E., see Nanni, P. 182 (19911)1 8 Yamagishi, S. and Y. Takahashi, Further study on sintering behavior of sol-gel Saeki, M., see Hirabayashi, T. 182 (1991) 135 ThO, microspheres 182 (1991) 195 Shi, S.-Q., E. Abramov, D.A. Thompson and Yamamoto, H., see Hirabayashi, T. 182 (1991) 135 W.W. Smeltzer, Thermal desorption of Yasuda, K., see Shinohara, K. 182 (1991) 145 deuterium from polycrystalline nickel Yasuda, M., see Shinohara, K. 182 (1991) 145 pre-implanted with helium 182 (1991) 128 Youle, I.S. and A.A. Haasz, Retention of Shinohara, K., M. Yasuda, K. Yasuda and sub-eV atomic tritium and protium in py- M. Kutsuwada, Effects of 100 keV He-ion rolytic graphite 182 (1991) 107 irradiation on early stage of plastic defor- mation of copper polycrystals at 77 K 182 (1991) 145 Small, G.J. and A.J. Walter, The interaction Zherdev, F.F. and P.A. Platonov, Diffusion between UO, and platinum at 1673 K in of the fission metals cesium and silver in a reducing atmosphere 182 (1991) 265 reactor-grade graphite 182 (1991) 223 Journal of Nuclear Materials 182 (1991) 299-303 North-Holland Subject index Actinides (excl. Th, U, Pu) Coatings (and Coated Particles) Kinetics of reductive extraction of actinide Chemical and topographical properties of tri- and lanthanide elements from molten flu- tium-resistant stainless steel surfaces oride into liquid bismuth, H. Moriyama, formed by chromium diffusion coating, T. M. Miyazaki, Y. Asaoka, K. Moritani and Hirabayashi, Y. Sun, H. Yamamoto, Y. J. Oishi 182 (1991) 113 Toida and M. Saeki 182 (1991) 135 Aluminium, Aluminium Alloys and Compounds Compatibility and Corrosion Phase equilibria in the U-U,Si,-UAI, sys- Air oxidation of a Mn—Cr austenitic steel of tem, Y.I. Petrov, Z.M. Alekseeva and D.D. potential use for fusion reactor structural Petrov 182 (1991) 60 applications between 1073 and 1473 K at Accelerated helium bubble growth in alumi- 10° Pa, P. Nanni, V. Buscaglia, G. Bat- num in the presence of lead precipitates, tilana and E. Ruedl 182 (1991) 118 R.N. Wright, C.D. Van Siclen, S.G. Oxidation of Zircaloy by steam, M. Moalem Usmar and M.E. Mochel 182 (1991) 281 and D.R. Olander 182 (1991) 170 The attack of titanium—6 wt% aluminium-4 wt%® vanadium alloy by a molten Analytical Instruments and Methods uranium-5.7 wt% manganese alloy at Corrosion of Zr—2.5 wt% Nb pressure tube 1015°C, F.J. Moran and R.A. Jarman 182 (1991) 203 material in D,O steam:. Deuterium depth The interaction between UO, and platinum distributions measured by nuclear reac- at 1673 K in a reducing atmosphere, GJ. tion analysis, T. Laursen, J.R. Leslie and Small and A.J. Walter 182 (1991) 265 R.L. Tapping 182 (1991) 151 Effect of copper on Zircaloy corrosion in The early stage of aqueous corrosion of Zr- BWR, D. Cubicciotti 182 (1991) 287 2.5 wt%® Nb and Zircaloy-2 pressure tube materials, T. Laursen, J.R. Leslie and R.L. Tapping 182 (1991) 158 Computer Calculations, including Modelling Auger electron spectroscopy depth profiling Equation of state and specific heats of U-C- of silicon long-term wall samples exposed F gas mixtures W. Boersma-Klein, J. in the Tokamak de Varennes, R.W. Kistemaker and H.N. Stein 182 (1991) 11 Paynter, C. Boucher, B. Terreault and D. Transport phenomena in a dissociating U- Thériault 182 (1991) 247 C-F gas mixture, W. Boersma-Klein and J. Kistemaker 182 (1991) 24 The chemisorption of hydrogen on porous Blanket Materials graphites at low pressure and at elevated Thermal extraction apparatus for tritium as- temperature, E. Hoinkis 182 (1991) 93 say and release rate experiments from Diffusion of the fission metals cesium and neutron-irradiated lithium oxide, J.F. silver in reactor-grade graphite, F.F. Quanci 182 (1991) 214 Zherdev and P.A. Platonov 182 (1991) 223 On the origin of freely migrating defects in ion and neutron irradiated metals, V. Cladding Materials Naundorf 182 (1991) 254 Oxidation of Zircaloy by steam, M. Moalem and D.R. Olander 182 (1991) 170 Hot hardness and indentation creep studies Constitution on Ti modified stainless steel cladding Phase equilibria in the U-U,Si,—UAI, sys- material for nuclear fuel pins, T.R.G. tem, Y.I. Petrov, Z.M. Alekseeva and D.D. Kutty and C. Ganguly 182 (1991) 258 Petrov 182 (1991) 60 300 Subject index Copper and Copper Alloys Fracture and Fracture Toughness Effects of 100 keV He-ion irradiation on Strength and Young’s modulus of silicon early stage of plastic deformation of carbide layers of HTGR fuel particles at copper polycrystals at 77 K, K. Shinohara, high temperatures, K. Minato and K. M. Yasuda, K. Yasuda and M. Kutsuwada 182 (1991) 145 Fukuda 182 (1991) 6 Transgranular fracture of Fast Reactor Defects and Defect Structures irradiated stainless steel, I.J. Ford 182 (1991) 52 The kinetics of radiation point defect accu- mulation in metals during irradiation, Fuels and Fuel Elements K.P. Gurov and A.B. Tsepelev 182 (1991) 240 Kinetics of reductive extraction of actinide On the origin of freely migrating defects in and lanthanide elements from molten flu- ion and neutron irradiated metals, V. oride into liquid bismuth, H. Moriyama, 182 (1991) 254 Naundorf M. Miyazaki, Y. Asaoka, K. Moritani and J. Oishi 182 (1991) 113 Diffusion (incl. Thermodiffusion) Transport phenomena in a dissociating U- Fusion Reactors C-F gas mixture, W. Boersma-Klein and Segregation in DIN 1.4914 martensitic stain- J. Kistemaker 182 (1991) 24 less steel under proton irradiation, P. Jung Thermal desorption of deuterium from poly- and H. Klein 182 (1991) 1 crystalline nickel pre-implanted with Reduction of the thermal conductivity of SiC helium, S.-Q. Shi, E. Abramov, D.A. by radiation damage, M. Rohde 182 (1991) 87 Thompson and W.W. Smeltzer 182 (1991) 128 The chemisorption of hydrogen on porous Self-diffusion in a-Zr single crystals, M. Lub- graphites at low pressure and at elevated behusen, K. Vieregge, G.M. Hood, H. temperature, E. Hoinkis 182 (1991) 93 Mehrer and Chr. Herzig 182 (1991) 164 Air oxidation of a Mn—Cr austenitic steel of Diffusion of the fission metals cesium and potential use for fusion reactor structural silver in reactor-grade graphite, F.F. applications between 1073 and 1473 K at Zherdev and P.A. Platonov 182 (1991) 223 10° Pa, P. Nanni, V. Buscaglia, G. Bat- Comments on the paper “The compensation tilana and E. Ruedl 182 (1991) 118 effect on diffusion constants of hydrogen Auger electron spectroscopy depth profiling in metals” by K. Watanabe, K. Ashida of silicon long-term wall samples exposed and M. Sonobe, J. Nucl. Mater. 173 (1990) in the Tokamak de Varennes, R.W. 294, T. Tanabe 182 (1991) 270 Paynter, C. Boucher, B. Terreault and D. Reply to the comments by Tanabe on “The Thériault 182 (1991) 247 compensation effect on the diffusion con- stants of hydrogen in metals”, K. Wata- 182 (1991) 274 Gases (excl. Tritium) in Metals, Alloys and Ceramics nabe, K. Ashida and M. Matsuyama Release of volatile fission products from ThO, with a simulated burnup of 4 at%, Hj. Experimental Techniques Matzke and R.A. Verrall 182 (1991) 261 Demonstration of plutonium etching in a CF,/O, RF glow discharge, J.C. Martz, Graphite and Carbon DB..FW.. FHleasms,m J.M. Haschke, J.W. Ward and 182 (1991) 277 EquaFt iogna s of msitxattuer easn d Ws.pe cifBioce rhsemaat-sK loefi nU,- C-J . Kistemaker and H.N. Stein 182 (1991) 11 Fission Products Transport phenomena in a dissociating U- Kinetics of reductive extraction of actinide C-F gas mixture, W. Boersma-Klein and and lanthanide elements from molten flu- J. Kistemaker 182 (1991) 24 oride into liquid bismuth, H. Moriyama, The chemisorption of hydrogen on porous M. Miyazaki, Y. Asaoka, K. Moritani and graphites at low pressure and at elevated J. Oishi 182 (1991) 113 temperature, E. Hoinkis 182 (1991) 93 Diffusion of the fission metals cesium and Retention of sub-eV atomic tritium and pro- silver in reactor-grade graphite, F.F. tium in pyrolytic graphite, I.S. Youle and Zherdev and P.A. Platonov 182 (1991) 223 A.A. Haasz 182 (1991) 107 Release of volatile fission products from ThO, Diffusion of the fission metals cesium and with a simulated burnup of 4 at%, Hj. silver in reactor-grade graphite, F.F. Matzke and R.A. Verrall 182 (1991) 261 Zherdev and P.A. Platonov 182 (1991) 223 Subject index Helium Reply to the comments by Tanabe on “The Thermal desorption of deuterium from poly- compensation effect on the diffusion con- crystalline nickel pre-implanted with stants of hydrogen in metals”, K. helium, S.-Q. Shi, E. Abramov, D.A. Watanabe, K. Ashida and M. Matsuyama 182 (1991) 274 Thompson and W.W. Smeltzer 182 (1991) 128 Effects of 100 keV He-ion irradiation on Irradiation Effects (excl. Swelling and Voids) early stage of plastic deformation of Segregation in DIN 1.4914 martensitic stain- copper polycrystals at 77 K, K. Shinohara, less steel under proton irradiation, P. Jung M. Yasuda, K. Yasuda and M. Kutsuwada 182 (1991) 145 and H. Klein 182 (1991) 1 Accelerated helium bubble growth in alumi- Transgranular fracture of Fast Reactor num in the presence of lead precipitates, irradiated stainless steel, I.J. Ford 182 (1991) 52 R.N. Wright, C.D. Van Siclen, S.G. Contribution of interstitial migration to Usmar and M.E. Mochel 182 (1991) 281 segregation in concentrated alloys, S.M. Murphy 182 (1991) 73 Reduction of the thermal conductivity of SiC High-Temperature Reactors by radiation damage, M. Rohde 182 (1991) 87 Strength and Young’s modulus of silicon Effects of 100 keV He-ion irradiation on carbide layers of HTGR fuel particles at early stage of plastic deformation of high temperatures, K. Minato and K. copper polycrystals at 77 =<, K. Shinohara, Fukuda 182 (1991) 6 M. Yasuda, K. Yasuda and M. Kutsuwada 182 (1991) 145 Equation of state and specific heats of U-C- Tensile properties of 9Cr—-IMoVNb and F gas mixtures W. Boersma-Klein, J. 12Cr-1MoVW steels irradiated to 23 dpa Kistemaker and H.N. Stein 182 (1991) 11 at 390 to 550°C, R.L. Klueh and J.M. Transport phenomena in a dissociating U- Vitek 182 (1991) 230 C-F gas mixture, W. Boersma-Klein and The kinetics of radiation point defect accu- J. Kistemaker 182 (1991) 24 mulation in metals during irradiation, K.P. Gurov and A.B. Tsepelev 182 (1991) 240 On the origin of freely migrating defects in ion and neutron irradiated metals, V. Hydrogen and Hydrides (incl. Deuterium and Deuterides) Naundorf 182 (1991) 254 The formation of hydrogen permeation bar- riers on steels by aluminising, K.S. Forcey, D.K. Ross and C.H. Wu 182 (1991) 36 Kinetics The chemisorption of hydrogen on porous The kinetics of radiation point defect accu- graphites at low pressure and at elevated mulation in metals during irradiation, temperature, E. Hoinkis 182 (1991) 93 K.P. Gurov and A.B. Tsepelev 182 (1991) 240 Retention of sub-eV atomic tritium and pro- tium in pyrolytic graphite, I.S. Youle and Laser A.A. Haasz 182 (1991) 107 Air oxidation of a Mn—Cr austenitic steel of Thermal desorption of deuterium from poly- potential use for fusion reactor structural crystalline nickel pre-implanted with applications between 1073 and 1473 K at helium, S.-Q. Shi, E. Abramov, D.A. 10° Pa, P. Nanni, V. Buscaglia, G. Bat- Thompson and W.W. Smeltzer 182 (1991) 128 tilana and E. Ruedl 182 (1991) 118 Corrosion of Zr-2.5 wt% Nb pressure tube material in D,O steam:. Deuterium depth Liquid Metals distributions measured by nuclear reac- The attack of titanium—6 wt% aluminium-—4 tion analysis, T. Laursen, J.R. Leslie and R.L. Tapping 182 (1991) 151 wt%® vanadium alloy by a molten uranium—5.7 wt% manganese alloy at The early stage of aqueous corrosion of Zr- 1015°C, F.J. Moran and R.A. Jarman 182 (19912)0 3 2.5 wt% Nb and Zircaloy-2 pressure tube materials, T. Laursen, J.R. Leslie and R.L. Tapping 182 (1991) 158 Mechanical Properties (“Various”, i.e. not listed elsewhere by Comments on the paper “The compensation name) effect on diffusion constants of hydrogen Strength and Young’s modulus of silicon in metals” by K. Watanabe, K. Ashida carbide layers of HTGR fuel particles at and M. Sonobe, J. Nucl. Mater. 173 (1990) high temperatures, K. Minato and K. 294, T. Tanabe 182 (1991) 270 Fukuda 182(1991) 6 302 Subject index Effects of 100 keV He-ion irradiation on Reduction of the thermal conductivity of SiC early stage of plastic deformation of by radiation damage, M. Rohde 182 (1991) 87 copper polycrystals at 77 K, K. Shinohara, M. Yasuda, K. Yasuda and M. Kutsuwada 182 (1991) 145 Steels Tensile properties of 9Cr—IMoVNb and Segregation in DIN 1.4914 martensitic stain- 12Cr-1MoVW steels irradiated to 23 dpa less steel under proton irradiation, P. Jung at 390 to 550°C, R.L. Klueh and J.M. and H. Klein 182(1991) 1 Vitek 182 (1991) 230 The formation of hydrogen permeation bar- Hot hardness and indentation creep studies riers on steels by aluminising, K.S. Forcey, 182 (1991) 36 on Ti modified stainless steel cladding D.K. Ross and C.H. Wu material for nuclear fuel pins, T.R.G. Transgranular fracture of Fast Reactor Kutty and C. Ganguly 182 (1991) 258 irradiated stainless steel, I.J. Ford 182 (1991) 52 Air oxidation of a Mn-Cr austenitic steel of Microstructure (incl. Textures) potential use for fusion reactor structural Phase equilibria in the U-U,Si,-UAI, sys- applications between 1073 and 1473 K at tem, Y.I. Petrov, Z.M. Alekseeva and D.D. 10° Pa, P. Nanni, V. Buscaglia, G. Bat- Petrov 182 (1991) 60 tilana and E. Ruedl 182 (1991) 118 Chemical and topographical properties of tri- Nickel and Nickel Alloys tium-resistant stainless steel surfaces Thermal desorption of deuterium from poly- formed by chromium diffusion coating, T. crystalline nickel pre-implanted with Hirabayashi, Y. Sun, H. Yamamoto, Y. helium, S.-Q. Shi, E. Abramov, D.A. Toida and M. Saeki 182 (1991) 135 Thompson and W.W. Smeltzer 182 (1991) 128 Tensile properties of 9Cr-IMoVNb and On the origin of freely migrating defects in 12Cr-1MoVW steels irradiated to 23 dpa ion and neutron irradiated metals, V. at 390 to 550°C, R.L. Klueh and J.M. Naundorf 182 (1991) 254 Vitek 182 (1991) 230 Plutonium, Plutonium Alloys and Compounds Surface Effects and Characterization Techniques Demonstration of plutonium etching in a The chemisorption of hydrogen on porous CF,/O, RF glow discharge, J.C. Martz, graphites at low pressure and at elevated D.W. Hess, J.M. Haschke, J.W. Ward and temperature, E. Hoinkis 182 (1991) 93 B.F. Flamm 182 (1991) 277 Chemical and topographical properties of tri- tium-resistant stainless steel surfaces Powder Processes and Products formed by chromium diffusion coating, T. Further study on sintering behavior of sol-gel Hirabayashi, Y. Sun, H. Yamamoto, Y. ThO, microspheres, S. Yamagishi and Y. Toida and M. Saeki 182 (1991) 135 Takahashi 182 (1991) 195 Auger electron spectroscopy depth profiling of silicon long-term wall samples exposed Reprocessing in the Tokamak de Varennes, R.W. Kinetics of reductive extraction of actinide Paynter, C. Boucher, B. Terreault and D. and lanthanide elements from molten flu- Thériault 182 (1991) 247 oride into liquid bismuth, H. Moriyama, M. Miyazaki, Y. Asaoka, K. Moritani and Thermal Reactors J. Oishi 182 (1991) 113 Release of volatile fission products from ThO, with a simulated burnup of 4 at%, Hj. Segregation Matzke and R.A. Verrall 182 (1991) 261 Segregation in DIN 1.4914 martensitic stain- less steel under proton irradiation, P. Jung Thermodynamic Properties and H. Klein 182(1991) 1 Equation of state and specific heats of U-C- Contribution of interstitial migration to F gas mixtures W. Boersma-Klein, J. segregation in concentrated alloys, S.M. Kistemaker and H.N. Stein 182 (1991) 11 Murphy 182 (1991) 73 Thermophysical Properties Silicon Refractory Ceramics Transport phenomena in a dissociating U- Strength and Young’s modulus of silicon C-F gas mixture, W. Boersma-Klein and carbide layers of HTGR fuel particles at J. Kistemaker . 182 (1991) 24 high temperatures, K. Minato and K. Reduction of the thermal conductivity of SiC Fukuda 182 (1991) 6 by radiation damage, M. Rohde 182 (1991) 87 Subject index The chemisorption of hydrogen on porous Transport phenomena in a dissociating U- graphites at low pressure and at elevated C-F gas mixture, W. Boersma-Klein and temperature, E. Hoinkis 182 (1991) 93 J. Kistemaker 182 (1991) 24 Phase equilibria in the U-U,Si,-UAI, sys- Thorium, Thorium Alloys and Compounds tem, Y.I. Petrov, Z.M. Alekseeva and D.D. Kinetics of reductive extraction of actinide Petrov 182 (1991) 60 and lanthanide elements from molten flu- oride into liquid bismuth, H. Moriyama, Uranium Ceramics M. Miyazaki, Y. Asaoka, K. Moritani and The interaction between UO, and platinum J. Oishi 182 (1991) 113 at 1673 K in a reducing atmosphere, G.J. Further study on sintering behavior of sol—gel Small and A.J. Walter 182 (1991) 265 ThO, microspheres, S. Yamagishi and Y. Takahashi 182 (1991) 195 Release of volatile fission products from ThO, Zirconium, Zirconium Alloys and Compounds with a simulated burnup of 4 at%, Hj. Corrosion of Zr-2.5 wt% Nb pressure tube Matzke and R.A. Verrall 182 (1991) 261 material in D,O steam:. Deuterium depth distributions measured by nuclear reac- Tritium tion analysis, T. Laursen, J.R. Leslie and Retention of sub-eV atomic tritium and pro- R.L. Tapping 182 (1991) 151 tium in pyrolytic graphite, I.S. Youle and The early stage of aqueous corrosion of Zr- A.A. Haasz 182 (1991) 107 2.5 wt%® Nb and Zircaloy-2 pressure tube Chemical and topographical properties of tri- materials, T. Laursen, J.R. Leslie and R.L. tium-resistant stainless steel surfaces Tapping 182 (1991) 158 formed by chromium diffusion coating, T. Self-diffusion in a-Zr single crystals, M. Lub- Hirabayashi, Y. Sun, H. Yamamoto, Y. behusen, K. Vieregge, G.M. Hood, H. Toida and M. Saeki 182 (1991) 135 Mehrer and Chr. Herzig 182 (1991) 164 Thermal extraction apparatus for tritium as- Oxidation of Zircaloy by steam, M. Moalem say and release rate experiments from and D.R. Olander 182 (1991) 170 neutron-irradiated lithium oxide, J.F. Effect of copper on Zircaloy corrosion in Quanci 182 (1991) 214 BWR, D. Cubicciotti 182 (1991) 287 Uranium and Uranium Alloys Equation of state and specific heats of U-C- F gas mixtures W. Boersma-Klein, J. Kistemaker and H.N. Stein 182 (1991) 11

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