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Journal of Neuroimmunology ELSEaATV IER Journal of Neuroimmunology 63 (1995) 215-216 Author Index (V ol. 63) Adelmann, M., Wood, J., Benzel, I., Fiori, P., Lassmann, H., Matthieu, Gardinier, M.V., see Adelmann, M. (63) 17 J.-M., Gardinier, M.V., Dornmair, K. and Linington, C. Gatewood, J., see Walker, W.S. (63) 163 The N-terminal domain of the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein Gehrmann, J. (MOG) induces acute demyelinating experimental autoimmune en- Colony-stimulating factors regulate programmed cell death of rat cephalomyelitis in the Lewis rat (63) 17 microglia/brain macrophages in vitro (63) 55 Andersen, O., see Svenningsson, A. (63) 39 Giegerich, G., see Weishaupt, A. (63) 149 Angstwurm, K., see Weber, J.R. (63) 63 Gold, R., see Weishaupt, A. (63) 149 Anzini, P., see Nardelli, E. (63) 29 Askew, D., see Walker, W.S. (63) 163 Hannet, I., see Strauss, K. (63) 133 Hartung, H.-P., see Weishaupt, A. (63) 149 Bakker, J.M., Schmidt, E.D., Kroes, H., Kavelaars, A., Heijnen, C.J., Havenith, C.E.G., see Walker, W.S. (63) 163 Tilders, F.J.H. and Van Rees, E.P. Hayasaka, K., see Weishaupt, A. (63) 149 Effects of short-term dexamethasone treatment during pregnancy on He, B., Navikas, V., Lundahl, J., Séderstrém, M. and Hillert, J. the development of the immune system and the hypothalamo-pituitary Tumor necrosis factor a-308 alleles in multiple sclerosis and optic adrenal axis in the rat (63) 183 neuritis (63) 143 Bassi, A., see Nardelli, E. (63) 29 He, B., see Wang, Z.-Y. (63) 79 Bauer, J., see Fiebich, B.L. (63) 207 Heijnen, C.J., see Bakker, J.M. (63) 183 Ben-Eliyahu, S., see Page, G.G. (63) 69 Heroux, J.A., see Ringheim, G.E. (63) 113 Benzel, I., see Adelmann, M. (63) 17 Hillert, J., see He, B. (63) 143 Berger, M., see Fiebich, B.L. (63) 207 Hulstaert, F., see Strauss, K. (63) 133 Biddison, W.E., see Drew, P.D. (63) 157 Bilfinger, T.V., see Stefano, G.B. (63) 175 Issazadeh, S., see Lorentzen, J.C. (63) 193 Blalock, J.E., see Lyons, P.D. (63) 103 Brengman, J.M., see Lundberg, I. (63) 9 Birger, W., see Weber, J.R. (63) 63 Jacobson, S., see Elovaara, I. (63) 47 Burgher, K.L., see Ringheim, G.E. (63) 113 Jung, S., see Weishaupt, A. (63) 149 Carlson, L.M., see Drew, P.D. (63) 157 Kanchev, L., see Konakchieva, R. (63) 125 Kavelaars, A., see Bakker, J.M. (63) 183 De Bruyére, M., see Strauss, K. (63) 133 Kehayov, Iv., see Konakchieva, R. (63) 125 Deneys, V., see Strauss, K. (63) 133 Klareskog, L., see Lorentzen, J.C. (63) 193 Dirnagl, U., see Weber, J.R. (63) 63 Konakchieva, R., Kyurkchiev, S., Kehayov, Iv., Taushanova, P. and Dornmair, K., see Adelmann, M. (63) 17 Kanchey, L. Drew, P.D., Franzoso, G., Carlson, L.M., Biddison, W.E., Siebenlist, U. Selective effect of methoxyindoles on the lymphocyte proliferation and Ozato, K. and melatonin binding to activated human lymphoid cells (63) 125 Interferon regulatory factor-2 physically interacts with NF-« B in vitro Kroes, H., see Bakker, J.M. (63) 183 and inhibits NF-«B induction of major histocompatibility class I and Kyurkchiev, S., see Konakchieva, R. (63) 125 82-microglobulin gene expression in transfected human neuroblas- toma cells (63) 157 Lassman, H., see Lorentzen, J.C. (63) 193 Lassmann, H., see Adelmann, M. (63) 17 Edsbagge, M., see Svenningsson, A. (63) 39 Leung, M.K., see Stefano, G.B. (63) 175 Einhaupl, K.M., see Weber, J.R. (63) 63 Lieb, K., see Fiebich, B.L. (63) 207 Elovaara, I., Utz, U., Smith, S. and Jacobson, S. Linington, C., see Adelmann, M. (63) 17 Limited T cell receptor usage by HTLV-I tax-specific, HLA class I Linington, C., see Lorentzen, J.C. (63) 193 restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes from patients with HTLV-I associ- Link, H., see Wang, Z.-Y. (63) 79 ated neurological disease (63) 47 Lorentzen, J.C., Issazadeh, S., Storch, M., Mustafa, M.I., Lassman, H., Enders, U., see Weishaupt, A. (63) 149 Linington, C., Klareskog, L. and Olsson, T. Engel, A.G., see Lundberg, I. (63) 9 Protracted, relapsing and demyelinating experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in DA rats immunized with syngeneic spinal cord Fiebich, B.L., Lieb, K., Berger, M. and Bauer, J. and incomplete Freund’s adjuvant (63) 193 Stimulation of the sphingomyelin pathway induces interleukin-6 gene Lundahl, J., see He, B. (63) 143 expression in human astrocytoma cells (63) 207 Lundberg, I., Brengman, J.M. and Engel, A.G. Fiori, P., see Adelmann, M. (63) 17 Analysis of cytokine expression in muscle in inflammatory my- Franzoso, G., see Drew, P.D. (63) 157 opathies, Duchenne dystrophy, and non-weak controls (63) 9 216 Author Index (Vol. 63) Lyons, P.D. and Blalock, J.E. Séderstrém, M., see He, B. (63) 143 The kinetics of ACTH expression in rat leukocyte subpopulations (63) Stefano, G.B., Leung, M.K., Bilfinger, T.V. and Scharrer, B. 103 Effect of prolonged exposure to morphine on responsiveness of Lysle, D.T., see Perez, L. (63) 1 human and invertebrate immunocytes to stimulatory molecules (63) 175 Matthieu, J.-M., see Adelmann, M. (63) 17 Stemme, S., see Svenningsson, A. (63) 39 Mazzi, G., see Nardelli, E. (63) 29 Storch, M., see Lorentzen, J.C. (63) 193 Mazzon, A.M., see Strauss, K. (63) 133 Strauss, K., Hulstaert, F., Deneys, V., Mazzon, A.M., Hannet, L., Mustafa, M.I., see Lorentzen, J.C. (63) 193 De Bruyére, M., Reichert, T. and Sindic, C.J.M. The immune profile of multiple sclerosis: T-lymphocyte effects pre- Nardelli, E., Bassi, A., Mazzi, G., Anzini, P. and Rizzuto, N. dominate over all other factors in cyclophosphamide-treated patients Systemic passive transfer studies using IgM monoclonal antibodies to (63) 133 sulfatide (63) 29 Svenningsson, A., Andersen, O., Edsbagge, M. and Stemme, S. Navikas, V., see He, B. (63) 143 Lymphocyte phenotype and subset distribution in normal cere- brospinal fluid (63) 39 Olivas, E., see Walker, W.S. (63) 163 Olsson, T., see Lorentzen, J.C. (63) 193 Taushanova, P., see Konakchieva, R. (63) 125 Ozato, K., see Drew, P.D. (63) 157 Taylor, A.N., see Page, G.G. (63) 69 Tilders, F.J.H., see Bakker, J.M. (63) 183 Page, G.G., Ben-Eliyahu, S. and Taylor, A.N. Toyka, K.V., see Weishaupt, A. (63) 149 The development of sexual dimorphism in natural killer cell activity and resistance to tumor metastasis in the Fischer 344 rat (63) 69 Utz, U., see Elovaara, I. (63) 47 Perez, L. and Lysle, D.T. Corticotropin-releasing hormone is involved in conditioned stimulus- Van Rees, E.P., see Bakker, J.M. (63) 183 induced reduction of natural killer cell activity but not in conditioned alterations in cytokine production or proliferation responses (63) 1 Pette, M., see Weishaupt, A. (63) 149 Walker, W.S., Gatewood, J., Olivas, E., Askew, D. and Havenith, C.E.G. Mouse microglial cell lines differing in constitutive and interferon-y- Qiao, J., see Wang, Z.-Y. (63) 79 inducible antigen-presenting activities for naive and memory CD4* and CD8* T cells (63) 163 Reichert, T., see Strauss, K. (63) 133 Wang, Z.-Y., He, B., Qiao, J. and Link, H. Ringheim, G.E., Burgher, K.L. and Heroux, J.A. Suppression of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis and ex- Interleukin-6 mRNA expression by cortical neurons in culture: evi- perimental allergic encephalomyelitis by oral administration of acety]- dence for neuronal sources of interleukin-6 production in the brain choline receptor and myelin basic protein: double tolerance (63) 79 (63) 113 Weber, J.R., Angstwurm, K., Birger, W., Einhaupl, K.M. and Dirnag]l, U. Rizzuto, N., see Nardelli, E. (63) 29 Anti ICAM-1 (CD 54) monoclonal antibody reduces inflammatory changes in experimental bacterial meningitis (63) 63 Scharrer, B., see Stefano, G.B. (63) 175 Weishaupt, A., Giegerich, G., Jung, S., Gold, R., Enders, U., Pette, M.., Schmidt, E.D., see Bakker, J.M. (63) 183 Hayasaka, K., Hartung, H.-P. and Toyka, K.V. Siebenlist, U., see Drew, P.D. (63) 157 T cell antigenic and neuritogenic activity of recombinant human Sindic, C.J.M., see Strauss, K. (63) 133 peripheral myelin P2 protein (63) 149 Smith, S., see Elovaara, I. (63) 47 Wood, J., see Adelmann, M. (63) 17 Journalo f Neuroimmunology Journal of Neuroimmunology 63 (1995) 217-220 Subject Index (V ol. 63) ACTH CD4* T cells Lymphocyte subsets; Immunocytochemistry; Macrophage; Mitogen Transgenic; Mouse; T cell receptor; Antigen presentation; CD8* T cells; (Lyons, P.D. (63) 103) Naive T cells; Memory T cells (Walker, W.S. (63) 163) Allele-specific PCR CD8* T cells HLA; Multiple sclerosis; Optic neuritis, TNF-a expression; TNFa-308 Transgenic; Mouse; T cell receptor; Antigen presentation; CD4* T cells; polymorphism (He, B. (63) 143) Naive T cells; Memory T cells (Walker, W.S. (63) 163) Alzheimer’s disease Cell adhesion molecule Ceramide; Interleukin-6; Signal transduction; Astrocytes; Neurodegenera- Bacterial meningitis; ICAM-1; Cerebral blood flow; Brain edema; In- tion (Fiebich, B.L. (63) 207) tracranial pressure (Weber, J.R. (63) 63) Antigen presentation Central nervous system Transgenic; Mouse; T cell receptor; CD4* T cells; CD8* T cells; Naive Myelin basic protein; T cells; Multiple sclerosis (Lorentzen, J.C. (63) T cells; Memory T cells (Walker, W.S. (63) 163) 193) Anti-sulfatide antibodies Ceramide IgM paraprotein; Polyneuropathy; Dorsal root ganglia; Passive transfer Interleukin-6; Signal transduction; Astrocytes; Neurodegeneration; (Nardelli, E. (63) 29) Alzheimer’s disease (Fiebich, B.L. (63) 207) Apoptosis Cerebral blood flow Programmed cell death; Glia; Colony stimulating factor; CNS regenera- Bacterial meningitis; ICAM-1; Cell adhesion molecule; Brain edema; tion; Autoimmunity (Gehrmann, J. (63) 55) Intracranial pressure (Weber, J.R. (63) 63) Astrocytes Cerebrospinal fluid Ceramide; Interleukin-6; Signal transduction; Neurodegeneration; Flow cytometry; Lymphocyte subpopulations; Memory cells (Svennings- Alzheimer’s disease (Fiebich, B.L. (63) 207) son, A. (63) 39) Autoantibodies CNS regeneration Multiple sclerosis; Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; Inflammation; Apoptosis; Programmed cell death; Glia; Colony stimulating factor; Demyelination (Adelmann, M. (63) 17) Autoimmunity (Gehrmann, J. (63) 55) Autoimmunity Colony stimulating factor Apoptosis; Programmed cell death; Glia; Colony stimulating factor; CNS Apoptosis; Programmed cell death; Glia; CNS regeneration; Autoimmu- regeneration (Gehrmann, J. (63) 55) nity (Gehrmann, J. (63) 55) Oral tolerance; Interferon-y; Interleukin-4; Transforming growth factor-B Concanavalin A (Wang, Z.-Y. (63) 79) Melatonin; 5-Methoxytryptamine; 5-Methoxytryptophol; Human lym- phoid cell; Melatonin binding (Konakchieva, R. (63) 125) Human P2 protein; T cells; Experimental autoimmune neuritis; Guillain- Barré syndrome (Weishaupt, A. (63) 149) Conditioning Neuroimmunomodulation; Corticotropin-releasing hormone (Perez, L. Bacterial meningitis (63) 1) ICAM-1; Cell adhesion molecule; Cerebral blood flow; Brain edema; Intracranial pressure (Weber, J.R. (63) 63) Cortical neuron Interleukin-1 8; Tumor necrosis factor-a; Interleukin-6 (Ringheim, G.E. (63) 113) Brain edema Bacterial meningitis; ICAM-1; Cell adhesion molecule; Cerebral blood flow; Intracranial pressure (Weber, J.R. (63) 63) Corticotropin-releasing hormone Neuroimmunomodulation; Conditioning (Perez, L. (63) 1) Cardiopulmonary bypass plasma Morphine; Met-enkephalin; Human monocytes; Invertebrate immuno- Corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons cytes; Lipopolysaccharide; Cytokines; Mytilus edulis; Leucophaea Glucocorticoids; Prenatal; Hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis; Thymus; maderae (Stefano, G.B. (63) 175) Spleen (Bakker, J.M. (63) 183) 218 Subject Index (Vol. 63) Cyclophosphamide Human P2 protein Multiple sclerosis; Immunophenotyping; T cells; Naive cells (Strauss, K. T cells; Autoimmunity; Experimental autoimmune neuritis; Guillain-Barré (63) 133) syndrome (Weishaupt, A. (63) 149) Cytokines Hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis Morphine; Met-enkephalin; Human monocytes; Invertebrate immuno- Glucocorticoids; Prenatal; Corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons; Thy- cytes; Lipopolysaccharide; Cardiopulmonary bypass plasma; Mytilus mus; Spleen (Bakker, J.M. (63) 183) edulis; Leucophaea maderae (Stefano, G.B. (63) 175) ICAM-1 Demyelination Bacterial meningitis; Cell adhesion molecule; Cerebral blood flow; Brain Multiple sclerosis; Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; Inflammation; edema; Intracranial pressure (Weber, J.R. (63) 63) Autoantibodies (Adelmann, M. (63) 17) IgM paraprotein Anti-sulfatide antibodies; Polyneuropathy; Dorsal root ganglia; Passive Development transfer (Nardelli, E. (63) 29) NK cell activity; MADB106; Fischer 344; Metastasis; Sex differences (Page, G.G. (63) 69) Immunocytochemistry ACTH; Lymphocyte subsets; Macrophage; Mitogen (Lyons, P.D. (63) Dorsal root ganglia 103) Anti-sulfatide antibodies; IgM paraprotein; Polyneuropathy; Passive transfer (Nardelli, E. (63) 29) Immunophenotyping Multiple sclerosis; Cyclophosphamide; T cells; Naive cells (Strauss, K. Duchenne dystrophy (63) 133) Inflammatory myopathy (Lundberg, I. (63) 9) Inflammation Experimental autoimmune neuritis Multiple sclerosis; Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; Demyelination; Human P2 protein; T cells; Autoimmunity; Guillain-Barré syndrome Autoantibodies (Adelmann, M. (63) 17) (Weishaupt, A. (63) 149) Inflammatory myopathy Fischer 344 Duchenne dystrophy (Lundberg, I. (63) 9) NK cell activity, MADB106; Development; Metastasis; Sex differences (Page, G.G. (63) 69) Interferon-y Oral tolerance; Interleukin-4; Transforming growth factor-8; Autoimmu- Flow cytometry nity (Wang, Z.-Y. (63) 79) Cerebrospinal fluid; Lymphocyte subpopulations; Memory cells (Sven- ningsson, A. (63) 39) Interferon regulatory factor-2 Major histocompatibility complex; Neuroblastoma; NF-« B; Protein—pro- Glia tein interaction (Drew, P.D. (63) 157) Apoptosis; Programmed cell death; Colony stimulating factor; CNS re- generation; Autoimmunity (Gehrmann, J. (63) 55) Interleukin-4 Oral tolerance; Interferon-y; Transforming growth factor-8; Autoimmu- Glucocorticoids nity (Wang, Z.-Y. (63) 79) Prenatal; Corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons; Hypothalamo-pitui- tary adrenal axis; Thymus; Spleen (Bakker, J.M. (63) 183) Interleukin-6 Cortical neuron; Interleukin-18; Tumor necrosis factor-a (Ringheim, Guillain-Barré syndrome G.E. (63) 113) Human P2 protein; T cells; Autoimmunity; Experimental autoimmune neuritis (Weishaupt, A. (63) 149) Ceramide; Signal transduction; Astrocytes; Neurodegeneration; Alzhei- mer’s disease (Fiebich, B.L. (63) 207) HAM /TSP T cell receptor; HTLV-I; Pathogenesis (Elovaara, I. (63) 47) Interleukin-1 8 Cortical neuron; Tumor necrosis factor-a; Interleukin-6 (Ringheim, G.E. HLA (63) 113) Allele-specific PCR; Multiple sclerosis; Optic neuritis; TNF-a expres- sion; TNFa-308 polymorphism (He, B. (63) 143) Intracranial pressure Bacterial meningitis; ICAM-1; Cell adhesion molecule; Cerebral blood HTLV-I flow; Brain edema (Weber, J.R. (63) 63) HAM/TSP,; T cell receptor; Pathogenesis (Elovaara, I. (63) 47) Invertebrate immunocytes Human lymphoid cell Morphine; Met-enkephalin; Human monocytes; Lipopolysaccharide; Cy- Melatonin; 5-Methoxytryptamine; 5-Methoxytryptophol; Concanavalin A; tokines; Cardiopulmonary bypass plasma; Mytilus edulis, Leucophaea Melatonin binding (Konakchieva, R. (63) 125) maderae (Stefano, G.B. (63) 175) Human monocytes Leucophaea maderae Morphine; Met-enkephalin; Invertebrate immunocytes; Lipopolysaccha- Morphine; Met-enkephalin; Human monocytes; Invertebrate immuno- ride; Cytokines; Cardiopulmonary bypass plasma; Mytilus edulis; Leu- cytes; Lipopolysaccharide; Cytokines; Cardiopulmonary bypass plasma, cophaea maderae (Stefano, G.B. (63) 175) Mytilus edulis (Stefano, G.B. (63) 175) Subject Index (Vol. 63) Lipopolysaccharide Mouse Morphine; Met-enkephalin; Human monocytes; Invertebrate immuno- Transgenic; T cell receptor; Antigen presentation; CD4* T cells; CD8* cytes; Cytokines; Cardiopulmonary bypass plasma; Mytilus edulis, Leu- T cells; Naive T cells; Memory T cells (Walker, W.S. (63) 163) cophaea maderae (Stefano, G.B. (63) 175) Multiple sclerosis Lymphocyte subpopulations Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; Inflammation; Demyelination; Flow cytometry; Cerebrospinal fluid; Memory cells (Svenningsson, A. Autoantibodies (Adelmann, M. (63) 17) (63) 39) Cyclophosphamide; Immunophenotyping; T cells; Naive cells (Strauss, Lymphocyte subsets K. (63) 133) ACTH; Immunocytochemistry; Macrophage; Mitogen (Lyons, P.D. (63) 103) Allele-specific PCR; HLA; Optic neuritis; TNF-a expression; TNFa-308 polymorphism (He, B. (63) 143) Macrophage Central nervous system; Myelin basic protein; T cells (Lorentzen, J.C. ACTH; Lymphocyte subsets; Immunocytochemistry; Mitogen (Lyons, (63) 193) P.D. (63) 103) Myelin basic protein MADB106 Central nervous system; T cells; Multiple sclerosis (Lorentzen, J.C. (63) NK cell activity; Fischer 344; Development; Metastasis; Sex differences 193) (Page, G.G. (63) 69) Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein Major histocompatibility complex Multiple sclerosis; Inflammation; Demyelination; Autoantibodies (Adel- Neuroblastoma; NF-« B; Interferon regulatory factor-2; Protein—protein mann, M. (63) 17) interaction (Drew, P.D. (63) 157) Mytilus edulis Melatonin Morphine; Met-enkephalin; Human monocytes; Invertebrate immuno- 5-Methoxytryptamine; 5-Methoxytryptophol; Human lymphoid cell; Con- cytes; Lipopolysaccharide; Cytokines; Cardiopulmonary bypass plasma; canavalin A; Melatonin binding (Konakchieva, R. (63) 125) Leucophaea maderae (Stefano, G.B. (63) 175) Melatonin binding Naive cells Melatonin; 5-Methoxytryptamine; 5-Methoxytryptophol; Human lym- Multiple sclerosis; Cyclophosphamide; Immunophenotyping; T cells phoid cell; Concanavalin A (Konakchieva, R. (63) 125) (Strauss, K. (63) 133) Memory cells Naive T cells Flow cytometry; Cerebrospinal fluid; Lymphocyte subpopulations (Sven- Transgenic; Mouse; T cell receptor; Antigen presentation; CD4* T cells; ningsson, A. (63) 39) CD8* T cells; Memory T cells (Walker, W.S. (63) 163) Memory T cells Neuroblastoma Transgenic; Mouse; T cell receptor; Antigen presentation; CD4* T cells; Major histocompatibility complex; NF-« B; Interferon regulatory factor-2; Protein—protein interaction (Drew, P.D. (63) 157) CD8* T cells; Naive T cells (Walker, W.S. (63) 163) Neurodegeneration Metastasis Ceramide; Interleukin-6; Signal transduction; Astrocytes; Alzheimer’s NK cell activity; MADB106; Fischer 344; Development; Sex differences disease (Fiebich, B.L. (63) 207) (Page, G.G. (63) 69) Neuroimmunomodulation Met-enkephalin Corticotropin-releasing hormone; Conditioning (Perez, L. (63) 1) Morphine; Human monocytes; Invertebrate immunocytes; Lipopolysac- charide; Cytokines; Cardiopulmonary bypass plasma; Mytilus edulis; NF-« B Leucophaea maderae (Stefano, G.B. (63) 175) Major histocompatibility complex; Neuroblastoma; Interferon regulatory factor-2; Protein—protein interaction (Drew, P.D. (63) 157) 5-Methoxytryptamine Melatonin; 5-Methoxytryptophol; Human lymphoid cell; Concanavalin A; NK cell activity Melatonin binding (Konakchieva, R. (63) 125) MADB106; Fischer 344; Development; Metastasis; Sex differences (Page, G.G. (63) 69) 5-Methoxytryptophol Melatonin; 5-Methoxytryptamine; Human lymphoid cell; Concanavalin Optic neuritis A; Melatonin binding (Konakchieva, R. (63) 125) Allele-specific PCR; HLA; Multiple sclerosis; TNF-a expression, TNFa- 308 polymorphism (He, B. (63) 143) Mitogen ACTH; Lymphocyte subsets; Immunocytochemistry; Macrophage (Lyons, Oral tolerance P.D. (63) 103) Interferon-y; Interleukin-4; Transforming growth factor-8; Autoimmu- nity (Wang, Z.-Y. (63) 79) Morphine Met-enkephalin; Human monocytes; Invertebrate immunocytes; Lipo- Passive transfer polysaccharide; Cytokines; Cardiopulmonary bypass plasma; Mytilus Anti-sulfatide antibodies; IgM paraprotein; Polyneuropathy; Dorsal root edulis; Leucophaea maderae (Stefano, G.B. (63) 175) ganglia (Nardelli, E. (63) 29) 220 Subject Index (Vol. 63) Pathogenesis T cells HAM/TSP; T cell receptor; HTLV-I (Elovaara, I. (63) 47) Multiple sclerosis; Cyclophosphamide; Immunophenotyping; Naive cells (Strauss, K. (63) 133) Polyneuropathy Anti-sulfatide antibodies; IgM paraprotein; Dorsal root ganglia; Passive Human P2 protein; Autoimmunity; Experimental autoimmune neuritis; transfer (Nardelli, E. (63) 29) Guillain-Barré syndrome (Weishaupt, A. (63) 149) Prenatal Central nervous system; Myelin basic protein; Multiple sclerosis Glucocorticoids; Corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons; Hypothalamo- (Lorentzen, J.C. (63) 193) pituitary adrenal axis; Thymus; Spleen (Bakker, J.M. (63) 183) Programmed cell death Thymus Apoptosis; Glia; Colony stimulating factor, CNS regeneration; Autoim- Glucocorticoids; Prenatal; Corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons; munity (Gehrmann, J. (63) 55) Hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis; Spleen (Bakker, J.M. (63) 183) Protein—protein interaction TNF-a expression Major histocompatibility complex; Neuroblastoma; NF-« B; Interferon Allele-specific PCR; HLA; Multiple sclerosis; Optic neuritis; TNFa-308 regulatory factor-2 (Drew, P.D. (63) 157) polymorphism (He, B. (63) 143) Sex differences TNFa-308 polymorphism NK cell activity; MADB106; Fischer 344; Development; Metastasis Allele-specific PCR; HLA; Multiple sclerosis; Optic neuritis; TNF-a (Page, G.G. (63) 69) expression (He, B. (63) 143) Signal transduction Ceramide; Interleukin-6; Astrocytes; Neurodegeneration; Alzheimer’s dis- Transforming growth factor-B ease (Fiebich, B.L. (63) 207) Oral tolerance; Interferon-y; Interleukin-4; Autoimmunity (Wang, Z.-Y. (63) 79) Spleen Glucocorticoids; Prenatal; Corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons; Hy- Transgenic pothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis; Thymus (Bakker, J.M. (63) 183) Mouse; T cell receptor; Antigen presentation; CD4* T cells; CD8* T cells; Naive T cells; Memory T cells (Walker, W.S. (63) 163) T cell receptor HAM /TSP; HTLV-I; Pathogenesis (Elovaara, I. (63) 47) Tumor necrosis factor-a Cortical neuron; Interleukin-1 8; Interleukin-6 (Ringheim, G.E. (63) 113) Transgenic; Mouse; Antigen presentation; CD4* T cells; CD8* T cells; Naive T cells; Memory T cells (Walker, W.S. (63) 163)

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