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Neurobiology JOURNAL OF Author Index to Volume 29 Aaronson, O. S.: see Tonge, D. A. Hammang, J. P.: see Meiri, K. F. Al-Shamma, H. A. and De Vries, G. J.: Neurogenesis of the Hancock, S., Moody-Corbett, F. L., and Virgo, N. S.: Potas- Sexually Dimorphic Vasopressin Cells of the Bed Nucleus sium Inward Rectifier and Acetylcholine Receptor Chan- of the Stria Terminalis and Amygdala of Rats, 91 nels in Embryonic Xenopus Muscle Cells in Culture, 354 Harzsch, S. and Dawirs, R. R.: Neurogenesis in the Devel- Babashak, J.: see Booker, R. oping Crab Brain: Postembryonic Generation of Neurons Baetge, E. E.: see Meiri, K. F. Persists beyond Metamorphosis, 384 Beltz, B. S.: see Helluy, S. M. Hegstrom, C. D. and Truman, J. W.: Steroid Control of Benjamins, J. A.: see Knapp, P. E. Muscle Remodeling during Metamorphosis in Manduca Benton, J. L.: see Helluy, S. M. sexta, 535 Berezovskii, V. K. and Shankland, M.: Segmental Diversi- Helluy, S. M., Benton, J. L., Langworthy, K. A., Ruchhoeft, fication of an Identified Leech Neuron Correlates with the M. L., and Beltz, B. S.: Glomerular Organization in De- Segmental Domain in which It Expresses Lox2, a Mem- veloping Olfactory and Accessory Lobes of American ber of the Hox Gene Family, 319 Lobsters: Stabilization of Numbers and Increase in Size Berg, D. K.: see Rothhut, B. after Metamorphosis, 459 Bindokas, V. P. and Ishida, A. T.: Conotoxin-Sensitive and Herrup, K.: see Soha, J. M. Conotoxin-Resistant Ca** Currents in Fish Retinal Gan- Hildebrand, J. G.: see Mercer, A. R. glion Cells, 429 Hirata, T.: see Sugisaki, N. Boer, H. H.: see Janse, C. Hitchcock, P. F., Macdonald, R. E., VanDeRyt, J. T., and Booker, R., Babashak, J., and Kim, J. B.: Postembryonic Wilson, S. W.: Antibodies against Pax6 Immunostain Neurogenesis in the Central Nervous System of the To- Amacrine and Ganglion Cells and Neuronal Progenitors, bacco Hornworm, Manduca sexta. Ill. Spatial and Tem- but not Rod Precursors, in the Normal and Regenerating Retina of the Goldfish, 399 poral Patterns of Proliferation, 233 Brunjes, P. C.: see Byrd, C. A. Holbert, T. E.: see Leblanc, G. G. Bulloch, A.: see Syed, N. Honig, L. S.: see Kroger, S. Byrd, C. A., Jones, J. T., Quattro, J. M., Rogers, M. E., Horton, S. E.: see Kroger, S. Brunjes, P. C., and Vogt, R. G.: Ontogeny of Odorant Re- ceptor Gene Expression in Zebrafish, Danio rerio, 445 Ishida, A. T.: see Bindokas, V. P. Chien, C.-L., Mason, C. A., and Liem, R. K. H.: a-In- Jaggers, D.: see Tonge, D. A. ternexin Is the Only Neuronal Intermediate Filament Ex- Janse, C., van der Roest, M., Jansen, R. F., Montagne- pressed in Developing Cerebellar Granule Neurons, 304 Waier, C., and Boer, H. H.: Atrophy and Degeneration of Constantine-Paton, M.: see Renteria, R. C. Peptidergic Neurons and Cessation of Egg Laying in the Aging Pond Snail Lymnaea stagnalis, 202 Dawirs, R. R.: see Harzsch, S. Jansen, R. F.: see Janse, C. Dawson-Scully, K.: see Robertson, R. M. Jones, J. T.: see Byrd, C. A. Debski, E. A.: see Liu, Q. Dent, E. W.: see Meiri, K. F. Kahane, N., Shelton, D. L., and Kalcheim, C.: Expression De Vries, G. J.: see Al-Shamma, H. A. and Regulation of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Doupe, A. J.: see Soha, J. A. and Neurotrophin-3 mRNAs in Distinct Avian Motoneu- ron Subsets, 277 Flanders, K. C.: see Unsicker, K. Kalcheim, C.: see Kahane, N. Kawakani, A., Kitsukawa, T., Takagi, S., and Fujisawa, H..: Fujisawa, H.: see Kawakami, A. Developmentally Regulated Expression of a Cell Surface Fujisawa, H.: see Sugisaki, N. Protein, Neuropilin, in the Mouse Nervous System, | Kawakanii, A.: see Sugisaki, N. Golding, J. P.: see Tonge, D. A. Kim, J. B.: see Booker, R. Gomez, T. M., Roche, F. K., and Letourneau, P. C.: Chick Kirchhof, B. S.: see Mercer, A. R. Sensory Neuronal Growth Cones Distinguish Fibronectin Kitsukawa, T.: see Kawakami, A. from Laminin by Making Substratum Contacts that Re- Kitsukawa, T.: see Sugisaki, N. semble Focal Contacts, 18 Knapp, P. E., Benjamins, J. A., and Skoff, R. P.: Epigenetic Gurney, M. E.: see Kwon, Y. W. Factors Up-Regulate Expression of Myelin Proteins in the Dysmyelinating Jimpy Mutant Mouse, 138 Krieglstein, K.: see Unsicker, K. Journal of Neurobiology, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 553-554 (1996) Kroger, S., Horton, S. E., and Honig, L. S.: The Developing © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Avian Retina Expresses Agrin Isoforms during Synapto- CCC 0022-3034/96/040553-02 genesis, 165 553 554 AUTHOR INDEX Kwon, Y. W. and Gurney, M. E.: Brain-Derived Neuro- choline Receptors Stably Expressed in a Mouse Fibroblast trophic Factor Transiently Stabilizes Silent Synapses On Cell Line, 115 Developing Neuromuscular Junctions, 503 Ruchhoeft, M. L.: see Helluy, S. M. Laessing, U. and Stuermer, C. A. O.: Spatiotemporal Pat- Sartor, B. M.: see Unsicker, K. tern of Retinal Ganglion Cell Differentiation Revealed by Schacher, S.: see Sun, Z.-Y. the Expression of Neurolin in Embryonic Zebrafish, 65 Schmidt, J. T. and Lemere, C. A.: Rapid Activity-Depen- Langworthy, K. A.: see Helluy, S. M. dent Sprouting of Optic Fibers into a Local Area Dener- Leblanc, G. G. and Holbert, T. E.: Hensen’s Node Regulates vated by Application of Beta-Bungarotoxin in Goldfish Avian Neural Crest Differentiation in vitro, 249 Tectum, 75 Lemere, C. A.: see Schmidt, J. T. Shankland, M.: see Berezovskii, V. K. Letourneau, P. C.: see Gomez, T. M. Shelton, D. L.: see Kahane, N. Levitan, I. B.: see Lockhart, S. T. Shimizu, T.: see Soha, J. A. Liem, R. K. H.: see Chien, C.-L. Shoemaker, K. L.: see Robertson, R. M. Liu, Q. and Debski, E. A.: Optic Nerve-Dependent Changes Skoff, R. P.: see Knapp, P. E. in Adult Frog Tectal Cell Phenotypes, 517 Soha, J. A., Shimizu, T., and Doupe, A. J.: Development of Liu, S.: see Nordlander, R. H. the Catecholaminergic Innervation of the Song System of Lockhart, S. T., Levitan, I. B., and Pikielny, C. W.: Ag, a the Male Zebra Finch, 473 Novel Protein Secreted from Ap/ysia Glia, 35 Soha, J. M. and Herrup, K.: Abnormal Purkinje Cell Den- drites in Lurcher Chimeric Mice Result from a Deaffer- Macdonald, R. E.: see Hitchcock, P. F. entation-Induced Atrophy, 330 Mason, C. A.: see Chien, C.-L. Stuermer, C. A. O.: see Laessing, U. Meier, C.: see Unsicker, K. Sugisaki, N., Hirata, T., Naruse, I., Kawakami, A., Kitsu- Meiri, K. F., Hammang, J. P., Dent, E. W., and Baetge, kawa, T., and Fujisawa, H.: Positional Cues that Are E. E.: Mutagenesis of ser*! to ala Inhibits the Association Strictly Localized in the Telencephalon Induce Preferen- of GAP-43 with the Membrane Skeleton of GAP-43-De- tial Growth of Mitral Cell Axons, 127 ficient PC12B Cells: Effects on Cell Adhesion and the Sun, Z.-Y. and Schacher, S.: Tetanic Stimulation and Cyclic Composition of Neurite Cytoskeleton and Membrane, Adenosine Monophosphate Regulate Segregation of Pre- 213 synaptic Inputs on a Common Postsynaptic Target Neu- Mercer, A. R., Kirchhof, B. S., and Hildebrand, J. G.: En- ron in vitro, 183 hancement by Serotonin of the Growth in vitro of Anten- Syed, N., Richardson, P., and Bulloch, A.: Ciliary Neuro- nal Lobe Neurons of the Sphinx Moth Manduca Sexta, trophic Factor, Unlike Nerve Growth Factor, Supports 49 Neurite Outgrowth but not Synapse Formation by Adult Montagne-Wajer, C.: see Janse, C. Lymnaea Neurons, 293 Moody-Corbett, F. L.: see Hancock, S. Morton, D. B.: Neuropeptide-Stimulated Cyclic Guanosine Takagi, S.: see Kawakami, A. Monophosphate Immunoreactivity in the Neurosecre- Tonge, D. A., Aaronson, O. S., Golding, J. P., and Jaggers, tory Terminals ofa Neurohemal Organ, 341 D.: Cellular Migration and Axonal Outgrowth from Adult Mammalian Peripheral Nerves in vitro, 151 Naruse, I.: see Sugisaki, N. Truman, J. W.: see Hegstrom, C. D. Nordlander, R. H. and Liu, S.: Axons of Xenopus Neural Truman, J. W.: see Witten, J. L. Tube Respond to Reversals of Neural Tube Orientation, 490 Unsicker, K., Meier, C., Krieglstein, K., Sartor, B. M., and Flanders, K. C.: Expression, Localization, and Function Pikielny, C. W.: see Lockhart, S. T. of Transforming Growth Factor-@s in Embryonic Chick Spinal Cord, Hindbrain, and Dorsal Root Ganglia, 262 Quattro, J. M.: see Byrd, C. A. van der Roest, M.: see Janse, C. Renteria, R. C. and Constantine-Paton, M.: Exogenous Ni- VanDeRyt, J. T.: see Hitchcock, P. F. tric Oxide Causes Collapse of Retinal Ganglion Cell Axo- Vijayaraghavan, S.: see Rothhut, B. nal Growth Cones Jn Vitro, 415 Virgo, N. S.: see Hancock, S. Richardson, P.: see Syed, N. Vogt, R. G.: see Byrd, C. A. Robertson, R. M., Xu, H., Shoemaker, K. L., and Dawson- Scully, K.: Exposure to Heat Shock Affects Thermosensi- Wilson, S. W.: see Hitchcock, P. F. tivity of the Locust Flight System, 367 Witten, J. L. and Truman, J. W.: Developmental Plasticity Roche, F. K.: see Gomez, T. M. Rogers, M. E.: see Byrd, C. A. of Neuropeptide Expression in Motoneurons of the Moth, Romano, S. J.: see Rothhut, B. Manduca sexta: Steroid Hormone Regulation, 99 Rothhut, B., Romano, S. J., Vijayaraghavan, S., and Berg, D. K.: Post-Translational Regulation of Neuronal Acetyl- Xu, H.: see Robertson, R. M. biology NeuJOURrNAL oOF Subject Index to Volume 29 ACh receptor channels, 354 FMRFamide peptides, 99 Nerve growth factor, 151, 277 Agrin, 165 Focal contact, 18 Nerve regeneration, 151 a-internexin, 304 Frog embryo, 490 Nervous system, 262 Anteroposterior polarity, 490 Neural crest, 249 Aplysia, 35, 183 GAP-43, 213 Neurite growth, 262 Arachidonic acid, 75 Gene expression, 445 Neuroblasts, 384 Avian embryo, 249 Glial marker, 35 Neurofilament, 304 Axon guidance, 127 Granule cell, 330 Neurogenesis, 91, 319, 384 Axonal growth cones, 415 Growth cone, 18, 490 Neurogenesis cell death, 233 Axonal guidance, 490 Guanylyl cyclase, 341 Neuromodulation, 49 Axonal outgrowth, 151 Neuromuscular junctions, 503 Neuron circuit formation, | BAY-K-8644, 429 Heat shock, 367 Neuronal ACh receptors, 115 Beta-bungarotoxin, 75 Hensen’s node, 249 Neuronal cell interaction, | Brain injury, 399 Homarus americanus, 459 Neuronal death, 202 Brain-derived neurotrophic factor Homeodomain protein, 319 Neuronal degeneration, 202 (BDNF), 503 5-hydroxytryptamine, 49 Neuro-peptide, 319 Neuropeptides, 99 Calmodulin, 213 Immunocytochemistry, 65 Neurotransmitter phenotype, 91 Catecholamines, 473 Immunocytochemistry, 262, 399 Neurotrophic factor, 293 cDNA cloning, | Immunostaining, 35 Neurotrophin, 277 Cell adhesion molecule, 65 In situ hybridization, 35, 65, 262 Neurotrophin 4/5 (NT 4/5), 503 Cell lineage, 249 Insect, 233, 367 Neurotrophin gene family, 503 Cell proliferation, 399 Integrin, 18 Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), 503 Inward rectifier channels, 354 Nicotinic receptors, 115 Cell surface molecule, | Nitric oxide, 415 Cerebellum, 304, 330 cGMP, 341 Jimpy mouse, 138 Chick, 165 Odorant receptors, 445 Chick embryo, 277 Kolmer-Agduhr cells, 490 Okadaic acid, 115 Competition, 183 Olfaction, 459 Crustacean, 459 Larval development, 384 Olfactory lobe, 49 Culture, 293 Lateral motor column, 277 Olfactory neuron, 445 Cyclic AMP, 115 Lateral olfactory tract, 127 Oligodendrocytes, 138 Cytoskeleton, 213 Learning, 473 w-agatoxin, 429 w-conotoxin, 429 Limbic system, 91 Deafferentation, 330 Optic tectum, 517 Organotypic culture, 127 Decapod, 459 Macrophages, 151 Outgrowth, 293 Decapod crustacea, 384 Manduca, 341 Deutocerebrum, 459 Manduca sexta, 535 Development, 49, 304, 473 Metamorphosis, 384, 535 Parallel fiber, 304 Developmental plasticity, 99 Mitral cell axon, 127 Pax genes, 399 Differentiation, 249 Mollusc, 202, 293 PC 12 cells, 213 Motoneurons, 99 Peptidergic neurons, 202 Ecdysteroid, 535 Mouse nervous system, 127 Phospholipase A>, 75 Embryonic skeletal muscle, 354 Mouse nervous tissues, | Phosphotyrosine, 18 Extracellular matrix, 165 Muscle remodeling, 535 Placode, 445 Myelin, 138 Post-reproductive period, 202 Fibronectin, 18 Myelin basic protein, 138 Potassium channels, 354 Flight, 367 Myonuclei, 535 Proteolipid protein, 138 Journal of Neurobiology, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 555-556 (1996) © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0022-3034/96/040555-02 556 SUBJECT INDEX Receptor assembly, 115 Steroid hormones, 99 Transfection, 213 Regulated expression, 65 Substance P, 517 trkB, 277 Retina, 165 Suramin, 151 trkC, 277 Retinal ganglion cell, 415, 429 Synapse elimination, 183 Trophospongium, 35 Retinotectal projection, 75 Synapse formation, 183 Tyrosine hydroxylase, 473 RGC differentiation, 65 Synaptogenesis, 165, 293 Vasopressin, 91 Secreted protein, 35 Tadpole retina, 415 Visual development, 517 Segmentation, 319 Target dependent cell death, 330 Visual plasticity, 517 Serotonin, 517 Teleost, 429 Sexual differentiation, 91 Temperature, 367 Silent synapses, 503 Tetanus, 183 Wingbeat frequency, 367 Songbird, 473 TGF-8, 262 Sprouting, 75 Transcriptional regulators, 399 Zebrafish, 445

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