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Preview Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2003: Vol 254-255 Table of Contents

FA \ournal ot PA wranriais ELSEVIER Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 254-255 (2003) xiii—xix www.elsevier.com/locate/jmmm Contents Preface A. Pulnikov, V. Permiakov, M. De Wulf and J. Melkebeek Measuring setup for the investigation of the influence of Committees mechanical stresses on magnetic properties of electrical steel A. Preparation and characterization S. Tumanski A.E. Berkowitz, M.F. Hansen, F.T. Parker, K.S. Investigations of the anisotropic behaviour of SiFe Vecchio, F.E. Spada, E.J. Lavernia and R. Rodriguez steel Amorphous soft magnetic particles produced by spark erosion A.J. Moses, J. Leicht and P. Anderson Characterising electrical steels under complex magne- R. Gréssinger, H. Sassik, D. Holzer and N. Pillmayr tising conditions Magnetic characterization of soft magnetic materi- als—experiments and analysis V.E. lordache, F. Ossart and E. Hug Magnetic characterisation of elastically and plastically A. Yedra, L. Fernandez Barquin, J.C. Gomez Sal and tensile strained non-oriented Fe—3.2%Si steel Q.A. Pankhurst Nanoscale alloys prepared by sodium borohydride G. Krismanic, E. Leiss, S. Barsoum and H. Pfiitzner reduction of aqueous Fe-Cu and Co—Cu solutions Automatic scanning system for the determination of P.I. Williams, A.J. Moses, T. Meydan and R.J.D. Tilley local loss distributions in magnetic cores Amorphization of bulk magnetic materials by an arc J.P. Hall, A.J. Moses, T. Irons and D. Snell melting technique Novel magnetic method for the detection of residual T. Yamaguchi and H. Saihata curvature in electrical steel Structures and magnetic properties of iron—nitrogen A. Bienkowski, R. Kolano and R. Szewezyk alloy powders prepared by mechanical alloying process New method of characterization of magnetoelastic H. Grahl, S. Roth, J. Eckert and L. Schultz properties of amorphous ring cores Stability and magnetic properties of Fe-based amor- M. De Wulf, D. Makaveev, Y. Houbaert and J. Melkebeek phous alloys with supercooled liquid region Design and calibration aspects of small size single sheet G. Saage, S. Roth, J. Eckert and L. Schultz testers Low magnetostriction crystalline ribbons prepared by I. Zemanek melt spinning and reactive annealing Exciting signal generator for SSTs K. Moras and W. Riehemann V. Havli¢ek and M. Pokorny Texture and magnetic properties of double-roller Increasing of AC compensation method accuracy meltspun Fe6.5 wt%Si ribbons R.G. Calderon, D.H. Ucko, L.F. Barquin and Q.A. P. Baudouin, Y. Houbaert and S. Tumanski Pankhurst Magnetic local investigations of non-oriented electri- Magnetic properties of nanoscale Fe,Cu,Agjoo— 2. cal steels after tensile deformation (x = 15, 35) granular alloys F. Anayi, A.J. Moses and K. Jenkins A.G. Prieto, M.L. Fdez-Gubieda, C. Meneghini and Effect of aluminium diffusion into electrical steel on A. Garcia-Arribas power loss under flux distortion conditions In situ observation of the structural changes induced M. Enokizono and H. Matsuo by thermal annealing on melt-spun Co;;Cugs granular A measurement system for two-dimensional DC- alloys biased properties of magnetic materials R.L. Anton, M.L. Fdez-Gubieda, G. Kurlyandskaya M. Hirano, Y. Ishihara, K. Harada and T. Todaka and A. Garcia-Arribas A study on measurement of magnetostriction of Synthesis and characterisation of electrodeposited silicon steel sheet by laser displacement meter CugpCo;¢ thin film 0304-8853/03/$-see front matter XIV Contents C. Gomez-Polo, J.1. Pérez-Landazabal, V. Recarte and E. Apifianiz, J.S. Garitaonandia, F. Plazaola, J.J. del W. Ciurzynska Val, J.A. Jimenez and A.R. Pierna Effect of the ordering on the magnetic and magne- Study of the structure influence on the magnetism of toimpedance properties of Fe-6.5% Si alloy Fe7Alyo alloy T. Meydan, H. Kockar and P.I. Williams V. Madurga, J. Vergara and C. Favieres Magnetic characterization of silicon—-iron magnetic Influence of nature of the substrate on the soft material produced by a novel rotating cryostat magnetic properties of pulsed laser ablated-deposited amorphous Co V. Zhukova, J.M. Blanco, A. Zhukov, J. Gonzalez, A. Torcunov and V. Larin B. Magnetization processes, losses Magnetostriction of glass-coated Co-rich amorphous microwires and its dependence on current annealing P. Allia, M. Coisson, J. Moya, P. Tiberto and F. Vinai Granular metallic systems as interacting superpara- B. Cornut. S. Catellani, J.C. Perrier, A.K edous-Lebouc, magnets: anhysteretic magnetization and hysteresis T. Waeckerlé and H. Fraisse loops New compact and precise magnetometer C. Beatrice, F. Fiorillo, G. Asti, M. Solzi and S.S. K.S. Kim, 8.C. Yu, A. Perumal and V. Srinivas Sartori Reentrant behavior of amorphous FeMnZr alloys Effect of annealing on the magnetisation processes in N. Chatziilias, T. Meydan and C. Porter cold-rolled thin Ni sheets Real time digital waveform control for magnetic A. Zelenhakova, P. Kollar, M. Kuzminski, M. Kollarova, testers Z. Vertesy and W. Riehemann A. Platil, P. Ripka, P. Kaspar and J. Roztocil Magnetic properties and domain structure investiga- Sampling measurements with digital hysteresisgraph tion of laser treated Finemet F. Alves and R. Barrué S. Yabukami, R. Ojima, M. Yamaguchi, K.I. Arai and S. Kikuchi Anisotropy and domain patterns of flash stress- annealed soft amorphous and_ nanocrystalline Highly sensitive permeability measurements obtained by electrical impedance alloys V.O. Vas’ kovskiy, N.N. Shchegoleva, R.L. Anton, M.L. C. Beatrice, V. Basso, M. Lo Bue, P. Tiberto and Fdez-Gubieda, G.V. Kurlyandskaya, V.N. Lepalovskij G. Bertotti and A.A. Yuvchenko Experimental study of the magnetization processes in The properties of Co—Cu melt-spun ribbons and thin nanostructured soft magnetic materials films: similarity and difference A. Garcia, C. Moron and F. Maganto I. Zaytseva, A. Stupakiewicz, A. Maziewski and V. Magnetization processes in bistable amorphous rib- Zablotskii bons with induced helical anisotropy Light-induced changes of cubic and uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in a magnet doped by strongly anisotropic Z. Kaczkowski, P. Ruuskanen and A. Lovas ions Moduli of elasticity of the Fez) <;Cu,;Nb,Si;; ;Bo amorphous alloy L.R. Dupré, R. Van Keer and J.A.A. Melkebeek Evaluation of magnetostrictive effects in soft magnetic M. Takezawa, J. Yamasaki, T. Honda and C. Kaido materials using the Preisach theory Domain structure of chemically thinned non-oriented electrical sheet A. Kedous-Lebouc, B. Cornut, J.C. Perrier, Ph. Manfeé and Th. Chevalier F. Ossart, O. Hubert and R. Billardon Punching influence on magnetic properties of the A new internal variables scalar hysteresis model stator teeth of an induction motor respecting the wiping-out property Y. Iwami, Y. Okazaki and A. Saito E.E. Shalyguina, M.A. Komarova, N.M. Abrosimova Unique stress-magnetization change of Co-based and A.N. Shaligin amorphous ribbon due to magnetic field heat treat- Magneto-optical investigation of FeSiBCuNb amor- ment phous wires V. Goriéan, A. Hamler, M. Jesenik, B. Stumberger and . Ziman, M. Kladivova and B. Zagyi M. Trlep Influence of a “domain-drag effect’ on the movement Unreliable determination of vector B in 2-D SST of a single boundary between circular domains in stress-annealed amorphous CoFeSiB wire S. Hori, Y. Ishihara, K. Harada and T. Todaka A study of the loss characteristics of the amorphous V. Raposo, M. Vazquez and A. Mitra magnetic material under the distorted wave magnetic Torsion dependence of giant magnetoimpedance in flux amorphous wires Contents V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov, J. Gonzalez and J.M. Blanco C. Simulation and design Length effect in a _ negative magnetostrictive A.J. Moses, F. Al-Naemi and J. Hall Co-Si-B amorphous wire with rectangular hysteresis Designing and prototyping for production. Practical loop applications of electromagnetic modelling 228 V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov, J.M. Blanco and J. Gonzalez O. Bottauscio, M. Chiampi and L. Rege Orientational dependence of switching field in bistable Influence of skin effect on magnetic flux distribution Co-rich wires in voltage driven devices with laminated cores A. Chizhik, A. Zhukov, J.M. Blanco and J. Gonzalez J. Fiizi, A. Ivanyi and Zs. Szabo Kerr effect investigation of magnetization reversal in DC shielding efficiency of spherical shells with holes Co-rich glass coated microwires 188 O. Bottauscio, A.C anova, M. Chiampi and M. Repetto R. Lebourgeois, S. Berenguer, C. Ramiarinjaona and Rotational hysteresis and eddy current losses T. Waeckerle in electrical motor stators under non-conventional Analysis of the initial complex permeability versus supply 241 frequency of soft nanocrystalline ribbons and derived composites 19] A. Boglietti, O. Bottauscio, M. Chiampi and M. Lazzari Modelling high frequency phenomena in the rotor of J. Slama, R. Dosoudil, R. Vicen, A. Gruskova, V. Olah, induction motors under no-load test conditions 244 I. Hudec and E. USak Frequency dispersion of permeability in ferrite poly- M. Jesenik, V. Gorican, M. Trlep, A. Hamler and B. mer composites 195 Stumberger Field homogeneity in a two-phase round rotational P. KrivoSik, J. BydzZovsky and E. USak single sheet tester with one and both side shields 247 A new approach to modeling of loss separation in grain-oriented Fe—Si laminations 198 F. Alnaemi and A.J. Moses Improvement of permanent magnet machines perfor- C. Krell, E. Leiss and H. Pfiitzner mance by including magnetic shells into the rotor Power loss of highly grain oriented silicon steel under geometry 250 rotational magnetization 201 T. Waeckerlé, H. Fraisse and D. Gautard V. Raposo, A.G. Flores, M. Zazo and J.1. Ifiguez Nanocrystallized cores for ground fault circuit Magnetic after effect of giant magnetoimpedance in breakers 253 amorphous wires 204 D. Makaveev, L. Dupré, M. De Wulf and J. Melkebeek P. Allia, M. Coisson, P. Tiberto, F. Vinai and Dynamic hysteresis modelling using feed-forward H. Chiriac neural networks 256 High-frequency magnetic aftereffect in Co-based amorphous wires and ribbons 207 C. Ragusa An analytical method for the identification of the A. Magni, G. Bertotti, 1.D. Mayergoyz and C. Serpico Preisach distribution function Landau-—Lifschitz—Gilbert dynamics and eddy current effects in metallic thin films G.K. Miti, A.J. Moses, N. Derebasi and D. Fox A neural network-based tool for magnetic perfor- C. Appino, C. Beatrice, E. Ferrara and F. Fiorillo mance prediction of toroidal cores 262 The mechanism for loss minimization at medium and high frequencies in field annealed amorphous alloys G. Ban and P.E. Di Nunzio Minimum force model. Effect of crystallographic V.A. Bedarev, V.I1. Gapon, S.L. Gnatchenko, M. Baran, texture on the magnetostriction and loss character- R. Szymezak, J.-M. Desvignes and H.L. Gall istics of non-oriented electrical steels 265 Metamagnetic phase transition in photoilluminated Ca;Mn,Ge,0)> garnet B. Stumberger, V. Goriéan, G. Stumberger, A. Hamler, M. Trlep and M. Jesenik A. Medina-Boudri, D.R. Cornejo, O. Ayala, H.R. Accuracy of iron loss calculation in_ electrical Bertorello and J. Matutes-Aquino machines by using different iron loss models 269 Reversible processes in magnetization reversal of co- precipitated cobalt ferrite M. Mita, N. Hirao and F. Kimura A study of retainer ring made of 13.5Cr—0.6C—Fe dual K.-i. Yamamoto, H. Nakano and Y. Yamashiro state magnetic material Effect of compressive stress on hysteresis loss of Terfenol-D 999 L. Hirsinger and C. Lexcellent Modelling detwinning of martensite platelets under G. Vlasak, P. Svec and P. Duhaj magnetic and (or) stress actions on Ni-Mn-Ga alloys Evolution of magnetostriction in Fe7; 5_ .Ni,Cu, Nb;- Si; 3.sBy (x = 0, 10, 20, 30, 40) alloy in the course of J. Fiizi and G. Kadar transformation Frequency dependence in the product Preisach model XVi Contents O. Nedelko, P. Didukh and A. Slawska-Waniewska atmosphere on secondary recrystallization of grain- The micromagnetic simulations of CoNbCuSiB oriented Si steel nanocrystalline material M.d.G.M.M. Cesar and M.J. Mantel R. Szewezyk and A. Bienkowski Effect of the temperature and dew point of the Magnetoelastic Villari effect in high-permeability decarburization process on the oxide subscale of a Mn-Zn ferrites and modeling of this effect 3% silicon steel T. Sitkowski, L. Dominguez, K. Kutakowski and A.Z. G. Loisos, A.J. Moses and P. Beckley Maksymowicz Electrical stress on electrical steel coatings Magnetism of amorphous FeB in the Bennett model J. Harase and R. Shimizu H. Shimoji and M. Enokizono Influence of annealing temperature before cold rolling E&S* model for vector magnetic hysteresis property and Cu content on the secondary recrystallization in nitrided Fe-3% si alloy H. Hauser and P.L. Fulmek Magnetization process modeling of anisotropic mag- Y.P. Chernenkov, V.I. Fedorov, V.A. Lukshina, B.K. netoresistive permalloy films Sokolov and N.V. Ershov Short-range order in «-Fe—Si single crystals A. Garcia, C. Moron and M.T. Carracedo Theoretical calculation for magnetometric sensor D. Snell and A. Coombs based in anhysteretic processes The influence of core materials and mix on the performance of a 100kVA three phase transformer R. Goleman core Three-phase induction motor integrated with a magnetic frequency changer O. Hubert, L. Daniel and R. Billardon Experimental analysis of the magnetoelastic anisotro- D. Electrical steel py of a non-oriented silicon iron alloy QO. Fischer and J. Schneider A. Pulnikov, P. Baudouin and J. Melkebeek Influence of deformation process on the improvement Induced stresses due to the mechanical cutting of non- of non-oriented electrical steel oriented electrical steels Y. Ushigami, M. Mizokami, M. Fujikura, T. Kubota, M. Emura, F.J.G. Landgraf, W. Ross and J.R. Barreta H. Fujii and K. Murakami The influence of cutting technique on the magnetic Recent development of low-loss grain-oriented silicon properties of electrical steels steel Y. Oda, Y. Tanaka, A. Chino and K. Yamada T. Tomida, N. Sano, K. Ueda, K. Fujiwara and N. The effects of sulfur on magnetic properties of non- Takahashi oriented electrical steel sheets Cube-textured Si-steel sheets by oxide-separator- induced decarburization and growth mechanism of F.J.G. Landgraf, T. Yonamine, R. Takanohashi, F.Q. cube grains Silva, J.P.V. Tosetti, F.B. Neto, E. Albertin, V.N.G. Mazzarella, I.G.S. Falleiros and M. Emura K. Hartmann, A.J. Moses and T. Meydan Magnetic properties of silicon steel with as-cast A system for measurement of AC Barkhausen noise in columnar structure electrical steels A. Schoppa, J. Schneider, C.-D. Wuppermann and A. Kedous-Lebouc, C. Vernescu and B. Cornut T. Bakon A two-dimensional Preisach particle for vectorial hysteresis modeling Influence of welding and sticking of laminations on the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steels G. Ban Model to evaluate the AC-DC magnetostriction A. Schoppa, H. Louis, F. Pude and Ch. von Rad characteristics of SiFe electrical steels Influence of abrasive waterjet cutting on the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steels F.J.G. Landgraf, T. Yonamine, M. Emura and M.A. Cunha B.K. Bae, J.S. Woo and J.K. Kim Modelling the angular dependence of magnetic Effect of heating rate on properties of non-oriented properties of a fully processed non-oriented electrical electrical steel containing 0.4% Si steel H. Niwa, S. Yanase, S. Hashi and Y. Okazaki H. Homma, B. Hutchinson and T. Kubota Magnetic properties of grain-oriented magnetic steel The production mechanism of extensively sharp Goss sheets under temperature distribution orientation in HI-B material M.A. da Cunha and S.C. Paolinelli T. Takamiya, M. Kurosawa and M. Komatsubara Effect of the annealing temperature on the structure Effect of hydrogen content in the final annealing and magnetic properties of 3% Si non-oriented steel Contents A. Ivanyi and J. Fiizi K.S. Kim, S.-C. Yu, H. Lee and Y.-K. Kim Two-dimensional field model for single-sheet tester Soft magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Fe7;_,- Co, ZrgNb2B;s (x = 5, 10, 15) alloys K. Passadis, T. Meydan and P. Beckley Neural-network-based single-sided non-enwrapping K. Suzuki, J.M. Cadogan, K. Aoki and S.P. Ringer power loss tester Soft magnetic properties of Ge-doped nanocrystalline Fe-Zr-B alloys M. Dzubinsky and F. Kovaé Microstructure and texture development of Fe—-3%Si J.M. Borrego, A. Conde, S. Roth and J. Eckert GO steel during high temperature annealing Soft magnetic properties of FeCoSiAlGaPCB amor- phous alloys E. Soft magnetic alloys P.K. Chakrabarti, F. Mazaleyrat and L.K. Varga J.A. Bas, J.A. Calero and M.J. Dougan Soft magnetic properties of rapidly quenched pig-iron- Sintered soft magnetic materials. Properties and based alloys applications S.C. Yu, Y.U. Kim, C.G. Kim, Y.H. Kang and L. Kraus, Z. Frait, K.R. Pirota and H. Chiriac W.N. Myung Giant magnetoimpedance in glass-covered amorphous Permeability spectra of neutron-irradiated and an- microwires nealed amorphous FeCuNbSiB ribbons V.V. Gubernatorov and T.S. Sycheva V.V. Shulika, A.G. Lavrent’ev, A.P. Potapov and Physical nature of effects of thermomagnetic and G.S. Korzunin thermomechanical treatments in ferromagnets Peculiarities of manifestation of Barkhausen effect in Fe7; sCu,;Nb;Si,s;B o alloy in amorphous and nano- P. Didukh and A. Slawska-Waniewska crystalline states Magnetocaloric effect in slightly crystallised Co-Nb M. Hasiak, M. Miglierini, Y. Yamashiro, W.H. Ciurzy- Cu-Si-B alloy nska, T. Yanai and H. Fukunaga M. Szpryngacz, M. Enokizono and T. Todaka Microstructure and magnetic properties of nano- Magnetization in Fe-Mn—Cr—Ni-Co-Si shape mem- crystalline Fe-Zr-TM-B-Cu (TM=Nb or Mn) ory alloy alloys P. Kwapulinski, J. Rasek, Z. Stoktosa and G. Haneczok J.S. Blazquez, V. Franco, C.F. Conde and A. Conde Magnetic properties of Fe74Cu,Cr,Zr;_ ,Si;;Bo amor- Microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe ,_,- phous alloys Co,.Nb,B;<Cu, (x = 18, 39, 60) alloys T.-S. Yoon, Y. Li, E.S. Koo and C.O. Kim C. Miguel, A.P. Zhukov and J. Gonzalez Soft magnetic properties of as-deposited Fe—Si—O thin Magnetoimpedance of stress and/or field annealed films Fe>; sCu,; Nb;Si,;; sB; amorphous and nanocrystalline ribbon Y.M. Kim, D. Choi, K.H. Kim, J. Kim, S.H. Han and M.N. Gona, S. Yanase, S. Hashi and Y. Okazaki H.J. Kim Magnetoimpedance’ effect in nanocrystalline Thickness effects on magnetic properties and ferro- FeZrNbB ribbons magnetic resonance of Co—Ni-—Fe soft magnetic thin films H. Chiriac, T.-A. Ovari and A. Zhukov Magnetoelastic anisotropy of amorphous microwires T. Nozawa, N. Nouchi, F. Morimoto and A. Otani Coercive force reduction effect in FeCoV and FeNi M. Neagu, H. Chiriac, M. Vazquez, F. Borza and films due to ultrathin FeNiMo layer T.A. Ovari Saturation magnetostriction of Co-rich glass-covered E.A. Ganshina, N.S. Perov, M.Yu. Kochneva, P.M. amorphous wires Sheverdyaeva, C.G. Kim and C.O. Kim Weak magnetic field annealing effect on magneto- H. Chiriac and C. Hison optical and magnetostatic properties of Co-based Mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline Fe-Hf-B amorphous ribbons ribbons A. Kolano and K. Mateja-Kaczmarska L.K. Varga, Zs. Gercsi, Gy. Kovacs, A. Kakay and The influence of post-annealing cooling rates on F. Mazaleyrat magnetic properties of Fe-based nanocrystalline Stress-induced magnetic anisotropy in nanocrystalline alloys alloys M. Hasiak, W.H. Ciurzynska, Y. Yamashiro and H. T. Waeckerlé, F. Alves, P.L. Reydet, J. Degauque and Fukunaga G. Pourroy Soft magnetic properties of amorphous and nano- Magnetic behaviour of a nanocrystallized Fe>,- crystalline FegyZr4Ti;B,»Cu, alloy Si, <BgNb;Cu, alloy XViil Contents L.F. Kiss, T. Kemeny, I. Vincze and V. Franco B. Hernando, V.M. Prida, M.L. Sanchez, M. Tejedor, Low-temperature spin freezing in soft magnetic M. Vazquez and L.-Y. Feng nanocrystalline alloys Torsional stress dependence of reactance and resis- tance in Fe-rich amorphous wires at low frequencies L.F. Kiss, J. Kovaé and A. Lovas Influence of early stages of nanocrystallization on the N. Randrianantoandro, A. Pefia, F. Plazaola, J.A. low-temperature magnetic properties of nanocrystal- Jimenez, J.-M. Grenéche and J.M. Barandiaran line ribbons Magnetic properties of Feg¢Cr,2Al.. crystalline rib- bon A. Lovas, B. Varga, L.F. Kiss, L. Nakonechna and Z. Kalincsak J.L. Uriarte, A.R. Yavari, S. Surifiach, P. Rizzi, G. The evolution of soft magnetic properties and the Heunen, M. Baricco, M.D. Baro and A. Kvick related density change during amorphous—nanocrys- Properties of FeNiB-based metallic glasses with talline transformation primary BCC and FCC crystallisation products A. Gupta, S.N. Kane, N. Bhagat and T. Kulik F. Ferrites and other oxides Effect of Cu, Nb and Ta addition on the structural G. Ott, J. Wrba and R. Lucke and magnetic properties of amorphous Fe—Si-B Recent developments of Mn-—Zn ferrites for high alloys permeability applications S.N. Kane, A. Gupta, $.D. Sarabhai and L. Kraus J. Moulin, Y. Champion, J.M. Grenéeche and F. Influence of Co content on structural and magnetic Mazaleyrat properties of Co,Feg, ,Nb7Bo alloys Magnetic properties of MnZn ferrite with ultra-fine S.N. Kane, A. Gupta, T. Kulik and L. Kraus grain structure Influence of intrinsic and induced anisotropy on K. Kondo, T. Chiba and S. Yamada magnetoimpedance effect in amorphous CO,¢7Fe,- Effect of microstructure on magnetic properties of Mo, sSij¢.sBi; Ni-Zn ferrites S.N. Kane, A. Gupta and L.K. Varga A. Gonchar, V. Andreev, L. Letyuk, A. Shishkanov and MOssbauer study of plastic deformation in amor- V. Maiorov phous FegoNigoBo and Fe7gSigB,;C> alloys Problems of increasing of thermostability of highly P. Gorria, L.F. Barquin, V.M. Prida and W.S. Howells permeable Ni—Zn ferrites and relative materials for Microstructural study of joule heated nanocrystalline telecommunications alloys using in situ neutron diffraction A. Bienkowski, K. Rozniatowski and R. Szewezyk S.H. Yoon, S.B. Kim, H.M. Lee and C.S. Kim Effects of stress and its dependence on microstructure Distributions of hyperfine parameters in nanocrystal- in Mn-—Zn ferrite for power applications line Feg;ByNb7Cu, alloys G. Vértesy and B. Keszei C. Moron, A. Garcia and M.T. Carracedo Double magnetic layer formed in epitaxial garnet films Temperature distribution study in flash-annealed by annealing amorphous ribbons C.S. Kim, B.K. Min, S.J. Kim, S.R. Yoon and J. Zbroszezyk, J. Olszewski, W. Ciurzynska, B. Y.R. Uhm Wystocki, R. Kolano, A. Mtynezyk, M. Lukiewski, Crystallographic and magnetic properties of A. Kolano and J. Lelatko Y :Fe; Al ,O}> Microstructure and some magnetic characteristics of amorphous and nanocrystalline Feg;_ .Co,.Nb;B,;,Cu, V.G. Kostishyn and L.M. Letyuk Use of corona electret state in Bi-containing ferrite— (x = 0 or 41.5) alloys garnet heterocompositions for thermomagnetic data J. Olszewski, H. Fukunaga, W. Ciurzynska, J. recording Zbroszczyk, A. Lukiewska, A. Mtynezyk, K. Perduta and J. Lelatko V.G. Kostishyn and L.M. Letyuk Microstructure and temperature dependence of Role of Ca** ions uncompensated with isovalent ions magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Fe, 7- in the formation of magnetic properties in (YSmLu- C042 7Zt6.3_ yNb, Be Cu, (x = 0, 1) alloys Ca);(FeGe);O;>, (YYbBi),(FeGa);O;> and (YBi);- (FeGa);O;> epitaxial films H. Fukunaga, H. Tanaka, T. Yanai, M. Nakano and J.M. Song M. Tekielak, A. Stupakiewicz, A. Maziewski and J.M. Gapless Fe-based metallic cores with low permeability Desvignes Temperature-induced phase transitions in Co-doped H. Lee, Y.-K. Kim and S.-C. Yu YIG films Temperature dependence of soft magnetic properties in amorphous CoggFesyX ; sSijoB;; (X =Cr, Mn, Ni) S.W. Lee, S.Y. An, S.R. Yoon, I.-B. Shim and C.S. Kim alloys Atomic migration in Cop 9Zn;F peO , Contents C.S. Kim, I.-B. Shim, $.B. Kim, S.R. Yoon and G.Y. R. Lebourgeois, J.-P. Ganne, G. Peyresoubes, W. Ahn Rebernak, A.-L. Adenot and O. Acher Mossbauer studies of iron-doped Lao 67ST0.33Mni99 ° New ferromagnetic composites for radio-frequency Feo 9103 568 applications 608 I.-B. Shim, H.-M. Lee, C.W. Lee, J.-G. Lee and CS. P. Marketos, T. Meydan and D. Snell Kim Performance of single-phase transformer cores as- Substitution dependence of magnetoresistance in sol— sembled from consolidated stacks of electrical steels gel-derived La» ;_,Tl,Ca; ;MnO3_ 5 571 A.J. Moses H. Han, C.S. Kim and B.W. Lee Prediction of core losses of three phase transformers Magnetic properties of ordered Perovskite Ba 2Fe- from estimation of the components contributing to MoO, 574 the building factor 615 W.Y. Lee, H. Han, S.B. Kim, C.S. Kim and B.W. Lee G. Stumberger, B. Stumberger and D. Dolinar Some effects of Fe/Mo disorder in double perovskite Magnetically nonlinear and anisotropic iron core Ba>Fe, + .Mo; Oc model of synchronous reluctance motor S.B. Kim, B.W. Lee, S.R. Yoon and C.S. Kim M. De Wulf, S. Jacobs and J. Melkebeek Anisotropic hyperfine field fluctuation in Ba>Fe- Influence of material quality on the magnetic and MoO, 580 mechanical properties of steel sheet for salient pole electrical machines 621 A.G. Flores, M. Zazo, J. Ifiguez, V. Raposo, C. de Francisco, J.M. Munoz and W.J. Padilla E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen and H. Pfiitzner Ferromagnetic resonance in double perovskite Ba>Fe- Magnetostrictive amorphous bilayers and trilayers for MoO, 583 thermal sensors 624 A. Pena, J. Gutiérrez, L.M. Rodriguez-Martinez, J.M. L. Mehnen, P. Svec, H. Pfiitzner and P. Duhaj Barandiaran, T. Hernandez and T. Rojo Displacement sensor based on an amorphous bilayer Magnetic order changes in Al substituted Sr,Fe MoO, including a magnetostrictive component 627 double perovskites 586 R.P. Almazan, L. Pérez, C. Aroca, M.C. Sanchez, E. A.I. Shames, V. Markovich, E. Rozenberg, A. Yaku- Lopez and P. Sanchez bovsky, C. Martin, A. Maignan, M. Hervieu, B. Raveau Magnetometric sensors based on planar spiral coils and G. Gorodetsky P. Ripka, A. Platil, P. Kaspar, A. Tipek, M. Malatek Electron magnetic resonance and pressure studies of and L. Kraus Smp »Cap sMn,_,.Ru,O; ceramics 589 Permalloy GMI sensor 633 J.c. Lee, S.Y. Ie, S.1. Park, C.S. Kim and K. Jeong M.A. Rivero, M. Maicas, E. Lopez, C. Aroca, M.C. Magnetotransport properties of perovskite La—Ba- Sanchez and P. Sanchez Mn-—O-deposited films on Si substrates 592 Influence of the sensor shape on permalloy/Cu/ Y.R. Uhm, C.W. Lee, S.R. Yoon, J.-G. Lee, and CS. permalloy magnetoimpedance 636 Kim P. Ripka, M. Vopalensky, A. Platil, M. Déscher, The Mossbauer study of magnetic phase transition in K.-M.H. Lenssen and H. Hauser single crystal (Nd, _,Sm,); 3Sr2 ;FeO, 595 AMR magnetometer 639 G. Power and electronic applications J. Slama, A. Gruskova, R. Vicen, S. Vicenova, R. Dosoudil and J. Franek G. Herzer Composite material with substituted Li ferrite for Magnetic materials for electronic article surveillance 598 high-frequency applications 642 A.B. Rinkevich, L.N. Romashev, V.V. Ustinov and Author index to volume 254-255 646 E.A. Kuznetsov High frequency properties of magnetic multilayers Subject index to volume 254-255

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