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Index to Volume 83 July-December, 1995 Author Index ABE M. See Tsuji T, 138 BARNETT HJM. See Gasecki AP, 778 ABE T. See Onoue H, 510 BARTLESON JD. See Fox MW, 737 ACHANTA K. See Baffour R, 105 BATZDORF U. See Martin NA, 254 AFSHAR JKB, PLUTA RM, Boock RJ, THOMPSON BG, OLDFIELD EH. BECKFORD AR. See Mayer SA, 889 Effect of intracarotid nitric oxide on primate cerebral vasospasm BEDERSON JB. See Herman JM, 539 after subarachnoid hemorrhage, 118 BELL GR. See Kalfas IH, 641 AIBA T, TANAKA R, KOIKE T, KAMEYAMA S, TAKEDA N, KOMATA T. BENZEL EC. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Letters, 942 Natural history of intracranial cavernous malformations, 56 . See Baldwin NG, 741 AKIYAMA M. See Onoue H, 510 BERGER MS. See Dailey AT, 467 ALBERTI RA. See Biestro AA, 627 BERGETHON PR. See Bhatia S, 897 ALEXANDER E III, Kooy HM, VAN HERK M, SCHWARTZ M, BARNES BERGMAN TA. See Nussbaum ES, 243 PD, TARBELL N, MULKERN RV, HOLUPKA EJ, LOEFFLER JS. Mag- BERMAN J. See Baffour R, 105 netic resonance image-directed stereotactic neurosurgery: use of Betz AL. See Lee KR, 1045 image fusion with computerized tomography to enhance spatial BHARGAVA R. See Gajjar A, 67 accuracy, 271 BHATIA S, BERGETHON PR, BLEASE S, KEMPER T, ROSIELLO A, ZIM- ALEXANDER LF. See Harkey HL, 336 BARDI GP, FRANZBLAU C, SPATZ EL. A synthetic dural prosthesis ALLAM A. See Huang P, 308 constructed from hydroxyethylmethacrylate hydrogels, 897 ALLISON T. See Puce A, 262 BiEsTRO AA, ALBERTI RA, SOCA AE, CANCELA M, Puppo CB, Boro- AL-Merty O. See Harkey HL, 336 VICH B. Use of indomethacin in brain-injured patients with cere- ALos L. See Fulham MJ, 657 bral perfusion pressure impairment: preliminary report, 627 AMLING M, POsL M, WENING VJ, RitzEL H, HAHN M, DELLING G. BINDAL AK, BINDAL RK, VAN LOVEREN H, SAWAYA R. Management Structural heterogeneity within the axis: the main cause in the of intracranial plasmacytoma, 218 etiology of dens fractures. A histomorphometric analysis of 37 BINDAL RK, SAWAYA R, LEAVENS ME, HEss KR, TAYLOR SH. Reop- normal and osteoporotic autopsy cases, 330 eration for recurrent metastatic brain tumors, 600 ANDERSON RE. See luliano BA, 491 . See Bindal AK, 218 AOKI M. See Kawai K, 368 BLEASE S. See Bhatia S, 897 APSHAR J. See Oldfield EH, 185 BONICALZI V. See Canavero S, 1117 Aral H. Hemihypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis. Letters, 763 Boock RJ. See Afshar JKB, 118 Arsit E, GALICICH JH. Vertebral body reconstruction with a modified BOROVICH B. See Biestro AA, 627 Harrington rod distraction system for stabilization of the spine Bova FJ. See Friedman WA, 382 affected with metastatic disease, 617 Boyer P. See Calon B, 910 . See Wronski M, 605 BRADFORD MH. See Ram Z, 225 Arita N. See Yamasaki M, 50 BRANDNER §S. See Strommer KN, 166 ARNAUD E, RENIER D, MARCHAC D. Prognosis for mental function in BREITSCHOPF H. See Roessler K, 291 scaphocephaly, 476 BRUCHER J-M. See Vandewalle G, 919 —____. See Cinalli G, 575 BRUN A. See Ceberg CP, 79, 86 ARTHUR A. See Sutter B, 516 BRUNETTI A. See Fulham MJ, 657 ArTRU AA. See Feldman Z, 1060 BUCKLEY D. See Frim DM, 926 ASHFORTH RA. See Chan PDS, 522 BUKALA B. See Cusimano MD, 940 Awap IA. Galen’s anecdote of the fallen sophist: on the certainty of BULLOCK MR. See Sakas DE, 277 science through anatomy, 929 BULLOCK R. See Choi SC, 380 AYENI SA, OHATA K, TANAKA K, HAKuBA A. The microsurgical anat- BUNCHER CR. See Taha JM, 989 omy of the jugular foramen, 903 BuRGER PC. See Crotty TB, 206 Burt M. See Wronski M, 605 BYRNE JV. See Molyneux AJ, 129 BAFFOUR R, ACHANTA K, KAUFMAN J, BERMAN J, GARB JL, RHEE S, CALON B, Freys G, LAUNoy A, Boyer P, ToNGIO J, POTTECHER T. FRIEDMANN P. Synergistic effect of basic fibroblast growth factor Early discovery of a traumatic carotid-cavernous sinus fistula by and methylprednisolone on neurological function after experi- jugular venous oxygen saturation monitoring. Case report, 910 mental spinal cord injury, 105 CANAVERO S, BONICALZI V, CASTELLANO G. Cortical stimulation for BALDWIN HZ. See Levy DI, 453 central pain. Letter, 1117 BALDWIN NG, HARTMAN GP, WEISER MW, BENZEL EC. Failure of a ___. See Pagni CA, 163 titanium anterior cervical plate implant: microstructural analysis CANCELA M. See Biestro AA, 627 of failure. Case report, 741 CANO W. See Vrionis FD, 698 BALKO MG. See Larson JJ, 596 CapuTl F, SPAZIANTE R, DE Divitiis E, NASHOLD BS Jr. Luigi Rolando BARNES PD. See Alexander E Ill, 271 and his pioneering efforts to relate structure to function in the BARNETT GH. See Kalfas IH, 641 nervous system, 933 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 83 / December, 1995 1121 Index Car- A. See Lovely TJ, 631 Dacey RG Jr. See Miller JA, 435 CASTELLANO G. See Canavero S, 1117 DaiLey AT, MCKHANN GM II, BERGER MS. The pathophysiology of CATALANO PJ. See Post KD, 191 oral pharyngeal apraxia and mutism following posterior fossa CEBERG CP, BRUN A, KAHL SB, Koo M-S, PERSSON BRR, SALFORD tumor resection in children, 467 LG. A comparative study on the pharmacokinetics and biodistri- DALRYMPLE SJ, HERATH JF, RITLAND SR, MOERTEL CA, JENKINS RB. bution of boronated porphyrin (BOPP) and sulfhydryl boron hy- Use of fluorescence in situ hybridization to detect loss of chro- dride (BSH) in the RG2 rat glioma model, 86 mosome 10 in astrocytomas, 316 ____, Persson A, BRuUN A, HuIsKAMP R, FyHR AS, PERSSON BRR, DANISA OA, SHAFFREY Cl, JANE JA, WHITEHILL R, WANG GJ, SZABO SALFORD LG. Performance of sulfhydryl boron hydride in pa- TA, HANSEN CA, SHAFFREY ME, CHAN DPK. Surgical ap- tients with grade III and I'V astrocytoma: a basis for boron neutron proaches for the correction of unstable thoracolumbar burst frac- capture therapy, 79 tures: a retrospective analysis of treatment outcomes, 977 CHAN DPK. See Danisa OA, 977 DarBy JM. See Marion DW, 1113 CHAN PDS, FinDLAY JM, VOLLRATH B, Cook D, GRACE M, CHEN MH, DAVIDSON RI. Right-angle clip applier. Letters, 182 Davis DH. See Crotty TB, 206 ASHFORTH RA. Pharmacological and morphological effects of in . See Yamamoto Y, 1087 vitro transluminal balloon angioplasty on normal and vasospastic Davis DL. See Minehan KJ, 590 canine basilar arteries, 522 Day JD. See Stillerman CB, 971 CHANCE B. See Gopinath SP, 438 DE Divitus E. See Caputi F, 933 CHANDY MJ. See Thomas AJ, 943 DEBRUN GM. See Miller NR, 838 CHANG HS, Kirino T. Quantification of operative benefit for unrup- DEEN HG, ZIMMERMAN RS, Lyons MK, McPHEE MC, VERHEUDE JL, tured cerebral aneurysms: a theoretical approach, 413 LEMENS SM. Measurement of exercise tolerance on the treadmill CHEN J, WEINSTEIN PR, GRAHAM SH. Attenuation of postischemic in patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis: a useful brain hypoperfusion and reperfusion injury by the cyclooxygen- indicator of functional status and surgical outcome, 27 ase-lipoxygenase inhibitor BW755C, 99 CHEN MH. See Chan PDS, 522 Det Dotto J. See Loesch DV, 354 DELLING G. See Amling M, 330 CHEN R, MACDONALD DR, RAmsAy DA. Primary diffuse leptomenin- DeMonteE F, SAWAYA R. Aggressive meningeal tumors. Letters, 379 geal oligodendroglioma. Case report, 724 DeVivo MJ. See Novack TA, 380 CHEN TC. See Stillerman CB, 971 CHENEVERT TL. See Lee KR, 1045 Di Cuiro G. See Oldfield EH, 185 DicKMAN CA, FoLey KT, SONNTAG VKH, SmitH MM. Cannulated CHERINGTON V. See Vrionis FD, 698 screws for odontoid screw fixation and atlantoaxial transarticular CHERNY WB. See Levy DI, 453 screw fixation. Technical note, 1095 CHICOINE MR, SILBERGELD DL. Invading C6 glioma cells maintaining , SONNTAG VKH. Surgical management of atlantoaxial non- tumorigenicity, 665 unions, 248 Cuiro GD. See Fulham MJ, 657 . See Lawton MT, | Cuoi JU. See Kim EY, 1080 DiRINGER MN. See Miller JA, 435 Cuo1 SC, BULLOCK R. Outcome after head injury. Letters, 380 DITULLIO M. See Mayer SA, 889 CHYATTE D. Seasonal rupture of aneurysms. Letters, 183 Dosss MB. See Howard MA III, 372 Ciacci JD. See Liu JC, 1072 CINALLI G, RENIER D, SEBAG G, SAINTE-ROSE C, ARNAUD E, PIERRE- DoppMAN JL. See Oldfield EH, 185 —___.. See Ram Z, 225 KAUN A. Chronic tonsillar herniation in Crouzon’s and Apert’s Downey L. See Le Roux PD, 394 syndromes: the role of the premature synostosis of the lambdoid DUCKWILER GR. See Gurian JH, 843 suture, 575 , SAINTE-ROSE C, LELLOUCH-TUBIANA A, SEBAG G, RENIER D, Durry M. See Huang P, 308 DUNN LT. See Meaney JFM, 799 PIERRE-KAHN A. Hydrocephalus associated with intramedullary Dwyer AJ. See Fulham MJ, 657 low-grade gliomas. Illustrative cases and review of the literature, 480 CLAUSEN JD. See Ryken TC, 324 COAKHAM HB. See Pizer BL, 550 COCHRANE DD. See Steinbok P, 18, 569 EBERSOLD MJ. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Letters, 943 Correy RJ. See Yamamoto Y, 832 EISENBERG MB. See Post KD, 191 COHADON F. See Loiseau H, 1075 ELDRIDGE PR. See Meaney JFM, 799 COHEN AR. Book review, 938 ELiAsziw M. See Gasecki AP, 778 COHEN DS, ZuBAY GP, GOODMAN RR. Seizure outcome after lesionec- ELJAMEL MS, PiDGEON CN. Localization of inactive cerebrospinal tomy for cavernous malformations, 237 fluid fistulas, 795 COHEN EP. See Lichtor T, 1038 E.uiotr JP. See Le Roux PD, 394 CONNOLLY ES. See Hamilton B, 716 ELLISON DW. See Molyneux AJ, 129 CONSTABLE RT. See Puce A, 262 ELwoop PW. See Olivero WC, 222 CONTANT CPF. See Gopinath SP, 438 EMMERICH B. See Pagenstecher A, 744 Cook D. See Chan PDS, 522 ENbDo S, FURUICHI S, TAKABA M, HIRASHIMA Y, NISHUIMA M, TAKAKL COULDWELL WT. See Stillerman CB, 971 A. Clinical study of enlarged infundibular dilations of the origin CouTINHO CM. See Gunawardena WJ, 367 of the posterior communicating artery, 421 CRAWFORD TS, KLEINSCHMIDT-DEMASTERS BK, LILLEHE! KO. Pri- ENbo T. See Nitta T, 145 mary intraosseous meningioma. Case report, 912 Epstein NE. Evaluation of varied surgical approaches used in the Criscuo_o GR. See Strugar JG, 682 management of 170 far-lateral lumbar disc herniations: indica- CROCKARD AH. See O’Brien MF, 636 tions and results, 648 Cross DWT. See Miller JA, 435 ERICKSON DL. See Nussbaum ES, 243 Crotry TB, SCHEITHAUER BW, YOUNG WF Jr, DAvis DH, SHAW EG, EsKRIDGE JM. See Le Roux PD, 394 MILLER GM, BurGer PC. Papillary craniopharyngioma: a clini- . See McAuliffe W, 430 copathological study of 48 cases, 206 CROWELL RM. See Frim DM, 926 Cruz J. Hyperventilation and head injury. Letters, 1115 CusiIMANO MD, BUKALA B. Lateral discs and nerve sheath tumors. Letters, 940 Faist M. See Kreth FW, 759 CZOSNYKA M. See Kirkpatrick PJ, 963, 1111 FARMER JP. See Vassilyadi M, 486 1122 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 83 / December, 1995 Index FEINSOD M. See Rakier A, 1085 GASPAR L. Radiosurgery for AVMs: evaluating the risks and benefits. FELDMAN Z, ZACHARI S, REICHENTHAL E, ARTRU AA, SHAPIRA Y. Letters, 381 Brain edema and neurological status with rapid infusion of lac- GENKA S, SOEDA H, TAKAHASHI M, KATAKAMI H, SANNO N, OSAMURA tated Ringer’s or 5% dextrose solution following head trauma, Y, FUCHINOUE T, TERAMOTO A. Acromegaly, diabetes insipidus, 1060 and visual loss caused by metastatic growth hormone-teleasing FERGUSON GG. See Gasecki AP, 778 hormone-producing malignant pancreatic endocrine tumor in the FINDLAY JM. See Chan PDS, 522 pituitary gland. Case report, 719 FINK ME. See Mayer SA, 889 GEORGE TM. See Liu JC, 1072 FITZPATRICK BC. See Golfinos JG, 197 GERMANSON T, LANZINO G, KASSELL NF. CART for prediction of FLAMM ES. See King JT Jr., 403 function after head trauma. Letters, 941 FLANDROY P. See Kaschten B, 154 GERMON TJ, YOUNG AER, NELSON RJ. Near-infrared spectroscopy. FLICKINGER JC. See Kondziolka D, 825 Letters, 1111 FOLEY KT. See Dickman CA, 1095 GIANNOTTA SL, Litorsky NS. Reoperative management of intracra- FOLLETT KA. See Sawin PD, 350 nial aneurysms, 387 Fossett D. See Kelly DF, 363 GILMAN S. See Loesch DV, 354 Fox MW, PigEPGRAS DG, BARTLESON JD. Anterolateral decompression GLEN JA. See Macdonald RL, 111 of the atlantoaxial vertebral artery for symptomatic positional G.ick HA. See King JT Jr, 403 occlusion of the vertebral artery. Case report, 737 GLIcK RP. See Lichtor T, 1038 FRAIOLI B. Medial compartment of the cavernous sinus. Letters, 764 GoeL A, NADKARNI T. Medial compartment of the cavernous sinus. FRANCEL PC, Kosy M, PARK TS, LEE BCP, NOETZEL MJ, MACKINNON Letters, 763 SE, HENEGAR MM, KAurMaAN BA. Fast spin-echo magnetic reso- GoeL VK. See Ryken TC, 324 nance imaging for radiological assessment of neonatal brachial GOLDMAN HW. See Turtz AR, 568 plexus injury, 461 GOLDWEIN J. See Sutton LN, 583 _____., PARK TS, MARSH JL, KAUFMAN BA. Frontal plagiocephaly GOLFINOS JG, FITZPATRICK BC, SMITH LR, SPETZLER RF. Clinical use secondary to synostosis of the frontosphenoidal suture. Case re- of a frameless stereotactic arm: results of 325 cases, 197 port, 733 GOODMAN RR. See Cohen DS, 237 FRANZBLAU C. See Bhatia S, 897 GoPiINATH SP, ROBERTSON CS, CONTANT CF, NARAYAN RK, Gross- FREEMAN J. See Huang P, 308 MAN RG, CHANCE B. Early detection of delayed traumatic intra- Freys G. See Calon B, 910 cranial hematomas using near-infrared spectroscopy, 438 FRIED I, NENOV VI, OJEMANN SG, Woops RP. Functional MR and PET GorDon AG. Vertebral artery compression. Letters, 759 imaging of rolandic and visual cortices for neurosurgical plan- GorRDON EL, MENO JR, NGAi AC, LAM AM, WINN HR. Anesthetic- ning, 854 dependent pial arteriolar response to ethanol, 875 _____., SPENCER DD, SPENCER SS. The anatomy of epileptic auras: Gore JC. See Puce A, 262 focal pathology and surgical outcome, 60 GRACE M. See Chan PDS, 522 FRIEDMAN WA, Bova FJ, MENDENHALL WM. Radiosurgery for AVMs: Graby MS. See Le Roux PD, 394 evaluating the risks and benefits. Letters, 382 ___.. See McAuliffe W, 430 FRIEDMANN P. See Baffour R, 105 ___.. See Schmidt RH, 496 FRIEHS GM, SCHROTTNER O, PENDL G. Evidence for segregated pain GRAHAM SH. See Chen J, 99 and temperature conduction within the spinothalamic tract, 8 GRANNER MA. See Howard MA III, 372 Frim DM, Papwa B, BuCKLEY D, CROWELL RM, OaiLvy CS. Man- GREEN J. Book review, 1109 dibular subluxation as an adjunct to exposure of the distal internal GREENE KA, MARCIANO FF, JOHNSON BA, JACOBOWITZ R, SPETZLER carotid artery in endarterectomy surgery. Technical note, 926 RF, HARRINGTON TR. Impact of traumatic subarachnoid hemor- FUCHINOUE T. See Genka S, 719 rhage on outcome in nonpenetrating head injury. Part I: A pro- FUJIMAKI T. See Furuya K, 170 posed computerized tomography grading scale, 445 FUJITANI K. See Yamasaki M, 50 GROSSMAN RG. See Gopinath SP, 438 FUKUDA T. See Yanase M, 884 GUAZZO EP. See Whitfield PC, 1101 Fuku! M. See Morioka T, 556 GUGLIELMI G. See Gurian JH, 843 FULHAM AJ, BRUNETTI A, ALOJ L, RAMAN R, Dwyer AJ, CHIRO GD. GUNAWARDENA WJ, COUTINHO CM, KEOUGH AJ. Magnetic resonance Decreased cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with brain detection of an aneurysm. Letters, 367 tumors: an effect of corticosteroids, 657 GuriAN JH, MARTIN NA, KinG WA, DuUCKWILER GR, GUGLIELMI G, FURUICHI S. See Endo S, 421 VINUELA F. Neurosurgical management of cerebral aneurysms Furuya K, SASAKI T, YOSHIMOTO Y, OKADA Y, FUJIMAKI T, KiRINO T. following unsuccessful or incomplete endovascular embolization, Histologically verified cerebral aneurysm formation secondary to 843 embolism from cardiac myxoma. Case report, 170 GUSTAVSSON B. See Steinbok P, 18 FURUYAMA J. See Ikemoto H, 1008 FURUYAMA JI. See Nakano A, 298 Fyur AS. See Ceberg CP, 79 HACHINSKI V. See Gasecki AP, 778 HapbLey D. See Sakas DE, 277 GABIZON A. See Siegal T, 1029 HAHN M. See Amling M, 330 GAJJAR A, BHARGAVA R, JENKINS JJ, HEIDEMAN R, SANFORD RA, HAINAUT H. See Kaschten B, 154 LANGSTON JW, WALTER AW, KUTTESCH JF, MULHBAUER M, KUN HAINES DE. Book review, 564 LE. Low-grade astrocytoma with neuraxis dissemination at diag- _____.. See Harkey HL, 336 nosis, 67 HAINES SJ. Postoperative hematoma. Letters, 568 GALICICH JH. See Arbit E, 617 HAKUBA A. See Ayeni SA, 903 . See Wroriski M, 605 HALTIA MJJ. See Seppala MT, 621 Gars JL. See Baffour R, 105 HAMILTON B, CONNOLLY ES, MITCHELL WT Jr. Isolated intramedul- GARTNER M. See Jooma R, 231 lary histiocytosis-X of the cervical spinal cord. Case report, 716 GASECKI AP, ELIASZIW M, FERGUSON GG, HACHINSKI V, BARNETT HAMM RJ. See O’Dell DM, 878 HJM. Long-term prognosis and effect of endarterectomy in pa- HAND R. See Lichtor T, 1038 tients with symptomatic severe carotid stenosis and contralateral HANDA A. See Kinugasa K, 34 carotid stenosis or occlusion: results from NASCET, 778 HANSEN CA. See Danisa OA, 977 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 83 / December, 1995 HANSEN KK. See Regli L, 806 JAASKELAINEN JE. See Seppalai MT, 621 HARKEY HL, AL-Mertry O, MARAW! I, PEELER DF, HAINES DE, ALEX- JacoBowiTz R. See Greene KA, 445 ANDER LF. Experimental chronic compressive cervical myelop- . See Lawton MT, | athy: effects of decompression, 336 JANE JA. A change in subscription fulfillment. Letter, 765 . Book review, 565 . See Danisa OA, 977 HARRINGTON TR. See Greene KA, 445 JANNETTA PJ. Microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia. Letters, 184 HARRINGTON WN. See Strugar JG, 682 HARRISON MJ. See McCafferty RR, 13 JENKINS JJ. See Gajjar A, 67 JENKINS RB. See Dalrymple SJ, 316 HARTMAN GP. See Baldwin NG, 741 Jouns L. See Hino A, 503 Hasuo K. See Morioka T, 556 JOHNSON AH. See Rosner MJ, 949 HAYAKAWA T. See Yamasaki M, 50 JOHNSON BA. See Greene KA, 445 HEIDEMAN R. See Gajjar A, 67 JOHNSON JP. Book review, 1110 HEISERMAN JE. See Lawton MT, | JOHNSON R. See Stockhammer G, 672 HEISKANEN O. See Seppili MT, 621 JOHNSTON FG. See Tacconi L, 916 HELSETH A. The incidence of primary central nervous system neo- JooMA R, YEH HS, PRiviTERA MD, GARTNER M. Lesionectomy versus plasms before and after computerized tomography availability, electrophysiologically guided resection for temporal lobe tumors 999 manifesting with complex partial seizures, 231 HEMARATNAM A. See Rao GP, 359 HENEGAR MM. See Francel PC, 461 HENRY TR. Book review, 180 HERATH JF. See Dalrymple SJ, 316 HERMAN JM, SPETZLER RF, BEDERSON JB, KURBAT JM, ZABRAMSKI KABA K. See Miyaji K, 690 JM. Genesis of a dural arteriovenous malformation in a rat model, Kapota Y. See Nitta T, 145 539 KAHL SB. See Ceberg CP, 86 HERNANDEZ-PASCUAL L. Hemihypoglossal—facial nerve anastomosis. Kaito N. See Onoue H, 510 Letters, 762 KALFAS IH, KorMos DW, MurpHy MA, MCKENZIE RL, BARNETT GH, Heros RC. Book review, 563 BELL GR, STEINER CP, TRIMBLE MB, WEISENBERGER JP. Appli- Hess KR. See Bindal RK, 600 cation of frameless stereotaxy to pedicle screw fixation of the Hino A, WeIR BKA, MACDONALD RL, THiISTED RA, Kim C-J, JOHNS L. spine, 641 Prospective, randomized, double-blind trial of BQ-123 and KAMATA I. See Kinugasa K, 34 bosentan for prevention of vasospasm following subarachnoid KAMEYAMA S. See Aiba T, 56 hemorrhage in monkeys, 503 KAriBE H, ZAROW GJ, WEINSTEIN PR. Use of mild intraischemic HiRAGA S. See Yamasaki M, 50 hypothermia versus mannitol to reduce infarct size after tempo- HIRASHIMA Y. See Endo S, 421 rary middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats, 93 HIROTSUNE N. See Kinugasa K, 34 KASCHTEN B, FLANDROY P, REZNIK M, HAINAUT H, STEVENAERT A. HLAVIN ML, RATCHESON RA. Case Western Reserve University and Radiation-induced gliosarcoma. Case report and review of the University Hospitals of Cleveland: a neurosurgical chronicle, 750 literature, 154 Ho KL. See Mikkelsen T, 285 KASSELL NF. See Germanson T, 941 Horr JT. See Lee KR, 1045 . See Sutter B, 516 Hojo T. See Oishi Y, 342 . See Suzuki S, 862 HOLUBKOV RH. See Temkin NR, 941 KASuYA H. See Shimizu T, 561 HoLuPKA EJ. See Alexander E Ill, 271 KATAKAMI H. See Genka S, 719 HomMa S. See Mayer SA, 889 KATAYAMA TTY, TSUBOKAWA T, OSHIMA H, YOSHINO A. Ectopic pi- Horowitz A. See Siegal T, 1029 tuitary adenoma occurring in the interpeduncular cistern. Case HOWARD MA III, Dopss MB, SIMONSON TM, LAVELLE WE, GRANNER report, 1092 MA. A noninvasive, reattachable skull fiducial marker system. KAUFMAN B, KAUFMAN BA. Atrial shunt placement. Letters, 567 Technical note, 372 KAUFMAN BA. Book review, 757 HUANG P, ALLAM A, TAGHIAN A, FREEMAN J, DurFy M, Suit HD. . See Francel PC, 461, 733 Growth and metastatic behavior of five human glioblastomas . See Kaufman B, 567 compared with nine other histological types of human tumor KAUFMAN J. See Baffour R, 105 xenografts in SCID mice, 308 KAwal K, Aoki M, NAKAYAMA H, KOBAYASHI K, SANO K, TAMURA A. HupDGINs PA. Book review, 756 Posterior pituitary hematoma in a case of posttraumatic diabetes Hupson AR. See Kline DG, 759 insipidus. Case report, 368 KAWASAKI H. See Shimizu T, 561 HUISKAMP R. See Ceberg CP, 79 Keep RF. See Lee KR, 1045 Huston J Ill. See Schievink WI, 1004 KEITH RW. See Taha JM, 994 . See Yamamoto Y, 1087 KeLLy DF, LAws ER Jr, Fossett D. Delayed hyponatremia after transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenoma. Report of nine cases, 363 KEMPER T. See Bhatia S, 897 KEOUGH AJ. See Gunawardena WJ, 367 KESTLE JRW. See Kondziolka D, 820, 825 IKEMOTO H, TANI E, MATSUMOTO T, NAKANO A, FURUYAMA J. Apop- ____. See Steinbok P, 18 tosis of human glioma cells in response to calphostin C, a specific KHANNA RK, ROSENBLUM ML, Rock JP, MALIK GM. Prolonged ex- protein kinase C inhibitor, 1008 ternal ventricular drainage with percutaneous long-tunnel ventric- . See Miyaji K, 690 ulostomies, 791 ISKANDAR BJ, OAkes WJ. Terminal syringomyelia and anorectal . See Martin NA, 254 anomalies. Letters, 185 KHASHAB M. Aggressive meningeal tumors. Letters, 379 IULIANO BA, ANDERSON RE, MEYER FB. Effect of intermittent reper- KikucHi A. See Watanabe T, 149 fusion and nitric oxide synthase inhibition on infarct volume Kim CJ. See Hino A, 503 during reversible focal cerebral ischemia, 491 Kim DH, KLINne DG. Surgical outcome for intra- and extrapelvic femo- IzuMoTO S. See Yamasaki M, 50 ral nerve lesions, 783 1124 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 83 / December, 1995 Index Kim DI. See Kim EY, 1080 LANGSTON JW. See Gajjar A, 67 Kim EY, Cuoi JU, Kim TS, Kim DI, Kim KY. Huge Langerhans cell LANZINO G. See Germanson T, 941 histiocytosis granuloma of choroid plexus in a child with Hand- LARKINS MV. See McCafferty RR, 13 Schiiller-Christian disease. Case report, 1080 LARSON JJ, TEw JM Jr, Simon M, MENON AG. Evidence for clonal Kim KY. See Kim EY, 1080 spread in the development of multiple meningiomas, 705 Kim P. See Yoshimoto Y, 867 , VAN LOVEREN HR, BALKO MG, Tew JM Jr. Evidence of Kim S. See Lee KR, 1045 meningioma infiltration into cranial nerves: clinical implications Kim TS. See Kim EY, 1080 for cavernous sinus meningiomas, 596 ____.. See Lichtor T, 1038 LASSMANN H. See Roessler K, 291 KIMELBERG HK. Current concepts of brain edema, 1051 Launoy A. See Calon B, 910 KING JT JR, GLick HA, MASON TJ, FLAMM ES. Elective surgery for LAVELLE WE. See Howard MA III, 372 asymptomatic, unruptured, intracranial aneurysms: a cost-effec- LAws ER Jr. See Kelly DF, 363 tiveness analysis, 403 LAWTON MT, PORTER RW, HEISERMAN JE, JACOBOWwITZ R, SONNTAG KinG WA. See Gurian JH, 843 VKH, DickMAN CA. Surgical management of spinal epidural KINUGASA K, KAMATA I, HIROTSUNE N, TOKUNAGA K, SuGiu K, hematoma: relationship between surgical timing and neurological HANDA A, NAKASHIMA H, OHMOTOT , MANDAI S, MATSUMOTO Y. outcome, | Early treatment of subarachnoid hemorrhage after preventing re- LEAVENS ME. See Bindal RK, 600 rupture of an aneurysm, 34 Lee AG. Ischemic optic neuropathy following lumbar spine surgery. . See Sugiu K, 531 Case report, 348 KiRINO T. See Chang HS, 413 Lee BCP. See Francel PC, 461 . See Furuya K, 170 Lee KR, Betz AL, Keep RF, CHENEVERT TL, Kim S, Horr JT. Intra- ____. See Sasaki T, 559 cerebral infusion of thrombin as a cause of brain edema, 1045 . See Yoshimoto Y, 867 Lee KS. See Sutter B, 516 KiRKEBY OJ, Rise IR, NORDSLETTEN L, SKJELDAL S, Ris@eE C. Cardio- . See Suzuki S, 862 vascular response to blood loss during high intracranial pressure, LEHMANN R. See Woiciechowsky C, 923 1067 LELLOUCH-TUBIANA A. See Cinalli G, 480 KIRKPATRICK PJ, SMIELEWSKI P, CZOSNYKA M, MENON DK, PICKARD LEMENS SM. See Deen HG, 27 JD. Near-infrared spectroscopy use in patients with head injury, LENNIHAN L. See Mayer SA, 889 963 Le Roux PD, Exttiotr JP, Downey L, NEweELL DW, Grapy MS, , , WHITFIELD P, CZOSNYKA M, MENON DK, PickArp JD. MAYBERG MR, EskRIDGE JM, WINN HR. Improved outcome after Near-infrared spectroscopy. Letters, 1111 rupture of anterior circulation aneurysms: a retrospective 10-year Kitz K. See Roessler K, 291 review of 224 good-grade patients, 394 KLEBANOFF LM. See Mayer SA, 889 Levy DI, REKATE HL, CHERNY WB, MANWARING K, Moss SD, BALD- KLEINSCHMIDT-DEMASTERS BK. See Crawford TS, 912 WIN HZ. Controlled lumbar drainage in pediatric head injury, 453 KLINE DG, HuDsON AR. Vertebral artery compression. Letters, 759 LiCHTOR T, GLICK RP, Kim TS, HAND R, COHEN EP. Prolonged sur- ____. See Kim DH, 783 vival of mice with glioma injected intracerebrally with double KOBAYASHI K. See Kawai K, 368 cytokine-secreting cells, 1038 Kosy M. See Francel PC, 461 LIEBERMAN FS. See Stéckhammer G, 672 KODAMA N, MATsumoTo M, SASAKi T. Preservation of the arteries LILLEHE! KO. See Crawford TS, 912 around an aneurysm: practical use of oxycellulose. Technical LiIMANDRI G. See Mayer SA, 889 note, 748 LisTER JR. See Olivero WC, 222 KoIKE T. See Aiba T, 56 Lirorsky NS. See Giannotta SL, 387 Komata T. See Aiba T, 56 Liu JC, Ciacci! JD, GEORGE TM. Brainstem tethering in Dandy-Walker KONDZIOLKA D, LUNSFORD LD, FLICKINGER JC, KESTLE JRW. Reduc- syndrome: a complication of cystoperitoneal shunting. Case re- tion of hemorrhage risk after stereotactic radiosurgery for cav- port, 1072 ernous malformations, 825 LOEFFLER JS. See Alexander E Ill, 271 , _____, KESTLE JRW. The natural history of cerebral cavern- LoescH DV, GILMAN S, Det Dotto J, ROSENBLUM ML. Cavernous ous malformations, 820 malformation of the mammillary bodies: neuropsychological im- Koo MS. See Ceberg CP, 86 plications. Case report, 354 Koos WT. See Roessler K, 291 LOIsSEAU H, PEDESPAN JM, VITAL A, MARCHAL C, ViTAL C, COHADON Kooy HM. See Alexander E Ill, 271 F. Lymphoplasmacyte-rich meningioma in a child. Case report, KORINTHENBERG R. See Pagenstecher A, 744 1075 Kormos DW. See Kalfas IH, 641 Lovey TJ, Cart A. Posterior cervical spine fusion with tension-band KRETH FW, Faist M, WARNKE PC, OsTERTAG CB. Stereotactic biopsy wiring, 631 for nonpilocytic astrocytomas. Letters, 759 LuBy ML. See Puce A, 262 KRISHNA M, SMITH TW, RECHT LD. Expression of bcl-2 in reactive LUNSFORD LD, SoMAza S. Stereotactic biopsy for nonpilocytic astro- and neoplastic astrocytes: lack of correlation with presence or cytomas. Letters, 760 degree of malignancy, 1017 . See Kondziolka D, 820, 825 KrisHT AF. See Yasargil MG, 756 . See Segal R, 379 KUN LE. See Gajjar A, 67 Lyons MK. See Deen HG, 27 Kupiec JW. See Muizelaar JP, 942 KurBAT JM. See Herman JM, 539 Kurita K. See Shimizu T, 561 KuTTESCH JF. See Gajjar A, 67 Kwak S. See Yoshimoto Y, 984 MACDONALD DR. See Chen R, 724 KweEE IL. See Matsuzawa H, 1023 MACDONALD RL, WALLACE MC, MONTANERA WJ, GLEN JA. Patho- logical effects of angioplasty on vasospastic carotid arteries in a rabbit model, 111 ____. See Hino A, 503 LAM AM. See Gordon EL, 875 MACHAMER JE. See Temkin NR, 941 LANGE B. See Sutton LN, 583 MACKINNON SE. See Francel PC, 461 LANGMAYR JJ, OBWEGESER A, ORTLER M. Seasonal rupture of aneu- MAacpINEC M. See Obuchowski NA, 42 rysms. Letters, 182 MAKIYAMA Y. See Watanabe T, 149 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 83 / December, 1995 Index MALIK GM. See Khanna RK, 791 MINEHAN KJ, SHAW EG, SCHEITHAUER BW, Davis DL, ONOFRIO BM. MANDAI S. See Kinugasa K, 34 Spinal cord astrocytoma: pathological and treatment consider- . See Sugiu K, 531 ations, 590 MANLEY GT. See Stockhammer G, 672 MITCHELL WT Jr. See Hamilton B, 716 MANWARING K. See Levy DI, 453 Miyasit K, TANI E, NAKANO A, IkEMoTO H, KABA K. Inhibition by MarAwi I. See Harkey HL, 336 5'-methylthioadenosine of cell growth and tyrosine kinase activ- MARCHAC D. See Arnaud E, 476 ity stimulated by fibroblast growth factor receptor in human glio- MARCHAL C. See Loiseau H, 1075 mas, 690 MIYAZAKI K. See Nakano A, 298 MARCIANO FF. See Greene KA, 445 MizuTAN! T. Classification of AVMs. Letters, 762 MARION DW, Darsy JM. Hyperventilation and head injury. Letters, Mobic MT. See Obuchowski NA, 42 1113 MoerteL CA. See Dalrymple SJ, 316 MarsH JL. See Francel PC, 733 MOoLLoy PT. See Sutton LN, 583 MARSH WR. See Schievink WI, 1004 MOLYNEUX AJ, ELLISON DW, Morris J, BYRNE JV. Histological find- MARTIN NA, KHANNA RK, BATzporF U. Posterolateral cervical or ings in giant aneurysms treated with Guglielmi detachable coils. thoracic approach with spinal cord rotation for vascular malfor- Report of two cases with autopsy correlation, 129 mations or tumors of the ventrolateral spinal cord, 254 MONSEIN LH. See Miller NR, 838 . See Gurian JH, 843 MONTANERA WJ. See Macdonald RL, 111 MARTINEZ AJ. See Pollack IF, 729 Montes JL. See Vassilyadi M, 486 MASON TJ. See King JT Jr, 403 Moran CJ. See Miller JA, 435 MATsuMOoTO M. See Kodama N, 748 Morcos JJ, SPETZLER RF. Classification of AVMs. Letters, 761 _. See Watanabe T, 149 Morimoto K. See Yamasaki M, 50 Matsumoto T. See Ikemoto H, 1008 Morioka T, SHONO T, NisHio S, YOSHIDA K, HAsuo K, Fuku! M. ____. See Nitta T, 145 Acquired Chiari I malformation and syringomyelia associated MATsumoTo Y. See Kinugasa K, 34 with bilateral chronic subdural hematoma. Case report, 556 MATSUZAWA H, Kwee IL, NAKADA T. Magnetic resonance axonogra- Morris J. See Molyneux AJ, 129 phy of the rat spinal cord: postmortem effects, 1023 MOSHANG T Jr. See Sutton LN, 583 MATULA C. See Roessler K, 291 Moss SD. See Levy DI, 453 MAYBERG MR. See Le Roux PD, 394 Moss T. See Pizer BL, 550 MAYER SA, LIMANDRI G, SHERMAN D, LENNIHAN L, FINK ME, SOL- MUIZELAAR JP, Kupiec JW, Rapp LA. PEG-SOD after head injury. OMON RA, DiTULLIO M, KLEBANOFF LM, BECKFORD AR, HOMMA Letter, 942 S. Electrocardiographic markers of abnormal left ventricular wall MULHBAUER M. See Gajjar A, 67 MULKERN RV. See Alexander E III, 271 motion in acute subarachnoid hemorrhage, 889 McAULIFFE W, TOWNSEND M, EskripGE JM, Newe_t DW, Grapy Murpuy MA. See Kalfas IH, 641 MS, WINN HR. Intracranial pressure changes induced during pa- MUTHUKUMAR N. Terminal syringomyelia and anorectal anomalies. paverine infusion for the treatment of vasospasm, 430 Letters, 185 McCaFFerTy RR, HARRISON MJ, TAMAS LB, LARKINS MV. Ossifica- tion of the anterior longitudinal ligament and Forestier’s disease: an analysis of seven cases, 13 McCartuy G. See Puce A, 262 MCFARLAND JG. See Miller JA, 435 NADH BR. See Rao GP, 359 McKENZIE RL. See Kalfas 1H, 641 NADKARNI T. See Goel A, 763 McKHANN GM II. See Dailey AT, 467 NAKADA T. See Matsuzawa H, 1023 McPuHee MC. See Deen HG, 27 NAKANO A, TANI E, MiyAZAKI K, YAMAMOTO Y, FURUYAMA JI. Matrix MEANEY JFM, ELDRIDGE PR, DUNN LT, NIXON TE, WHITEHOUSE GH, metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in Mites JB. Demonstration of neurovascular compression in tri- human gliomas, 298 geminal neuralgia with magnetic resonance imaging. Comparison . See Ikemoto H, 1008 with surgical findings in 52 consecutive operative cases, 799 —___.. See Miyaji K, 690 MEANY JM, Mites JB. Microvascular decompression for trigeminal NAKASHIMA H. See Kinugasa K, 34 NAKATANI S. See Yamasaki M, 50 neuralgia. Letters, 183 MENDENHALL WM. See Friedman WA, 382 NAKAYAMA H. See Kawai K, 368 NARAYAN RK. See Gopinath SP, 438 MENO JR. See Gordon EL, 875 NASHOLD BS Jr. See Caputi F, 933 MENON AG. See Larson JJ, 705 NATHAN PW. Cordotomy and neurosurgical history. Letter, 764 MENON DK. See Kirkpatrick PJ, 963, 1111 Nauta HJW. See Miller NR, 838 MEYER B, STANGL AP, SCHRAMM J. Association of venous and true NELSON RJ. See Germon TJ, 1111 arteriovenous malformation: a rare entity among mixed vascular NENOV VI. See Fried I, 854 malformations of the brain. Case report, 141 NEWELL DW. See Le Roux PD, 394 MEYER FB. See luliano BA, 491 ____. See McAuliffe W, 430 MEYER R. See Woiciechowsky C, 923 Noa! AC. See Gordon EL, 875 MICHELS VV. See Schievink WI, 426 NicHoLs DA. See Schievink WI, 546 Micuotte A. See Vandewalle G, 919 . See Yamamoto Y, 832 MIKKELSEN T, YAN PS, Ho KL, SAMENI M, SLOANE BF, ROSENBLUM NippoLpt TB. See Yamamoto Y, 1087 ML. Immunolocalization of cathepsin B in human glioma: impli- NISHUIMA M. See Endo S, 421 cations for tumor invasion and angiogenesis, 285 NisHiMoTo H. See Watanabe T, 149 Mies JB. See Meaney JFM, 183, 799 NisHio S. See Morioka T, 556 MILLER GM. See Crotty TB, 206 Nitta T, ENDo T, TSsUNODA A, KADoTA Y, MATSUMOTO T, SATO K. MILLER JA, Cross DWT, Moran CJ, DAcEY RG Jr, MCFARLAND JG, Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy: a molecular ap- DiRINGER MN. Severe thrombocytopenia following intraarterial proach to diagnosis. Case report, 145 papaverine administration for the treatment of vasospasm, 435 Nixon TE. See Meaney JFM, 799 MILLER NR, MONSEIN LH, DeBRUN GM, TAMARGO RJ, NAuTA HJW. Nosre AC. See Puce A, 262 Treatment of carotid-cavernous sinus fistulas using a superior NoetzeL MJ. See Francel PC, 461 ophthalmic vein approach, 838 NORDSLETTEN L. See Kirkeby OJ, 1067 1126 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 83 / December, 1995 Index NORTH AMERICAN SYMPTOMATIC CAROTID ENDARTERECTOMY TRIAL PENN RD, YoRK MM, Paice JA. Catheter systems for intrathecal drug (NASCET) Group. See Gasecki AP, 778 delivery, 215 Nose T. See Uemura K, 940 PERSING JA. See Sweeney TM, 710 Novack TA, DEVivo MJ. Outcome after head injury. Letters, 380 PERSSON A. See Ceberg CP, 79 NUSSBAUM ES, ROCKSWOLD GL, BERGMAN TA, ERICKSON DL, SELJES- PERSSON BRR. See Ceberg CP, 79, 86 KOG EL. Spinal tuberculosis: a diagnostic and management chal- PETERSON D. See O’Brien MF, 636 lenge, 243 PHILLIPS PL. See Sutton LN, 583 PICKARD JD. See Kirkpatrick PJ, 963, 1111 . See Whitfield PC, 1101 PIDGEON CN. See Eljamel MS, 795 PiEPGRAS DG. See Fox MW, 737 OakEs WJ. See Iskandar BJ, 185 . See Regli L, 806 OAKHILL A. See Pizer BL, 550 . See Schievink WI, 426, 546 O’BRIEN MF, PETERSON D, CROCKARD AH. A posterolateral microsur- PIERRE-KAHN A. See Cinalli G, 480, 575 gical approach to extreme-lateral lumbar disc herniation, 636 PIzER BL, Moss T, OAKHILL A, WeBB D, COAKHAM HB. Congenital OBUCHOWSKI NA, Mopic MT, MAGpINEC M. Current implications for astroblastoma: an immunohistochemical study. Case report, 550 the efficacy of noninvasive screening for occult intracranial an- PLUTA RM. See Afshar JKB, 118 eurysms in patients with a family history of aneurysms, 42 POLLACK IF, SCHOR NF, MARTINEZ AJ, TOwBIN R. Bobble-head doll OBWEGESER A. See Langmayr JJ, 182 syndrome and drop attacks in a child with a cystic choroid plexus O’DeELL DM, HAMM RJ. Chronic postinjury administration of MDL papilloma of the third ventricle. Case report, 729 26,479 (Suritozole), a negative modulator at the GABA, receptor, Popp AJ. Crossroads at Salerno: Eldridge Campbell and the writings of and cognitive impairment in rats following traumatic brain injury, Teodorico Borgognoni on wound healing, 174 878 PORTER RW. See Lawton MT, | OaiLvy CS. See Frim DM, 926 Post M. See Amling M, 330 OGLE RC. See Sweeney TM, 710 Post KD, EISENBERG MB, CATALANO PJ. Hearing preservation in OunATA K. See Ayeni SA, 903 vestibular schwannoma surgery: what factors influence outcome? Oumorto T. See Kinugasa K, 34 19] . See Sugiu K, 531 POTTECHER T. See Calon B, 910 OHNISHI A. See Oishi Y, 342 PREVIGLIANO IJ. Hyperventilation and head injury. Letters, 1112 Otsu! Y, OHNISHI A, SUZUKI K, Hojo T. Lower number and thinner PRIVITERA MD. See Jooma R, 231 myelin of large myelinated fibers in human cervical compression Puce A, CONSTABLE RT, Lupy ML, McCartuy G, Nosre AC, SPEN- radiculopathy, 342 CER DD, Gore JC, ALLISON T. Functional magnetic resonance OJEMANN SG. See Fried I, 854 imaging of sensory and motor cortex: comparison with electro- OxaDaA Y. See Furuya K, 170 physiological localization, 262 OLDFIELD EH, ApSHAR J, Di CHiRO G, DoppMAN JL. Compliments to Puppo CB. See Biestro AA, 627 NIH. Letters, 185 ___. See Afshar JKB, 118 See Ram Z, 225 OLIVER M, RANSOHOFF J. Postoperative hematoma. Letters, 568 OLIVERO WC, LIsTER JR, ELwooD PW. The natural history and growth Qi P. See Vrionis FD, 698 rate of asymptomatic meningiomas: a review of 60 patients, 222 ONnorRIO BM. See Minehan KJ, 590 ONOUE H, Kaito N, AKIYAMA M, Tomii M, TOKUDOME S, ABE T. Altered reactivity of human cerebral arteries after subarachnoid hemorrhage, 510 RAEL JR. See Sell JJ, 759 OPPERMAN LA. See Sweeney TM, 710 RAKIER A, FEINSOD M. Gradual resolution of an arachnoid cyst after ORRISON WW. See Sell JJ, 759 spontaneous rupture into the subdural space. Case report, 1085 ORTLER M. See Langmayr JJ, 182 RAM Z, SHAWKER TH, BRADFORD MH, DoppMAN JL, OLDFIELD EH. OsSAMURA Y. See Genka S, 719 Intraoperative ultrasound-directed resection of pituitary tumors, OsHIMA H. See Katayama TTY, 1092 225 OSTERTAG CB. See Kreth FW, 759 RAMAN R. See Fulham MJ, 657 Ramsay DA. See Chen R, 724 RANSOHOFF J. See Oliver M, 568 Rao GP, NADH BR, HEMARATNAM A, SRINIVAS TV, REDDY PK. Para- doxical progression of tuberculous lesions during chemotherapy PACKER RJ. See Sutton LN, 583 of central nervous system tuberculosis. Report of four cases, 359 Papwa B. See Frim DM, 926 Rapp LA. See Muizelaar JP, 942 PAGENSTECHER A, EMMERICH B, VAN VELTHOVEN V, KORINTHENBERG RATCHESON RA. See Hlavin ML, 750 R, VoLK B. Exclusively intracranial cranial fasciitis in a child. . See Taylor CL, 812 Case report, 744 ReEcuT LD. See Krishna M, 1017 PAGNI CA, CANAVERO S. Functional thalamic depression in a case of Reppy PK. See Rao GP, 359 reversible central pain due to a spinal intramedullary cyst. Case REGLI L, PiEPGRAS DG, HANSEN KK. Late patency of long saphenous report, 163 vein bypass grafts to the anterior and posterior cerebral circula- Paice JA. See Penn RD, 215 tion, 806 Parisi JE. See Yamamoto Y, 1087 REICHENTHAL E. See Feldman Z, 1060 ParK TS. See Francel PC, 461, 733 REINER A. See Steinbok P, 18 Parsons AA. See Schilling L, 123 REKATE HL. See Levy DI, 453 PATTERSON J. See Sakas DE, 277 RENGACHARY SS. See Siegal JD, 939 PEDESPAN JM. See Loiseau H, 1075 RENIER D. See Arnaud E, 476 PEELER DF. See Harkey HL, 336 . See Cinalli G, 480, 575 PENDL G. See Friehs GM, 8 RENJEN PN. Shunt obstruction and CSF edema. Letters, 1112 PENN AA, SCHOMER DF, STEINBERG GK. Imaging studies of cerebral REZNIK M. See Kaschten B, 154 hyperperfusion after carotid endarterectomy. Case report, 133 RHEE S. See Baffour R, 105 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 83 / December, 1995 Index RIFKINSON-MANN S. Book review, 378 SCHILLING L, PARSONS AA, WAHL M. Effects of potassium channel RimM AA. See Taylor CL, 812 activators on isolated cerebral arteries of large and small diameter RISE IR. See Kirkeby OJ, 1067 in the cat, 123 Ris@eE C. See Kirkeby OJ, 1067 SCHISANO G. Right-angle clip applier. Letters, 182 RITLAND SR. See Dalrymple SJ, 316 SCHMIDT RH, Grapy MS. Loss of forebrain cholinergic neurons fol- RITZEL H. See Amling M, 330 lowing fluid-percussion injury: implications for cognitive impair- RoBerts MP. Book review, 181 ment in closed head injury, 496 ROBERTSON CS. See Gopinath SP, 438 SCHOMER DF. See Penn AA, 133 Rock JP. See Khanna RK, 791 Scuor NF. See Pollack IF, 729 ROCKSWOLD GL. See Nussbaum ES, 243 SCHRAMM J. See Meyer B, 141 ROESSLER K, SUCHANEK G, BreITscHopr H, Kitz K, MATULA C, SCHROTTNER O. See Friehs GM, 8 LASSMANN H, Koos WT. Detection of tumor necrosis factor-a SCHWARTZ M. See Alexander E III, 271 protein and messenger RNA in human glial brain tumors: com- Scott JW. Book review, 938 parison of immunohistochemistry with in situ hybridization using SEBAG G. See Cinalli G, 480, 575 molecular probes, 291 SEGAL R, LUNSFORD LD. Aggressive meningeal tumors. Letters, 379 RorKE LB. See Sutton LN, 583 SELJESKOG EL. Responding to change: the challenge of the 1990s. The ROSENBLUM MK. See Stockhammer G, 672 1995 presidential address, 771 ROSENBLUM ML. See Khanna RK, 791 . See Nussbaum ES, 243 . See Loesch DV, 354 SELL JJ, RAEL JR, ORRISON WW. Vertebral artery compression. Let- . See Mikkelsen T, 285 ters, 759 ROSIELLO A. See Bhatia S, 897 SELMAN WR. See Taylor CL, 812 ROSNER MJ. Hyperventilation and head injury. Letters, 1113 SEPPAAL MT. Correction: long-term outcome after removal of spinal , ROSNER SD, JOHNSON AH. Cerebral perfusion pressure: man- neurofibroma, 186 agement protocol and clinical results, 949 SEPPALA MT, HALTIA MJJ, SANKILA RJ, JAASKELAINEN JE, HEISKANEN ROSNER SD. See Rosner MJ, 949 O. Long-term outcome after removal of spinal schwannoma: a Ross I. Book review, 565 clinicopathological study of 187 cases, 621 ROTHBART D. See Strugar JG, 682 SERNYAK H. See Sutton LN, 583 RYKEN TC, CLAUSEN JD, TRAYNELIS VC, GOEL VK. Biomechanical SHAFFREY CI. See Danisa OA, 977 analysis of bone mineral density, insertion technique, screw SHAFFREY ME. See Danisa OA, 977 torque, and holding strength of anterior cervical plate screws, 324 SHAPIRA Y. See Feldman Z, 1060 SHAPIRO S. Long-term follow up of 57 patients undergoing automated percutaneous discectomy, 31 SHAW EG. See Crotty TB, 206 . See Minehan KJ, 590 —_____.. See Yamamoto Y, 832 SAINTE-ROSE C. See Cinalli G, 480, 575 SHAWKER TH. See Ram Z, 225 SAKAMOTO H. Shunt obstruction and CSF edema. Letters, 1112 SHERMAN D. See Mayer SA, 889 SAKAS DE, BULLOCK MR, PATTERSON J, HADLEY D, WyPER DJ, TEAS- SHimizu T, KAWASAKI H, KasuyaA H, Kurita K. Diagnosis of vascular DALE GM. Focal cerebral hyperemia after focal head injury in compression in facial spasm by stereoscopic short-range magnetic humans: a benign phenomenon, 277 resonance angiography. Technical note, 561 SAKOU T. See Yanase M, 884 SHONO T. See Morioka T, 556 SALFORD LG. See Ceberg CP, 79, 86 SIEGAL JD, RENGACHARY SS. Book review, 939 SAMENI M. See Mikkelsen T, 285 SiEGAL T, Horowitz A, GABIZON A. Doxorubicin encapsulated in SAMID D. See Stockhammer G, 672 sterically stabilized liposomes for the treatment of a brain tumor SANFORD RA. See Gajjar A, 67 model: biodistribution and therapeutic efficacy, 1029 SANKILA RJ. See Seppala MT, 621 SILBERGELD DL. See Chicoine MR, 665 SANNO N. See Genka S, 719 SIMON M. See Larson JJ, 705 SANO K. See Kawai K, 368 SIMONSON TM. See Howard MA III, 372 SARIOGLU AC. See Strommer KN, 166 SKJELDAL S. See Kirkeby OJ, 1067 SASAKI T, TANIGUCHI M, SuzuKI I, KirINo T. En bloc petrosectomy SLOANE BF. See Mikkelsen T, 285 using a Gigli saw for petroclival lesions. Technical note, 559 SMIELEWSKI P. See Kirkpatrick PJ, 963, 1111 . See Furuya K, 170 SMITH LR. See Golfinos JG, 197 ____.. See Kodama N, 748 SmitH MM. See Dickman CA, 1095 . See Yoshimoto Y, 867 SMITH TW. See Krishna M, 1017 SaTO K. See Nitta T, 145 Soca AE. See Biestro AA, 627 SATO N. See Yamasaki M, 50 SoeDA H. See Genka S, 719 SAWAYA R. See Bindal AK, 218 SOLOMON RA. See Mayer SA, 889 ___.. See Bindal RK, 600 SomAZA S. See Lunsford LD, 760 . See DeMonte F, 379 SONNTAG VKH. See Dickman CA, 248, 1095 SAWIN PD, TRAYNELIS VC, FOLLETT KA. Spinal epidural hematoma —_____. See Lawton MT, 1 following coronary thrombolysis with tissue plasminogen activa- Spatz EL. See Bhatia S, 897 tor. Report of two cases, 350 SPAZIANTE R. See Caputi F, 933 ScHAID DJ. See Schievink WI, 426 SPENCER DD. See Fried I, 60 SCHEITHAUER BW. See Crotty TB, 206 —____. See Puce A, 262 —___.. See Minehan KJ, 590 SPENCER SS. See Fried I, 60 SCHIEVINK WI, Huston J III, Torres VE, MARSH WR. Intracranial SPETZLER RF. See Golfinos JG, 197 cysts in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, 1004 . See Greene KA, 445 —____, PlEPGRAS DG, NicHoLs DA. Spontaneous carotid—jugular fis- —__. See Herman JM, 539 tula and carotid dissection in a patient with multiple intracranial . See Morcos JJ, 761 arachnoid cysts and hemifacial atrophy: a generalized connective SpITZER DE. Hetastarch complication. Letter, 382 tissue disorder? Case report, 546 SRINIVAS TV. See Rao GP, 359 —___, SCHAID DJ, MICHELS VV, PiePGRAS DG. Familial aneurysmal STANGL AP. See Meyer B, 141 subarachnoid hemorrhage: a community-based study, 426 STEINBERG GK. See Penn AA, 133 1128 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 83 / December, 1995 Index STEINBOK P, COCHRANE DD. Cervical spinal dysraphism. Letter, 569 . See Nakano A, 298 _, GUSTAVSSON B, KESTLE JRW, REINER A, COCHRANE DD. TANIGUCHI M. See Sasaki T, 559 Relationship of intraoperative electrophysiological criteria to out- TARBELL N. See Alexander E Ill, 271 come after selective functional posterior rhizotomy, 18 TAYLOR CL, YUAN Z, SELMAN WR, RATCHESON RA, RIMM AA. Ce- STEINER CP. See Kalfas IH, 641 rebral arterial aneurysm formation and rupture in 20,767 elderly STEVENAERT A. See Kaschten B, 154 patients: hypertension and other risk factors, 812 STILLERMAN CB, CHEN TC, Day JD, COULDWELL WT, Weiss MH. The TAYLOR SH. See Bindal RK, 600 transfacet pedicle-sparing approach for thoracic disc removal: TAYLOR WAS. Postoperative hematoma. Letters, 569 cadaveric morphometric analysis and preliminary clinical expe- TEASDALE GM. See Sakas DE, 277 rience, 971 TEMKIN NR, HOLUBKOV RH, MACHAMER JE. CART for prediction of STOCKHAMMER G, MANLEY GT, JOHNSON R, ROSENBLUM MK, SAMID function after head trauma. Letters, 941 D, LIEBERMAN FS. Inhibition of proliferation and induction of TERAMOTO A. See Genka S, 719 differentiation in medulloblastoma- and astrocytoma-derived cell Tew JM Jr. See Larson JJ, 596, 705 lines with phenylacetate, 672 —_____.. See Taha JM, 989, 994 STROMMER KN, BRANDNER S, SARIOGLU AC, SURE U, YONEKAWA Y. THISTED RA. See Hino A, 503 Symptomatic cerebellar metastasis and late local recurrence of a THOMAS AJ, CHANDY MJ. Ischemic basis for neurogenic hypertension? cauda equina paraganglioma. Case report, 166 Letter, 943 STRUGAR JG, CriscUOLO GR, ROTHBART D, HARRINGTON WN. Vas- THOMPSON BG. See Afshar JKB, 118 cular endothelial growth/permeability factor expression in human THOMPSON DNP. Atrial shunt placement. Letters, 567 glioma specimens: correlation with vasogenic brain edema and TOKUDOME S. See Onoue H, 510 tumor-associated cysts, 682 TOKUNAGA K. See Kinugasa K, 34 SUCHANEK G. See Roessler K, 291 ____.. See Sugiu K, 531 SuGiu K, KINUGASA K, MANDAI S, TOKUNAGA K, Oxmoto T. Direct Tomi M. See Onoue H, 510 thrombosis of experimental aneurysms with cellulose acetate Tonaio J. See Calon B, 910 polymer (CAP): technical aspects, angiographic follow up, and TorRES VE. See Schievink WI, 1004 histological study, 531 TowBIN R. See Pollack IF, 729 ____.. See Kinugasa K, 34 TOWNSEND M. See McAuliffe W, 430 Suir HD. See Huang P, 308 TRAYNELIS VC. See Ryken TC, 324 SurE U. See Strommer KN, 166 —___.. See Sawin PD, 350 SUTTER B, SUZUKI S, ARTHUR A, KASSELL NF, LEE KS. Effects of TRIMBLE MB. See Kalfas TH, 641 subarachnoid hemorrhage on vascular responses to calcitonin TSUBOKAWA T. See Katayama TTY, 1092 gene-related peptide and its related second messengers, 516 __. See Watanabe T, 149 SuTTON LN, MoLLoy PT, SERNYAK H, GOLDWEIN J, PHILLIPS PL, Tsun T, ABE M, TABUCHI K. Aneurysm of a persistent primitive ol- RoRKE LB, MOSHANG T Jr, LANGE B, PACKER RJ. Long-term factory artery. Case report, 138 outcome of hypothalamic/chiasmatic astrocytomas in children TSUKADA A. See Uemura K, 940 treated with conservative surgery, 583 TsUNODA A. See Nitta T, 145 SuzukI I. See Sasaki T, 559 TurtTz AR, GOLDMAN HW. Magnetic resonance detection of an aneu- SuzuKI K. See Oishi Y, 342 rysm. Letters, 568 Suzuki S, KASSELL NF, Lee KS. Hemin activation of an inducible isoform of nitric oxide synthase in vascular smooth-muscle cells, 862 —___.. See Sutter B, 516 UDVARHELY! GB. A tribute to Dr. A. Earl Walker, 1103 SWEENEY TM, OPPERMAN LA, PERSING JA, OGLE RC. Repair of criti- UEMURA K, TSUKADA A, Nose T. Lateral discs and nerve sheath cal size rat calvarial defects using extracellular matrix protein tumors. Letters, 940 gels, 710 SYMON L. See Tacconi L, 916 SzABO TA. See Danisa OA, 977 VAN HERK M. See Alexander E III, 271 VAN LOVEREN H. See Bindal AK, 218 . Book review, 377 —___.. See Larson JJ, 596 TABUCHI K. See Tsuji T, 138 VAN VELTHOVEN V. See Pagenstecher A, 744 TACCONI L, JOHNSTON FG, SYMON L. Accessory middle cerebral artery. VANDEWALLE G, BRUCHER JM, MICcHOTTE A. Intracranial facial nerve Case report, 916 rhabdomyoma. Case report, 919 TAGHIAN A. See Huang P, 308 VASSILYADI M, FARMER JP, Montes JL. Negative-pressure hydroceph- TAHA JM, Tew JM Jr, BUNCHER CR. A prospective 15-year follow up alus, 486 of 154 consecutive patients with trigeminal neuralgia treated by VERHEUDE JL. See Deen HG, 27 percutaneous stereotactic radiofrequency thermal rhizotomy, 989 VINUELA F. See Gurian JH, 843 , _____, KEITH RW. Proximal-to-distal facial amplitude ratios ViTAL A. See Loiseau H, 1075 as predictors of facial nerve function after acoustic neuroma VITAL C. See Loiseau H, 1075 excision, 994 VoGEL S. See Woiciechowsky C, 923 TAKABA M. See Endo §S, 421 VoLK B. See Pagenstecher A, 744 TAKAHASHI M. See Genka S, 719 VOLLMER DG. Book review, 563 TAKAKU A. See Endo S, 421 VOLLRATH B. See Chan PDS, 522 TAKAKURA K. See Yoshimoto Y, 867 VRIONIS FD, Wu JK, Qi P, CANO W, CHERINGTON V. A more potent TAKEDA N. See Aiba T, 56 bystander cytocidal effect elicited by tumor cells expressing the TAMARGO RJ. See Miller NR, 838 herpes simplex virus-thymidine kinase gene than by fibroblast TAMAS LB. See McCafferty RR, 13 virus—producer cells in vitro, 698 TAMURA A. See Kawai K, 368 TANAKA K. See Ayeni SA, 903 TANAKA R. See Aiba T, 56 TANI E. See Ikemoto H, 1008 WAHL M. See Schilling L, 123 ___.. See Miyaji K, 690 WALLACE MC. See Macdonald RL, 111 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 83 / December, 1995 Index WALTER AW. See Gajjar A, 67 , Davis DH, Nippo_pt TB, YOUNG WF Jr, Huston J Ill, Parisi WANG GJ. See Danisa OA, 977 JE. False-positive inferior petrosal sinus sampling in the diagno- WARNKE PC. See Kreth FW, 759 sis of Cushing’s disease. Report of two cases, 1087 WATANABE T, MAKIYAMA Y, NISHIMOTO H, MATSUMOTO M, KIKUCHI . See Nakano A, 298 A, TSUBOKAWA T. Metachronous ovarian dysgerminoma after a YAMASAKI M, Arita N, HIRAGA S, IzuMoTO S, Morimoto K, NAKA- suprasellar germ-cell tumor treated by radiation therapy. Case TANI S, FuJITANI K, SATO N, HAYAKAWA T. A clinical and neu- report, 149 roradiological study of X-linked hydrocephalus in Japan, 50 Wess D. See Pizer BL, 550 YAN PS. See Mikkelsen T, 285 WEINSTEIN PR. See Chen J, 99 YANASE M, SAKOu T, FUKUDA T. Role of N-methyl-D-aspartate recep- . See Karibe H, 93 Weir BKA. See Hino A, 503 tor in acute spinal cord injury, 884 YASARGIL MG, KrisHT AF. Book review, 756 WEISENBERGER JP. See Kalfas IH, 641 Yeu HS. See Jooma R, 231 WEISER MW. See Baldwin NG, 741 Weiss MH. See Stillerman CB, 971 YONEKAWA Y. See Strommer KN, 166 WENING VJ. See Amling M, 330 YorRK MM. See Penn RD, 215 WHITEHILL R. See Danisa OA, 977 YOSHIDA K. See Morioka T, 556 WHITEHOUSE GH. See Meaney JFM, 799 YOSHIMOTO Y, KiM P, SASAKI T, KiRINO T, TAKAKURA K. Functional WHITFIELD P. See Kirkpatrick PJ, 1111 changes in cultured strips of canine cerebral arteries after pro- WHITFIELD PC, GUAzZzo EP, PicKARD JD. Safe removal of retained longed exposure to oxyhemoglobin, 867 ventricular catheters using intraluminal choroid plexus coagula- , Kwak S. Age-related multifactorial causes of neurological tion. Technical note, 1101 deterioration after early surgery for aneurysmal subarachnoid WHITTAKER CK. Compliments to NIH. Letters, 184 hemorrhage, 984 WINN HR. See Gordon EL, 875 . See Furuya K, 170 See Le Roux PD, 394 YOSHINO A. See Katayama TTY, 1092 _. See McAuliffe W, 430 YounNG AER. See Germon TJ, 1111 WoiciECHOWSKY C, VoGEL S, MEYER R, LEHMANN R. Magnetic reso- YOUNG RF. Electrical stimulation of the trigeminal nerve root for the nance imaging of a glioblastoma of the optic chiasm. Case report, treatment of chronic facial pain, 72 923 YOUNG WF Jr. See Crotty TB, 206 Woops RP. See Fried I, 854 . See Yamamoto Y, 1087 WRONSKI M, Arsit E, Burt M, GALIcicH JH. Survival after surgical YUAN Z. See Taylor CL, 812 treatment of brain metastases from lung cancer: a follow-up study of 231 patients treated between 1976 and 1991, 605 Wu JK. See Vrionis FD, 698 Wyper DJ. See Sakas DE, 277 ZABRAMSKI JM. See Herman JM, 539 ZACHARI S. See Feldman Z, 1060 YAMAMOTO Y, CoFFEY RJ, NicHoLs DA, SHAW EG. Interim report on ZAROW GJ. See Karibe H, 93 the radiosurgical treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malforma- ZIMBARD!I GP. See Bhatia S, 897 tions. The influence of size, dose, time, and technical factors on ZIMMERMAN RS. See Deen HG, 27 obliteration rate, 832 ZuBAY GP. See Cohen DS, 237 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 83 / December, 1995

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