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Preview Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 1991: Vol 131-133 Index

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 131-133 (1991) 1267-1277 North-Holland Author index Acosta, J.L., see Linares 131-133 (1991) 1149 Apekis, L., see Pissis 131-133 (1991) 1174 Adachi, K. and T. Kotaka, Dielectric Arndt, J., R.A.B. Devine and A.G. normal-mode process of polyiso- Revesz, Anomalous behaviour of prene in blends and in networks 131-133 (1991) 723 the refractive index during the an- Adam, J.L., see Fernandez 131-133 (1991) 1230 nealing of densified, amorphous Adam, M., Viscoelastic properties of SiO, 131-133 (1991) 1206 semi-dilute solutions 131-133 (1991) 773 Arriandiaga, M.A., see Fernandez 131-133 (1991) 1230 Adams, K.M., see Anderson 131-133 (1991) 587 Alberdi, J.M., see Colmenero 131-133 (1991) 949 Alegria, A., see Colmenero 131-133 (1991) 949 Badot, J.C., N. Baffier and A. Four- Alegria, A.A., L. Goitiandia, I. Telleria rier-Lamer, Dielectric relaxation and J. Colmenero, Dielectric re- study of Na, ,,V,0, sol—gel bronze laxation and physical aging in polar in a broad frequency range 10°- glassy polymers 131-133 (1991) 10° Hz 131-133 (1991) 1227 Alig, 1., F. Stieber and S. Wartewig, Baffier, N., see Badot 131-133 (1991) 1227 Ultrasonic examination of the dy- Balda, R., see Fernandez 131-133 (1991) 1230 namic glass transition in amor- Bansil, R., see Pajevic 131-133 (1991) 630 phous polymers 131-133 (1991) 808 Bard, M.D., see Clavaguera-Mora 131-133 (1991) 479 Amelar, S., see Schrag 131-133 (1991) 537 Barrat, J.-L. and J.-N. Roux, Molecu- Amelar, S., C.E. Eastman, T.P. Lodge lar dynamics simulations of super- and E.D. von Meerwall, How good cooled liquids near the glass transi- is the bead-spring model? 131-133 (1991) 551 tion 131-133 (1991) 255 Amis, E.J., see Hodgson 131-133 (1991) 913 BartAo., lG. oDit Matrcoa a,nd G. A t | Konsta A., see Pis- Carini, Influence of thermal his- sis 131-133 (1991) 1174 tory on molecular relaxations of Anagnostopoulou-Konsta, A., D. Da- salt-blended polyethylene oxide 131-133 (1991) 462 oukaki-Diamanti, P. Pissis, G. Bates, J.B., J.C. Wang and Y.T. Chu, Loukakis and E.G. Sideris, Dielec- Interface and bulk relaxation in tric study of DNA-water systems solid ionic conductors 131-133 (1991) 1046 by the thermally stimulated cur- Bauwens, J.-C., see Bauwens-Crowet 131-133 (1991) 505 rents method 131-133 (1991) 1182 Anderson, J.E., K.M. Adams and P.R. Troyk, Electrical percolation phe- 131-133 (1991) 505 nomena in polymer-—solvent sys- 131-133 (1991) 584 tems 131-133 (1991) 587 131-133 (1991) 891 Anderson, J.E., In Memoriam: Charles 131-133 (1991) 584 Phelps Smyth (1895-1990) 131-133 (1991) 1123 Andersson, O., see Forsman 131-133 (1991) 1145 of 3-bromopentane in mixtures Angell, C.A., Relaxation in liquids, with 3-methylpentane 131-133 (1991) polymers and plastic crystals - Bero, C.A., see Plazek 131-133 (1991) strong/fragile patterns and prob- Berry, G.C., see Patterson 131-133 (1991) lems 131-133(1991) 13 Bertolini, D., see D’Arrigo 131-133 (1991) Angell, C.A., see Béhmer 131-133 (1991) 182 Bertolini, D., M. Cassettari, G. Salvet- Angell, C.A., see McKenna 131-133 (1991) 528 ti, E. Tombari and S. Veronesi, Angell, C.A., A. Bunde, M. Ingram, Dielectric relaxation of water-al- H. Jain and W. Risen (moderator), cohol and alcohol—alcohol solu- Di : ion - Gi “nto 131-133 (1991) 1113 tions 131-133 (1991) 1169 131-133 (1991) 95 Bhattacharya, S., see Huang 131-133 (1991) 335 0022-/3910 /9$033.5 0 © 1991 — Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland) 1268 Author index Biljakovié, K., J.C. Lasjaunias and P. Borsali, R., L. Giebel, E.W. Fischer Monceau, Low-energy excitations and G. Meier, Dynamic light and energy relaxations in CDW scattering from ternary mixtures of ground state at very low tempera- two homopolymers in solution 131-133 (1991) 816 tures 131-133 (1991) 1254 Boulton, J.M., see Uhimann 131-133 (1991) 1194 Binder, K., Computer simulation of Brack, H.P., see Burns 131-133 (1991) 994 models for orientational glasses 131-133 (1991) 262 Brantervik, K., see Niklasson 131-133 (1991) 1096 Binder, K., H.-P. Deutsch and A. Bunde, A. and P. Maass, Diffusion in Sariban, Monte Carlo studies of disordered systems: non-Debye re- polymer interdiffusion and spino- laxation due to long-range interac- dal decomposition: a review 131-133 (1991) 635 tions 131-133 (1991) 1022 Binder, K., see Paul 131-133 (1991) 650 Bunde, A., M.D. Ingram, P. Maass Binder, K., T.P. Lodge, H. Sillescu, K. and K.L. Ngai, Mixed alkali ef- Schweizer and H. Yu (moderator), fects in ionic conductors: a new Discussion Session — Polymer dif- model and computer simulations 131-133 (1991) 1109 fusion, dynamics and viscoelastic- Bunde, A., see Angell 131-133 (1991) 1113 ity 131-133 (1991) 742 Burns, A., H.P. Brack and W.M. Ri- Birnbaum, G., see Montrose 131-133 (1991) 177 sen Jr, Dielectric and infrared re- Biscarini, F., C. Chiccoli, P. Pasini flectance studies of inorganic oxide and C. Zannoni, On a simple model glasses 131-133 (1991) 994 of ferroelectricity in liquid crystals 131-133 (1991) 1190 Burns, J., see Capps 131-133 (1991) 877 Bitsis, M.S., see Chryssikos 131-133 (1991) 1068 Blinc, R., see Pirc 131-133 (1991) 92 Blinc, R., J. Dolin’ek and S. Zumer, Order parameter determination in proton and deuteron glasses via Cametti, C., P. Codastefano and P. NMR and EPR: the fast and slow Tartaglia, High-frequency dielec- motion limits 131-133 (1991) tric dispersions in dilute water-in- Bliimich, B., see Schaefer 131-133 (1991) oil microemulsions 131-133 (1991) 187 Boese, D., see Meier 131-133 (1991) Caneva, R., see Bonincontro 131-133 (1991) 1186 Boese, D., see Kremer 131-133 (1991) Capps, R.N. and J. Burns, Compari- Béhmer, R., H. Senapati and C.A. son of viscoelastic and dielectric Angell, Mechanical stress relaxa- relaxations as a function of carbon tion in inorganic glasses studied by black loading in butyl and chloro- a step-strain technique 131-133 (1991) butyl rubber 131-133 (1991) 877 Béhmer, R., see Loidl 131-133 (1991) Carbeck, J.D., see Kambour 131-133 (1991) 563 Boiteux, G., G. Seytre, L. Cuve and Carini, G., see Bartolotta 131-133 (1991) 462 J.-P. Pascault, Dielectric studies of Carini, G. and G. Tripodo, Relaxa- segmented polyurethanes based on tions and local motions in glassy polyolefine: relations between cationic conductors 131-133 (1991) 1028 structure and dielectric behaviour 131-133 (1991) 1131 Carini, J.P., see Wu 131-133 (1991) 32 Bonincontro, A., R. Caneva and F. Cassettari, M., see D’Arrigo 131-133 (1991) 58 Pedone, Dielectric relaxation at ra- Cassettari, M., see Bertolini 131-133 (1991) 1169 diofrequencies of DNA-protamine Cauley, B.J., see Jones 131-133 (1991) 556 systems 131-133 (1991) 1186 Cavaillé, J.Y., see Etienne 131-133(1991) 66 Bérjesson, L. and W.S. Howells, In- Cavaillé, J.Y., J. Perez and G.P. Johari, coherent quasi-elastic neutron A comparison of a point defects scattering of propylene carbonate theory with mechanical relaxations in the glass instability range 131-133 (1991) 53 in polymers 131-133 (1991) 935 Bérjesson, L., see Jacobsson 131-133 (1991) 104 Chamberlin, R.V., D.N. Haines and Bérjesson, L., M. Elmroth and L.M. D.W. Kingsbury, Percolation Torell, A Brillouin scattering study model for relaxation in random of an extremely ‘fragile’ molecular systems 131-133 (1991) 192 glass former 131-133 (1991) 139 Chen, S.H., J. Rouch and P. Tartaglia, Bérjesson, L., see Niklasson 131-133 (1991) 1096 Non-exponential relaxation in Borner, K., see Réssler 131-133 (1991) 99 dense microemulsions 131-133 (1991) 275 Borsa, F., see Martin 131-133 (1991) 1041 Cheng, J., see Xenopoulos 131-133 (1991) 113 Author index 1269 131-133 (1991) 1190 Crist, B., see Finerman 131-133 (1991) 620 Christodoulides, C., see Pissis 131-133 (1991) 1174 Crist, B., Polymer self-diffusmieoans- Chryssikos, G.D., E.I. Kamitsos, M.S. 131-133 (1991) 709 131-133 (1991) 1068 131-133 (1991) 1089 131-133 (1991) 1092 Chu, B. and Z. Wang, DNA electro- 131-133 (1991) 898 phoretic mobility and deformation in agarose gels 131-133 (1991) 685 Chu, Y.T., see Bates 131-133 (1991) 1046 131-133 (1991) 196 Cicerone, M.T., see Hyde 131-133(1991) 42 Cunat, Ch., A relaxtahetoriy oton e x- Clavaguera, N., see Clavaguera-Mora 131-133 (1991) 479 plain the rheology of elasto-plastic Clavaguera-Mora, M.T., M.D. Baré, materials 131-133 (1991) 812 CusaS.,c seke D,ost er 131-133 (1991) 357 CuLv., seee B,oite ux 131-133 (1991) 1131 131-133 (1991) 479 Dahiborg, U., see Dzugutov 131-133(1991) 62 131-133 (1991) 187 Daoukaki-Diamanti, D., see Pissis 131-133 (1991) 1174 Coelho, R., On the static permittivity of dipolar and conductmiedviae — 131-133 (1991) 1182 an educational approach 131-133 (1991) 1136 Cohen-Addad, J.P.. NMR approach to melt properties: segmental mo- tions, temporary ciasticity and terminal relaxation 131-133 (1991) 693 131-133(1991) 58 Cole, R.H. and E. Tombari, Analysis of electric relaxian tsodiiuom ntr i- silicate and lithium fluoroborate glasses from 10? to 10° Hz and 25 131-133 (1991) 200 to 300°C 131-133 (1991) 969 131-133 (1991) 341 Cole, R.H., Charge motions and dy- 131-133 (1991) 1149 namofi reclaxsati on 131-133 (1991) 1125 131-133 (1991) 520 ColmenJ.,e sere oAle,gri a 131-133 (1991) 457 131-133 (1991) 635 131-133 (1991) 1206 131-133 (1991) 462 131-133 (1991) 860 and J.P. Malugani, scattering by superionic conductor glasses 131-133 (1991) Diaz-CR.,a E.l Rilandee janda J,. S an Roman, Inter- and intramolecular 131-133 (1991) interina thce dtieliectoricn bseha v- Condat, C.A. and J. Jickle, Diffusion and gating in membrane proteins 131-133 (1991) 131-133 (1991) Conde, L., E. Riande, M.A. Rubio 131-133 (1991) and V. Fairén, Non-linear effects 131-133 (1991) in the vicinity of the resonant 131-133 (1991) 131-133 (1991) 131-133 (1991) 131-133 (1991) 131-133 (1991) 131-133 (1991) Crichton, S.N., see Moynihan 131-133 (1991) 131-133 (1991) 1270 Author index Dzugutov, M. and U. Dahlborg, Fischer, E.W., G. Meier, T. Rabenau, Molecular dynamics study of the A. Patkowski, W. Steffen and W. coherent density correlation func- Thénnes, Density fluctuations tion in a supercooled simple one- around the glass-transition of low component liquid 131-133(1991) 62 molecular weight glass-forming liquids 131-133 (1991) 134 Fischer, E.W., see Momper 131-133 (1991) 624 Fischer, E.W., see Borsali 131-133 (1991) 816 Eastman, C.E., see Schrag 131-133 (1991) 537 Floudas, G. and G. Fytas, Dynamic Eastman, C.E., see Amelar 131-133 (1991) 551 light scattering from a polymer/ Ediger, M.D., see Hyde 131-133(1991) 42 additive system 131-133 (1991) 579 Elliott, S.R. and A.P. Owens, Non-ex- Forsman, H. and O. Andersson, Di- ponential relaxation in ionically electric relaxation and a new phase conducting glasses: the diffusion- of cyclooctanol at pressures to 1 controlled relaxation model 131-133 (1991) 1036 GPa 131-133 (1991) 1145 Elliott, S.R., see Owens 131-133 (1991) 1104 Fourrier-Lamer, A., see Badot 131-133 (1991) 1227 Elmroth, M., see Bérjesson 131-133 (1991) 139 Frick, B., R. Zorn, D. Richter and B. Etienne, S., J.Y. Cavaillé and J. Perez, Farago, Investigation of the glass Molecular mobility in the liquid- transition in polymers under the glass transition range: cooperative aspect of mode coupling predic- motions 131-133 (1991) 66 tions 131-133 (1991) 169 Etienne, S., J. Perez, A. Pradel and M. Frick, B., see Colmenero 131-133 (1991) 949 Ribes, lonic and atomic degrees of Fuller, G.G. and C.M. Ylitalo, In- freedom in silver chalcogenide frared polarimetry studies for mul- glasses studied by mechanical and ticomponent polymer melts 131-133 (1991) 676 electrical spectroscopies 131-133 (1991) 1072 Furukawa, T., Non-linear dielectric re- Evert, T.E., see Hyde 131-133 (1991) 42 laxations of polymers 131-133 (1991) 1154 Ewen, B., see Richter 131-133 (1991) 604 Fytas, G., see Paviatou 131-133(1991) 88 Ewen, B., D. Richter, LJ. Fetters, J.S. Fytas, G. and K.L. Ngai, Evidence of Huang and B. Farago, Neutron modification of solvent reorienta- scattering studies on the relation tion dynamics from depolarized between structure and dynamics of Rayleigh spectra of polymer in star-shaped polymers 131-133 (1991) 697 Aroclor solutions 131-133 (1991) 544 Fytas, G., see Floudas 131-133 (1991) 579 Fytas, G., see Kanetakis 131-133 (1991) 823 Faber, W., see Heitjans 131-133 (1991) 1053 Fairén, V., see Conde 131-133 (1991) 883 Galeczki, G., see Pelster 131-133 (1991) 238 Farago, B., see Frick 131-133 (1991) 169 Georga, S.N., see Xanthopoulos 131-133 (1991) 1099 Farago, B., see Richter 131-133 (1991) 604 Gerharz, B., see Meier 131-133 (1991) 144 Farago, B., see Ewen 131-133 (1991) 697 Gidley, D.W., see Liu 131-133 (1991) 492 Fehst, I., see Loidl 131-133 (1991) 269 Giebel, L., see Borsali 131-133 (1991) 816 Felcher, G.P., A. Karim and T.P. Rus- Giona, M., L. Marrelli and P. Pic- sell, Interdiffusion at the interface cirilli, Multifractal analysis of of polymeric bilayers: evidence for frequency spectra 131-133(1991) 71 reptation? 131-133 (1991) Giona, M., see Roman 131-133 (1991) 207 Fernandez, J., M.A. Illarramendi, R. Giuntini, J.C., see Henn 131-133 (1991) 1084 Balda, M.A. Arriandiaga, J. Lucas Goates, S.R., see Silence 131-133 (1991) 37 and J.L. Adam, Electronic relaxa- Goitiandia, L., see Alegria 131-133 (1991) 457 tion of the “T, state of chro- Gomperts, S., see Kivelson 131-133 (1991) 327 mium(III) in BIGaZYT fluoride Gdtze, W., see Sjégren 131-133 (1991) 153 131-133 (1991) 1230 Gétze, W. and L. Sjégren, f-relaxa- 131-133 (1991) 728 tion in supercooled liquids 131-133 (1991) 161 Fetters, L.J., see Richter 131-133 (1991) 604 Gétze, W., C.T. Moynihan and K. Fetters, L.J., see Ewen 131-133 (1991) 697 Nelson (moderator), Discussion Finerman, T.M. and B. Crist, Self-dif- Session — Viscous liquids and glass fusion of polydisperse linear poly- transitions: the linear response re- mers 131-133 (1991) 620 gime 131-133 (1991) Author index 1271 Granek, R., see Nitzan 131-133 (1991) 1018 Hrouz, J., see Ilavsky 131-133 (1991) 906 Greenfield, M., see Kivelson 131-133 (1991) 327 Huang, J.S., J. Sowa and S. Bhat- Grenet, J., see Saiter 131-133 (1991) 524 tacharya, A study of dielectric re- Grimm, H., E. Courtens and K. laxation in micellar solutions 131-133 (1991) 335 Parlinski, Two-step freezing pro- Huang, J.S., see Richter 131-133 (1991) 604 cess in the mixed crystal RADP 131-133 (1991) 76 Huang, J.S., see Ewen 131-133 (1991) 697 Griscom, D.L., see Tsai 131-133 (1991) 1240 Hunklinger, S., see Hdhler 131-133 (1991) 217 Hutchinson, J.M., M.D. Ingram and A.J. Pappin, Structural recovery in Haines, D.N., see Chamberlin 131-133 (1991) 192 silver iodide containing glasses: Halalay, I.C. and K.A. Nelson, Pre- illustration of the use of the peak- liminary impulsive stimulated light shift method for the evaluation of scattering study of the glass-form- the Narayanaswamy parameter x 131-133 (1991) 483 ing liquid LiCl/H,O: evidence for Hyde, P.D., T.E. Evert, M.T. Cicerone unusual structural relaxation dy- and M.D. Ediger, Rotation motion namics 131-133 (1991) 375 of molecular probes in o-terphenyl Halary, J.-L., see Cukierman 131-133 (1991) 898 and cis-polyisoprene 131-133(1991) 42 Halpern, V., Relaxation processes with age-dependent transition rates 131-133 (1991) 210 Hansen, M., see Schaefer 131-133 (1991) 777 Ilavsky, M. and J. Hrouz, Formation, Hara, M., lon-channel match in mixed Structure and viscoelastic be- alkali glasses 131-133 (1991) 1076 haviour of polymer networks 131-133 (1991) 906 Illarramendi, M.A., see Fernandez 131-133 (1991) 1230 Hartmann, B. and G.F. Lee, Dynamic Inglefield, P.T., see Jones 131-133 (1991) 556 mechanical relaxation in some 131-133 (1991) 887 Ingram, M., see Angell 131-133 (1991) 1113 131-133 (1991) 488 Ingram, M.D., see Hutchinson 131-133 (1991) 483 131-133 (1991) 650 Ingram, M.D., Relaxation processes in Heitjans, P., W. Faber and A. Schir- 131-133 (1991) 955 mer, B-NMR studies of spin- Ingram, M.D., G.D. Chryssikos and lattice relaxation in glassy and E.l. Kamitsos, Evidence from layer-crystalline compounds 131-133 (1991) 1053 vibrational spectroscopy for clus- Henn, F., J.C. Giuntini and J.V. ter and tissue pseudophases in glass 131-133 (1991) 1089 Zanchetta, AC conductivity in Ingram, M.D., see Bunde 131-133 (1991) 1109 ionic glasses: analysis of different Inoue, T., see Tanaka 131-133 (1991) 781 methods of investigation 131-133 (1991) 1084 Hepburn, A.R., see Marshall 131-133 (1991) 1250 Jackle, J., see Condat 131-133 (1991) 369 Herbst, C.A., see Oliver 131-133 (1991) 84 Jackson, C.L. and G.B. McKenna, The Herman, M.F., A non-reptation model glass transition of organic liquids for polymer dynamics in the melt confined to small pores 131-133 (1991) 221 and concentrated solutions 131-133 (1991) 715 Jacobsson, P., L. Bérjesson and L.M. Hermann, K.C., see Schrag 131-133 (1991) 537 Torell, When is a polymer a poly- Hessinger, J., see Loidl 131-133 (1991) 269 mer? A light scattering study of Highby, P.L., see Tsai 131-133 (1991) 1218 crossover from viscous fluid-like Hilfer, R., Frequency-dependent re- behaviour to chain constrained dy- sponse and dynamic disorder 131-133 (1991) 213 namics 131-133 (1991) 104 Héchli, U.T., see Loidl 131-133 (1991) Jacquelin, J., A number of models for Hodge, 1.M., Adam-Gibbs formula- CPA impedances of conductors tion of non-linear enthalpy relaxa- and for relaxation in non-Debye tion 131-133 (1991) dielectrics 131-133 (1991) 1080 Hodge, I.M., see O'Reilly 131-133 (1991) Jain, H., lon movement relaxation in Hodgson, D.F. and EJ. Amis, Dy- inorganic glasses -— salient features 131-133 (1991) 961 namic viscoelasticity during sol-gel Jain, H., see Kanert 131-133 (1991) 1001 reactions 131-133 (1991) Jain, H., see Angell 131-133 (1991) 1113 Hdhler, R., G. Kasper and S. Hunk- Johari, G.P. and M.B.M. Mangion, linger, Are the low-temperature re- Phenomenological aspects of re- laxations of glassy ferroelectrics laxations in chemically controlled 131-133 (1991) dipolar diffusion in polymers 131-133 (1991) 921 Howells, W.S., see Bdrjesson 131-133 (1991) Johari, G.P., see Cavaillé 131-133 (1991) 935 1272 Author index Jones, A.A., P.T. Inglefield, Y. Liu, Kotaka, T., see Shikata 131-133 (1991) 831 A.K. Roy and B.J. Cauley, A lattice Kranbuehl, D.E., Continuous dielec- model for dynamics in a mixed tric measurement of polymerizing polymer—diluent glass 131-133 (1991) 556 systems 131-133 (1991) 930 Kremer, F., D. Boese and L. Fetters, Molecular dynamics in linear and multi-armed star polymers of cis- Kambour, R.P., J.D. Carbeck and polyisoprene as studied by broad- W.L. Nachlis, Low temperature 131-133 (1991) 728 motions in, and mechanical prop- 131-133 (1991) 650 erties of, glassy plasticized poly- Kronmiiller, H., see Rivas 131-133 (1991) 1235 mers 131-133 (1991) 563 Kamitsos, E.I., see Chryssikos 131-133 (1991) 1068 Kamitsos, E.I., see Ingram 131-133 (1991) 1089 Landry, C.J.T., see Schrag 131-133 (1991) 537 Kamitsos, E.1., G.D. Chryssikos, A.P. Langley, N.R., Effects of entangle- Patsis and M.A. Karakassides, ments on elastic modulus of elas- Lithium conducting borate glasses: tomer networks after terminal re- evidence for two broad distribu- laxation 131-133 (1991) 894 tions of cation-hosting environ- Largeteau, A., J. Ravez and J.L. ments 131-133 (1991) 1092 Miane, Space charge relaxation in Kanert, O., J. Steinert, H. Jain and ferrite ceramics with grain K.L. Ngai, Nuclear spin relaxation boundary barrier layers 131-133 (1991) 1224 and atomic motion in inorganic Lasjaunias, J.C., see Biljakovi¢ 131-133 (1991) 1254 glasses 131-133 (1991) 1001 Lebaudy, Ph., see Vautier 131-133 (1991) 520 Kanert, O., see Strom 131-133 (1991) 1011 Lebaudy, Ph., see Saiter 131-133 (1991) 524 Kanetakis, J. and G. Fytas, Relaxa- Lee, A., see McKenna 131-133 (1991) 497 tion processes in a homogeneous Lee, G.F., see Hartmann 131-133 (1991) 887 diblock copolymer at low and high Lee, S., see Solin 131-133 (1991) 1213 temperatures by means of dynamic Lewis, J.C., see Liu 131-133 (1991) 492 light scattering 131-133 (1991) 823 Li, B.Y., see Wang 131-133 (1991) 870 Karakassides, M.A., see Kamitsos 131-133 (1991) 1092 Linares, A., C. Del Rio and J.L. Karim, A., see Felcher 131-133 (1991) 703 Acosta, Effect of compatibility on Kasper, G., see Hohler 131-133 (1991) 217 dielectric relaxation and on the mi- Kazaoui, S., J. Ravez and J.L. Miane, crostructure of semicrystalline Correlation between dielectric re- polymer blends 131-133 (1991) 1149 laxation and cation size in ceramics Litovitz, T.A., see Montrose 131-133 (1991) 177 with composition related to BaTiO, 131-133 (1991) 1202 Liu, L.B., A.F. Yee, J.C. Lewis and Kind, R., see Pirc 131-133 (1991) 92 D.W. Gidley, Structural changes in Kingsbury, D.W., see Chamberlin 131-133 (1991) 192 glassy polycarbonate induced by Kivelson, D., M. Greenfield and S. cyclic stresses 131-133 (1991) Gomperts, Supercooled liquids: a Liu, Y., see Jones 131-133 (1991) new look at selected relaxation Lodge, T.P., see Schrag 131-133 (1991) phenomena 131-133 (1991) Lodge, T.P., see Amelar 131-133 (1991) Klein, J., Development and relaxation Lodge, T.P. and N.A. Rotstein, Tracer of the interface in binary polymer diffusion of linear and star poly- mixtures 131-133 (1991) mers in entangled solutions and Klein, M.W., see Nielaba 131-133 (1991) gels 131-133 (1991) Klein, M.W., A solvable microscopic Lodge, T.P., see Binder 131-133 (1991) model for very dilute quadrupole Loidl, A., K. Knorr, J. Hessinger, R. 131-133 (1991) Boéhmer, I. Fehst and U.T. Hichli, 131-133 (1991) Relaxation dynamics in orienta- Kob, W. and R. Schilling, Ergodicity, tional glasses 131-133 (1991) 269 non-exponential relaxation and Lépez Cabido, J.1., see Lépez-Quintela 131-133 (1991) 229 cooling processes for a simple 1-D Lépez-Quintela, M.A., J. Rivas, D. 131-133 (1991) 248 Losada and J.1. Lépez Cabido, 131-133 (1991) 630 Strong low-frequency electrical Kontopoulos, A.J., see Tsangaris 131-133 (1991) 1164 dispersion in microemulsions 131-133 (1991) 229 Kotaka, T., see Adachi 131-133 (1991) 723 Lépez-Quintela, M.A., see Rivas 131-133 (1991) 1235 Author index 1273 Lorenzo,V. , R. BenavenE.t Peér,ez , MeiG.,e sere M,omp er 131-133 (1991) 624 A. Bello and J.M. Perefia , Micro- MeiG.e, sere B,orsa li 131-133 (1991) 816 hardness dependence on the di- Mendiratta, S.K. and L.C. Costa, Di- luent content for an amorphous electric relaxian gtlaisseos nco n- hehal 131-133 (1991) 584 taining diffreelarxineg nspetci es 131-133 (1991) 990 131-133 (1991) 229 MennRe.,l sele Maont,ros e 131-133 (1991) 177 MercP.hA.,a seke S,chr ag 131-133 (1991) 537 131-133 (1991) 1182 MercR.i, seee rDia,nou x 131-133 (1991) 973 131-133 (1991) 1230 Mezei, F., Scaling behaviour of struct- ural relanxeara tthe iglaoss ntra n- sition: a critical analysis 131-133 (1991) 317 131-133 (1991) 1022 MiaJ.L.n, seee K,azao ui 131-133 (1991) 1202 131-133 (1991) 1109 Miane, J.L., see Largeteau 131-133 (1991) 1224 131-133 (1991) 1213 MiyazHa., kseie S,ol in 131-133 (1991) 1213 Malugani, J.P., see Dianoux 131-133 (1991) 973 Mochena, M. and M. Pollak, Studies Man, V.F., see Schrag 131-133 (1991) 537 of relaxation effein cthte sCo u- Mangion, M.B.M., see Johari 131-133 (1991) 921 lomb gap 131-133 (1991) 1260 Marrelli, L., see Giona 131-133 (1991) 71 Momper, B., G. Meier and EW. Marshall, J.M. and A.R. Hepburn, Ex- Fischer, Composiantd imoolencu - cess carrier and structural relaxa- lar weight dependofe tnhec inete r- tion phenomena in amorphous diffusion coefficient and critical semiconductor materials and de- vices 131-133 (1991) 1250 Martin, S.W., H.K. Patel, F. Borsa 131-133(1991) 624 and D. Torgeson, Multiple fre- 131-133 (1991) 1254 quency spin-lattice relaxation time and ionic conductivity measure- 131-133 (1991) 755 ments of Li,+ SSi S, glasses from 131-133 (1991) 898 1 Hz to 40 MHz 131-133 (1991) 1041 Montrose, C_J., T.A. Litovitz, G. Birn- Martinez, D., see Rivas 131-133 (1991) 1235 baum and R. Mennella, Viscoelas- Marugan, M.M., see Perefa 131-133 (1991) 891 tic relaxation in si liquids: an Mashimo, S. and R. Nozaki, Relaxa- interaction-induced phenomenon 131-133 (1991) tion of isolated dipoles in polymer Morris, R.L., see Schrag 131-133 (1991) chain 131-133 (1991) 1158 Moynihan, C.T., see Gétze 131-133 (1991) Matsuoka, S. and X. Quan, Inter- Moynihan, C.T., S.N. Crichton and molecular cooperativity in dielec- S.M. Opalka, Linear and non-lin- 131-133 (1991) ear structural relaxation 131-133 (1991) Mazenko, G.F., The glass transition Muthukumar, M., Entropic barrier from the fluid side 131-133 (1991) model for polymer diffusion in Mazur, S., Models for relaxation in concentrated polymer solutions glass-forming liquids based on and random media 131-133 (1991) sequentially correlated displace- ments 131-133 (1991) Nachlis, W.L., see Kambour 131-133 (1991) McKenna, G.B., see Jackson 131-133 (1991) Nagel, S.R., see Wu 131-133 (1991) McKenna, G.B., M.M. Santore, A. Lee Nanzai, Y., Strain-induced liquid-like and R. S. Duran, Aging in glasses structures in glassy polymers 131-133 (1991) subjected to large stresses and de- Narten, A.H., see Xenopoulos 131-133 (1991) formations 131-133 (1991) Nelson, K., see Gotze 131-133 (1991) McKenna, G.B. and C.A. Angell, Dis- Nelson, K.A., see Silence 131-133 (1991) cussion Session - The phenome- Nelson, K.A., see Halalay 131-133 (1991) nology and models of the kinetics Ngai, K.L., Temperature dependence of volume and enthalpy in the glass of the stretched exponent in struct- transition range 131-133 (1991) ural relaxation of fragile glass- Meier, G., see Fischer 131-133 (1991) forming molecular liquids 131-133 (1991) Meier, G., B. Gerharz and D. Boese, Ngai, K.L. and R.W. Rendell, Toward Dynamical processes in organic a theory of relaxation in correlated glass-forming van der Waals systems: diffusion in the phase liquids 131-133 (1991) space of a chaotic Hamiltonian 131-133 (1991) 1274 Author index Ngai, K.L., see Rajagopal 131-133 (1991) 282 Pappin, A.J., see Hutchinson 131-133 (1991) 483 Ngai, K.L., see Rendell 131-133 (1991) 442 Parak, F. and G.U. Nienhaus, Glass- Ngai, K.L., see Fytas 131-133 (1991) 544 like behaviour of proteins as seen Ngai, K.L., see Rendell 131-133 (1991) 667 by Méssbauer spectroscopy 131-133 (1991) 362 Ngai, K.L., see Wang 131-133 (1991) Parlinski, K., see Grimm 131-133(1991) 76 Ngai, K.L. and R.W. Rendell, From Pascault, J.-P., see Boiteux 131-133 (1991) 1131 conformational transitions in a Pasini, P., see Biscarini 131-133 (1991) 1190 polymer chain to segmental relaxa- Patel, H.K., see Martin 131-133 (1991) 1041 tion in a bulk polymer 131-133 (1991) 942 Patkowski, A., see Fischer 131-133 (1991) 134 Ngai, K.L., see Kanert 131-133 (1991) 1001 Patsis, A.P., see Chryssikos 131-133 (1991) 1068 Ngai, K.L., see Strom 131-133 (1991) 1011 Patsis, A.P., see Kamitsos 131-133 (1991) 1092 Ngai, K.L., see Bunde 131-133 (1991) 1109 Patterson, G.D. and G.C. Berry, Dy- Nielaba, P. and M.W. Klein, Low-en- namic light scattering from poly- ergy excitations from interacting mer solutions under non-hydrody- tunneling units in the mean-field namic conditions 131-133 (1991) 799 approximation 131-133 (1991) 225 Paul, W., K. Binder, D.W. Heermann Nienhaus, G.U., see Parak 131-133 (1991) 362 and K. Kremer, Self-diffusion in Niklasson, G.A., K. Brantervik and L. polymer solutions using the bond- Birjesson, Conductivity relaxation fluctuation MC-algorithm 131-133 (1991) 650 in silver iodide-silver borate Paviatou, E.A., G.N. Papatheodorou, glasses 131-133 (1991) 1096 A.K. Rizos and G. Fytas, Dy- Nimtz, G., see Pelster 131-133 (1991) 238 namic light scattering and low- Nitzan, A., R. Granek and M. Ratner, frequency Raman scattering study Mechanical properties of dynami- of ionic KNO,-Ca(NO,), mix- cally disordered networks 131-133 (1991) 1018 tures 131-133 (1991) 88 Nozaki, R., see Mashimo 131-133 (1991) 1158 Pedone, F., see Bonincontro 131-133 (1991) 1186 Pelster, R., G. Galeczki, G. Nimtz and Oliver, W.F., C.A. Herbst and G.H. P. Pissis, Frequency-dependent Wolf, Viscous liquids and glasses processes in dispersed systems of under high pressure 131-133 (1991) 84 mesoscopic particles 131-133 (1991) Opalka, S.M., see Moynihan 131-133 (1991) 420 Perefia, J.M., see Lorenzo 131-133 (1991) O'Reilly, J.M. and 1.M. Hodge, Ef- Perefha, J.M., M.M. Marugan, A. Bello fects of heating rate on enthalphy and E. Pérez, Viscoelastic relaxa- recovery in polystyrene 131-133 (1991) 451 tions in thermotropic polybibenzo- O'Reilly, J.M. and J.S. Sedita, Dielec- ates 131-133 (1991) tric and enthalpic relaxation be- Pérez, E., see Lorenzo 131-133 (1991) havior of polyesters, polycarbo- Pérez, E., see Perefia 131-133 (1991) nates and polystyrene and their Perez, J., see Etienne 131-133 (1991) blends near T, 131-133 (1991) 1140 Perez, J., see Cavaillé 131-133 (1991) Owens, A.P., see Elliott 131-133 (1991) 1036 Perez, J., see Etienne 131-133 (1991) 1072 Owens, A.P., A. Pradel, M. Ribes and Petropoulos, J.H., see Sanopoulou 131-133 (1991) 827 S.R. Elliott, A quasi-elastic neu- Petry, W., see Doster 131-133 (1991) 357 tron scattering study of Ag* ion Phillies, G.D.J., The hydrodynamic motion in the superionic glassy scaling model for polymer dy- system Ag,S—GeS, 131-133 (1991) 1104 namics 131-133 (1991) 612 Pajevic, S., R. Bansil and C. Konak, Piccirilli, P., see Giona 131-133 (1991) 71 Diffusion of linear polymer chains Pirc, R., B. Tadi¢é, R. Blinc and R. in gels 131-133 (1991) 630 Kind, Theory of local-polarization Pakula, T., A model for dense systems distribution in deuteron glasses: with deformable particles or mole- effects of replica-symmetry break- cules 131-133 (1991) 289 ing 131-—133(1991) 92 Pannhorst, W., R. Haug, E. Rodek Pisanias, M.N., see Xanthopoulos 131-133 (1991) 1099 and K. Stetter, Hysteresis effects Pissis, P. and L. Apekis, A dielectric in low expansion glass-ceramics 131-133 (1991) 488 study of molecular mobility at glass Paparelli, A., see D’Arrigo 131-133 (1991) 58 transition 131-133 (1991) 95 Papatheodorou, G.N., see Paviatou 131-133(1991) 88 Pissis, P., see Pelster 131-133 (1991) 238 Author index 1275 Pissis, P.. A. Anagnostopoulou- Rendell, R.W., see Ngai 131-133 (1991) 942 Konsta, L. Apekis, D. Daoukaki- Revesz, A.G., see Arndt 131-133 (1991) 1206 Diamanti and C. Christodoulides, Riande, E., see Diaz-Calleja 131-133 (1991) 852 Dielectric effects of water in Riande, E., see Conde 131-133 (1991) 883 water-containing systems 131-133 (1991) 1174 Ribes, M., see Pradel 131-133 (1991) 1063 Pissis, P., see Anagnostopoulou- Ribes, M., see Etienne 131-133 (1991) 1072 Konsta 131-133 (1991) 1182 Ribes, M., see Owens 131-133 (1991) 1104 Plazek, D.J., see Rendell 131-133 (1991) 442 Richter, D., see Frick 131-133 (1991) 169 Plazek, D.J., C. Seoul and C.A. Bero, Richter, D., LJ. Fetters, J.S. Huang, Diluent effects on viscoelastic be- B. Farago and B. Ewen, Neutron havior 131-133 (1991) 570 spin-echo investigations on the Plazek, D.J., A myopic review of the dynamics of polymer systems 131-133 (1991) 604 viscoelastic behavior of polymers 131-133 (1991) 836 Richter, D., see Ewen 131-133 (1991) 697 Pollak, M., The low-frequency con- Risen, W., see Angell 131-133 (1991) 1113 ductivity in localized disordered Risen Jr, W.M., see Burns 131-133 (1991) 994 systems 131-133 (1991) 1245 Rivas, J., see Lépez-Quintela 131-133 (1991) 229 Pollak, M., see Mochena 131-133 (1991) 1260 Rivas, J.. M.A. Lépez-Quintela, D. Pong, R., see Tsai 131-133 (1991) 1218 Martinez, F. Walz and H. Kron- Poon, C.-D. and E.T. Samulski, Deu- miiller, Magnetic relaxation in 131-133 (1991) 1235 131-133 (1991) 509 131-133(1991) 88 Pradel, A. and M. Ribes, Relaxation 131-133 (1991) 488 processes in ionic conductive chalcogenide glasses studied by Hierarchically constrained dy- electrical and NMR spectroscopies 131-133 (1991) 1063 namics on self-similar structures 131-133 (1991) Pradel, A., see Etienne 131-133 (1991) 1072 Roovers, J., Melt rheology of highly Pradel, A., see Owens 131-133 (1991) 1104 131-133 (1991) Psarras, G.C., see Tsangaris 131-133 (1991) 1164 Quan, X., see Matsuoka 131-133 (1991) 293 131-133 (1991) Réssler, E., Experimental results re- Rabenau, T., see Fischer 131-133 (1991) 134 vealing a change of diffusion Radtke, D.R., see Schrag 131-133 (1991) 537 131-133 (1991) Rajagopal, A.K., K.L. Ngai and S. Rotstein, N.A., see Lodge 131-133 (1991) Teitler, Theoretical aspects of cou- Rouch, J., see Chen 131-133 (1991) pling model schemes of slow re- Roux, J.-N., see Barrat 131-133 (1991) laxation in complex correlated sys- Roy, A.K., see Jones 131-133 (1991) tems 131-133 (1991) 282 Rubio, M.A., see Conde 131-133 (1991) Ratner, M., see Nitzan 131-133 (1991) 1018 Russell, T.P., see Felcher 131-133 (1991) Ravez, J., see Kazaoui 131-133 (1991) 1202 Ravez, J., see Largeteau 131-133 (1991) 1224 Read, B.E., Analysis of creep and physical aging in glassy polymers 131-133 (1991) 408 Saiter, J.M., see Vautier 131-133 (1991) Rekhson, S., A model for non-linear Saiter, J.M., J. Grenet and Ph. viscoelastic relaxation 131-133 (1991) 467 Lebaudy, Relaxations and struc- Rendell, R.W., see Ngai 131-133 (1991) 233 tural states in vitreous SeGe alloys 131-133 (1991) 524 Rendell, R.W., K.L. Ngai and DJ. Salvetti, G., see D’Arrigo 131-133(1991) 58 Plazek, Volume-dependent rate Salvetti, G., see Bertolini 131-133 (1991) 1169 processes predicted by the cou- Samulski, E.T., see Poon 131-133 (1991) 509 pling model 131-133 (1991) 442 San Roman, J., see Diaz-Calleja 131-133 (1991) 852 Rendell, R.W. and K.L. Ngai, Con- Sanopoulou, M. and J.H. Petropoulos, volution integral formulation of Relation of diffusion to viscoelas- dispersive diffusion transport: numerical solutions for the cou- 131-133 (1991) 827 pling model waiting time distribu- Santore, M.M., see McKenna 131-133 (1991) 497 tion 131-133 (1991) 667 Sariban, A., see Binder 131-133 (1991) 635 Rendell, R.W., see Wang 131-133 (1991) 870 Saurina, J., see Clavaguera-Mora 131-133 (1991) 479 1276 Author index Schaefer, D., M. Hansen, B. Bliimich Spiess, H.W., Two-dimensional NMR: and H.W. Spiess, 2D-solid state new prospects for the elucidation NMR studies of ultraslow mo- of molecular dynamics in complex tions: phenylflips and chain mo- systems 131-133 (1991) 766 tions in the glassy state 131-133 (1991) 777 Spiess, H.W., see Schaefer 131-133 (1991) 777 Schantz, S., see Torell 131-133 (1991) 981 Steffen, W., see Fischer 131-133 (1991) 134 Schilling, R., see Kob 131-133 (1991) 248 Steinert, J., see Kanert 131-133 (1991) 1001 Schirmer, A., see Heitjans 131-133 (1991) 1053 Stetter, K., see Pannhorst 131-133 (1991) 488 Schlosser, E., see Schénhals 131-133 (1991) 1161 Stieber, F., see Alig 131-133 (1991) 808 Scholl, R., see Young 131-133 (1991) 302 Stokich, T.M., see Schrag 131-133 (1991) 537 Schdnhals, A. and E. Schlosser, A new Storm, D.A., see Sheu 131-133 (1991) 341 model for the interpretation of the Strand, D.A., see Schrag 131-133 (1991) 537 shape of the dielectric relaxation Strom, U., K.L. Ngai and O. Kanert, function 131-133 (1991) 1161 Nature of the linear frequency-de- Schrag, J.L.. T.M. Stokich, D.A. pendent ac conductivity in glassy Strand, P.A. Merchak, C.J.T. ionic conductors 131-133 (1991) 1011 Landry, D.R. Radtke, V.F. Man, Struik, L.C.E., Some problems in the T.P. Lodge, R.L. Morris, K.C. non-linear viscoelasticity of amor- Hermann, S. Amelar, C.E. East- phous glassy polymers 131-133 (1991) 395 man and M.A. Smeltzly, Local Surifiach, S., see Clavaguera-Mora 131-133 (1991) 479 modification of solvent dynamics Szwarc, H., Finite time thermody- by polymeric solutes 131-133 (1991) 537 namics of a Schottky anomaly: the Schulz, M., see Réssler 131-133 (1991) 99 minimal glass transition? 131-133 (1991) Schweizer, K., see Binder 131-133 (1991) 742 Schweizer, K.S., Mode—mode-cou- pling theory of the dynamics of Tachez, M., see Dianoux 131-133 (1991) polymeric liquids 131-133 (1991) 643 Tadié, B., see Pirc 131-133 (1991) Sedita, J.S., see O'Reilly 131-133 (1991) 1140 Tanaka, T. and T. Inoue, Study of Senapati, H., see B6hmer 131-133 (1991) 182 stress and birefringence relaxation Seoul, C., see Plazek 131-133 (1991) 570 of new amorphous polyarylates 131-133 (1991) Seytre, G., see Boiteux 131-133 (1991) 1131 Tartaglia, P., see Cametti 131-133 (1991) Sheu, E.Y., D.A. Storm and M.M. De Tartaglia, P., see Chen 131-133 (1991) Tar, Asphaltenes in polar solvents 131-133 (1991) 341 Taupitz, M., see Réssler 131-133 (1991) Shikata, T. and T. Kotaka, Entangle- Teitler, S., see Rajagopal 131-133 (1991) 282 ment network of thread-like Telleria, 1., see Alegria 131-133 (1991) 457 micelles of a cationic detergent 131-133 (1991) 831 Teowee, G., see Uhimann 131-133 (1991) 1194 Sideris, E.G., see Anagnostopoulou- Thénnes, W., see Fischer 131-133 (1991) 134 Konsta 131-133 (1991) 1182 Tombari, E., see D’Arrigo 131-133(1991) 58 Silence, S.M., S.R. Goates and K.A. Tombari, E., see Cole 131-133 (1991) 969 Nelson, Impulsive stimulated Tombari, E., see Bertolini 131-133 (1991) 1169 scattering study of the structural Torell, L.M., see Jacobsson 131-133 (1991) 104 relaxation dynamics of liquid tri- Torell, L.M., see Bérjesson 131-133 (1991) 139 phenylphosphite 131-133 (1991) Torell, L.M. and S. Schantz, Struc- Sillescu, H., Reptation and constraint tural relaxation and chain flexibil- release 131-133 (1991) ity in polymeric ion conductors 131-133 (1991) 981 Sillescu, H., see Binder 131-133 (1991) Torgeson, D., see Martin 131-133 (1991) 1041 Sjégren, L. and W. Gétze, a-relaxa- Tripodo, G., see Carini 131-133 (1991) 1028 tion near the glass transition 131-133 (1991) Troyk, P.R., see Anderson 131-133 (1991) 587 Sjdgren, L., see Gétze 131-133 (1991) Tsai, T.E., R. Pong and P.L. Highby, Smeltzly, M.A., see Schrag 131-133 (1991) Structural relaxation following Solin, S.A., H. Miyazaki, S. Lee and crystallization in high purity GeO, S.D. Mahanti, Static relaxations of glass 131-133 (1991) 1218 puckering distortions in inter- Tsai, T.E., and D.L. Griscom, Disper- calated layered solids 131-133 (1991) 1213 sive diffusive transport of free ex- Sowa, J., see Huang 131-133 (1991) 335 citons in high purity silica 131-133 (1991) 1240

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