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ALPHABETICAL INDEX BY AUTHOR’S NAME Ali, M. M.: See D. Swain, M. M. Ali and R. A. Weller. 745. Andersson, Johan H., Jack J. Middelburg and Karline Soetaert: Identifiability and uncertainty analysis of bio-irrigation rates. 407. Banta, Gary T.: See Karen Timmermann, Gary T. Banta and Ronnie N. Glud. 9/5. Barnier, B.: See M. Guarracino, B. Barnier, P. Marsaleix, X. Durrieu de Madron, A. Monaco, K. Escoubeyrou and J.-C. Marty. 95. Baschek, B., D. M. Farmer and C. Garrett: Tidal fronts and their role in air-sea gas exchange. 483. Behrenfeld, Michael J. and Emmanuel Boss: Beam attenuation and chlorophyll concentration as alternative optical indices of phytoplankton biomass. 431/. Ben Jelloul, Mahdi: See Florian Sévellec, Thierry Huck and Mahdi Ben Jelloul. 355. Bennett, A. F., B. S. Chua, H.-E. Ngodock, D. E. Harrison and M. J. McPhaden: Generalized inversion of the Gent-Cane model of the tropical Pacific with Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean (TAO) data. /. Bingham, R. J.: See W. K. Dewar, R. J. Bingham, R. L. Iverson, D. P. Nowacek, L. C. St. Laurent and P. H. Wiebe. 5417. Birant, Derya and Alp Kut: Cluster analysis for physical oceanographic data and oceanographic surveys in Turkish seas. 657. Boss, Emmanuel: See Michael J. Behrenfeld and Emmanuel Boss. 437. Budillon, Giorgio, Ettore Salusti and Sergio Tucci: The evolution of density currents and nepheloid bottom layers in the Ross Sea (Antarctica). 5/7. Catalan, Jordi: See Jaume Piera, Ruben Quesada and Jordi Catalan. /23. Charria, G., I. Dadou, P. Cipollini, M. Drévillon, P. DeMey and V. Garcon: Understanding the influence of Rossby waves on surface chlorophyll concentrations in the North Atlantic Ocean. 43. Cherniawsky, J. Y.: See M. G. G. Foreman, P. F. Cummins, J. Y. Cherniawsky and Phyllis Stabeno. 797. Chouaib, Nadine, Felix Stoehr and Christine Provost: Variability of the Subantarctic and Polar fronts in the Drake Passage as deduced from altimetry. 669. Chua, B. S.: See A. F. Bennett, B. S. Chua, H.-E. Ngodock, D. E. Harrison and M. J. McPhaden. /. Cipollini, P.: See G. Charria, I. Dadou, P. Cipollini, M. Drévillon, P. DeMey and V. Gargon. 43. Coman, Melissa A., Ross W. Griffiths and Graham O. Hughes: Sandstrém’s experiments revisited. 783. Cummins, P. F.: See M. G. G. Foreman, P. F. Cummins, J. Y. Cherniawsky and Phyllis Stabeno. 797. Dadou, I.: See G. Charria, 1. Dadou, P. Cipollini, M. Drévillon, P. DeMey and V. Garcon. 43. DeMey, P.: See G. Charria, 1. Dadou, P. Cipollini, M. Drévillon, P. DeMey and V. Garcon. 43. Deshayes, J.: See C. Herbaut, J. Sirven and J. Deshayes. 8/9. Dewar, W. K., R. J. Bingham, R. L. Iverson, D. P. Nowacek, L. C. St. Laurent and P. H. Wiebe: Does the marine biosphere mix the ocean? 54/. Ding, Haibing and Ming-Yi Sun: Differential fates of Emiliania huxleyi-derived fatty acids and alkenones in coastal marine sediments: Effects of the benthic crustacean Palaemonetes pugio. 759. Doney, Scott C.: See Rachel H. R. Stanley, William J. Jenkins and Scott C. Doney. 267. Drévillon, M.: See G. Charria, 1. Dadou, P. Cipollini, M. Drévillon, P. DeMey and V. Gargon. 43. Durrieu de Madron, X.: See M. Guarracino, B. Barnier, P. Marsaleix, X. Durrieu de Madron, A. Monaco, K. Escoubeyrou and J.-C. Marty. 195. Emerson, Steven R.: See Roberta C. Hamme and Steven R. Emerson. 73. Escoubeyrou, K.: See M. Guarracino, B. Barnier, P. Marsaleix, X. Durrieu de Madron, A. Monaco, K. Escoubeyrou and J.-C. Marty. 195. Farmer, D. M.: See B. Baschek, D. M. Farmer and C. Garrett. 483. Fasham, Mike J. R.: See Philip J. Wallhead, Adrian P. Martin, Merci A. Srokosz and Mike J. R. Fasham. 88/. Fischer, Andrew M.: See: James J. Leichter, Brian Helmuth and Andrew M. Fischer. 563. Foreman, M. G. G., P. F. Cummins, J. Y. Cherniawsky and Phyllis Stabeno: Tidal energy in the Bering Sea. 797. Fossum, Ingerid and Lars Peter Rged: Analysis of instabilities and mesoscale motion in a terrain-following coordinate ocean model. 3/9. Galaktionov, Oleksiy S.: See Filip J. R. Meysman, Oleksiy S. Galaktionov, Britta Gribsholt and Jack J. Middelburg. 589. Garcon, V.: See G. Charria, I. Dadou, P. Cipollini, M. Drévillon, P.D eMey and V. Garcon. 43. Garrett, C.: See B. Baschek, D. M. Farmer and C. Garrett . 483. Garvine, Richard W. and Michael M. Whitney: An estuarine box model of freshwater delivery to the coastal ocean for use in climate models. /73. Glud, Ronnie N.: See Karen Timmermann, Gary T. Banta and Ronnie N. Glud. 9/5. Gnanaseelan, C.: See Bijoy Thompson, C. Gnanaseelan and P. S. Salvekar. 853. Gribsholt, Britta: See Filip J. R. Meysman, Oleksiy S. Galaktionov, Britta Gribsholt and Jack J. Middelburg. 589. Griffiths, Ross W.: See Melissa A. Coman, Ross W. Griffiths and Graham O. Hughes. 783. Grosch, C. E.: See B. L. Lipphardt, Jr., D. Small, A. D. Kirwan, Jr., S. Wiggins, K. Ide, C. E. Grosch and J. D. Paduan. 227. Guarracino, M., B. Barnier, P. Marsaleix, X. Durrieu de Madron, A. Monaco, K. Escoubeyrou and J.-C. Marty: Transfer of particulate matter from the northwestern Mediterranean continental margin: Variability and controlling factors. 195. Hamels, Ilse: See Dick van Oevelen, Karline Soetaert, Jack. J. Middelburg, Peter M. J. Herman, Leon Moodley, Ilse Hamels, Tom Moens and Carlo H. R. Heip. 453. Hamme, Roberta C. and Steven R. Emerson: Constraining bubble dynamics and mixing with dissolved gasses: Implications for productivity measurements by oxygen mass balance. 73. Harrison, D. E.: See A. F. Bennett, B. S. Chua, H.-E. Ngodock, D. E. Harrison and M. J. McPhaden. /. Hay, A. E.: See C. Smyth, A. E. Hay, P. S. Hill and D. Schillinger. 723. Heip, Carlo H. R.: See Dick van Oevelen, Karline Soetaert, Jack. J. Middelburg, Peter M. J. Herman, Leon Moodley, Ilse Hamels, Tom Moens and Carlo H. R. Heip. 453. Helmuth, Brian: See James J. Leichter, Brian Helmuth and Andrew M. Fischer. 563. Herbaut, C., J. Sirven and J. Deshayes: Sensitivity of the meridional transport in a 1.5-layer ocean model to localized mass sources. 8/9. Herman, Peter M. J.: See Dick van Oevelen, Karline Soetaert, Jack. J. Middelburg, Peter M. J. Herman, Leon Moodley, Ilse Hamels, Tom Moens and Carlo H. R. Heip. 453. Hill, P. S.: See C. Smyth, A. E. Hay, P. S. Hill and D. Schillinger. 723. Holmedal, Lars Erik and Torbjorn Utnes: Physical-biological interactions and their effect on phytoplankton blooms in fjords and near-coastal waters. 97. Huck, Thierry: See Florian Sévellec, Thierry Huck and Mahdi Ben Jelloul. 355. Hughes, Graham O.: See Melissa A. Coman, Ross W. Griffiths and Graham O. Hughes. 783. Ide, K.: See B. L. Lipphardt, Jr., D. Small, A. D. Kirwan, Jr., S. Wiggins, K. Ide, C. E. Grosch and J.D. Paduan. 22/. Iverson, R. L.: See W. K. Dewar, R. J. Bingham, R. L. Iverson, D. P. Nowacek, L. C. St. Laurent and P. H. Wiebe. 54/. Jenkins, William J.: See Rachel H. R. Stanley, William J. Jenkins and Scott C. Doney. 267. Kirwan, A. D., Jr.: See B. L. Lipphardt, Jr., D. Small, A. D. Kirwan, Jr., S. Wiggins, K. Ide, C. E. Grosch and J. D. Paduan. 227. Klein, Patrice: See Guillaume Lapeyre and Patrice Klein. 835. Kut, Alp: See Derya Birant and Alp Kut. 65/. LaCasce, J. H. and A. Mahadevan: Estimating subsurface horizontal and vertical velocities from sea-surface temperature. 695. LaCasce, J. H.: Corrigendum to “Diffusivity and viscosity dependence in the linear thermocline,” J. Mar. Res., 62, 743-769, 2004. 939. Lapeyre, Guillaume and Patrice Klein: Impact of small-scale elongated filaments on the oceanic vertical pump. 835. Leichter, James J., Brian Helmuth and Andrew M. Fischer: Variation beneath the surface: Quantify- ing complex thermal environments on coral reefs in the Caribbean, Bahamas and Florida. 563. Lipphardt, B. L., Jr., D. Small, A. D. Kirwan, Jr., S. Wiggins, K. Ide, C. E. Grosch and J. D. Paduan: Synoptic Lagrangian maps: Application to surface transport in Monterey Bay. 22/. Mahadevan, A.: See J. H. LaCasce and A. Mahadevan. 695. Marsaleix, P.: See M. Guarracino, B. Barnier, P. Marsaleix, X. Durrieu de Madron, A. Monaco, K. Escoubeyrou and J.-C. Marty. 795. Martin, Adrian P.: See Philip J. Wallhead, Adrian P. Martin, Merci A. Srokosz and Mike J. R. Fasham. 887. Marty, J.-C.: See M. Guarracino, B. Barnier, P. Marsaleix, X. Durrieu de Madron, A. Monaco, K. Escoubeyrou and J.-C. Marty. /95. Masutani, S. M.: See G. C. Nihous and S. M. Masutani. 629. McPhaden, M. J.: See A. F. Bennett, B. S. Chua, H.-E. Ngodock, D. E. Harrison and M. J. McPhaden. FE Meysman, Filip J. R., Oleksiy S. Galaktionov, Britta Gribsholt and Jack. J. Middelburg: Bio- irrigation in permeable sediments: An assessment of model complexity. 589. Middelburg, Jack J.: See Johan H. Andersson, Jack J. Middelburg and Karline Soetaert. 407. Middelburg, Jack J.: See Dick van Oevelen, Karline Soetaert, Jack. J. Middelburg, Peter M. J. Herman, Leon Moodley, Ilse Hamels, Tom Moens and Carlo H. R. Heip. 453. Middleburg, Jack J.: See Filip J. R. Meysman, Oleksiy S. Galaktionov, Britta Gribsholt and Jack J. Middelburg. 589. Moens, Tom: See Dick van Oevelen, Karline Soetaert, Jack. J. Middelburg, Peter M. J. Herman, Leon Moodley, Ilse Hamels, Tom Moens and Carlo H. R. Heip. 453. Monaco, A.: See M. Guarracino, B. Barnier, P. Marsaleix, X. Durrieu de Madron, A. Monaco, K. Escoubeyrou and J.-C. Marty. /95. Moodley, Leon: See Dick van Oevelen, Karline Soetaert, Jack. J. Middelburg, Peter M. J. Herman, Leon Moodley, Ilse Hamels, Tom Moens and Carlo H. R. Heip. 453. Ngodock, H.-E.: See A. F. Bennett, B. S. Chua, H.-E. Ngodock, D. E. Harrison and M. J. McPhaden. | Nihous, G. C. and S. M. Masutani: A model of methane concentration profiles in the ocean. 629. Nowacek, D. P.: See W. K. Dewar, R. J. Bingham, R. L. Iverson, D. P. Nowacek, L. C. St. Laurent and P. H. Wiebe. 547. Paduan, J. D.: See B. L. Lipphardt, Jr., D. Small, A. D. Kirwan, Jr., S. Wiggins, K. Ide, C. E. Grosch and J. D. Paduan. 22/. Piera, Jaume, Ruben Quesada and Jordi Catalan: Estimation of nonlocal turbulent mixing parameters derived from microstructure profiles. /23. Provost, Christine: See Nadine Chouaib, Felix Stoehr and Christine Provost. 669. Quesada, Ruben: See Jaume Piera, Ruben Quesada and Jordi Catalan. /23. Ralston, David K. and Mark T. Stacey: Shear and turbulence production across subtidal channels. 147. Ravichandran, M.: See T. V. S. Udaya Bhaskar, D. Swain and M. Ravichandran. 393. Roged, Lars Petter: See Ingerid Fossum and Lars Petter Red. 3/9. Salusti, Ettore: See Giorgio Budillon, Ettore Salusti and Sergio Tucci. 5/7. Salvekar, P. S.: See Bijoy Thompson, C. Gnanaseelan and P. S. Salvekar. 853. Schillinger, D.: See C. Smyth, A. E. Hay, P. S. Hill and D. Schillinger. 723. Sévellec, Florian, Thierry Huck and Mahdi Ben Jelloul: On the mechanism of centennial thermoha- line oscillations Sirven, J.: See C. Herbaut, J. Sirven and J. Deshayes. 8/9. Small, D.: See B. L. Lipphardt, Jr., D. Small, A. D. Kirwan, Jr., S. Wiggins, K. Ide, C. E. Grosch and J.D. Paduan. 22/. Smyth, C., A. E. Hay, P. S. Hill and D. Schillinger: Acoustic observations of vertical and horizontal swimming velocities of a diel migrator. 723. Soetaert, Karline: See Dick van Oevelen, Karline Soetaert, Jack. J. Middelburg, Peter M. J. Herman, Leon Moodley, Ilse Hamels, Tom Moens and Carlo H. R. Heip. 453. Soetaert, Karline: See Johan Andersson, Jack J. Middelburg and Karline Soetaert. 407. Srokosz, Merci A.: See Philip J. Wallhead, Adrian P. Martin, Merci A. Srokosz and Mike J. R. Fasham. 887. St. Laurent, L. C.: See W. K. Dewar, R. J. Bingham, R. L. Iverson, D. P. Nowacek, L. C. St. Laurent and P. H. Wiebe. 547. Stabeno, Phyllis: See M. G. G. Foreman, P. F. Cummins, J. Y. Cherniawsky and Phyllis Stabeno. 797. Stacey, Mark T.: See David K. Ralston and Mark T. Stacey. /47. Stacey, Michael W. and Arnoldo Valle-Levinson: Simulation and energy partition of the flow through Paso Galvarino, Chile. 249. Stanley, Rachel H. R., William J. Jenkins and Scott C. Doney. Quantifying seasonal air-sea gas exchange processes using noble gas time-series: A design experiment. 267. Stoehr, Felix: See Nadine Chouaib, Felix Stoehr and Christine Provost. 669. Sun, Ming-Yi: See Haibing Ding and Ming-Yi Sun. 759. Sutyrin, Georgi G.: Critical effects of a tall seamount on a drilling vortex. 297. Swain, D., M. M. Ali and R. A. Weller: Estimation of mixed-layer depth from surface parameters. 745. Swain, D.: See T. V. S. Udaya Bhaskar, D. Swain and M. Ravichandran. 393, Thompson, Bijoy, C. Gnanaseelan and P. S. Salvekar: Variability in the Indian Ocean circulation and salinity and its impact on SST anomalies during dipole events. 853. Timmermann, Karen, Gary T. Banta and Ronnie N. Glud: Linking Arenicola marina irrigation behavior to oxygen transport and dynamics in sandy sediments. 9/5. Tucci, Sergio: See Giorgio Budillon, Ettore Salusti and Sergio Tucci. 5/7. Udaya Bhaskar, T. V. S., D. Swain and M. Ravichandran: Inferring mixed-layer depth variability from Argo observations in the western Indian Ocean. 393. Utnes, Torbjorn: See Lars Erik Hoimedal and Torbjorn Utnes. 97. Valle-Levinson, Arnoldo: See Michael W. Stacey and Arnoldo Valle-Levinson. 249. van Oevelen, Dick, Karline Soetaert, Jack J. Middelburg, Peter M. J. Herman, Leon Moodley, Ilse Hamels, Tom Moens and Carlo H. R. Heip: Carbon flows through a benthic food web: Integrating biomass, isotope and tracer data. 453. Wallhead, Philip J., Adrian P. Martin, Merci A. Srokosz and Mike J. R. Fasham: Accounting for unresolved spatial variability in marine ecosystems using time lags. 88/. Weller, R. A.: See D. Swain, M. M. Ali and R. A. Weller. 745. Whitney, Michael M.: See Richard W. Garvine and Michael M. Whitney. /73. Wiebe, P. H.: See W. K. Dewar, R. J. Bingham, R. L. Iverson, D. P. Nowacek, L. C. St. Laurent and P. H. Wiebe. 541. Wiggins, S.: See B. L. Lipphardt, Jr., D. Small, A. D. Kirwan, Jr., S. Wiggins, K. Ide, C. E. Grosch and J. D. Paduan. 227. The Journal of Marine Research is part of the Sears Foundation for Marine Research, founded in 1937 by A. E. Parr as a result of a gift to Yale University by Henry Sears. The Sears Foundation for Marine Research Fund is administered by Yale University as part of its nonprofit operation. Income is used solely for the purpose of publishing and improving the quality of the Journal for the benefit of its readers. Printed in U.S.A. for the Sears Foundation for Marine Research. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 06520-8109, U.S.A. Cadmus-Lancaster Division, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 17601, U.S.A. www.journalofmarineresearch.org

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