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Preview Journal of Nuclear Materials 1991: Vol 178 Index

Journal of Nuclear Materials 178 (1991) 337-339 North-Holland Author index Al-Nakow, A.S., see Chirkin 178 (1991) Erko, V.F., see Zelenskij 178 (1991) Axler, K.M., see Foltyn 178 (1991) Espinoza, J.M., see Foltyn 178 (1991) Badri Narayan, J., Quality assurance in a nu- Foltyn, E.M., R.N.R. Mulford, K.M. Axler, clear tubing mill (1991) J.M. Espinoza and A.M. Murray, Thermo- Bairiot, H., P. Deramaix, N. Mostin, E. dynamic modeling and experimental inves- Trauwaert and Y. Vanderborck, Founda- tigations of the CsCl-CaCl5—PuCl, system (1991) tions for the definition of MOX fuel quality requirements 178 (1991) Ganguly, C. and U. Basak, Fabrication of high Basak, U., see Ganguly 178 (1991) density UO> fuel pellets involving sol-gel Baumann, R., see Dams 178 (1991) microsphere pelletisation and low temper- Bonnerot, J.M. and D. Warin, Automatic tech- ature sintering (1991) nique for simultaneous H> and HO titra- Ganguly, C., P.V. Hegde and A.K. Sengupta, tion in MOX fuels (1991) 25 Preparation, characterisation and out-of- Bouguerra, Y. and A. Si-Ahmed, A model for pile property evaluation of (U,Pu)N fuel predicting evolution of pore size distribu- pellets (1991) 2 tions in UO) fuel 178 (1991) Grigoriadi, I.P., see Livshits (1991) Brennenstuhl, A., see McIntyre 178 (1991) Gritsyna, V.I., see Zelenskij (1991) Grob, H., see Heins (1991) Celora, J., see Marajofsky 178 (1991) Guery, M., Some applications of gamma ab- Chirkin, A.V., A.S. Al-Nakow and S.M. Sherif, sorptiometry and spectrometry for the con- The metallographic revealing of twin for- trol of nuclear materials § (1991) mation in Zr—Nb industrial alloys (1991) Gildner, R. and H. Schmidt, Optimization Choi, M.S. and M.S. Yang, Quality evaluation of process parameters for the sintering of and control of end cap welds in PHWR fuel MOX fuel 3 (1991) elements by ultrasonic examination (1991) Giindiiz, G., 1. Onal and H.H. Durmazuear, Cremboom, O., L. Koch and R. Wellum, The Pore size distributions in uranium diox- determination of uranium and plutonium ide and uranium dioxide-gadolinium oxide in fuel materials by titration and by K-edge fuel kernel produced by sol-gel technique § (1991) 212 absorption 178 (1991) Hale, J.M., see Walton (1991) Dams, W., R. Baumann, I. Hanel, B. Happ Hanel, I., see Dams (1991) and L. Heins, Fabrication of UO) fuels Happ, B., see Dams (1991) with non-destructive assay and rod scanner Hegde, P.V., see Ganguly (1991) 2 technology for production and final quality Heinisch, H.L., Correlation of mechanical control 178 (1991) property changes in neutron-irradiated Davidson, R.D., see McIntyre 178 (1991) pressure vessel steels on the basis of spec- Deramaix, P., see Bairiot 178 (1991) tral effects (1991) Derepovskij, N.T., see Zelenskij 178 (1991) Heins, L., see Dams (1991) Dianshan, C., see Rixin 178 (1991) Heins, L., H. GroB, K. Nissen and F. Wun- Dubinko, V.I., The influence of dislocation derlich, Statistical analysis of QC data and structure and impurities on the void lattice estimation of fuel rod behaviour 178 (1991) 2 formation in crystals under irradiation (1991) Hirata, M., see Riella 178 (1991) Dubrovin, K.P., E.G. Ivanov, P.N. Strijov and V.V. Yakovlev, The results of postirradi- Imakuma, K., see Teixeira 178 (1991) ation examinations of VVER-1000 and Ivanov, E.G., see Dubrovin 178 (1991) VVER-440 fuel rods 178 (1991) 306 Durazzo, M.., see Riella 178 (1991) 204 Kobiyama, M., see Nakata 178 (1991) Durmazugar, H.H., see Giindiiz 178 (1991) pl 9. Koch, L., see Cromboom 178 (1991) Author index Krompab, R.. see Steinkopft § (1991) 163 Onal, I., see Giindiiz (1991) 212 Onchi, T., see Mayuzumi (1991) Lainetti, P. and H.G. Riella, Preparation of ceramic grade UO, powder by atomization Palmer, B.J., see Lucuta (1991) from uranyl nitrate solutions q (1991) Perez, L., see Marajofsky (1991) Lee, Y.W. and M.S. Yang, Characterization of Platonovy, P.V., see Zelenskij (1991) HWR tuel pellets fabricated using UO, powders from different conversion pro- Riella, H.G., see Lainetti (1991) cesses 5 (1991) 2 Riella, H.G., M. Durazzo, M. Hirata and R.A. Livshits, \.1.. M.E. Notkin, A.A. Samartsev Nogueira, UO>7—G0d3 solid solution for- and I.P. Grigoriadi, Large-scale effects of mation from wet and dry processes (1991) H>O and O> on the absorption and perme- Rixin, K., Z. Shucheng and C. Dianshan, A ation in Nb of energetic hydrogen particles : (1991) comprehensive in-pile test of PWR fuel Lucuta, P.G.. R.A. Verrall, Hj. Matzke and bundle (1991) B.J. Palmer, Microstructural features of Rodriguez, J.G., see Nocetti (1991) SIMFUEI Simulated high-burnup UO>- Rybalko, V.F., see Zelenskij (1991) based nuclear fuel » (1991) Samartsev, A.A., see Livshits (1991) Mainy, P. and C. Morin, Fuel rod enrichment Schmidt, H., see Giildner (1991) determination by gamma scanning (1991) Senevat, J. and P. Mainy, Eddy current exami- Mainy, P., see Senevat (1991) nation technique during manufacturing of Malik, G.N., see Zelenskij (1991) Zircaloy-4 fuel cladding tubes (1991) Marajofsky, A., L. Perez and J. Celora, On the Sengupta, A.K., see Ganguly (1991) 2 dependence of characteristics of powders Sherif, S.M., see Chirkin (1991) on the AUC process parameters (1991) Shucheng, Z., see Rixin (1991) Matzke, Hj.. see Lucuta (1991) Si-Ahmed, A., see Bouguerra (1991) Mayuzumi, M. and T. Onchi, The applicability Steinbock, L., Transmission tomograpohf ynu - ot the strain-hardening rule to creep de- clear fuel pins and bundles with an elec- formation of Zircaloy fuel cladding tube tronic line camera system (1991) 2 under dry storage condition 5 (1991) Steinkopff, H. and R. Krompas, Automatic re- McIntyre, N.S., C.G. Weisener, R.D. David- fabrication and quality control of fuel ele- son, A. Brennenstuhl and B. Warr, Analysis ments for the BOR-60 reactor in the USSR (1991) of Zr-Nb fuel channel surfaces for hydro- Stoll, W., Quality and human society (1991) gen and other elements using Secondary Strasser, A.A., Nuclear fuel quality control - lon Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) (1991) What is missing? (1991) Moalem, M. and D.R. Olander, The high- Strijov, P.N., see Dubrovin (1991) temperature solubility of hydrogen in pure and oxygen-containing Zircaloy (1991) Takamura, S., see Nakata (1991) Morin, C., see Mainy (1991) Teixeira, S.R. and K. Imakuma, High temper- Mostin, N., see Bairiot (1991) ature X-ray diffraction study of the U4Og Muhling. G., see Nocetti (1991) formation on UQj sintered plates (1991) Mulford, R.N.R., see Foltyn (1991) Trauwaert, E., see Bairiot (1991) Murray, A.M., see Foltyn (1991) Tsupko-Sitnikov, M.V., RIT — A new robust it- erative technique for image reconstruction Nakata, K., S. Takamura and M. Kobiyama, in emission tomography (1991) 2 Recovery of yield stress in dilute Ni alloys Une, K., see Yuda (1991) after electron and neutron irradiations at low temperatures 8 (1991) Vanderborck, Y., see Bairiot (1991) Neklyudov, I.M., see Zelenskij (1991) Verrall, R.A., see Lucuta (1991) Nissen, K., see Heins (1991) 2 Voevodin, V.N., see Zelenskij (1991) Nocetti, C.A., J.G. Rodriguez and G. Mihling, Vollath, D., Determination of the distribution Quality control in the fabrication of proto- of the largest Pu-rich particles in the pellets type nuclear fuel in Mexico (1991) of a batch 178 (1991) 296 Nogueira, R.A., see Riella (1991) Notkin, M.E., see Livshits (1991) Walton, H. and J.M. Hale, On-line measure- ment of oxide fuel pellets for process con- Olander, D.R., see Moalem (1991) trol 178 (1991) 2 Author index 339 Warin, D., see Bonnerot 178 (1991) 25 Gd5O03 compacts 178 (1991) 195 Warr, B., see McIntyre 178 (1991) Weisener, C.G., see McIntyre 178 (1991) Zelenskij, V.F., IM. Neklyudov, V.N. Wellum, R., see Cromboom 178 (1991) 249 Voevodin, V.I. Gritsyna, N.T. Derepov- Wunderlich, F., see Heins 178 (1991) 287 skij, V.F. Erko, G.N. Malik, P.V. Platonov and V.F. Rybalko, The influence of Yakovlev, V.V., see Dubrovin 178 (1991) 306 pulsed) plasma jet irradiation on Yang, M.S., see Lee 178 (1991) 217 the mechanical properties of Yang, M.S., see Choi 178 (1991) 321 KH16N15M3B and KHI8NI1OT austenitic Yuda, R. and K. Une, Effect of sintering at- stainless steels 178 (1991) 99 mosphere on the densification of UOz- Journal of Nuclear Materials 178 (1991) 341-344 North-Holland Subject index For pages 1-114 Diffusion (incl. Thermodiffusion) High temperature X-ray diffraction study of Analytical Instruments And Methods the U4,Og formation on UO, sintered Analysis of Zr-Nb fuel channel surfaces for plates, S.R. Teixeira and K. Imakuma 178 (1991) hydrogen and other elements using Sec- ondary lon Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), Fabrication N.S. McIntyre, C.G. Weisener, R.D. The metallographic revealing of twin for- Davidson, A. Brennenstuhl and B. Warr 178 (1991) mation in Zr—Nb industrial alloys, A.V. Chirkin, A.S. Al-Nakow and S.M. Sherif 178 (1991) Cladding Materials The applicability of the strain-hardening rule Fuels and Fuel Elements to creep deformation of Zircaloy fuel Microstructural features of SIMFUEL — Sim- cladding tube under dry storage condition, ulated high-burnup UO)-based nuclear M. Mayuzumi and T. Onchi 178 (1991) fuel, P-G. Lucuta, R.A. Verrall, Hj. Matzke and B.J. Palmer 178 (1991) Computer Calculations, incl. Modelling Analysis of Zr—-Nb fuel channel surfaces for hydrogen and other elements using Sec- Thermodynamic modeling and experimental ondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), investigations of the CsCl-CaCl)—PuCl; N.S. McIntyre, C.G. Weisener, R.D. system, E.M. Foltyn, R.N.R. Mulford, Davidson, A. Brennenstuhl and B. Warr 178 (1991) K.M. Axler, J.M. Espinoza and A.M. Mur- ray 178 (1991) The influence of dislocation structure and im- Fusion Reactors purities on the void lattice formation in The influence of pulsed plasma jet irradi- crystals under irradiation, V.I. Dubinko 178 (1991) ation on the mechanical properties of KH16N15M3B and KHI8NIOT austenitic stainless steels, V.F. Zelenskij, I.M. Nek- Creep and Relaxation lyudov, V.N. Voevodin, V.I. Gritsyna, N.T. The applicability of the strain-hardening rule Derepovskij, V.F. Erko, G.N. Malik, P.V. to creep deformation of Zircaloy fuel Platonov and V.F. Rybalko 178 (1991) 99 cladding tube under dry storage condition, M. Mayuzumi and T. Onchi 178 (1991) Gases (excl. Tritium) in Metals, Alloys and Ce- ramics Crystallographic Properties Large-scale effects of HyO and O> on the High temperature X-ray diffraction study of absorption and permeation in Nb of en- the U4,Og formation on UO) sintered ergetic hydrogen particles, A.I. Livshits, plates, S.R. Teixeira and K. Imakuma 178 (1991) M.E. Notkin, A.A. Samartsev and I.P. Grigoriadi 178 (1991) Defects and Defect Structures Hydrogen and Hydrides (incl. Deuterium and Recovery of yield stress in dilute Ni alloys after Deuterides) electron and neutron irradiations at low temperatures, K. Nakata, S. Takamura and Large-scale effects of HyO and QO» on the M. Kobiyama 178 (1991) absorption and permeation in Nb of en- The influence of dislocation structure and im- ergetic hydrogen particles, A.I. Livshits, purities on the void lattice formation in M.E. Notkin, A.A. Samartsev and I.P. crystals under irradiation, V.I. Dubinko 178 (1991) 108 Grigoriadi 178 (1991) 342 Subject index The high-temperature solubility of hydrogen Microstructural features of SIMFUEL - Sim- in pure and oxygen-containing Zircaloy, ulated high-burnup UO >-based_ nuclear M. Moalem and D.R. Olander 178 (1991) fucl, P.G. Lucuta, R.A. Verrall, Hj. Matzke Analysis of Zr-Nb fuel channel surfaces for and B.J. Palmer 178 (1991) hydrogen and other elements using Sec- ondary lon Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), Nickel and Nickel Alloys N.S. McIntyre, C.G. Weisener, R.D. Davidson, A. Brennenstuhl and B. Warr 178 (1991) Recovery of yield stress in dilute Ni alloys after electron and neutron irradiations at low temperatures, K. Nakata, S. Takamura and Irradiation Effects (excl. Swelling and Voids) M. Kobiyama 178 (1991) Large-scale effects of HyO and O> on the absorption and permeation in Nb of en- Niobium and Niobi Alloys ergetic hydrogen particles, A.I. Livshits, M.E. Notkin, A.A. Samartsev and LP. Large-scale effects of HyO and O> on the Grigoriadi ; (1991) absorption and permeation in Nb of en- Correlation of mechanical property changes ergetic hydrogen particles, A.I. Livshits, in neutron-irradiated pressure vessel steels M.E. Notkin, A.A. Samartsev and I.P. on the basis of spectral effects, H.L. Grigoriadi 178 (1991) Heinisch (1991) Recovery of yield stress in dilute Ni alloys after Permeation electron and neutron irradiations at low Large-scale effects of H»O and O> on the temperatures, K. Nakata, S. Takamura and M. Kobiyama (1991) absorption and permeation in Nb of en- Microstructural features of SIMFUEL — Sim- ergetic hydrogen particles, A.I. Livshits, M.E. Notkin, A.A. Samartsev and LP. ulated high-burnup UO -based nuclear Grigoriadi 178 (1991) fuel, PG. Lucuta, R.A. Verrall, Hj. Matzke and B.J. Palmer (1991) Phase Transformation Kinetics High temperature X-ray diffraction study of High temperature X-ray diffraction study of the U4Og formation on UO, sintered the UyOyg formation on UO, sintered plates, S.R. Teixeira and K. Imakuma 178 (1991) plates, S.R. Teixeira and K. Imakuma (1991) Alloys and Com- Mechanical Properties (“Various”, ie. not pounds listed elsewhere by name) Thermodynamic modeling and experimental Correlation of mechanical property changes investigations of the CsCl-CaCl—PuCl, in neutron-irradiated pressure vessel steels system, E.M. Foltyn, R.N.R. Mulford, on the basis of spectral effects, H.L. K.M. Axler, J.M. Espinoza and A.M. Mur- Heinisch (1991) ray 178 (1991) 93 Recovery of yield stress in dilute Ni alloys after electron and neutron irradiations at low Pressure Vessels temperatures, K. Nakata, S. Takamura and M. Kobiyama 178 (1991) Correlation of mechanical property changes The influence of pulsed plasma jet irradi- in neutron-irradiated pressure vessel steels ation on the mechanical properties of on the basis of spectral effects, H.-L. KHI6N15M3B and KHI8N10T austenitic Heinisch 178 (1991) stainless steels, V.F. Zelenskij, I.M. Nek- lyudov, V.N. Voevodin, V.I. Gritsyna, N.T. Steels Derepovskij, V.F. Erko, G.N. Malik, P.V. Correlation of mechanical property changes Platonov and V.F. Rybalko & (1991) in neutron-irradiated pressure vessel steels on the basis of spectral effects, H.L. Microstructure (incl. Textures) Heinisch 178 (1991) The metallographic revealing of twin for- The influence of pulsed plasma jet irradi- mation in Zr—Nb industrial alloys, A.V. ation on the mechanical properties of Chirkin, A.S. Al-Nakow and S.M. Sherif 178 (1991) KHI6N15M3B and KH1I8N10T austenitic Subject index 343 stainless steels, V.F. Zelenskij, ILM. Nek- AUC powder 135, 143, 171, 17, 227 lyudov, V.N. Voevodin, V.I. Gritsyna, N.T. AUPuC process 52, 187 Derepovskij, V.F. Erko, G.N. Malik, P.V. Autoradiography 296 Platonov and V.F. Rybalko § (1991) BET surface 217 Thermal Reactors Boron carbide 266 Bulk density 2, 217 Microstructural features of SIMFUEL - Sim- Burnable poison 287 ulated high-burnup UO>-based_ nuclear fuel, PG. Lucuta, R.A. Verrall, Hj. Matzke Burnup , 300, 306 and B.J. Palmer (1991) Calcination 135, 227 Capacitance transducer 245 Thermodynamic Properties Carbothermic reduction 234 Thermodynamic modeling and experimental Ceramic grade UO) 135 investigations of the CsCl-CaCl>-PuCl, Chipping 331 system, E.M. Foltyn, R.N.R. Mulford, Circumferential cracking 321 K.M. Axler, J.M. Espinoza and A.M. Mur- Cladding 37, 306 ray § (1991) Compatibility 234 Coprecipitation process 204 Uranium Ceramics Cracking 331 High temperature X-ray diffraction study of Denitration 135 the UyOy formation on UO, sintered plates, S.R. Teixeira and K. Imakuma 3 (1991) Densification 300 Microstructural features of SIMFUEL - Sim- Density 135, 143, 152, 158, 163, 179, 187, 195, 204, 2 , 261, 287 ulated high-burnup UO >-based_ nuclear Diametral measurement 245 fuel, P.G. Lucuta, R.A. Verrall, Hj. Matzke Diffusion . 300 and B.J. Palmer § (1991) Dilatometry Dimensional stability Zirconium, Zirconium Alloys and Com- pounds Eddy current The metallographic revealing of twin for- Emission tomography mation in Zr—-Nb industrial alloys, A.V. End plug Chirkin, A.S. Al-Nakow and S.M. Sherif § (1991) Enrichment The high-temperature solubility of hydrogen Expulsion defect in pure and oxygen-containing Zircaloy, M. Moalem and D.R. Olander § (1991) Fission gas 227, 261, 287, 306, The applicability of the strain-hardening rule Fission spike to creep deformation of Zircaloy fuel Fuel bundle Zee cladding tube under dry storage condition, Fuel clement , 187, 2 M. Mayuzumi and T. Onchi 178 (1991) Fuel rods 163, 171, 187, 227, 234, 261, 266, 277, 37, 306, Analysis of Zr-Nb fuel channel surfaces for Fuel temperature 287 hydrogen and other elements using Sec- ondary lon Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), Gamma absorptiometry 266 N.S. Mcelntyre, C.G. Weisener, R.D. Gamma scanner , 261 Davidson, A. Brennenstuhl and B. Warr 178 (1991) Gamma spectrometry 266 Gd503 296 Grain size 217 For pages 115-335: Proceedings of the Fourth Graphite 234 International Conference on Characterization Grinding swart > U7 and Quality Control of Nuclear Fuels, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of GermanyJu,n e 19-21, 1990 Hardness 234 HNO; 37, 249 Accuracy 254 Human society 117 ADU powder 143, 204, 217 Hydrogen analysis 54, 331 Agglomeration 135, 296 Atomization 135 Irradiation conditions 306 344 Subject index K-edge absorption Response surface Rod scanner Lattice parameter RRS distribution Mercury porosimetry Safety science Micro fissure Sinogram Microspheres Sintering 143, 152, 179, 187, 195, 204, 212, Microstructure 152, 179, 195, 234, 300, Sintering kinetics Microwave denitration Size distribution 296, 3: Moisture Sol-gel technique 212 Monte Carlo calculations Specific surface area 143, MOxX fuel Statistical analysis Statistical distribution NIKUSI process Statistics of extremes Nitric acid Nozzle Thermal conductivity OCOM Thermal decomposition O/M ratio Thorium nitrate Open pore volume TiO> doping Optimization Tomato salad problem Tomography Particle size 135, 152, 163, 187, Transmission tomography Pellet 152, Tube Pilot plant Tubing mill Plutonium Plutonium determination (U, Pu)N Pore diameter UF, Pore former Ultrasonic examination Pore size 143, 179, UO, 135, 152, 158, 171 Pore volume 135, 143, U30x Porosity 143, 179, 217, UO >-G0; fuel Post irradiation examination UO pellet 135, 158, 171 Potentiometric titration UO> powder 135, 152 Probabilistic methods UO ,-PuO0> Process control Uranium Procurement Uranyl nitrate Product certification Product qualification Vacancy diffusion PuQ> particles Vibrocompaction PuO> powder Water analysis Quality Water chemistry Quality assurance 125, Welding Quality control 158, 163, 171, 187, 261,3 : Quality organization X-ray diffraction X-ray fluorescence Redox titration Resinter test Zircaloy 187, 217,

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