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Supplement to Journal of MARINE RESEARCH INDEX Volume 67, Numbers 1-6, 2009 Sears Foundatiofno r Marine Research Yale University ALPHABETICAL INDEX BY AUTHOR’S NAME Abraham, E. R.: See M. M. Mongin, E. R. Abraham and T. W. Trull. 225, Aller, Robert C.: See Emma Michaud, Gaston Desrosiers, Robert C. Aller, Florian Mermillod- Blondin, Bjorn Sundby and Georges Stora. 43, Brew, H. S., S. B. Moran, M. W. Lomas and A. B. Burd: Plankton community composition, organic carbon and thorium-234 particle size distributions, and particle export in the Sargasso Sea. 845. Burd, A. B.: See H. S. Brew, S. B. Moran, M. W. Lomas and A. B. Burd. 845. Chant, R. J.. See R. W. Houghton, R. J. Chant, Ana Rice and Charles Tilburg. 731. Chiodi, A. M.: See D. E. Harrison, A. M. Chiodi and G. A. Vecchi. 70/. Cisewski, Boris: See Angela Hibbert, Harry Leach, Volker Strass and Boris Cisewski. /. Dandonneau, Yves: See Olaf Duteil, Alban Lazar, Yves Dandonneau, Ilana Wainer and Christophe Menkes. 239. Deshayes, Julie, Fiammetta Straneo and Michael A. Spall: Mechanisms of variability in a convective basin. 273. Desrosiers, Gaston: See Emma Michaud, Gaston Desrosiers, Robert C. Aller, Florian Mermillod- Blondin, Bjorn Sundby and Georges Stora. 43. deSzoeke, Roland A.: Isentropic averaging. 533. Drake, Patrick T. and Christopher A. Edwards. A linear diffusivity model of near-surface, cross-shore particle dispersion from a numerical simulation of central California’s coastal ocean. 385. Duteil, Olaf, Alban Lazar, Yves Dandonneau, Ilana Wainer and Christophe Menkes: Deep chlorophyll maximum and upper ocean structure interactions: Case of the Guinea thermal dome. 239. Edwards, Christopher A.: See Patrick T. Drake and Christopher A. Edwards. 385. Follows, Michael J.: See Fanny M. Monteiro and Michael J. Follows. 77. Fruman, Mark D.: See Claire Ménesguen, Bach Lien Hua, Mark D. Fruman and Richard Schopp. 347. Fruman, Mark D.: See Claire Ménesguen, Bach Lien Hua, Mark D. Fruman and Richard Schopp. 343. Gargett, A. E., A. E. Tejada-Martinez and C. E. Grosch: Measuring turbulent large-eddy structures with an ADCP. Part 2. Horizontal velocity variance. 569. Garzoli, Silvia L.: See Claudia Schmid and Sylvia L. Garzoli. 8/5 Ghaffari, Peygham: See Jan Erik H. Weber and Peygham Ghaffari. 2/3. Gordon, Arnold L.: See Kandaga Pujiana, Arnold L. Gordon, Janet Sprintall and R. Dwi Susanto. yb o Grassle, J. Frederick, Patricia A. Ramey and Rosemarie F. Petrecca: Temporal and spatial variation in infaunal community structure in physically active continental shelf sediments at a long-term ecosystem observatory (LEO-15) off New Jersey, USA. 869. Greene, Andrew D., Georgi G. Sutyrin and D. Randolph Watts: Deep cyclogenesis by synoptic eddies interacting with a seamount. 305. Grosch, C. E.: See A. E. Gargett, A. E. Tejada-Martinez and C. E. Grosch. 569. Guo, Xinyu: See Arnoldo Valle-Levinson and Xinyu Guo. 6/9. Harding, Lawrence W., Jr.: See Ming Li, Lieyjun Zhong and Lawrence W. Harding, Jr. 667. Harrison, D. E., A. M. Chiodi and G. A. Vecchi: Effects of surface forcing on the seasonal cycle of the eastern equatorial Pacific. 70/. Healey, Katherine, Adam H. Monahan and Debby lanson: Perturbation dynamics of a plankton ecosystem. 637. Helfrich, Karl: See Joseph Pedlosky, Roberto Iacono, Ernesto Napolitano and Karl Helfrich. 435. Hibbert, Angela, Harry Leach, Volker Strass and Boris Cisewski: Mixing in cyclonic eddies in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. /. Houghton, R. W., R. J. Chant, Ana Rice and Charles Tilburg: Salt flux into coastal river plumes: Dye studies in the Delaware and Hudson River outflows. 73/. Hua, Bach Lien: See Claire Ménesguen, Bach Lien Hua, Mark D. Fruman and Richard Schopp. 323. Hua, Bach Lien: See Claire Méneguen, Bach Lien Hua, Mark D. Fruman and Richard Schopp. 347. Iacono, Roberto: See Joseph Pedlosky, Roberto Iacono, Ernesto Napolitano and Karl Helfrich. 435. lanson, Debby: See Katherine Healey, Adam H. Monahan and Debby Ianson. 637. Ito, Takamitsu: See Nicole S. Lovenduski and Takamitsu Ito. 597. Kamenkovich, Vladimir M.: See Kieran T. A. O’ Driscoll and Vladimir M. Kamenkovich. //9. Kamenkovich, Vladimir M., Kieran T. A. O'Driscoll and Dmitri A. Nechaev: Dynamics of the Indonesian seas circulation. Part II — The role of pressure head. /59. Koszalka, I., J. H. LaCasce and K. A. Orvik: Relative dispersion in the Nordic seas. 4/7. Kuehl, Joseph J. and Vitalii A. Sheremet: Identification of a cusp catastrophe in a gap-leaping western boundary. 25. LaCasce, J. H.: See I. Koszalka, J. H. LaCasce and K. A. Orvik. 4/7/. Lazar, Alban: See Olaf Duteil, Alban Lazar, Yves Dandonneau, Ilana Wainer and Christophe Menkes. 239. Leach, Harry: See Angela Hibbert, Harry Leach, Volker Strass and Boris Cisewski. /. Li, Ming, Liejun Zhong and Lawrence W. Harding, Jr.: Sensitivity of plankton biomass and productivity to variations in physical forcing and biological parameters in Chesapeake Bay. 667. Lilly, Jonathan: See Tatiana Rykova, Fiammetta Straneo, Jonathan Lilly and Igor Yashayaev. 36/. Lomas, M. W.: See H. S. Brew, S. B. Moran, M. W. Lomas and A. B. Burd. 845. Lovenduski, Nicole S. and Takamitsu Ito: The future evolution of the Southern Ocean CO, sink. 597. Marinelli, Roberta L.: See George G. Waldbusser and Roberta L. Marinelli. 503. Ménesguen, Claire, Bach Lien Hua, Mark D. Fruman and Richard Schopp: Dynamics of the combined extra-equatorial and equatorial deep jets in the Atlantic. 323. Ménesguen, Claire, Bach Lien Hua, Mark D. Fruman and Richard Schopp: Intermittent layering in the Atlantic equatorial deep jets. 347. Menkes, Christophe: See Olaf Duteil, Alban Lazar, Yves Dandonneau, Ilana Wainer and Christophe Menkes. 239. Mermillod-Blondin, Florian: See Emma Michaud, Gaston Desrosiers, Robert C. Aller, Florian Mermillod-Blondin, Bjorn Sundby and Georges Stora. 43. Michaud, Emma, Gaston Desrosiers, Robert C. Aller, Florian Mermillod-Blondin, Bjorn Sundby, and Georges Stora: Spatial interactions in the Macoma balthica community control biogeochemi- cal fluxes at the sediment-water interface and microbial abundances. 43. Mizuta, Genta: Rossby wave radiation from an eastward jet and its recirculations. /85. Monahan, Adam H.: See Katherine Healey, Adam H. Monahan and Debby Ianson. 637. Mongin, M. M., E. R. Abraham and T. W. Trull: Winter advection of iron can explain the summer phytoplankton bloom that extends 1000 km downstream of the Kerguelen Plateau in the Southern Ocean. 225. Monteiro, Fanny M. and Michael J. Follows: On the interannual variability of nitrogen fixation in the subtropical gyres. 7/. Moran, S. B.: See H. S. Brew, S. B. Moran, M. W. Lomas and A. B. Burd. 845. Napolitano, Ernesto: See Joseph Pedlosky, Roberto Iacono, Ernesto Napolitano and Karl Helfrich. 435, Nechaev, Dmitri: See Vladimir M. Kamenkovich, Kieran T. A. O'Driscoll and Dmitri A. Nechaev. 159. O'Driscoll, Kieran T. A. and Vladimir M. Kamenkovich: Dynamics of the Indonesian seas circulation. Part I — The influence of bottom topography on temperature and salinity distributions. 119. O'Driscoll, Kieran T. A.: See Vladimir M. Kamenkovich, Kieran T. A. O'Driscoll and Dmitri A. Nechaev. /59. Orvik, K. A.: See I. Koszalka, J. H. LaCasce and K. A. Orvik. 4//. Pedlosky, Joseph, Roberto Iacono, Ernesto Napolitano and Karl Helfrich: The skirted island: The effect of topography on the flow around planetary scale islands. 435. Petrecca, Rosemarie F.: See J. Frederick Grassle, Patricia A.R amey and Rosemarie F. Petrecca. 869. Pujiana, Kandaga, Arnold L. Gordon, Janet Sprintall and R. Dwi Susanto: Intraseasonal variability in the Makassar Strait thermocline. 757 Ramey, Patricia A.: See J. Frederick Grassle, Patricia A. Ramey and Rosemarie F. Petrecca. 869. Rice, Ana: See R. W. Houghton, R. J. Chant, Ana Rice and Charles Tilburg. 73/. Rykova, Tatiana, Fiammetta Straneo, Jonathan Lilly and Igor Yashayaev: Irminger Current Anticy- clones in the Labrador Sea observed in the hydrographic record, 1990-2004. 361. Salmon, Rick: A shallow water model conserving energy and potential enstrophy in the presence of boundaries. 779. Schmid, Claudia and Silvia L. Garzoli: New observations of the spreading and variability of the Antarctic Intermediate Water in the Atlantic. 8/5. Schopp, Richard: See Claire Ménesguen, Bach Lien Hua, Mark D. Fruman and Richard Schopp. 323. Schopp, Richard: See Claire Ménesguen, Bach Lien Hua, Mark D. Fruman and Richard Schopp. 347. Sheremet, Vitalii A.: See Joseph J. Kuehl and Vitalii A. Sheremet. 25. Sommerfield, Christopher K.: See Kuo-Chuin Wong and Christopher K. Sommerfield. 479. Spall, Michael A.: See Julie Deshayes, Fiammetta Straneo and Michael A. Spall. 273. Sprintall, Janet: See Kandaga Pujiana, Arnold L. Gordon, Janet Sprintall and R. Dwi Susanto. 757. Stora, Georges: See Emma Michaud, Gaston Desrosiers, Robert C. Aller, Florian Mermillod- Blondin, Bjorn Sundby and Georges Stora. 43. Straneo, Fiammetta: See Julie Deshayes, Fiammetta Straneo and Michael A. Spall. 273. Straneo, Fiammetta: See Tatiana Rykova, Fiammetta Straneo, Jonathan Lilly and Igor Yashayaev. 361. Strass, Volker: See Angela Hibbert, Harry Leach, Volker Strass and Boris Cisewski. /. Sundby, Bjorn: See Emma Michaud, Gaston Desrosiers, Robert C. Aller, Florian Mermillod- Blondin, Bjorn Sundby and Georges Stora. 43. Susanto, R. Dwi: See Kandaga Pujiana, Arnold L. Gordon, Janet Sprintall and R. Dwi Susanto. 757. Sutyrin, Georgi G.: See Andrew D. Greene, Georgi G. Sutyrin and D. Randolph Watts. 305. Tejada-Martinez, A. E.: See A. E. Gargett, A. E. Tejada-Martinez and C. E. Grosch. 569. Tilburg, Charles: See R. W. Houghton, R. J. Chant, Ana Rice and Charles Tilburg. 737. Trull, T. W.: See M. M. Mongin, E. R. Abraham and T. W. Trull. 225. Valle-Levinson, Arnoldo and Xinyu Guo: Asymmetries in tidal flow over a Seto Inland Sea scour pit. 619. Vecchi, G. A.: See D. E. Harrison, A. M. Chiodi and G. A. Vecchi. 70/. Venrick, E. L.: Floral patterns in the California Current: The coastal-offshore boundary zone. 89. Veronis, George: Henry Sears, 1913-1982. //3. Wainer, Ilana: See Olaf Duteil, Alban Lazar, Yves Dandonneau, Ilana Wainer and Christophe Menkes. 239. Waldbusser, George G. and Roberta L. Marinelli: Evidence of infaunal effects on pore-water advection and biogeochemistry in permeable sediments: A proposed infaunal functional group framework. 503. Watts, D. Randolph: See Andrew D. Greene, Georgi G. Sutyrin and D. Randolph Watts. 305. Weber, Jan Erik H. and Peygham Ghaffari: Mass transport in the Stokes edge wave. 2/3. Wong, Kuo-Chuin and Christopher K. Sommerfield: The variability of currents and sea level in the upper Delaware estuary. 479. Yashayaev, Igor: See Tatiana Rykova, Fiammetta Straneo, Jonathan Lilly and Igor Yashayaev. 36/. Zhong, Liejun: See Ming Li, Liejun Zhong and Lawrence W. Harding, Jr. 667. The Journal of Marine Research is part of the Sears Foundation for Marine Research, founded in 1937 by A. E. Parr as a result of a gift to Yale University by Henry Sears. The Sears Foundation for Marine Research Fund is administered by Yale University as part of its nonprofit operation. Income is used solely for the purpose of publishing and improving the quality of the Journal for the benefit of its readers. Printed in U.S.A. for the Sears Foundation for Marine Research. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 06520-8109, U.S.A. Cadmus-Lancaster Division, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 17601, U.S.A. www.journalofmarineresearch.org

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