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Preview Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 1996: Vol 205-207 Index

JOURNAL OF Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 205-207 (1996) xix—xxx Author index to the stoichiometric composition Adya, A.K. and G.W. Neilson, Neutron TI,Se 205-207 (1996) diffraction results from some nitrate Archer, A.D., see Lague, S.B. 205-207 (1996) melts 205-207 (1996) Armand, P., A. Goldbach, C. Cramer, Ahigren, M., M. Rodmar, M. Sommer R. Csencsits, L.E. Iton, D.L. Price and ©. Rapp, Vanishing Coulomb and M.-L. Saboungi, Semiconduc- interaction parameter F, with in- tors in the disordered state: From creasing temperature in AlCuFe-qua- bulk to nanoscale 205-207 (1996) sicrystals 205-207 (1996) Arnold, D., see Kozhevnikov, V. 205-207 (1996) Aihara, T., see Saito, M. 205-207 (1996) Amold, D.L., O.1. Girney, E.V. Grodzin- Aihara Jr., T., Y. Kawazoe and T. Ma- sky, V.F. Kozhevnikov and S.P. sumoto, Molecular dynamics simula- Naurzakov, Sound velocity and ther- tion for binary amorphous Zr—Ni al- modynamic properties of liquid ru- loys 205-207 (1996) bidium and potassium at high tem- Akatsuka, H., see Fukunaga, T. 205-207 (1996) peratures and pressures 205-207 (1996) Al-Kotb, M.S., see Kotkata, M.F. 205-207 (1996) Arnold, R. and H. Solbrig, Disorder-in- Almarza, N.G., see Gonzalez, M.A. 205-207 (1996) duced resistivity of liquid and amoz- Altounian, Z., see Mao, M. 205-207 (1996) phous transition metals calculated Altounian, Z., see Mao, M. 205-207 (1996) within the scattered-wave supercell Altounian, Z., see Sabouri-Ghomi, M. 205-207 (1996) concept 205-207 (1996) Altounian, Z., see Wang, Y.B. 205-207 (1996) Asahi, N., see Haruyama, O. 205-207 (1996) Andonov, P., S. Kimura and P. Palleau, Audier, M., see Klein, H. 205-207 (1996) Macroclustering in liquid lithium niobate 205-207 (1996) Angell, C.A., S. Borick and M. Grabow, Balucani, U., A. Torcini, A. Stang] and Glass transitions and first order liq- Chr. Morkel, Single-particle motion uid-metal-to-semiconductor _ transi- in liquid sodium: thermal crossover tions in 4—5S—6 covalent systems 205-207 (1996) between two dynamical regimes 205-207 (1996) Aoki, K., see Saito, M. 205-207 (1996) Balucani, U., see Stangl, A. 205-207 (1996) Aoki, T., see Yao, M. 205-207 (1996) Barariu, F., see Chiriac, H. 205-207 (1996) Arai, T., I Yokoyama and M. Barczy, P., see Kaptay, G. 205-207 (1996) Kobayashi, Monte Carlo study of Barmin, Yu.V., see Stognei, O.V. 205-207 (1996) 4th-inverse power potential using Barnes, A.C., see Archer, A.D. 205-207 (1996) parallel computers: The role of Barnes, A.C., see Lague, S.B. 205-207 (1996) structure factor in low wavenumber Barnes, A.C., see Ohno, S. 205-207 (1996) region 205-207 (1996) Barnett, R.N., see Landa, A. 205-207 (1996) Arai, Y., Y. Shirakawa and S. Tamaki, Baré, M.D., see Surifiach, S. 205-207 (1996) Structural properties of low dimen- Beck, U., Th. Koslowski and W. Frey- sional potassium metal in interca- land, Electronic structure of metal— lated graphite 205-207 (1996) molten salt solutions: Electron local- Arai, Y., see Shirakawa, Y. 205-207 (1996) ization and the metal—non-metal Archer, A.D., S.B. Lague and A.C. transition 205-207 (1996) Barnes, Magnetic susceptibility mea- Becker, Ch., see Cossy-Favre, A. 205-207 (1996) surements of T1,_ ,Se, alloys close Becker, Ch., see SpiS4k, D. 205-207 (1996) Author index Belashchenko, D.K., Computer simula- amorphous and nanocrystalline tion of non-crystalline oxides MeO Cr,Si,_, and Re,Si,_, thin films 205-207 (1996) and Me,O, Burkov, A.T., D.A. Kolgunov, K. Hoag Belashchenko, D.K., see Mendelev, M.I. and J. Van Zytveld, Thermopower Bellissent, R., G. Galli, T. Hyeon, P. and electrical resistivity of liquid and Migliardo, G. Parette and K.S. Sus- crystalline Dy and Ho at tempera- lick, Magnetic and structural proper- tures 300-2000 K 205-207 (1996) ties of amorphous transition metals and alloys 205-207 (1996) Calvayrac, Y., see Lyonnard, S. 205-207 (1996) Bellissent, R., see Gaspard, J.-P. 205-207 (1996) Canales, M., A. Giré and J.A. Padré, Bellissent, R., see Klein, H. 205-207 (1996) Molecular dynamics simulation of Bellissent, R., see Lyonnard, S. 205-207 (1996) Li—Mg and Li-—Na alloys 205-207 (1996) Bergman, C., see Tsuchiya, Y. 205-207 (1996) Céolin, R., see Gaspard, J.-P. 205-207 (1996) Berman, L.E., see Regan, M_J. 205-207 (1996) Ceperley, D.M., see Senatore, G. 205-207 (1996) Bermejo, F.J., see Gonzalez, M.A. 205-207 (1996) Chacé6n, E., J.P. Hernandez and P. Tara- Bernard, J. and W. Freyland, Metal— zona, Calculated structure, phase co- semiconductor transition in liquid existence, and electrical conductivity M,Sb,_, alloys (M = Na, K, Cs): of the alkali fluids 205-207 (1996) variation of electrical conductivity Chacén, E., see Velasco, E. 205-207 (1996) and thermodynamic properties 205-207 (1996) Chao, Y.D., see Jen, S.U. 205-207 (1996) Bichara, C., J.-Y. Raty and J.-P. Gas- Chieux, P., J. Dupuy-Philon, J.-F. Jal pard, On the structure of liquid tel- and J.-B. Suck, Temperature depen- lurium 205-207 (1996) dence of the collective atomic dy- Biermann, C., see Winter, R. 205-207 (1996) namics of liquid rubidium 205-207 (1996) Bigot, J., see Xing, L.Q. 205-207 (1996) Chihara, J., see Kambayashi, S. 205-207 (1996) Bigot, J., see Xing, L.Q. 205-207 (1996) Chiriac, H., Gh. Pop, F. Barariu, T.A. Bolyan, L., see Kaptay, G. 205-207 (1996) Ovari and M. Tomu, Magnetization Borick, S., see Angell, C.A. 205-207 (1996) processes in amorphous FeSiB glass Bosse, J., see Kaneko, Y. 205-207 (1996) covered wires 205-207 (1996) Boyen, H.-G., A. Cossy-Favre, G. Gant- Chiriac, H., M. Tomut and M. Grigor- ner, H. Stupp, C. Lauinger and P. ica, On the viscosity near the melt- Oelhafen, Low temperature amor- ing point of some liquid glass-for- phization at interfaces in layered ming transition metal alloys 205-207 (1996) structures: evidence for a low-di- Chudakov, A.E., see Vyatkin, G.P. 205-207 (1996) mensional Peierls system 205-207 (1996) Coddens, G., see Lyonnard, S. 205-207 (1996) Boyen, H.-G., see Cossy-Favre, A. 205-207 (1996) Conradi, M.S., see Stoddard, R.D. 205-207 (1996) Boyen, H.-G., see Diirrwichter, M. 205-207 (1996) Cossy-Favre, A., H.-G. Boyen, P. Oel- Boyen, H.-G., see Gantner, G. 205-207 (1996) hafen, Ch. Becker and J. Hafner, Brauer, S., see Briining, R. 205-207 (1996) Electronic structure of amorphous Bretonnet, J.-L., see Jakse, N. 205-207 (1996) Fe .Yio9—, alloys 205-207 (1996) Bros, J.P., see Hayer, E. 205-207 (1996) Cossy-Favre, A., see Boyen, H.-G. 205-207 (1996) Briining, R. and M. Sutton, Fragility of Cowlam, N., Metallic glasses: structure glass-forming systems and the width and properties 205-207 (1996) of the glass transition 205-207 (1996) Cramer, C., see Armand, P. 205-207 (1996) Briining, R., A. Zaluska, M. Sutton, J.O. Csencsits, R., see Armand, P. 205-207 (1996) Strém-Olsen and S. Brauer, Crystal- lization of near-eutectic Co—Zr al- Dalgig, S., see Gonzalez, L.E. 205-207 (1996) loys and the formation and fast de- De Hey, P., J. Sietsma and A. cay of a bee Cog, Zr, solid solution 205-207 (1996) van den Beukel, Anelastic relaxation Bruton, W.D., see Naugle, D.G. 205-207 (1996) in amorphous Pd4pNiygP 9 studied Buontempo, U., P. Postorino and M. with elongation and electrical resis- Nardone, Absorption edge in liquid tance measurements 205-207 (1996) iodine under pressure 205-207 (1996) De Jong, M., J. Sietsma, M.Th. Biirgler, D.E., see Schaub, T.M. 205-207 (1996) Rekveldt, B.P. Toperverg, V.V. De- Burkov, A.T., C. Gladun, A. Heinrich, riglazov, V.V. Runov, A.I. Oko- W. Pitschke and J. Schumann, Phase rokov, H. Eckerlebe and R. Kamp- formation and transport properties in mann, The relation between struc- Author index tural relaxation and the spin dynam- Filipponi, A., see Di Cicco, A. 205-207 (1996) ics in amorphous Fe 4p Ni 49 B49 205-207 (1996) Foley, J.C. and J.H. Perepezko, The de- Deriglazov, V.V., see de Jong, M. 205-207 (1996) vitrification of Al-Y—Fe amorphous Descétes, L., see Klein, H. 205-207 (1996) alloys 205-207 (1996) Deutsch, M., see Regan, M.J. 205-207 (1996) Frank, W., W. Gustin and M. Horz, Di Cicco, A. and A. Filipponi, Local Diffusion of gold and platinum in g(r) properties in liquids probed by amorphous silicon and germanium 205-207 (1996) high-temperature EXAFS 205-207 (1996) Frankwicz, P.S., S. Ram and H.-J. Fecht, Didoukh, V., see Vollmann, J. 205-207 (1996) Optimization of solidification and Ding, B.Z., see Yao, B. 205-207 (1996) phase selection sequences in water Dong, J., see Kawakita, Y. 205-207 (1996) quenched Zr—Al—Ni-—Cu alloys 205-207 (1996) Dong, Z.F., see Liick, R. 205-207 (1996) Freyland, W., see Beck, U. 205-207 (1996) Diicker, H., Th. Koslowski, W. Freyland, W., see Bernard, J. 205-207 (1996) von Niessen, M.A. Tusch and D.E. Freyland, W., see Nattland, D. 205-207 (1996) Logan, The metal—insulator transi- Freyland, W., see Schindelbeck, Th. 205-207 (1996) tion in disordered tungsten bronzes. Frohberg, G., see Mathiak, G. 205-207 (1996) Results of an Anderson—Mott—Hub- Fujisawa, T., see Okada, T. 205-207 (1996) bard model 205-207 (1996) Fujiwara, S., see Yonezawa, F. 205-207 (1996) Dugain, F., see Mihalkovic, M. 205-207 (1996) Fukunaga, T., M. Utsumi, H. Akatsuka, Dupuy-Philon, J., see Chieux, P. 205-207 (1996) M. Misawa and U. Mizutani, Struc- Diirrwachter, M., G. Indlekofer, H.-G. ture of amorphous Se prepared by Boyen, P. Oelhafen and D. Quit- milling 205-207 (1996) mann, Angular momentum of con- Fukunaga, T., T. Ishizuka, H. Ishihara, duction electron states 205-207 (1996) T. Koyano and U. Mizutani, Struc- ture of sputter-deposited V—Si amor- Eckerlebe, H., see de Jong, M. 205-207 (1996) phous alloys 205-207 (1996) Eckert, J., M. Seidel and L. Schultz, Formation of amorphous alloys with Gacsi, Z., see Kaptay, G. 205-207 (1996) significant supercooled liquid region Galli, G., see Bellissent, R. 205-207 (1996) by mechanical alloying 205-207 (1996) Ganesan, V. and H. Ipser, Partial ther- Eckert, J., see Seidel, M. 205-207 (1996) modynamic properties of magne- Eckert, J., see Stiller, C. 205-207 (1996) sium in ternary Cu-Mg-Si alloys 205-207 (1996) Edwards, A.M., see Nasu, T. 205-207 (1996) Gantner, G., H.-G. Boyen and P. Oel- Egami, T., The atomic structure of alu- hafen, Time resolved photoelectron minum based metallic glasses and spectroscopy of germanium and sili- universal criterion for glass forma- con during the solid to the liquid tion 205-207 (1996) state phase transition 205-207 (1996) El-Fouly, M.H., see Kotkata, M.F. 205-207 (1996) Gantner, G., see Boyen, H.-G. 205-207 (1996) Enciso, E., see Gonzalez, M.A. 205-207 (1996) Gasior, W., Z. Moser and W. Zakulski, Enderby, J.E., The metal—nonmetal Thermodynamic studies and the transition in liquid alloys 205-207 (1996) phase diagram of the Li-Sn system 205-207 (1996) Enderby, J.E., see Ohno, S. 205-207 (1996) Gaspard, J.-P., J.-Y. Raty, R. Céolin and ., see Hoshino, H. 205-207 (1996) R. Bellissent, Local orders in II-VI ., See Ikemoto, H. 205-207 (1996) liquid compounds 205-207 (1996) , see Kawakita, Y. 205-207 (1996) Gaspard, J.-P., see Bichara, C. 205-207 (1996) ., see Nagaya, K. 205-207 (1996) Gasser, J.-G., H. Halim, J.-F. Wax and , see Ohmasa, Y. 205-207 (1996) J. Vinckel, Transport effects in a , see Yamamoto, I. 205-207 (1996) liquid TV-VI alloy: the Te—Si sys- , see Yao, M. 205-207 (1996) tem 205-207 (1996) , see Yao, M. 205-207 (1996) Gasser, J.G., see Grosdidier, B. 205-207 (1996) , see Yao, M. 205-207 (1996) Gasser, J.G., see Schmitt, Y. 205-207 (1996) ., see Usuki, T. 205-207 (1996) Gasser, J.G., see Vinckel, J. 205-207 (1996) rSr ,e serEe K ourRa, NR. E 205-207 (1996) Gaune-Escard, M., see Hayer, E. 205-207 (1996) Gelchinski, B.R., see Vyatkin, G.P. 205-207 (1996) Faudot, F., see Xing, L.Q. 205-207 (1996) Gereben, O. and L. Pusztai, The like— Faupel, F., see Ratzke, K. 205-207 (1996) like—like partial triplet correlation Fecht, H.-J., see Frankwicz, P.S. 205-207 (1996) functions of amorphous Ni,, Nb3. 205-207 (1996) xxii Author index Gillan, M.J., see Holender, J.M. 205-207 (1996) Halim, H., see Gasser, J.-G. 205-207 (1996) Gillan, M.J., see Kirchhoff, F. 205-207 (1996) Hao, Y.Y., see Yao, B. 205-207 (1996) Gillan, M.J., see Kirchhoff, F. 205-207 (1996) Harmelin, M., see Xing, L.Q. 205-207 (1996) Girney, O.1., see Arnold, D.1. 205-207 (1996) Haruyama, O., V. Ocelik and N. Asahi, Giré, A., see Canales, M. 205-207 (1996) Reversible structural relaxation in Gladun, C., see Burkov, A.T. 205-207 (1996) melt-spun Cogy_ ,Cr, Bag (x = 20, Goldbach, A., see Armand, P. 205-207 (1996) 25 or 30) amorphous alloys 205-207 (1996) Gomi, S., see Yonezawa, F. 205-207 (1996) Hayakawa, T., see Nagaya, K. 205-207 (1996) Gonzalez, DJ., see Gonzalez, L.E. 205-207 (1996) Hayasaka, N., see Uemura, O. 205-207 (1996) Gonzalez, DJ., see Gonzalez, L.E. 205-207 (1996) Hayashi, H., see Okamoto, Y. 205-207 (1996) Gonzalez, D.J., see Gonzalez, L.E. 205-207 (1996) Hayer, E., M. Gaune-Escard and J.P. Gonzalez, L.E., DJ. Gonzalez and M. Bros, The Fermi enthalpy in liquid Silbert, Concentration dependence of alloys 205-207 (1996) the structure of liquid Li-Na and He, Y., R.B. Schwarz, D. Mandrus and Li—Mg alloys 205-207 (1996) L. Jacobson, Elastic moduli, density, Gonzalez, L.E., DJ. Gonzalez and M. and structural relaxation in bulk Silbert, Static dielectric function of amorphous Zr,, >Ti;; gCU)2 sNijo- liquid lithium 205-207 (1996) Be», ; alloy 205-207 (1996) Gonzalez, L.E., S. Dalgi¢, DJ. Gonzalez Heesemann, A., see Riatzke, K. 205-207 (1996) and M. Silbert, lon-electron pseu- Heinrich, A., see Burkov, A.T. 205-207 (1996) dopotentials for liquid alloys with Hemley, RJ. and H.-k. Mao, Dense small charge-transfer effects 205-207 (1996) molecular hydrogen: Order, disor- Gonzalez, M.A., J.L.J. Severiano, N.G. der, and localization 205-207 (1996) Almarza, E. Enciso and F.J. Henderson, D.O., R. Mu, A. Ueda, Y.S. Bermejo, Dynamic correlations in Tung, C.W. White, R.A. Zuhr and liquid and glassy selenium: search J.G. Zhu, Atomic force microscopy, for intermediate scales 205-207 (1996) electronic and vibrational spec- Gordon, C.A., A.V. Granato and R.O. troscopy of Au colloids formed by Simmons, Evidence for the self-in- ion implantation in muscovite mica 205-207 (1996) terstitial model of liquid and amor- Hennings, B.D., see Rathnayaka, K.D.D. 205-207 (1996) phous states from lattice parameter Hennion, B., see Lyonnard, S. 205-207 (1996) measurements in krypton 205-207 (1996) Hensel, F. and M. Yao, Critical be- Gorler, G.P., see Wilde, G. 205-207 (1996) haviour in liquid mercury 205-207 (1996) Gorler, G.P., see Wilde, G. 205-207 (1996) Hernandez, J.P., see Chacén, E. 205-207 (1996) Grabow, M., see Angell, C.A. 205-207 (1996) Hernandez, J.P., see Velasco, E. 205-207 (1996) Granato, A.V., see Gordon, C.A. 205-207 (1996) Herwig, F., see Neumann, H. 205-207 (1996) Griesche, A., see Mathiak, G. 205-207 (1996) Hinada, M., see Itami, T. 205-207 (1996) Grigorica, M., see Chiriac, H. 205-207 (1996) Hippert, F., see Klein, H. 205-207 (1996) Grodzinskii, E., see Kozhevnikov, V. 205-207 (1996) Hiramatsu, A., see Inui, M. 205-207 (1996) Grodzinsky, E.V., see Arnold, D.1. 205-207 (1996) Hoag, K., see Burkov, A.T. 205-207 (1996) Grosdidier, B., J.P. Lutz, S. Saadeddine Holender, J.M. and M.J. Gillan, The ab and J.G. Gasser, Structure and elec- initio simulation of the liquid Ga—Se trical resistivity of liquid Ni—Ge al- system 205-207 (1996) loys 205-207 (1996) Holender, J.M., see Kirchhoff, F. 205-207 (1996) Giintherodt, H., see Suck, J.-B. 205-207 (1996) Holender, J.M., see Kirchhoff, F. 205-207 (1996) Giintherodt, H.-J., see Schaub, T.M. 205-207 (1996) Horii, K., see Iwamatsu, M. 205-207 (1996) Guo, Q., see Poon, S.J. 205-207 (1996) Horz, M., see Frank, W. 205-207 (1996) Guo, W.Q., see Yao, B. 205-207 (1996) Hoshino, H., T. Miyanaga, H. Ikemoto, Gustin, W., see Frank, W. 205-207 (1996) S. Hosokawa and H. Endo, The semiconductor—metal transition of Hafner, J., Theory of liquid and amor- liquid arsenic—selenium mixtures at phous metals: the state-of-the-art 205-207 (1996) high temperatures and high pres- Hafner, J., see Cossy-Favre, A. 205-207 (1996) sures 205-207 (1996) Hafner, J., see Krajti, M. 205-207 (1996) Hoshino, K., see Munejiri, S. 205-207 (1996) Hafner, J., see Seifert, K. 205-207 (1996) Hoshino, K., see Shimojo, F. 205-207 (1996) Hafner, J., see SpiSak, D. 205-207 (1996) Hosokawa, S., see Hoshino, H. 205-207 (1996) Hikkinen, H., see Landa, A. 205-207 (1996) Howells, W.S., see Lague, S.B. 205-207 (1996) Author index Howells, W.S., see Winter, R. 205-207 (1996) Jha, A., see Surifiach, S. 205-207 (1996) Hoyer, W., see Neumann, H. 205-207 (1996) Jordery, S., see Surifiach, S. 205-207 (1996) Hu, Z.Q., see Yao, B. 205-207 (1996) Hyeon, T., see Bellissent, R. 205-207 (1996) Kaczkowski, Z. and P. Ruuskanen, Magnetostriction and crystallization Ibrahim, M.M., see Kotkata, M.F. 205-207 (1996) of a Fe—Cu—Nb-Si-B alloy an- Idemoto, Y., see Koura, N. 205-207 (1996) nealed in a vacuum from 300 to Ikemoto, H., I. Yamamoto, T. Tsuzuki 650°C 205-207 (1996) and H. Endo, The origin of the Kaczkowski, Z., P. Ruuskanen, L. Lan- metallic nature for liquid Te 205-207 (1996) otte and M. Miiller, Magnetostrictive Ikemoto, H., see Hoshino, H. 205-207 (1996) and piezomagnetic properties of the Illekova, E., see Surifiach, S. 205-207 (1996) Fe;, ;Cu, Nb,Si,;;B , metallic glass Indlekofer, G., see Diirrwiichter, M. 205-207 (1996) annealed in helium 205-207 (1996) Inui, M., A. Hiramatsu, Y. Kawakita Kahl, G., see Kambayashi, S. 205-207 (1996) and S. Takeda, Structure and ther- Kahl, G., see Nowotny, G. 205-207 (1996) modynamic properties of molten Kakinuma, F., Y. Tsuchiya and K. Ag(Cl,_ 1.) 205-207 (1996) Suzuki, Thermodynamic properties Inui, M., K. Maruyama, Y. Shirakawa, of liquid Te—I mixtures 205-207 (1996) S. Takeda and S. Tamaki, EXAFS Kakinuma, F., see Tsuchiya, Y. 205-207 (1996) measurements on molten AgBr—Agl Kambayashi, S., G. Nowotny, J. Chihara mixtures 205-207 (1996) and G. Kahl, The dynamic structure Inui, M., T. Noda and K. Tamura, X-ray of liquid lithium: results for a new diffraction measurements for ex- type of interaction 205-207 (1996) panded fluid selenium up to the Kameda, Y., T. Usuki and O. Uemura, metallic region 205-207 (1996) TOF-neutron diffraction study of liq- Inui, M., see Maruyama, K. 205-207 (1996) uid TI-As,X , systems (X: Se, Te) 205-207 (1996) Inui, M., see Takeda, S. 205-207 (1996) Kameda, Y., see Uemura, O. 205-207 (1996) Inui, M., see Takeda, S. 205-207 (1996) Kampmann, R., see de Jong, M. 205-207 (1996) Ipser, H., see Ganesan, V. 205-207 (1996) Kanda, H., see Katayama, Y. 205-207 (1996) Ishihara, H., see Fukunaga, T. 205-207 (1996) Kanda, H., see Tsuji, K. 205-207 (1996) Ishizuka, T., see Fukunaga, T. 205-207 (1996) Kandil, K.M., see Kotkata, M.F. 205-207 (1996) Ishmaev, S.N., see Mendelev, M.I. 205-207 (1996) Kandil, K.M., see Kotkata, M.F. 205-207 (1996) Itami, T., K. Sugimura and Y. Yasuhara, Kaneko, Y. and J. Bosse, Dynamics of The crossover of structure in liquid binary liquids near the glass transi- alkali—Hg alloys 205-207 (1996) tion: a mode-coupling theory 205-207 (1996) Itami, T., T. Masaki, K. Kuribayasi, E. Kaptay, G., P. Barczy, F. Szigeti, A. Sato, M. Hinada, M. Yamasita and Lovas, Z. Gacsi and L. Bolyan, In- K. Kawasaki, Growth of fluctuations terface phenomena in processing of under microgravity in liquid Bi-Ga ceramic reinforced amorphous metal alloys 205-207 (1996) composites 205-207 (1996) Itami, T., see Masaki, T. 205-207 (1996) Karlhuber, S., M. Peng and A. Mikula, Iton, L.E., see Armand, P. 205-207 (1996) Thermodynamic properties of ternary Iwamatsu, M. and K. Horii, Tempera- liquid zinc-alloys 205-207 (1996) ture dependence of nucleation rate Katayama, Y., K. Tsuji, H. Kanda, H. of spherical liquid drops and vapor Nosaka, K. Yaoita, T. Kikegawa and bubbles 205-207 (1996) O. Shimomura, Density of liquid tel- lurium under pressure 205-207 (1996) Jacobson, L., see He, Y. 205-207 (1996) Katayama, Y., K. Tsuji, O. Shimomura Jager, H., see Pottlacher, G. 205-207 (1996) and H. Oyanagi, EXAFS study of Jakse, N., J.-F. Wax, J.-L. Bretonnet amorphous selenium under pressure 205-207 (1996) and A. Pasturel, Structure and ther- Katayama, Y., see Tsuji, K. 205-207 (1996) modynamics of the 3d-transition Katayama, Y., see Tsuji, K. 205-207 (1996) metals in the liquid state 205-207 (1996) Kawakita, Y., M. Yao, H. Endo and J. Jal, J.-F., see Chieux, P. 205-207 (1996) Dong, Static and dynamic structures Jen, S.U. and Y.D. Chao, Magneto-im- of liquid tellurium containing alkalis 205-207 (1996) pedance of some non-zero magne- Kawakita, Y., see Inui, M. 205-207 (1996) tostrictive amorphous ribbons 205-207 (1996) Kawakita, Y., see Maruyama, K. 205-207 (1996) XXiV Author index Kawakita, Y., see Takeda, S. 205-207 (1996) 151 ter phase transitions and critical phe- Kawakita, Y., see Takeda, S. 205-207 (1996) 365 nomena in fluid mercury 205-207 (1996) Kawamoto, E.H., see Regan, MJ. 205-207 (1996) 762 Kozhevnikov, V.F., see Arnold, D.I. 205-207 (1996) Kawasaki, K., see Itami, T. 205-207 (1996) 375 Kraatz, K.H., see Mathiak, G. 205-207 (1996) Kawazoe, Y., see Aihara Jr., T. 205-207 (1996) 875 Krajci, M. and J. Hafner, Structural and Kikegawa, T., see Katayama, Y. 205-207 (1996) 451 electronic properties of liquid and Kimura, S., see Andonov, P. 205-207 (1996) 163 amorphous carbon calculated by the Kirchhoff, F., J.M. Holender and M.J. ‘fuzzy’ tight-binding Monte Carlo Gillan, The liquid Ag—Se system method 205-207 (1996) studied by ab initio simulations 205-207 (1996) Krasny, Y.P., N.P. Kovalenko and V.A. Kirchhoff, F., MJ. Gillan and J.M. Tesis, Superconductive properties of Holender, Ab initio simulation of binary amorphous alloys 205-207 (1996) high-temperature liquid selenium 205-207 (1996) Kresse, G., Ab initio molecular dynam- Klein, H., L. Descétes, M. Audier, R. ics applied to the dynamics of liquid Bellissent and F. Hippert, Local or- metals and to the metal—non-metal der of molten quasicrystals and ap- transition 205-207 (1996) proximant phases 205-207 (1996) Kresse, G., see Seifert, K. 205-207 (1996) Klement, U., see Stiller, C. 205-207 (1996) Kudo, I., see Masaki, T. 205-207 (1996) Kobayashi, M., see Arai, T. 205-207 (1996) Kuribayasi, K., see Itami, T. 205-207 (1996) Koch, C.C., see Nasu, T. 205-207 (1996) Kuznetsov, V.N., E.G. Ponomareva and Koishi, T., Y. Shirakawa and S. Tamaki, N.1. Noskova, Nanocrystallization of Shear viscosity of liquid metals ob- amorphous Pd—Cu-Si alloy under tained by non-equilibrium molecular creep conditions 205-207 (1996) dynamics 205-207 (1996) Kokanovié, L, B. Leontié and J. Lague, S.B., A.C. Barnes, A.D. Archer Lukatela, The resistivity and the and W.S. Howells, The electronic magnetoresistivity of hydrogen- properties and structure of liquid doped Zr,,Co,, metallic glass 205-207 (1996) Ti—Se and Ga-Se alloys. 205-207 (1996) Kolgunov, D.A., see Burkov, A.T. 205-207 (1996) Lague, S.B., see Archer, A.D. 205-207 (1996) Komissarov, V.A., see Konovalov, LI. 205-207 (1996) Lai, S.K., Spin susceptibility for liquid Konovalov, LI, V.A. Komissarov, A.A. alkali metals 205-207 (1996) Maslov and V.K. Orlov, Bulk amor- Lamparter, P., see Nuding, Ma. 205-207 (1996) phous plate production by a casting Landa, A., H. Hakkinen, R.N. Barnett, process 205-207 (1996) P. Wynblatt and U. Landman, Korobenko, V.N. and A.I. Savvatimski, Molecular dynamics study of disor- The electrical resistance and en- dering, roughening, and premelting thalpy of industrial alloys based on of the Pb(110) surface 205-207 (1996) nickel and copper 205-207 (1996) Landman, U., see Landa, A. 205-207 (1996) Kortan, A.R., see Naugle, D.G. 205-207 (1996) Lanotte, L., see Kaczkowski, Z. 205-207 (1996) Koslowski, Th., see Beck, U. 205-207 (1996) Lauinger, C., see Boyen, H.-G. 205-207 (1996) Koslowski, Th., see Diicker, H. 205-207 (1996) Lee, S., see Regan, M.J. 205-207 (1996) Kotkata, M.F., K.M. Kandil and MLS. LeichtweiB, O., see Winter, R. 205-207 (1996) Al-Kotb, Electrical and optical stud- Leonti¢, B., see Kokanovié, I. 205-207 (1996) ies on amorphous CulnSe, films 205-207 (1996) Liu, H.Z., see Yao, B. 205-207 (1996) Kotkata, M.F., K.M. Kandil, M.H. El- Liu, J., see Salmon, P.S. 205-207 (1996) Fouly and M.M. Ibrahim, Prepara- Logan, D.E., see Diicker, H. 205-207 (1996) tion and characterization of co- Lorenz, R., see SpiSak, D. 205-207 (1996) evaporated a-GaAs films Lovas, A., see Kaptay, G. 205-207 (1996) Koura, N., T. Endo and Y. Idemoto, The Lu, K., see Liick, R. 205-207 (1996) electrodeposition of amorphous Co— Liick, R. and D.H. Warrington, Spheri- Zn alloy from ambient temperature cal geometric representation of coin- molten salt electrolytes 205-207 (1996) cidence site lattice (CSL) rotations Kovalenko, N.P., see Krasny, Y.P. 205-207 (1996) for icosahedral symmetry 205-207 (1996) Kovneristyi, Yu.K., see Molokanov, Liick, R., K. Lu and Z.F. Dong, Magne- V.V. 205-207 (1996) tothermal analysis of the amorphous Koyano, T., see Fukunaga, T. 205-207 (1996) to nanocrystal transformation 205-207 (1996) Kozhevnikov, V., D. Arold, E. Liick, R., see Wang, H. 205-207 (1996) Grodzinskii and S. Naurzakov, Clus- Lukatela, J., see Kokanovié, I. 205-207 (1996) Author index Lutz, J.P., see Grosdidier, B. 205-207 (1996) 393 Miyanaga, T., see Hoshino, H. 205-207 (1996) Lyonnard, S., G. Coddens, B. Hennion, Mizutani, U., see Fukunaga, T. 205-207 (1996) R. Bellissent and Y. Calvayrac, First Mizutani, U., see Fukunaga, T. 205-207 (1996) results on the anisotropy of the Molokanov, V.V., M.I. Petrzhik, T.N. quasi-elastic neutron scattering sig- Mikhailova and Yu.K. Kovneristyi, nal from phason dynamics in a sin- Supercooled liquid region in Zr—Cu gle-grain quasicrystal of AIPdMn 205-207 (1996) based bulk amorphous alloys 205-207 (1996) 508 Mori, T., see Uemura, O. 205-207 (1996) Morimoto, Y., see Tsuji, K. 205-207 (1996) Magnussen, O.M., see Regan, M.J. 205-207 (1996) Morkel, Chr., see Balucani, U. 205-207 (1996) 299 Mandrus, D., see He, Y. 205-207 (1996) Morkel, Chr., see Stangl, A. 205-207 (1996) Manokhin, A.B., see Vyatkin, G.P. 205-207 (1996) Moroni, S., see Senatore, G. 205-207 (1996) Mao, H.-k., see Hemley, R.J. 205-207 (1996) Moser, Z., see Gasior, W. 205-207 (1996) Mao, M. and Z. Altounian, Reversible Mu, R., see Henderson, D.O. 205-207 (1996) enthalpy relaxation in Zr,,(Ni,_ ,- Miiller, M., see Kaczkowski, Z. 205-207 (1996) Cu,);3; metallic glasses 205-207 (1996) Miiller, S.C., see Nattland, D. 205-207 (1996) Mao, M., Z. Altounian and D.H. Ryan, Munejiri, S., F. Shimojo, K. Hoshino The glass transition in Zr,,(Ni,_ ,- and M. Watabe, Effective pair po- Cu ,) metallic glasses 205-207 (1996) tential of expanded liquid rubidium Maruyama, K., M. Misawa, M. Inui, S. obtained by the inverse method 205-207 (1996) Takeda, Y. Kawakita and S. Tamaki, Structural investigation of liquid Nagai, M., see Tsuchiya, Y. 205-207 (1996) Ge-chalcogen mixtures 205-207 (1996) Nagaya, K., T. Hayakawa, M. Yao and Maruyama, K., see Inui, M. 205-207 (1996) H. Endo, Photo-induced effects on Maruyama, K., see Takeda, S. 205-207 (1996) chalcogen free microclusters 205-207 (1996) Maruyama, K., see Takeda, S. 205-207 (1996) Nagel, S., R. Redmer and G. Répke, Masaki, T., T. Onogi, K. Ogura, I. Kudo Equation of state and structure factor and T. Itami, The role of fluctua- of mercury 205-207 (1996) tions on the electrical resistivity and Nardone, M., see Buontempo, U. 205-207 (1996) atomic volume for some liquid al- Nasu, T., M. Sakurai, K. Suzuki, C.C. loys with critical mixing 205-207 (1996) Koch, A.M. Edwards and D.E. Say- Masaki, T., see Itami, T. 205-207 (1996) ers, EXAFS study on mechanically Maskil, N., see Regan, M.J. 205-207 (1996) alloyed Fe—B powder mixtures 205-207 (1996) Maslov, A.A., see Konovalov, Li. 205-207 (1996) Nattland, D., S.C. Miiller, P.D. Poh and Masumoto, T., see Aihara Jr., T. 205-207 (1996) W. Freyland, Wetting phenomena at Masumoto, T., see Saito, M. 205-207 (1996) the liquid—vapor interface of gal- Mathiak, G., A. Griesche, K.H. Kraatz lium-bismuth alloys studied by and G. Frohberg, Diffusion in liquid spectroscopic ellipsometry 205-207 (1996) metals 205-207 (1996) Naugle, D.G., W.D. Bruton, K.D.D. Matsubara, E., see Saito, M. 205-207 (1996) Rathnayaka and A.R. Kortan, McDowell, A.F., see Stoddard, R.D. 205-207 (1996) Anisotropic transport properties of McGreevy, R.L., see Winter, R. 205-207 (1996) the decagonal quasicrystal, McGreevy, R.L., see van der Aart, S.A. 205-207 (1996) Aly Ni, ;Co,5 205-207 (1996) Mendelev, M.I., D.K. Belashchenko and Naugle, D.G., see Rathnayaka, K.D.D. 205-207 (1996) S.N. Ishmaev, Generation of Naurzakov, S., see Kozhevnikov, V. 205-207 (1996) Ni,,Nbs, and Ni,,Nb3, metallic Naurzakov, S.P., see Arnold, D.1. 205-207 (1996) glass computer models and investi- Neilson, G.W., see Adya, A.K. 205-207 (1996) gation of their structures 205-207 (1996) Neumann, H., F. Herwig and W. Hoyer, Migliardo, P., see Bellissent, R. 205-207 (1996) The short range order of liquid eu- Mihalkovic, M., F. Dugain and J.-B. tectic Ay,—Te and A,,-Te alloys 205-207 (1996) Suck, Vibrational density of states of Nicholson, D.M.C., see Swihart, J.C. 205-207 (1996) decagonal Alz)Co,;Ni;5 205-207 (1996) Noda, T., see Inui, M. 205-207 (1996) Mikhailova, T.N., see Molokanov, V.V. 205-207 (1996) Nosaka, H., see Katayama, Y. 205-207 (1996) Mikula, A., see Karlhuber, S. 205-207 (1996) Nosaka, H., see Tsuji, K. 205-207 (1996) Minami, T., see Umesaki, N. 205-207 (1996) Noskova, N.I., see Kuznetsov, V.N. 205-207 (1996) Misawa, M., see Fukunaga, T. 205-207 (1996) Nowotny, G. and G. Kahl, Single parti- Misawa, M., see Maruyama, K. 205-207 (1996) cle motion in liquid sodium: a Mitsch, C., see Wilde, G. 205-207 (1996) mode-coupling analysis 205-207 (1996) XXvi Author index Nowotny, G., see Kambayashi, S. 914 Ponomareva, E.G., see Kuznetsov, V.N. 205-207 (1996) Nuding, Ma., P. Lamparter and S. Steeb, Poon, S.J., Q. Guo, P. Volkov and F.S. X-ray diffraction with amorphous Pierce, Insulating and semiconduct- and hydrogenated nickel—dyspro- ing phases of quasicrystalline and sium alloys 205-207 (1996) crystalline aluminum alloys 205-207 (1996) Nymeyer, H., see Zuo, D. 205-207 (1996) Pop, Gh., see Chiriac, H. 205-207 (1996) Postorino, P., see Buontempo, U. 205-207 (1996) Ocelik, V., see Haruyama, O. 205-207 (1996) Pottlacher, G. and H. Jager, A review of Ochin, P., see Xing, L.Q. 205-207 (1996) determinations of critical point data Ochin, P., see Xing, L.Q. 205-207 (1996) of metals using subsecond pulse Ocko, B.M., see Regan, MJ. 205-207 (1996) heating techniques 205-207 (1996) Oelhafen, P., see Boyen, H.-G. 205-207 (1996) Price, D.L., see Armand, P. 205-207 (1996) Oelhafen, P., see Cossy-Favre, A. 205-207 (1996) Price, D.L., see Stoddard, R.D. 205-207 (1996) Oelhafen, P., see Diirrwichter, M. 205-207 (1996) Privalova, T.P., see Vyatkin, G.P. 205-207 (1996) Oelhafen, P., see Gantner, G. 205-207 (1996) Pusztai, L., see Gereben, O. 205-207 (1996) Ogawa, T., see Okamoto, Y. 205-207 (1996) Quitmann, D., see Diirrwachter, M. 205-207 (1996) Ogura, K., see Masaki, T. 205-207 (1996) Ohmasa, Y., 1. Yamamoto and H. Endo, Rajh, T., D.M. Tiede and M.C. Thur- Pressure-induced semiconductor— nauer, Surface modification of TiO, metal transition in Te—Se mixtures 205-207 (1996) nanoparticles with bidentate ligands Ohno, S., T. Okada, A.C. Barnes and studied by EPR spectroscopy 205-207 (1996) J.E. Enderby, The electrical conduc- Ram, S., see Frankwicz, P.S. 205-207 (1996) tivity and thermopower of liquid Rapp, ©., see Ahigren, M. 205-207 (1996) Ag,_ Se, alloys with 0.4 < c < 1.0 205-207 (1996) Rapp, O., see Stognei, O.V. 205-207 (1996) Ohno, S., see Okada, T. 205-207 (1996) Rathnayaka, K.D.D., B.D. Hennings and Okada, K., see Yao, M. 205-207 (1996) D.G. Naugle, Electron transport Okada, T., T. Fujisawa and S. Ohno, properties of amorphous Ti ,(Cuy 79- Electronic properties of liquid Si-Se Alo 39); and Ti (Cup ;sAlo.gs) — . alloys 205-207 (1996) quench condensed thin films 205-207 (1996) Okada, T., see Ohno, S. 205-207 (1996) Rathnayaka, K.D.D., see Naugle, D.G. 205-207 (1996) Okamoto, Y., H. Hayashi and T. Ogawa, Raty, J.-Y., see Bichara, C. 205-207 (1996) Molecular dynamics calculation of Raty, J.-Y., see Gaspard, J.-P. 205-207 (1996) structure and transport properties for Riatzke, K., A. Heesemann and F. Fau- molten YCI, 205-207 (1996) pel, Pressure and mass dependence Okorokov, A.L, see de Jong, M. 205-207 (1996) of diffusion in metallic glasses 205-207 (1996) Ono, M., Structural investigations of Redmer, R., see Nagel, S. 205-207 (1996) composite materials by neutron scat- Regan, M.J., O.M. Magnussen, E.H. tering at KUR 205-207 (1996) Kawamoto, P.S. Pershan, B.M. Onogi, T., see Masaki, T. 205-207 (1996) Ocko, N. Maskil, M. Deutsch, S. Orlov, V.K., see Konovalov, LI. 205-207 (1996) Lee, K. Penanen and L.E. Berman, Ovari, T.A., see Chiriac, H. 205-207 (1996) X-ray studies of atomic layering at Oyanagi, H., see Katayama, Y. 205-207 (1996) liquid metal surfaces 205-207 (1996) Rekveldt, M.Th., see de Jong, M. 205-207 (1996) Padré, J.A., see Canales, M. 205-207 (1996) Reynolds, L., see Zuo, D. 205-207 (1996) Palleau, P., see Andonov, P. 205-207 (1996) Rice, S.A., Structure of the liquid—vapor Parette, G., see Bellissent, R. 205-207 (1996) interfaces of metals and binary al- Pasturel, A., see Jakse, N. 205-207 (1996) loys 205-207 (1996) Paulick, C., see Schmitt, Y. 205-207 (1996) Riley, S.J., The atomic structure of tran- Penanen, K., see Regan, M.J. 205-207 (1996) sition metal clusters ' 205-207 (1996) Peng, M., see Karlhuber, S. 205-207 (1996) Rodmar, M., see Ahigren, M. 205-207 (1996) Perepezko, J.H., see Foley, J.C. 205-207 (1996) Rodmar, M., see Stognei, O.V. 205-207 (1996) Perepezko, J.H., see Uttormark, MJ. 205-207 (1996) Répke, G., see Nagel, S. 205-207 (1996) Pershan, P.S., see Regan, M_J. 205-207 (1996) Roth, S., see Stiller, C. 205-207 (1996) Petrzhik, M.L., see Molokanov, V.V. 205-207 (1996) Royer, F.X., see Schmitt, Y. 205-207 (1996) Pierce, F.S., see Poon, S.J. 205-207 (1996) Runov, V.V., see de Jong, M. 205-207 (1996) Pitschke, W., see Burkov, A.T. 205-207 (1996) Ruuskanen, P., Amorphous and meta- Poh, P.D., see Nattland, D. 205-207 (1996) stable Fe,_,Si, alloys and com- Author index pounds prepared by solid-state syn- phous alloys with extended super- thesis 205-207 (1996) cooled liquid region produced by Ruuskanen, P., see Kaczkowski, Z. 205-207 (1996) mechanical alloying 205-207 (1996) Ruuskanen, P., see Kaczkowski, Z. 205-207 (1996) Seidel, M., see Eckert, J. 205-207 (1996) Ryan, D.H., see Mao, M. 205-207 (1996) Seifert, K., J. Hafner and G. Kresse, Ryan, D.H., see Wang, Y.B. 205-207 (1996) Structural and electronic properties of molten semimetals: An ab initio Saadeddine, S., see Grosdidier, B. 205-207 (1996) study for liquid antimony 205-207 (1996) Saboungi, M.-L., see Armand, P. 205-207 (1996) Senatore, G., S. Moroni and D.M. Saboungi, M.-L., see Stoddard, R.D. 205-207 (1996) Ceperley, Local field factor and ef- Saboungi, M.-L., see Winter, R. 205-207 (1996) fective potentials in liquid metals 205-207 (1996) Sabouri-Ghomi, M. and Z. Altounian, Severiano, J.L.J., see Gonzalez, M.A. 205-207 (1996) Enhancement of superconductivity in Shelton, W.A., see Swihart, J.C. 205-207 (1996) relaxed Fe—Zr metallic glasses 205-207 (1996) Shimojo, F., Y. Zempo, K. Hoshino and Saito, M., Y. Waseda, E. Matsubara, M. Watabe, First-principles molecu- X.-M. Wang, T. Aihara, K. Aoki lar-dynamics simulation of expanded and T. Masumoto, Structural study liquid rubidium: temperature depen- of amorphous GdM, (M = Fe, Co, dence of electronic properties 205-207 (1996) Ni) alloys by the anomalous X-ray Shimojo, F., see Munejiri, S. 205-207 (1996) scattering (AXS) method 205-207 (1996) Shimomura, O., see Katayama, Y. 205-207 (1996) Saitoh, K., see Usuki, T. 205-207 (1996) Shimomura, O., see Katayama, Y. 205-207 (1996) Sakaguchi, Y. and K. Tamura, Photo-in- Shimomura, O., see Tsuji, K. 205-207 (1996) duced structural changes in liquid Shirakawa, Y., Y. Arai and S. Tamaki, sulfur 205-207 (1996) Magnetic and structural properties of Sakurai, M., see Nasu, T. 205-207 (1996) liquid Ag—polyvalent systems 205-207 (1996) Salmon, P.S. and J. Liu, The coordina- Shirakawa, Y., see Arai, Y. 205-207 (1996) tion environment of Ag and Cu in Shirakawa, Y., see Inui, M. 205-207 (1996) ternary chalcogenide glasses 205-207 (1996) Shirakawa, Y., see Koishi, T. 205-207 (1996) Sato, E., see Itami, T. 205-207 (1996) Sietsma, J., see Van Ee, L.D. 205-207 (1996) Savvatimski, A.I., see Korobenko, V.N. 205-207 (1996) Sietsma, J., see de Hey, P. 205-207 (1996) Sayers, D.E., see Nasu, T. 205-207 (1996) Sietsma, J., see de Jong, M. 205-207 (1996) Schafer, R., see Stiller, C. 205-207 (1996) Silbert, M., see Gonzalez, L.E. 205-207 (1996) Schaub, T.M., D.E. Biirgler, C.M. Silbert, M., see Gonzalez, L.E. 205-207 (1996) Schmidt and H.-J. Giintherodt, In- Silbert, M., see Gonzalez, L.E. 205-207 (1996) vestigation of non-crystalline sur- Silvera, LF., Investigations of possible faces by scanning tunneling mi- metallic and critical behavior in the croscopy 205-207 (1996) solid hydrogens at megabar pres- Schindelbeck, Th. and W. Freyland, ESR sures 205-207 (1996) study of spin dynamics in K , KCl, _ , Simmons, R.O., see Gordon, C.A. 205-207 (1996) melts (10~* <x < 10~') approach- Solbrig, H., see Arnold, R. 205-207 (1996) ing the M—NM transition 205-207 (1996) Sommer, F., J. Schmid and F. Schuller, Schmid, J., see Sommer, F. 205-207 (1996) Temperature and concentration de- Schmidt, C.M., see Schaub, T.M. 205-207 (1996) pendence of the enthalpy of forma- Schmitt, Y., C. Paulick, F.X. Royer and tion of liquid Al-La—Ni alloys 205-207 (1996) J.G. Gasser, Magnetic field induced Sommer, F., see Zappel, J. 205-207 (1996) orientational order of conductive Sommer, M., see Ahigren, M. 205-207 (1996) fibers in non-conductive liquids 205-207 (1996) SpiSak, D., J. Hafner, R. Lorenz and Ch. Schnyders, H.S., see Zuo, D. 205-207 (1996) Becker, Asperomagnetism in amor- Schober, H., see Suck, J.-B. 205-207 (1996) phous Fe—Y alloys 205-207 (1996) Schuller, F., see Sommer, F. 205-207 (1996) Stangl, A., Chr. Morkel, U. Balucani Schultz, L., see Eckert, J. 205-207 (1996) and A. Torcini, Single particle mo- Schultz, L., see Seidel, M. 205-207 (1996) tion in a dense liquid: A competition Schultz, L., see Stiller, C. 205-207 (1996) of mode coupling effects 205-207 (1996) Schumann, J., see Burkov, A.T. 205-207 (1996) Stangl, A., see Balucani, U. 205-207 (1996) Schwarz, R.B., see He, Y. 205-207 (1996) Steeb, S., see Nuding, Ma. 205-207 (1996) Seidel, M., J. Eckert, E. Zueco-Rodrigo Stiller, C., J. Eckert, S. Roth, R. Schafer, and L. Schultz, Mg-based amor- U. Klement and L. Schultz, Mechan- XXViii Author index ically alloyed Fe—Zr—(B,Cu) alloys: Takehana, K., see Yao, M. 205-207 (1996) effect of composition and heat treat- Tamaki, S., see Arai, Y. 205-207 (1996) ment on the microstructure and the Tamaki, S., see Inui, M. 205-207 (1996) magnetic properties 205-207 (1996) Tamaki, S., see Koishi, T. 205-207 (1996) Stocks, G.M., see Swihart, J.C. 205-207 (1996) Tamaki, S., see Maruyama, K. 205-207 (1996) Stoddard, R.D., M.S. Conradi, A.F. Mc- Tamaki, S., see Shirakawa, Y. 205-207 (1996) Dowell, M.-L. Saboungi and D.L. Tamaki, S., see Takeda, S. 205-207 (1996) Price, Atomic motions in NaSn: an Tamaki, S., see Takeda, S. 205-207 (1996) unusual molecular semiconductor 205-207 (1996) Tamura, K., Structural changes and the Stognei, O.V., M. Rodmar, Yu.V. metal—non-metal transition in super- Barmin, LV. Zolotukhin and O. critical fluids 205-207 (1996) Rapp, Superconducting transition Tamura, K., see Inui, M. 205-207 (1996) temperature in amorphous ReCr al- Tamura, K., see Sakaguchi, Y. 205-207 (1996) loys 205-207 (1996) Tanikawa, H., see Yonezawa, F. 205-207 (1996) Strém-Olsen, J.0., see Briining, R. 205-207 (1996) Tarazona, P., see Chacén, E. 205-207 (1996) Stupp, H., see Boyen, H.-G. 205-207 (1996) Tarazona, P., see Velasco, E. 205-207 (1996) Suck, J.-B., Temperature dependence of Tatsumisago, M., see Umesaki, N. 205-207 (1996) the total dynamic structure factor of Tesis, V.A., see Krasny, Y.P. 205-207 (1996) the metallic glass Ni,, Zr, 205-207 (1996) Thijsse, B.J., see Van Ee, L.D. 205-207 (1996) Suck, J.-B., H. Schober and H. Thurnauer, M.C., see Rajh, T. 205-207 (1996) Giintherodt, The generalised vibra- Tiede, D.M., see Rajh, T. 205-207 (1996) tional density of states and total dy- Tokairin, S., see Uemura, O. 205-207 (1996) namic structure factor of the metallic Tomut, M., see Chiriac, H. 205-207 (1996) glass Zr,,Cu,75Ni,,Al, measured Tomut, M., see Chiriac, H. 205-207 (1996) at room temperature 205-207 (1996) Toperverg, B.P., see de Jong, M. 205-207 (1996) Suck, J.-B., see Chieux, P. 205-207 (1996) Torcini, A., see Balucani, U. 205-207 (1996) Suck, J.-B., see Mihalkovic, M. 205-207 (1996) Torcini, A., see Stangl, A. 205-207 (1996) Sugimura, K., see Itami, T. 205-207 (1996) Tsuchiya, Y., Sound velocity in the liq- Sugiyama, K., see Takeda, S. 205-207 (1996) uid Ag—Se system 205-207 (1996) Surifiach, S., E. Ilekov4, M.D. Baré, A. Tsuchiya, Y. and M. Nagai, Critical Jha and S. Jordery, Evaluation of sound wave propagation in an alloy crystal nucleation and growth from with a miscibility gap 205-207 (1996) crystallization kinetics data of new Tsuchiya, Y., F. Kakinuma and C. halide glasses 205-207 (1996) Bergman, Structural changes and Suslick, K.S., see Bellissent, R. 205-207 (1996) concentration fluctuations in the liq- Sutton, M., see Briining, R. 205-207 (1996) uid Se—Te system 205-207 (1996) Sutton, M., see Briining, R. 205-207 (1996) Tsuchiya, Y., see Kakinuma, F. 205-207 (1996) Suzuki, K., see Kakinuma, F. 205-207 (1996) Tsuji, K., Y. Katayama, H. Kanda and Suzuki, K., see Nasu, T. 205-207 (1996) H. Nosaka, Amorphization from the Swihart, J.C., D.M.C. Nicholson, G.M. quenched high-pressure phase i Stocks, Y. Wang, W.A. Shelton and GaAands G aP 205-207 (1996) H. Yang, Calculation of electronic Tsuji, K., Y. Katayama, Y. Morimoto properties of amorphous alloys 205-207 (1996) and O. Shimomura, Structure of liq- Szigeti, F., see Kaptay, G. 205-207 (1996) uid rubidium under high pressure 205-207 (1996) Tsuji, K., see Katayama, Y. 205-207 (1996) Tadami, N., see Uemura, O. 205-207 (1996) Tsuji, K., see Katayama, Y. 205-207 (1996) Takahashi, M., see Umesaki, N. 205-207 (1996) Tsuzuki, T., see Ikemoto, H. 205-207 (1996) Takeda, S., Y. Kawakita, M. Inui, K. Tung, Y.S., see Henderson, D.O. 205-207 (1996) Maruyama, S. Tamaki and Y. Tusch, M.A., see Diicker, H. 205-207 (1996) Waseda, Electron—ion correlation in liquid metals Ueda, A., see Henderson, D.O. 205-207 (1996) Takeda, S.. Y. Kawakita, M. Inui, K. Uemura, O., N. Hayasaka, S. Tokairin Maruyama, S. Tamaki, K. Sugiyama and T. Usuki, Local atomic arrange- and Y. Waseda, Structure and dy- ment in Ge-Te and Ge-S-Te namical properties of molten V,O, 205-207 (1996) glasses 205-207 (1996) Takeda, S., see Inui, M. 205-207 (1996) Uemura, O., T. Mori, N. Tadami and Y. Takeda, S., see Inui, M. 205-207 (1996) Kameda, Amorphous structure in Takeda, S., see Maruyama, K. 205-207 (1996) Te—X-I (X:S, Se) mixtures 205-207 (1996)

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