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Preview Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 1996: Vol 198-200 Index

JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLDDS ELSEVIER Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 198—200 (1996) xxvii—xlvi Author index margo Jr., Cathodic and anodic glow Adolphi, B., see Alhallani, B. 198-200 (1996) discharge silicon—carbon alloys (a- Adriaenssens, G., see Lyubin, V. 198-200 (1996) Si,_ ,C,:H) from x=0.5 to 1: A Adriaenssens, G.J., see Tikhomirov, comparative study by photoemission V.K. 198-200 (1996) (UPS) and photoluminescence (PL) 198-200 (1996) Adriaenssens, G.J., see Baranovskii, Amaratunga, G.A.J. and S.R.P. Silva, S.D. 198-200 (1996) Field emission from a-C:H and a- Adriaenssens, G.J., S.D. Baranovskii, W. C:H:N 198-200 (1996) Fuhs, J. Jansen and O. Oktii, Light- Ando, M., M. Takabatake, E. Nishimura, intensity dependence of excess car- F. Leblanc, K.-i. Onisawa and T. rier lifetimes 198-200 (1996) Minemura, Roles of bonded hydro- Adriaenssens, G.J., see Eliat, A. 198-200 (1996) 5 gens and oxygen vacancies on crys- Adriaenssens, G.J., A. Gheorghiu, C. tallization of hydrogenated amor- Sénémaud, N. Qamhieh, N. Bollé, E. phous indium tin oxide (a-ITO:H) Sleeckx and P. Nagels, Comparison films 198-200 (1996) between electrical properties and Androulidaki, M., see Tzanetakis, P. 198-200 (1996) electronic structure of variously-pre- Aniya, M., A model for the photo-elec- pared germanium selenide films 198-200 (1996) tro ionic phenomena in chalcogenide Akasaka, T. and I. Shimizu, Fabrication glasses 198-200 (1996) 762 of high-quality poly-Si thin films Aoki, Y., see Hattori, R. 198-200 (1996) 649 combined with in situ real-time Aoyagi, Y., see Zhao, X. 198-200 (1996) 847 spectroscopic ellipsometry 198-200 (1996) 883 Aoyagi, Y., see Komuro, S. 198-200 (1996) 965 Akiyama, T., see Tsuji, N. 198-200 (1996) 1034 Aoyagi, Y., see O’ Keeffe, P. 198-200 (1996) 969 Akiyama, T., see Tsuji, N. 198-200 (1996) 1054 Apte, R., see Street, R.A. 198-200 (1996) 1151 Al-Alawi, S.M., see Al-Dallal, S. 198-200 (1996) 1072 Arai, K., see Toyoshima, Y. 198-200 (1996) 1042 Al-Dallal, S., S. Arekat, S.M. Al-Alawi, Arai, T., see Matsuishi, K. 198-200 (1996) 552 S. Aljishi and R. Bannai, Prepara- Arai, T., see Onari, S. 198-200 (1996) 700 tion, structural and optical properties Arai, T., see Shirai, H. 198-200 (1996) 931 of novel hydrogenated and fluori- Arai, Y., see Ikeo, I. 198-200 (1996) 1109 nated amorphous silicon—sulfur al- Arakane, T., see Matsuse, M. 198-200 (1996) 787 loys 198-200 (1996) 1072 Arekat, S., see Al-Dallal, S. 198-200 (1996) 1072 Alhallani, B., G. Suchaneck, J. Schmal, Arkhipov, V.I. and H. Bassler, Charge R. Staub, B. Adolphi and K. carrier transport in diluted hopping Drescher, Defect density of a-Si:H systems 198-200 (1996) 242 films grown at high deposition rates 198-200 (1996) 371 Arkhipov, V.I., H. Bassler, M. Deussen, Alhallani, B., R. Tews, G. Suchaneck, E.O. Gobel, U. Lemmer and R.F. S. Rodhlecke, A. Kottwitz and K. Mahrt, Field-induced dissociation of Schade, Improved quality of high optical excitations in conjugated deposition rate a-Si:H films prepared polymers 198-200 (1996) 661 at usual substrate temperature 198-200 (1996) 1063 Arlauskas, K., see JuSka, G. 198-200 (1996) 202 Aljishi, S., see Al-Dallal, S. 198-200 (1996) 1072 Asami, T., see Onari, S. 198-200 (1996) 700 Alvarez, F., see Comedi, D. 198-200 (1996) 136 Asher, S., see Branz, H.M. 198-200 (1996) 441 Alvarez, F., P.I. Rovira, M. Bormioli, S. Ashida, Y., see Saitoh, K. 198-200 (1996) 1093 Souto, L.R. Tessler and S.S. Ca- Ashida, Y., see Sadamoto, M. 198—200 (1996) 1105 XXVill Author index Azuma, M., T. Yokoi and I. Shimizu, Shah and M. Vanééek, Enhanced op- Improved stability of a-Si:H fabri- tical absorption in microcrystalline cated from SiH,Cl, by ECR hydro- silicon 198-200 (1996) 903 gen plasma 198-200 (1996) 419 Beck, N., see Wyrsch, N. 198-200 (1996) 238 Becker, F., see Carius, R. 198-200 (1996) 246 Baba, T., see Matsuyama, T. 198-200 (1996) 940 Benlahsen, M., see Zellama, K. 198-200 (1996) 81 Bae, B.S., see Hwang, C.-S. 198-200 (1996) 499 Benson, D.K., see Bullock, J.N. 198-200 (1996) 1163 Balberg, I., see Lubianiker, Y. 198-200 (1996) 309 Bernhard, N., see Schmid, G. 198-200 (1996) 206 Balberg, I., see Lubianiker, Y. 198-200 (1996) 949 Beyer, W., Incorporation and thermal Banerjee, A., see Lucovsky, G. 198-200 (1996) 19 stability of hydrogen in amorphous Banki, P., see Pécsik, I. 198-200 (1996) 632 silicon and germanium 198-200 (1996) 40 Bannai, R., see Al-Dallal, S. 198-200 (1996) 1072 Beyer, W. and H. Mell, Comparative Baranovskii, S.D. and P. Thomas, Non- study of light-induced photoconduc- linear hopping transport in band tails 198-200 (1996) 140 tivity decay in hydrogenated amor- Baranovskii, S.D., T. Faber, F. Hensel, phous silicon 198-200 (1996) 466 P. Thomas and G.J. Adriaenssens, Beyer, W., see Stief, R. 198-200 (1996) 636 Einstein’s relationship for hopping Beyer, W., see Schade, K. 198-200 (1996) 1050 electrons 198-200 (1996) Bezemer, J., see Bayley, P.A. 198-200 (1996) 161 Baranovskii, S.D., T. Faber, F. Hensel Bezemer, J., see Eliat, A. 198-200 (1996) 592 and P. Thomas, On the description Bhatt, R.N., see Taguchi, M. 198-200 (1996) 899 of hopping-energy relaxation and Bimberg, D., see Zacharias, M. 198-200 (1996) 115 transport in disordered systems 198-200 (1996) Bird, J.P., see Ochiai, Y. 198-200 (1996) 804 Baranovskii, S.D., see Adriaenssens, Blasing, J., see Driisedau, T.P. 198-200 (1996) 111 G.J. 198-200 (1996) Blasing, J., see Zacharias, M. 198-200 (1996) 919 Bardet, E., J.E. Bourée, M. Cuniot, J. Blum, T., see Schade, K. 198-200 (1996) 1050 Dixmier, P. Elkaim, J. Le Duigou, Bock, W., see Driisedau, T.P. 198-200 (1996) 111 A.R. Middya and J. Perrin, The grain Bollé, N., see Adriaenssens, G.J. 198-200 (1996) 675 size in microcrystalline silicon: cor- Bondarenko, V., see Lazarouk, S. 198-200 (1996) 973 relation between atomic force mi- Boonkosum, W., D. Kruangam, B. Rat- croscopy, UV reflectometry, ellip- wises, T. Sujaridchai, S. Panyakeow, sometry, and X-ray diffractometry 198-200 (1996) S. Fujikake and H. Sakai, Amor- Bartlett, 1.D., J.M. Marshall and J.M. phous SiO:H thin film visible light Maud, Characterization and applica- emitting diode 198-200 (1996) 1226 tion of carbazole modified polysilox- Bormioli, M., see Alvarez, F. 198-200 (1996) 628 anes to electrochromic displays 198-200 (1996) 665 Bounouh, Y., see Zellama, K. 198-200 (1996) 81 Barua, A.K., see Middya, A.R. 198-200 (1996) 1067 Bourée, J.E., C. Godet, B. Drévillon, R. Basing, J., see Zacharias, M. 198-200 (1996) 115 Etemadi, T. Heitz, J. Cernogora and Bassler, H., see Arkhipov, V.I. 198-200 (1996) 242 J.L. Fave, Optical and luminescence Bassler, H., see Arkhipov, V.I. 198-200 (1996) 661 properties of polymer-like a-C:H Bauer, G.H., see Briiggemann, R. 198-200 (1996) 186 films deposited in a dual-mode Bauer, S., see Diehl, F. 198-200 (1996) 436 PECVD reactor 198-200 (1996) 623 Bauer, S., T. Haage, B. Schroder and H. Bourée, J.E., see Bardet, E. 198-200 (1996) 867 Oechsner, Some aspects on an im- Brandt, M.S., see Graeff, C.F.O. 198-200 (1996) 1117 proved stability of a-Si:H and a-Ge:H Branz, H.M., J. Bullock, S. Asher, H. films with respect to their mi- Gleskova and S. Wagner, On the crostructure 198-200 (1996) lack of observable light-induced H Bauhofer, W., see Riiter, D. 198—200 (1996) diffusion near room temperature 198-200 (1996) 441 Bayley, P.A., J.M. Marshall, C. Main, Branz, H.M., T. Unold and P.A. Fed- D.P. Webb, R.A.C.M.M. Van Swaaij ders, Structural memory model of and J. Bezemer, Determination of slow defect relaxation in hydro- the density of states in amorphous genated amorphous silicon 198-200 (1996) 535 silicon—carbon alloys using a Fourier Branz, H.M., see Bullock, J.N. 198—200 (1996) 1163 transformation of transient photocur- Briiggemann, R. and G.H. Bauer, Identi- rent data 198—200 (1996) 161 fication and explanation of peculiar Bechinger, C., see Bullock, J.N. 198-200 (1996) 1163 features in hole SCLC-TOF in a-Si:H Beck, N., J. Meier, J. Fric, Z. RemeS, A. pin-diodes from numerical mod- Poruba, R. Fliickiger, J. Pohl, A. elling 198-200 (1996) 186 Author index Briiggemann, R., see Carius, R. 198-200 (1996) 246 electroluminescence from crystal- Briiggemann, R., see Gao, W. 198-200 (1996) 1221 lized a-Si:H/a-SiNy:H multiquan- Bullock, J., see Branz, H.M. 198-200 (1996) 441 tum well structures 198-200 (1996) 833 Bullock, J.N., C. Bechinger, D.K. Ben- Chen, K., H. Qin, X. Huang, K. Ikuta, son and H.M. Branz, Semi-trans- A. Matsuda and K. Tanaka, The ef- parent a-SiC:H solar cells for self- fect of hydrogen species on the elec- powered photovoltaic—electrochro- tronic properties of nc-Si:H prepared mic devices 198-200 (1996) 1163 in a triode PECVD system 198-200 (1996) 89] Burak Ucer, K., see von Behren, J. 198-200 (1996) 957 Chen, K., see Gu, X. 198-200 (1996) 1176 Burnham, J.S., see Collins, R.W. 198-200 (1996) 981 Chen, X., see Huang, X. 198-200 (1996) 821 Chen, Y., see Wickboldt, P. 198-200 (1996) 567 Callaerts, R., see Sleeckx, E. 198-200 (1996) 723 Cheong, H.M., see Chen, J.H. 198-200 (1996) 128 Camargo Jr., S.S., see Alvarez, F. 198-200 (1996) 628 Cheong, H.M., see Wickboldt, P. 198-200 (1996) 813 Caputo, D. and G. de Cesare, New a- Chevrier, J.-B., see Gu, Q. 198-200 (1996) 194 Si:H two-terminal switching device Chida, Y., see Kondo, M. 198-200 (1996) 178 for active display 198-200 (1996) 1134 Chida, Y., M. Kondo and A. Matsuda, Caputo, D., F. Irrera, F. Palma, S.R. Interpretation of mechanism deter- Rachele and M. Tucci, Amorphous mining field effect mobility in a-Si:H silicon optical spectrum analyzer for TFT based on surface reaction model 198-200 (1996) 1121 the visible range 198—200 (1996) 1172 Cho, S.M., C. Christensen, G. Lucovsky Carius, R., F. Becker, R. Briiggemann and D.M. Maher, Deposition of mi- and H. Wagner, Electrolumines- crocrystalline hydrogenated silicon, cence and forward bias currents in germanium alloy (jc-Si,Ge,_ ,:H) amorphous silicon p—i—n diodes: the films by reactive magnetron sputter- effect of steady state bias and large ing (RMS) 198-200 (1996) 587 i-layer thickness 198-200 (1996) 246 Choi, H.S., K.H. Jang, B.H. Min, M.K. Carius, R., see Hapke, P. 198-200 (1996) 927 Han and J. Jang, Pulsed-laser-in- Cernogora, J., see Bourée, J.E. 198-200 (1996) 623 duced crystallization of fluorinated Chabloz, P., H. Keppner, D. Fischer, D. amorphous and microcrystalline sili- Link and A. Shah, Amorphous sili- con films 198-200 (1996) 945 con p-—i—n diodes, deposited by the Choi, J., A. Singh, E.A. Davis and S.J. VHF-GD process: new experimental Gurman, Optical properties and results. 198-200 (1996) 1159 structure of unhydrogenated, hydro- Chack, A., see Zelikson, M. 198—200 (1996) 107 genated, and zinc-alloyed a-Ge, Chahed, L., see Zellama, K. 198-200 (1996) 81 Se,_, films prepared by radio- Chambouleyron, I., see Comedi, D. 198-200 (1996) 136 frequency sputtering 198-200 (1996) 680 Chambouleyron, I., see Comedi, D. 198-200 (1996) 399 Christen, J., see Zacharias, M. 198-200 (1996) 115 Chauvet, O., see Kugler, S. 198-200 (1996) 646 Christen, J., see Zacharias, M. 198-200 (1996) 919 Chen, C.-C., see Zhong, F. 198-200 (1996) 572 Christensen, C., see Cho, S.M. 198-200 (1996) 587 Chen, D.Q., J.M. Viner and P.C. Taylor, Cohen, J.D. and F. Zhong, Bias light New nitrogen-related defects in ni- induced defect relaxation phenom- trogen-rich a-Si, N,_ ,:H 198-200 (1996) 334 ena in hydrogenated amorphous sili- Chen, I.-S., L. Jiao, R.W. Collins and con 198-200 (1996) 512 C.R. Wronski, A novel approach to Cohen, J.D., see Kwon, D. 198-200 (1996) 530 the analysis of sub-bandgap absorp- Cohen, J.D., see Wickboldt, P. 198-200 (1996) 567 tion in a-Si:H based materials 198-200 (1996) 391 Cohen, J.D., see Zhong, F. 198-200 (1996) 572 Chen, J.H., D. Pang, P. Wickboldt, H.M. Collins, R.W., see Chen, I.-S. 198-200 (1996) 39] Cheong and W. Paul, Visible room- Collins, R.W., see Nguyen, H.V. 198-200 (1996) 853 temperature photoluminescence from Collins, R.W., J.S. Burnham, S. Kim, J. oxidized germanium 198-200 (1996) 128 Koh, Y. Lu and C.R. Wronski, In- Chen, J.H., see Driisedau, T.P. 198-200 (1996) 111 sights into deposition processes for Chen, J.H., see Wickboldt, P. 198-200 (1996) 567 amorphous semiconductor materials Chen, J.H., see Wickboldt, P. 198-200 (1996) 813 and devices from real time spectro- Chen, K., see Huang, X. 198—200 (1996) 821 scopic ellipsometry 198-200 (1996) 981 Chen, K., see Xu, J. 198—200 (1996) 582 Comedi, D., A.R. Zanatta, F. Alvarez Chen, K., M. Wang, W. Shi, L. Jiang, and I. Chambouleyron, Electronic W. Li, J. Xu and X. Huang, Visible structure of amorphous germanium— Author index nitrogen alloys: a UV photoelectron Deki, H., see Ohmura, M. 198-200 (1996) spectroscopy study 198-200 (1996) 136 Della Sala, D., see Fameli, G. 198-200 (1996) Comedi, D., F. Fajardo and I. Cham- Demichelis, F., see Fathallah, M. 198-200 (1996) bouleyron, Band tails and defect Demichelis, F., see Giorgis, F. 198-200 (1996) § density in p-type doped hydro- Deussen, M., see Arkhipov, V.I. 198-200 (1996) genated amorphous germanium 198-200 (1996) : Dick, F., see Main, C. 198-200 (1996) 2 Cooper, C.H., see Dunnett, B. 198-200 (1996) Diehl, F., W. Herbst, S. Bauer, B. Corey, R.L., M.J. Kernan, D.J. Leopold, Schréder and H. Oechsner, Creation P.A. Fedders, R.E. Norberg, W.A. of metastable defects in a-Si:H by Turner and W. Paul, Stability of the keV-electron irradiation at different number of silicon—hydrogen bonds temperatures 198-200 (1996) upon photoillumination of undoped Dixmier, J., see Cuniot, M. 198-200 (1996) amorphous hydrogenated silicon 198-200 (1996) 65 Dixmier, J., see Bardet, E. 198-200 (1996) Crandall, R.S., see Vanééek, M. 198-200 (1996) 478 Dohmaru, T., see Nakayama, Y. 198-200 (1996) Crandall, R.S., see Lips, K. 198-200 (1996) 525 Drescher, K., see Alhallani, B. 198-200 (1996) Crovini, G., see Fathallah, M. 198-200 (1996) 490 Drévillon, B., see Bourée, J.E. 198-200 (1996) Crovini, G., see Giorgis, F. 198-200 (1996) 596 Drevillon, B., see Roca i Cabarrocas, P. 198-200 (1996) Cruz, J., see Vieira, M. 198-200 (1996) 1193 Driisedau, T.P., P. Wickboldt, J.H. Chen, Cull, T., see Santos-Filho, P. 198-200 (1996) 77 D. Pang, H. Freistedt, J. Blasing and Cuniot, M., J. Dixmier and P. W. Bock, Plasma deposited non- Roca i Cabarrocas, Improved mobil- stoichiometric hydrogenated germa- ity-lifetime product of holes in a- nium sulfide a-Ge,_ .S ,:H (x < 0.3) 198-200 (1996) Si:H n—i-p devices: a consequence Driisedau, T.P., Observation of zero dif- of structural relaxation? 198—200 (1996) 540 ferential resistivity in a-Si:H barriers Cuniot, M., see Bardet, E. 198-200 (1996) 867 — on the absence of quantum con- finement in amorphous semiconduc- tors for high fields 198-200 (1996) Dalal, V., see Kaushal, S. 198-200 (1996) 563 Driisedau, T.P., A.N. Panckow and F. Dalal, V.L., S. Kaushal, R. Knox, K. Klabunde, The hydrogenated amor- Han and F. Martin, Significant im- phous — silicon/nanodisperse metal provements in stability of amor- (SIMAL) system — Films of unique phous silicon solar cells by using electronic properties 198-200 (1996) 829 ECR deposition 198-200 (1996) 1101 Du, J., see Gu, X. 198-200 (1996) 1176 Davis, E.A., Hydrogen in silicon 198-200 (1996) | Dunnett, B., R.A.G. Gibson, D.I. Jones, Davis, E.A., see Choi, J. 198-200 (1996) 680 C.H. Cooper, M.J. Powell, S.C. Davis, E.A., see Singh, A. 198-200 (1996) 692 Deane, I.D. French and D.T. Mur- Dayoub, F., J.P. Kleider, C. Longeaud, ley, Equilibration in amorphous sili- D. Mencaraglia and J. Reynaud, con nitride alloys 198-200 (1996) Thermal bias annealing experiments Durny, R., see Hata, N. 198-200 (1996) on aluminum /silicon nitride /hydro- genated amorphous silicon top gate structures 198—200 (1996) 318 Eisenberg, N.P., M. Manevich, M. Kle- Deane, S., see Murley, D. 198-200 (1996) 1058 banov, V. Lyubin and S. Shtutina, Deane, S.C. and M.J. Powell, The rela- Fabrication and testing of microlens tionship between hydrogen and elec- arrays for the IR based on chalco- tronic defects in amorphous silicon 198—200 (1996) 295 genide glassy resists 198-200 (1996) Deane, S.C., see Dunnett, B. 198-200 (1996) 601 Eitel, S., see Toet, D. 198-200 (1996) De Cesare, G., see Caputo, D. 198-200 (1996) 1134 Eliat, A., B. Yan, G.J. Adriaenssens and De Cesare, G., F. Galluzzi, F. Irrera, D. J. Bezemer, Time-of-flight and Lauta, F. Ferrazza and M. Tucci, post-transit spectroscopy of a- Variable spectral response photode- Si,_ .C,:H alloys 198-200 (1996) 5 tector based on crystall/i anmoer - Elkaim, P., see Bardet, E. 198-200 (1996) phous silicon heterostructure 198-200 (1996) 1189 Elliott, S.R. and V.K. Tikhomirov, Vec- De Cesare, G., V. lorio, F. Irrera, F. toral and scalar photoinduced effects Palma and M. Tucci, Amorphous sil- in chalcogenide glasses 198-200 (1996) icon UV photodetectors with rejec- Endo, S., see Shams-Kolahi, W. 198—200 (1996) tion of the visible spectrum 198-200 (1996) 1198 Equer, B., see Gu, Q. 198-200 (1996) Deki, H., see Yamashita, K. 198-200 (1996) 800 Etemadi, R., see Bourée, J.E. 198-200 (1996) Author index XXXl Ewen, P.J.S., see Wagner, T. 198-200 (1996) 744 Frauenheim, Th., see Schifer, J. 198-200 (1996) 641 Ewen, P.J.S., see Zakery, A. 198-200 (1996) 769 Freistedt, H., see Driisedau, T.P. 198-200 (1996) 111 French, I., see Murley, D. 198—200 (1996) 1058 Faber, T., see Baranovskii, S.D. 198-200 (1996) 214 French, I.D., see Dunnett, B. 198—200 (1996) 601 Faber, T., see Baranovskii, S.D. 198—200 (1996) 222 Fric, J., see Vanééek, M. 198—200 (1996) 478 Fajardo, F., see Comedi, D. 198-200 (1996) 399 Fric, J., see Beck, N. 198—200 (1996) 903 Fameli, G., D. Della Sala, F. Roca and Fritzsche, H., S. Heck and P. Stradins, C. Gerardi, Characterisation of thin Dual beam and transient infrared amorphous silicon films with multi- stimulated photoconductivity in hy- ple internal reflectance spectroscopy 198-200 (1996) 69 drogenated amorphous silicon at 4.2 Fantoni, A., see Vieira, M. 198—200 (1996) 1193 K 198—200 (1996) 153 Fantoni, A., see Magarico, A. 198—200 (1996) 1207 Fritzsche, H., see Tzanetakis, P. 198-200 (1996) 276 Fathallah, M., R. Gharbi, G. Crovini, F. Fritzsche, H., see Stradins, P. 198-200 (1996) 432 Demichelis, F. Giorgis, C.F. Pirri, E. Fritzsche, H., see Tzanetakis, P. 198—200 (1996) 458 Tresso and P. Rava, Light-soaking Frumar, M., see Wagner, T. 198-200 (1996) 744 in a-SiC:H films grown by PECVD Fuhs, W., see Schubert, M. 198-200 (1996) 251 in undiluted and hydrogen diluted Fuhs, W., see Lips, K. 198-200 (1996) 267 SiH, + CH, gas mixtures 198—200 (1996) 490 Fuhs, W., see Adriaenssens, G.J. 198-200 (1996) 271 Fauchet, P.M., see Xu, Z. 198-200 (1996) 11 Fuhs, W., see Saleh, R. 198-200 (1996) 367 Fauchet, P.M., see von Behren, J. 198-200 (1996) 957 Fujii, T., M. Yoshimoto, T. Fuyuki and Fave, J.L., see Bourée, J.E. 198—200 (1996) 623 H. Matsunami, Bonding structures in Fedders, P., see Santos-Filho, P. 198-200 (1996) 77 highly photoconductive a-SiC:H Fedders, P.A., First principles simula- films deposited by hybrid-plasma tions of local and extended migra- chemical vapor deposition 198—200 (1996) 577 tion of H and defects in a-Si 198-200 (1996) 56 Fujikake, S., see Ichikawa, Y. 198—200 (1996) 1081 Fedders, P.A., see Corey, R.L. 198-200 (1996) 65 Fujikake, S., see Boonkosum, W. 198-200 (1996) 1226 Fedders, P.A., see Branz, H.M. 198-200 (1996) 535 Fuyiki, T., see Hattori, R. 198-200 (1996) 649 Fefer, E., see Lubianiker, Y. 198-200 (1996) 309 Fujiwara, S. and F. Yonezawa, Anoma- Fejfar, A., G. JuSka and J. Ko¢éka, Com- lous relaxation in fractal and disor- ments on space-charge-limited time- dered systems 198—200 (1996) 507 of-flight measurements in post-tran- Fujiyoshi, T., see Kubota, H. 198-200 (1996) 383 sit mode, applied to a-Si:H based Fukuda, K., see Kashiro, T. 198—200 (1996) 1130 solar cells. 198-200 (1996) 190 Fukuda, K., N. Imai, S.-i. Kawamura, Fejfar, A., A. Poruba, M. Vanééek and K. Matsumura and N. Ibaraki, J. Koéka, Precise measurement of Switching performance of high rate the deep defects and surface states in deposition processing a-Si:H TFTs 198-200 (1996) 1137 a-Si:H films by absolute CPM 198-200 (1996) 304 Fukuda, N., see Saitoh, K. 198—200 (1996) 1093 Fejfar, A., see Koéka, J. 198-200 (1996) 857 Fukuda, N., see Sadamoto, M. 198-200 (1996) 1105 Feng, D., see Xu, J. 198-200 (1996) 582 Fukuda, S., see Saitoh, K. 198—200 (1996) 1093 Ferrari, A., see Lazarouk, S. 198-200 (1996) 973 Fukuda, S., see Sadamoto, M. 198-200 (1996) 1105 Ferrazza, F., see de Cesare, G. 198—200 (1996) 1189 Furlan, J., see Topic, M. 198—200 (1996) 1180 Finger, F., see Hapke, P. 198—200 (1996) 927 Furukawa, A., see Ichinose, H. 198—200 (1996) 322 Finger, F., see Stiebig, H. 198-200 (1996) 1185 Furukawa, A., see Ihara, H. 198-200 (1996) 326 Fischer, D., see Chabloz, P. 198—200 (1996) 1159 Furukawa, A., see Yamaguchi, T. 198-200 (1996) 1017 Fliickiger, R., see Beck, N. 198-200 (1996) 903 Furukawa, A., see Ishizuka, Y. 198—200 (1996) 1021 FélscJ.h,, se e StiebigH,. 198-200 (1996) 1185 Futako, W., K. Yoshino, K. Nakamura, Fortmann, C.M., see Futako, W. 198-200 (1996) 1046 C.M. Fortmann and I. Shimizu, Fab- Fortmann, C.M. and I. Shimizu, Pros- rication of high quality silicon re- pects for utilizing low temperature lated films with band-gap of 1.5 eV amorphous to crystalline phase by chemical annealing 198—200 (1996) 1046 transformation to define circuit ele- Fuyuki, T., see Fujii, T. 198—200 (1996) 577 ments; a new frontier for very large scale integrated technology 198—200 (1996) 1146 Galloni,R. , see Giorgis,F . 198-200 (1996) 596 Fortunato, E., see Martins, R. 198—200 (1996) 1202 Galluzzi, F., see de Cesare, G. 198—200 (1996) 1189 Fortunato, E., F. Soares, G. Lavareda Ganguly, G., I. Sakata and A. Matsuda, and R. Martins, A linear array thin Time of flight mobility measure- film position sensitive detector for ments in a-Si:H grown under con- 3D measurements 198—200 (1996) 1212 trolled-energy ion-bombardment 198—200 (1996) 300 XXXil Author index Ganguly, G. and A. Matsuda, Role of amorphous silicon thin-film transis- hydrogen dilution in improvement of tors 198-200 (1996) 1117 a-SiGe:H alloys 198-200 (1996) 559 Grebner, S., see Schwarz, R. 198-200 (1996) 234 Ganguly, G. and A. Matsuda, A new Grebner, S., see Krankenhagen, R. 198-200 (1996) 923 deposition parameter to control the Grebner, S., see Koynoy, S. 198-200 (1996) 1012 carrier drift mobility in a-Si:H 198-200 (1996) 1003 Grekos, P., see Matsuda, O. 198-200 (1996) 688 Ganjoo, A., A. Yoshida and K. Shi- Gu, Q., E.A. Schiff, J.-B. Chevrier and makawa, Random walk approach for B. Equer, Fundamental transport the proper estimation of density of mechanisms and high field mobility defect states in amorphous chalco- measurements in amorphous silicon 198-200 (1996) 194 genides 198-200 (1996) 313 Gu, X., J. Du, X. Huang, J. Zhou, W. Gao, W., see Main, C. 198-200 (1996) 263 Li, W. Gao and K. Chen, The fabri- Gao, W., see Gu, X. 198-200 (1996) 1176 cation and application of a novel Gao, W., C. Main, S. Reynolds, R. OASLM based on a-Si:H and _ its Briiggemann, J.H. Zollondz and alloy 198-200 (1996) 1176 R.A.G. Gibson, Evaluation of the Guha, S., see Xu, X. 198-200 (1996) 60 DICE analysis method for a-Si:H Guha, S., Material and device considera- p—i—n devices 198-200 (1996) 1221 tion for high efficiency a-Si alloy- Gardner, A., see Kwon, D. 198-200 (1996) 530 based multijunction cells 198-200 (1996) 1076 Gerardi, C., see Fameli, G. 198-200 (1996) 69 Guha, S., see Xu, X. 198-200 (1996) 1113 Gharbi, R., see Fathallah, M. 198-200 (1996) 490 Gurman, S.J., see Choi, J. 198-200 (1996) 680 Gheorghiu, A., see Adriaenssens, G.J. 198-200 (1996) 675 Gibson, R., see Murley, D. 198-200 (1996) 1058 Gibson, R.A.G., see Main, C. 198-200 (1996) 263 Haage, T., see Bauer, S. 198-200 (1996) 462 Gibson, R.A.G., see Dunnett, B. 198-200 (1996) 601 Hajiev, F., see Malinovsky, I. 198-200 (1996) 98 Gibson, R.A.G., see Gao, W. 198-200 (1996) 1221 Hajiev, F., I. Malinovsky and H. Ugur, Giorgis, F., see Fathallah, M. 198-200 (1996) 490 Intracavity photothermal measure- Giorgis, F., P. Rava, R. Galloni, R. Riz- ments of ultralow absorption 198-200 (1996) 103 zoli, C. Summonte, G. Crovini, F. Hajto, J.. B. McAuley, A.J. Snell and Demichelis, C.F. Pirri, E. Tresso and A.E. Owen, Theory of room temper- V. Rigato, Compositional, optoelec- ature quantized resistance effects in tronic and structural properties of metal-a-Si:H-metal thin film struc- amorphous silicon—nitrogen alloys tures 198-200 (1996) 825 deposited by plasma enhanced Hajto, J., see Hu, J. 198-200 (1996) 1217 chemical vapor deposition 198-200 (1996) 596 Hamakawa, Y., see Okamoto, H. 198-200 (1996) 124 Glatz, F., see Prokop, J. 198-200 (1996) 1026 Hamakawa, Y., see Toyama, T. 198-200 (1996) 198 Gleskova, H., see Wagner, S. 198-200 (1996) 407 Hamakawa, Y., see Hattori, K. 198-200 (1996) 288 Gleskova, H., see Branz, H.M. 198-200 (1996) 441 Hamakawa, Y., see Shams-Kolahi, W. 198-200 (1996) 705 Gobel, E.O., see Arkhipov, V.1. 198-200 (1996) 661 Hamanaka, H., S. Konagai, K. Mu- Godet, C., P. Morin and P. Roca i rayama, M. Yamaguchi and K. Cabarrocas, Influence of the dilute- Morigaki, Optical properties of phase SiH bond concentration on the amorphous As,Se,;/As,S,_ multi- steady-state defect density in a-Si:H 198-200 (1996) layers 198-200 (1996) 808 Godet, C., see Vignoli, S. 198-200 (1996) Hambach, M., see Shams-Kolahi, W. 198-200 (1996) 705 Godet, C., see Bourée, J.E. 198-200 (1996) Han, K., see Dalal, V.L. 198-200 (1996) 1101 Goerlitzer, M., see Wyrsch, N. 198-200 (1996) Han, M.K., see Choi, H.S. 198-200 (1996) 945 Goerlitzer, M., see Shah, A. 198-200 (1996) § Han, M.K., see Lee, K.H. 198—200 (1996) 1141 Goesmann, F., see Jones, D.I. 198-200 (1996) Hanna, J.-i.. T. Ohuchi and M. Ya- Gomi, S. and F. Yonezawa, Continuous mamoto, Direct fabrication of SiGe time random walk model as a model crystallites on glass substrate: from of anomalous relaxation 198-200 (1996) § nanocrystals to microcrystals 198-200 (1996) 879 Gonda, S., see Shirai, K. 198-200 (1996) Hapke, P., M. Luysberg, R. Carius, M. Goto, M., see Shimakawa, K. 198-200 (1996) Tzolov, F. Finger and H. Wagner, Gotoh, T., see Nonomura, S. 198-200 (1996) Structural investigation and growth Graeff, C.F.O., G. Kawachi, M.S. of (n)-type microcrystalline silicon Brandt, M. Stutzmann and M.J. prepared at different plasma excita- Powell, Spin-dependent transport in tion frequencies 198-200 (1996) 927 Author index XXXill Hari, P., P.C. Taylor and R.A. Street, Hirose, .. see Xu, J. 198-200 (1996) Hydrogen motion in hydrogenated Hirose, ., see Murayama, K. 198-200 (1996) amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) 198-200 (1996) 52 Hirose, ., see Yamashita, K. 198-200 (1996) Hari, P., P.C. Taylor, W.A. King and Hirose, ., see Ohmura, M. 198-200 (1996) W.C. LaCourse, Structural proper- Hirose, M., see Murayama, K. 198-200 (1996) 953 ties of As,Se, fibers 198-200 (1996) 736 Hirose, M., see Miyoshi, Y. 198-200 (1996) 1029 Hartmann, E., see Koynoy, S. 198-200 (1996) 1012 Hisakuni, H., see Tanaka, K. 198-200 (1996) 714 Hasegawa, S., S. Nitta and S. Nono- Hof, C., see Wyrsch, N. 198-200 (1996) 238 mura, Ultra-low frequency CPM of Hollenstein, C., see Magarico, A. 198-200 (1996) 1207 a-Si:H and relaxation 198-200 (1996) 544 Honda, A., see Shams-Kolahi, W. 198-200 (1996) 705 Hata, N., LS. Osborne, T. Ikeda, R. Hosokawa, S., see Matsuda, O. 198-200 (1996) 688 Durny and A. Matsuda, Light-in- Hosono, H., N. Kikuchi, N. Ueda and duced metastability of ‘stable’ a-Si:H H. Kawazoe, Working hypothesis to deposited from silane-dichlorosilane explore novel wide band gap electri- mixtures —- comprehensive character- cally conducting amorphous oxides ization 198-200 (1996) and examples 198-200 (1996) 165 Hata, N., see Ikeda, T. 198-200 (1996) Hu, J., A.J. Snell, J. Hajto, A.E. Owen Hata, N., see Osborne, LS. 198-200 (1996) and M.J. Rose, Critical behavior of Hata, N., see Kamei, T. 198—200 (1996) the dielectric properties near the Hattori, K., see Okamoto, H. 198-200 (1996) metal—non-metal transition in Hattori, K., H. Okamoto and Y. Cr/p*a-Si:H/V thin film devices 198-200 (1996) 1217 Hamakawa, Modulated photocurrent Huang, X., Z. Li, W. Wu, K. Chen, X. spectroscopy of defect states in un- Chen and Z. Liu, Microstructures doped a-Si:H 198-200 (1996) and optical properties in crystallized Hattori, R., J. Shirafuji, Y. Aoki, T. a-Si:H multi-quantum wells using Fujiki, S. Kawasaki and R. Nishida, excimer laser annealing 198-200 (1996) 821 Preparation and optical properties of Huang, X., see Chen, K. 198-200 (1996) 833 doubly-oriented poly-(di-methyl- Huang, X., see Chen, K. 198-200 (1996) 891 silane) films 198-200 (1996) Huang, X., see Gu, X. 198-200 (1996) 1176 Hayashi, H., S. Matsumoto and Y. Hubin, J., see Shah, A. 198-200 (1996) 548 Nakayama, Structural heterogeneity Hundhausen, M., The moving-photocar- in nitrogen-rich a-SiN ,:H 198-200 (1996) rier-grating technique for the deter- Hayashi, H., see Nakayama, Y. 198-200 (1996) mination of transport parameters in Hayashi, K., see Titus, S.S.K. 198-200 (1996) 5: thin film semiconductors 198-200 (1996) Hayashi, K., see Kugler, S. 198-200 (1996) Hundhausen, M., A. Nagy and L. Ley, Hayashi, K., D. Kato and K. Shi- High field transport in the inversion makawa, Photoinduced effects in layer of amorphous silicon thin film amorphous chalcogenide films by transistors 198-200 (1996) vacuum ultra-violet light 200 (1996) 696 Hwang, C.-S., B.S. Bae and C. Lee, The Hazra, S., see Middya, A.R. 200 (1996) 1067 isochronal annealing study on the Heck, S., see Fritzsche, H. 200 (1996) 153 bias stressed amorphous silicon thin Heintze, M., see Zedlitz, R. 200 (1996) 403 film transistors 198-200 (1996) Heintze, M., see Toet, D. 200 (1996) 887 Heintze, M. and R. Zedlitz, New diag- nostic aspects of high rate a-Si:H Ibaraki, N., see Kashiro, T. 198-200 (1996) 1130 deposition in a VHF plasma 198-200 (1996) 1038 Ibaraki, N., see Fukuda, K. 198—200 (1996) 1137 Heitz, T., see Bourée, J.E. 198-200 (1996) 623 Ichikawa, Y., see Sasaki, T. 198-200 (1996) 1007 Henrion, W., see Krankenhagen, R. 198-200 (1996) 923 Ichikawa, Y., K. Tabuchi, A. Takano, S. Henrion, W., see Koynoy, S. 198-200 (1996) 1012 Fujikake, T. Yoshida and H. Sakai, Hensel, F., see Baranovskii, S.D. 198-200 (1996) 214 Film-substrate a-Si solar cells with a Hensel, F., see Baranovskii, $.D. 198-200 (1996) 222 new monolithic series-connected Herbst, W., see Diehl, F. 198-200 (1996) 436 structure 198-200 (1996) 1081 Herrmann, W.A., see Prokop, J. 198-200 (1996) 1026 Ichinose, H., Y. Ishizuka, H. Nozaki, A. Hikita, H., see Takeda, K. 198-200 (1996) 486 Furukawa, H. Tango and O. Yoshida, Hirata, S., see Nonomura, S. 198-200 (1996) 174 The bias-annealing effect on a-Si:H Hiratsuka, K., see Toyama, T. 198-200 (1996) 198 photodiode 198-200 (1996) 322 Hirayu, T., see Kubota, H. 198-200 (1996) 383 Ifuku, T., see Otobe, M. 198-200 (1996) 875 XXXIV Author index Ihara, H., E. Oba, Y. lida, H. Nozaki, T. Isomura, M., see Terakawa, A. 198-200 (1996) 1097 Wada, A. Furukawa, S. Manabe, H. Isoya, J., see Yamasaki, S. 198-200 (1996) 330 Tango and O. Yoshida, Electric field Ito, H., see Tomiyama, S. 198-200 (1996) 1087 concentration at electrode edge with Itoh, K.-i., see Masuda, A. 198-200 (1996) 395 decreasing amorphous silicon defect Itoh, M., N. Yoshida, H. Tanaka and K. density 198-200 (1996) 326 Tanaka, Transient photoconduction lida, Y., see Ihara, H. 198-200 (1996) 326 and photoinduced phenomenon in lida, Y., see Yamaguchi, T. 198—200 (1996) 1017 ion-conducting amorphous semicon- lida, Y., see Ishizuka, Y. 198-200 (1996) 1021 ductors 198-200 (1996) 684 Ikeda, K., see Ogihara, C. 198-200 (1996) 255 Itoh, M., see Yoshida, N. 198-200 (1996) 749 Ikeda, T., see Hata, N. 198-200 (1996) 415 Itoh, T., see Nonomura, S. 198-200 (1996) 174 Ikeda, T., see Nakayama, Y. 198-200 (1996) 915 Iwama, K., see Ohsaki, T. 198-200 (1996) 132 Ikeda, T., 1S. Osborne, N. Hata and A. Jackson, W.B. and N.M. Johnson, Ori- Matsuda, Enhancement of the depo- gin of the anomalous pulse-width sition rate of a-Si:H by introduction dependence in capacitance transient of an electronegative molecule into a measurements on n-type a-Si:H 198-200 (1996) 517 silane discharge 198-200 (1996) 987 Jackson, W.B., see Street, R.A. 198-200 (1996) 1151 Ikeo, I., H. Morooka, H. Shinohara, A. Jaguiro, P., see Lazarouk, S. 198-200 (1996) 973 Takenouchi, N. Takagi and Y. Arai, Jang, J., see Pietruszko, S.M. 198-200 (1996) 73 Fabrication and properties of flexi- Jang, J., see Kim, S.K. 198-200 (1996) 428 ble a-Si:H solar cells with textured Jang, J., see Lee, W.H. 198-200 (1996) 911 Al-Si alloy electrodes 198—200 (1996) 1109 Jang, J., see Choi, H.S. 198-200 (1996) 945 Ikuta, K., Y. Toyoshima, S. Yamasaki, Jang, J., see Lee, K.H. 198-200 (1996) 1141 A. Matsuda and K. Tanaka, STM Jang, K.H., see Choi, H.S. 198—200 (1996) 945 and Raman study of the evolution of Janossy, A., see Kugler, S. 198-200 (1996) 646 the surface morphology in jc-Si:H 198—200 (1996) 863 Jansen, J., see Adriaenssens, G.J. 198-200 (1996) 271 Ikuta, K., see Chen, K. 198-200 (1996) 891 Jiang, L., see Chen, K. 198-200 (1996) 833 Imai, N., see Kashiro, T. 198—200 (1996) 1130 Jiao, L., see Chen, I.-S. 198-200 (1996) 391 Imai, N., see Fukuda, K. 198—200 (1996) 1137 Jiao, L., see Liu, H. 198-200 (1996) 1168 Imajyo, N., High rate deposition of jc- Jing, Z., see Lucovsky, G. 198-200 (1996) 19 Si with plasma gun CVD 198-200 (1996) 935 Jing, Z., see Lucovsky, G. 198-200 (1996) 342 Inoue, K., see Wada, Y. 198-200 (1996) 732 Johnson, N.M., see Jackson, W.B. 198-200 (1996) 517 Inoue, K., see Nakamura, M. 198-200 (1996) 740 Jones, D.I. and F. Goesmann, Photo- Inoue, K., see Wang, Y. 198-200 (1996) 753 thermoelectric power of a-Si as a lorio, V., see de Cesare, G. 198—200 (1996) 1198 function of incident wavelength 198-200 (1996) 210 Irrera, F., see Caputo, D. 198—200 (1996) 1172 Jones, D.1., see Dunnett, B. 198-200 (1996) 601 Irrera, F., see de Cesare, G. 198-200 (1996) 1189 Jung, J.H., see Lee, K.H. 198-200 (1996) 1141 Irrera, F., see de Cesare, G. 198-200 (1996) 1198 JuSka, G., see Fejfar, A. 198-200 (1996) 190 Ishida, S., S. Takaoka, K. Nakagawa, K. JuSka, G., K. Arlauskas and J. Koéka, Oto, K. Murase, S. Shirai and T. Electric field heated electrons in a- Serikawa, Electron localization in Si:H — new features 198-200 (1996) band-tail transport of high-mobility poly-Si TFTs 198-200 (1996) 1125 Kadas, K., I. Laszl6 and S. Kugler, Ishiguro, N., see Saitoh, K. 198-200 (1996) 1093 Topologically determined midgap Ishiguro, N., see Sadamoto, M. 198—200 (1996) 1105 states in amorphous carbon: five- and Ishii, N., see Min, H. 198-200 (1996) 375 sevenfold rings 198-200 (1996) Ishii, T., see Naito, H. 198—200 (1996) 363 Kalpouzos, C., see Tzanetakis, P. 198-200 (1996) Ishimura, H., see Ogihara, C. 198-200 (1996) 255 Kamei, T., N. Hata and A. Matsuda, A Ishizuka, Y., see Ichinose, H. 198-200 (1996) 322 study of surface reactions during the Ishizuka, Y., see Yamaguchi, T. 198-200 (1996) 1017 growth of B-doped a-Si:H using the Ishizuka, Y., T. Yamaguchi, Y. lida, H. intermittent deposition technique 198—200 (1996) Nozaki, A. Furukawa, H. Tango and Kanai, T., see Otobe, M. 198-200 (1996) QO. Yoshida, Improvement of surface Kanda, H., see Tsuji, K. 198-200 (1996) morphology and bulk structure of Kanemitsu, Y., see Naito, H. 198—200 (1996) a-SiC:H films 198—200 (1996) 1021 Kanemitsu, Y., see Mimura, H. 198-200 (1996) Isomura, M., T. Kinoshita and S. Tsuda, Kanemitsu, Y., T. Matsumoto and H. What causes the inverse Staebler— Mimura, Non-linear optical proper- Wronski effect in p-type a-Si:H? 198-200 (1996) 453 ties of porous silicon 198—200 (1996) Author index Kang, Q.Z., see Naito, H. 198-200 (1996) 653 Kobayashi, Y., see Shams-Kolahi, W. 198-200 (1996) 705 Kanicki, J., see Zelikson, M. 198-200 (1996) 107 Koch, F. and V. Petrova-Koch, Light Kanicki, J., see Zelikson, M. 198-200 (1996) 259 from Si-nanoparticle systems — a Kashiro, T., S.-i. Kawamura, N. Imai, comprehensive view 198—200 (1996) K. Fukuda, K. Matsumura and N. Kotka, J., see Fejfar, A. 198—200 (1996) Ibaraki, Importance of first layer Kotka, J., see JuSka, G. 198—200 (1996) thickness on TFT characteristics us- Kotka, J., see Fejfar, A. 198—200 (1996) ing a-Si:H deposited by 2-step pro- Kotka, J., 1. Pelant and A. Fejfar, Light cess 198-200 (1996) 1130 emitting silicon, recent progress 198-200 (1996) Katayama, Y., see Tsuji, K. 198-200 (1996) 24 Kodama, S.-i., see Naito, H. 198-200 (1996) Katayama, Y., see Nosaka, H. 198-200 (1996) 218 Koh, J., see Collins, R.W. 198—200 (1996) Katayama- Yoshida, H., see Orita, N. 198-200 (1996) 347 Koinuma, H., see Tsuboi, S. 198-200 (1996) Kato, D., see Hayashi, K. 198-200 (1996) 696 Koinuma, H., see Matsuse, M. 198-200 (1996) Kaushal, S., V. Dalal and J. Xu, Growth Kojima, K., see Nakayama, K. 198-200 (1996) of high quality amorphous silicon— Kolobov, A.V., H. Oyanagi, K. Tanaka germanium films using low pressure and K. Tanaka, Photostructural remote electron-cyclotron-resonance changes in amorphous selenium: an discharge 198-200 (1996) 563 in situ EXAFS study at low tempera- Kaushal, S., see Dalal, V.L. 198-200 (1996) 1101 ture 198—200 (1996) Kawachi, G., see Graeff, C.F.O. 198-200 (1996) 1117 Kolobov, A.V., On the origin of p-type Kawaguchi, T., see Naito, H. 198-200 (1996) 363 conductivity in amorphous chalco- Kawamura, S.-i., see Kashiro, T. 198-200 (1996) 1130 genides 198—200 (1996) 728 Kawamura, S.-i., see Fukuda, K. 198-200 (1996) 1137 Komatsu, H., see Murayama, K. 198-200 (1996) 953 Kawasaki, M., see Tsuboi, S. 198-200 (1996) 33 Komiyama, H., see Tsuji, N. 198-200 (1996) 1034 Kawasaki, M., see Matsuse, M. 198-200 (1996) 787 Komiyama, H., see Tsuji, N. 198—200 (1996) 1054 Kawasaki, S., see Hattori, R. 198-200 (1996) 649 Komuro, S., T. Morikawa, P. O’ Keeffe Kawazoe, H., see Hosono, H. 198-200 (1996) 165 and Y. Aoyagi, Time-resolved pho- Kay, M., see Singh, A. 198-200 (1996) 692 toluminescence of porous silicon un- Kazanskii, A.G., I.A. Kurova, I.P. Zvya- der double-pulse excitation 198-200 (1996) 965 gin and D.G. Yarkin, Non-monotone Komuro, S., see O’ Keeffe, P. 198—200 (1996) 969 kinetics of persistent photoconduc- Konagai, S., see Hamanaka, H. 198-200 (1996) 808 tivity in compensated a-Si:H films 198-200 (1996) 470 Kondo, A., see Shimakawa, K. 198—200 (1996) 157 Keppner, H., see Chabloz, P. 198-200 (1996) 1159 Kondo, A., see Titus, S.S.K. 198-200 (1996) 556 Kernan, M.J., see Corey, R.L. 198-200 (1996) 65 Kondo, M., Y. Chida and A. Matsuda, Kikuchi, N., see Hosono, H. 198-200 (1996) 165 Observation of Meyer—Neldel rule Kim, S., see Nguyen, H.V. 198-200 (1996) 853 in extended energy regime using Kim, S., see Collins, R.W. 198-200 (1996) 981 novel a-Si:H TFTs 198-200 (1996) 178 Kim, S.K., K.S. Lee and J. Jang, Cre- Kondo, M., see Yokomichi, H. 198-200 (1996) 379 ation of interface states between Kondo, M., see Chida, Y. 198-200 (1996) 1121 SiO, and a-Si:H in a-Si:H thin film Koos, M., see Poécsik, I. 198-200 (1996) 632 transistors by bias-stress 198-200 (1996) 428 Kods, M., see Pécsik, I. 198-200 (1996) 774 Kimura, K., see Takeda, M. 198-200 (1996) 170 Kopidakis, N., see Tzanetakis, P. 198-200 (1996) 276 Kimura, Y., see Takeda, K. 198-200 (1996) 486 Kopidakis, N., see Tzanetakis, P. 198-200 (1996) 458 King, W.A., see Hari, P. 198-200 (1996) 736 Kostoulas, Y., see von Behren, J. 198-200 (1996) 957 Kinoshita, T., see Ogihara, C. 198-200 (1996) 255 Kottwitz, A., see Alhallani, B. 198—200 (1996) 1063 Kinoshita, T., see Isomura, M. 198-200 (1996) 453 Kouchi, T., see Matsuda, O. 198-200 (1996) 688 Kitagawa, A., see Nakayama, K. 198-200 (1996) 758 Koynov, S., see Krankenhagen, R. 198-200 (1996) 923 Kitamura, K., see Umezu, I. 198-200 (1996) 778 Koynov, S., S. Grebner, P. Radojkovic, Kitatani, T., see Ochiai, Y. 198-200 (1996) 804 E. Hartmann, R. Schwarz, L. Klabunde, F., see Driisedau, T.P. 198-200 (1996) 829 Vasilev, R. Krankenhagen, I. Sieber, Klebanov, M., see Lyubin, V. 198-200 (1996) 719 W. Henrion and M. Schmidt, Initial Klebanov, M., see Eisenberg, N.P. 198-200 (1996) 766 stages of microcrystalline silicon Kleider, J.P., see Dayoub, F. 198-200 (1996) 318 film growth 198-200 (1996) 1012 Kleider, J.P., see Longeaud, C. 198-200 (1996) 355 Koynov, S., see Vieira, M. 198—200 (1996) 1193 Klingan, F.-R., see Prokop, J. 198-200 (1996) 1026 Krankenhagen, R., M. Schmidt, S. Knox, R., see Dalal, V.L. 198-200 (1996) 1101 Grebner, M. Poschenrieder, W. Hen- Kobayashi, S., see Nonomura, S. 198-200 (1996) 174 rion, I. Sieber, S. Koynov and R. XXXVI Author index Schwarz, Correlation between struc- Lee, J.-k., see Yamasaki, S. 198-200 (1996) 330 tural, optical and electrical proper- Lee, K.H., J.H. Yoo, B.Y. Moon, J.H. ties of zc-Si films 198-200 (1996) 923 Jung, J. Jang, S.M. Pietruszko, M.K. Krankenhagen, R., see Koynov, S. 198-200 (1996) 1012 Han and H.R. Park, Low tempera- Kruangam, D., see Boonkosum, W. 198-200 (1996) 1226 ture fabrication of APCVD a-Si thin Kubota, H., T. Tashiro, T. Fujiyoshi, T. film transistors with ion doped layer 198-200 (1996) 1141 Hirayu and M. Onuki, Localized Lee, K.S., see Kim, S.K. 198-200 (1996) 428 states of a-GaP:N by nitrogen ion Lee, W.H., C. Lee and J. Jang, Quantum beam assisted deposition 198-200 (1996) 383 size effects on the conductivity in Kugler, S., see Kadas, K. 198-200 (1996) 91 porous silicon 198-200 (1996) Kugler, S., A. Janossy, K. Shimakawa, Lemmer, U., see Arkhipov, V.I. 198-200 (1996) K. Hayashi and O. Chauvet, Tem- Leopold, D., see Santos-Filho, P. 198-200 (1996) 77 perature dependence of electron spin Leopold, D.J., see Corey, R.L. 198-200 (1996) 65 resonance in amorphous carbon films 198-200 (1996) 646 Lerner, C., see Lips, K. 198-200 (1996) 267 Kulessa, T., see Stiebig, H. 198-200 (1996) 1185 Ley, L., see Hundhausen, M. 198-200 (1996) 230 Kumeda, M., see Zhang, J. 198-200 (1996) 338 Ley, L., see Stief, R. 198-200 (1996) 636 Kumeda, M., see Zhou, J.-H. 198-200 (1996) 359 Ley, L., see Schafer, J. 198-200 (1996) 641 Kumeda, M., see Min, H. 198-200 (1996) 375 Li, W., see Chen, K. 198—200 (1996) 833 Kumeda, M., see Masuda, A. 198-200 (1996) 395 Li, W., see Gu, X. 198-200 (1996) 1176 Kumeda, M., see Zhang, Q. 198-200 (1996) 495 Li, Z., see Huang, X. 198-200 (1996) 821 Kurando, T., see Nakayama, Y. 198-200 (1996) 657 Lievens, P., see Tikhomirov, V.K. 198-200 (1996) 119 Kurova, I.A., see Kazanskii, A.G. 198-200 (1996) 470 Link, D., see Chabloz, P. 198-200 (1996) 1159 Kusian, W., see Topic, M. 198-200 (1996) 1180 Lips, K., C. Lerner and W. Fuhs, Semi- Kuske, J., see Schade, K. 198—200 (1996) 1050 classical model of electrically de- Kwon, D., A. Gardner and J.D. Cohen, tected magnetic resonance in un- New results using capacitance tran- doped a-Si:H 198-200 (1996) 267 sient studies to investigate deep de- Lips, K., T. Unold, Y. Xu and R:S. fect relaxation in hydrogenated Crandall, Emission limited filling of amorphous silicon 198-200 (1996) deep defects in transient capacitance experiments 200 (1996) 525 Liu, H., L. Jiao, S. Semoushkina and C.R. Wronski, Distribution of LaCourse, W.C., see Hari, P. 198-200 (1996) charged defects in a:Si-H n-i Lacquaniti, N., see Lazarouk, S. 198—200 (1996) Schottky barrier solar cells 198-200 (1996) 1168 La Monica, S., see Lazarouk, S. 198-200 (1996) Liu, Z., see Huang, X. 198-200 (1996) 821 Lasanda, G., see Pocsik, I. 198—200 (1996) Long, A.R., see Shimakawa, K. 198-200 (1996) 157 Laszlo, I., see Kadas, K. 198-200 (1996) Longeaud, C., see Dayoub, F. 198-200 (1996) 318 Lau, S.P., J.M. Marshall and L.R. Longeaud, C. and J.P. Kleider, Density Tessler, Optoelectronic properties of of states and capture cross-sections highly conductive microcrystalline in annealed and light-soaked hydro- SiC produced by laser crystallisation genated amorphous silicon layers 198-200 (1996) 355 of amorphous SiC 198-200 (1996) 907 Longeaud, C., see Middya, A.R. 198—200 (1996) 1067 Lauta, D., see de Cesare, G. 198-200 (1996) 1189 Louro, P., see Magarico, A. 198-200 (1996) 1207 Lavareda, G., see Fortunato, E. 198-200 (1996) 1212 Lu, Y., see Nguyen, H.V. 198-200 (1996) 853 Layadi, N., see Roca i Cabarrocas, P. 198-200 (1996) 871 Lu, Y., see Collins, R.W. 198-200 (1996) 981 Lazarouk, S., V. Bondarenko, P. Jaguiro, Lubianiker, Y., I. Balberg, E. Fefer and N. Lacquaniti, S. La Monica, G. Y. Shapira, Following directly the Maiello, G. Masini and A. Ferrari, effect of the various deep states on Electrical characterization of visible the phototransport properties of a- emitting electroluminescent Schot- Si:H 198-200 (1996) 309 tky diodes based on n-type porous Lubianiker, Y., I. Balberg, J. Partee and silicon and on highly doped n-type J. Shinar, Porous silicon as a near- porous polysilicon 198-200 (1996) 973 ideal disordered semiconductor 198-200 (1996) 949 Leblanc, F., see Ando, M. 198—200 (1996) 28 Lucovsky, G., Z. Jing, P. Santos-Filho, Le Duigou, J., see Bardet, E. 198-200 (1996) 867 G. Stevens and A. Banerjee, Near- Lee, C., see Hwang, C.-S. 198-200 (1996) 499 est-neighbor repulsion-perturbed sili- Lee, C., see Lee, W.H. 198-200 (1996) 911 con monohydride bond-stretching vi-

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