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Contents of Volume LXI NUMBER 1, JANUARY, 2002 Neuronal Migration, Cerebral Cortical Development, and Cerebral Cortical Anomalies. DANiELA PiLz, MD, Net STOODLEY, MD, AND JEFFREY A. GOLDEN, MD. Cardiff; Wales and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in PLP-Overexpressing Transgenic Rats: Gray Matter Oligodendrocytes Are More Vulnerable than White Matter Oligodendrocytes. JAN BAUER, PHD, MONIKA BRADL, PHD, MATTHIAS KLEIN, PHD, MARIANNE LEISSER, TA, THOMAS L. DECKWERTH, PHD, HARTMUT WEKERLE, MD, AND HANS LASSMANN, MD. Vienna Austria, Martinsried, Germany, and San Diego, California Axon Loss in the Spinal Cord Determines Permanent Neurological Disability in an ‘Antaal Model of Multiple Sclerosis. JEROME R. WUJEK, PHD, CARL BJARTMAR, MD, PHD, Epwarb RICHER, BA, RICHARD M. RANSOHOFF, MD, MIN Yu, MD, VINCENT K. TUOHY, PHD, AND BRUCE D. TRAPP, PHD. Cleveland, Ohio j Morphological and Biochemical Correlations of Abnormal Tau Filaments in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. MAKIO TAKAHASHI, MD, KAREN M. WEIDENHEIM, MD, DENNIS W. DicksON, MD, AND HANNA KSIEZAK-REDING, PHD Bronx, New York, Jacksonville, Florida, and Kyoto, Japan .............00000000000++ celstaeia Structure of the Cerebral Cortex in Men and Women. THEODORE RABINOWICZ, MD (DECEASED), JEAN MACDONALD- COMBER PETETOT, AIBMS, PETER S. GARTSIDE, PHD, DAvID SHEYN, TONY SHEYN, AND GABRIELLE M. DE COURTEN- Myers, MD. Lausanne, Switzerland and Cincinnati, Ohio ............. Histopathological-Molecular Genetic Correlations in Referral Pathologist Seeneed: Low-Grade “Oligodendrogli- oma.” HIKARU SASAKI, MD, MAGDALENA C. ZLATESCU, MD, REBECCA A. BETENSKY, PHD, LOK! B. JoHNK, ANDREA N. CuTONE, J. GREGORY CAIRNCROSS, MD, AND Davip N. Louis, MD. pecker Massachusetts and London, Ontario Canada ses Spontaneous Axonal Regeneration in Rodent Spinal Cord After lochoule ladury. M. VON EULER, MD, PHD, A. M JANSON, MD, PHD, J. O. LARSEN, MD, PHD, A. SEIGER, PHD, L. FoRNo, MD, M. B. BUNGE, PHD, AND E. SUNDSTROM, PHD. Stockholm, Sweden, Aarhus, Denmark, Palo Alto, California, and Miami, Florida ' Temporal Expression Pattern of Cerebrovascular Endothelial Cell Alkaline Phosphatase During Human Gestation. JOHN A. ANSTROM, PHD, WILLIAM R. BROWN, PHD, Dixon M. Moopy, MD, CLARA R. THORE, PHD, VENKATA R. CHALLA, MD, AND STEVEN M. BLock, MD. Winston-Salem, North Carolina . Accumulation of B-Amyloid Precursor Protein in Axons Correlates with CNS Expression of SIV gp4l. J. | MANKOWSKI, DVM, PHD, S. E. QUEEN, BS, P. M. TARWATER, PHD, K. J. Fox, MS, AND V. H. Perry, MA, DPuit Baltimore, Marvland and Sinsilinthinidees United Kingdom eeshakbiGaes sidtua Enhanced Expression of NGF Receptors in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions. PAOLA VALDO, PHD, CHIARA STEGAGNO, MD, SARA Mazzucco, MD, ELIsA ZULIANI, GIANLUIGI ZANUSSO, MD, PHD, GiusEppE Moretto, MD, Cepric S. RAINE, PHD, DSc, FRCPATH, AND BRUNO BoneTTi, MD, PHD. Verona and Belluno, Italy and Bronx, New York Book Review Pathology of Skeletal Muscle, 2nd Edition. Stirling Carpenter and George Karpati., eds. (REID HEFFNER, MD) Book Received Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Disorders. Mark Mattson, ed. (MNH) NUMBER 2, FEBRUARY, 2002 Fifty Ways to Make a Neuron: Shifts in Stem Cell Hierarchy and Their Implications for Neuropathology and CNS Repair. MARIUS WERNIG, MD AND OLIVER BRUSTLE, MD. Bonn, German) Expression of Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase (E.C. in the Parkinsonian Brain. RICHARD B. PARSONS PHD, Marie-Louise SMitH, PHD, ADRIAN C. WILLIAMS, MD, ROSEMARY H. WARING, DSc, AND Davib B. RAMSDEN, PHD. Edghaston, Birmingham, United Kingdom Gis etisaeaae hm aalcnee ec eabixetpiainiahd Evidence for D-Aspartyl-B-Amyloid Secretase Activity in Human Brain. JoHN M. Ler, MD, PHD, LEONARDO PETRUCELLI, PHD, GEORGE FISHER, PHD, SONA RAMDATH, BS, JAMES CASTILLO, BS, M. MADDALENA Dt Fiore, PHD, AND ANTIMO D’ANIELLO, PHD. Maywood, Illinois, Miami, Florida, and Caserta and Naples, Ital) Blocked Gap Junctional Coupling Increases Glutamate-Induced Neurotoxicity in Neuron-Astrocyte Co-Cultures. MarkK A. Oz0G, MSc, RAMIN SIUSHANSIAN, PHD, AND CHRISTIAN C. G. NAus, PHD. London, Ontario, Canada Effects of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) on Compression-Induced Spinal Cord Injury: BDNF Attenuates Down-Regulation of Superoxide Dismutase Expression and Promotes Up-Regulation of Myelin Basic Protein Expression. OSAMU IKEDA, MD, PHD, MASAZUMI MURAKAMI, MD, PHD, Hipretosui INo, MD, PHD, MASASHI YAMAZAKI, MD, PHD, MASAO Koba, MD, CHIKAO NAKAYAMA, PHD, AND HibDeEsSHIGE Moriya, MD, PHD Chiba and Konohana-ku, Japan Evidence for Separable Functions of Tuberous Sclerosis Gene Products in Mammalian Cell Cycle Regulation. ANGELINA MILOLOZA, PHD, MARION KuBisTA, MS, MARGIT ROSNER, MLT, AND MARKUS HENGSTSCHLAGER, PHD. Vienna, Austria Altered Tubulin and Neurofilament Expression and Impaired Axonal Growth in Diabetic Nerve Regeneration. GANG Xu, PHD, CHRISTOPHER R. PIERSON, MD, YurcH! MURAKAWA, MD, PHD, AND ANDERS A. F. SIMA, MD, PHD. Detroit, Michigan Decreased Expression of Hippocampal Cholinergic Neurostimulating Peptide Precursor Protein mRNA in the Hippocampus in Alzheimer Disease. MINA MAKI, MD, NortyUkKi MATsuKAWA, MD, PHD, Hiroyuki YUASA, MD, YASUSHI OrsUKA, MD, PHD, TAKAYUKI YAMAMOTO, MD, PHL, Hiroyasu AKaATsu, MD, PHD, TAKASHI OKAMOTO, MD, PHD, Ryuzo UrDA, MD, PHD, AND Kose! OsIKA, MD, PHD. Nagoya and Toyohashi, Japan Increase of Preproenkephalin mRNA Levels in the Putamen of Parkinson Disease Patients with Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesias. FREDERIC CALON, PHD, SAM Birpbi, MD, ALI H. RAsJpuT, FRCPC, OLEH HoRNyKIEWICZ, MD, PAUL J. BEDARD, MD, PHD, AND THERESE Di PAOLO, PHD. Québec and Saskatoon, Canada Arrested Oligodendrocyte Lineage Progression During Human Cerebral White Matter Development: Dissociation Between the Timing of Progenitor Differentiation and Myelinogenesis. STEPHEN A. BACK, MD, PHD, NING LING Luo, MD, NATALIA S. BORENSTEIN, BS, JOSEPH J. VoLPE, MD, AND HANNAH C. KINNEY, MD. Boston, Massachusetts and Portland, Oregon Book Review Development of the Human Spinal Cord: An Interpretation Based on Experimental Studies in Animals. Edited by Joseph Altman and Shirley A Bayer. Ronald C. Kim, MD Results of the 2001 JNEN Readers’ Questionnaire NUMBER 3, MARCH, 2002 The WHO Classification of Tumors of the Nervous System. PAUL KLEIHUES, MD, Davip N. Louis, MD, BERND W. SCHEITHAUER, MD, Lucy B. RorKE, MD, GuUIpDO REIFENBERGER, MD, PHD, PETER C. BURGER, MD, AND WEBSTER K. CAVENEE, MD. Lyon, France, Boston, Massachusetts, Rochester, Minnesota, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Dtisseldort, Germany, Baltimore, Maryland, and La Jolla, California Commentaries on the WHO Classification of Tumors of the Nervous System. CATHERINE DAUMAS-DuportT, MD, JOHN J. KEpEs, MD, FRSM, AND Lucy BALIAN RorKE, MD. Paris, France, Kansas City, Kansas, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Cytonectin Expression in Alzheimer Disease. Soni J. ANDERSON, MD, PHD, PETER E. BARKER, PHD, AND M . GARY HADFIELD, MD. Richmond, Virginia and Gaither dink Maryland : Expression of Phosphatidylserine Receptor and Down-Regulation of Pro-Inflammatory Molecule Production by Its Natural Ligand in Rat Microglial Cultures. RoBERTA DE SIMONE, DSc, MARIA ANTONIETTA AJMONE-CAT, DSc, ALESsIA NICOLINI, DSc, AND LUISA MINGHETTI, PHD. Rome, Italy 14-3-3 Proteins in Lewy Bodies in Parkinson Disease and Diffuse Lewy Body Disease Brains. YASUHIRO KAWAMOTO, MD, PHD, IcHiRO AkiGUCHI, MD, PHD, SHINICHT NAKAMURA, MD, PHD, YASUYUKI HONJYo, MD, PHD, Hirosui SHIBASAKI, MD, PHD, AND HERBERT BUDKA, MD, PHD. Kvoto, Japan and Vienna, Austria Familial Danish Dementia: A Novel Form of Cerebral Amyloidosis Associated with Deposition of Both Amyloid-Dan and Amyloid-Beta. JANICE L. HOLTON, MD, PHD, TAMMARYN LASHLEY, BSc, JORGE GHiIso, PHD, HANS BRAEND- GAARD, MD, RUBEN VIDAL, PHD, CHRISTOPHER J. GUERIN, PHD, GRAHAM GIBB, PHD, DIANE P. HANGER, PHD, AGUEDA ROSTAGNO, PHD, BRIAN H. ANDERTON, PHD, CATHERINE STRAND, MSc, HILARY AYLING, MSc, GORDON PLANT, MD, BLAS FRANGIONE, MD, PHD, MARIE BOJSEN-MOLLER, MD, AND TAMAS REvesz, MD. London and Leicester, United Kingdom, Arhus, Denmark, and New York, New York The Pathology of the Spinal Cord in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. ROBERTA VITALIANI, MD, TOMASO SCARAVILLI, MD, EDUARD EGARTER-VIGL, MD, BRUNO GIOMETTO, MD, CHRISTINE KLEIN, MD, FRANCESCO SCARAVILLI, MD, FRCPatTH, SHU F. AN, MD, PHD, AND PETER P. PRAMSTALLER, MD. Padua, Italy, Liibeck , Germany, and London United Kingdom Differential Expression between Pilocytic and Anaplastic Astrocytomas: Identification of Apolipoprotein D as a Marker for Low-Grade, Non-Infiltrating Primary CNS Neoplasms. STEPHEN HUNTER, MD, ANDREW YOUNG, MD, PHD, JEFFREY OLSON, MD, DANIEL J. BRAT, MD, GEOFFREY Bowers, JOSIAH N. WiLCox, PHD, Davip Jaye, MD, PHD, SAVVAS MENDRINOS, MD, AND ANDREW NEIsH, MD. Atlanta, Georgia Two Types of Sporadic Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy. DieTMAR RUDOLF THAL, MD, EsTiFANOS GHEBREMEDHIN, MD, Upo RUB, MD, HARUYASU YAMAGUCHI, MD, PHD, KELLY Det Trepici, PHD, AND HEIKO BRAAK, MD. Frankfurt and Bonn and Gunma, Japan Books Received Cytokines and Autoimmune Diseases. Edited hy Vijay K. Kuchroo, Nora Sarvetnick, David A. Hafler, and Lindsay B. Nicholson. (MNH) are eerere ceeiavuphencaates Neuroglia in the Aging Brain. Edited by Jean de Vellis. (MNH). Letters to the Editor Commentary on “Synaptic Pathology in Prefrontal Cortex Is Present Only with Severe Dementia in Alzheimer Dis (JNEN 2001:60;929-36). DANIEL W. McKeet Jr., MD, ELiezeR MASLIAH, MD, L.A. HANSEN, MD, Jon Morris, MD .... ciacyoeteakssasisene aes ' Response to Daniel Wo McKeel, Jr., wal w ILLIAM G. HONER, MD, FRCPC, S. L. MINGER, PHD, P. T. FRAN NUMBER 4, APRIL, 2002 Cells and Signaling in Oligodendrocyte Development. JUDITH GRINSPAN, PHD. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Localization of the Neuronal Class Hil $-Tubulin in Oligodendrogliomas: Comparison with Ki-67 Proliferative Index and 1p/19q Status. CuRristos D. KaAtsetos, MD, MRCPatu, Luis Det VALLE, MD, JENNIAN F. GreDDES FRCPATH, KEN ALDAPE, MD, JAMES C. Boypb, MD, AGUsTIN LeGipbo, MD, PHD, KAMEL KHALILI, PHD, ELtas PERENTES, MD, DMSc, AND SVERRE J. MORK, MD, PuD. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, London, United Kingdom, San Francisco, California, Charlottesville, Virginia, Basel, Switzerland, and Bergen, Norway Impact of Genotype and Morphology on the Prognosis of Glioblastoma. Marriias C. Scumipt, MD, Sve ANTWEILER, NINA URBAN, WOLF MUELLER, MD, A. KUKLIK, BIRGIT MEYER-PUTTLITZ, OTMAR D. WieSTLER, MD Davip N. Louis, MD, ROLF FIMMERS, MD, AND ANDREAS VON DEIMLING, MD. Bonn and Berlin, Germany, and Boston, Massachusetts Molecular Markers That Identify Human Astrecytomas and Oligedendregiionns. BRIAN PopKo, PHD, DENNIS K PEARL, PHD, DIANE M. WALKER, BS, THEODORE C. COoMAs, MD, PuD, Kristine D. BAERWALD, PHiD, PETER ¢ BuRGER, MD, BERND W. SCHEITHAUER, MD, AND ALLAN J. YATES, MD, PHD. Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Columbus Qhio, Baltimore, Marvland and Rochester, Minnesota Cell Type-Specific Expression of Neuropilins in an MCA- Occlusion Model in Mice Suggests a Potential Role Post-Ischemic Brain Remodeling. Heike Beck, MD, Tit ACKER, MD, ANDREAS W. PUscHEL, PHD, Hast FUJISAWA, PHD, PETER CARMELIET, MD, PHD, AND KARL H. PLATE, MD. Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Nagova, Japan and Leuven, Belgium Globus Pallidus Glial Pigment ond lts C hanges with /A ge and Chronic Illness in Childhood. FLoyb H. Gi_tts, MD AND C. JANE TAVARE, MS. Los Angeles, California .... Altered Distribution of Cell Cycle Transcriptional Reguiaters during Alzheimer Disease. KELLY L. JORDAN PHD, LATHA M. MALAIYANDI, BS, AND ROBERT BOWSER, PHD. Pittshurgh and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania The Neuronal Migration Defect in Mice with Zellweger Syndrome (PexS Knockout) Is Not Caused By the Inactivity of Peroxisomal $-Oxidation. M. Bars, PiiD, P. GresseNns, MD, PHD, S. HUuyGur, PHARM., K. De Nys, MD, C. Qi, PHD, Y. JIA, PHD, G.P. MANNAERTS, MD, PHD, P. Evrarp, MD, PuD, PP. VAN VeLDHOoveNn, PHD, P. I DECLERCQ, PHD, AND J. K. REppy, MD. Leuven, Belgium, Paris, France, and Chicago, Illinois Book Received Human Polyomaviruses. Molecular and Clinical Aspects. Aame/ Khalili and Gerald L. Stoner (MNH) NUMBER 5, May, 2002 Identification of Inter-Species Transmission of Prion Strains. Thierry BARON, DVM, PHD. Lyon, France Progressive Reduction of Synaptophysin Message in Single Neurons in Alzheimer Disease. LINDA M. CALLAHAn, PHD, WILLIAM A. VAULES, MD, AND PAUL D. COLEMAN, PHD. Rochester, New York Microsatellite Analysis of Primary and Recurrent Glial Tumors Suggests Different Modalities of Clonal Evolution of Tumor Cells. EvA GOmMOrI, MD, Zso_t FULOP, MD, ISTtVAN MeszARos, MD, TAMAS Doczi, MD, AND ANDRAS Matoicsy, MD. Pécs and Budapest, Hungary ; MAP-2e, a Novel MAP-2 Isoform, Is Expressed in G Memes ond Delineates Tamer Architecture and Patterns of Infiltration. SATosHi O. SuzuUKI, MD, PHD, Ryunet Kitai, MD, JOSEPHINE LLENA, MD, SUNHEE C. Let, MD, JAMES E. GOLDMAN, MD, PHD, AND BRIDGET SHAFIT-ZAGARDO, PHD. New York and Bronx, New York and Fukui, Japan Where Does Parkinson Disease Pathology Begin in the Brain? Krectty Det Trepici, PHD, Ubo RUB, MD, Ros A.1. di Vos, MD, JORGEN R.E. Bout, MD, AND HEIKO BRAAK, MD. Frankfurt am Main and Mainz, Germany and Ensched The Netherlands Subtle Developmental Abnormalities in the inferior Olive: An Indicator of Prenatal Brainstem Injury in the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. H.C. Kinney, MD, T. McHuGH, BS, K. MILLER, MD, R.A. BELLIVEAU, BS, AND S. F. ASSMANN, PHD. Boston and Watertown, Massachusetts Abstracts—78th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc. ......................6.:0eecseeeeeeeees In Memoriam Raymond A. Clasen, MD (Lucy B. RorKE, MD) NUMBER 6, JUNE, 2002 Cell Proliferation and Tumors of the Central Nervous System. Part 1: Evaluation of Mitotic Activity. RICHARD A. PrRAYSON, MD. Cleveland, Ohio Cytoarchitectural Abnormalities in Hippocampal Sclerosis. MARIA THOM, MRCPaTH, SANJAY M. StsopiyA, PHD, ANDREW BECKETT, MSc, LILLIAN MARTINIAN, MSc, WOAN-RU LIN, PHD, WILLIAM HARKNESS, FRCS, TEJAL N. MITCHELL, MRCP, JOHN CRAIG, MRCP, JOHN DUNCAN, MD, AND FRANCESCO SCARAVILLI, PHD. London, United Kingdom Disorganization of the Desmin Cytoskeleton and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Plectin-Related Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex with Muscular Dystrophy. RoLF SCHRODER, MD, WOLFRAM S. KUNZ, PHD, FATIMA ROUAN, PHD, ELLEN PFENDNER, PHD, KAREN TOLKSDORF, KARIN KAPPES-HORN, MANUELA ALTENSCHMIDT-MEHRING, RUPERT KNOBLICH, MD, PETER F.M. VAN DER VEN, PHD, JENS REIMANN, MD, DiETER O. FURST, PHD, INGMAR BLUMCKE, MD, STEFAN VIELHABER, MD, DETLEF ZILLIKENS, MD, SABINE EMING, MD, THOMAS KLOCKGETHER, MD, JOUNI UiTTO, MD, PHD, GERHARD WICHE, PHD, AND ARNDT ROLFS, MD. Bonn, Rostock, Potsdam, Wiirzburg, and Cologne, Germany, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Vienna, Austria Hypomethylated X Chromosome Gain and Rare Isochromosome 12p in Diverse Intracranial Germ Cell Tumors. YOSHIFUMI OKADA, MD, Ryo NisHikAwA, MD, MAsAo MatsutAni, MD, AND Davip N. Louis, MD. Boston, Massachusetts and Saitama, Japan VCAM-1I-Positive Microglia Target Oligodendrocytes at the Border of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions. JOHN PETERSON, BS, LARS BO, MD, PHD, SVERRE MOrK, MD, PHD, ANsi CHANG, MD, RICHARD M. RANSOHOFF, MD, AND Bruce D. TRAPP, PHD. Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio and Bergen, Norway Argyrophilic Grain Disease Is a Sporadic 4-Repeat Tauopathy. TAKASHI! ToGo, MD, NARUHIKO SAHARA, PHD, SHU- Hut YEN, PHD, NATALIE COOKSON, PHD, TAKASHI ISHIZAWA, MD, MIKE HUTTON, PHD, ROHAN DE SILVA, DPHIL, ANDREW LEES, MD, PHD, AND DENNIS W. Dickson, MD. Jacksonville, Florida and London, United Kingdom Colocalization and Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer between cdk5 and AT8 Suggests a Close Association in Pre-Neurofibrillary Tangles and Neurofibrillary Tangles. JEAN C. AUGUSTINACK, PHD, JubiITH L. SANDERS, BS, Li-Hue! TsAl, PHD, AND BRADLEY T. HYMAN, MD, PHD. Boston, Massachusetts Neuromuscular Pathology in Hereditary Gelsolin Amyloidosis. SAR| KiURU-ENARI, MD, PHD, HANNU SomeR, MD, PHD, ANNA-MARIA SEPPALAINEN, MD, PHD, IRMA-LEENA NOTKOLA, PHD, AND Matti HALTIA, MD, PHD. Helsinki, Finland In Memoriam Miroslaw J. Mossakowski (JAN ALBRECHT, PHD AND MICHAEL D. NORENBERG, MD) Book Review Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology, Seventh Edition. Mawrice Victor and Allan H. Ropper (NICK Fer, MD) NUMBER 7, JULY, 2002 Gangliogliomas: An Intriguing Tumor Entity Associated With Focal Epilepsies. INGMAR BLUMCKE, MD AND OTMAR D. WiesTLeR, MD. Bonn and Erlangen, Germany . Galectin-1 Modulates Human Glioblastoma Cell Migration into the Brain Through Modifications to the Actin Cytoskeleton and Levels of Expression of Small GTPases. ISABELLE CAMBY, PHD, NATHALIE BELOT, MSc, FLORENCE LEFRANC, MD, NILOUFAR SADEGHI, MD, YVAN DE LAUNOIT, PHD, HERBERT KALTNER, VET MD, Sopuit MuseTTE, FRANCIS DARRO, PHD, ANDRE DANGUY, PHD, ISABELLE SALMON, MD, HANS-JOACHIM GABIUS, PHD, AND ROBERT Kiss, PHD. Brussels, Belgium, Maisons-Alfort, France, and Munich, Germany Subtractive Expression Cloning Reveals High Expression of CD46 at the Blood-Brain Barrier. Eric V. SHusTA, PHD, CHUNNI ZHU, PHD, RUBEN J. BoADO, PHD, AND WILLIAM M. PARDRIDGE, MD. Los Angeles, California Cerebral Vasculature Is the Major Target of Oxidative Protein Alterations in Bacterial Meningitis. MANUELA SCHAPER, BSC, SUZANNE GERGELY, BSc, JENS LYKKESFELDT, PHD, JAKOB ZBAREN, STEPHEN L. LerB, MD, MARTIN G. TAUBER, MD, AND STEPHAN CHRISTEN, PHD. Berne, Switzerland and Copenhagen, Denmark Neutralizing Antibodies to IL-18 Ameliorate Experimental Autoimmune Neuritis by Counter-Regulation of Autoreactive Th1 Responses to Periphera! Myelin Antigen. SHUO YU, MD, ZHIGUO CHEN, BS, EILHARD Mix, MD, PHD, SHUN-WEI ZHU, MD, BENGT WINBLAD, MD, PHD, HANS-GusTAF LJUNGGREN, MD, PHD, AND Jie ZHU, MD, PHD. Stockholm, Sweden and Rostock, Germany The Neuropathological and Behavioral Consequences of Intraspinal Microglial/Macrophage Activation. P. G PopovicH, PHD, Z. GUAN, MD, V. McGaAuGuy, MS, L. FisHeR, BS, W. F. Hickey, MD, AND D. M. Basso, EpD Columbus, Ohio and Lebanon, New Hampshire Mitochondrial DNA Deletions/Rearrangements in Parkinson Disease and Related Newwedeqnneretive Disorders. GUANGYU Gu, MD, Patricio F. REyes, MD, GREGORY T. GOLDEN, PHD, RANDALL L. WoLTseER, MD, PHD, CuriIsTINI HULETTE, MD, THOMAS J. MONTINE, MD, PHD, AND JING ZHANG, MD, PHD. Nashville, Tennessee, Omaha, Nebraska Coatesville and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Durham, North Carolina nae biateossin Intracellular Deposition, Microtubule Destabilization, and Transport Failure: An “Early” Pathogenic Cascade Leading to Synaptic Decline. JENNIFER BENDISKE, PHD, EBRU CABA, MS, QUEENIE B. BRowN, MS, AND BEN A BAHR, PHD. Storrs, Connecticut Book Received The Cerebellum and Its Disorders. Mario-Uhbaldo Manto and Massimo Pandolfo, eds (MNH) NUMBER 8, AUGUST, 2002 Tissue Microarrays in the Study of Non-Neoplastic Disease of the Nervous System. JARED GOLDSTINE, BS, Davin B SELIGSON, MD, POUNEH BeIzAl, MD, HAsimMe Miyata, MD, PHD, AND Harry V. Vinters, MD, FRCP (C), FFPATH (RCPI). Los Angeles, California and Tottori, Japan ... eee ; Cell Proliferation and Tumors of the Central Neswene System, Part II: Radiolabeling, Cytometric, and Immunohistochemical Techniques. RICHARD A. PRAYSON, MD. Cleveland, Ohio Strain-Dependent Neurodevelopmental Abnormalities in Caspase-3-Deficient Mice. Jerrrey R. LEONARD, MD, BARBARA J. KLOCKE, MS, CLETA D’SA, PHD, RICHARD A. FLAVELL, PHD, AND Kevin A. Rotu, MD, PHD. St. Louis Missouri and New Haven, Connecticut Cyclin D1 and Cyclin E Are Co-Localized with Cyclo-Oxygenase 2 (COX-2) in Py remidel Neurons in Alzheimer Disease Temporal Cortex. JEROEN J. M. HoOZEMANS, MSc, MARTINA K. BRUCKNER, PHD, ANNEMIEKE J. M ROZEMULLER, MD, PHD, ROBERT VEERHUIS, PHD, PiET EIKELENBOOM, MD, PHD, AND THOMAS ARENDT, MD, PHD Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Leipzig, German) Tin- rig sg Prevents Experimental Superficial Siderosis in Rabbits. ARNULF H. Koeppen, MD AND ANDREW . Dickson, BA. Albany, New York .......... alienate NF 1, p16, and EGFR Patterns by Interphase Cytogenetics (F ISH) in Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor (MPNST) and Morphologically Similar Spindle Cell Neoplasms. Arit Perry, MD, SARAH N KUNZ, CHRISTINE E. FULLER, MD, RUMA BANERJEE, EbITH F. MARLEY, MD, HELEN LiApis, MD, MARK A. WATSON MD, PHD, AND Davip H. GUTMANN, MD, PHD. St. Louis, Missouri and Las Vegas, Nevada Interferon-B Counteracts Inflammatory Mediator-Induced Effects on Brain Endothelial Cell Tight Junction Molecules—Implications for Multiple Sclerosis. POONAM A. KURUGANTI, PHD, JULIAN R. Hinojoza, BS, Mat JANE EATON, BS, URSULA K. EHMANN, PHD, AND RAYMOND A. SoBeL_, MD. Stanford and Palo Alto, California Increased Endothelial Vesicular Transport Correlates with Increased Blood-Tumor Barrier Permeability Induced by Bradykinin and Leukotriene C4. KAzunHiIRO HAsHIZUME, MD AND KertH L. BLACK, MD. Los Angeles California . S100A6 Overexpression within Astrocytes Ammedenat with Impaired Axons from Both ALS Mouse Model and Human Patients. DAPHNE HoyAux, MS, ALAIN Boom, MD, PHD, LUDO VAN DEN Boscu, PHD, NATHALIE BELOT, MS, JEAN-JACQUES MARTIN, MD, PHD, CLAUS W. HEIZMANN, PHD, ROBERT Kiss, PHD, AND ROLAND PocHeT, PHD Brussels, Leuven, and Wilrijk, Belgium, and Ziirich, Switzerland Book Review Epilepsy and Movement Disorders. Renzo Guerrini, Jean Aicardi, Frederick Andermann and Mark Hallett, eds (DAWNA ARMSTRONG) NUMBER 9, SEPTEMBER, 2002 Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease. ARNULF H. KoepPEN, MD AND Yves RosiTAILLE, MD. Albany, New York and Montreal Canada .......::.. , Astrocytes Are Less Efficient in the Removal of Apoptotic Lymphocytes than Microglia Cells: Implications for the Role of Glial Cells in the Inflamed Central Nervous System. Tim MAGNuUs, MD, ANDREW CHAN, MD, RALF A LINKER, MD, KLAus V. ToyKA, MD, AND RALF GOLD, MD. Wiirzburg, Germany Human Secreted Attractin Disrupts Neurite Formation in Differentiating Cortical Meural Cells In Vitro. WEN TANG, PHD AND JONATHAN S. DUKE-COHAN, PHD. Boston, Massachusetts... Differential Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A (VEGF-A) and VEGF-B After Brain Injury. Sukritt NAG, MD, PHD, MoHAMMED R. ESKANDARIAN, MD, JAMIE Davis, BSc, AND JAMES H. EUBANKs, PHD. Toronto, Canada - Severe Involvement of Ambient Gyrus in Dementia with Grains. YUKO SAiTo, MD, PHD, KE NICHE NAKAHARA, “MD. PHD, HirosHt YAMANOUCHI, MD, PHD, AND SHIGEO MURAYAMA, MD, PHD. Tokvo, Japan . Imaging AB Plaques in Living Transgenic Mice with Multiphoton Microscopy and Methoxy-X04, a ‘Systemically Administered Congo Red Derivative. WILLIAM E. KLUNK, MD, PHD, BRIAN J. BACSKAI, PHD, CHESTER A. MATHIS, PHD, STEPHEN T. KAIDASZ, BA, MEGAN E. MCLELLAN, BA, MATTHEW P. FroscH, MD, PHD, MANIK L. DEBNATH, MS, DanieL P. Ho“t, BS, YANMING WANG, PHD, AND BRADLEY T. HYMAN, MD, PHD. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Charlestown and Boston, Massachusetts Sob beebaenaasatepanss Genetic Aberrations in Gliomatosis Cerebri Support Monoclonal Tameorigenesis. JOHAN M. Kros, “MD. PHD, P. ZHENG, MD, WINAND N. M. DiNJeNs, PHD, AND JANNEKE C. ALERS, PHD. Rotterdam, The Netherlands cain BAPP and Furin mRNA Concentrates in Immature Senile Plaques in the Brain of Alzheimer Patients. Mirtc7ysiLAw MARCINKIEWICZ, PHD, DSc. Montreal, Canada ..............1...ccccsseseccecccesseccceeeees Books Received Microarrays for the Neurosciences. Daniel H. Geschwind and Jeffrey P- Gregg, eds...(MNH) The Vegetative State. Medical Facts, Ethical and Legal Dilemmas. Bryan Jennett...(MNH) NUMBER 10, OCTOBER, 2002 Plasticity-Associated Molecular and Structural Events in the Injured Brain. KAtiy KreyvANi, MD AND TIMOTHY SCHALLERT, PHD. Austin, Texas and Ann Arbor, Michigan ; Abnormal Accumulation of t?Gase Products in Muscle and Erythrocytes of Chorea-Acanthocytosis Patients. MARIAROSA A.B. MELONE, MD, GiuseppE Dt Feber, MD, GIANFRANCO PELUSO, MD, PHD, GiAcomMo Lus, MD, GiusepPpE Di lorio, MD, SIMONE SAMPAOLO, MD, ANTONIO CAPASSO, PHD, VitroRio GENTILE, MD, PHD, AND ROBERTO CoTRUFO, MD. Naples, Italv Bacirtact fatea r serrate tbody ecws carcei s eeacbta oleracea nies Declining Expression of Neprilysin in Alzheimer Dtecase Vasculature: Possible Involvement in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy. MELANIE CARPENTIER, BS, Yves Rositaitte, MD, LUC DeSGROSEILLERS, PHD, Guy BoILEAu, PHD, AND MIECZYSLAW MARCINKIEWICZ, PHD. Montreal, Canada. ..............0..cceccesecsecssccesenseesscoeeees ‘ ve Early Gene Responses of Trophic Factors in Nerve Regeneration Differ in Experimental ‘Type I And Type 2 Diabetic Polyneuropathies. CuristorpHeR R. PiERSON, MD, WEIXIAN ZHANG, MD, Yuicut MURAKAWA, MD, PHD, AND ANDERS A. F. SIMA, MD, PHD. Detroit, Michigan i Neurological Complications Associated with Spontaneously Occurring Feline Diabetes Mellitus. ANDREW P. Mizisin, PHD, G. DIANE SHELTON, DVM, PHD, Monica L. BuRGERS, BS, HENRY C. PowELL, MD, DSc, AND PAUL A Cuppon, BVSc. La Jolla, California and Loveland, Colorado Expression Pattern of Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Enzymes in Skeletal Muscle of Patients Harboring the A3243G Point Mutation or Large-Scale Deletions of Mitochondrial DNA. SterAN ViELHABER, MD, Dmitry A VARLAMOV, TATIANA A. KUDINA, PHD, ROLF SCHRODER, MD, KARIN KApPES-HORN, CHRISTIAN E. ELGER, MD, MARTINA SEIBEL, PETER SEIBEL, PHD, AND WOLFRAM S. KUNZ, PHD. Bonn, Magdeburg, and Wiirzburg, German Mutational and Expression Analysis of the VF7 Gene Argues Against a Role as Tumor Suppressor in Sporadic Pilocytic Astrocytomas. KATHARINA WIMMER, PHD, MARKUS ECKART, BIRGIT MEYER-PUTTLITZ, CHRISTA FONATSCH, PHD, AND TORSTEN PieTsSCH, MD. Vienna, Austria and Bonn, Germany Differential Regulation of Cadherins and Catenins During Axonal Reorganization in the Adult Rat CNS. KATRIN FASEN, HEINZ BECK, MD, CHRISTIAN E. ELGER, MD, AND AILING A. Lit, MD. Bonn, Germany Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Is Expressed in Multiple Sclerosis Plaques and Can Induce Inflammatory Lesions in Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis Rats. Martin A. PRoeESCHOLDT, MD, STEVEN JACOBSON, PHD, NANCY TREssER, MD, Epwarp H. OLbDFIELD, MD, AND MARSHA J. MERRILL, PHD. Bethesda, Maryland Interphase Cytogenetic Analysis of Lymphoma-Associated Chromosomal Breakpoints in Primary Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphomas of the Central Nervous System. MANUEL MONTESINOS-RONGEN, PHD, REINA ZUHLKE-JENISCH, STEFAN Gesk, MD, Jose IGNACIO MARTIN-SUBERO, PHD, CARLO SCHALLER, MD, DirnK VAN Roost, MD, OTMAR D. WIESTLER, MD, MARTINA DECKERT, MD, AND REINER SIEBERT, MD. Cologne, Kiel, and Bonn, Germany NUMBER 11, NOVEMBER, 2002 Office of Rare Diseases Neuropathologic Criteria for Corticobasal Degeneration. D. W. Dickson, MD, C. BERGERON, MD, S. S. CHIN, MD, PHD, C. DuycKAERTS, MD, D. HorouriAn, MD, K. IKEDA, MD, K. JELLINGER, MD, PHD, P. L. LANtos, MD, PHD, C. F. Lippa, MD, S. S. Mirra, MD, M. TaBaton, MD, J. P. VONSATTEL, MD, K. WAKABAYASHI, MD, AND I. LitvAN, MD. Jacksonville, Florida, Toronto, Canada, New York, New York, Paris, France, Stanford, California, Tokvo, Japan, Vienna, Austria, London, England, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Brooklyn, New York, Genova, Italy, Hirosaki, Japan, and Bethesda, Maryland Oligodendrogliomas with Neurocytic Differentiation. A Report of 4 Cases with Diagnostic and Histogenetic Implications. Ari—E PERRY, MD, BERND W. SCHEITHAUER, MD, Roserr J. B. MACAULAY, MD, Corry RAFFEL. MD PHD, Kevin A. Rotu, MD, PHD, AND JOHAN M. Kros, MD, PHD. St. Louis, Missouri, Rochester, Minnesota, Ha l ad Nova Scotia, Canada, and Rotterdam, The Netherlands Neurotoxic Damage of Granule Cells in the Dentate Gyrus and the Cerebellum and Cognitive Deficit Following Neonatal Administration of Phenytoin in Mice. HiroO OGURA, PHD, Minro Yasupa, MD, PHD, Si NAKAMURA, MD, PHD, HirosHi YAMASHITA, MD, PHD, KATSUHIKO MIKOSHIBA, MD, Pul ND HIROM MD, PuD. /baraki, Hiroshima, and Tokvo, Japan Upregulation of HSP27 in a Transgenic Model of ALS. Vicky VLEMINCKX, MSc, Puivip \ D GoFFIN, MSc, HANS Detye, MSc, LUDO VAN DEN Boscu, PHD, AND WIM RoBBERECHT, MD, PHD. Lem lei Autocrine Signaling through Ras Regulates Cell Survival Activity in Human Glioma Cells: Potential Cross-Talk between Ras and the Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase-Akt Pathway. KiyouikO SAKATA, MD, Seiya Karo, MD PHD, JONATHAN C. Fox, MD, PHD, Minoru SHIGEMOoRI, MD, PHD, AND Minoru Morimarsu, MD, PHD. Kurun lé Japan and Blue Bell, Pennsvivania Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein Is Redistributed during the Formation of Intranuclear Inclusions Independent of Polyglutamine Expansion: An Immunohistochemical Study on Marinesco Bodies. SATOKO KUMADA, MD, PHD TOSHIKI UCHIHARA, MD, PHD, MASAHARU HayasHi, MD, PHD, AYAKO NAKAMURA, SUKO KIKUCHI, 7 MizuTANI, MD, PHD, AND Masaya Oba, MD, PHD. Tokvo, Japan HIV-1 gp120 Proteins and gp160 Peptides Are Toxic to Brain Endothelial Cells and Neurons: Possible Pathway for HIV Entry into the Brain and HIV-Associated Dementia. GrorGetTte D. KANMOGNE, PHD, R. C. Ki PHD AND PAULA GRAMMAS, PHD. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and Lubbock, Texas Analysis of the Expression of Endogenous Murine Leukemia Viruses in the Brains of Senescence-Accelerated Mice (SAMP8) and the Relationship between Expression and Brain Histopathology. ByUNG HOON JronGc, PHD, J KWANG JIN, DVM, EUN KYOUNG CHol, PHD, EUN YOUNG Ler, MD, H. C. MEEKER, MS, Cureistine A. Ko RICHARD I. CARP, VMD, PHD, AND YONG SUN Kim, MD, PHD. Chunchon and Cheongju ( York, and Bethesda, Marvland .................- 1001 Broad Expression of Toll-Like Receptors in : the Human Central Nervous System. MALIKA Bsissi, RIVKA RA PHD, DyorDJE Gveric, PHD, AND JOHANNES M. VAN Noort, PHD. Leiden and Amsterdam, The Netherlands London, United Kingdom AANP Awards AANP Award for Meritorious Contributions to Neuropathology Presented to Fusahiro Ikuta, MD (AsaAo Hit AANP Award for Meritorious Contributions to Neuropathology Presented to Kurt Jellinger, MD (RoBERI D. TERRY, MD) AANP Award for Meritorious Contributions to Newson uhaleny Presented to Dikrz in S. Horoupian, MD (Ja M Powers, MD) In Memoriam Laurence E. Becker, MD, FRCPC (William Halliday) ...... NUMBER 12, DECEMBER, 2002 The Big Eye in the 21st Century: The Role of Electron Microscopy in Modern Diagnostic Neuropathology. Roser E. MRAK, MD, PuD. Little Rock, Arkansas ; Selective Neurofibrillary Degeneration of the Hippocampal CA2 Sector Is Associated with Four-Repeat Tauopathies. TAKASHI IsHiIzAWA, MD, Li-wen Ko, PHD, NATALIE Cookson, BSci, PETER DAvits, PHD, Marisol EspiInozA, MS, AND DENNIS W. Dickson, MD. Jacksonville, Florida and Bronx, New York 1040 Immunohistochemical and Ultrastructural Study of Gap Junction Proteins Connexin26 and 43 in Human Arachnoid Villi and Meningeal Tumors. HipeTAKA ARiIsHIMA, MD, KAzUrUMI SATO, MD, PHD, AND Tosttitiko KuBoTA, MD, PHD. Fukui, Japan . Long-Term Accumulation of Amyloid-} in Axons Following Brain Trauma Without Persistent Upregulation of Amyloid Precursor Protein Genes. AKIRA Iwata, MD, PHD, X1AO-HAN CHEN, MD, TRACY K. McINntosu PHD, KEVIN D. BROWNE, BA, AND DouGLaAs H. Smitu, MD. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1056 Astrocytic Deformity and Globular Structures Are Characteristic of the Brains of Patients with Aceruloplasmine- mia. KAZUMA KANEKO, MD, KUNIHIRO YosHIDA, MD, KUNIMASA ARIMA, MD, SHINJI OHARA, MD. HIROAKI MiyasJIMA, MD, TAKEO Kato, MD, MicutyA Outa, MD, AND SHu-ICH IKEDA, MD. Matsumoto, Hamamatsu City Yamagata, and Hiroshima, Japan High-Throughput Molecular Profiling of High-Grade Astrecytemas: The Utility of Fluorescence In Situ Hybrid- ization on Tissue Microarrays (TMA-FISH). Curistine E. FULLER, MD, HUAMIN WANG, MD, PHD, Wei ZHANG, PHD, GreGory N. FULLER, MD, PHD, AND Arie Perry, MD. St. Louis, Missouri and Houston, Texas Neuropathological Changes in a Mouse Model of Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy: Cystatin B Deficiency and Unverricht-Lundborg Disease. PATRICK SHANNON, MD, LEN A. PENNACCHIO, PHD, MEGAN K. HOUSEWEART, PHD, BERGE A. MINASSIAN, MD, AND RICHARD M. Myers, PHD. Toronto, Canada and Stanford, California Genetic Alterations Commonly Found In Diffusely Infiltrating Cerebral Gliomas Are Rare or Absent in Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytomas. KERSTIN KAULICH, PHD, BRITTA BLASCHKE, ASTRID NUMANN, ANDREAS VON DEIMLING, MD, OTMAR D. WIESTLER, MD, RUTHILD G. WEBER, MD, AND GUIDO REIFENBERGER, MD, PHD. Diisseldorf, Berlin, Bonn, and Magdeburg, Germany 1092 Circulating Autoantibodies Recognize and Bind Dying Neurons Following Injury to the Brain. THoR D. STEIN, BS, JOSEPH P. FEDYNYSHYN, PHD, AND RONALD E. KALIL, PHD. Madison, Wisconsin 1100 Author Index 1109 Subject Index 1112

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