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Influence of Concrete Tepnesisltee Dosti on Com- Bonolotti MTNov. 994,4 p 542p-55643.2 -363 Beams, supports Creep and i Deflections of RC Beams i Steel Fibers, Kiang-Hwee Tan, P. Paramasanid vKaah-Cmha i Tan, MT Nov.94 , p474-494. A Keds and Mohamed N. Abou Zaid, MT Aug 94p 357-375 Blocks Thermal Conductivity of Earth Blocks, Joe O. AkinmusuMrTu A,ug . 94, p341-351. Bond stress Aging Effect on Bond Strength inC omposite a Yasser M. Hunaiti, MT Nov. 94, Aging Effect on Bond Strength inC omposite tions,Y asser M. HunaiMtTi N,ov . 94, p469- Carbon and Steel ~~ ye <-y ~ Ce- ment-Based Com for in Nemkumar Benthie and Sylvie eben MT Fe94b, p.88-9 9. Bricks Thermal Conductivity of Earth Blocks, Joe O. AkinmMuT Asug.u 94r, pu341,-35 1. FE te of Weathered Rolled Beam "Made of Steel, Pedro Albreacnhd tCa - mille Shabshab, MT Aug. 94, p407-428. Cast iron Behavies ofC ost-ison Solin Gate Wheels, Di- mos Polyzois and alter)J . Muzyczka,M T Nov. 94, p495-512. Cements Admixture N Elites, MT Aue 38 9342-336. and Ft. A Dalghenatin, MT Feb 94, aie te oe aa Asphalt cemeat men BasedC omposite for Thin Repair Use of Gel-Permeation Chromatographyi n Fe94b, p.88-9 9. Sir nese. of Asphalt, Norman W. Aug. on p376-389. we ny A ee Com- Sandwich-PanelF . oye oo and Lorna J. a “7 to Ari p100-116. Wahhab Flexural of Fiber CementitioCuosm- gasies Mohamed MMaaalesj and Victor C. Li, Aug. 94, p390-406. Fiexural/Tensile-Strength Ratio in Engineered and Victor C. Li, Mi Nov. 94,p 313-528. i tecestan Matasiel 0 Cement 1 Joo-Hwa Tay and Kuan- Yeow Show, MT Feb. 94, p23-33. 1994 ANNUAL INDEX Composite structures en gy OoO S Rainy Eis on Bond Semagh ip Conggeie See Saeed Baghabra i, Sahel N.Ji Abdul- os Hunaiti, MT Nov.9 4, p469- ne and — MT p201-222. eaten of Coneents Soest Cunt Cop, at sCoemneen t Sytem AmTinE R p100-116. Reinforced Cement i Compression tests ‘and Prosting Teowiag Cycles, Parviz Shashidhara Manri- Compression PultrFuladt eShdee t eo 94, p595- = > , MT May 94, p185- Ceramics tee oy, hg gt wisn Patent —— Pultruded Flat Sheet Se Cuan, ¥ . Sakumoto,T . Okada, Seago MT May 94, p185- MtY oshidaa nd ‘asaka, MT May 94, pl69- hens ofCo ncreteT ensileD uty onC om Chemical additives Romolo MT Nov.99 4, —— ‘a Conductivity of Earth Blocks, Influence of Size on Effecoft C Akinmusuru, MT Aug. 94, p341-351. Chemical reactions Reaionmd eo HnCoo nn,cr eteC ompreFs9S9su1ei avgeh t of Silica-Fume Concrete, Safwan A. Khedr and N. Abou Zaid, MT Aug. 94, p357-375. Joo-Hwa Tay and Kuan- Yeow Show, MT Feb. 94, p23-33. Long-Ti Strength Development of Pavement Srintv as S. Yerrapranade( aSnedn eLr. Geun Concretes, DavidA .L angeM T Feb. 94, p78- Feb. 94, p65-77 Simian oCfoCr roelratead Nonstationary Lumber analysis iy eng?r ank Lam, Yin-Tang Wang and J. in Pre- MT Feb. 94, p34-53. Goinge mo Pens NormWa. nGar - Utilization of Used pat & Comm, rick, Aug. 94, p376-389. TaRr. Nuaikn, Vi ral M. Patel, Dhaval Coal tar Parikh and Mathew P. Tharaniyil, p254-263. Performance of Fuel-Resistant Sealers for As- Concrete Pavements, James E. . MT Feb. 94, p137-149. Columns Influence of Concrete Tensile Ductility on Com- Confined i . 94, p$42-563. Khedr and Aug. 94, p357-375. Comparative studies Fire Resistance of Concrete-Filled, Fire-Resistant ay ny Wet-Mix Shotcrete: Steel-Tube Y. Sakumoto, T. Okada, 1 — + — jp — 4 ee and S. Tasaka, MT May 94, p169- Mt awe eri Frost in Near- Composite Saturated . V. En K. S. Soo and K. L. Bergeson, MT May 94, 306. Inflofu Coencrnetec Teensi le Ductiloin tCoym - _Berata, Tors9 4,P 4236. Size on Effecotf Sonoka ndH Boum,M MTT F eb. Oa pleat ayia MeCaten MY Fee" 3 ae ee een Pe Gary P and Gertrudys Brito, te p280- ofF uelR enstant,Sealen "pa CMTo sFeebr. onp p1a37n-e1l49 Corrosion resistance Rebar Corrosion and Sulfate Resistance of Blast- Rasheeduzzafar ‘end’'S’ $- AiSaadoun, ‘MT May 94, p223-239. Crack propagation , ing of Hi a —- "Specimens, Dav 7.Wa nkeleveky and Itzhak Avnon, Nov. 94, 564-577. ic Cracking of Hi Controlled racking .---- Concrete i David Z. Yankelevsky and Itzhak Avnon, Nov. 94, p564-577. FleCx ural/Tehne sile-Strength 3 RatiMo ot in Eng;i neered : and Victor C. Li MA Nov. 94, p513-528. ison of Unconafndi Connfienedd-C-ree p T , 41,0 7%, R. Brown and Kee Y. FooMT, Ma y 94, p307-326. Craend eShrpinka ge Deflecotf iRCo nBesam s with Steel Fibers, i Hwee Tan, P. Paramasanid vKaha-Cmha i Tan, MT Nov.94 , p474-494. Energy-Based Failure Criterion forW Timo- thy A. Philpot, Kenneth J. oy | David V. Rosowsky, MT Nov. 94, p578-594. Curing Influence of i Seo on Eins ofC urie Soroka and H. Baum, MT Feb. 94,p 52, os Cyclic tests inivas S. Yerrapragada Feb. 94, p65-77. Dynamic loads Controlled ic Cracking of Concrete i David Z. and Itzhak Avnon, Nov. 94, p564-577. Microstructeurtal Daten Sin deep L. Starakanr, Mt F9eb4 piel: Gary P. May 93, p280-2 Freeze-thaw durability eee Fiber Reinforced asd Presi nder W reezing- Shashidhara Saturated SatesB V’ Es Pp. Performance of Fuel-Resistant Sealers for As- Pavements, James E. Shoen- . MT Feb. 94, p1 37-149. Gates Behaviag ofC ost.S een Senay Gass Whaeta, Di- mos Polyzois and Walter J. Muzyczka, MT Nov. 94, p495-512. by Characterization of Steel-Fiber Rein- Jean-Francois Trottier and ~ Banthia, MT May 94, p264-289. Nov. 94, p595- Heating Thermal Conduocf Etartih Bvlociks,t Jyoe O. AkinmusuMrTu A,ug . 94, p341-351. fFC oneepe Punt, PisoR edstent High strength concretes Y. Sakumoto,T . Okada, M Yoshidaa nd ‘asaka, MT May 94, pl69- Controlled ic Cracking of Hi Concrete i David Z. and Itzhak AvnoMTn N,ov . 94, p564-577. Fire tests Highways Fire Resiosf Ctoncaretne-Ficlleed, Fi gtd ge RA - Sse ‘asaka, MT May 94, p169- MGarPy Merkley andG erttodyBsrr iitto.o , MT May 93, p280-2 a Hot weather construction "eons meofd F Miabaerl )C aemnendtVi tiicoousr ©C omL-i, TheArkmail nCmoundsucutMirvTi utAy,u g .o f9 4E,a rpt3h4 1-B3l5o1c.k s, Joe O. Aug. 94, 390-406 Hydration FleCx ural/TeLne sile-Strength , RatiMo ot in Eng;i neered : ECs tens i and Victor ©. Li,M Y Nov. 94,p 313-528. *L SCeermkaenn t Sate9r4 A, ml it136. POLYMER CONCRETES Modulus of elasticity of Silica-Fume Concrete, Safwan A. Khedr and N. Abou Zaid, MT Aug. 94, p357-375. Craend eShrpinka ge Deflecotf iRoC nBesam s with Steel Fibers, Ki Tan, P. Paramasanid vKaha-Cmha i Tan, MT Nov.94 , p474-494. Simulation of Correlated Nonstationary Lumber rere} Wang and J. _Dikaret ire wae ieee Fly-Ash Cement pane Fae —" Feb. 94, p117-136 in Large Concrete Pours, rot chechukwu Elinwa, MT Aug. 94, Pas~3o properties ae Sludge:B iocemi ent oe of Concrete Ti for Monomer | eg a 4 Tay and Kuan- E. Weyers and T. pregnation 94,p Cement Matera ‘eb. 94, p23-33. Use of Gel-Permeation Chromatography in Pre- Pavement damage yy ee. yeaa laa Performance of Fuel-Resistan Aug. 94, p376-389. Concrete Pavemen , MT Feb. 94, p137-149. Pavement deterioration Compaofr Uniconsfinoed-n a nd and Lorna J. Gibson, Tests for Hot Mix E. R. p100-116. KeeY . FooMT, Ma y 94, p307-326. nae of Satan Se on Eihn ofC ites baghomnasicn ofC onsett Seating, Ban F. Aditen, Gary P. and Gertrudys Brito, MT roka and H. MT Feb.9 4,piS2e May 93," p280-2 Pavements pie Catins of ee Performance of {oy Sealers for As- Da ankelevsky Cee aT res ts, James E. Shoen- vnon, MT Nov. 94, p564-577. MT Feb. oav ot3 7-149. Performance evaluation ey ty me- whet, Nov. 94, p495-512. acid oeSulf ur ‘ear from Amitava Seals, MT Nov. Kee Y. Foo, MT May . p307-326. ee by be meeps ny EX Sludge: Biocement Its Use As Blended Tenens Joo-Hwa Tay and Kuan- ‘es of ‘ Yeow Show, MT Feb. 94, p23-33. Performance ofF i Aug. 94, p376-389. a Pavements, James , MT Feb. 94, p137-149. Structural Behavior of pa yeep Plastic Flexural 94, p1 50-165. Polymer concretes ey Behavior of } om? Serhal and David W. F 94, p1 50-165. 1994 ANNUAL INDEX Samples a See ee < Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, vi alana Porosity Inflofu Surefacne Fciniesh on crete,W . J. McCartevr,e steo eilng o3d6. Utilization of Sand in Concrete, Tarun R. Naik MVy Patel, Dhaval M. Parikh and P. Tharaniyil, MTM ay 94 p254-263. Sandwich panels p100-116. Saturation Frost Saturated ievqulaiionde naga BasementwT eas y Ananidd Fi. pieemenieaiens 94, pl-14. al of Fuel-Resistant Sealers for As- Concrete Pavements, James E. Shoen- , MT Feb. 94, p137-149. ieee Te et Sat oe Bee Slabs, Kiang-Hwee Tan and P. aoe MT May 94, 9240-253. Compression of PultruFldat eShdee t Crees Sree. ta piss- Shotcrete ny Wet-Mix Shotcrete: JeanF ran Trottier and Denis , MT Aug. 94, p430-437. Shrinkage Ce 8 Stee, Coteatioss of BE Beane with FiberSs,e Ce TE etna MT Nov. A p474-494. Silica of Silica-Fume Concrete, Safwan A. Khedr and N. Abou Zaid, MT Aug. 94, p357-375. Size effect Femeet Seeegh of Poe: Coneaiion Com her Aug. 94,9 380-406. a ere a ~ >t ——F — on Effect SfC otes Soroka and H. Baum, MT Oe piste Specimen Geometry and T Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, » PS29-541. Usine R ied Plasti ‘mS. man P.S ehal and David W. Fowler, 94, p1 50-165. be peng NNeenatlbu ser Baathin MT Mey 94,pp 2660 2368 9 Stochastic models ial, Joo-Hwa Tay and Kuan- Simulaoft Coirroelante d Nonstationary Lumber , MT Feb. 94, p23-33. D. Barrett: MTF eLba 9m4,, Ypi3n4--T3a™ ng Wango m and J. Strain hardening Flexural/Tensi Ratio in i and Victor C. Li, ME Nov. 94, p513-528. A. Khedr and py p357-375. Microstructural Developmen=t ae olume deep L. SCaerkmaer,n tS Fteb.e 9a4 , elinise Steel-Fiber-Reinforced Wet-Mix Shotcrete: i Concrete, Nemkumar Benth Jeanr ange Trottier and Denis MT Aug. 94, 430-437. bb peep Nenlumer Banthin MT May 94,Lp 2y64r-2a5 e Stress strain relations Behavior 1B Mander F. D. Panthaki andA :Ka talane ti MT Now 34, 453-408 Structural behavior Structural Behavior of Beams Using,R Peeccyucsletds d Plastic, im S. Slei- man P. Serhal and David W. Fowler, Feb. 94, p1 50-165. Salfates: SulAttfack aint Plaein a nd coment Rasheeduzzafar, Omar E. Weyearnds T . Temperature effects Pavement Ti Related to Arid —_— Environment, i I. Al-Abdul Wahhab and F. A. Balghunaim, MT Feb. 94, p1-14. Tensile strength Flexural/Tensi Ratio in and Victor C. Li, Nov. 94, p513-528. Influence Conse Vous Ductility on yA ve ae Confined Columns, Bortoloti. MT . 94, p542-563. Tests ison ofU : and Confined-C: Tests for Hot Mix E. R. iooen ond Kee Y. Foo, MT May , p307-326. Thermal resistance a and Jong-Pil Won, MT Nov. 94, p595- Thermal Conductivity of Earth Blocks, AkinmusuMrTu A,ug . 94, p341-351. Wooden structures Simulation of Correlated Nonstationary Lumber Long-Term Strength of Pavement ies, Frank Lam, Yin-Tang Wang and J. Syren, Des A.L ange, BSE Pe 96, pve D. MT Feb. 94, p34-53. Nov. 94, p529-541. Steel-Fiber-Reinforced Wet-Mix _Shotcrete: Nemkumar Trottier and Denis 30-437. ia, MT May 94, p264-289. Correlated f Lumber sk tamY, in'TWaanngse n d Feb. 94, p34-53. AUTHOR INDEX AbduljauwSaahdei, N Gertrudys pr saga MT May 94, p201-222 see Adkins, Dan F., MT May 93, p280-288 Adkins, Daa BrownE., R . Mathematics ofC oncreteS caling.w ithGa ry P. ison of Unconfineda-n d Confined-Creep —s and Gertrudys Brito, MT May 93, Tests for Hot Mix Asphalt, with Kee Y. Foo, P. MT May 94, p307-326 disc: Sree ees, BEE Meer. 96,9 084-65 clo: Nov. 94, p615-616 oe tapw e MT Nov. 94, p439-452 AkinmusurJoue, O . Thermal Conduofc Eatrthi Blvockis, tMTy Au g. 94, p341-351 Al-Abdul Wabhab, H. 1. t Pavement Temperature Related to Arid i Environment, with F. A. Balghunaim, MT Feb. 94, pl-14 disc. ofin fluenceo fSu rfaceF inisho f Al-AmoOumadr iSa,ce d ao J. McCarter, ™ MT re od, see Rasheeduzzafar MT May 94, p201-222 p 130-136), May 94 p328 Albrecht, Pedro Dubesu, Syivie of Weathered Rolled Beam see Banthia, Nemkumar, MT Feb. 94, p88-99 Made aotfe s Steel, with Camille Shabshab, MT Aug. n p407-428 Dutta,T . see Al-Qadi,| .L ., MT Feb. 94, p54-64 — oot Le Applicationsi n Large Concrete Pours, aSso e ee p223-239 MT Aug.9 4, p352-356 Optimisation ofC oncrete aoa et ith RE Weyer and T. Dutta, Fe94b, p.54- 64 Al-SaadouSz., S . see Al-GahtanAi., S ., MT May94 , p223-239 a. 2.M T May 94, p307-326 Avnon, Itzhak Fowler, David W. — David Z., MT Nov. 94, p564- see Rebeiz, Karim S., MT Feb. 94, p1 50-165 F.A. Fridley, Kenneth J. Dagan, Wahhab, H. L., MT Feb. 94, p1-14 see Philpot, a A., MT Nov. 94, p578-594 Nemkumar Garrick, Norman Use of Ge Peratioan e et 7 eaeaieee setuie GauiK,. L. see Tambe, Sanjeev S., MT Feb. 94, p65-77 as. *: enna MT Aug. Gibson, Lorna J. a Jean-Francois, MT May 94, p264- see Karam, Gebran N., MT Feb. 94, p100-116 Barrett, J. D. see Lam, Frank, MT Feb. 94, p34-53 ema 94, bene Baum, H. see Soro1.k, MaT ,Fe b. 94, p15-22 Wood-CemenCotm - Denis Sandwich-Pane! Facing, with Lorna ee neohin Nemkumar, MT Aug. 94, p430-437 . GibsoMTn F,eb . 94, p100-116 KL Kasalanati,A . tocE ntston, B. V., MT May 94, p290-306 see Mander,J . B., MT Nov. 94, p453-468 Bortolotti,L . Khedr, Safwan A. Influence of Concrete Tensile Ductility on Com- cheng feet ‘s ” Lam, Frank Simulation of Correlated NonstationLaumrbye r os with Yin-TWaangn angd J. D. Bar- rett, . 94, p34-53 David A. fle ConcretesM,T Feb. 94, p78-87 jetM aley, Mohamed, MTA ug.9 4p 390-406 see Maale}, MohameMTd N,ov . 94,5 13-528 Maalej, Mohamed Flexural Strength of Fiber CementitioCuosm - ee ee Flexural/Tensile-StrenRgattiho Cementitious with Victor © Li, Karim S. MT Nov. 94, p513-528 and David W. Fowler, MT Feb. 94,p 150-165 oe Fat Beha veiorg .., with F. D. A. Kasalanati, , DavidV . Nov. 94, p453-468 see Philpot, Timothy A., MT Nov. 94, p578-594 Shashidhara Roy, Amitava see Soroushian, Parviz, MT Nov. 94, p595-611 eee ot ee Ey Son Mohammad aa and Roger K.S eale Mt' Nov. 949439. see Rasheeduzzafar, MT May 94, p201-222 Sakumoto,Y f Conemte Sortins, ty FireR esistance ofC oncrete-Filled, Fire-Resistant Steel-Tube withT .O kada,M . Yoshi- msG ary MercyMa Tn d Now. da and S. Tasaka, May 94, p169-184 Sarkar, ShondeepL . see Xu, AimiMnT F,eb . 94, p1 17-136 K. see ian. MT Nov. 94, p439-452 Serhal, Sleiman P. see Rebeiz, Karim S., MT Feb. 94, pi 50-165 see Adkins, Dan F., MT May 93, p280-288 Shabshab, Camille see Albrecht, Pedro, MT Aug. 94, p407-428 see Chen, Lianrong, MT Nov. 94, p529-541 a. “ee Fuel-Resistant Sealers for As- py 94, p529-541 Psphal ConcreteP avements MT Feb. 94, SIs? Mottram, J.T. - Flat Sheet Show, Kuan-Yeow MaterMiTa Maly, 9 4, p185-200 see Tay, jeodien, MT Fed. 94, p23-33 , WalterJ SooK,. S . see .eaine 94, p495-512 see Eniistiin,B .V .. MT May 9 ., p290-306 Naik, Tarun Soroka,I . Utilization ofU sedF oundry Sandi 5n Coote, Influence of Specimen Size on Effect of Curing Compressive MatP.hTh areaniywl, M MT TMM aayy 999 4 ,4 2p,52 544--226633 RT dew MT red Seis aaa. Soroushian, Parviz see Sakumoto, Y., MT May 94, p169-184 Wood Fiber Reinforced Cement PanthakiF., D . Under Wetti ing and Freezing- see Mander, J. B.,M T Nov. 94, p453-468 Pal Wea, MT New 94 9399-611 Paramasivam,P see Tan, Kiang-Hwee, MT May 94, aw see Tan, Kiang-Hwee,MT Nov. 94, p474-4 Model, i Parikh, Dhaval M. tapragada andK .L -G aur,M T Feb. 94, p65- see Naik, Tarun R., MT May 94, p254-263 Patel, Viral M. Tan, Kab-Chai see Naik, Tarun R., MT May 94, p254-263 see Tan, Kiang-Hwee, MT Nov. 94, p474-494

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