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Preview Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 1999: Vol 260 Index

NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS ELSEVIER Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 260 (1999) 249-25 www.elsevier.com/locate/jnoncrysol Author Index Aristov, Yu.I., see Okunev, A.G 260 (1999) species in hydrogen loaded germa- Assa, J., see Tomova, R 260 (1999) nosilicate fibre preforms 260 (1999) Avramov, I. and N. Avramova, Ki- Danilyuk, A.F., see Okunev, A.G 260 (1999) netics of relaxation and crystalliza- de Castro, S.C., see Goncalves, J.E 260 (1999) tion of poly(ethylene terephthalate) 260 (1999) Depecker, C., see Dalle, C 260 (1999) Avramova, N., see Avramoy, I 260 (1999) Dimitrov, V., see Takahashi, Y 260 (1999) Awazu, K., Oscillator strength of the in- Douay, M., see Dalle, C 260 (1999) frared absorption band near 1080 Dubois, C., see Monney, L 260 (1999) 208 cm ' in SiO, films 260 (1999) 24? Elidrissi Moubtassim, M.L., see By- Barfels, T., see Trukhin, A.N 260 (1999) chkov, E 260 (1999) Bartsch, M., see Braun, A. 260 (1999) Benino, Y., see Takahashi, Y. 260 (1999) Fitting, H.-J., see Trukhin, A.N 260 (1999) | Bergeret, G., see Okunev, A.G. 260 (1999) Frischat, G.H., see Mathai, R 260 (1999) Bernage, P., see Dalle, C. 260 (1999) Bisquert, J. and G. Garcia-Belmonte, Garcia-Belmonte, G., see Bisquert, J 260 (1999) Scaling properties of thermally sti- Goerigk, G., see Braun, A 260 (1999) mulated currents in disordered sys- Gongalves, J.E.. Y. Gushikem and S.¢ tems 260 (1999) 109 de Castro, Preparation and proper- Boiko, A.A., see Malashkevich, G.E. 260 (1999) 141 ties of antimony (V) oxide adsorbed Braun, A., M. Bartsch, B. Schnyder, R on silica—titania mixed oxide 260 (1999) K6tz, O. Haas, H.-G. Haubold and Gurov, A., see Serebryakov, A 260 (1999) G. Goerigk, X-ray scattering and Gushikem, Y., see Goncalves, J.E 260 (1999) adsorption studies of thermally oxi- dized glassy carbon 260 (1999) l Haas, O., see Braun, A. 260 (1999) Buroff, A., see Tomova, R. 260 (1999) 195 Hattori, T., see Usami, K.-i 260 (1999) Bychkov, E., M.L. Elidrissi Moubtas- Haubold, H.-G., see Braun, A 260 (1999) sim and J.C. Jumas, Ionic transport Hench, L.L., see West, J.K 260 (1999) crossover in mixed conducting chal- Hole, D.E., see Stepanov, A.L 260 (1999) cogenide glasses detected by '*°Te- Hou, Y., Y. Li, X. Chen, G. Zhang Mossbauer spectroscopy 260 (1999) 180 and Y. Wang, Temperature depen- dence of upconversion luminescence Cavaillé, D., C. Levelut, R. Vialla, from Pr** and Yb** codoped R. Vacher and E. Le Bourhis, ZBLAN glass pumped by 960 nm Third-order elastic constants deter- laser diode 260 (1999) mination in soda—lime-silica glass Hu, X., T.B. Tan, Y. Li, G. Wilde by Brillouin scattering 260 (1999) 235 and J.H. Perepezko, The glass Chambaudet, A., see Monney, L. 260 (1999) 208 transition of Pdg )Ni;pCuypP2) stu- Cheah, L.K., see Hu, Y.H. 260 (1999) 31 died by temperature-modulated ca- Chen, X., see Hou, Y. 260 (1999) 54 lorimetry 260 (1999) 228 Cordier, P., see Dalle, C. 260 (1999) 2 Hu, Y.H., X. Shi, E. Liu, J.R. Shi and L.K. Cheah, The role of defects in Dalle, C., P. Cordier, C. Depecker, current transport through tetrahe- P. Niay, P. Bernage and M. Douay, dral amorphous carbon-based me- Growth kinetics and thermal an- tal-semiconductor—metal structures 260 (1999) 31 nealing of UV-induced H-bearing Huang, H.-L., see Wu, J.-M. 260 (1999) 116 250 {uthor Index Jana, T. and S. Ray, Boron-doped a- NaOH solutions: experiment and SiO,:H films prepared by photo- model 260 (1999) 21 CVD technique 260 (19991)8 8 Jansen, M., see Jeschke, G 260 (19992)1 6 Perepezko, J.H., see Hu, X. 260 (19992)2 8 Jeschke, G.. M. Kroschel and M. Jan- Poddenezhny, E.N., see Malashkevich, sen, A magnetic resonance study G.E. 260 (1999) 141 on the structure of amorphous net- works in the Si-B-N(-—C) system 260 (1999) 216 Rault, J.. Remarks on the Kohlrausch Jumas, J.C., see Bychkov, I 260 (1999) 180 exponent and the Vogel—Fulcher Tamann law in glass-forming mate- K6tz, R., see Braun, A 260 (1999) 1 rials 260 (1999) 164 Kobayashi, M., see Usami, K.-i 260 (19991)9 9 Ray, S., see Jana, T. 260 (1999) 188 Komatsu, T., see Takahashi, Y 260 (19991)5 5 Renouprez, A., see Okunev, A.G. 260 (1999) 21 Kordas, G., Complementary use of cw- Riissel, C. and G. von der Génna, The EPR, HYSCORE and pulsed EN- electrochemical series of elements DOR spectroscopies for scanning in the Na,O-2Si0, glass melt 260 (1999) 147 the environment of unpaired states in a- and c-B,O 260 (1999) 75 Schnyder, B., see Braun, A. 260 (1999) Kroschel, M., see Jeschke, G 260 (1999) 216 Serebryakov, A., A. Gurov and N. No- vokhatskaya, Decomposition and Le Bourhis, E., see Cavaille, D. 260 (19992)3 5 crystallization in undercooled liquid Lee, S.-C., see Shih, A 260 (1999) 245 and amorphous Co7Fe,sCrj 5 Levelut, C., see Cavaillé, D 260 (19992)3 5 Si, 2 sBo.s 260 (1999) Li, Y., see Hou, Y 260 (1999) 54 Shaurman, S.A., see Okunev, A.G. 260 (1999) Li, Y., see Hu, X 260 (19992)2 8 Shi, J.R., see Hu, Y.H. 260 (1999) Liu, E., see Hu, Y.H 260 (1999) 31 Shi, X., see Hu, Y.H 260 (1999) Shih, A. and S.-C. Lee, Hydrogenated Malashkevich, G.E., I1.M. Melnichenko, amorphous silicon with substrate- E.N. Poddenezhny and A.A. Boiko, dependent structure 260 (19992)4 5 New optical centers of triply Soga, M., see Nakagawa, T. 260 (19991)6 7 charged cerium ions in silica gel- Starezewska, A., see Nowak, M. 260 (1999) 41 glasses saturated with hydrogen 260 (1999) 141 Stepanov, A.L., D.E. Hole and P.D. Mathai, R. and G.H. Frischat, Homo- Townsend, Formation of silver na- geneity of a ZrF4-based glass at the noparticles in soda-lime silicate nano-scale 260 (1999) 175 glass by ion implantation near room Matsumura, M., see Usami, K.-1. 260 (1999) 199 temperature 260 (1999) 65 Mecholsky, J.J., see West, J.K. 260 (1999) 99 Stoycheva-Topalova, R.,see Tomova, R. 260 (1999) 195 Melnichenko, I.M.. see Malashkevich, Sugahara, S., see Usami, K.-i. 260 (1999) 199 G.E. 260 (1999) 141 Sumimura, K., see Usami, K.-i. 260 (1999) 199 Monney, L., C. Dubois, F. Villa and A. Chambaudet, Surface removal of a Takahashi, Y., Y. Benino, V. Dimitrov weathered organic glass 260 (1999) 208 and T. Komatsu, Transparent sur- face crystallized glasses with optical Nakagawa, T. and M. Soga, A new non-linear LaBGeOs crystals 260 (1999) 155 method for fabricating water repel- Tan, T.B., see Hu, X. 260 (1999) 228 lent silica films having high heat-re- Tomova, R., J. Assa, R. Stoycheva-To- sistance using the sol-gel method 260 (1999) 167 palova and A. Buroff, As.S; and Niay, P., see Dalle, C. 260 (1999) 83 Agl thin layers as ion sensitive mem- Novokhatskaya, N., see Serebryakov, A. 260 (1999) 59 branes 260 (1999) 195 Nowak, M. and A. Starczewska, Influ- Townsend, P.D., see Stepanov, A.L. 260 (1999) 65 ence of spatial distribution of radia- Trukhin, A.N., H.-J. Fitting, T. Barfels tion on steady-state photocarrier and A. von Czarnowski, Cathodolu- grating measurement 260 (1999) 41 minescence and IR absorption of oxygen deficient silica influence Okunev, A.G., S.A. Shaurman, A.F. of hydrogen treatment 260 (1999) 132 Danilyuk, Yu.I. Aristov,G . Bergeret and A. Renouprez, Kinetics of the Usami, K.-i., S. Sugahara, M. Kobaya- SiO, aerogel dissolution in aqueous shi, K. Sumimura, T. Hattori and Author Index 251 M. Matsumura, Preparation and Wilde, G., see Hu, X. 260 (1999) 228 properties of silica films with high- Wu, J.-M. and H.-L. Huang, Micro- er-alkyl groups 260 (1999) 199 wave properties of zinc, barium and lead borosilicate glasses 260 (1999) 116 Vacher, R., see Cavaillé, D. 260 (1999) 235 Vialla, R., see Cavaillé, D. 260 (1999) 235 Yao, X., see Zhai, J 260 (1999) 160 Villa, F., see Monney, L 260 (1999) 208 von Czarnowski, A., see Trukhin, A.N 260 (1999) 132 Zhai, J., L. Zhang and X. Yao, Effects von der Gonna, G., see Riissel, C 260 (1999) 147 of composition and temperature on gel-formed TiO,/SiO; films 260 (1999) 160 Wang, Y., see Hou, Y 260 (1999) 54 Zhang, G., see Hou, Y. 260 (1999) 54 West, J.K., J.J. Mecholsky and L.L Zhang, L., see Zhai, J 260 (1999) 160 Hench, The application of fractal and quantum geometry to brittle fracture 260 (1999) NON-CRYJSOTURANLALLI NOEF SOLIDS ELSEVIER Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 260 (1999) 252 www.elsevier.com/locate/jnoncrysol Subject Index Alkali Silicate Glasses Deposition Techniques Electrochemical Properties 260 (1999) Amorphous Semiconductors, Silicon 260 (1999) 245 Amorphous Alloys Dielectric Properties Metallic Glasses, X-ray Diffraction 260 (1999) Microwave 260 (1999) 116 Amorphous Semiconductors Elastic Properties Chalcogenides 260 (1999) Brillouin Scattering, Light Scattering, Deposition Techniques, Silicon 260 (1999) 2 Stress Measurement 260 (1999) Electrochemical Properties Atomic Force Microscopy Alkali Silicate Glasses 260 (1999) Fluoride Glasses, Structure 260 (1999) Electron Spin Resonance 260 (1999) Brillouin Scattering Elastic Properties, Light Scattering, Fibers Stress Measurement 260 (1999) Defects, Hydrogen Effects, Photore- sponse, Ultraviolet Absorption 260 (1999) Calorimetry Glass Transition, Metallic Glasses 260 (1999) 228 Fluoride Glasses Atomic Force Microscopy, Structure 260 (1999) Carbon Luminescence, Rare Earth Ions 260 (1999) Conductivity 260 (1999) X-ray Absorption, X-ray Diffraction 260 (1999) Fracture Modelling, Molecular Orbital Calcula- Chalcogenide Glasses tion 260 (1999) Ionic Conductivity, Méssbauer Effect 260 (1999) 180 Glass Transition Chalcogenides Calorimetry, Metallic Glasses 260 (1999) Amorphous Semiconductors 260 (1999) Grating Chemical Durability Optical Properties 260 (1999) Sol-Gel Processes 260 (1999) Hydrogen Effects Weathering 260 (1999) Defects, Fibers, Photoresponse, Ultra- Chemical vapor deposition violet Absorption 260 (1999) Thin Films 260 (1999) Luminescence, Silica 260 (1999) Infra-red Absorption Conductivity Silica 260 (1999) 2 260 (1999) Carbon 260 (1999) lon Exchange Sol-Gel Processes 260 (1999) Crystallization Non-linear Optics, Surface Properties 260 (1999) lon Implantation Relaxation 260 (1999) Nanocrystalline Materials 260 (1999) Defects lonic Conductivity Fibers, Hydrogen Effects, Photore- Chalcogenide Glasses, Méssbauer Ef- sponse, Ultraviolet Absorption 260 (1999) fect 260 (1999) 180 Subject Index Light Scattering Infra-red Absorption 260 (1999) 24? Brillouin Scattering, Elastic Properties, Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy, Sur- Stress Measurement 260 (1999) face Properties 260 (1999) Thin Films 260 (1999) Luminescence Fluoride Glasses, Rare Earth Ions 260 (1999) Silicon Hydrogen Effects, Silica 260 (1999) Amorphous Semiconductors, Deposi- Structure 260 (1999) tion Techniques 260 (1999) 2 Mossbauer Effect Sol-Gel Processes Chalcogenide Glasses, Ionic Conductiv- Chemical Durability 260 (1999) 21 ity 260 (1999) 180 lon Exchange 260 (1999) 125 Metallic Glasses Thin Films, Titania 260 (1999) 160 Amorphous Alloys, X-ray Diffraction 260 (1999) 59 Stress Measurement Calorimetry, Glass Transition 260 (1999) 228 Brillouin Scattering, Elastic Properties, Light Scattering 260 (1999) Microwave Dielectric Properties 260 (1999) 116 Structural Relaxation Viscosity 260 (1999) 164 Modelling Fracture, Molecular Orbital Calculation 260 (1999) Structure Atomic Force Microscopy, Fluoride Molecular Orbital Calculation Glasses 260 (1999) Fracture, Modelling 260 (1999) Luminescence 260 (1999) Nanocrystalline Materials Surface Properties lon Implantation 260 (1999) Crystallization, Non-linear Optics 260 (1999) Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy, Nitrogen-Containing Glass Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 260 (1999) 216 Silica 260 (1999) Thin Films Non-linear Optics Crystallization, Surface Properties 260 (1999) CSihleimcai cal vapor deposition 226600 ((11999999)) 118989 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Sol-Gel Processes, Titania 260 (1999) 160 Nitrogen-Containing Glass 260 (1999) 216 Titania Optical Properties Sol-Gel Processes, Thin Films 260 (1999) 160 Grating 260 (1999) Ultraviolet Absorption Photoresponse Defects, Fibers, Hydrogen Effects, Defects, Fibers, Hydrogen Effects, Photoresponse 260 (1999) traviolet Absorption 260 (1999) Viscosity Rare Earth Ions Structural Relaxation 260 (1999) Fluoride Glasses, Luminescence 260 (1999) Weathering Relaxation Chemical Durability 260 (1999) 208 Crystallization 260 (1999) X-ray Absorption Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy Carbon, X-ray Diffraction 260 (1999) Silica, Surface Properties 260 (1999) 167 X-ray Diffraction Silica Carbon, X-ray Absorption 260 (1999) Hydrogen Effects, Luminescence 260 (1999) 132 Amorphous Alloys, Metallic Glasses 260 (1999) gaOMtMeNd )

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