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Journal of Neuroimmunology Eee ELSEVIER Journal of Neuroimmunology 62 (1995) 209-210 Author Index (V ol. 62) Aarli, J.A., see Mygland, A. (62) 79 Gilhus, N.E., see Mygland, A. (62) 79 Adler, M.W., see Belkowski, S.M. (62) 113 Gomariz, R.P., see Delgado, M. (62) 137 Gordon, E.J., Myers, K.J., Dougherty, J.P., Rosen, H. and Ron, Y. Bebo Jr., B.F. and Linthicum, D.S. Both anti-CD11a (LFA-1) and anti-CD11b (MAC-1) therapy delay Expression of mRNA for 55-kDa and 75-kDa tumor necrosis factor the onset and diminish the severity of experimental autoimmune (TNF) receptors in mouse cerebrovascular endothelium: effects of encephalomyelitis (62) 153 interleukin-1 8, interferon-y and TNF-a on cultured cells (62) 161 Grimaldi, L.M_E., see Martino, G. (62) 169 Belkowski, S.M., Zhu, J., Liu-Chen, L.-Y., Eisenstein, T.K., Adler, M.W. and Rogers, T.J. Hansen, L.A., Willenborg, D.O. and Cowden, W.B. Sequence of x-opioid receptor cDNA in the R1.1 thymoma cell line Suppression of hyperacute and passively transferred experimental (62) 113 autoimmune encephalomyelitis by the anti-oxidant, butylated Bing, G., see Das, K.P. (62) 9 hydroxyanisole (62) 69 Bost, K.L. Hartrich, L.A., see Munschauer, F.E. (62) 177 Inducible preprotachykinin mRNA expression in mucosal lymphoid Hofman, M.A., see Erkut, Z.A. (62) 27 organs following oral immunization with Salmonella (62) 59 Hong, J.-S., see Das, K.P. (62) 9 Brambilla, E., see Martino, G. (62) 169 Hughes, R.A.C., see Rees, J.H. (62) 53 Casadevall, A., see Lee, S.C. (62) 43 Jacobs, L., see Munschauer, F.E. (62) 177 Christensen, J.P., see Marker, O. (62) 35 Jessop, D.S., Murphy, D. and Larsen, P.J. Clementi, E., see Martino, G. (62) 169 Thymic vasopressin (AVP) transgene expression in rats: a model for Comi, G., see Martino, G. (62) 169 the study of thymic AVP hyper-expression in T cell differentiation Cowden, W.B., see Hansen, L.A. (62) 69 (62) 85 Cucumel, K. and Cupo, A. Jongen, P.J.H., see Lamers, K.J.B. (62) 19 Anti-idiotypic antibodies: a useful alternative for studying the bio- chemical expression of 4/6 opioid binding sites in mammalian brain Kock-Jansen, M.J.H., see Lamers, K.J.B. (62) 19 (62) 183 Kondeatis, E., see Rees, J.H. (62) 53 Cupo, A., see Cucumel, K. (62) 183 Kress, Y., see Lee, S.C. (62) 43 Kuwajima, G., see Mygland, A. (62) 79 Dal Canto, M.C., see Liuzzi, G.M. (62) 91 Das, K.P., McMillian, M.K., Bing, G. and Hong, J.-S. Modulatory effects of [Met*]-enkephalin on interleukin-18 secretion Lamers, K.J.B., De Jong, J.G.N., Jongen, P.J.H., Kock-Jansen, M.J.H., from microglia in mixed brain cell cultures (62) 9 Teunesen, M.A. and Prudon-Rosmulder, E.M.W. Dau, P.C. Cerebrospinal fluid free kappa light chains versus IgG findings in Increased antibody production in peripheral blood mononuclear cells neurological disorders: qualitative and quantitative measurements (62) 19 after plasma exchange therapy in multiple sclerosis (62) 197 De Jong, J.G.N., see Lamers, K.J.B. (62) 19 Larsen, P.J., see Jessop, D.S. (62) 85 De la Fuente, M., see Delgado, M. (62) 137 Lee, S.C., Kress, Y., Dickson, D.W. and Casadevall, A. Delgado, M., De la Fuente, M., Martinez, C. and Gomariz, R.P. Human microglia mediate anti-Cryptococcus neoformans activity in Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptides (PACAP27 and the presence of specific antibody (62) 43 Linthicum, D.S., see Bebo Jr., B.F. (62) 161 PACAP38) inhibit the mobility of murine thymocytes and splenic lymphocytes: comparison with VIP and implication of cAMP (62) Liu-Chen, L.-Y., see Belkowski, S.M. (62) 113 137 Liuzzi, G.M., Riccio, P. and Dal Canto, M.C. Dickson, D.W., see Lee, S.C. (62) 43 Release of myelin basic protein-degrading proteolytic activity from Dougherty, J.P., see Gordon, E.J. (62) 153 microglia and macrophages after infection with Theiler’s murine Drummond, C.W.E., see Esiri, M.M. (62) 201 encephalomyelitis virus: comparison between susceptible and resistant mice (62) 91 Eisenstein, T.K., see Belkowski, S.M. (62) 113 Erkut, Z.A., Hofman, M.A., Ravid, R. and Swaab, D.F. Marker, O., Scheynius, A., Christensen, J.P. and Thomsen, A.R. Increased activity of hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone Virus-activated T cells regulate expression of adhesion molecules on neurons in multiple sclerosis (62) 27 endothelial cells in sites of infection (62) 35 Esiri, M.M., Drummond, C.W.E. and Morris, C.S. Martinez, C., see Delgado, M. (62) 137 Macrophages and microglia in HSV-1 infected mouse brain (62) 201 Martino, G., Moiola, L., Brambilla, E., Clementi, E., Comi, G. and Esumi, H., see Okuda, Y. (62) 103 Grimaldi, L.M_E. Interferon-y induces T lymphocyte proliferation in multiple sclerosis Fujimura, H., see Okuda, Y. (62) 103 via a Ca**-dependent mechanism (62) 169 210 Author Index (Vol. 62) McMillian, M.K., see Das, K.P. (62) 9 Rogers, T.J., see Belkowski, S.M. (62) 113 Mikoshiba, K., see Mygland, A. (62) 79 Ron, Y., see Gordon, E.J. (62) 153 Moiola, L., see Martino, G. (62) 169 Rosen, H., see Gordon, E.J. (62) 153 Morris, C.S., see Esiri, M.M. (62) 201 Rosenbaum, B.A., see Welsh, C.J.R. (62) 119 Moscarello, M.A., see Zhou, S.-R. (62) 147 Rosenbaum, B.A., see Sapatino, B.V. (62) 127 Munschauer, F-E., Hartrich, L.A., Stewart, C.C. and Jacobs, L. Circulating natural killer cells but not cytotoxic T lymphocytes are Sakoda, S., see Okuda, Y. (62) 103 reduced in patients with active relapsing multiple sclerosis and little Sapatino, B.V., Petrescu, A.D., Rosenbaum, B.A., Smith III, R., Piedra- clinical disability as compared to controls (62) 177 hita, J.A. and Welsh, C.J.R. Murphy, D., see Jessop, D.S. (62) 85 Characteristics of cloned cerebrovascular endothelial cells following Myers, K.J., see Gordon, E.J. (62) 153 infection with Theiler’s virus. II. Persistent infection (62) 127 Mygland, A, Kuwajima, G., Mikoshiba, K., Tysnes, O.-B., Aarli, J.A. Sapatino, B.V., see Welsh, C.J.R. (62) 119 and Gilhus, N_E. Scheynius, A., see Marker, O. (62) 35 Thymomas express epitopes shared by the ryanodine receptor (62) 79 Smith III, R., see Welsh, C.J.R. (62) 119 Smith III, R., see Sapatino, B.V. (62) 127 Nakatsuji, Y., see Okuda, Y. (62) 103 Stewart, C.C., see Munschauer, F.E. (62) 177 Swaab, D.F., see Erkut, Z.A. (62) 27 Ogura, T., see Okuda, Y. (62) 103 Okuda, Y., Nakatsuji, Y., Fujimura, H., Esumi, H., Ogura, T., Yanagi- Teunesen, M.A., see Lamers, K.J.B. (62) 19 hara, T. and Sakoda, S. Thomsen, A.R., see Marker, O. (62) 35 Tysnes, O.-B., see Mygland, A. (62) 79 Expression of the inducible isoform of nitric oxide synthase in the central nervous system of mice correlates with the severity of actively Vaughan, R.W., see Rees, J.H. (62) 53 induced experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (62) 103 Olive, C. Welsh, C.J.R., Sapatino, B.V., Rosenbaum, B.A. and Smith III, R. v6 T cell receptor variable region usage during the development of Characteristics of cloned cerebrovascular endothelial cells following experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (62) 1 infection with Theiler’s virus. I. Acute infection (62) 119 Welsh, C.J.R., see Sapatino, B.V. (62) 127 Petrescu, A.D., see Sapatino, B.V. (62) 127 Whitaker, J.N., see Zhou, S.-R. (62) 147 Piedrahita, J.A., see Sapatino, B.V. (62) 127 Willenborg, D.O., see Hansen, L.A. (62) 69 Prudon-Rosmulder, E.M.W., see Lamers, K.J.B. (62) 19 Yanagihara, T., see Okuda, Y. (62) 103 Ravid, R., see Erkut, Z.A. (62) 27 Rees, J.H., Vaughan, R.W., Kondeatis, E. and Hughes, R.A.C. Zhou, S.-R., Moscarello, M.A. and Whitaker, J.N. HLA-class II alleles in Guillain-Barré syndrome and Miller Fisher The effects of citrullination or variable amino-terminus acylation on syndrome and their association with preceding Campylobacter jejuni the encephalitogenicity of human myelin basic protein in the PL/J infection (62) 53 mouse (62) 147 Riccio, P., see Liuzzi, G.M. (62) 91 Zhu, J., see Belkowski, S.M. (62) 113 Journal ot Neuroimmunology LSEVIER Journal of Neuroimmunology 62 (1995) 211-214 Subject Index (V ol. 62) Acylation CD8* T cells Arginine; Citrulline; Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; Fatty acids; Virus-induced meningitis; Cell adhesion molecules (Marker, O. (62) 35) Multiple sclerosis; Myelin basic protein (Zhou, S.-R. (62) 147) Cell adhesion molecules AIDS Virus-induced meningitis; CD8* T cells (Marker, O. (62) 35) Cryptococcus neoformans; Capsular polysaccharide; Monoclonal anti- body; Microglia; Phagocytosis (Lee, S.C. (62) 43) Cerebrospinal fluid Free kappa light chain; IgG index; Free kappa index (Lamers, K.J.B. (62) Anti-oxidant therapy 19) Butylated hydroxyanisole; Free radical scavenging; Hyperacute experi- mental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; Lipid peroxidation; Passive trans- Cerebrovascular fer (Hansen, L.A. (62) 69) Endothelial cells; Receptor; Tumor necrosis factor; Mouse (Bebo Jr., B.F. (62) 161) Arginine Acylation; Citrulline; Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; Fatty Cerebrovascular endothelial cells acids; Multiple sclerosis; Myelin basic protein (Zhou, S.-R. (62) 147) Theiler’s virus; Major histocompatibility complex class I; Tumor necrosis factor-a; Interferon-y (Welsh, C.J.R. (62) 119) Arginine vasopressin Transgenic rat; Thymus (Jessop, D.S. (62) 85) Theiler’s virus; Persistent infection, MHC Class I; Flow cytometry (Sapatino, B.V. (62) 127) Brain Citrulline T cell receptor repertoire; y5 T cells; Variable region usage; T cell Acylation; Arginine; Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; Fatty acids; receptor transcripts; Murine experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (Olive, C. (62) 1) Multiple sclerosis; Myelin basic protein (Zhou, S.-R. (62) 147) Corticotropin-releasing hormone Polyclonal anti-idiotypic antiserum; Opioid receptors; NG 108-15 hybrid Multiple sclerosis; Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis; Paraventricular cells (Cucumel, K. (62) 183) nucleus; Vasopressin; Human hypothalamus (Erkut, Z.A. (62) 27) Herpes simplex virus-1; Encephalitis; Macrophages; Microglia (Esiri, Cryptococcus neoformans M.M. (62) 201) Capsular polysaccharide; Monoclonal antibody; Microglia; Phagocytosis; AIDS (Lee, S.C. (62) 43) Butylated hydroxyanisole Anti-oxidant therapy; Free radical scavenging; Hyperacute experimental Cyclic AMP autoimmune encephalomyelitis; Lipid peroxidation; Passive transfer Mobility; Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating poplypeptides; Vasoac- (Hansen, L.A. (62) 69) tive intestinal peptide (Delgado, M. (62) 137) Ca?* channels Cytokine Interferon-y; Multiple sclerosis; T lymphocyte activation (Martino, G. Nitric oxide; Multiple sclerosis; Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (62) 169) (Okuda, Y. (62) 103) Campylobacter jejuni Demyelination HLA; Guillain-Barré syndrome (Rees, J.H. (62) 53) Theiler’s virus; Proteases; Microglia/macrophages; Oligodendrocytes (Liuzzi, G.M. (62) 91) Capsular polysaccharide Cryptococcus neoformans; Monoclonal antibody; Microglia; Phagocyto- Encephalitis sis; AIDS (Lee, S.C. (62) 43) Herpes simplex virus-1; Brain; Macrophages; Microglia (Esiri, M.M. (62) 201) CDila Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; CD11b (Gordon, E.J. (62) Endothelial cells 153) Receptor; Tumor necrosis factor; Mouse; Cerebrovascular (Bebo Jr., B.F. (62) 161) CD11b Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, CD11a (Gordon, E.J. (62) Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis 153) Nitric oxide; Cytokine; Multiple sclerosis (Okuda, Y. (62) 103) 212 Subject Index (Vol. 62) Acylation; Arginine; Citrulline; Fatty acids; Multiple sclerosis; Myelin Multiple sclerosis; T lymphocyte activation; Ca2* channels (Martino, G. basic protein (Zhou, S.-R. (62) 147) (62) 169) Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Interleukin-1 8 CD1 1a; CD11b (Gordon, E.J. (62) 153) Lipopolysaccharide; Microglia; Mixed brain cell culture; Mouse; Opioid peptide (Das, K.P. (62) 9) Fatty acids Acylation; Arginine; Citrulline; Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; Lipid peroxidation Multiple sclerosis; Myelin basic protein (Zhou, S.-R. (62) 147) Anti-oxidant therapy; Butylated hydroxyanisole; Free radical scavenging; Hyperacute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; Passive transfer Flow cytometry (Hansen, L.A. (62) 69) Cerebrovascular endothelial cells; Theiler’s virus; Persistent infection; MHC Class I (Sapatino, B.V. (62) 127) Lipopolysaccharide Interleukin-18; Microglia; Mixed brain cell culture; Mouse; Opioid Free kappa index peptide (Das, K.P. (62) 9) Cerebrospinal fluid; Free kappa light chain; IgG index (Lamers, K.J.B. (62) 19) Macrophages Preprotachykinin; Salmonella; Reverse transcribed-polymerase chain Free kappa light chain reaction (Bost, K.L. (62) 59) Cerebrospinal fluid; IgG index; Free kappa index (Lamers, K.J.B. (62) 19) Herpes simplex virus-1; Brain; Encephalitis; Microglia (Esiri, M.M. (62) 201) Free radical scavenging Anti-oxidant therapy; Butylated hydroxyanisole; Hyperacute experimental Major histocompatibility complex class I autoimmune encephalomyelitis; Lipid peroxidation; Passive transfer Cerebrovascular endothelial cells; Theiler’s virus; Tumor necrosis factor- (Hansen, L.A. (62) 69) a; Interferon-y (Welsh, C.J.R. (62) 119) Guillain-Barré syndrome Cerebrovascular endothelial cells; Theiler’s virus; Persistent infection; HLA; Campylobacter jejuni (Rees, J.H. (62) 53) Flow cytometry (Sapatino, B.V. (62) 127) Plasma exchange; Immunoglobulin G; Immunoglobulin M; Multiple scle- Microglia rosis (Dau, P.C. (62) 197) Interleukin-18 ; Lipopolysaccharide; Mixed brain cell culture; Mouse; Opioid peptide (Das, K.P. (62) 9) Herpes simplex virus-1 Brain; Encephalitis; Macrophages; Microglia (Esiri, M.M. (62) 201) Cryptococcus neoformans; Capsular polysaccharide; Monoclonal anti- body; Phagocytosis; AIDS (Lee, S.C. (62) 43) HLA Guillain-Barré syndrome; Campylobacter jejuni (Rees, J.H. (62) 53) Herpes simplex virus-1; Brain; Encephalitis; Macrophages (Esiri, M.M. (62) 201) Human hypothalamus Multiple sclerosis; Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis; Paraventricular Microglia /m acrophages nucleus; Corticotropin-releasing hormone; Vasopressin (Erkut, Z.A. (62) Theiler’s virus; Demyelination; Proteases; Oligodendrocytes (Liuzzi, G.M. 27) (62) 91) Hyperacute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Mixed brain cell culture Anti-oxidant therapy; Butylated hydroxyanisole; Free radical scavenging; Interleukin-1 8; Lipopolysaccharide; Microglia; Mouse; Opioid peptide Lipid peroxidation; Passive transfer (Hansen, L.A. (62) 69) (Das, K.P. (62) 9) Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis Mobility Multiple sclerosis; Paraventricular nucleus; Corticotropin-releasing hor- Cyclic AMP; Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating poplypeptides; Vaso- mone; Vasopressin; Human hypothalamus (Erkut, Z.A. (62) 27) active intestinal peptide (Delgado, M. (62) 137) IgG index Monoclonal antibody Cerebrospinal fluid; Free kappa light chain; Free kappa index (Lamers, Cryptococcus neoformans; Capsular polysaccharide; Microglia; Phagocy- K.J.B. (62) 19) tosis; AIDS (Lee, S.C. (62) 43) Immunoglobulin G Mouse Plasma exchange; Immunoglobulin M; Multiple sclerosis; Guillain-Barré Interleukin-18 ; Lipopolysaccharide; Microglia; Mixed brain cell culture; syndrome (Dau, P.C. (62) 197) Opioid peptide (Das, K.P. (62) 9) Immunoglobulin M Endothelial cells; Receptor; Tumor necrosis factor, Cerebrovascular Plasma exchange; Immunoglobulin G; Multiple sclerosis; Guillain-Barré (Bebo Jr., B.F. (62) 161) syndrome (Dau, P.C. (62) 197) Multiple sclerosis Interferon-y Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis; Paraventricular nucleus; Cortico- Cerebrovascular endothelial cells; Theiler’s virus; Major histocompatibil- tropin-releasing hormone; Vasopressin; Human hypothalamus (Erkut, Z.A. ity complex class I; Tumor necrosis factor-a (Welsh, C.J.R. (62) 119) (62) 27) Subject Index (Vol. 62) Nitric oxide; Cytokine; Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (Okuda, Phagocytosis Y. (62) 103) Cryptococcus neoformans, Capsular polysaccharide; Monoclonal anti- body; Microglia; AIDS (Lee, S.C. (62) 43) Acylation; Arginine; Citrulline; Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; Fatty acids; Myelin basic protein (Zhou, S.-R. (62) 147) Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating poplypeptides Mobility; Cyclic AMP; Vasoactive intestinal peptide (Delgado, M. (62) Interferon-y; T lymphocyte activation; Ca?* channels (Martino, G. (62) 137) 169) Plasma exchange Natural killer cells; Triple antibody flow cytometry (Munschauer, F.E. Immunoglobulin G; Immunoglobulin M; Multiple sclerosis; Guillain-Barré (62) 177) syndrome (Dau, P.C. (62) 197) Plasma exchange; Immunoglobulin G; Immunoglobulin M; Guillain-Barré Polyclonal anti-idiotypic antiserum syndrome (Dau, P.C. (62) 197) Opioid receptors; Brain; NG 108-15 hybrid cells (Cucumel, K. (62) 183) Murine experimental allergic encephalomyelitis Preprotachykinin T cell receptor repertoire; y5 T cells; Variable region usage; T cell Salmonella; Reverse transcribed-polymerase chain reaction; Macrophages receptor transcripts; Brain (Olive, C. (62) 1) (Bost, K.L. (62) 59) Myasthenia gravis Proteases Thymoma; Ryanodine receptor (Mygland, A. (62) 79) Theiler’s virus; Demyelination; Microglia/macrophages; Oligodendro- cytes (Liuzzi, G.M. (62) 91) Myelin basic protein Acylation; Arginine; Citrulline; Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; Receptor Fatty acids; Multiple sclerosis (Zhou, S.-R. (62) 147) Endothelial cells; Tumor necrosis factor; Mouse; Cerebrovascular (Bebo Jr., B.F. (62) 161) Natural killer cells Multiple sclerosis; Triple antibody flow cytometry (Munschauer, F.E. Reverse transcribed-polymerase chain reaction (62) 177) Preprotachykinin; Salmonella; Macrophages (Bost, K.L. (62) 59) NG 108-15 hybrid cells Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction Polyclonal anti-idiotypic antiserum; Opioid receptors; Brain (Cucumel, K. «-Opioid receptor; R1.1 thymoma (Belkowski, S.M. (62) 113) (62) 183) R1.1 thymoma Nitric oxide «-Opioid receptor; Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (Bel- Cytokine; Multiple sclerosis; Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis kowski, S.M. (62) 113) (Okuda, Y. (62) i03) Ryanodine receptor Oligodendrocytes Myasthenia gravis; Thymoma (Mygland, A. (62) 79) Theiler’s virus; Demyelination,; Proteases; Microglia/macrophages (Liuzzi, G.M. (62) 91) Salmonella Preprotachykinin; Reverse transcribed-polymerase chain reaction; Macro- Opioid peptide phages (Bost, K.L. (62) 59) Interleukin-18 ; Lipopolysaccharide; Microglia; Mixed brain cell culture; Mouse (Das, K.P. (62) 9) T cell receptor repertoire y65 T cells; Variable region usage; T cell receptor transcripts; Murine «-Opioid receptor R1.1 thymoma; Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (Bel- experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; Brain (Olive, C. (62) 1) kowski, S.M. (62) 113) T cell receptor transcripts Opioid receptors T cell receptor repertoire; y5 T cells; Variable region usage; Murine experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; Brain (Olive, C. (62) 1) Polyclonal anti-idiotypic antiserum; Brain; NG 108-15 hybrid cells (Cucumel, K. (62) 183) v6 T cells Paraventricular nucleus T cell receptor repertoire; Variable region usage; T cell receptor tran- Multiple sclerosis; Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis; Corticotropin- scripts; Murine experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; Brain (Olive, C. releasing hormone; Vasopressin; Human hypothalamus (Erkut, Z.A. (62) (62) 1) 27) Theiler’s virus Passive transfer Demyelination; Proteases; Microglia/macrophages; Oligodendrocytes Anti-oxidant therapy; Butylated hydroxyanisole; Free radical scavenging; (Liuzzi, G.M. (62) 91) Hyperacute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; Lipid peroxida- tion (Hansen, L.A. (62) 69) Cerebrovascular endothelial cells; Major histocompatibility complex class I; Tumor necrosis factor-a; Interferon-y (Welsh, C.J.R. (62) 119) Persistent infection Cerebrovascular endothelial cells; Theiler’s virus; MHC Class I; Flow Cerebrovascular endothelial cells; Persistent infection, MHC Class I; cytometry (Sapatino, B.V. (62) 127) Flow cytometry (Sapatino, B.V. (62) 127) 214 Subject Index (Vol. 62) Thymoma Tumor necrosis factor-a Myasthenia gravis; Ryanodine receptor (Mygland, A. (62) 79) Cerebrovascular endothelial cells; Theiler’s virus; Major histocompatibil- ity complex class I; Interferon-y (Welsh, C.J.R. (62) 119) Thymus Variable region usage Arginine vasopressin; Transgenic rat (Jessop, D.S. (62) 85) T cell receptor repertoire; y5 T cells; T cell receptor transcripts; Murine experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; Brain (Olive, C. (62) 1) T lymphocyte activation Interferon-y; Multiple sclerosis; Ca2* channels (Martino, G. (62) 169) Vasoactive intestinal peptide Mobility; Cyclic AMP; Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating poplypep- Transgenic rat tides (Delgado, M. (62) 137) Arginine vasopressin; Thymus (Jessop, D.S. (62) 85) Vasopressin Triple antibody flow cytometry Multiple sclerosis; Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis; Paraventricular Natural killer cells; Multiple sclerosis (Munschauer, F.E. (62) 177) nucleus; orticotropin-releasing hormone; Human hypothalamus (Erkut, Z.A. (62) 27) Tumor necrosis factor Virus-induced meningitis Endothelial cells; Receptor; Mouse; Cerebrovascular (Bebo Jr., B.F. (62) Cell adhesion molecules; CD8* T cells (Marker, O. (62) 35) 161)

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