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Preview Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 1994: Vol 168 Index

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 168 (1994) 299-301 North-Holland Author index Aizawa, M., Y. Nosaka and N. Fujii, Prepa- Dong, D. and F. Ma, Glass formation and ration of TiO,-SiO, glass via sol-gel crystallization in AIF,-YF,-BaF,- process containing a large amount of CaF,—MgF, 168 (19942)7 5 chlorine 168 (1994) 49 Donth, E., see Schulz, M. 168 (19941)8 6 Almeida, R.M., M.I. de Barros Marques and Douy, A., see Bessada, C. 168 (1994) 76 M.C. Gongalves, EXAFS study of Ba and Ducasse, A., see Fargin, E. 168 (19941)3 2 La structural environments in fluorozir- Duchesne, C., see Fargin, E. 168 (19941)3 2 conate glasses 168 (1994) 144 Durand, B., see Tosan, J.-L. 168 (1994) 23 Anderson, P.C. and A.K. Varshneya, Stress—optic coefficient of Ge-—As-—Se El-Batal, H.A., see Salama, S.N. 168 (1994) 179 chalcogenide glasses 168 (1994) 125 Elliott, R.J., L. Perondi and R.A. Barrio, Andriesh, A.M., see Fazio, E. 168 (19942)1 3 Ionic conduction in (1 — x)B,0, +xLi,O0 168 (1994) 167 Bae, B.-S. and M.C. Weinberg, Optical ab- Fargin, E., C. Duchesne, R. Olazcuaga, G. sorption of copper phosphate glasses in Le Flem, C. Cartier, L. Canioni, P. the visible spectrum 168 (19942)2 3 Segonds, L. Sarger and A. Ducasse, Barrio, R.A., see Elliott, R.J. 168 (1994) 167 XANES and EXAFS study of glasses of Basset, D., see Miani, F. 168 (1994) 241 the TiO,—Na,O-P,O, system 168 (1994) 132 Bernards, T.N.M., M.J.C.H. Janssen and Fazio, E., D. Hulin, V. Chumash, F. Miche- M.J. van Bommel, Influence of butanol lotti, A.M. Andriesh and M. Bertolotti, on the hydrolysis-condensation be- On-off resonance femtosecond non-lin- haviour of TEOS 168 (1994) 201 ear absorption of chalcogenide glassy Bertin, F., see Tosan, J.-L. 168 (1994) 23 films 168 (19942)1 3 Bertolotti, M., see Fazio, E. 168 (19942)1 3 Fujii, N., see Aizawa, M. 148 (1994) 49 Bessada, C., D. Massiot, J. Coutures, A. Douy, J.-P. Coutures and F. Taulelle, 2°Si MAS-in NleadM siRlica tes 168 (1994) 76 Gerardin, C., see Sen, S. 168 (1994) 64 Geus, J.W., see Titulaer, M.K. 168 (1994) 1 Brodka, A., see Zerda, T.W. 168 (1994) 33 Gongalves, M.C., see Almeida, R.M. 168 (1994) 144 Greene, B.I., D.M. Krol, S.G. Kosinski, P.J. Canioni, L., see Fargin, E. 168 (19941)3 2 Lemaire and P.N. Saeta, Thermal and Capobianco, J.A., see Cormier, G. 168 (19941)1 5 photo-initiated reactions of H, with ger- Cartier, C., see Fargin, E. 168 (19941)3 2 manosilicate optical fibers 168 (1994) 195 Chassagneux, F., see Tosan, J.-L. 168 (1994) 23 Chumash, V., see Fazio, E. 168 (19942)1 3 Heinrich, T., F. Raether and H. Marsmann, Coffer, J., see Zerda, T.W. 168 (1994) 33 Growth and structure of single phase Cormier, G., J.A. Capobianco and A. Mon- mullite gels from chelated aluminum teil, Molecular dynamics simulation of alkoxides and alkoxysilanes 168 (1994) 14 lead metaphosphate Pb(PO,), glass 168 (1994) 115 Hirao, K., see Takahashi, M. 168 (1994) 137 Coutures, J., see Bessada, C. 168 (1994) 76 Hogarth, C.A., see Ray, A.K. 168 (1994) 150 Coutures, J.-P., see Bessada, C. 168 (1994) 76 Hsieh, C.H., H. Jain, A.C. Miller and E.I. Kamitsos, X-ray photoelectron § spec- Damrau, U. and H.C. Marsmann, The hy- troscopy of Al- and B-substituted sodium drolysis of oligomer intermediates in the trisilicate glasses 168 (19942)4 7 sol—gel process 168 (1994) 42 Hulin, D., see Fazio, E. 168 (19942)1 3 de Barros Marques, M.I., see Almeida, R.M. 168 (1994) 144 Hunt, A., An explanation for the observed de Groot, K., see Li, P. 168 (19942)8 1 correlation between the decoupling index Dickinson, J.E., see Sen, S. 168 (1994) 64 and the K-W-W stretching parameter 168 (1994) 258 0022-/3940 /9$073.0 0 © 1994 — Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved 300 Author index Jain, H., see Hsieh, C.H. 168 (19942)4 7 Navrotsky, A., see Sen, S. 168 (1994) 64 Jansen, J.B.H., see Titulaer, M.K. 168 (1994) 1 Nikolov, J., see Mihailova, B. 168 (19942)6 5 Janssen, M.J.C.H., see Bernards, T.N.M. 168 (19942)0 1 Nosaka, Y., see Aizawa, M. 168 (1994) 49 Ohtsuka, A., see Sekiya, T. 168 (1994) 106 Kamitsos, E.I., see Hsieh, C.H 168 (19942)4 7 Olazcuaga, R., see Fargin, E. 168 (1994) 132 Kangasniemi, I., see Li, P. 168 (19942)8 1 Kanno, R., see Takahashi, M. 168 (1994) 137 Perondi, L., see Elliott, R.J. 168 (1994) 167 Kawamoto, Y., see Takahashi, M. 168 (1994) 137 Petkov, V., S. Takeda, Y. Waseda and K. Kim, K.J., K. Sumiyama and K. Suzuki, For- Sugiyama, Structural study of molten ger- mation of nanocrystalline and amorphous manium by energy-dispersive X-ray phases in CugoP2 9, Nig>P)g and Cug7Ni,,; diffraction 168 (1994) 97 mechanically alloyed systems 168 (19942)3 2 Raether, F., see Heinrich, T. 168 (1994) 14 Kitami, T., see Mori, H. 168 (1994) 157 Ray, A.K., R. Swan and C.A. Hogarth, Con- Kokubo, T., see Li, P. 168 (19942)8 1 duction mechanisms in amorphous tel- Konstantinov, L., see Mihailova, B. 168 (19942)6 5 lurium films 168 (1994) 150 Kosinski, S.G., see Greene, B.I. 168 (1994) 195 Roubin, M., see Tosan, J.-L. 168 (1994) 23 Krol, D.M., see Greene, B.I. 168 (19941)9 5 Saeta, P.N., see Greene, B.1. 168 (1994) 195 Sakata, H., see Mori, H. 168 (1994) 157 Le Flem, G., see Fargin, E. 168 (1994) 132 Salama, S.N. and H.A. El-Batal, Microhard- Lemaire, P.J., see Greene, B.I. 168 (1994) 195 ness of phosphate glasses 168 (1994) 179 Li, H., M. Tomozawa and V.K. Lou, Effects Sarger, L., see Fargin, E. 168 (1994) 132 of nitrogen and carbon ion implantation Schulz, M. and E. Donth, Glass transition in on devitrification of silica glasses 168 (1993) 56 a modified Fredrickson model 168 (1994) 186 H. and M. Tomozawa, Mechanical Segonds, P., see Fargin, E. 168 (1994) 132 strength increase of abraded silica glass Sekiya, T., N. Mochida and A. Ohtsuka, by high pressure water vapor treatment 168 (19942)8 7 Raman spectra of MO-TeO, (M = Mg, P., I. Kangasniemi, K. de Groot, T. Sr, Ba and Zn) glasses 168 (1994) 106 Kokubo and A.U. Yli-Urpo, Apatite Sen, S., C. Gerardin, A. Navrotsky and J.E. crystallization from metastable calcium Dickinson, Energetics and structural phosphate solution on sol—gel-prepared changes associated with phase separation silica 168 (19942)8 1 and crystallization in lithium silicate Lou, V.K., see Li, H. 168 (1993) 56 glasses 168 (1994) 64 Sills, J.A., S.W. Martin and D.R. Torgeson, ''B NMR studies of the short range or- Ma, F., see Dong, D. 168 (19942)7 5 der in wide composition range x Na,S + Marinov, M., see Mihailova, B. 168 (19942)6 5 (1 —x)B,S, glasses 168 (1994) 86 Marsmann, H., see Heinrich, T. 168 (1994) 14 Sugiyama, K., see Petkov, V. 168 (1994) 97 Marsmann, H.C., see Damrau, U. 168 (1994) 42 Sumiyama, K., see Kim, K.J. 168 (19942)3 2 Martin, S.W., see Sills, J.A. 168 (1994) 86 Suzuki, K., see Kim, K_J. 168 (19942)3 2 Massiot, D., see Bessada, C 168 (1994) 76 Swan, R., see Ray, A.K. 168 (1994) 150 Matteazzi, P., see Miani, F. 168 (19942)4 1 Miani, F., P. Matteazzi and D. Basset, Fur- Takahashi, M., R. Kanno, Y. Kawamoto, S. ther remarks on the viscosity of under- Tanabe and K. Hirao, Compositional de- cooled liquid metals and alloys: a ther- pendence of Er** upconversion lumines- modynamic approach 168 (19942)4 1 cence in MF-LiF-ZrF, glasses (M: alkali Michelotti, F., see Fazio, E. 168 (19942)1 3 metals) 168 (1994) 137 Mihailova, B., N. Zotov, M. Marinov, J. Takeda, S., see Petkov, V. 168 (1994) 97 Nikolov and L. Konstantinov, Vibrational Tanabe, S., see Takahashi, M. 168 (1994) 137 spectra of rings in silicate glasses 168 (1994) 265 Taulelle, F., see Bessada, C. 168 (1994) 76 Miller, A.C., see Hsieh, C.H. 168 (19942)4 7 Titulaer, M.K., J.B.H. Jansen and J.W. Geus, Mochida, N., see Sekiya, T. 168 (1994) 106 The preparation and characterization of Monteil, A., see Cormier, G. 168 (1994) 115 sol-gel silica spheres 168 (1994) 1 Mori, H., T. Kitami and H. Sakata, Electri- Tomozawa, M., see Li, H. 168 (1993) 56 cal conductivity of V,O0;-Sb,0,-TeO, Tomozawa, M., see Li, H. 168 (19942)8 7 glasses 168 (1994) 157 Torgeson, D.R., see Sills, J.A. 168 (1994) 86 Author index 301 Tosan, J.-L., B. Durand, M. Roubin, F. Yli-Urpo, A.U., see Li, P. 168 (1994) 281 Chassagneux and F. Bertin, Coupled Ra- Youngman, R.E. and J.W. Zwanziger, Multi- man and infrared spectroscopic study of ple boron sites in borate glass detected acetic or formic zirconyl chloride aque- with dynamic angle spinning nuclear ous solutions 168 (1994) 23 magnetic resonance 168 (19942)9 3 van Bommel, M.J., see Bernards, T.N.M. 168 (1994) 201 Varshneya, A.K., see Anderson, P.C. 168 (1994) 125 Zerda, T.W., A. Brodka and J. Coffer, Dif- fusion of Cy in porous sol-gel glass 168 (1994) 33 Waseda, Y., see Petkov, V. 168 (1994) 97 Zotov, N., see Mihailova, B. 168 (19942)6 5 Weinberg, M.C., see Bae, B.-S. 168 (19942)2 3 Zwanziger, J.W., see Youngman, R.E. 168 (19942)9 3 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 168 (1994) 302-304 North-Holland , Subject index Diffusion Alkali Silicate Glasses Sol—Gel Processes, Fullerenes 168 (1994) 33 Ionic Conductivity, Theory 168 (1994) 167 Dynamical Properties Alloys Glass Transition, Theory 168 (1994) 186 Glass Transition, Liquid Metals, Liquid Al- loys, Thermal Properties 168 (1994) 241 Electronic Conductivity Mechanical Amorphization, Glasses Con- Chalcogenides, Thin Films 168 (1994) 150 taining Transition Metal Ions 168 (1994) 232 Borates EXAFS Chalcogenides, Nuclear Magnetic Reso- Fluorides, Coordination 168 (1994) 144 nance, Structure 168 (1994) 86 Titania, Phosphates, Structure, XANES 168 (1994) 132 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Structure, Isotope Substitution 168 (1994) 293 Fibers Photoinduced Effects, Hydrogen Effects, Calorimetry Raman Spectra 168 (1994) 195 Crystallization, Nuclear Magnetic Reso- nance, Silicates 168 (1994) 64 Fluorides EXAFS, Coordination 168 (1994) 144 Chalcogenides Glass Formation, X-ray Diffraction 168 (1994) 275 Electronic Conductivity, Thin Films 168 (1994) 150 Optical Properties, Non-linear Optics 168 (1994) 137 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Structure, Bo- rates 168 (1994) 8&6 Fullerenes Optical Properties, Non-linear Optics, Re- laxation 168 (19942)1 3 Diffusion, Sol—Gel Processes 168 (1994) 33 Chromatography Germanium Sol—Gel Precursors, Sol-Gel Processes 168 (19942)0 1 Liquids, X-ray Diffraction, Structure 168 (1994) 97 Conduction Band Glass Formation Crystallization, lon Implantation, Silica 168 (1993) 56 Fluorides, X-ray Diffraction 168 (1994) 275 Conductivity Glass Transition Modelling, Transition Metals 168 (1994) 157 Alloys, Liquid Metals, Liquid Alloys, Ther- mal Properties 168 (1994) 241 Coordination Theory, Dynamical Properties 168 (1994) 186 Fluorides, EXAFS 168 (1994) 144 Glasses Containing Transition Metal Ions Crystallization Alloys, Mechanical Amorphization 168 (1994) 232 Calorimetry, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Silicates 168 (1994) 64 lon Implantation, Silica, Conduction Band 168 (1993) 56 Hardness Surface Reactions 168 (19942)8 1 Phosphates 168 (1994) 179 Differential Thermal Analysis Hydrogen Effects Sol-Gel Method, Oxides, Silica, Titania, Fibers, Photoinduced Effects, Raman Spec- Infra-red Absorption 168 (1994) 49 tra 168 (1994) 195 0022-3093 /94 /$07.00 © 1994 — Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved Subject index 303 Inelastic Neutron Scattering Non-linear Optics, Fluorides 168 (1994) 137 Theory, Topological Short-Range Order, Phosphates, Transition Metals 168 (1994) 223 Topology 168 (19942)6 5 Stress Measurement, Structure 168 (1994) 125 Infra-red Absorption Oxides Sol-Gel Method, Oxides, Silica, Titania, Sol-Gel Method, Silica, Titania, Infra-red Differential Thermal Analysis 168 (1994) Absorption, Differential Thermal Analy- Sol—Gel Processes, Raman Spectra, Zirconia 168 (1994) sis 168 (1994) 49 lon Implantation Particles Crystallization, Silica, Conduction Band 168 (1993) Sol—Gel Processes, Silica, Porosity 168 (1994) 1 Ionic Conductivity Alkali Silicate Glasses, Theory 168 (1994) 167 Phosphates Viscosity, Relaxation, Theory 168 (1994) 258 Hardness 168 (1994) 179 Molecular Dynamics, Structure 168 (1994) 115 Isotope Substitution Optical Properties, Transition Metals 168 (19942)2 3 Borates, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Titania, Structure, XANES, EXAFS 168 (1994) 132 Structure 168 (1994) 293 Photoinduced Effects Liquid Alloys Fibers, Hydrogen Effects, Raman Spectra 168 (1994) 195 Alloys, Glass Transition, Liquid Metals, Thermal Properties 168 (1994) 241 Porosity Sol—Gel Processes, Silica, Particles 168 (1994) 1 Liquid Metals Alloys, Glass Transition, Liquid Alloys, Thermal Properties 168 (1994) 241 Raman Spectra Fibers, Photoinduced Effects, Hydrogen Ef- Liquids fects 168 (1994) 195 Germanium, X-ray Diffraction, Structure 168 (1994) 97 Sol-Gel Processes, Infra-red Absorption, Zirconia 168 (1994) 23 Mechanical Amorphization Tellurite Glasses, Structure 168 (1994) 106 Alloys, Glasses Containing Transition Metal lons 168 (1994) 232 Reactions Sol—Gel Processes, Nuclear Magnetic Reso- Modelling nance, Silica 168 (1994) 42 Conductivity, Transition Metals 168 (1994) 157 Relaxation Molecular Dynamics Chalcogenides, Optical Properties, Non-lin- Structure, Phosphates 168 (1994) 115 ear Optics 168 (19942)1 3 Viscosity, lonic Conductivity, Theory 168 (19942)5 8 Non-linear Optics Chalcogenides, Optical Properties, Relax- ation 168 (1994) 213 Silica Optical Properties, Fluorides 168 (1994) 137 Crystallization, lon Implantation, Conduc- tion Band 168 (1993) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Sol—Gel Method, Oxides, Titania, Infra-red Borates, Structure, Isotope Substitution 168 (1994) 293 Absorption, Differential Thermal Analy- Calorimetry, Crystallization, Silicates 168 (1994) 64 sis 168 (1994) Chalcogenides, Structure, Borates 168 (1994) Sol—Gel Processes, Nuclear Magnetic Reso- Silicates, Structure 168 (1994) nance, Reactions 168 (1994) Sol—Gel Processes, Reactions, Silica 168 (1994) Sol—Gel Processes, Porosity, Particles 168 (1994) Sol-Gel Processes, Small Angle X-ray Scat- tering 168 (1994) Silicates Calorimetry, Crystallization, Nuclear Mag- Optical Properties netic Resonance 168 (1994) 64 Chalcogenides, Non-linear Optics, Relax- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Structure 168 (1994) 76 ation 168 (1994) 213 XPS, Structure 168 (19942)4 7 304 Subject index Small Angle X-ray Scattering Theory Sol—Gel Processes, Nuclear Magnetic Reso- Glass Transition, Dynamical Properties 168 (1994) 186 nance 168 (1994) 14 Inelastic Neutron Scattering, Topological Short-Range Order, Topology 168 (1994) 265 Sol-Gel Method lonic Conductivity, Alkali Silicate Glasses 168 (1994) 167 Oxides, Silica, Titania, Infra-red Absorption, Viscosity, lonic Conductivity, Relaxation 168 (1994) 258 Differential Thermal Analysis 168 (1994) 49 Thermal Properties Sol-Gel Precursors Alloys, Glass Transition, Liquid Metals, Liq- Sol—Gel Processes, Chromatography 168 (19942)0 1 uid Alloys 168 (19942)4 1 Sol—Gel Processes Thin Films Diffusion, Fullerenes 168 (1994) 33 Chalcogenides, Electronic Conductivity 168 (1994) 150 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Reactions, Titania Silica 168 (1994) 42 Phosphates, Structure, XANES, EXAFS 168 (1994) 132 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Small Angle Sol-Gel Method, Oxides, Silica, Infra-red X-ray Scattering 168 (1994) 14 Absorption, Differential Thermal Analy- Raman Spectra, Infra-red Absorption, Zir- sis 168 (1994) 49 conia 168 (1994) 23 Silica, Porosity, Particles 168 (1994) 1 Topological Short-Range Order Sol-Gel Precursors, Chromatography 168 (1994) 201 Inelastic Neutron Scattering, Theory, Topol- ogy 168 (19942)6 5 Static Fatigue Strength, Water in Glass 168 (1994) 287 Topology Inelastic Neutron Scattering, Theory, Topo- Strength logical Short-Range Order 168 (1994) 265 Water in Glass, Static Fatigue 168 (1994) 287 Transition Metals Stress Measurement Conductivity, Modelling 168 (1994) 157 Optical Properties, Structure 168 (1994) 125 Optical Properties, Phosphates 168 (19942)2 3 Structure Viscosity Borates, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Iso- Ionic Conductivity, Relaxation, Theory 168 (19942)5 8 tope Substitution 168 (1994) 293 Chalcogenides, Nuclear Magnetic Reso - Water in Glass nance, Borates 168 (1994) 86 Strength, Static Fatigue 168 (1994) 287 Liquids, Germanium, X-ray Diffraction 168 (1994) 97 XANES Molecular Dynamics, Phosphates 168 (19941)1 5 Titania, Phosphates, Structure, EXAFS 168 (1994) 132 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Silicates 168 (1994) 76 Stress Measurement, Optical Properties 168 (19941)2 5 XPS Tellurite Glasses, Raman Spectra 168 (19941)0 6 Structure, Silicates 168 (1994) 247 Titania, Phosphates, XANES, EXAFS 168 (19941)3 2 XPS, Silicates 168 (19942)4 7 X-ray Diffraction Fluorides, Glass Formation 168 (19942)7 5 Surface Reactions Liquids, Germanium, Structure 168 (1994) 97 Crystallization 168 (19942)8 1 Zirconia Tellurite Glasses Sol—Gel Processes, Raman Spectra, Infra- Raman Spectra, Structure 168 (1994) 106 red Absorption 168 (1994) 23

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