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Preview Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 1997: Vol 222 Index

NG, ey is JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLSIONLED S ELSEVIER Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 222 (1997) 443-446 Author index Adriaenssens, G., see Tikhomirov, V. 222 (1997) 296 Day, D.E., see Marasinghe, G.K. 222 (1997) 144 Akai, T., J. Nishii, M. Yamashita and H. Ya- Ding, Y., T. Nanba, Y. Miura and A. Osaka, manaka, Chemical behavior of platinum- Wavelet structural analysis of silica glasses group metals in oxide glasses 222 (1997) 304 manufactured by different methods 222 (1997) 50 Allan, D.C., see Seward III, T.P. 222 (1997) 407 Drabold, D.A., see Cobb, M. 222 (1997) 348 Allen, P.G., see Marasinghe, G.K. 222 (1997) 144 Duffréne, L., see Youngman, R.E. 222 (1997) 190 Araujo, R., Influence of boron—oxygen bonding on glass properties 222 (1997) 25 Eckert, H., see Kanert, O. 222 (1997) 321 Arndt, J., see Tan, C.Z. 222 (1997) 391 Edwards, A.H., see Beall Fowler, W. 222 (1997) 33 Ast, D.G., see Couillard, J.G. 222 (1997) 429 Azegami, K., see Yano, T. 222 (1997) 94 Fargin, E., see Cardinal, T. 222 (1997) 228 Fehlner, F.P., see Couillard, J.G. 222 (1997) 429 Bass, J.D., see Youngman, R.E. 222 (1997) 190 Feng, X., W.J. Bresser, M. Zhang, B. Goodman Beall Fowler, W. and A.H. Edwards, Theory of and P. Boolchand, Role of network connec- defects and defect processes in silicon diox- tivity on the elastic, plastic and thermal ide 222 (1997) 33 behavior of covalent glasses 222 (1997) 137 Benino, Y., see Komatsu, T. 222 (19972)0 6 Firstenberg, K., see Senapati, U. 222 (1997) 153 Bernal-Oliva, A.M., see Marquez, E. 222 (19972)5 0 Frischat, G.H., see Radlein, E. 222 (1997) 69 Blache, V., see Peters, J. 222 (19971)1 3 Fujino, S. and K. Morinaga, Material dispersion Blakely, J.M., see Couillard, J.G. 222 (19974)2 9 and its compositional parameter of oxide Blanchet, T.A., see Peng, Y.-L. 222 (19973)7 6 glasses 222 (19973)1 6 Boolchand, P., see Feng, X. 222 (19971)3 7 Booth, C.H., see Marasinghe, G.K. 222 (19971)4 4 Borrelli, N.F., see Seward III, T.P. 222 (19974)0 7 Gaskell, P.H., Structure and properties of Bresser, W.J., see Feng, X. 222 (19971)3 7 glasses — how far do we need to go? 222 (1997) 1 Brow, R.K. and D.R. Tallant, Structural design Giulotto, E., see Greaves, G.N. 222 (1997) 13 of sealing glasses 222 (1997) 396 Glass, W., J. Toulouse and P.A. Tick, Visible Brow, R.K., see Sidebottom, D.L. 222 (1997) 282 emission from rare earth ions in nanocrys- Brow, R.K., see Sidebottom, D.L. 222 (1997) 354 tal-containing glasses 222 (1997) 258 Gomez, F., P. Vast, Ph. Llewellyn and F. Rou- querol, Dehydroxylation mechanisms of Cappelletti, R.L., see Cobb, M. 222 (1997) 348 polyphosphate glasses in relation to temper- Cardinal, T., E. Fargin, G. Le Flem and S. ature and pressure 222 (1997) 415 Leboiteux, Correlations between structural Gonzalez-Leal, J.M., see Marquez, E. 222 (1997) 250 properties of Nb,O;—-NaPO,-—Na,B,0, Goodman, B., see Feng, X. 222 (1997) 137 glasses and non-linear optical activities 222 (1997) 228 Greaves, G.N., W. Smith, E. Giulotto and E. Chakravorty, D., see Roy, B. 222 (1997) 102 Pantos, Local structure, microstructure and Cobb, M., R.L. Cappelletti and D.A. Drabold, glass properties 222 (1997) 13 Structure, dynamics and electronic proper- Green, P.F., see Sidebottom, D.L. 222 (1997) 354 ties of liquid and glassy GeSe, 222 (1997) 348 Condrate Sr., R.A., see Lee, D. 222 (1997) 435 Couillard, J.G., D.G. Ast, C. Umbach, J.M. Hamilton, J.P. and C.G. Pantano, Effects of Blakely, C.B. Moore and F.P. Fehlner, glass structure on the corrosion behavior of Chemical treatment of glass substrates 222 (1997) 429 sodium-aluminosilicate glasses 222 (1997) 167 444 Author index Hari, P., P.C. Taylor, W.A. King and W.C. Khaled, J., R. Watanabe, R. Sato and T. Ko- LaCourse, Nuclear quadrupole resonance matsu, Implications of Cu valence on the spectra of drawing-induced crystallization structure of Bi-based superconducting pre- in As,Se, fibers 222 (1997) 422 cursor glasses 222 (1997) 175 Hartmann, P., see Olsen, K.K. 222 (1997) 199 Kieffer, J., see Youngman, R.E. 222 (1997) 190 Hensley, D., see Krasteva, V. 222 (1997) 235 King, W.A., see Hari, P. 222 (1997) 422 Hensley, D.K., see Magruder III, R.H. 222 (1997) 243 Komatsu, T., T. Noguchi and Y. Benino, Heat Hertogen, P., see Tikhomirov, V. 222 (1997) 296 capacity changes and structural relaxation at Hirao, K., see Qiu, J. 222 (1997) 290 glass transition in mixed-alkali tellurite Hirao, K., see Shimizugawa, Y. 222 (1997) 310 glasses 222 (1997) 206 Hruschka, M.A., see Sidebottom, D.L. 222 (1997) 282 Komatsu, T., see Khaled, J. 222 (1997) 175 Huang, W.C., see Jain, H. 222 (1997) 361 Krasteva, V., D. Hensley and G. Sigel Jr., The effect of compositional variations on the properties of rare-earth doped Ge—S-I chal- Ikushima, A.J., see Saito, K. 222 (1997) 329 cohalide glasses 222 (1997) 235 Ingram, M.D., Optical basicities and structural Krasteva, V., see Tikhomirov, V. 222 (1997) 296 dynamics in glassy materials 222 (1997) 42 Kichler, R., see Kanert, O. 222 (1997) 321 Inoue, H., K. Soga and A. Makishima, Struc- Kichler, R., see Peters, J. 222 (1997) 113 ture and optical properties of Eu**-doped fluoroaluminate and fluorophosphate glasses 222 (19972)1 2 Inoue, H., see Soga, K. 222 (19972)7 2 LaCourse, W.C., see Hari, P. 222 (1997) 422 Inoue, S., see Soga, K. 222 (19972)7 2 LaCourse, W.C., see Senturk, U. 222 (1997) 160 Ishii, K., see Nishikawa, N. 222 (19972)2 1 Leboiteux, S., see Cardinal, T. 222 (1997) 228 Ito, D., see Miyake, Y. 222 (19972)6 6 Lee, D. and R.A. Condrate Sr., Infrared re- Ito, D., see Nishikawa, N. 222 (19972)2 1 flectance spectral characterization of vari- ous organic coatings on glasses 222 (1997) 435 Ito, Y., D. Winkler, H. Jain and D.B. Williams, Lee, J., T. Yano, S. Shibata and M. Yamane, Application of extended energy loss fine structure in determining the structure of Structure and properties of ion-exchanged amorphous SiO, 222 (1997) 83 Na,O-—Cu,O-AlI1,0,—SiO, glass system 222 (1997) 120 Lee, M., S.K. Saha, C.T. Moynihan and J. Schroeder, Non-exponential structural relax- Jager, C., see Olsen, K.K. 222 (1997) 199 ation, anomalous light scattering and Jain, H., W.C. Huang, E.I. Kamitsos and Y.D. nanoscale inhomogeneities in glasses 222 (1997) 369 Yiannopoulos, Significance of intermediate Lee, M., see Schroeder, J. 222 (1997) 342 range structure for electrical conduction in Lee, Y.-K., Y.L. Peng and M. Tomozawa, IR alkali germanate glasses 222 (19973)6 1 reflection spectroscopy of a soda-lime glass Jain, H., see Ito, Y. 222 (1997) 83 surface during ion-exchange 222 (1997) 125 Jain, H., see Kamitsos, E.I. 222 (1997) 59 Le Flem, G., see Cardinal, T. 222 (1997) 228 Jain, H., see Kanert, O. 222 (19973)2 1 Llewellyn, Ph., see Gomez, F. 222 (1997) 415 Jain, H., see Ngai, K.L. 222 (19973)8 3 Jain, H., see Peters, J. 222 (19971)1 3 Magruder III, R.H., R.A. Weeks, R.A. Zuhr Jain, H., see Roy, B. 222 (19971)0 2 and D.K. Hensley, Effects of MeV im- Jiménez-Garay, R., see Marquez, E. 222 (19972)5 0 planted boron on the optical properties of Jiménez-Garay, R., see Vazquez, J. 222 (19971)8 2 silica 222 (1997) 243 Makishima, A., see Inoue, H. 222 (1997) 212 Kakiuchida, H., see Saito, K. 222 (1997) 329 Makishima, A., see Soga, K. 222 (1997) 272 Kamitsos, E.I., Y.D. Yiannopoulos, C.P. Marasinghe, G.K., M. Karabulut, C.S. Ray, D.E. Varsamis and H. Jain, Structure—property Day, M.G. Shumsky, W.B. Yelon, C.H. correlation in glasses by infrared reflectance Booth, P.G. Allen and D.K. Shuh, Struc- spectroscopy 222 (1997) 59 tural features of iron phosphate glasses 222 (1997) 144 Kamitsos, E.I., see Jain, H. 222 (1997) 361 Marquez, E., A.M. Bernal-Oliva, J.M. Kanert, O., R. Kiichler, J. Peters, A. Volmari, Gonzalez-Leal, R. Prieto-Alcén and R. H. Jain, H. Eckert and E. Ratai, Structural Jiménez-Garay, On the irreversible photo- basis of low-frequency excitations in sili- bleaching phenomenon in_ obliquely- cophosphate glasses 222 (1997) 321 evaporated GeS, glass films 222 (1997) 250 Kanert, O., see Ngai, K.L. 222 (1997) 383 McIntosh, C., J. Toulouse and P. Tick, The Kanert, O., see Peters, J. 222 (1997) 113 Boson peak in alkali silicate glasses 222 (1997) 335 Karabulut, M., see Marasinghe, G.K. 222 (1997) 144 Miura, Y., see Ding, Y. 222 (1997) 50 Author index 445 Miyake, Y., H. Nishikawa, E. Watanabe and D. Ratai, E., see Kanert, O. 222 (1997) 321 Ito, Changes in the optical properties of Ray, C.S., see Marasinghe, G.K. 222 (1997) 144 Ge-doped silica glass during exposure to a Rouquerol, F., see Gomez, F. 222 (1997) 415 KrF excimer laser 222 (1997) 266 Roy, B., H. Jain, S. Roy and D. Chakravorty, Miyake, Y., see Nishikawa, N. 222 (1997) 221 The development of nanosize silver parti- Moore, C.B., see Couillard, J.G. 222 (1997) 429 cles in an ion exchanged silicate glass ma- Morinaga, K., see Fujino, S. 222 (1997) 316 trix 222 (1997) 102 Moynihan, C.T., see Lee, M. 222 (1997) 369 Roy, S., see Roy, B. 222 (1997) 102 Muruganandam, K. and M. Seshasayee, Struc- tural study of LiPO,—TeO, glasses 222 (1997) 131 Saha, S.K., see Lee, M. 222 (1997) 369 Nagasawa, K., see Nishikawa, N. 222 (1997) 221 Saha, S.K., see Schroeder, J. 222 (1997) 342 Nanba, T., see Ding, Y. 222 (1997) 50 Saito, K., H. Kakiuchida and A.J. Ikushima, Ngai, K.L., H. Jain and O. Kanert, Physical Investigation of the origin of the Rayleigh origins of the w'°-dependent and the w4- scattering in SiO, glass 222 (1997) 329 dependent (q = 1.3) contributions to the Sakuragi, S., see Soga, K. 222 (1997) 272 conductivity relaxation of glassy ionic con- Sakurai, Y., see Nishikawa, N. 222 (1997) 221 ductors 222 (1997) 383 Sato, R., see Khaled, J. 222 (1997) 175 Nishii, J., see Akai, T. 222 (1997) 304 Schroeder, J., M. Lee, S.K. Saha and P.D. Nishikawa, H., see Miyake, Y. 222 (1997) 266 Persans, Raman scattering in glasses at high Nishikawa, N., Y. Miyake, E. Watanabe, D. Ito, temperature: the Boson peak and structural K.S. Seol, Y. Ohki, K. Ishii, Y. Sakurai and relaxation kinetics in glasses 222 (1997) 342 K. Nagasawa, Photoluminescence of oxy- Schroeder, J., see Lee, M. 222 (1997) 369 gen-deficient-type defects in a-SiO, 222 (1997) 221 Senapati, U., K. Firstenberg and A.K. Varsh- Noguchi, T., see Komatsu, T. 222 (1997) 206 neya, Structure—property inter-relations in chalcogenide glasses and their practical im- Ohki, Y., see Nishikawa, N. 222 (1997) 221 plications 222 (1997) 153 Olsen, K.K., J.W. Zwanziger, P. Hartmann and Senturk, U., J.R. Varner and W.C. LaCourse, C. Jager, Short and intermediate range order Structure—hardness relation for high-tem- in glass: nuclear magnetic resonance probes perature SO,-dealkalized float glass 222 (1997) 160 of site connectivities and distances 222 (1997) 199 Seol, K.S., see Nishikawa, N. 222 (1997) 221 Osaka, A., see Ding, Y. 222 (1997) 50 Seshasayee, M., see Muruganandam, K. 222 (1997) 131 Seward III, T.P., C. Smith, N.F. Borrelli and Pantano, C.G., see Hamilton, J.P. 222 (1997) 167 D.C. Allan, Densification of synthetic fused silica under ultraviolet irradiation 222 (1997) 407 Pantos, E., see Greaves, G.N. 222 (1997) 13 Shibata, S., see Lee, J. 222 (1997) 120 Peng, Y.-L., M. Tomozawa and T.A. Blanchet, Shibata, S., see Yano, T. 222 (1997) 94 Tensile stress-acceleration of the surface structural relaxation of SiO, optical fibers 222 (1997) 376 Shimizugawa, Y., J.R. Qiu and K. Hirao, Local structure around reduced rare earth ions Peng, Y.L., see Lee, Y.-K. 222 (1997) 125 doped in borate glasses by XAFS 222 (1997) 310 Persans, P.D., see Schroeder, J. 222 (1997) 342 Shimizugawa, Y., see Qiu, J. 222 (1997) 290 Peters, J., H. Jain, O. Kanert, R. Kiichler and V. Shuh, D.K., see Marasinghe, G.K. 222 (1997) 144 Blache, Chemical structure of lithium sili- Shumsky, M.G., see Marasinghe, G.K. 222 (1997) 144 cophosphate glasses 222 (1997) 113 Peters, J., see Kanert, O. 222 (1997) 321 Sidebottom, D.L., M.A. Hruschka, B.G. Potter and R.K. Brow, Structure and optical prop- Potter, B.G., see Sidebottom, D.L. 222 (1997) 282 Prieto-Alcén, R., see Marquez, E. 222 (1997) 250 erties of rare earth-doped zinc oxyhalide tellurite glasses 222 (1997) 282 Sidebottom, D.L., P.F. Green and R.K. Brow, Qiu, J., Y. Shimizugawa, N. Sugimoto and K. Structural correlations in the ac conductivity Hirao, Photostimulated luminescence in bo- of ion-containing glasses 222 (1997) 354 rate glasses doped with Eu** and Sm?* Sigel, G., see Tikhomirov, V. 222 (1997) 296 ions 222 (1997) 290 Sigel Jr., G., see Krasteva, V. 222 (1997) 235 Qiu, J.R., see Shimizugawa, Y. 222 (1997) 310 Smith, C., see Seward III, T.P. 222 (1997) 407 Smith, W., see Greaves, G.N. 222 (1997) 13 Radlein, E. and G.H. Frischat, Atomic force Soga, K., M. Tsuda, S. Sakuragi, H. Inoue, S. microscopy as a tool to correlate nanostruc- Inoue and A. Makishima, Effects of chlo- ture to properties of glasses 222 (1997) 69 ride introduction on the optical properties 446 Author index and the upconversion emission with 980-nm Villares, P., see Vazquez, J. 222 (1997) 182 excitation of Er°* in ZBLAN fluoride Volmari, A., see Kanert, O. 222 (1997) 321 glasses 222 (1997) 272 Soga, K., see Inoue, H. 222 (1997) 212 Wagner, C., see Vazquez, J. 222 (19971)8 2 Sugimoto, N., see Qiu, J. 222 (1997) 290 Watanabe, E., see Miyake, Y. 222 (19972)6 6 Tallant, D.R., see Brow, R.K. 222 (1997) 396 Watanabe, E., see Nishikawa, N. 222 (19972)2 1 Watanabe, R., see Khaled, J. 222 (19971)7 5 Tan, C.Z. and J. Amdt, Faraday effect in TiO,- Weeks, R.A., see Magruder III, R.H. 222 (19972)4 3 SiO, glasses 222 (1997) 391 Williams, D.B., see Ito, Y. 222 (1997) 83 Taylor, P.C., see Hari, P. 222 (1997) 422 Winkler, D., see Ito, Y. 222 (1997) 83 Tick, P., see McIntosh, C. 222 (1997) 335 Tick, P.A., see Glass, W. 222 (1997) 258 Tikhomirov, V., V. Krasteva, P. Hertogen, G. Yamanaka, H., see Akai, T. 222 (1997) 304 Adriaenssens and G. Sigel, Photoinduced Yamane, M., see Lee, J. 222 (1997) 120 anisotropy in Pr-doped Ge—S—I glasses with Yamane, M., see Yano, T. 222 (1997) 94 varying composition and Pr content 222 (19972)9 6 Yamashita, M., see Akai, T. 222 (1997) 304 Tomozawa, M., see Lee, Y.-K. 222 (19971)2 5 Yano, T., K. Azegami, S. Shibata and M. Ya- Tomozawa, M., see Peng, Y.-L. 222 (19973)7 6 mane, Chemical state of oxygen in Toulouse, J., see Glass, W. 222 (19972)5 8 Ag*/Na* ion-exchanged sodium silicate Toulouse, J., see McIntosh, C. 222 (19973)3 5 glass 222 (1997) 94 Tsuda, M., see Soga, K. 222 (19972)7 2 Yano, T., see Lee, J. 222 (1997) 120 Yelon, W.B., see Marasinghe, G.K. 222 (1997) 144 Umbach, C., see Couillard, J.G. 222 (1997) 429 Yiannopoulos, Y.D., see Jain, H. 222 (1997) 361 Yiannopoulos, Y.D., see Kamitsos, E.I. 222 (1997) 59 Varner, J.R., see Senturk, U. 222 (1997) 160 Youngman, R.E., J. Kieffer, J.D. Bass and L. Varsamis, C.P., see Kamitsos, E.I. 222 (1997) 59 Duffréne, Extended structural integrity in Varshneya, A.K., see Senapati, U. 222 (1997) 153 network glasses and liquids 222 (1997) 190 Vast, P., see Gomez, F. 222 (1997) 415 Vazquez, J., C. Wagner, P. Villares and R. Jiménez-Garay, Applications to practical Zhang, M., see Feng, X. 222 (1997) 137 cases of the basic parameters for the local Zuhr, R.A., see Magruder III, R.H. 222 (1997) 243 order of glassy ternary alloys 222 (1997) 182 Zwanziger, J.W., see Olsen, K.K. 222 (1997) 199 NG, ey is JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLSIONLEID S ELSEVIER Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 222 (1997) 447-450 Subject index Colloids Alkali Borate Glasses Particles, Reduction, XPS 222 (1997) 102 Diffusion, Mixed-Alkali Effect, Modelling, Small Angle X-ray Scattering 222 (1997) 13 Conductivity Luminescence, Photoinduced Effects, Rare Alkali Silicate Glasses, lon Exchange 222 (1997) 120 Earth Ions 222 (19972)9 0 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Phosphates, Oxidation Reduction, Rare Earth Ions 222 (19973)1 0 Two-Level System, X-ray Diffraction 222 (1997) 321 Alkali Silicate Glasses Coordination Conductivity, Ion Exchange 222 (19971)2 0 Chalcogenides, Hardness, Raman Spectra 222 (1997) 137 Infra-red Absorption, Oxides, Polymer Solu- Modelling 222 (1997) 182 tions, Surface Reactions 222 (19974)3 5 Ion Exchange, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Crystallization XPS 222 (1997) 94 Chalcogenide Glasses, Fibers, Nuclear Quadru- Optical Scattering 222 (19973)3 5 pole Resonances 222 (1997) 422 Density, Glass Transition, Glasses Containing Atomic Force Microscopy Transition Metal Ions, Oxides 222 (1997) 175 Surface Properties 222 (1997) 69 Defects Borates Chalcogenides, Photoinduced Effects 222 (1997) 296 Oxides, Processing Variables 222 (1997) 396 Luminescence, Photo-emission, Silica 222 (1997) 221 Structure, Thermal Properties 222 (1997) 25 Modelling, Silica 222 (1997) 33 Brillouin Scattering Densification Halide Glasses 222 (1997) 342 Lasers, Photoinduced Effects 222 (1997) 407 Oxides, Structure 222 (1997) 190 Density Ceramics Chalcogenide Glasses, Glass Transition, Hard- Halide Glasses, Luminescence, Oxides, Rare ness 222 (1997) 153 Earth Ions 222 (1997) 258 Crystallization, Glass Transition, Glasses Con- taining Transition Metal Ions, Oxides 222 (1997) 175 Chalcogenides Coordination, Hardness, Raman Spectra 222 (1997) 137 Germanates, Ionic Conductivity, Raman Spec- Defects, Photoinduced Effects 222 (1997) 296 tra 222 (1997) 361 Electronic Structure, Molecular Dynamics Sim- ulation, Structure 222 (1997) 348 Deposition Techniques Luminescence, Rare Earth Ions 222 (1997) 282 Chalcogenide Glasses, Optical Properties, Pho- Optical Properties, Rare Earth Ions 222 (1997) 235 toinduced Effects 222 (1997) 250 Chalcogenide Glasses Diffusion Crystallization, Fibers, Nuclear Quadrupole Alkali Borate Glasses, Mixed-Alkali Effect, Resonances 222 (1997) 422 Modelling, Small Angle X-ray Scattering 222 (1997) 13 Density, Glass Transition, Hardness 222 (1997) 153 Deposition Techniques, Optical Properties, Pho- Electrical Properties toinduced Effects 222 (1997) 250 Modelling, Structure 222 (1997) 354 448 Subject index Electron Diffraction Germanates, Structure 222 (1997) 59 Electron—Lattice Interactions, Silica, Structure 222 (1997) 83 Ion Exchange, Thermal Properties 222 (19971)2 5 Electronic Structure Ion Exchange Chalcogenides, Molecular Dynamics Simula- Alkali Silicate Glasses, Conductivity 222 (1997) 120 tion, Structure 222 (19973)4 8 Alkali Silicate Glasses, Nuclear Magnetic Reso- nance, XPS 222 (1997) 94 Electron—Lattice Interactions Infra-red Absorption, Thermal Properties 222 (1997) 125 Electron Diffraction, Silica, Structure 222 (1997) 83 Ion Implantation Fibers Lasers, Optical Properties 222 (1997) 243 Chalcogenide Glasses, Crystallization, Nuclear Quadrupole Resonances 222 (1997) 422 Silica, Stress Measurement, Stress Relaxation 222 (1997) 376 Ionic Conductivity Density, Germanates, Raman Spectra 222 (19973)6 1 Fragility Modelling 222 (1997) 42 Heat Capacity, Oxides, Relaxation 222 (1997) 206 Modelling 222 (19973)8 3 Germanates Lasers Density, Ionic Conductivity, Raman Spectra 222 (1997) 361 Densification, Photoinduced Effects 222 (1997) 407 Infra-red Absorption, Structure 222 (1997) 59 Ion Implantation, Optical Properties 222 (1997) 243 Glass Transition Chalcogenide Glasses, Density, Hardness 222 (1997) 153 Light Scattering Crystallization, Density, Glasses Containing Glass Transition, Modelling 222 (1997) 369 Transition Metal Ions, Oxides 222 (1997) 175 Liquids, Silica, Supercooled Liquids 222 (1997) 329 Light Scattering, Modelling 222 (1997) 369 Optical Properties, Oxides, Particles 222 (1997) 304 Glasses Containing Transition Metal Ions Liquids Crystallization, Density, Glass Transition, Ox- Light Scattering, Silica, Supercooled Liquids 222 (1997) 329 ides 222 (1997) 175 Mossbauer Effect, Phosphates, Structure 222 (1997) 144 Luminescence Alkali Borate Glasses, Photoinduced Effects, Halide Glasses Rare Earth Ions 222 (1997) 290 Brillouin Scattering 222 (1997) 342 Ceramics, Halide Glasses, Oxides, Rare Earth Ceramics, Luminescence, Oxides, Rare Earth Ions 222 (1997) 258 Ions 222 (1997) 258 Chalcogenides, Rare Earth Ions 222 (19972)8 2 Luminescence, Photoresponse, Rare Earth Ions 222 (1997) 272 Defects, Photo-emission, Silica 222 (19972)2 1 Halide Glasses, Photoresponse, Rare Earth Ions 222 (19972)7 2 Hardness Optical Properties, Phosphates, Rare Earth Ions 222 (19972)1 2 Chalcogenides, Coordination, Raman Spectra 222 (1997) 137 Chalcogenide Glasses, Density, Glass Transi- tion 222 (1997) 153 Mixed-Alkali Effect Surface Properties, Surface Reactions 222 (1997) 160 Alkali Borate Glasses, Diffusion, Modelling, Small Angle X-ray Scattering 222 (1997) 13 Heat Capacity Fragility, Oxides, Relaxation 222 (1997) 206 Modelling Alkali Borate Glasses, Diffusion, Mixed-Alkali Hydrogen Effects Effect, Small Angle X-ray Scattering 222 (1997) 13 Refractive Index, Silica 222 (1997) 266 Coordination 222 (19971)8 2 Defects, Silica 222 (1997) 33 Hydrogen in Glass Electrical Properties, Structure 222 (19973)5 4 Phosphates, Thermal Properties 222 (1997) 415 Glass Transition, Light Scattering 222 (19973)6 9 Ionic Conductivity 222 (1997) 42 Infra-red Absorption Ionic Conductivity 222 (19973)8 3 Alkali Silicate Glasses, Oxides, Polymer Solu- Silica 222 (1997) 50 tions, Surface Reactions 222 (1997) 435 Theory 222 (1997) 1 449 Subject index Molecular Dynamics Simulation Phosphates Chalcogenides, Electronic Structure, Structure 222 (1997) 348 Conductivity, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Two-Level System, X-ray Diffraction 222 (1997) 321 Mossbauer Effect Glasses Containing Transition Metal Ions, Glasses Containing Transition Metal Ions, Mossbauer Effect, Structure 222 (1997) 144 Phosphates, Structure 222 (1997) 144 Hydrogen in Glass, Thermal Properties 222 (1997) 415 Luminescence, Optical Properties, Rare Earth Non-linear Optics Ions 222 (1997) 212 Phosphates, Rare Earth Ions, Theory 222 (19972)2 8 Non-linear Optics, Rare Earth Ions, Theory 222 (1997) 228 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Structure 222 (1997) 199 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Oxides, Raman Spectra, X-ray Diffraction 222 (1997) 131 Alkali Silicate Glasses, lon Exchange, XPS 222 (1997) 94 Structure, XPS 222 (1997) 113 Conductivity, Phosphates, Two-Level System, X-ray Diffraction 222 (19973)2 1 Photo-emission Phosphates, Structure 222 (19971)9 9 Defects, Luminescence, Silica 222 (1997) 221 Nuclear Quadrupole Resonances Photoinduced Effects Chalcogenide Glasses, Crystallization, Fibers 222 (1997) 422 Alkali Borate Glasses, Luminescence, Rare Earth Ions 222 (1997) 290 Optical Properties Chalcogenides, Defects 222 (1997) 296 Chalcogenides, Rare Earth Ions 222 (1997) 235 Chalcogenide Glasses, Deposition Techniques, Chalcogenide Glasses, Deposition Techniques, Optical Properties 222 (1997) 250 Photoinduced Effects 222 (1997) 250 Densification, Lasers 222 (1997) 407 Ion Implantation, Lasers 222 (1997) 243 Light Scattering, Oxides, Particles 222 (1997) 304 Photoresponse Luminescence, Phosphates, Rare Earth Ions 222 (1997) 212 Halide Glasses, Luminescence, Rare Earth Ions 222 (1997) 272 Oxides, Refractive Index 222 (1997) 316 Oxides, Silica 222 (1997) 391 Polymer Solutions Alkali Silicate Glasses, Infra-red Absorption, Optical Scattering Oxides, Surface Reactions 222 (1997) 435 Alkali Silicate Glasses 222 (1997) 335 Processing Variables Oxidation Reduction Borates, Oxides 222 (1997) 396 Alkali Borate Glasses, Rare Earth Ions 222 (19973)1 0 Raman Spectra Oxides Chalcogenides, Coordination, Hardness 222 (1997) 137 Alkali Silicate Glasses, Infra-red Absorption, Density, Germanates, Ionic Conductivity 222 (1997) 361 Polymer Solutions, Surface Reactions 222 (19974)3 5 Oxides, Phosphates, X-ray Diffraction 222 (1997) 131 Borates, Processing Variables 222 (19973)9 6 Brillouin Scattering, Structure 222 (19971)9 0 Rare Earth Ions Ceramics, Halide Glasses, Luminescence, Rare Alkali Borate Glasses, Luminescence, Photoin- Earth Ions 222 (1997) 258 duced Effects 222 (1997) 290 Crystallization, Density, Glass Transition, Alkali Borate Glasses, Oxidation Reduction 222 (1997) 310 Glasses Containing Transition Metal Ions 222 (1997) 175 Ceramics, Halide Glasses, Luminescence, Ox- Fragility, Heat Capacity, Relaxation 222 (1997) 206 ides 222 (1997) 258 Light Scattering, Optical Properties, Particles 222 (1997) 304 Chalcogenides, Luminescence 222 (1997) 282 Optical Properties, Refractive Index 222 (1997) 316 Chalcogenides, Optical Properties 222 (1997) 235 Optical Properties, Silica 222 (1997) 391 Halide Glasses, Luminescence, Photoresponse 222 (1997) 272 Phosphates, Raman Spectra, X-ray Diffraction 222 (1997) 131 Luminescence, Optical Properties, Phosphates 222 (1997) 212 Surface Analysis, Surface Properties, Surface Non-linear Optics, Phosphates, Theory 222 (1997) 228 Reactions 222 (1997) 167 Surface Analysis, Surface Properties, Surface Reduction Reactions 222 (1997) 429 Colloids, Particles, XPS 222 (1997) 102 Particles Refractive Index Colloids, Reduction, XPS 222 (1997) 102 Hydrogen Effects, Silica 222 (1997) 266 Light Scattering, Optical Properties, Oxides 222 (1997) 304 Optical Properties, Oxides 222 (1997) 316 450 Subject index Relaxation Surface Analysis Fragility, Heat Capacity, Oxides 222 (1997) 206 Oxides, Surface Properties, Surface Reactions 222 (19971)6 7 Oxides, Surface Properties, Surface Reactions 222 (19974)2 9 Silica Defects, Luminescence, Photo-emission 222 (19972)2 1 Surface Properties Defects, Modelling 222 (1997) 33 Atomic Force Microscopy 222 (1997) 69 Electron Diffraction, Electron—Lattice Interac- Hardness, Surface Reactions 222 (1997) 160 tions, Structure 222 (1997) 83 Oxides, Surface Analysis, Surface Reactions 222 (1997) 167 Fibers, Stress Measurement, Stress Relaxation 222 (19973)7 6 Oxides, Surface Analysis, Surface Reactions 222 (1997) 429 Hydrogen Effects, Refractive Index 222 (19972)6 6 Light Scattering, Liquids, Supercooled Liquids 222 (19973)2 9 Surface Reactions Modelling 222 (1997) 50 Alkali Silicate Glasses, Infra-red Absorption, Optical Properties, Oxides 222 (19973)9 1 Oxides, Polymer Solutions 222 (1997) 435 Hardness, Surface Properties 222 (1997) 160 Small Angle X-ray Scattering Oxides, Surface Analysis, Surface Properties 222 (1997) 167 Alkali Borate Glasses, Diffusion, Mixed-Alkali Oxides, Surface Analysis, Surface Properties 222 (1997) 429 Effect, Modelling 222 (1997) 13 Theory Stress Measurement Modelling 222 (1997) 1 Fibers, Silica, Stress Relaxation 222 (1997) 376 Non-linear Optics, Phosphates, Rare Earth Ions 222 (1997) 228 Stress Relaxation Thermal Properties Fibers, Silica, Stress Measurement 222 (19973)7 6 Borates, Structure 222 (1997) 25 Hydrogen in Glass, Phosphates 222 (1997) 415 Structure Infra-red Absorption, Ion Exchange 222 (1997) 125 Borates, Thermal Properties 222 (1997) 25 Brillouin Scattering, Oxides 222 (1997) 190 Two-Level System Chalcogenides, Electronic Structure, Molecular Conductivity, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Dynamics Simulation 222 (1997) 348 Phosphates, X-ray Diffraction 222 (1997) 321 Electrical Properties, Modelling 222 (1997) 354 Electron Diffraction, Electron—Lattice Interac- XPS tions, Silica 222 (1997) 83 Alkali Silicate Glasses, Ion Exchange, Nuclear Germanates, Infra-red Absorption 222 (1997) 59 Magnetic Resonance 222 (1997) 94 Glasses Containing Transition Metal Ions, Colloids, Particles, Reduction 222 (1997) 102 Mossbauer Effect, Phosphates 222 (1997) 144 Phosphates, Structure 222 (1997) 113 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Phosphates 222 (1997) 199 Phosphates, XPS 222 (1997) 113 X-ray Diffraction Conductivity, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Supercooled Liquids Phosphates, Two-Level System 222 (1997) 321 Light Scattering, Liquids, Silica 222 (1997) 329 Oxides, Phosphates, Raman Spectra 222 (1997) 131

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