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Preview Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 1999: Vol 250-252 Index

JURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE ELSEVIER Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 250-252 (1999) 903-913 www.elsevier.com/locate/jnoncrysol Author Index Agraval, P.G., see Turchanin, A.A. 250-252 (1999) 582 Audier, M., see Simonet, V 2 (1999) Ahlgren, M., see Rodmar, M. 250 252 (1999) 883 Ahigren, M., see Rodmar, M. 250 252 (1999) 888 Badyal, Y.S., see van der Aart, S.A. 2 (1999) 2 Ainane, A., see Bouziane, T 250 252 (1999) 729 Baer, S., Entropy of glass, spatial en- Ainane, A., see Saber, M. 250 252 (1999) 735 ergy fluctuations and the Kauzmann Alemany, M.M.G., M. Calleja, C. Rey, paradox 2 (1999) 586 L.J. Gallego, J. Casas and L.E. Bafile, U., K. Hochgesand, R. Winter, Gonzalez, A theoretical and compu- F. Barocchi, P. Convert, T. Hansen ter simulation study of the static and H.E. Fischer, Neutron diffrac- structure and thermodynamic prop- tion on mercury: density dependence erties of liquid transition metals of the static structure factor 2 (1999) using the embedded atom model 252 (1999) Bakai, A.S., see Naundorf, V. (1999) Alfe, D., see Stadler, R. 252 (1999) Balucani, U., see Pasqualini, D. (1999) Ali, I., S.M. Osman and R.N. Singh, Barariu, F., see Chiriac, H. (1999) 7 Compressibility factor for double Barnes, A.C., M.A. Hamilton, P. Bu- Yukawa fluid 252 (1999) 364 chanan and M.-L. Saboungi, Com- Ali, I., S.M. Osman and R.N. Singh, bined X-ray and neutron diffraction Equation of state of liquid mixtures from binary liquids and amorphous with non-additive potentials 252 (1999) 360 semiconductors (1999) Ali, I., S.M. Osman and R.N. Singh, Barocchi, F., see Bafile, U. (1999) Ordering and structural properties Barzola-Quiquia, J., C. Lauinger and P. of liquid Al-Ge alloys 252 (1999) 32 Haussler, Seebeck effect in disor- Alteholz, Th. and W. Hoyer, X-ray dif- dered low dimensional interface fraction experiments on Ag and Ge structures (1999) 7 in normal and supercooled liquid Barzola-Quiquia, J., see Lauinger, C (1999) 7 phase 252 (1999) 48 Baumketner, A. and Ya. Chushak, Cor- Altounian, Z., see Dikeakos, M. 252 (1999) 637 rection for finite-size effects in mole- Altounian, Z., see Dikeakos, M. 252 (1999) 786 cular dynamics simulation of liquid Altounian, Z., see Saini, S. 252 (1999) 714 alloys (1999) Anento, N., J. Casas, M. Canales, D.J. Beck, U. and W. Freyland, A neutron Gonzalez, L.E. Gonzalez and J.A diffraction study on liquid Rb-Sb Padro, On the dynamical properties alloys (1999) 2 of the liquid Li-Na alloy 252 (1999) 348 Belaaraj, A., see Bouziane, T. (1999) 729 Ansell, S., see Krishnan, S. 252 (1999) 286 Belaschenko, D.K., see Gelchinski, B.R. (1999) 40 Aquilanti, G., see Filipponi, A. 252 (1999) 172 Bellissent, R., see Bergman, C. (1999) 253 Arai, T., T. Arisawa and I. Yokoyama, Bellissent, R., see Bionducci, M (1999) 605 Pair and triplet correlation entropies Bellissent, R., see Coulet, M.-V (1999) 463 of the hard sphere fluid 252 (1999) 59 Bellissent, R., see Prigent, G (1999) 297 Arai, Y., see Araki, H. 252 (1999) 492 Bellissent, R., see Raty, J.-Y. (1999) ae Araki, H., Y. Arai, S. Tamaki and S. Bellissent, R., see Simonet, V. (1999) 824 Takeda, Diamagnetic susceptibility Belokonenko, I.V., see Turchanin, A.A (1999) 582 of molten Ag(Cl,_ .1,) 252 (1999) 492 Benazzi, N., see Giordanengo, B. (1999) : Argoud, R., see Inui, M. 252 (1999) 525 Bender, W., see Schenk, Th. (1999) 694 Arisawa, T., see Arai, T. 252 (1999) 59 Berger, C., see Delahaye, J. (1999) 878 Ashcroft, N.W., see Louis, A.A. 252 (1999) 9 Berger, C., see Rodmar, M. (1999) 883 904 futhor Index Berger, ¢ see Rodmar, M 252 (1999) 888 ‘asas, J., see Anento, N CL: Berger, € » SS Schaub I 252 (1999) 874 ‘eolin, R., see Prigent, G (1999) 2 Bergman, ¢ M.V. Coulet, R Bellis ‘eolin, R., see Raty, J.-Y (1999) 2 sent, K. Seifert-Lorenz and J Haf- Chacon, E., see Reinaldo-Falagan, M (1999) ner, Structure of liquid potassium ‘hiriac, H. and N. Lupu, Structure and antimony alloys: neutron scattering magnetic properties of some bulk experiments and ab initio molecula amorphous materials 52 (1999) 75 dynamics calculations (1999) 253 ‘hiriac, H., A.-E. Moga, M Urse, F. Bergman, C., see Coulet, M.-\ (1999) 463 Necula and C Hison, On the amor- Bestandji, M., see Makradi, A (1999) 01 phization and magnetic properties Bhuiyan, G.M., A. Rahman, M.A of Co—Fe-Si-B powders 52 (1999) Khaleque, R.I.M.A. Rashid and ‘hiriac, H., F. Barariu, M. Neagu, F. S.M.M. Rahman, Liquid state struc- Vinal, E. Ferrara and C.S. Marines- ture of some noble and transition cu, Effect of Mo and Nb additions metals (1999) on the magnetic properties of CoFe- Bhuiyan, G.M., see Zahid, | 2 (1999) SiB amorphous wires (1999) 7 Bichara, C., J.-Y. Raty and J.-P. Gas- ‘hiriac, H., F. Vinai, M Tomut, A. pard, Structure of high temperature Stantero and E Ferarra, On the fluid selenium 5? (1999) 419 crystallization of amorphous Bichara, ¢ , see Coulet, M.-\ 2 (1999) 463 Fe,;B;; ribbons produced with dif- Biermann Chr., see Hochgesand, K 2 (1999) 245 ferent heat treatments of the liquid Bionducci, M., G. Navarra, R. Bellis- alloy before ejection 2 (1999) sent, G. Concas and F. Congiu, Lo- Chiriac, H., see Tomut, M 2 (1999) cal order in amorphous Fe>Zr Chushak, Ya., G. Kahl and J. Hafner, prepared by mechanical alloying Single-particle motion in liquid and and mechanical grinding 5? (1999) 605 supercooled Mg7)Znxy alloy (1999) Bionducci, M., see Raty, J.-¥ (1999) eae Chushak, Ya., see Baumketner, A (1999) 35 Boni, O., see Herlach, D.M (1999) 271 Concas, G., see Bionducci, M (1999) Borodin, V.A., see Vladimirov, P.\ (1999) 591 Congiu, F., see Bionducci, M. (1999) Bouziane, T., M. Saber, A. Belaaraj and Convert, P., see Bafile, U. (1999) A. Ainane, Phase transitions in the Coulet, M.-V., C. Bergman, R. Bellis- spin-1/2 Ising superlattice with a sent and C. Bichara, Local order transverse field (1999) and phase separation in sulphur Boyen, H.-G., see Lauinger, ¢ ne (1999) tellurium melts: a neutron scattering Bretonnet, J.-L., see Tammar, El M A (1999) study (1999) 463 Bretonnet, J.-L., see Wax, J.-I J NlNNVMMm a nrttN Mymm (1999) Coulet, M.V., see Bergman, C (1999) 253 Brockhaus, P., K. Wong, V. Kaspero- vich, G Tikhonov and V.V. Kresin, Dalgig, S., see Gomez, S. (1999) 163 Stability, evaporation, and tempera- de Wijs, G.A., see Stadler, R. (1999) 82 ture of metal clusters (1999) Delahaye, J.,C. Gignoux, T. Schaub, C. Buchanan, P., see Barnes, A.¢ (1999) Berger, T. Grenet, A. Sulpice, J.J. Buontempo, | and P Postorino, Me- Prejean and J.C. Lasjaunias, Transi- tallization transition in fluid iodine 2 (1999) tion to a quasi-insulating state in Burkel, E., Dynamics of liquid metals quasi-crystalline AlPdRe 252 (1999) 878 studied by inelastic X-ray scattering (1999) Delahaye, J., see Rodmar, M. 252 (1999) 883 Burkel, E., see Pilgrim, W.-€ (1999) 96 Delahaye, J., see Schaub, T. 252 (1999) 874 Burkel, E., see Ponkratz, | (1999) 344 Demmel, F., see Pasqualini, D. 252 (1999) 76 Busch, R., see Masuhr, A (1999) 566 Denton, A.R., G. Kahl and J. Hafner, Busch, R see Schroers, J (1999) 699 Freezing of simple liquid metals 252 (1999) 15 Byrnes, M see Wilde, G (1999) 626 De Panfilis, S., see Filipponi, A. 252 (1999) 172 Deutsch, De M., see Tostmann, H. 252 (1999) 182 alleyja, M., see Alemany, M.M.G (1999) Di Cicco, A., see Filipponi, A. 252 (1999) 172 anales, M., see Anento, N (1999) ; Didoukh, V., see Plevachuk, Yu. 252 (1999) 325 asas, J., L.E Gonzalez, D.J. Gonzalez Dikeakos, M. and Z. Altounian, and M. Silbert, Atomic dynamics in Temperature dependence of the liquid lithium near melting (1999) resistivity of amorphous Fe-Co-Zr asas, J see Alemany, M.M.G (1999) alloys 252 (1999) 786 {uthor Index 905 Dikeakos, M., Z. Altounian, D.H. Freitag, K., see Knorr, K 250-252 (1999) 669 Ryan and S.J. Kwon, Local struc- Freyland, W., Wetting transitions in ture in amorphous Fe~-TM-Zr (TM fluid metallic mixtures ay (1999) = Co, Ni, Cu) studied by Mossbauer Freyland. W., see Beck, A a” ttev (1999) 2 spectroscopy Ay nn (1999) Freyland, W., see Staroske, S (1999) 2 DiMasi, E., see Tostmann, H A (1999) Frohberg, G., see Fielitz, P , A’ (1999) Djakonova, N.P., see Molokanov, V.V A (1999) § Frohberg, M.G., see Thiedemann, tttrtyeeme vj etdrtwMyme a tvrvt ( 1999) 3 Drewes, K., see Thiedemann, U tttt¢vvyynn t A r r vlrtyvyw antttt ryyvye (1999) 329 ukunaga, T. and S. Kajikawa. Short Dugain, F., M. Mihalkovic and J.-B range structure of amorphous Suck, Temperature dependence Se oo—yAS, prepared by mechanical of the generalized vibrational alloying a 1999) 3 density of states of decagonal ukunaga, T., see Takeichi, N a” 1999) Al; sCoj3.sNijs and its approxi- unakoshi, K., see Inui, M A 1999) § mant Al; sCo;; sNi 250-252 (1999) 860 unakoshi, K., see Tamura, K tttteeMe 2 tttteeye A” tttteeeu 1999) | Duhaj, P., see Kaczkowski, Z 50-252 (1999) 740 Dujardin, F., see Saber, M z 52 (1999) 735 Gallego, L.J., see Alemany, M.M.G A an 1999) Gaspard, J.-P., see Bichara, C a” 1999) Ebata, H., see Maruyama, K. 50-252 (1999) 483 Gaspard, J.-P., see Raty, J.-Y Dn 4 1999) ? Egelstaff, P.A., see Pratesi, G. 250-252 (1999) 9] Gaspard, J.P., see Prigent, G J 1999) 2 Egry, I., Structure and properties of le- Gasser, J.G., see Giordanengo, B a , (1999) 3 vitated liquid metals 252 (1999) Gasser, J.G., see Grosdidier, B a (1999) Egry, I., G. Jacobs and D. Holland- Gasser, J.G., see Makradi, A NNNNVmN a’’ Ntttttttevveyee 7 tttttttyevvve N(v199 9 ) Moritz, EXAFS investigations on Gaukel, C.. M. Kluge and H.R. Scho- quasi-crystal-forming melts 252 (1999) 82 ber, Diffusion mechanisms in un- Ehmler, H., K. Ratzke and F. Faupel, der-cooled binary liquids of Isotope effect of diffusion in the Zre7Cu; : (1999) 664 supercooled liquid state of bulk me- Gaukel, C., see Oligschleger, C (1999) 660 tallic glasses wa (1999) 684 Gelchinski, B.R., A.A. Mirzoev, D.K Eliaz, N.. see Zander, D A) (1999) 893 Belaschenko and R. Winter, Use of Eliezer, D., see Zander, D J\ (1999) 893 the Voronoi polyhedra method for Endo, H., see Hoshino, H. (1999) 478 analyzing short-range-order of li- Endo, H., see Ikemoto, H A (1999) 458 quid cesium and its reproducibility Endo, H., see Kawakita, Y. Wa¢a (1999) 447 in reverse Monte Carlo modeling 50-252 (1999) Endo, H., see Yamamoto, I btbttNtPvveymy a n tllmtivyvvy M (1999) 423 Genser, O. and J. Hafner, Structural and electronic properties of liquid Fan, C., see Inoue, A. FA (1999) 724 alkali—tin alloys 2 (1999) Faupel, F., see Ehmler, H J) > (1999) 684 Genser, O., see Hafner, J 2 (1999) Feng, Y.P., see Lu, Z.P "A (1999) 601 Gignoux, C > Delahaye, J ( 1999 ) Feng, Y.P., see Lu, Z.P (1999) 689 Gignoux, Rodmar, M 1999) Ferarra, E., see Chiriac, H "A (1999) 709 Gignoux, C.., Rodmar, M 1999) Ferrara, E., see Chiriac, H ttttttrveyey t yt tt F A)e tyttryeyv (1m999) 762 Gignoux, C., see Schaub, T 1999) Fielitz, P., M.-P. Macht, V. Naundorf Gillan, M.J., see Stadler, R WNNMNYm NM199W9)N N and G. Frohberg, Diffusion in ZrTi- Giordanengo, B., N. Benazzi, J. Vinck- CuNiBe bulk glasses at tempera- el, J.G. Gasser and L. Roubi, Ther- tures around the glass transition 2 (1999) 67 mal conductivity of liquid metals Filipponi, A., A.D. Cicco, G. Aquilanti, and metallic alloys 1999) 3 M. Minicucci, S. De Panfilis and Giroud, F., see Schaub, T 1999) J. Rybicki, Short-range structure of Gomez, S., L.E. Gonzalez, D.J. Gonza- liquid palladium and rhodium at lez, M.J. Stott, S.D algi¢ and M. Sil- very high temperatures A (1999) bert, Orbital free ab initio molecular Fischer, H.E., see Bafile, U a” (1999) dynamics study of expanded liquid Fischer, H.E., see Petri, I. (1999) Cs »5 52 (1999) Fischer, H.E., see Prigent, G. (1999) 2 Gonzalez, D.J., see Anento, N 50-252 (1999) awn Fourcaudot, G., see Schaub, T. an (1999) Gonzalez, . see Casas, J ; 52 (1999) Franke, Th., see Schmidt, R. n (1999) Gonzalez, .. see Gomez, S : 52 (1999) Fransaer, J., see Herlach, D.M an (1999) Gonzalez, see Alemany, M.M.G : 52 (1999) Franz, H., see Notthoff, C. lNNNNVNN aNnNlltMlMr vyYymm Ny(1 999) Gonzalez, 2.. see Anento, N 25 (1999) 906 Author Index Gonzalez, L.E., see Casas, J (1999) 102 Herlach, D.M., see Notthoff, C. 252 (1999) 632 Gonzalez, L.E., see Gomez, S (1999) 163 Herlach, D.M., see Schenk, Th 252 (1999) 694 Gorler, G.P., see Lu, L.-R (1999) 577 Hernandez, J.P., see Reinaldo-Falagan, Grenet, T., see Delahaye, J (1999) 878 M. 252 (1999) 20 Grenet, T., see Schaub, T (1999) 874 Hiejima, Y., see Kohno, H. 252 (19991)3 9 Grosdidier, B. and J.G. Gasser, Struc- Hiejima, Y., see Ohmasa, Y. 252 (19992)0 9 ture of Al-Ge liquid alloy (1999) 309 Hippert, F., see Simonet, V. 252 (19998)2 4 Grushko, B., see Holland-Moritz, D. (1999) 829 Hiraishi, I., see Takeda, S. 252 (19994)9 6 Guo, J.Q., see Tsai, A.P. (1999) 833 Hirano, T., see Tsai, A.P. 252 (19998)3 3 Hison, C., see Chiriac, H. 252 (19997)6 6 Haberkern, R., see Roth, C (1999) 869 Hiwatari, Y., see Shimizu, F. 252 (19994)3 3 Hafner, J., K. Seifert-Lorenz and O Hochgesand, K., R. Kurzhéfer, Chr. Genser, Ab initio studies of polya- Biermann and R. Winter, Effect of nionic clustering in liquid alloys (1999) 225 temperature on the structure and Hafner, J., see Bergman, C (1999) 253 electronic properties of the liquid al- Hafner, J., see Chushak, Ya (1999) 645 loy K-Sb 252 (1999) 245 Hafner, J., see Denton, A.R (1999) 15 Hochgesand, K., see Bafile, U. 252 (1999) 35 Hafner, J., see Genser, O mMthvYy m (1999) 236 Holland-Moritz, D., On the energy of Halm, Th., J.N. Nzali, W. Hoyer and the interface between a melt and R.P. May, Neutron small-angle scat- quasicrystalline and polytetrahedral tering on molten Ga-TI alloys (1999) 293 phases 252 (1999) 839 Hamilton, M.A., see Barnes, A.C (1999) 393 Holland-Moritz, D., 1.-R. Lu, G. Wilde, Hanfland, M., see Notthoff, C. (1999) 632 J. Schroers and B. Grushko, Hansen, T., see Bafile, U (1999) 35 Melting entropy of Al-based quasi- Hari, Y., see Hosokawa, S. MMNhtmMdwl (1999) 415 crystals 252 (1999) 829 Haruyama, O., H. Kimura, N. Nishiya- Holland-Moritz, ., ee Egry, I. 252 (1999) 820 ma and A. Inoue, Change in elec- Holland-Moritz, ., See Herlach, D.M. 252 (1999) 271 tron transport property after glass Holland-Moritz, ., see Notthoff, C. 252 (1999) 632 transition in several Pd-based metal- Holland-Moritz, D., see Schenk, Th. 252 (1999) 694 lic glasses (1999) Hong, X. and K. Lu, Viscosity measure- Hasegawa, M., A.P. Tsai, T. Kondo, T. ment with an improved torsion pen- Yagi and T. Kikegawa, In situ X-ray dulum method 252 (1999) 111 powder diffraction study on stability Hoshino, H., 1. Yamamoto, T. Miyana- of icosahedral Al-Pd—Mn high qual- ga, H. Ikemoto and H. Endo, The ity single quasi-crystal under high electronic and structural changes in pressure up to 70 GPa 252 (1999) 849 the supercooled liquid and glassy Hausermann, D., see Hosokawa, S. 252 (1999) 159 As>Se; 252 (19994)7 8 Haussler, P., see Barzola-Quiquia, J. 252 (19997)7 6 Hoshino, H., see Ikemoto, H. 252 (19994)5 8 Haussler, P., see Lauinger, C. 252 (1999) 791 Hoshino, K., see Munejiri, S. 252 (19991)4 4 Haussler, P., see Madel, O 252 (1999) 267 Hoshino, K., see Senda, Y. 252 (19992)5 8 Haussler, P., see Nowak, H. 252 (19993)8 9 Hoshino, K., see Shimojo, F. 252 (19995)4 2 Haussler, P., see Roth, C 252 (1999) 869 Hoshino, K., see Shimojo, F. 252 (19995)4 7 Haussler, P., see Schmidt, R. 252 (1999) 811 Hosokawa, S., H. Sato, K. Nishihara, Hays, C.C. and W.L. Johnson, Under- Y. Hari and M._ Taniguchi, cooling of bulk metallic glasses pro- Inverse-photoemission studies of cessed by electrostatic levitation 250 252 (1999) 596 the conduction bands in amor- Hazemann, J.-L., see Hosokawa, S. 250 252 (1999) 159 phous Ge 252 (1999) 415 Hazemann, J.L., see Inui, M. 250 252 (1999) 525 Hosokawa, S., see Pilgrim, W.-C. 252 (1999) 154 Hensel, F., Phase properties of dilute Hosokawa, S., see Pilgrim, W.-C. 252 (1999) 96 mixtures of helium in near critical Hosokawa, S., W.-C. Pilgrim, F. Hen- mercury 250 252 (1999) 135 sel, J.-L. Hazemann, D. Raoux, M. Hensel, F., see Hosokawa, S 250 252 (1999) 159 Mezouar, T. Le Bihan and D. Hiau- Herlach, D.M., D. Holland-Moritz, Th. sermann, X-ray diffraction measure- Schenk, K. Schneider, G. Wilde, O. ments on expanded fluid Rb 252 (1999) 159 Boni, J. Fransaer and F. Spaepen, Hoyer, W., see Alteholz, Th. ~252 (1999) 48 Undercoolability of pure Co and Hoyer, W., see Halm, Th. 252 (1999) 293 Co-based alloys 252 (1999) 271 Hunger, T., see Lauinger, C. 252 (1999) 791 Author Index Ikemoto, H., H. Hoshino, T. Miyanaga, and structure of the Fe7;;Cu,Ta, I. Yamamoto and H. Endo, The S1,5.sB; alloy 959 (1999) 7 semiconductor—metal transition of Kaczkowski, Z., P. Duhaj, G. Vlasak liquid tellurium—arsenic mixtures 2 (1999) 458 and P Ruuskanen, Piezo- Ikemoto, H., see Hoshino, H. 2 (1999) 478 magnetic properties of the Inoue, A. and T. Zhang, Stabilization of Fez; sCu, Nb3Si,3 sBo alloy JA 252 (1999) 740 supercooled liquid and bulk glassy Kahl, G., see Chushak, Ya ri) 59 (1999) 645 alloys in ferrous and non-ferrous Kahl, G., see Denton, A.R. A <9 (1999) l s systems (1999) 55 Kajihara, Y., see Kohno, H. wa 964 (1999) 139 Inoue, A., C. Fan and A. Takeuchi, Kajihara, Y., see Ohmasa, Y wn <9 (1999) 209 High-strength bulk nanocrystalline Kajikawa, S., see Fukunaga, T. lMNNNyYmMm w nw N 959 (1999) 384 alloys in a Zr-based system contain- Kakinuma, F., S. Ohno and K. Suzuki, ing compound and glassy phases (1999) 724 Specific heat of liquid Tl-Se alloys 59 (1999) 453 Inoue, A., see Haruyama, O. (1999) Kakinuma, F., see Tsuchiya, Y. 959 (1999) 468 Inui, M., K. Tamura, J.L. Hazemann, Kakinuma, F., Y. Tsuchiya and K. Su- D. Raoux, Y. Soldo, R. Argoud zuki, Critical sound propagation in and J.F. Jal, X-ray absorption fine liquid Ag-Ag>Te alloys <9 (1999) 237/23 structure studies on expanded fluid Kasperovich, V., see Brockhaus, P 959 (1999) 191 Se: from liquid to dense vapor 2 (1999) § Katayama, Y., O. Shimomura and K. Inui, M., K. Tamura, Y. Ohishi, I. Na- Tsuji, EXAFS study on liquid sele- kaso, K. Funakoshi and W. Utsumi, nium and liquid tellurium under X-ray diffraction measurements for high pressure <9 (1999) 5: expanded fluid-Se using synchrotron Kawakita, Y., M. Yao and H. Endo, radiation (1999) 519 Short and long bonds in liquid tell- Inui, M., see Takeda, S. (1999) 410 urium <9 (1999) Inui, M., see Tamura, K. (1999) 148 Kawakita, Y., S. Yoshioka and S. Take- Inui, M., Y. Olishi, I. Nakaso, M.H. da, Structural study of liquid M-Te Kazi and K. Tamura, Small angle mixtures (M = Ga, In, Tl) - vi) <9 (1999) 281 X-ray scattering measurements for Kawakita, Y., see Maruyama, K ~ FA) <9 (1999) 483 expanded fluid Se near the critical Kawakita, Y., see Takeda, S. x FA) 49 (1999) 410 point (1999) 5: Kawakita, Y., see Takeda, S a a <9 (1999) 496 Ishida, K., S. Ohno and T. Okada, Elec- Kazi, M.H., see Inui, M a AY 49 (1999) 531 trical properties of molten AgCl Khaleque, M.A., see Bhuiyan, G.M * J 959 (1999) 45 AgI mixtures 2 (1999) 488 Khaleque, M.A., see Zahid, F. a A) <9 1999) 107 Ishmaev, S.N., see Syrykh, G.F. 52 (1999) 642 Kikegawa, T.., see Hasegawa, M “ J 959 (1999) 849 Itoh, K., T. Usuki and S. Tamaki, Fonic Kimura, H., see Haruyama, O. “ A 252 (1999) 78] and electronic conductions in liquid Kluge, M., see Gaukel, C. “ vA) 959 (1999) 664 metal—chalcogen systems (1999) 336 Knofler, R., see Roth, C. tew n 959 (1999) 869 Knorr, K., M.-P. Macht, K. Freitag and Jacobs, G., see Egry, I. 2 (1999) 820 H. Mehrer, Self-diffusion in the Jacobs, G., see Notthoff, C. 52 (1999) 632 amorphous and supercooled liquid Jahn, S., G. Pratesi and J.-B. Suck, Col- state of the bulk metallic glass lective atomic dynamics in molten Zr4o.75 Tig »sCu7z sNij;oBe> 959 (1999) 669 Rb; 100 .)Sb, investigated by inelas- Kohno, H., K. Okada, Y. Kajihara, Y. tic neutron scattering 252 (1999) 2 Hiejima and M. Yao, Sound at- Jakse, N., see Tammar, El M. 252 (1999) tenuation in supercritical fluid mer- Jal, J.F., see Inui, M. 252 (19995)2 5 cury <9 (1999) 139 Jansen, A.G.M., see Schaub, T. 252 (19998)7 4 Kohno, H., see Ohmasa, Y 250-252 (1999) 209 Jartych, E., see Pekala, M. 252 (19997)5 7 Koishi, T. and S. Tamaki, Structure and Jianu, A., see Ponkratz, U. 252 (19998)4 4 transport properties of molten NaCl Johnson, W.L., see Hays, C.C. 252 (19995)9 6 and AglI by computer simulation an 252 (1999) 501 Johnson, W.L., see Masuhr, A. 252 (19995)6 6 Kokanovic, I., B. Leonti¢c, J. Lukatela Johnson, W.L., see Schroers, J. 252 (1999) 699 and I. KuSevic, Transport properties of hydrogen-doped (ZrgoFe2);— .H, 795 Kaburaki, H., see Shimizu, F. 252 (1999) 433 metallic glasses (1999) Kaczkowski, Z., L. Lanotte, M. Miiller Kondo, T., see Hasegawa, M. (1999) 849 and P. Ruuskanen, Elasticity moduli Koster, U., see Riidiger, A. (1999) 898 Author Index Koster, U., see Triwikantoro (1999) 719 Liick, R., see Zhou, F. 252 (1999) 704 Koster, U., see Zander, D (1999) Lukatela, J., see Kokanovic, I. 252 (1999) 795 Kresin, V.V., see Brockhaus, P (1999) Lupu, N., see Chiriac, H. 252 (1999) 751 Kresse, G., see Stadler, R (1999) Krishnan, S., S. Ansell and D.L. Price. Macht, M.-P., see Fielitz, P 252 (19996)7 4 X-ray diffraction on levitated li- Macht, M.-P., see Knorr, K. 252 (1999) 669 quids application to _ liquid Macht, M.-P., see Naundorf, V 252 (19996)7 9 80% Co-20%Pd alloy 2 (1999) Madel, O., C. Lauinger and P. Haussler, Atomic structure and electronic Kroha, J., Correlation-enhanced Frie- transport properties of amorphous del oscillations in amorphous alloys and quasi-crystals a) (1999) 865 Na,Sn,_, alloys 252 (1999) 267 Kusevic, I., see Kokanovic, | nn (1999) 795 Madel, O., see Roth, C. 252 (1999) 869 Makradi, A., J.G. Gasser and M. Bes- Kuppermann, G., see Thiedemann, | (1999) 329 tandji, Electronic transport proper- Kurzh6fer, R., see Hochgesand, K AM (1999) 245 Kuzin, V.V., see Shimkevich, lLY. u (1999) 129 ties of liquid cadmium—germanium Kwon, S.J., see Dikeakos, M NttthleYyMey t4tt a tttttYrvyyeyy (1999) 637 Marcahll,o ys. NT.hHe.,o ry Lvoecraslu s ecxopoerrdiimneantti on, 252 (1999) 301 electronic correlations and relation ang, D., see Zhou, I nn (1999) 704 between thermodynamic and trans- anotte, L., see Kaczkowski, Z (1999) 746 port properties of sp liquid metals 252 (1999) 1 asjaunias, J.C., see Delahaye, J (1999) 878 Marinescu, C.S., see Chiriac, H. 252 (1999) 762 auinger, C., see Barzola-Quiquia, J (1999) 776 Marinescu, M., see Tomut, M. 252 (1999) 655 auinger, C., see Madel, O tltmMyec a yn avWt m&evn (Mn199m 9) 2 67 Maruyama, K., H. Ebata, S. Suzuki, M. auinger, C., T. Hunger, J. Barzola- Misawa, S. Takeda and Y. Kawaki- Quiquia, P. Haussler and H.-G ta, Structural studies on liquid Ge Boyen, Thermoelectricity of disor- chalcogen mixtures by using neutron dered films near the metal—non-me- diffraction 252 (1999) 483 tal transition (1999) 791 Maruyama, K., see Takeda, S. 252 (1999) 410 azarev, N., see Naundorf, V (1999) 679 Masuhr, A., R. Busch and W.L. John- e Bihan, T., see Hosokawa, S (1999) 159 son, Thermodynamics and kinetics eontic, B., see Kokanovic, | (1999) 795 of the Zrg; »Ti,3 sCujyo.oNi;2 sBer 5 eptien, H., see Zander, D (1999) 893 bulk metallic glass forming liquid: i, ¥., 00e Lu, Z.P (1999) 601 glass formation from a strong liquid 252 (1999) 566 i, ¥., see Lu, Z.P. (1999) 689 Masuhr, A., see Schroers, J. 252 (1999) 699 ikalter, A.A., On hopping conductiv- May, R.P., see Halm, Th. 252 (1999) 293 ity in granular metals (1999) 7 Mehrer, H., see Knorr, K. 252 (1999) 669 ippok, R., see Notthoff, C (1999) Meuris, M., see Triwikantoro, 252 (1999) 719 Louis, A.A. and N.W. Ashcroft, Elec- Meyer, A., J. Wuttke and W. Petry, tron—ion structure factors and the Two-step relaxation in a viscous me- general accuracy of linear response 2 (1999) tallic liquid 252 (19991)1 6 1.-R., G. Wilde, G.P. Gorler and Mezouar, M., see Hosokawa, S. 252 (19991)5 9 R. Willnecker, Thermodynamic pro- Mihalkovic, M., see Dugain, F. 252 (1999) 860 perties of Pd-based glass-forming Mikhailova, T.N., see Molokanov, V.V. 252 (19995)6 0 alloys A » (1999) 577 Mikula, A., see Prasad, L.C. 252 (19993)1 6 I.-R., see Holland-Moritz, D (1999) 829 Minicucci, M., see Filipponi, A. 252 (19991)7 2 , K., see Hong, X (1999) 111 Mirzoev, A.A., see Gelchinski, B.R. 252 (1999) 40 , me. 200 La, ZP (1999) 689 Misawa, M., see Maruyama, K. 252 (19994)8 3 , K., see Zhou, | htyMNdiM6yu v n (n 7 A m)WNN NYn (1 N999)N 70 4 Miyanaga, T., see Hoshino, H. 252 (1999) 478 , Z.P., Y. Li, S.C. Ng and Y.P. Feng, Miyanaga, T., see Ikemoto, H. 252 (19994)5 8 Glass formation in La-based Mizutani, U., see Takeichi, N. 252 (1999) 805 LassAlos(NiCu).) alloys by Bridg- Moga, A.-E., see Chiriac, H. 252 (19997)6 6 man solidification 52 (19996)0 1 Molokanov, V.V., M.I. Petrzhik, T.N. , Z.P., Y. Li, S.C. Ng, Y.P. Feng and Mikhailova, T.A. Sviridova and K. Lu, Glass transition of rare-earth N.P. Djakonova, Formation of bulk based metallic glasses: temperature (Zr, Ti)-based metallic glasses 252 (1999) 560 modulated differential scanning ca- Morkel, Chr., see Pasqualini, D. 252 (1999) 76 lorimetry 252 (1999) 689 Mujibur Rahman, S.M., see Bhuiyan, tick, R., see Scheffer, M. 252 (1999) 815 G.M. 252 (1999) 45 futhor Index Miiller, M., see Kaczkowski, Z 50-252 (1999) 7 face under high temperature and Munejiri, S., F. Shimojo and K. Hoshi- pressure 252 (1999) 2 no, Density dependence of the velo- Ohno, S. and T. Okada, Electrical prop- city of sound in expanded liquid ertieso f liquid Ag-S and In-S alloys A 1999) 3 mercury by a large-scale molecular- Ohno, S., see Ishida, K 1999) dynamics simulation 250-252 (1999) 144 Ohno, S., see Kakinuma, I 1999) Ohno, S., see Okada, T 1999) Nakaso, I., see Inui, M. J) (1999) 519 Ohtani, H., see Yamaguchi, T 1999) Nakaso, I., see Inui, M (1999) 531 Ohtani, H., see Yonezawa, | MmMmMNYNLNhNNNmN Y1hN9i9i9t)N — Nakaso, I., see Tamura, K (1999) 148 Ohtani. H., T. Yamaguchi and F. Yone- Nattland, D., see Staroske, S. lbttyeyet tUt J r (1999) 205 zawa, Theoretical study on stable Naundorf, V., M.-P. Macht, A.S. Bakai configurations of liquid selenium 50-252 (1999) and N. Lazarev, The pre-factor Dy Okada, K., see Kohno, H 50-252 (1999) 13 of the diffusion coefficient in amor- Okada, T. and S. Ohno, Electrical prop- phous alloys and grain boundaries (1999) 679 erties of liquid Ni-Se and Cu-Se al- Naundorf, V., see Fielitz, P. (1999) 674 loys 1999) Navarra, G., see Bionducci, M (1999) 605 Okada, T., see Ishida, K (1999) Neagu, M., see Chiriac, H (1999) 7 Okada, T., see Ohno, S (1999) Necula, F., see Chiriac, H (1999) Oleszak, D., see Pekata, M. tttteyyv thttoryr (1999) Necula, F., see Tomut, M (1999) 65: Oligschleger, C.a nd H.R. Schober, Mo- lnWWmVNNN n Neumann, H. and J.-B. Suck, Diffusion lecular dynamics simulations of of Ni in molten NiGe: a quasielastic glasses 250-252 (1999) 651 neutron scattering investigation using Oligschleger, C., C. Gaukel and H.R the isotopic substitution method %i < vA nn (1999) 368 Schober, Relaxations in glasses 250-252 (1999) 660 Ng, S.C., see Lu, Z.P fs wa wz) (1999) 601 Omata, K. and F. Yonezawa, Density Ng, 5.C., see Lu, Z.P Ay Av (1999) 689 fluctuations and correlation lengths Nicula, R., see Ponkratz, U. 250, a (1999) 844 in the prewetting supercritical phase 1999) 2 si Nishihara, K., see Hosokawa, S. es J Ay (1999) 415 Osman, S.M., see Ali, I. ] 9Y9) Nishiyama, N., see Haruyama, O. J ttttllyvyvyy wsNNNWN MYNY N(1 999) 781 Osman, S.M., see Ali, I 1999) Notthoff, C., H. Franz, M. Hanfland, Osman, S.M., see Ali, I vlttyyvy 1999) 3 D.M. Herlach, D. Holland-Moritz, G. Jacobs, R. Lippok, W. Petry Padro, J.A., see Anento, N 250-252 (1999) 3 and D. Platzek, Energy dispersive Pasqualini, D.,R . Vallauri, F.D emmel X-ray diffraction on undercooled Chr. Morkel and U. Balucani, Col- metallic melts 5 (1999) 632 lective motion in liquid rubidium at Novikov, A.G., see Zaezjev, M.V. a 52 (1999) 120 increasing temperatures 250-252 (1999) Novikov, A.G., V.V. Savostin, A.L. Pekata, K., Low temperature thermo- Shimkevich and M.V. Zaezjev, Oxy- electric power of amorphous Al-Y gen microscopic dynamics in liquid TM alloys a 52 (1999) 800 potassium studied by inelastic neu- Pekata, M., D. Oleszak, E. Jartych and tron scattering 250-252 (1999) 12 J.K. Z-urawicz, Structural and mag- Nowak, H. and P. Hiaussier, Concept of netic study of crystalline FegyNiny al- resonances in disordered metallic loys with nanometer-sized grains (1999) 75 matter 52 (1999) 389 Perepezko, J.H., see Sieber, H (1999) 611 Nzali, J.N., see Halm, Th. 52 (1999) 293 Perepezko, J.H., see Sieber, H. (1999) 616 Perepezko, J.H., see Wilde, G (1999) 621 Oberschmidt, D., see Rodmar, M. 52 (1999) 883 Perepezko, J.H., see Wilde, G (1999) 626 Oberschmidt, D., see Rodmar, M. (1999) 888 Pershan, P.S., see Tostmann, H ttbttteyvyye arr’ nnw ttttltyyveevee ttttttyyevyyee (1999) 182 Ocko, B.M., see Tostmann, H. (1999) 182 Petri, 1., P.S. Salmon and H.E. Fischer, Oda, T., see Shimizu, F. (1999) 433 Structure of molten GeSe by neu- Obishi, Y., see Inui, M. 52 (1999) 519 tron diffraction: the Ge coordination Olishi, Y., see Inui, M. 52 (1999) 53 environment 50-2m5 2 (1999) 405 Olishi, Y., see Tamura, K. (1999) 148 Petry, W., see Meyer, A. 50-2 52= (1999) 116 * Ohmasa, Y., see Yamamoto, I. (1999) 423 Petry, W., see Notthoff, C. 50-252 (1999) 632 Ohmasa, Y., Y. Kajihara, H. Kohno, Y. Petrzhik, M.I., see Molokanov, V.V it22vv5 t0-V25v2 (1999) 560 Hiejima and M. Yao, Wetting phe- Pilgrim, W.-C., S. Hosokawa, H. Sag- nomena at mercury-sapphire inter- gau, H. Sinn and E. Burkel, Tem- 910 {uthor Index perature dependence of collective and O. Rapp, Magnetoresistance in modes in liquid sodium 2 (1999) the region of the possible metal — in- Pilgrim, W.-C., S. Hosokawa, H. Sag- sulator transition in icosahedral gau. M. Ross and L.H. Yang, Mole- AlPdRe 252 (1999) 888 cular aggregation in expanded liquid Rodmar, M., D. Oberschmidt, M rubidium (1999) Ahlgren, C. Gignoux, J. Delahaye. Pilgrim, W.-C., see Hosokawa, S (1999) C. Berger, S.J. Poon and O. Rapp, Platzek, D., see Notthoff, C (1999) Low temperature transport proper- Plevachuk, Yu., V. Didoukh and B ties in high resistivity (i)-AlPdRe 250 252 (1999) 883 Sokolovskii, The miscibility gap Rosner-Kuhn, M., see Thiedemann, 250 252 (1999) 329 region in liquid ternary alloys (1999) Ross, M., see Pilgrim, W.-C 250 252 (1999) 154 Ponkratz, U., R. Nicula, A. Jianu and Roth, C., G. Schwalbe, R. Knéfler. F I Burkel, Quasicrystals under Zavaliche, O. Madel, R. Haberkern pressure: a comparison between Ti and P. Haussler, A detailed compar- Zr—-Ni and Al-Cu-Fe icosahedral ison between the amorphous and the phases (1999) 844 quasicrystalline state of Al-Cu—Fe 252 (1999) 869 Poon, S.J., see Rodmar, M (1999) 883 Roubi, L., see Giordanengo, B. 252 (19993)7 7 Postorino, P., see Buontempo, lt (1999) 168 Rouijaa, M., see Uhlig, H. 252 (19998)5 5 Pottlacher, G., Thermal conductivity of Riidiger, A. and U. Késter, Corrosion pulse-heated liquid metals at melting of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals and re- and in the liquid phase (1999) lated crystalline phases 252 (1999) 898 Prejean, J.J., see Delahaye, J (1999) 8 Ruuskanen, P., see Kaczkowski, Z. 252 (1999) 740 Prasad, L.C., Y. Xie and A. Mikula, Ruuskanen, P., see Kaczkowski, Z. 252 (1999) 746 Lead free solder materials In—Sn Ryan, D.H., see Dikeakos, M. 252 (1999) 637 Zn system 2 (1999) Rybicki, J., see Filipponi, A. 252 (1999) 172 Pratesi, G., J.-B. Suck and P.A. Egel- staff, Temperature and pressure de- Saber, M., A. Ainane, F. Dujardin and pendence of the atomic dynamics B. Stébé, The critical behavior of of liquid rubidium (1999) an amorphous ferromagnet spin—1/ Pratesi, G., see Jahn, S$ (1999) 2 Ising film with amorphous surfaces 252 (19997)3 5 Price, D.L., see Krishnan, S (1999) Saber, M., see Bouziane, T. 252 (19997)2 9 Prigent, G., R. Bellissent, R. Ceolin, Saboungi, M.-L., see Barnes, A.C. 252 (19993)9 3 H.E. Fischer and J.P. Gaspard, Lo- Sagel, A., see Sieber, H. 252 (19996)1 6 cal order and metal—non-metal tran- Saggau, H., see Pilgrim, W.-C. 252 (19991)5 4 sition in 1 | A neutron Saggau, H., see Pilgrim, W.-C. 252 (1999) 96 diffraction study 2 (1999) 297 Saini, S., A. Zaluska and Z. Altounian, Effect of glass short-range order on Rahman, A., see Bhuiyan, G.M 2 (1999) 45 crystallization onset in Al-Y—Ni Raoux, D., see Hosokawa, S. (1999) 159 glasses 252 (19997)1 4 Raoux, D., see Inui, M (1999) 525 Sakaguchi, Y. and K. Tamura, A large Rapp, O., see Rodmar, M (1999) 883 photoinduced change in liquid Rapp, O., see Rodmar, M. 2 (1999) 888 selenium: transient de conductivity Rashid, R.I.M.A., see Bhuiyan, G.M 52 (1999) 45 and transient absorption measure- Rashid, R.I.M.A., see Zahid, F. 52 (1999) 107 ments 252 (19994)4 1 Raty, J.-Y., J.-P. Gaspard, M. Bionduc- Salmon, P.S., see Petri, I. 252 (19994)0 5 ci, R. Céolin and R. Bellissent, On Sashin, I.L., see Syrykh, G.F. 252 (19996)4 2 the structure of liquid IV—VI semi- Sato, H., see Hosokawa, S. 252 (19994)1 5 conductors 252 (1999) 277 Sato, T.J., see Tsai, A.P. 252 (19998)3 3 Raty, J.-Y., see Bichara, C. 252 (1999) 419 Satoh, R., see Tsuchiya, Y. 252 (19994)6 8 Ratzke, K., see Ehmler, H. 252 (1999) 684 Savostin, V.V., see Novikov, A.G. 252 (19991)2 4 Reinaldo-Falagan, M., J.P. Hernandez, Savostin, V.V., see Zaezjev, M.V. 252 (19991)2 0 E. Chacon and P. Tarazona, Gutz- Schaub, T., J. Delahaye, C. Gignoux, C. willer approximation for a Hubbard Berger, G. Fourcaudot, F. Giroud, lattice gas 252 (1999) 20 T. Grenet and A.G.M. Jansen, Pseu- Rey, C., see Alemany, M.M.G. 252 (1999) 53 dogap in quasicrystals probed by Rodmar, M., D. Oberschmidt, M. tunneling spectroscopy 252 (1999) 874 Ahlgren, C. Gignoux, C. Berger Schaub, T., see Delahaye, J. 252 (1999) 878 Author Index Scheffer, M. and R Liick, Coloured tilayers of Al-Ni, Al-Ta, Al-Fe quasiperiodic patterns with tenfold and Zr—Cu (1999) symmetry and eleven colours 999) } Sieber, H., G. Wilde, A. Sagel and J.H Scheffer, M., see Zhou, F 999) 7 Perepezko, Amorphous phase for- Schenk, Th., D. Holland-Moritz, W mation during cold rolling of Al Bender and D.M. Herlach, Statisti- Sm and Zr—Cu-Ni-Al multilayer cal analysis of nucleation in under- structures J 2 (1999) cooled Co-base alloys + 56 % (1999) 694 Sieber, H., see Wilde, G A (1999) Schenk, Th., see Herlach, D.M. 5 52 (1999) 271 Silbert, M., see Casas, J. ( ] 999) 102 Schmidt, R., Th. Franke and P. Hauss- Silbert, M., see Gomez, S ttmvy tv htmyy4 a ’ vvmyyNM ( 1y99 9) 163 ler, Low-energy excitations and Simonet, V., F. Hippert, M. Audier and thermal conductivity of Cu,Snjq R. Bellissent, Local icosahedral or- films at low temperatures 252 (1999) 811 der and magnetism in AlMn and S$. neider, K., see Herlach, D.M. 252 (1999) 271 AICr liquids in equilibrium with - Schober, H.R., see Gaukel, C. 252 (19996)6 4 phase solids 2 (1999) Schober, H.R., see Oligschleger, C 252 (19996)5 1 Singh, R.N., Theory of mixing under in- Schober, H.R., see Oligschleger, C. 252 (1999) 660 duced conditions of temperature Schroers, J., R. Busch, A. Masuhr and and pressure (1999) W.L. Johnson, Nucleation in under- Singh, R.N., see Ali, I. (1999) cooled Zr4;Ti,;4Cu,>Ni,yBe2; melts 252 (1999) 699 Singh, R.N., see Ali, I (1999) Schroers, J., see Holland-Moritz, D. 252 (1999) 829 Singh, R.N., see Ali, I. (1999) Schwalbe, G., see Roth, C. 252 (1999) 869 Sinn, H., see Pilgrim, W.-C (1999) Seifert-Lorenz, K., see Bergman, C. 252 (1999) 253 Sokolovskii, B., see Plevachuk, Yu. (1999) Seifert-Lorenz, K., see Hafner, J. 252 (1999) 225 Soldo, Y., see Inui, M. (1999) 5 Senda, Y., F. Shimojo and K. Hoshino, Sommer, F., see Zhou, S.H. (1999) § Structure and electronic states of li- Spaepen, F., see Herlach, D.M. h2''itmWy&vv M m(1 999) quid Na-Pb alloys by an ab initio Stadler, R., D. Alfe, G. Kresse, G.A. de molecular-dynamics simulation 252 (1999) Wijs and M.J. Gillan, Transport Shimizu, F., H. Kaburaki, T. Oda and coefficients of liquids from first prin- Y. Hiwatari, Chain structure of li- ciples (1999) quid and amorphous _ selenium: Stantero, A., see Chiriac, H. (1999) tight-binding molecular-dynamics Staroske, S., D. Nattland and W. Frey- simulation 252 (19994)3 3 land, Investigation of the wetting Shimkevich, A.L., see Novikov, A.G. 252 (19991)2 4 layer in a metallic fluid K,.KCI, Shimkevich, A.L., see Shimkevich, solution by spectroscopic ellipsome- L.Yu. 252 (1999) 129 try (1999) 205 Shimkevich, LYu., V.V. Kuzin and Stebé, B., see Saber, M. (1999) 735 A.L. Shimkevich, Dynamic struc- Stott, M.J., see Gomez, S. (1999) 163 ture of oxygen in liquid potassium Suck, J.-B., see Dugain, F. (1999) 860 studied by MD method and statisti- Suck, J.-B., see Jahn, S (1999) 263 cal geometry 252 (1999) 129 Suck, J.-B., see Neumann, H. (1999) 368 Shimojo, F., K. Hoshino and Y. Zem- Suck , J.-B., see Pratesi, G. (1999) 9] po, Ab initio molecular-dynamics Suck a Uhlig, H. (1999) 855 study of liquid alkali-tellurium mix- Sulpice, A., see Delahaye, J. (1999) 878 tures 252 (1999) 5 Suzuki, K., see Kakinuma, F. (1999) 373 Shimojo, F., K. Hoshino, Y. Zempo Suzuki, K., see Kakinuma, F. » (1999) 453 and M. Watabe, Structural and elec- Suzuki, S., see Maruyama, K. (1999) 483 tronic properties of supercritical Sviridova, T.A., see Molokanov, V.V. (1999) 560 fluid selenium: an ab initio molecu- Syrykh, G.F., S.N. Ishmaev, M.G. lar-dynamics simulation 252 (1999) 542 Zemlyanov and I.L. Sashin, Con- Shimojo, F., see Munejiri, S. 252 (1999) 144 centration dependence of partial vi- Shimojo, F., see Senda, Y. 252 (1999) 258 brational spectra in Ni-Nb and Shimomura, O., see Katayama, Y. 252 (1999) 537 Cu-Zr metallic glasses 252 (1999) 642 Sieber, H., G. Wilde and J.H. Perepez- ko, Thermally activated amorphous Takeda, S., I. Hiraishi and Y. Kawaki- phase formation in cold-rolled mul- ta, Ultrasonic velocity and absorp- futhor Index tion for molten silver halide mix- structural changes in liquid As in tures 50-252 (1999) 496 the supercooled state 250-252 (1999) 473 akeda, S., see Araki, H & (1999) 492 Tsuchiya, Y., R. Satoh and F. Kakinu- lakeda, S., see Kawakita, Y (1999) 281 ma, The velocity of sound in the li- akeda, S., see Maruyama, K : 52 (1999) 483 quid S—Se alloy +s 52 (1999) 468 akeda S., Y. Kawakita, M. Inui and Tsuchiya, Y., see Kakinuma, F. 52 (1999) 373 K. Maruyama, Loca! structure of Tsuji, K., see Katayama, Y. : 52 (1999) 5 molten Ag(Cl,_ 1.) mixtures 25 2 (1999) 410 Turchanin, A.A., I.A. Tomilin, M.A akeichi, N., T. Fukunaga and U. Mi- Turchanin, 1.V. Belokonenko and zutani, Atomic structure, electronic P.G. Agraval, Enthalpies of forma- structure and electron transport tion of liquid and amorphous Cu properties of Ca-Mg-Ga amor- Zr alloys 50-252 (1999) phous alloys Ai (1999) 805 Turchanin, M.A., see Turchanin, A.A 50-252 (1999) akeuchi, A., see Inoue, A ws (1999) 724 amaki, S., see Araki, H (1999) 492 Uhlig, H., M. Rouijaa and J.-B. Suck, amaki, S., see Itoh, K nn( 1999) 336 Temperature dependence of quasie- amaki, S., see Koishi, T tttMlYevvy N&bmyv n nttttt eyyeyu (n1999) 501 lastic neutron scattering from icosa- ammar, El M., J.-F. Wax, N. Jakse hedral Al;,;Pd,;y>Mnjo 2 52 (1999) 855 and J.-L. Bretonnet, Transferable Urse, M., see Chiriac, H. 52 (1999) 766 model potential for liquid lithium 252 (1999) Usuki, T., see Itoh, K 52 (1999) 336 Tamura, K., M. Inui, I. Nakaso, Y. Utsumi, W., see Inui, M. : 52 (1999) 519 Ol ishi, K. Funakoshi and W. Utsu- Utsumi, W., see Tamura, K. : 52 (1999) 148 mi, Structural studies of expanded fluid mercury using synchrotron ra- Vallauri, R., see Pasqualini, D 2: 52 (1999) diation (1999) 148 van der Aart, S.A., W. van der Lugt, Tamura, K., see Inui, M nN (1999) 519 Y.S. Badyal and P. Verkerk, Swim- Tamura, K., see Inui, M Ji (1999) 525 ming clusters in thallium-rich liquid a Tamura, K., see Inui, M (1999) 531 caesium-—thallium alloys (1999) ‘ Tamura, K., see Sakaguchi, ¥ SA (1999) 44] van der Lugt, W., see van der Aart, S.A. (1999) a Taniguchi, M., see Hosokawa, S wn (1999) 415 Verkerk, P., see van der Aart, S.A. nS (1999) larazona, P., see Reinaldo-Falagan, M hYWmwNtYvYvy nc a¢ v m n tltttYryYyvyme (1999) 20 Vinai, F., see Chiriac, H. a (1999) Thiedemann, U., M. Résner-Kuhn, K Vinai, F., see Chiriac, H. (1999) 7 & Drewes, G. Kuppermann and M.G Vinckel, J., see Giordanengo, B. (1999) : Frohberg, Temperature dependence Viadimirov, P.V. and V.A. Borodin, of the mixing enthalpy of liquid Topological approach to melting of Ti-Ni and Fe-Ti-Ni alloys (1999) 329 crystals: bec lattices 252 (1999) 591 Tikhonov, G., see Brockhaus, P (1999) 191 Vlasak, G., see Kaczkowski, Z. 252 (1999) 740 Toma, D., see Triwikantoro, Aways (1999) 719 Tomilin, I.A., see Turchanin, A.A htbtMvre w n tttteyye (1999) 582 Warren Jr., W.W., Electronic structure Tomut, M., H. Chiriac, M. Marinescu and transitions of liquid selenium and F. Necula, Viscosity and surface at high temperatures and pressures 5 2 (1999) 506 tension measurements on Fe-rich Watabe, M., see Shimojo, F. 250-252 (1999) 542 FeB liquid alloys 250-252 (1999) 655 Wax, J.-F. and J.-L. Bretonnet, Influ- Tomut, M., see Chiriac, H 50-252 (1999) 7 ence of the asymptotic behaviour Tostmann, H., E. DiMasi, B.M. Ocko, of G(q) on the structure of simple li- M. Deutsch and P.S. Pershan, X- quid metals 50-252 (1999) ray studies of liquid metal surfaces 50-252 (1999) 182 Wax, J.-F., see Tammar, El M. 50-252 (1999) lriwikantoro, D. Toma, M. Meuris and Wilde, G., H. Sieber and J.H. Perepez- U. Késter, Oxidation of Zr-based ko, Glass formation in Al-rich Al metallic glasses in air : 52 (1999) 719 Sm alloys during solid state proces- Tsai, A.P., see Hasegawa, M. 52 (1999) 849 sing at ambient temperature 250-252 (1999) 621 Tsai, A.P., T.J. Sato, J.Q. Guo and T. Wilde, G., M. Byrnes and J.H. Perepez- Hirano, Growing perfect quasicrys- ko, Particle-dendrite interaction tals 52 (1999) 833 during undercooled liquid solidifica- Tsuchiya, Y., The molar volume of mol- tion of metal—matrix composites 252 (1999) 626 ten As-Sb, As—Bi and As-Te sys- Wilde, G., see Herlach, D.M. 252 (1999) 271 tems: further evidence for rapid Wilde, G., see Holland-Moritz, D. 252 (1999) 829

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