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Neurobiology JOURNAL OF Author Index to Volume 31 Absil, P.: see Balthazart, J. Forger, N. G.: see Bengston, L. Aletta, J. M.: Phosphorylation of Type III 6-Tubulin in Fullard, J. H.: see Lewis, F. P. PC12 Cell Neurites during NGF-Induced Process Out- growth, 461 Arnold, A. P.: see Brenowitz, E. A. Gahring, L. C., Cauley, K., and Rogers, S. W.: Kainic Acid Arnold—Aldea, S. A. and Sterritt, C.: Sites of Origin and Pat- Induced Excitotoxicity and cfos Expression in Fibroblasts terns of Migration of Vasotocin/Mesotocin Neurons in Transfected with Glutamate Receptor Subunit, GluR1, Developing Brain of the Chick, 103 56 Atkinson, P. B.: see Schmidt, M. F. Gibson, M. J.: see Wu, T. J. Goldman, D.: see Walke, W. Ball, G. F.: see Balthazart, J. Gordon, H.: see Mook-Jung, I. Balthazart, J., Absil, P., Foidart, A., Houbart, M., Harada, Grinnell, A. D. and Harada, Y.: Specificity and Develop- N., and Ball, G. F.: Distribution of Aromatase-Immuno- ment of Innervation Pattern of Xenopus Pectoralis Mus- reactive Cells in the Forebrain of Zebra Finches (Taenio- cle, 415 pygia guttata): Implications for the Neural Action of Ste- Grinnell, A. D.: see Harada, Y. roids and Nuclear Definition in the Avian Hypothalamus, Guillerman, R. P.: see Silos—Santiago, I. 129 Gurrieri, M. A.: see Silos—Santiago, I. Barnes, S.: see Jacklet, J. Bengston, L., Lopez, V., Watamura, S., and Forger, N. G.: Hafidi, A.: see Sanes, D. H. Short- and Long-Term Effects of Ciliary Neurotrophic Han, P.-L., Meller, V., and Davis, R. L.: The Drosophila Factor on Androgen-Sensitive Motoneurons in the Lum- Brain Revisited by Enhancer Detection, 88 bar Spinal Cord, 263 Harada, N.: see Balthazart, J. Berg, D. K.: see Haselbeck, R. C. Harada, Y. and Grinnell, A. D.: Regeneration of Specific In- Bixby, J. L.: see Bodden, K. nervation in Xenopus Pectoralis Muscle, 433 Bodden, K. and Bixby, J. L.: CRYP-2: A Receptor-Type Ty- Harada, Y.: see Grinnell, A. D. rosine Phosphatase Selectively Expressed by Developing Haselbeck, R. C. and Berg, D. K.: Tyrosine Kinase Inhibi- Vertebrate Neurons, 309 tors Alter Composition of Nicotinic Receptors on Neu- Brenowitz, E. A., Arnold, A. P., and Loesche, P.: Steroid rons, 404 Accumulation in Song Nuclei of a Sexually Dimorphic Hegstrom, C. D. and Truman, J. W.: Synapse Loss and Duetting Bird, the Rufous and White Wren, 235 Axon Retraction in Response to Local Muscle Degenera- Bulloch, A.: see Jacklet, J. tion, 175 Biischges, A.: see Kittmann, R. Hendrickson, A.: see Yan, Y.-H. Hilal, E. M., Chen, J. H., and Silverman, A.-J.: Joint Mi- Cauley, K.: see Gahring, L. C. gration of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Chen, J. H.: see Hilal, E. M. and Neuropeptide Y (NPY) Neurons from Olfactory Choh, V. and De Boni, U.: Spatial Repositioning of Centro- Placode to Central Nervous System, 487 meric Domains during Regrowth of Axons in Nuclei of Hirsh, D.: see Winter, C. G. Murine Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons Jn Vitro, 325 Houbart, M.: see Balthazart, J. Cline, H. T.: see Witte, S. Jacklet, J., Barnes, S., Bulloch, A., Lukowiak, K., and Syed, Davenport, R. W., Dou, P., Mills, L. R., and Kater, S. B.: N.: Rhythmic Activities of Isolated and Clustered Pace- Distinct Calcium Signaling within Neuronal Growth maker Neurons and Photoreceptors of Ap/ysia Retina in Cones and Filopodia, | Culture, 16 Davis, R. L.: see Han, P.-L. Jackson, F. R.: see Newby, L. M. De Boni, U.: see Choh, V. Jian, X., Szaro, B. G., and Schmidt, J. T.: Myosin Light Deitmer, J. W.: see Lohrke, S. Chain Kinase: Expression in Neurons and Upregulation during Axon Regeneration, 379 Deuel, T. F.: see Silos—Santiago, I. Dickinson, M.: see Serbedzija, G. N. Jordan, C. L.: Morphological Effects of Ciliary Neuro- trophic Factor Treatment during Neuromuscular Syn- Dou, P.: see Davenport, R. W. apse Elimination, 29 Farel, P. B.: see Popken, G. J. Karpilow, J. M., Pimentel, A. C., Shamloula, H. K., and Foidart, A.: see Balthazart, J. Venkatesh, T. R.: Neuronal Development in the Drosoph- ila Compound Eye: Photoreceptor Cells R1, R6, and R7 Journal of Neurobiology, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 535-536 (1996) Fail to Differentiate in the Retina Aberrant in Pattern © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (rap) Mutant, 149 CCC 0022-3034/96/040535-02 Kater, S. B.: see Davenport, R. W. 536 AUTHORINDEX Kater, S. B.: see Schmidt, M. F. Elevations in Intracellular Calcium Are Sufficient to In- Key, B.: see Treloar, H. B. duce Sustained Responsiveness to Neurotrophic Factor Kittmann, R., Schmitz, J., and Biischges, A.: Premotor In- bFGF, 333 terneurons in Generation of Adaptive Leg Reflexes and Schmitz, J.: see Kittmann, R. Voluntary Movements in Stick Insects, 512 Serbedzija, G. N., Dickinson, M., and McMahon, A. P.: Cell Death in the CNS of the Wnt-1 Mutant Mouse, 275 Shamloula, H. K.: see Karpilow, J. M. Lewis, F. P. and Fullard, J. H.: Neurometamorphosis of the Silos—Santiago, I., Yeh, H.-J., Gurrieri, M. A., Guillerman, Ear in the Gypsy Moth, Lymantria dispar, and Its Homo- R. P., Li, Y.-S., Wolf, J., Snider, W., and Deuel, T. F.: logue in the Earless Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth, Mala- Localization of Pleiotrophin and Its mRNA in Subpopu- cosoma disstria, 245 lations of Neurons and Their Corresponding Axonal Li, Y.-S.: see Silos-Santiago, I. Tracts Suggests Important Roles in Neural-Glial Interac- Loesche, P.: see Brenowitz, E. A. tions During Development and in Maturity, 283 Lohrke, S. and Deitmer, J. W.: Kainate Responses of Leech Silverman, A.-J.: see Hilal, E. M. Retzius Neurons Jn Situ and In Vitro, 345 Silverman, A. J.: see Wu, T. J. Lopez, V.: see Bengston, L. Silverman, A.-J.: see Zhuang, X. Lubischer, J. L. and Weeks, J. C.: Target Muscles and Sen- Silver, R.: see Zhuang, X. sory Afferents Do Not Influence Steroid-Regulated, Seg- Singh, M.: see Miranda, R. ment-Specific Death of Identified Motoneurons in Man- Snider, W.: see Silos-Santiago, I. duca sexta, 449 Sohrabjji, F.: see Miranda, R. Lukowiak, K.: see Jacklet, J. Sterritt, C.: see Arnold—Aldea, S. A. Lund, L. M. and McQuarrie, I. G.: Axonal Regrowth Upreg- Stier, H.: see Witte, S. ulates B-Actin and Jun D mRNA Expression, 476 Syed, N.: see Jacklet, J. Szaro, B. G.: see Jian, X. Mansjoer, I.: see Yan, Y.-H. McMahon, A. P.: see Serbedzija, G. N. Toran-Allerand, D.: see Miranda, R. McQuarrie, I. G.: see Lund, L. M. Treloar, H. B., Nurcombe, V., and Key, B.: Expression of Meller, V.: see Han, P.-L. Extracellular Matrix Molecules in the Embryonic Rat Ol- Mills, L. R.: see Davenport, R. W. factory Pathway, 41 Miranda, R., Sohrabji, F., Singh, M., and Toran—Allerand, Truman, J. W.: see Hegstrom, C. D. D.: Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) Regulation of Estrogen Receptors in Explant Cultures of the Developing Fore- Venkatesh, T. R.: see Karpilow, J. M. brain, 77 Montarolo, P. G.: see Santarelli, L. Mook-Jung, I. and Gordon, H.: Acetylcholine Receptor Walke, W., Xiao, G., and Goldman, D.: A Dual Function Clustering Associates with Proteoglycan Biosynthesis in Activity-Dependent, Muscle-Specific Enhancer from Rat C2 Variant and Heterkaryon Muscle Cells, 210 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor 6-Subunit Gene, 359 Watamura, S.: see Bengston, L. Weeks, J. C.: see Lubischer, J. L. Newby, L. M. and Jackson, F. R.: Regulation ofa Specific Winarto, A.: see Yan, Y.-H. Circadian Clock Output Pathway by Lark, a Putative Winter, C. G., Saotome, Y., Saotome, I., and Hirsh, D.: RNA-Binding Protein with Repressor Activity, 117 CNTF Overproduction Hastens Onset of Symptoms in Nurcombe, V.: see Treloar, H. B. Motor Neuron Degeneration (mnd) Mice, 364 Witte, S., Stier, H., and Cline, H. T.: Jn Vivo Observations Pimentel, A. C.: see Karpilow, J. M. of Timecourse and Distribution of Morphological Dy- Popken, G. J. and Farel, P. B.: Reliability and Validity of namics in Xenopus Retinotectal Axon Arbors, 219 the Physical Disector Method for Estimating Neuron Wolf, J.: see Silos-Santiago, I. Number, 166 Wu, T. J., Silverman, A. J., and Gibson, M. J.: FOS Expres- sion in Grafted Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Neu- Rogers, S. W.: see Gahring, L. C. rons in Hypogonadal Mouse: Mating and Steroid Induc- tion, 67 Sanes, D. H. and Hafidi, A.: Glycinergic Transmission Reg- Xiao, G.: see Walke, W. ulates Dendrite Size in Organotypic Culture, 503 Santarelli, L., Montarolo, P. G., and Schacher, S.: Neuro- peptide Localization in Varicosities of Ap/ysia Sensory Yan, Y.-H., Winarto, A., Mansjoer, I., and Hendrickson, A.: Neurons is Regulated by Target and Neuromodulators Parvalbumin, Calbindin, and Calretinin Mark Distinct Evoking Long-Term Synaptic Plasticity, 297 Pathways during Development of Monkey Dorsal Lateral Saotome, I.: see Winter, C. G. Geniculate Nucleus, 189 Saotome, Y.: see Winter, C. G. Yeh, H.-J.: see Silos-Santiago, I. Schacher, S.: see Santarelli, L. Schmidt, J. T.: see Jian, X. Zhuang, X., Silverman, A.-J., and Silver, R.: Brain Mast Cell Schmidt, M. F., Atkinson, P. B., and Kater, S. B.: Transient Degranulation Regulates Blood-Brain Barrier, 393 bioloquy NeuJOURrNAL oOF Subject Index to Volume 31 Acetylcholine receptor, 210 Distributed networks, 512 Laminin, 41 Acetylcholine receptors, 404 Dorsal root ganglion, 166 Lark protein, 117 Actin-myosin, 379 Drosophila brain, 88 Lateral superior olive, 503 Action potentials, 16 Drosophila, 149 Leech, 345 Activity block, 433 Activity-dependent enhancer, 359 Ecdysteroids, 175 Activity-dependent refinement of End plates, 415, 433 Macaca, 189 connectivity, 433 End-plate loss, 175 Manduca sexta, 175, 449 Adaptive reflexes, 512 Enhancer detection, 88 Mast cells, 393 Adult eclosion/locomotor activity, 117 Ensheathing cells, 41 Mating, 67 Androgen, 263 Estradiol, 235 Medial habenula, 393 Aplysia, 297 Estrogen receptors, 77 Mesotocin, 103 Aromatase, 129 Excitotoxicity, 56 Metamorphosis, 175 Auditory, 245 Eye development, 149 Metencephalon, 275 Autoactivity, 16 Migration, 103, 487 Avian hypothalamus, 129 Fibroblasts, 56 mnd, 364 Avian, 103 Fibronectin repeats, 309 Moths, 245 Axon growth, 309 Filopodia, | Motoneuron, 263, 449 Axon guidance, 41 FMRFamide, 297 Motor degeneration, 364 Axonal regeneration, 379 FOS, 67 Motor pattern generation, 512 Axotomy, 325 Frog, 166 Mouse, 364 Multifunctional circuit, 512 Muscle development, 359 Blood-brain barrier, 393 GABA, 189 Muscle remodeling, 175 Muscle, 263 Gerbil, 503 Calcium binding protein, 189 Glutamate receptor subunit, 56 Muscle-specific enhancer, 359 Calcium, | Glycine receptors, 503 Mushroom bodies, 88 Ca** transients, 333 Glycosaminoglycan, 210 Myosin light chain kinase, 379 Cell adhesion molecules, 309 GnRH, 67, 487 Cell counting, 166 Growth cone motility, 379 Cell culture, 16, 297 Growth cone, | Navigation, | Nerve growth factor, 77, 461 Cell death, 275 Growth cones, 219 Cell-cell interaction, 149 Nerve regeneration, 476 Cerebral cortex, 77 Herbimycin, 404 Nervous system, 283 cCCfhhoors,no dm5ra6ot iitni n resaulrfraatne,g em21e0n t, 325 HH oyrpomgoonnea daalc,c um6u7l ation, 235 NNNeeeuuurrriaatlle defveoovrleumltaoitpoimno,en n, t2,44 56 11 49 Ciliary ganglion, 404 Neurometamorphosis, 245 Ciliary neurotrophic factor, 263, 364 Immunocytochemistry, 189 Neuromuscular junction, 415, 433 Circadian clock, 117 Immunoreactive cells, 129 Neuromuscular, 29 Circadian rhythm, 16 In situ hybridization, 379 Neuronal growth, 219 Clock output pathways, 117 In situ, 345 Neuronal survival, 333 Clustering, 210 In vitro, 345 Neuronal, 404 CNTF, 364 In vivo imaging, 219 Neuropeptide expression, 297 Competition, 29 Induced ovulation, 67 Neurotrophic factor bFGF, 333 Inhibition, 503 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, 359 Compound 48/80, 393 Confocal microscopy, 219 Innervation, 433 Nicotinic, 404 Insect, 449 Nonspiking interneurons, 512 Critical periods, 29 Intracellular calcium, 333 NPY, 487 Dendrites, 503 Kainate, 345 Development, 77, 103, 503 Kainic acid, 56 Olfactory placode, 487 Developmental regulation, 283 Kinetochores, 325 Organelle, | Journal of Neurobiology, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 537-538 (1996) © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0022-3034/96/040537-02 538 SUBJECT INDEX Pacemaker neurons, 16 Retinotectal projection, 379 Synaptic plasticity, 297 Phosphatases, 309 Retzius neurons, 345 Synaptogenesis, 210 Photoreceptors, 149 Ring doves, 393 Physical disector, 166 RNA recognition motif, 117 Target dependence, 297 Pleiotrophin, 283 Rufous and white wren, 235 Testosterone, 235 Polyneuronal innervation, 415 Tissue culture, 77 Polyneuronal, 433 Transcription factors, 476 Progesterone, 67 Schwann cells, 41 Transgenic, 364 Programmed cell death, 449 Sciatic nerve, 476 Trophic substances, 29 Proprioceptive reflexes, 512 Segmentation, 449 Trophic, 503 Proteoglycan, 41, 210 Sensorin, 297 Blll-tubulin, 461 Protooncogenes, 476 Serotonin, 297 Tyrosine kinase, 404 Song control nuclei, 235 Tyrosine phosphorylation, 309 Spinal cord, 263 Rap, 149 Startle, 512 Vasotocin, 103 Rat, 476 Stereology, 166 Recapitulation, 325 Steroids, 129 Walking, 512 Reorganization, 512 Structural plasticity, 219 Wnt-1, 275 Retina, 149 Strychnine, 503 Retinal ganglion cell, 379 Supravital labeling, 275 Retinotectal axon arbor, 219 Synapse elimination, 29 Zebra finch, 129

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