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Preview Journal of Marine Research 2003 - 2007: Vol 61-65 Index & Table of Contents

Supplement to Journal of MARINE RESEARCH SUMMARY INDEX VOLUMES 61 THROUGH 65 2003-2007 SEARS FOUNDATION FOR MARINE RESEARCH Yale University LPHABETICAL INDEX BY AUTHOR’S NAME Adduce, Claudia and Claudia Cenedese: An experimental study of a mesoscale vortex colliding with topography of varying geometry in a rotating fluid. (62) 611. Ali, M. M., V. V. Gopalakrishna, Nilesh Araligidad, G. Venkata Reddy and G. Salgoanker: Determination of dynamic heights in the Bay of Bengal from XBT profiles and climatological salinities. (63) 671. Ali, M. M.: See D. Swain, M. M. Ali and R. A. Weller. (64) 745. Aller, Robert C.: See Franck Gilbert, Robert C. Aller and Stefan Hulth. (6/) 101. Aller, Robert C.: Conceptual models of early diagenetic processes: The muddy seafloor as an unsteady, batch reactor. (62) 815. Aller, Robert C.: See Anthony F. D’ Andrea, Glenn R. Lopez and Robert C. Aller. (62) 67. Aller, Robert C.: See Angelos K. Hannides, Shannon M. Dunn and Robert C. Aller. (63) 957. Alvarez-Salgado, X. A., M. Nieto-Cid, S. Piedracoba, B. G. Crespo, J. Gago, S. Brea, I. G. Teixeira, F. G. Figueiras, J. L. Garrido, G. Rosén, C. G. Castro and M. Gilcoto: Origin and fate of a bloom of Skeletonema costatum during a winter upwelling/downwelling sequence in the Ria de Vigo (NW Spain). (63) 1127. Ambrose, William G. Jr.: See Ming-Yi Sun, Michael L. Carroll, William G. Ambrose Jr., Lisa M. Clough, Li Zou and Glenn R. Lopez. (65) 561. Andersson, Johan H., Jack J. Middelburg and Karline Soetaert: Identifiability and uncertainty analysis of bio-irrigation rates. (64) 407. Anschultz, Pierre: See Pascal Lecroart, Sabine Schmidt, Pierre Anschutz and Jean-Marie Jouanneau. (65) 417. Antia, Avan N.: See Ken O. Buesseler, Avan N. Antia, Min Chen, Scott W. Fowler, Wilford D. Gardner, Orjan Gustafsson, Koh Harada, Anthony F. Michaels, Michiel Rutgers van der Loeff, Manmohan Sarin, Deborah K. Steinberg and Thomas Trull. (65) 345. Araligidad, Nilesh: See M. M. Ali, V. V. Gopalakrishna, Nilesh Araligidad, G. Venkata Reddy and G. Salgoanker. (63) 671. Atilla, Nazan, John W. Fleeger and Christopher M. Finelli: Effects of habitat complexity and hydrodynamics on the abundance and diversity of smal! invertebrates colonizing artificial substrates. (63) 1151. Avicola, Greg and Pablo Huq: The role of outflow geometry in the formation of the recirculating bulge region in coastal buoyant outflows. (6/) 411. Avicola, Greg and Pablo Huq: The characteristics of the recirculating bulge region in coastal buoyant outflows. (6/) 435. Aya, Izuo: See Peter G. Brewer, Edward T. Pelzer, Peter Walz, Izuo Aya, Kenji Yamane, Ryuji Kojima, Yasuhara Nakajima, Noriko Nakyama, Peter Haugan and Truls Johannessen. (63) 9. Aydin, Murat, Zafer Top and Donald B. Olson: Exchange processes and watermass modification along the subarctic front in the North Pacific: Oxygen consumption rates and net carbon flux. (62) 153. Badan, A.: See A. Lugo-Fernandez and A. Badan. (65) 471. Baehr, Johanna, Joél Hirschi, Jens-Olaf Beismann and Jochem Marotzke: Monitoring the meridional overturning circulation in the North Atlantic: A model-based array design study. (62) 283. Banta, Gary T.: See Karen Timmermann, Gary T. Banta and Ronnie N. Glud. (64) 915. Barnier, B.: See M. Guarracino, B. Barnier, P. Marsaleix, X. Durrieu de Madron, A. Monaco, K. Escoubeyrou and J.-C. Marty. (64) 195. Alphabetical Index by Author’s Name 3 Baschek, B., D. M. Farmer and C. Garrett: Tidal fronts and their role in air-sea gas exchange. (64) 483. Behrenfeld, Michael J. and Emmanual Boss: Beam attenuation and chlorophyll concentration as alternative optical indices of phytoplankton biomass. (64) 431. Beismann, Jens-Olaf: See Johanna Baehr, Joé! Hirschi, Jens-Olaf Beismann and Jochem Marotzke. (62) 283. Ben Jelloul, Mahdi: See Florian Sévellec, Thierry Huck and Mahdi Ben Jelloul. (64) 355. Bennett, A. F., B. S. Chua, H.-E. Ngodock, D. E. Harrison and M. J. McPhaden: Generalized inversion of the Gent-Cane model of the tropical Pacific with Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean (TAO) data. (64) 1. Berg, Peter: See Christof Meile, Peter Berg, Philippe Van Cappellen and Kagan Tuncay. (63) 601. Berg, Peter, Dennis Swaney, S¢ren Rysgaard, Bo Thamdrup and Henrik Fossing: A fast numerical solution to the general mass-conservation equation for solutes and solids in aquatic sediments. (65) srt. Berloff, Pavel S.: On rectification of randomly forced flows. (63) 497. Bingham, R. J.: See W. K. Dewar, R. J. Bingham, R. L. Iverson, D. P. Nowacek, L. C. St. Laurent and P. H. Wiebe. (64) 541. Birant, Derya and Alp Kut: Cluster analysis for physical oceanographic data and oceanographic surveys in Turkish seas. (64) 651. Birol, Florence and Rosemary Morrow: Separation of quasi-semiannual Rossby waves from the eastern boundary of the Indian Ocean. (6/) 707. Bjornbom, E.: See H. Stahl, A. Tengberg, J. Brunnegard, E. Bjornbom, T. L. Forbes, A. B. Josefson, H. G. Kaberi, J. M. Karle Hassell6v, F. Olsgard, P. Roos and P. O. J Hall. (62) 867. Blanco, José Luis: See Arnold Valle-Levinson and José Luis Blanco. (62) 721. Bochenek, Eleanor A.: See Eric N. Powell, Eleanor A. Bochenek, John M. Klinck and Eileen E. Hofmann. (62) 117. Bograd, Steven J. and Arnold W. Mantyla: On the subduction of upwelled waters in the California Current. (63) 863. Boicourt, William C.: See Ming Li, Liejun Zhong, William C. Boicourt, Shunli Zhang Da-Lin Zhang. (65) 169. Boschker, H. T. S.: See L. Moodley, J. J. Middelburg, K. Soetaert, H. T. S. Boscher, P. M. J. Herman and C. H. R. Heip. (63) 457. Boss, Emmanual: See Michael J. Behrenfeld and Emmanual Boss. (64) 431. Boudreau, Bernard P.: See Nicola J. Grigg, Bernard P. Boudreau, lan T. Webster and Phillip W. Ford. (63) 437. Boudreau, Bernard P.: See Filip J. R. Meysman, Bernard P. Boudreau and Jack J. Middelburg. (6/) 391. Boudreau, Bernard P.: See Katherine Huang, Bernard P. Boudreau and Daniel C. Reed. (65) 491. Boudreau, Bernard P.: See Daniel C. Reed, Bernard P. Boudreau and Katherine Huang. (65) 813. Bourgault, Daniel and Daniel E. Kelley: Wave-induced boundary mixing in a partially mixed estuary. (6/) 553. Bourgault, Daniel, Daniel E. Kelley and Peter S. Galbraith: Interfacial solitary wave run-up in the St. Lawrence Estuary. (63) 1001. Bowman, Malcolm J.: See Emil V. Stanev, Malcolm J. Bowman, Elissaveta L. Peneva and Joanna V. Staneva. (6/) 59. Brea, S.: See X. A. Alvarez-Salgado, M. Nieto-Cid, S. Piedracoba, B. G. Crespo, J. Gago, S. Brea, I. G. Teixeira, F. G. Figueiras, J. L. Garrido, G. Ros6n, C. G. Castro and M. Gilcoto. (63) 1127. Brewer, Peter G., Edward T. Pelzer, Peter Walz, Izuo Aya, Kenji Yamane, Ryuji Kojima, Yasuhara Nakajima, Noriko Nakyama, Peter Haugan and Truls Johannessen: Deep ocean experiments with fossil fuel carbon dioxide: Creation and sensing of a controlled plume at 4 km depth. (6) 9. Brogueira, Maria J.: See Graga Cabegadas, Maria J. Brogueira and Célia Gongalves. (6/) 539. Brostrém, Goran: See Gésta Walin, Géran Brostrém, Johan Nilsson and Olof Dahl. (62) 517. 4 Journal of Marine Research Brostrém, Goéran: See Johan Nilsson, Gésta Walin and Goran Brostrém. (63) 705. Brunnegard, J.: See H. Stahl, A. Tengberg, J. Brunnegard, E. Bjornbom, T. L. Forbes, A.B. Josefson, H. G. Kaberi, J. M. Karle Hassellév, F. Olsgard, P. Roos and P. O. J. Hall. (62) 867. Bryden, Harry J., William E. Johns and Peter M. Saunders: Deep western boundary current east of Abaco: Mean structure and transport. (63) 35. .Budillon, Giorgio, Ettore Salusti and Sergio Tucci: The evolution of density currents and nepheloid bottom layers in the Ross Sea (Antarctica). (64) 517. Buesseler, Ken O., Avan N. Antia, Min Chen, Scott W. Fowler, Wilford D. Gardner, Orjan Gustafsson, Koh Harada, Anthony F. Michaels, Michiel Rutgers van der Loeff, Manmohan Sarin, Deborah K. Steinberg and Thomas Trull: An assessment of the use of sediment traps for estimating upper ocean particles. (65) 345. Burchard, H.: See L. Umlauf and H. Burchard. (6/) 235. Burchard, Hans: See Lars Umlauf and Hans Burchard. (6/) 703. Burnett, William H., Vladimir M. Kamenkovich, Arnold L. Gordon and George L. Mellor: The Pacific/Indian Ocean pressure difference and its influence on the Indonesian Seas circulation: Part | — The study with specified total transports. (61) 577. Burnett, William H.: See Vladimir M. Kamenkovich, William H. Burnett, Arnold L. Gordon and George L. Mellor. (6/) 613. Cabecadas, Graga, Maria J. Brogueira and Célia Gongalves: Intermediate water masses off south- southwestern Portugal: Chemical tracers. (6) 539. Carmack, E. C.: See J. Y. Cherniawsky, W. R. Crawford, O. P. Nikitin and E. C. Carmack. (63) 887. Carmack, Eddy: See David Walsh, Igor Polyakov, Leonid Timokhov and Eddy Carmack. (65) 685. Carniel, S.: See L. Kantha and S. Carniel. (6/) 693. Carroll, Michael L.: See Ming-Yi Sun, Michael L. Carroll, William G. Ambrose Jr., Lisa M. Clough, Li Zou and Glenn R. Lopez. (65) 561. Castro, C. G.: See Alvarez-Salgado, X. A., M. Nieto-Cid, S. Piedracoba, B. G. Crespo, J. Gago, S. Brea, I. G. Teixeira, F. G. Figueiras, J. L. Garrido, G. Rosén, C. G. Castro and M. Gilcoto. (63) 1127. Catalan, Jordi: See Jaume Piera, Ruben Quesada and Jordi Catalan. (64) 123. Cenedese, Claudia: See Claudia Adduce and Claudia Cenedese. (62) 611. Centurioni, L. R. and W. J. Gould: Winter conditions in the Irminger Sea observed with profiling floats. (62) 313. Chao, B. F.: See I Vigo, D. Garcia and B. F. Chao. (63) 1085. Charria, G., I. Dadou, P. Cipollini, M. Drévillon, P. DeMey and V. Garcon: Understanding the influence of Rossby waves on surface chlorophyll concentrations in the North Atlantic Ocean. (64) 43. Chassignet, Eric P.: See Milena Veneziani, Annalisa Griffa, Zulema D. Garraffo and Eric P. Chassignet. (63) 753. Chassignet, Eric P.: See Milena Veneziani, Annalisa Griffa, Andy M. Reynolds, Zulema D. Garraffo and Eric P. Chassignet. (63) 1057. Chen, Min: See Ken O. Buesseler, Avan N. Antia, Min Chen, Scott W. Fowler, Wilford D. Gardner, Orjan Gustafsson, Koh Harada, Anthony F. Michaels, Michiel Rutgers van der Loeff, Manmohan Sarin, Deborah K. Steinberg and Thomas Trull. (65) 345. Chereskin, T. K.: See Y.-D. Lenn, T. K. Chereskin, J. Sprintall and E. Firing. (65) 27. Cherniawsky, J. Y., W. R. Crawford, O. P. Nikitin and E. C. Carmack: Bering Strait transports from satellite altimetry. (63) 887. Cherniawsky, J. Y.: See M. G. G. Foreman, P. F. Cummins, J. Y. Cherniawsky and Phyllis Stabeno. (64) 797. Chouaib, Nadine, Felix Stoehr and Christine Provost: Variability of the Subantarctic and Polar fronts in the Drake Passage as deduced from altimetry. (64) 669. Christensen, J. P.: See T. T. Packard and J. P. Christensen. (62) 93. Alphabetical Index by Author’s Name 5 Chua, B. S.: See A. F. Bennett, B. S. Chua, H.-E. Ngodock, D. E. Harrison and M. J. McPhaden. (64) 1. Church, John A.: See Trevor J. McDougall, John A. Church and David R. Jackett. (61) 745. Cipollini, P.: See G. Charria, I. Dadou, P. Cipollini, M. Drévillon, P. DeMey and V. Gargon. (64) 43. Clough, Lisa M.: See Ming-Yi Sun, Michael L. Carroll, William G. Ambrose Jr., Lisa M. Clough, Li Zou and Glenn R. Lopez. (65) 561. Colbo, Keir and Robert Weller: The variability and heat budget of the upper ocean under the Chile-Peru stratus. (65) 607. Coman, Melissa A., Ross W. Griffiths and Graham O. Hughes: Sandstrém’s experiments revisited. (64) 783. Crawford, W. R.: See J. Y. Cherniawsky, W. R. Crawford, O. P. Nikitin and E. C. Carmack. (63) 887. Crespo, B. G.: See X. A. Alvarez-Salgado, M. Nieto-Cid, S. Piedracoba, B. G. Crespo, J. Gago, S. Brea, I. G. Teixeira, F. G. Figueiras, J. L. Garrido, G. Rosén, C. G. Castro and M. Gilcoto. (63) 1127. Cueto, J. L. See D. Macias, G. Navarro, F. Echevarria, C. M. Garcia and J. L. Cueto. (65) 523. Cummins, Patrick F.: See Diane Masson and Patrick F. Cummins. (62) 491. Cummins, P. F.: See M. G. G. Foreman, P. F. Cummins, J. Y. Cherniawsky and Phyllis Stabeno. (64) 797. Dadou, I.: See G. Charria, 1. Dadou, P. Cipollini, M. Drévillon, P. DeMey and V. Garcon. (64) 43. Dadou, I., G. Evans and V. Garcon: Using JGOFS in situ and ocean color data to compare biogeochemical models and estimate their parameters in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. (62) 565. Dadou, I.: See J. Llido, E. Machu, J. Sudre, I. Dadou and V. Gargon. (62) 595. Dahl, Olof: See Gésta Walin, Goran Brostrém, Johan Nilsson and Olof Dahl. (62) 517. D’ Andrea, Anthony F.: Glenn R. Lopez and Robert C. Aller: Rapid physical and biological particle mixing on an intertidal sandflat. (62) 67. DeMaster, David J.: See Amanda W. J. Demopoulos, Craig R. Smith, David J. DeMaster and William L. Fornes. (6/) 267. DeMey, P.: See G. Charria, I. Dadou, P. Cipollini, M. Drévillon, P. DeMey and V. Garcon. (64) 43. Demopoulos, Amanda W. J., Craig R. Smith, David J. DeMaster and William L. Fornes: Evaluation of excess ***Th activity in sediments as an indicator of food quality for deep-sea deposit feeders. (61) 267. Denman, K.: See N. Steiner, S. Vagle, K. Denman and C. McNeil. (65) 441. Deshayes, J.: See C. Herbaut, J. Sirven and J. Deshayes. (64) 819. deSousa, S. N.: See S. Sardessai, N. Ramaiah, S. Prasanna Kumar and S. N. deSousa. (65) 301. de Szoeke, Roland A. and Scott R. Springer: The all-Atlantic temperature-salinity-pressure relation and patched potential density. (63) 59. Dewar, W. K., R. J. Bingham, R. L. Iverson, D. P. Nowacek, L. C. St. Laurent and P. H. Wiebe: Does the marine biosphere mix the ocean? (64) 541. deYoung, B.: See G. G. Panteleev, B. deYoung, C. S. Reiss and C. T. Taggert. (62) 787. Dijkstra, Henk A. and Wilbert Weijer: Stability of the global circulation: The connection of equilibria within a hierarchy of models. (6/) 725. Dijkstra, Henk A.: See Lianke A. te Raa and Henk A. Dijkstra. (6/) 491. Dijkstra, Henk A.: See Janine J. Nauw, Henk A. Dijkstra and Eric Simonnet. (62) 685. Dijkstra, Henk: See Eric Simonnet, Michael Ghil and Henk Dijkstra. (63) 931. Ding, Haibing and Ming-Yi Sun: Differential fates of Emiliania huxleyi-derived fatty acids and alkenones in coastal marine sediments: Effects of the benthic crustacean Palaemonetes pugio. (64) 759. Doney, Scott C.: See Rachel H. R. Stanley, William J. Jenkins and Scott C. Doney. (64) 267. Donohue, K.: See T. Rossby, C. N. Flag and K. Donohue. (63) 203. d’Orgeville, Marc, Bach Lien Hua and Hideharu Sasaki: Equatorial deep jets triggered by a large vertical scale variability within the western boundary layer. (65) 1. 6 Journal of Marine Research Drévillon, M.: See G. Charria, I. Dadou, P. Cipollini, M. Drévillon, P. DeMey and V. Gargon. (64) 43. Dunn, Shannon M.: See Angelos K. Hannides, Shannon M. Dunn and Robert C. Aller. (63) 957. Durrieu de Madron, X.: See M. Guarracino, B. Barnier, P. Marsaleix, X. Durrieu de Madron, A. Monaco, K. Escoubeyrou and J.-C. Marty. (64) 195. Echevarria, F.: See D. Macias, G. Navarro, F. Echevarria, C. M. Garcia and J. L. Cueto. (65) 523. Edwards, Neil R. and Kelvin J. Richards: Nonlinear double-diffusive intrusions at the equator. (62) 233. Emerson, Steven R.: See Roberta C. Hamme and Steven R. Emerson. (64) 73. Engstrom, Steven J. and Roberta L. Marinelli: Recruitment responses of benthic infauna to manipulated sediment geochemical properties in natural flows. (63) 407. Escoubeyrou, K.: See M. Guarracino, B. Barnier, P. Marsaleix, X. Durrieu de Madron, A. Monaco, K. Escoubeyrou and J.-C. Marty. (64) 195. Evans, G.: See I. Dadou, G. Evans and V. Garcon. (62) 565. Falkner, Kelly K.: See Andreas Miinchow, Kelly K. Falkner and Humfrey Melling. (65) 759. Farmer, D. M.: See B. Baschek, D. M. Farmer and C. Garrett. (64) 483. Fasham, Mike J. R.: See Philip J. Wallhead, Adrian P. Martin, Merci A. Srokosz and Mike J. R. Fasham. (64) 881. Fasham, M. J. R.: See M. A. Srokosz, A. P. Martin and M. J. R. Fasham. (6/) 517. Feistel, Rainer and Wolfgang Wagner: High-pressure thermodynamic Gibbs functions of ice and sea ice. (63) 95. Fernandez, Emilo: See Xosé Anxelu G. Moran, Valesca Peréz and Emilo Fernandez. (65) 545. Figueiras, F. G.: See X. A. Alvarez-Salgado, M. Nieto-Cid, S. Piedracoba, B. G. Crespo, J. Gago, S. Brea, I. G. Teixeira, F. G. Figueiras, J. L. Garrido, G. Rosén, C. G. Castro and M. Gilcoto. (63) 1127. Finelli, Christopher M.: See Nazan Atilla, John W. Fleeger and Christopher M. Finelli. (63) 1151. Firing, E.: See Y.-D. Lenn, T. K. Chereskin, J. Sprintall and E. Firing. (65) 27. Fischer, Andrew M.: See: James J. Leichter, Brian Helmuth and Andrew M. Fischer. (64) 563. Flagg, C. N.: See T. Rossby, C. N. Flagg and K. Donohue. (63) 203. Fleeger, John W.: See Nazan Atilla, John W. Fleeger and Christopher M. Finelli. (63) 1151. Fleischbein, Jane H.: See Adriana Huyer, Jane H. Fleischbein, Julie Keister, P. Michael Kosro, Natalie Perlin, Robert L. Smith and Patricia A. Wheeler. (63) 901. Follows, Michael J.: See Takamitsu Ito and Michael J. Follows. (63) 813. Follows, Michael J.: See Takamitsu Ito and Michael J. Follows. (6/7) 465. Forbes, T. L.: See H. Stahl, A. Tengberg, J. Brunnegard, E. Bjornbom, T. L. Forbes, A.B. Josefson, H. G. Kaberi, J. M. Karle Hassellév, F. Olsgard, P. Roos and P. O. J. Hall. (62) 867. Ford, Phillip W.: See Nicola J. Grigg, Bernard P. Boudreau, Ian T. Webster and Phillip W. Ford. (63) 437. Foreman, M. G. G., P. F. Cummins, J. Y. Cherniawsky and Phyllis Stabeno: Tidal energy in the Bering Sea. (64) 797. Fornes, William L.: See Amanda W. J. Demopoulos, Craig R. Smith, David J. DeMaster and William L. Fornes. (6/) 267. Forster, Stefan, Arzhang Khalili and Jarmila Kitlar: Variation of nonlocal irrigation in a subtidal benthic community. (6/) 335. Fossing, Henrik: See Peter Berg, Dennis Swaney, Sgren Rysgaard, Bo Thamdrup and Henrik Fossing. (65) 317. Fossum, Ingerid and Lars Peter Rged: Analysis of instabilities and mesoscale motion in a terrain-following coordinate ocean model. (64) 319. Fowler, Scott W.: See Ken O. Buesseler, Avan N. Antia, Min Chen, Scott W. Fowler, Wilford D. Gardner, Orjan Gustafsson, Koh Harada, Anthony F. Michaels, Michiel Rutgers van der Loeff, Manmohan Sarin, Deborah K. Steinberg and Thomas Trull. (65) 345. Alphabetical Index by Author’s Name 7 Fox-Kemper, Baylor and Joseph Pedlosky: Wind-driven barotropic gyre I: Circulation control by eddy vorticity fluxes to an enhanced removal region. (62) 169. Fox-Kemper, Baylor: Wind-driven barotropic gyre II: Effects of eddies and low interior viscosity. (62) 195. Fukamachi, Yasushi: See Genta Mizuta, Kay I. Ohshima, Yasushi Fukamachi and Masaaki Wakatsuchi. (63) 1017. Gago, J.: See X. A. Alvarez-Salgado, M. Nieto-Cid, S. Piedracoba, B. G. Crespo, J. Gago, S. Brea, I. G. Teixeira, F. G. Figueiras, J. L. Garrido, G. Ros6n, C. G. Castro and M. Gilcoto. (63) 1127. Galaktionov, Oleksiy S.: See Filip J. R.M eysman, Oleksiy S. Galaktionov, Britta Gribsholt and Jack J. Middelburg. (64) 589. Galbraith, Peter S.: See Daniel Bourgault, Daniel E. Kelley and Peter S. Galbraith. (63) 1001. Garcia, C. M.: See D. Macias, G. Navarro, F. Echevarria, C. M. Garcia and J. L. Cueto. (65) 523. Garcia, D.: See I. Vigo, D. Garcia and B. F. Chao. (63) 1085. Garcon, V.: See I. Dadou, G. Evans and V. Gargon. (62) 565. Garcon, V.: See J. Llido, E. Machu, J. Sudre, I. Dadou and V. Garcon. (62) 595. Gargon, V.: See G. Charria, I. Dadou, P. Cipollini, M. Drévillon, P. DeMey and V. Garcon. (64) 43. Gardner, Leonard R.: See Barbara J. McCraith, Leonard R. Gardner, David S. Wethey and Willard S. Moore. (6/) 359. Gardner, Wilford D.: See Ken O. Buesseler, Avan N. Antia, Min Chen, Scott W. Fowler, Wilford D. Gardner, Orjan Gustafsson, Koh Harada, Anthony F. Michaels, Michiel Rutgers van der Loeff, Manmohan Sarin, Deborah K. Steinberg and Thomas Trull. (65) 345. Garraffo, Zulema D.: See Milena Veneziani, Annalisa Griffa, Zulema D. Garraffo and Eric P. Chassignet. (63) 753. Garraffo, Zulema D.: See Milena Veneziani, Annalisa Griffa, Andy M. Reynolds, Zulema D. Garraffo and Eric P. Chassignet. (63) 1057. Garrett, C.: See B. Baschek, D. M. Farmer and C. Garrett: Tidal fronts and their role in air-sea gas exchange. (64) 483. Garrido, J. L.: See X. A. Alvarez-Salgado, M. Nieto-Cid, S. Piedracoba, B. G. Crespo, J. Gago, S. Brea, I. G. Teixeira, F. G. Figueiras, J. L. Garrido, G. Rosén, C. G. Castro and M. Gilcoto. (63) 1127. Garvine, Richard W. and Michael M. Whitney: An estuarine box model of freshwater delivery to the coastal ocean for use in climate models. (64) 173. Garvine, Richard W.: The vertical structure and subtidal dynamics of the inner shelf off New Jersey. (62) 337. Ghil, Michael: See Eric Simonnet, Michael Ghil and Henk Dijkstra. (63) 931. Gilbert, Franck, Robert C. Aller and Stefan Hulth: The influence of macrofaunal burrow spacing and diffusive scaling on sedimentary nitrification and denitrification: An experimental simulation and model approach. (6/) 101. Gilcoto, M.: See X. A. Alvarez-Salgado, M. Nieto-Cid, S. Piedracoba, B. G. Crespo, J. Gago, S. Brea, I. G. Teixeira, F. G. Figueiras, J. L. Garrido, G. Ros6n, C. G. Castro and M. Gilcoto. (63) 1127. Gille, Sarah T.: See Philip Sura and Sarah T. Gille. (6/) 313. Gille, Sarah T.: See Wilbert Weijer and Sarah T. Gille. (63) 1101. Glud, Ronnie N.: See Karen Timmermann, Gary T. Banta and Ronnie N. Glud. (64) 915. Gnanaseelan, C.: See Bijoy Thompson, C. Gnanaseelan and P. S. Salvekar. (64) 853. Goncalves, Célia: See Graga Cabecadas, Maria J. Brogueira and Célia Gongalves. (67) 539. Gopalakrishna, V. V.: See M. M. Ali, V. V. Gopalakrishna, Nilesh Araligidad, G. Venkata Reddy and G. Salgoanker. (63) 671. Gordon, Arnold L.: See William H. Burnett, Vladimir M. Kamenkovich, Arnold L. Gordon and George L. Mellor. (6/) 577. Gordon, Arnold L.: See Vladimir M. Kamenkovich, William H. Burnett, Arnold L. Gordon and George L. Mellor. (6/) 613. 8 Journal of Marine Research Gould, W. J.: See L. R. Centurioni and W. J. Gould. (62) 313. Grassle, Judith P.: See Hongguang Ma and Judith P. Grassle. (62) 837. Gribsholt, Britta: See Filip J. R. Meysman, Oleksiy S. Galaktionov, Britta Gribsholt and Jack J. Middelburg. (64) 589. Griffa, Annalisa, Leonid I. Piterbarg and Tamay Ozgékmen: Predictability of Lagrangian particle trajectories: Effects of smoothing of the underlying Eulerian flow. (62) 1. Griffa, Annalisa: See Milena Veneziani, Annalisa Griffa, Zulema D. Garraffo and Eric P. Chassignet. (63) 753. Griffa, Annalisa: See Milena Veneziani, Annalisa Griffa, Andy M. Reynolds, Zulema D. Garraffo and Eric P. Chassignet. (63) 1057. Griffiths, Ross W.: See Melissa A. Coman, Ross W. Griffiths and Graham O. Hughes. (64) 783. Grigg, Nicola J., Bernard P. Boudreau, Ian T. Webster and Phillip W. Ford: The nonlocal model of porewater irrigation: Limits to its equivalence with a cylinder diffusion model. (63) 437. Grosch, C. E.: See B. L. Lipphardt, Jr., D. Small, A. D. Kirwan, Jr., S. Wiggins, K. Ide, C. E. Grosch and J. D. Paduan. (64) 221. Griinbaum, Daniel and Richard R. Strathmann: Form, performance and trade-offs in swimming and stability of armed larvae. (6/7) 659. Guarracino, M., B. Barnier, P. Marsaleix, X. Durrieu de Madron, A. Monaco, K. Escoubeyrou and J.-C. Marty: Transfer of particulate matter from the northwestern Mediterranean continental margin: Variability and controlling factors. (64) 195. Guieb, Ruben A., Peter A. Jumars and Robert F. L. Self: Adhesive-based selection by a tentacle- feeding polychaete for particle size, shape and bacterial coating in silt and sand. (62) 261. Gustafsson, Orjan: See Ken O. Buesseler, Avan N. Antia, Min Chen, Scott W. Fowler, Wilford D. Gardner, Orjan Gustafsson, Koh Harada, Anthony F. Michaels, Michiel Rutgers van der Loeff, Manmohan Sarin, Deborah K. Steinberg and Thomas Trull. (65) 345. Gutiérrez-de-Velasco S., Guillermo: See Hugh Herrera-Cervantes, Daniel B. Lluch-Cota, Salvador E. Lluch-Cota and Guillermo Gutiérrez-de-Velasco S. (65) 589. Hall, P. O. J.: See H. Stahl, A. Tengberg, J. Brunnegard, E. Bjornbom, T. L. Forbes, A.B. Josefson, H. B. Kaberi, J. M. Karle Hassellév, F. Olsgard, P. Roos and P. O. J. Hall. (62) 867. Hamels, Ilse: See Dick van Oevelen, Karline Soetaert, Jack. J. Middelburg, Peter M. J. Herman, Leon Moodley, Ilse Hamels, Tom Moens and Carlo H. R. Heip. (64) 453. Hamme, Roberta C. and Steven R. Emerson: Constraining bubble dynamics and mixing with dissolved gasses: Implications for productivity measurements by oxygen mass balance. (64) 73. Hannides, Angelos K., Shannon M. Dunn and Robert C. Aller: Diffusion of organic and inorganic solutes through macrofaunal mucus secretions and tube linings in marine sediments. (63) 957. Harada, Koh: See Ken O. Buesseler, Avan N. Antia, Min Chen, Scott W. Fowler, Wilford D. Gardner, Orjan Gustafsson, Koh Harada, Anthony F. Michaels, Michiel Rutgers van der Loeff, Manmohan Sarin, Deborah K. Steinberg and Thomas Trull. (65) 345. Harrison, D. E.: See A. F. Bennett, B. S. Chua, H.-E. Ngodock, D. E. Harrison and M. J. McPhaden. (64) 1. Hasselov, J. M. Karle: See H. Stahl, A. Tengberg, J. Brunnegard, E. Bjornbom, T. L. Forbes, A. B. Josefson, H. G. Kaberi, J.M . Karle Hassellév, F. Olsgard, P. Roos and P. O. J. Hall. (62) 867. Haugan, Peter: See Peter G. Brewer, Edward T. Pelzer, Peter Walz, Izuo Aya, Kenji Yamane, Ryuji Kojima, Yasuhara Nakajima, Noriko Nakyama, Peter Haugan and Truls Johannessen. (63) 9. Haugan, Peter M.: See Joachim Hove and Peter M. Haugan. (63) 563. Hay, A. E.: See C. Smyth, A. E. Hay, P. S. Hill and D. Schillinger. (64) 723. Haza, Angelique C., Nathan Paldor and Arthur J. Mariano: Linear instabilities of a two-layer geostrophic surface front near a wall. (62) 639. Heip, C. H. R.: See L. Moodley, J. J. Middelburg, K. Soetaert, H. T. S. Boschker, P. M. J. Herman and C. H. R. Heip. (63) 457. Heip, Carlo H. R.: See Dick van Oevelen, Karline Soetaert, Jack. J. Middelburg, Peter M. J. Herman, Leon Moodley, Ilse Hamels, Tom Moens and Carlo H. R. Heip. (64) 453. Alphabetical Index by Author’s Name Helmuth, Brian: See James J. Leichter, Brian Helmuth and Andrew M. Fischer. (64) 563. Henson, Stephanie: Water column stability and spring bloom dynamics in the Gulf of Alaska. (65) 715. Hentschel, Brian T. and Brenda S. Herrick: Growth rates of interface-feeding spionid polychaetes in simulated tidal currents. (63) 983. Herbaut, C., J. Sirven and J. Deshayes: Sensitivity of the meridional transport in a 1.5-layer ocean model to localized mass sources. (64) 819. Herbei, Radu: See lan W. McKeague, Geoff Nicholls, Kevin Speer and Radu Herbei. (63) 683. Herman, P. M. J.: See L. Moodley, J. J. Middelburg, K. Soetaert, H. T. S. Boschker, P. M. J. Herman and C. H. R. Heip. (63) 457. Herman, Peter M. J.: See Dick van Oevelen, Karline Soetaert, Jack. J. Middelburg, Peter M. J. Herman, Leon Moodley, Ilse Hamels, Tom Moens and Carlo H. R. Heip. (64) 453. Herrera-Cervantes, Hugo, Daniel B. Lluch-Cota, Salvador E. Lluch-Cota and Guillermo Gutiérrez- de-Velasco S.: The ENSO signature in sea-surface temperature in the Gulf of California. (65) 589. Herrick, Brenda S.: See Brian T. Hentschel and Brenda S. Herrick. 983. Hill, P. S.: See C. Smyth, A. E. Hay, P. S. Mill and D. Schillinger. (64) 723. Hirschi, Joél: See Johanna Baehr, Joél Hirschi, Jens-Olaf Beismann and Jochem Marotzke. (62) 283. Hofmann, E. E.: See B. B. Prézelin, E. E. Hofmann, M. Moline and J. M. Klinck. (62) 419. Hofmann, Eileen E.: See Eric N. Powell, Eleanor A. Bochenek, John M. Klinck and Eileen E. Hofmann. (62) 117. Hofmann, Eileen: See Baris Salihoglu and Eileen Hofmann. (65) 219. Hofmann, Eileen: See Baris Salihoglu and Eileen Hofmann. (65) 275. Holmedal, Lars Erik and Torbjgrn Utnes: Physical-biological interactions and their effect on phytoplankton blooms in fjords and near-coastal waters. (64) 97. Hosegood, Phil, Hans Van Haren and Cornelis Veth: Mixing within the interior of the Faeroe- Shetland Channel. (63) 529. Hove, Joakim and Peter M. Haugan: Dynamics of a CO,-seawater interface in the deep ocean. (63) 563. Hua, Bach Lien: See Marc d’Orgeville, Bach Lien Hua and Hideharu Sasaki. (65) 1. Huang, Katherine, Bernard P. Boudreau and Daniel C. Reed. Simulated fiddler-crab sediment mixing. (65) 491. Huang, Katherine: See Daniel C. Reed, Bernard P. Boudreau and Katherine Huang. (65) 813. Huang, Rue Xin: Available potential energy in the world’s oceans. (63) 141. Huck, Thierry: See Florian Sévellec, Thierry Huck and Mahdi Ben Jelloul. (64) 355. Hughes, Graham O.: See Melissa A. Coman, Ross W. Griffiths and Graham O. Hughes. (64) 783. Hulth, Stefan: See Franck Gilbert, Robert C. Aller and Stefan Hulth. (6/) 101. Huq, Pablo: See Greg Avicola and Pablo Hug. (6/) 411. Huq, Pablo: See Greg Avicola and Pablo Huq. (6/) 435. Huyer, Adriana, Jane H. Fleischbein, Julie Keister, P. Michael Kosro, Natalie Perlin, Robert L Smith and Patricia A. Wheeler: Two coastal upwelling domains in the northern California Current system. (63) 901. Ide, K.: See B. L. Lipphardt, Jr., D. Small, A. D. Kirwan, Jr., S. Wiggins, K. Ide, C. E. Grosch and J. D. Paduan. (64) 221. Isachsen, Pal Erik: See Ole Anders Nogst and Pal Erik Isachsen. (6/) 175. Ito, Takamitsu and Michael J. Follows: Upper ocean control on the solubility pump of CO,. (6/) 465. Ito, Takamitsu and Michael J. Follows: Preformed phosphate, soft tissue pump and atmospheric CO,. (63) 813. Iverson, R. L.: See W. K. Dewar, R. J. Bingham, R. L. Iverson, D. P. Nowacek, L. C. St. Laurent and P. H. Wiebe. (64) 541. Jackett, David R.: See Trevor J. McDougall and David R. Jackett. (63) 159. Jackett, David R.: See Trevor J. McDougall, John A. Church and David R. Jackett. (6/) 745. Jenkins, William J.: See Rachel H. R. Stanley, William J. Jenkins and Scott C. Doney. (64) 267. 10 Journal of Marine Research Jochum, Markus and Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli: On the generation of North Brazil Current rings. (6/) 147. Johannessen, Truls: See Peter G. Brewer, Edward T. Pelzer, Peter Walz, Izuo Aya, Kenji Yamane, Ryuji Kojima, Yasuhara Nakajima, Noriko Nakyama, Peter Haugan and Truls Johannessen. (63) 9. Johns, William E.: See Harry J. Bryden, William E. Johns and Peter M. Saunders. (63) 35. Johnson, Gregory C.: See Amy E. Wirts and Gregory C. Johnson. (63) 381. Josefson, A. B.: See H. Stahl, A. Tengberg, J. Brunnegard, E. Bjornbom, T. L. Forbes, A.B. Josefson, H. G. Kaberi, J. M. Karle Hassellév, F. Olsgard, P. Roos and P. O. J. Hall. (62) 867. Jouanneau, Jean-Marie: See Pascal Lecroart, Sabine Schmidt, Pierre Anschutz and Jean-Marie Jouanneau. (65) 417. Joyce, Terrence M. and Andrey Proshutinsky: Greenland’s Island Rule and the Arctic Ocean circulation. (65) 639. Jumars, Peter A.: See Ruben A. Guieb, Peter A. Jumars and Robert F. L. Self. (62) 261. Kaberi, H. G.: See H. Stahl, A. Tengberg, J. Brunnegard, E. Bjornbom, T. L. Forbes, A. B. Josefson, H. G. Kaberi, J. M. Karle Hassellév, F. Olsgard, P. Roos and P. O. J. Hall. (62) 867. Kamenkovich, Vladimir M., William H. Burnett, Arnold L. Gordon and George L. Mellor: The Pacific/Indian Ocean pressure difference and its influence on the Indonesian Seas circulation: Part Il — The study with specified sea-surface heights. (6/) 613. Kamenkovich, Vladimir M.: See William H. Burnett, Vladimir M. Kamenkovich, Arnold L. Gordon and George L. Mellor. (6/) 577. Kantha, L. and S. Carniel: Comments on “A generic length-scale equation for geophysical turbulence models” by L. Umlauf and H. Burchard. (6/7) 693. Kazmin, Alexander S.: See A. Miguel P. Santos, Alexander Kazmin and Alvaro Peliz. (63) 359. Keister, Julie: See Adriana Huyer, Jane H. Fleischbein, Julie Keister, P. Michael Kosro, Natalie Perlin, Robert L. Smith and Patricia A. Wheeler. (63) 901. Kelley, Daniel E.: See Daniel Bourgault, Daniel E. Kelley and Peter S. Galbraith. (63) 1001. Kelley, Daniel E.: See Daniel Bourgault and Daniel E. Kelley. (6/) 553. Khalili, Arzhang: See Stefan Forster, Arzhang Khalili and Jarmila Kitlar. (6/7) 335. Kirwan, A. D., Jr.: See B. L. Lipphardt, Jr., D. Small, A. D. Kirwan, Jr., S. Wiggins, K. Ide, C. E. Grosch and J. D. Paduan. (64) 221. Kiss, Andrew E.: Potential vorticity dynamics in a domain with closed geostrophic contours. I: Steady linear flows. (62) 461. Kitlar, Jarmila: See Stefan Forster, Arzhang Khalili and Jarmila Kitlar. (6/) 335. Klein, Patrice: See Guillaume Lapeyre and Patrice Klein. (64) 835 Klinck, J. M.: See B. B. Prézelin, E. E.H ofmann, M. Moline and J. M. Klinck. (62) 419. Klink, John M.: See Eric N. Powell, Eleanor A. Bochenek, John M. Klinck and Eileen E. Hofmann. (62) 117. Kojima, Ryuji: See Peter G. Brewer, Edward T. Pelzer, Peter Walz, Izuo Aya, Kenji Yamane, Ryuji Kojima, Yasuhara Nakajima, Noriko Nakyama, Peter Haugan and Truls Johannessen. (63) 9. Kosro, P. Michael: See Adriana Huyer, Jane H. Fleischbein, Julie Keister, P. Michael Kosro, Natalie Perlin, Robert L. Smith and Patricia A. Wheeler. (63) 901. Kristensen, Erik: See Thomas Valdemarsen and Erik Kristensen. (63) 646. Kut, Alp: See Derya Birant and Alp Kut. (64) 651. LaCasce, J. H.: Diffusivity and viscosity dependence in the linear thermocline. (62) 743. LaCasce, J. H.: Corrigendum to “Diffusivity and viscosity dependence in the linear thermocline,” J. Mar. Res., 62, 743-769, 2004. (64) 939. LaCasce, J. H. and A. Mahadevan: Estimating subsurface horizontal and vertical velocities from sea-surface temperature. (64) 695. LaCasce, J. H. and Carter Ohlmann: Relative dispersion at the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. (6/) 285.

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