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Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 1994: Vol 167 Index PDF

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Preview Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 1994: Vol 167 Index

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 167 (1994) 307-309 JOURNAL OF SOLS North-Holland Author index Agarwal, A., M. Tomozawa and W.A. Lan- structural aspects and vitrification chem- ford, Effect of stress on water diffusion istry 167 (1994) 92 in silica glass at various temperatures 167 (1994) 139 Crnjak-Orel, Z., see Orel, B. 167 (1994) 272 Ait Gherbi, A., see Bonnet, J.P. 167 (1994) 199 Aivazov, A.A., B.G. Budaguan and D.A. Daley, R.S., see Musket, R.G. 167 (1994) 149 Stryahilev, Investigation of inhomo- Davis, P.J., R. Deshpande, D.M. Smith, C.J. geneities in a-SiN,:H alloys by infrared Brinker and R.A. Assink, Pore structure spectroscopy 167 (1994) 185 evolution in silica gel during aging/ Albertini, G., see Benedetti, A. 167 (1994) 263 drying. IV. Varying pore fluid pH 167 (1994) 295 Aleksandrov, I.V., Z.V. Nesterova and G.T. Dayanand, C., R.V.G.K. Sarma, G. Bhik- Petrovskii, The vibrational states of pho- shamaiah and M. Salagram, Optical toinduced defects in silica fibers 167 (1994) 117 properties of lead phosphate glasses 167 (1994) 122 Apostolov, A., see Petkov, V. 167 (1994) 255 De Riu, L., see Benedetti, A. 167 (1994) 263 Armand, P., A. Ibanez, Q. Ma, D. Raoux Deshpande, R., see Davis, P.J. 167 (1994) 295 and E. Philippot, Structural characteriza- Dikova, J., N. Starbov and K. Starbova, The tion of germanium selenide glasses by mechanism of photoinduced transforma- differential anomalous X-ray scattering 167 (1994) 37 tions in amorphous As,S, thin films 167 (1994) 50 Assink, R.A., see Davis, P.J. 167 (1994) 295 Dimitriev, Y., see Iordanova, R. 167 (1994) 74 Dimitrov, V., see Iordanova, R. 167 (1994) 74 Diré, S. and F. Babonneau, Sol—gel precur- Babonneau, F., see Diré, S. 167 (1994) 29 sors: a spectroscopic study of transesteri- Barkatt, A., see Sang, J.C. 167 (1994) 158 fication reactions between silicon and ti- Barron, C., see Spells, S.J. 167 (1994) 205 tanium alkoxides 167 (1994) 29 Benedetti, A., F. Geotti-Bianchini, G. Dunn, B., see Hanna, S.D. 167 (1994) 239 Fagherazzi, P. Riello, G. Albertini and L. De Riu, SAXS study of the micro-inho- Esquivias, L., see Gémez-Vela, D. 167 (1994) 59 mogeneity of industrial soda lime silica glass 167 (1994) 263 Fagherazzi, G., see Benedetti, A. 167 (1994) 263 Bhatnagar, A.K., see Sreedhar, B. 167 (1994) 106 Bhikshamaiah, G., see Dayanand, C. 167 (1994) 122 Geotti-Bianchini, F., see Benedetti, A. 167 (1994) 263 Boissier, M., see Bonnet, J.P. 167 (1994) 199 Goémez-Vela, D., L. Esquivias and C. Prieto, Bonnet, J.P., M. Boissier and A. Ait Gherbi, Structure of the Cu,;As3,Se5, amor- The amorphization process of neutron- phous alloy by extended X-ray absorption irradiated crystalline quartz studied by fine structure spectroscopy 167 (1994) 59 Brillouin scattering 167 (1994) 199 Bourhill, G., see Kao, Y.-H. 167 (1994) 247 Hanna, S.D., B. Dunn and J.I. Zink, The use Bratz, E., see Yacoub-George, E. 167 (1994) 9 of the rigidochromism of ReCl(CO)- Brinker, C.J., see Davis, P.J. 167 (1994) 295 2,2’-bipyridine as a probe of gelation, Budaguan, B.G., see Aivazov, A.A. 167 (1994) 185 aging and drying in sol-gel-derived or- Bukovec, P., see Orel, B. 167 (1994) 272 mosils 167 (1994) 239 Heslin, M.R. and J.E. Shelby, Formation Chakraborty, A.K., see Mollah, S. 167 (1994) 192 and properties of lithium neodymium sili- Chakraborty, S., see Mollah, S. 167 (1994) 192 cate glasses 167 (1994) 172 Chakravorty, D., see Saha, S.K. 167 (1994) 89 Hori, M., see Mizushima, Y. 167 (1994) 1 Chaudhuri, B.K., see Mollah, S. 167 (1994) 192 Hu, Y., see Kao, Y.-H. 167 (1994) 247 Chryssikos, G.D., J.A. Kapoutsis, E.I. Kamitsos, A.P. Patsis and A.J. Pappin, Ibanez, A., see Armand, P. 167 (1994) 37 Lithium-sodium metaborate glasses: Indira, P., see Sreedhar, B. 167 (1994) 106 0022-3093 /94/$07.00 © 1994 — Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved 308 Author index Iordanova, R., Y. Dimitriev, V. Dimitrov Nesterova, Z.V., see Aleksandrov, I.V. 167 (1994) 117 and D. Klissurski, Structure of V,0;- MoO,-Fe,O, glasses 167 (1994) 74 Okada, S., see Sugahara, Y. 167 (1994) 21 Isaev, A.I., see Kazakova, L.P. 167 (1994) 65 O’Reilly, J.M., see Perchak, D.R. 167 (1994) 211 Itoh, K., K. Miura, I. Masuda, M. Iwakura Orel, B., U. Lavrenti¢-Stangar, Z. Crnjak- and T. Yamashita, Low-loss fluorozirco- Orel, P. Bukovec and M. Kosec, Struc- aluminate glass fiber 167 (1994) 112 tural and FTIR spectroscopic studies of Iwakura, M., see Itoh, K. 167 (1994) 112 gel-xerogel—oxide transitions of SnO, and SnO,:Sb powders and dip-coated Jakubik, R.F., see Sang, J.C. 167 (1994) 158 films prepared via inorganic sol—gel route 167 (1994) 272 Pappin, A.J., see Chryssikos, G.D. 167 (1994) 92 Kamitsos, E.I., see Chryssikos, G.D. 167 (1994) 92 Patsis, A.P., see Chryssikos, G.D. 167 (1994) 92 Kao, Y.-H., Y. Hu, H. Zheng, J.D. Macken- Perchak, D.R. and J.M. O’Reilly, Observa- zie, K. Perry, G. Bourhill and J.W. Perry, tion of a volume minimum in computer Second harmonic generation in transpar- simulations of supercooled, amorphous ent barium borate glass-ceramics 167 (1994) 247 silica 167 (1994) 211 Kapoutsis, J.A., see Chryssikos, G.D. 167 (1994) 92 Perry, J.W., see Kao, Y.-H. 167 (1994) 247 Kato, C., see Sugahara, Y. 167 (1994) 21 Perry, K., see Kao, Y.-H. 167 (1994) 247 Kazakova, L.P., E.A. Lebedev, N.B. Za- Petkov, V. and A. Apostolov, Short-range kharova, I.I. Yatlinko, A.I. Isaev and S.I. atomic order in TbCu, and DyCu, Mekhtieva, Improvement of charge metallic glasses 167 (1994) 255 transport in Se—As glasses by doping with Petrovskii, G.T., see Aleksandrov, I.V. 167 (1994) 117 halogens 167 (1994) 65 Philippot, E., see Armand, P. 167 (1994) 37 Klissurski, D., see Iordanova, R. 167 (1994) 74 Prieto, C., see Gémez-Vela, D. 167 (1994) 59 Kobayashi, K., Optical, thermomechanical and MOS properties of ZnO- and PbO- based glasses 167 (1994) 180 Raoux, D., see Armand, P. 167 (1994) 37 Kojima, K., see Sreedhar, B. 167 (1994) 106 Riello, P., see Benedetti, A. 167 (1994) 263 Kosec, M., see Orel, B. 167 (1994) 272 Kuroda, K., see Sugahara, Y. 167 (1994) 21 Saad, E.E., see Sang, J.C. 167 (1994) 158 Saha, S.K. and D. Chakravorty, Inhomoge- neous conductor model and fast ion con- Lanford, W.A., see Agarwal, A. 167 (1994) 139 ducting glasses 167 (1994) 89 LavrenCci¢c-Stangar, U., see Orel, B. 167 (1994) 272 Sakka, S., see Zhao, X. 167 (1994) 70 Lebedev, E.A., see Kazakova, L.P. 167 (1994) 65 Salagram, M., see Dayanand, C. 167 (1994) 122 Sanchez, J. and A.V. McCormick, In- Ma, Q., see Armand, P. 167 (1994) 37 tramolecular vs. intermolecular conden- Mackenzie, J.D., see Kao, Y.-H. 167 (1994) 247 sation rates in the acidic polymerization Masuda, I., see Itoh, K. 167 (1994) 112 of octaethoxytrisiloxane 167 (1994) 289 McCormick, A.V., see Sanchez, J. 167 (1994) 289 Sang, J.C., R.F. Jakubik, A. Barkatt and McGahay, V. and M. Tomozawa, The effect E.E. Saad, The interaction of solutes with of water on phase separation of sodium silicate glass and its effect on dissolution silicate glasses 167 (1994) 127 rates 167 (1994) 158 Mekhtieva, S.I., see Kazakova, L.P. 167 (1994) 65 Sarma, R.V.G.K., see Dayanand, C. 167 (1994) 122 Miura, K., see Itoh, K. 167 (1994) 112 Sato, S., see Sugahara, Y. 167 (1994) 21 Mizushima, Y. and M. Hori, Properties of Shelby, J.E., see Heslin, M.R. 167 (1994) 172 alumina aerogels prepared under differ- Skuja, L., Direct singlet-to-triplet optical ab- ent conditions 167 (1994) 1 sorption and luminescence excitation Mollah, S., A.K. Chakraborty, S. Chakra- band of the twofold-coordinated silicon borty, K.K. Som and B.K. Chaudhuri, center in oxygen-deficient glassy SiO, 167 (1994) 229 Study of dielectric relaxation behaviour Smith, D.M., see Davis, P.J. 167 (1994) 295 FD in Li-doped semiconducting Bi-Sr—Ca- Som, K.K., see Mollah, S. 167 (1994) 192 Cu-O glasses 167 (1994) 192 Spells, S.J. and C. Barron, The low fre- Musket, R.G., A.A. Tesar and R.S. Daley, quency Raman spectrum of lithium Hydrogen content of polished glass sur- phenyl stearate and its relevance to faces using forward recoil spectroscopy 167 (1994) 149 polystyrene 167 (1994) 205 eopeRATeE y R Author index 309 Sreedhar, B., P. Indira, A.K. Bhatnagar and Weinberg, M.C., Glass-forming ability and K. Kojima, Electron paramagnetic reso- glass stability in simple systems 167 (1994) 81 nance spectra of VO?* ions in alkali fluoroborate glasses 167 (1994) 106 Xu, L., see Zhao, X. 167 (1994) 70 Starbov, N., see Dikova, J. 167 (1994) 50 Starbova, K., see Dikova, J. 167 (1994) 50 Yacoub-George, E., E. Bratz and H. Stryahilev, D.A., see Aivazov, A.A. 167 (1994) 185 Tiltscher, Preparation of functionalized Sugahara, Y., S. Okada, S. Sato, K. Kuroda polyorganosiloxane spheres for the im- and C. Kato, 7°Si-NMR study of hydroly- mobilization of catalytically active com- sis and initial polycondensation processes pounds 167 (1994) 9 of organoalkoxysilanes. II. Methyltri- Yamashita, T., see Itoh, K. 167 (1994) 112 ethoxysilane 167 (1994) 21 Yatlinko, I.I., see Kazakova, L.P. 167 (1994) 65 Syms, R.R.A., Stress in thick sol-gel phos- Yin, H., see Zhao, X. 167 (1994) 70 phosilicate glass films formed on Si sub- strates 167 (1994) 16 Zakharova, N.B., see Kazakova, L.P. 167 (1994) 65 Zhao, X., L. Xu, H. Yin and S. Sakka, Glass Tesar, A.A., see Musket, R.G. 167 (1994) 149 formation in Sb,Se,-MX,, (metal Tiltscher, H., see Yacoub-George, E. 167 (1994) 9 halides) 167 (1994) 70 Tomozawa, M., see McGahay, V. 167 (1994) 127 Zheng, H., see Kao, Y.-H. 167 (1994) 247 Tomozawa, M., see Agarwal, A. 167 (1994) 139 Zink, J.I., see Hanna, S.D. 167 (1994) 239 CRYSJTOAURLNLAIL NOEF SOLIDS Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 167 (1994) 310-313 North-Holland Subject index Acoustic Properties Covalent Glasses Radiation Effects, Neutron Irradiation 167 (1994) 199 Sol—Gel Processes, Porosity 167 (1994) 9 Crystallization Aerogels Sol—Gel Processes, Alumina, Structure, Nu- Glass Formation, Modelling 167 (1994) 81 clear Magnetic Resonance, Porosity 167 (1994) 1 Dielectric Properties Oxides, Superconductors, Relaxation 167 (1994) 192 Alkali Borate Glasses Glass Transition, Differential Scanning Differential Scanning Calorimetry Calorimetry, Structure, Mixed-Alkali Ef- fect 167 (1994) 92 Alkali Borate Glasses, Glass Transition, Structure, Mixed-Alkali Effect 167 (1994) 92 Glasses Containing Transition Metal Ions, Fluorides, Electron Spin Resonance 167 (1994) 106 Diffusion Silica, Water in Glass, Surface Reactions 167 (1994) 139 Alkali Silicate Glasses Corrosion, Surface Reactions, Surface Anal- Doping ysis, lon Exchange 167 (1994) 158 Glasses, Light Scattering, X-ray Diffraction 167 (1994) 255 Electronic Conductivity, Chalcogenides, Electronic Structure 167 (1994) 65 Rare Earth Ions, Phase Separation, Electri- cal Properties 167 (1994) 172 Electric Properties Polarization, Coatings 167 (1994) 180 Alumina Sol—Gel Processes, Structure, Nuclear Mag- Electrical Properties netic Resonance, Porosity, Aerogels 167 (1994) 1 Alkali Silicate Glasses, Rare Earth Ions, Phase Separation 167 (1994) 172 Amorphous Alloys Chalcogenides, EXAFS, XANES, Structure 167 (1994) 59 Electron Spin Resonance X-ray Diffraction, Rare Earth Ions, Glasses Glasses Containing Transition Metal Ions, Containing Transition Metal Ions 167 (1994) 263 Alkali Borate Glasses, Fluorides 167 (1994) 106 Chalcogenides Electronic Conductivity Electronic Conductivity, Doping, Electronic Chalcogenides, Doping, Electronic Structure 167 (1994) 65 Structure 167 (1994) 65 EXAFS, XANES, Structure, Amorphous Al- Electronic Structure loys 167 (1994) 59 Electronic Conductivity, Chalcogenides, Infra-red Absorption, Optical Properties 167 (1994) 70 Doping 167 (1994) 65 Photoinduced Effects, Thin Films, Phase Separation 167 (1994) 50 EXAFS X-ray Diffraction, Structure, Germania 167 (1994) 37 Chalcogenides, XANES, Structure, Amor- phous Alloys 167 (1994) 59 Coatings Electric Properties, Polarization 167 (1994) 180 Fabrication Fluorides, Fibers 167 (1994) 112 Corrosion Alkali Silicate Glasses, Surface Reactions, Fibers Surface Analysis, lon Exchange 167 (1994) 158 Fluorides, Fabrication 167 (1994) 112 0022-3093 /94/$07.00 © 1994 — Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved nROEReaAea eR T U SHEA r Subject index 311 Optical Properties, Raman Spectra, Pho- Luminescence toresponse 167 (1994) 117 Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy, Gels, Or- ganic—Inorganic Hybrids 167 (1994) 239 Fluorides Silica, Ultraviolet Absorption, Photo-emis- Fabrication, Fibers 167 (1994) 112 sion 167 (1994) 229 Glasses Containing Transition Metal Ions, Alkali Borate Glasses, Electron Spin Mechanical Properties Resonance 167 (1994) 106 Molecular Dynamics, Quenching, Thermal Properties, Structure 167 (1994) 211 Gels Mixed-Alkali Effect Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy, Lumines- cence, Organic—Inorganic Hybrids 167 (1994) 239 Alkali Borate Glasses, Glass Transition, Dif- ferential Scanning Calorimetry, Structure 167 (1994) 92 Germania Modelling Chalcogenides, X-ray Diffraction, Structure 167 (1994) 37 Glass Formation, Crystallization 167 (1994) 81 Titania 167 (1994) 89 Glass Ceramics Non-linear Optics, Optical Properties 167 (1994) 247 Molecular Dynamics Quenching, Thermal Properties, Mechanical Glass Formation Properties, Structure 167 (1994) 211 Crystallization, Modelling 167 (1994) 81 Infra-red Absorption, Structure 167 (1994) 74 Neutron Irradiation Acoustic Properties, Radiation Effects 167 (1994) 199 Glass Transition Alkali Borate Glasses, Differential Scanning Nitrogen Calorimetry, Structure, Mixed-Alkali Ef- Silicon, Thin Films, Hydrogen Effects, Infra- fect 167 (1994) 92 red Absorption, Structure 167 (1994) 185 Glasses Non-linear Optics Alkali Silicate Glasses, Light Scattering, X- Glass Ceramics, Optical Properties 167 (1994) 247 ray Diffraction 167 (1994) 255 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Porosity, Structure, Sol-Gel Processes 167 (1994) 295 Glasses Containing Transition Metal Ions Sol—Gel Precursors 167 (1994) 29 Alkali Borate Glasses, Fluorides, Electron Spin Resonance 167 (1994) 106 Sol—Gel Processes, Alumina, Structure, Porosity, Aerogels 167 (1994) 1 Amorphous Alloys, X-ray Diffraction, Rare Sol—Gel Processes, Silica, Structure, Reac- Earth Ions 167 (1994) 263 tions 167 (1994) 289 Sol—Gel Processes 167 (1994) 21 Hydrogen Effects Silicon, Thin Films, Nitrogen, Infra-red Ab- Optical Properties sorption, Structure 167 (1994) 185 Fibers, Raman Spectra, Photoresponse 167 (1994) 117 Glass Ceramics, Non-linear Optics 167 (1994) 247 Infra-red Absorption Infra-red Absorption, Chalcogenides 167 (1994) 70 Glass Formation, Structure 167 (1994) 74 Phosphates 167 (1994) 122 Optical Properties, Chalcogenides 167 (1994) 70 Silicon, Thin Films, Hydrogen Effects, Nitro- Organic—Inorganic Hybrids gen, Structure 167 (1994) 185 Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy, Gels, Lu- Sol—Gel Processes, Tin Oxide, Thin Films 167 (1994) 272 minescence 167 (1994) 239 Ion Exchange Oxides Corrosion, Alkali Silicate Glasses, Surface Superconductors, Dielectric Properties, Re- Reactions, Surface Analysis 167 (1994) 158 laxation 167 (1994) 192 Light Scattering Phase Separation Alkali Silicate Glasses, Glasses, X-ray Alkali Silicate Glasses, Rare Earth Ions, Diffraction 167 (1994) 255 Electrical Properties 167 (1994) 172 312 Subject index Chalcogenides, Photoinduced Effects, Thin Silica Films, Phase Separation 167 (1994) 50 Luminescence, Ultraviolet Absorption, Water in Glass 167 (1994) 127 Photo-emission 167 (1994) 229 Sol-Gel Processes, Nuclear Magnetic Reso- Phosphates nance, Structure, Reactions 167 (1994) 289 Optical Properties 167 (1994) 122 Water in Glass, Surface Reactions, Diffusion 167 (1994) 139 Photo-emission Silicates Luminescence, Silica, Ultraviolet Absorption 167 (1994) 229 Surface Properties, Surface Analysis, Sur- face Reactions 167 (1994) 149 Photoinduced Effects Thin Films, Sol—Gel Processes, Stress Mea- Chalcogenides, Thin Films, Phase Separa- surement 167 (1994) 16 tion 167 (1994) 50 Silicon Photoresponse Thin Films, Hydrogen Effects, Nitrogen, In- Fibers, Optical Properties, Raman Spectra 167 (1994) 117 fra-red Absorption, Structure 167 (1994) 185 Polarization Electric Properties, Coatings 167 (1994) 180 Sol—Gel Precursors Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 167 (1994) 29 Polymers Raman Spectra, Two-Level System 167 (1994) 205 Sol—Gel Processes Alumina, Structure, Nuclear Magnetic Reso- Porosity nance, Porosity, Aerogels 167 (1994) 1 Sol—Gel Processes, Alumina, Structure, Nu- Covalent Glasses, Porosity 167 (1994) 9 clear Magnetic Resonance, Aerogels 167 (1994) 1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 167 (1994) 21 Sol—Gel Processes, Covalent Glasses 167 (1994) 9 Porosity, Structure, Nuclear Magnetic Reso- Structure, Sol-Gel Processes, Nuclear Mag- nance 167 (1994) 295 netic Resonance 167 (1994) 295 Silica, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Struc- ture, Reactions 167 (1994) 289 Quenching Thin Films, Stress Measurement, Silicates 167 (1994) 16 Molecular Dynamics, Thermal Properties, Tin Oxide, Infra-red Absorption, Thin Films 167 (1994) 272 Mechanical Properties, Structure 167 (1994) 211 Stress Measurement Radiation Effects Thin Films, Sol—Gel Processes, Silicates 167 (1994) 16 Acoustic Properties, Neutron Irradiation 167 (1994) 199 Structure Raman Spectra Alkali Borate Glasses, Glass Transition, Dif- Fibers, Optical Properties, Photoresponse 167 (1994) 117 ferential Scanning Calorimetry, Mixed- Polymers, Two-Level system 167 (1994) 205 Alkali Effect 167 (1994) 92 Chalcogenides, EXAFS, XANES, Amor- Rare Earth Ions phous Alloys 167 (1994) 59 Alkali Silicate Glasses, Phase Separation, Chalcogenides, X-ray Diffraction, Germania 167 (1994) 37 Electrical Properties 167 (1994) 172 Glass Formation, Infra-red Absorption 167 (1994) 74 Amorphous Alloys, X-ray Diffraction, Molecular Dynamics, Quenching, Thermal Glasses Containing Transition Metal Ions 167 (1994) 263 Properties, Mechanical Properties 167 (19942)1 1 Porosity, Sol-Gel Processes, Nuclear Mag- Reactions netic Resonance 167 (19942)9 5 Sol—Gel Processes, Silica, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Structure 167 (1994) 289 Silicon, Thin Films, Hydrogen Effects, Nitro- gen, Infra-red Absorption 167 (19941)8 5 Sol—Gel Processes, Alumina, Nuclear Mag- Relaxation netic Resonance, Porosity, Aerogels 167.1994) 1 Oxides, Superconductors, Dielectric Proper- ties 167 (1994) 192 Sol—Gel Processes, Silica, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Reactions 167 (1994) 289 Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy ePaTiR, T Gels, Luminescence, Organic—Inorganic Hy- Superconductors brids 167 (1994) 239 Oxides, Dielectric Properties, Relaxation 167 (1994) 192 | Subject index 313 Surface Analysis Tin Oxide Corrosion, Alkali Silicate Glasses, Surface Sol-Gel Processes, Infra-red Absorption, Reactions, Ion Exchange 167 (1994) 158 Thin Films 167 (1994) 272 Silicates, Surface Properties, Surface Reac- tions 167 (1994) 149 Titania Modelling 167 (1994) 89 Surface Properties Silicates, Surface Analysis, Surface Reac- tions 167 (1994) 149 Two-Level System Polymers, Raman Spectra 167 (1994) 205 Surface Reactions Corrosion, Alkali Silicate Glasses, Surface Ultraviolet Absorption Analysis, Ion Exchange 167 (1994) 158 Luminescence, Silica, Photo-emission 167 (1994) 229 Silica, Water in Glass, Diffusion 167 (1994) 139 Silicates, Surface Properties, Surface Analy- sis 167 (1994) 149 Water in Glass Phase Separation 167 (1994) 127 Thermal Properties Silica, Surface Reactions, Diffusion 167 (1994) 139 Molecular Dynamics, Quenching, Mechani- cal Properties, Structure 167 (1994) 211 XANES Chalcogenides, EXAFS, Structure, Amor- Thin Films phous Alloys 167 (1994) 59 Chalcogenides, Photoinduced Effects, Phase Separation 167 (1994) 50 Silicon, Hydrogen Effects, Nitrogen, Infra- X-ray Diffraction red Absorption, Structure 167 (1994) 185 Alkali Silicate Glasses, Glasses, Light Scat- Sol—Gel Processes, Stress Measurement, Sil- tering 167 (1994) 255 icates 167 (1994) 16 Amorphous Alloys, Rare Earth Ions, Glasses Sol-Gel Processes, Tin Oxide, Infra-red Ab- Containing Transition Metal Ions 167 (1994) 263 sorption 167 (1994) 272 Chalcogenides, Structure, Germania 167 (1994) 37

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