Journal of MONETARY ECONOMICS ELSEVIER Journal of Monetary Economics 48 (2001) 651-652 Author index to volume 48 (2001) Aadland, D., High frequency real business cycles Agell, J. and M. Persson, On the analytics of the dynamic Laffer curve Amato, J.D. and N.R. Swanson, The real-time predictive content of money for output Aoki, K., Optimal monetary policy responses to relative-price changes Bekaert, G., R.J. Hodrick and D.A. Marshall, Peso problem explanations for term structure anomalies Bomfim, A.N., Measurement error in general equilibrium: the aggregate effects of noisy economic indicators Caballero, R.J. and A. Krishnamurthy, International and domestic collateral constraints in a model of emerging market crises Carlino, G.A., see S. Chatterjee Chatterjee, S. and G.A. Carlino, Aggregate metropolitan employment growth and the deconcentration of metropolitan employment Chen, N.-K., Bank net worth, asset prices and economic activity Daniel, B.C., The fiscal theory of the price level in an open economy Davis, S.J. and J. Haltiwanger, Sectoral job creation and destruction responses to oi price changes Duffee, G.R. and C. Zhou, Credit derivatives in banking: Useful tools for managing risk? Ellison, M. and N. Valla, Learning, uncertainty and central bank activism economy with strategic interactions Flodén, M., The effectiveness of government debt and transfers as insurance Gomes, J., J.G reenwood and S. Rebelo, Equilibrium unemployment Greenwood, J., see J.G omes Haltiwanger, J., see S.J. Davis Hodrick, R.J., see G. Bekaert Huang, K.X.D. and Z. Liu, Production chains and general equilibrium aggregate dynamics Huggett, M. and S. Ospina, Does productivity growth fall after the adoption of new technology ? Huggett, M. and S. Ospina, Aggregate precautionary savings: when is the third derivative irrelevant? PH: S0304-3932(01)00089-7