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Journal of MARINE RESEARCH INDEX Volume 58, Numbers 1-6, 2000 Sears Foundation for Marine Research Yale University ALPHABETICAL INDEX BY AUTHOR’S NAME Abell, Jeffrey, Steve Emerson and Paul Renaud: Distributions of TOP, TON and TOC in the North Pacific subtropical gyre: Implications for nutrient supply in the surface ocean and remineralization in the upper thermocline. 203. Ali, M. M.: See A. K. S. Gopalan, V. V. Gopala Krishna, M. M. Ali and Rashmi Sharma. 721. Aller, Robert C.: See Anitra Ingalls, Robert C. Aller, Cindy Lee and Ming-Yi Sun. 631. Arhan, Michel: See Nicolas Wienders, Michel Arhan and Herlé Mercier. 1007. Athias, Véronique, Pierre Mazzega and Catherine Jeandel: Selecting a global optimization method to estimate the oceanic particle cycling rate constants. 675. Batchelder, Harold P.: See Christopher A. Edwards, Thomas A. Powell and Harold P. Batchelder. 37. Bentley, Samuel J.: See Yoko Furukawa, Samuel J. Bentley, Alan M. Shiller, Dawn L. Lavoie and Philippe Van Cappellen. 493. Berson, D.: See Z. Kizner and D. Berson. 375. Bertrand, Philippe: See Xavier Giraud, Philippe Bertrand, Véronique Garcon and Isabelle Dadou. 609. ____: See Philippe Martinez, Philippe Bertrand, Stephen E. Calvert, Thomas F. Pedersen, Graham B. Shimmield, Elisabeth Vergés and Michel R. Fontugne. 809. Borenias, Karin and Anna Nikolopoulos: Theoretical calculations based on real topography of the maximum deep-water flow through the Jungfern Passage. 709. Bower, A.: See J. H. LaCasce and A. Bower. 863. Calvert, Stephen E.: See Philippe Martinez, Philippe Bertrand, Stephen E. Calvert, Thomas F. Pedersen, Graham B. Shimmield, Elisabeth Vergés and Michel R. Fontugne. 809. Centurioni, L. R.: See S. A. Thorpe and L. R. Centurioni. 779. Chassignet, Eric P.: See Melvin E. Stern and Eric P. Chassignet. 269. Cummins, Patrick F.: See Diane Masson and Patrick F. Cummins. 439. Cunningham, Stuart A.: Circulation and volume flux of the North Atlantic using synoptic hydro- graphic data in a Bernoulli inverse. 1. Dadou, Isabelle: See Xavier Giraud, Philippe Bertrand, Véronique Garcon and Isabelle Dadou. 609. DeMaster, David J.: See Robert J. Miller, Craig R. Smith, David J. DeMaster and William L. Fornes. 653. Edwards, Christopher A., Thomas A. Powell and Harold P. Batchelder: The stability of an NPZ model subject to realistic levels of vertical mixing. 37. Emerson, Steve: See Jeffrey Abell, Steve Emerson and Paul Renaud. 203. Ferron, Bruno, Herlé Mecier and Anne-Marie Treguier: Modeling of the bottom water flow through the Romanche Fracture Zone with a primitive equation model—Part I: Dynamics. 837. Fine, Rana A: See Jorina M. Waworuntu, Rana A. Fine, Donald B. Olson and Arnold L. Gordon. 547. Fontugne, Michel R.: See Philippe Martinez, Philippe Bertrand, Stephen E. Calvert, Thomas F. Pedersen, Graham B. Shimmield, Elisabeth Vergés and Michel R. Fontugne. 809. Ford, Rupert: A baroclinic western boundary current over a continental slope. 327. Fornes, William L.: See Robert J. Miller, Craig R. Smith, David J. DeMaster and William L. Fornes. 653. Furukawa, Yoko, Samuel J. Bentley, Alan M. Shiller, Dawn L. Lavoie and Philippe Van Cappellen: The role of biologically-enhanced pore water transport in early diagenesis: An example from carbonate sediments in the vicinity of North Key Harbor, Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida 493. Gargon, Véronique: See Xavier Giraud, Philippe Bertrand, Véronique Garcon and Isabelle Dadou 609. Giraud, Xavier, Philippe Bertrand, Véronique Gargon and Isabelle Dadou: Modeling 8'5N evolution First palaeoceanographic applications in a coastal upwelling system. 609 Gopalan, A. K. S., V. V. Gopala Krishna, M. M. Ali and Rashmi Sharma: Detection of Bay of Bengal eddies from TOPEX and in situ observations. 721. Gordon, Arnold L.: See Jorina M. Waworuntu, Rana A. Fine, Donald B. Olson and Arnold L. Gordon 547. Harrison, D. E., G. A. Vecchi and R. H. Weisberg: Eastward surface jets in the central equatorial Pacific, November 1991—March 1992. 735. Hofmann, E. E.: See B. B. Prézelin, E. E. Hofmann, C. Mengelt and J. M. Klinck. 165 Hogg, Nelson G.: Low-frequency variability on the western flanks of the Grand Banks. 523 Hua, Bach Lien: See Frédéric Marin, Bach Lien Hua and Sophie Wacongne. 405 Ingalls, Anitra E., Robert C. Aller, Cindy Lee and Ming-Yi Sun: The influence of deposit-feeding on chlorophyll-a degradation in coastal marine sediments. 631 Jeandel, Catherine: See Véronique Athias, Pierre Mazzega and Catherine Jeandel. 675 Kizner, Z. and D. Berson: Emergence of modons from collapsing vortex structures on the B-plane 375 Klinck, J. M.: See B. B. Prézelin, E. E. Hofmann, C. Mengelt and J. M. Klinck. 165 Koeve, Wolfgang: See Joanna Waniek, Wolfgang Koeve and Ralf D. Prien. 983 Krishna, V. V. Gopala: See A. K. S. Gopalan, V. V. Gopala Krishna, M. M. Ali and Rashmi Sharma 721. LaCasce, J. H.: Floats and //H. 61. LaCasce, J. H. and A. Bower: Relative dispersion in the subsurface North Atlantic. 863 Lavoie, Dawn L.: See Yoko Furukawa, Samuel J. Bentley, Alan M. Shiller, Dawn L. Lavoie and Philippe Van Cappellen. 493. Lee, Cindy: See Anitra Ingalls, Robert C. Aller, Cindy Lee and Ming-Yi Sun. 631 Lee, Mei-Man and Richard G. Williams: The role of eddies in the isopycnic transfer of nutrients and their impact on biological production. 895. Marin, Frédéric, Bach Lien Hua and Sophie Wacongne: The equatorial thermostad and subsurface countercurrents in the light of the dynamics of atmospheric Hadley cells. 405 Marshall, David P.: See Claire E. Tansley and David P. Marshall. 297 Martinez, Philippe, Philippe Bertrand, Stephen E. Calvert, Thomas F. Pedersen, Graham B Shimmield, Elisabeth Vergés and Michel R. Fontugne: Spatial variations in nutrient utilization, production and diagenesis in the sediments of a coastal upwelling regime (NW Africa): Implica tions for the paleoceanographic record. 809. Masson, Diane and Patrick F. Cummins: Fortnightly modulation of the estuarine circulation in Juan de Fuca Strait. 439. Mazzega, Pierre: See Véronique Athias, Pierre Mazzega and Catherine Jeandel. 675 Mengelt, C.: See B. B. Prézelin, E. E. Hofmann, C. Mengelt and J. M. Klinck. 165 Mercier, Hérle: See Bruno Ferron, Hérle Mercier and Anne-Marie Treguier. 837 ____: See Nicolas Wienders, Michel Arhan and Hérle Mercier. 1007. Miller, Robert J., Craig R. Smith, David J. DeMaster and William L. Fornes: Feeding selectivity and rapid particle processing by deep-sea megafaunal deposit feeders: A **Th tracer approach. 653. Nikolopoulos, Anna: See Karin Borenas and Anna Nikolopoulos. 709 Nof, Doron: See Harper Lightfoot Simmons and Doron Nof. 919. Olson, D. B.: See Ashwanth Srinivasan, Claes G. H. Rooth, Zafer Top and D. B. Olson. 755. Olson, Donald B.: See Jorina M. Waworuntu, Rana A. Fine, Donald B. Olson and Arnold L. Gordon. 547. Pederson, Thomas F.: See Philippe Martinez, Philippe Bertrand, Stephen E. Calvert, Thomas F. Pedersen, Graham B. Shimmield, Elisabeth Vergés and Michel R. Fontugne. 809. Powell, Thomas A.: See Christopher A. Edwards, Thomas A. Powell and Harold P. Batchelder. 37. Prézelin, B. B., E. E. Hofmann, C. Mengelt and J. M. Klinck: The linkage between Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW) and phytoplankton assemblages on the west Antarctic Penin- sula continental shelf. 165. Price, James F.: See Jiayan Yang and James F. Price. 789. Prien, Ralf D.: See Joanna Waniek, Wolfgang Koeve and Ralf D. Prien. 983. Renaud, Paul: See Jeffrey Abell, Steve Emerson and Paul Renaud. 203. Rintoul, Stephen: See Serguei Sokolov and Stephen Rintoul. 223. Rooth, Claes G. H.: See Ashwanth Srinivasan, Claes G. H. Rooth, Zafer Top and D. B. Olson. 755. Sharma, Rashmi: See A. K. S. Gopalan, V. V. Gopala Krishna, M. M. Ali and Rashmi Sharma. 721. Shiller, Alan M.: See Yoko Furukawa, Samuel J. Bentley, Alan M. Shiller, Dawn L. Lavoie and Philippe Van Cappellen. 493. Shimmield, Graham B.: See Philippe Martinez, Philippe Bertrand, Stephen E. Calvert, Thomas F. Pedersen, Graham B. Shimmield, Elisabeth Vergés and Michel R. Fontugne. 809. Simmons, Harper Lightfoot and Doron Nof: Islands as eddy splitters. 919. Sokolov, Serguei and Stephen Rintoul: Circulation and water masses of the southwest Pacific: WOCE Section P11, Papua New Guinea to Tasmania. 223. Spall, Michael A.: Generation of strong mesoscale eddies by weak ocean gyres. 97. ____: Buoyancy-forced circulation around islands and ridges. 957. Srinivasan, Ashwanth, Claes G. H. Rooth, Zafer Top and D. B. Olson: Abyssal upwelling in the Indian Ocean: Radiocarbon diagnostics. 755. Stern, Melvin E. and Eric P. Chassignet: Mechanism of eddy separation from coastal currents. 269. Sun, Ming-Yi: See Anitra Ingalls, Robert C. Aller, Cindy Lee and Ming-Yi Sun. 631. Tansley, Claire E. and David P. Marshall: On the influence of bottom topography and the Deep Western Boundary Current on Gulf Stream separation. 297. Thorpe, S. A. and L. R. Centurioni: On the use of the method of images to investigate nearshore dynamical processes. 779. Top, Zafer: See Ashwanth Srinivasan, Claes G. H. Rooth, Zafer Top and D. B. Olson. 755. Treguier, Anne-Marie: See Bruno Ferron, Herlé Mercier and Anne-Marie Treguier. 837. Vallino, J. J.: Improving marine ecosystem models: Use of data assimilation and mesocosm experiments. 117. Van Cappellen, Philippe: See Yoko Furukawa, Samuel J. Bentley, Alan M. Shiller, Dawn L. Lavoie and Philippe Van Cappellen. 493. van Haren, Hans: Properties of vertical current shear across stratification in the North Sea. 465. Vecchi, G. A.: See D. E. Harrison, G. A. Vecchi and R. H. Weisberg. 735. Vergés, Elisabeth: See Philippe Martinez, Philippe Bertrand, Stephen E. Calvert, Thomas F. Pedersen, Graham B. Shimmield, Elisabeth Vergés and Michel R. Fontugne. 809. Wacongne, Sophie: See Frédéric Marin, Bach Lien Hua and Sophie Wacongne. 405. Waniek, Joanna, Wolfgang Koeve and Ralf D. Prien: Trajectories of sinking particles and the catchment areas above sediment traps in the northeast Atlantic. 983. Waworuntu, Jorina M., Rana A. Fine, Donald B. Olson and Arnold L. Gordon. Recipe for Banda Sea water. 547. Weisberg, R. H.: See D. E. Harrison, G. A. Vecchi and R. H. Weisberg. 735 Wienders, Nicolas, Michel Arhan and Herlé Mercier: Circulation at the western boundary of the South and Equatorial Atlantic: Exchanges with the ocean interior. 1007 Williams, Richard G.: See Mei-Man Lee and Richard G. Williams. 895 Wirth, A.: The parameterization of baroclinic instability in a simple model. 571 Yang, Jiayan and James F. Price: Water-mass formation and potential vorticity balance in an abyssal ocean circulation. 789. Yankovsky, Alexander E.: The cyclonic turning and propagation of buoyant coastal discharge along the shelf. 585. The Journal of Marine Research is part of the Sears Foundation for Marine Research, founded in 1937 by A E. Parr as a result of a gift to Yale University by Henry Sears. The Sears Foundation for Marine Research Fund is administered by Yale University as part of its nonprofit operation. Income is used solely for the purpose of publishing and improving the quality of the Journal for the benefit of its readers Printed in U.S.A. for the Sears Foundation for Marine Research Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 06520-8109, U.S.A Science Press, Ephrata, Pennsylvania, 17522-0497, U.S.A

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