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Preview Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2002: Vol 252 Table of Contents

FA, \ournal of MA inateriais ELSEVIER Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 252 (2002) xvii—xxi www.elsevier.com/locate/jmmm Contents Preface G.A. van Ewijk, G.J. Vroege, B.W.M. Kuipers and A.P. Philipse Group photo Thermodynamic (in)stability of ferrofluid—polymer List of participants xii mixtures P. Kinnari, R.V. Upadhyay and R.V. Mehta Synthesis of magnetic fluids Magnetic properties of Fe—Zn ferrite substituted ferrofluids K. Butter, A.P. Philipse and G.J. Vroege Synthesis and properties of iron ferrofluids Characterization of magnetic fluids J. Wagner, T. Autenrieth and R. Hempelmann Core shell particles consisting of cobalt ferrite and T. Black, K. Raj and S. Tsuda silica as model ferrofluids [CoFe,»O,—SiO, core shell Characterization of an_ ultra-low vapor pressure particles] ferrofluid R. Miiller, R. Hiergeist, W. Gawalek, A. Hoell and V.K. Sankaranarayanan, O. Prakash, R.P. Pant and A. Wiedenmann M. Islam Magnetic and structural investigations on barium Lithium ferrite nanoparticles for ferrofluid applica- hexaferrite ferrofluids 43 tions L.M. Pop, C.D. Buioca, V. lusan and M. Zimnicaru D. Bica, L. Vekas and M. Rasa Long-term stability of magnetic fluids in low-gradient Preparation and magnetic properties of concentrated magnetic fields 46 magnetic fluids on alcohol and water carrier liquids 10 A. Ouakssim, A. Roch, C. Pierart and R.N. Muller D. Rabelo, E.C.D. Lima, D.P. Barbosa, V.J. Silva, Characterization of polydisperse superparamagnetic O. Silva, R.B. Azevedo, L.P. Silva, A.P.C. Lemos and particles by nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion P.C. Morais (NMRD) profiles 49 Investigation of magnetic nanoparticles in acryloni- trile-methyl methacrylate-divinylbenzene mesoporous P.C. Morais, A. Alonso, O. Silva and N. Buske template 13 Electron paramagnetic resonance of nitroxide-doped magnetic fluids 53 R.P. Pant, S.K. Dhawan, N.D. Kataria and D.K. Suri Investigations on ferrofluid-conducting polymer com- A.C. Oliveira, A.L. Tronconi, N. Buske and P.C. Morais posite and its application Photoacoustic spectroscopy of magnetic fluids 56 S.C.K. Misra, R.P. Pant, J.L. Pandey and N. Kumar P.C. Fannin Preparation and characterization of magnetic poly- Magnetic spectroscopy as an aide in understanding meric thin films 20 magnetic fluids 59 R. Aquino, F.A. Tourinho, R. Itri, M.C.F.L. e Lara and P.C. Fannin, S.W. Charles, R.W. Chantrell and A.T. J. Depeyrot Giannitsis Size control of MnFe,O, nanoparticles in electric Studies of the effect of polarising field and particle double layered magnetic fluid synthesis interactions on the resonant frequency of magnetic nano-particles in colloidal suspensions 65 V. Socoliuc and D. Bica The influence of the degree of colloidal stabilization I. Malaescu and C.N. Marin and concentration on the magnetic particle aggrega- Dependence on the temperature of the activation tion in ferrofluids energy in the dielectric relaxation processes for ferrofluids in low-frequency field 68 F.A. Tourinho, A.F.C. Campos, R. Aquino, M.C.F.L. Lara and J. Depeyrot A. Spanoudaki and R. Pelster Size dependence of the surface charge density in Frequency dependence of dielectric anisotropy in EDL-MF ferrofluids 0304-8853/02/$-see front matter XVill Contents L.Y. Iskakova and A.Y. Zubarev A.Y. Zubarev and A.O. Ivanov Dynamical susceptibility of solidified dense ferrocol- To the theory of phase transitions in layered ferro- loids fluids A.F.R. Rodriguez, A.C. Oliveira, D. Rabelo, E.C.D. T. Tynjailé, A. Hajiloo, W. Polashenski Jr. and P. Lima and P.C. Morais Zamankhan Magnetic susceptibility investigation of magnetic Magnetodissipation in ferrofluids nanoparticles in styrene-divinylbenzene mesoporous A.O. Ivanov template Mean field theories and ferromagnetic ordering in P.C. Fannin, S.W. Charles, D. Vincent and A.T. ferrofluids Giannitsis Y.L. Raikher and V.I. Stepanov Measurement of the high-frequency complex permit- Noise- and force-induced resonances of magne- tivity and conductivity of magnetic fluids tization and orientation in superparamagnetic A. Wiedenmann, A. Hoell and M. Kammel systems Small-angle scattering investigations of cobalt-ferro- B. Huke and M. Liicke fluids using polarised neutrons Cluster expansion for ferrofluids and the influence of M. Avdeev, M. Balasoiu, G. Torok, D. Bica, L. Rosta, polydispersity on magnetization V.L. Aksenov and L. Vekas A.O. Ivanov and O.B. Kuznetsova SANS study of particle concentration influence on Magnetic properties of dense ferrofluids ferrofluid nanostructure M. Hirabayashi, Y. Chen and H. Ohashi M. Kammel, A. Wiedenmann and A. Hoell A new lattice Boltzmann approach to the fractal Nuclear and magnetic nanostructure of magnetite structure in magnetic fluids ferrofluids studied by SANSPOL K. Shinoda, B. Jeyadevan, M. Kasai, I. Nakatani, A. Hoell, R. Miiller, A.W iedenmann and W. Gawalek H. Oka and K. Tohji Core-shell and magnetic structure of barium hexafer- Characterization of inherent clusters in water-based rite fluids studied by SANS magnetite magnetic fluid V.T. Lebedev, G. Tér6ék and B.P. Toperverg Neutron magnetic tomography of ferrofluids V. Sofonea, W.-G. Frith and A. Cristea Lattice Boltzmann model for the simulation of B. Jeyadevan, S. Momozawa, K. Imano and K. Tohji interfacial phenomena in magnetic fluids Fluid property evaluation by using transversal effects of piezoelectric transducer H. Pleiner, E. Jarkova, H.-W. Miiller and H.R. Brand Nematic order in ferrofluids M. Rasa and A.P. Philipse I. Poto¢éova, P. Kopéansky, M. Koneracka, L. Toméo, Scanning probe microscopy on magnetic colloidal particles M. Timko, J. Jadzyn and G. Czechowski The structural instabilities in ferronematics and H.E. Horng, S.Y. Yang, W.S. Tse, H.C. Yang, W. Luo ferrosmectics and C.-Y. Hong Magnetically modulated optical transmission of mag- S.V. Burylov, V.f. Zadorozhnii, I.P. Pinkevich, V.Yu. netic fluid films Reshetnyak and T.J. Sluckin Weak anchoring effects in ferronematic systems R.P. Pant, H.C. Kandpal and D.K. Suri Anomalous enhancement in the optical scattered V.A. Turkov radiation in magnetite base ferrofluid Deformation of an elastic composite involving a magnetic fluid M.M. Maiorov O. Buluy, E. Ouskova, Y. Reznikov, A. Glushchenko, Faraday effect in magnetic fluids at a frequency 10 GHz J. West and V. Reshetnyak P.C. Fannin, Y.L. Raikher, A.T. Giannitsis and S.W. Magnetically induced alignment of FNS Charles S. Sudo, K. Ise and S. Kamiyama Investigation of the influence which material para- Jet formation of magnetic fluid with vibration of an meters have on the signal-to-noise ratio of nanopar- annular magnet ticles S. Shuchi, K. Shimada, S. Kamiyama and H. Yamaguchi Basic theoretical and experimental questions Hydrodynamic characteristics of steady magnetic P.C. Morais and F. Qu fluid flow in a straight tube by taking into A quantum dot model for the surface charge density account the non-uniform distribution of mass con- in ferrite-based ionic magnetic fluids centration Contents J. Mai, W.G. Frith and R. Yamane Rheological properties of ferrofluids Numerical analysis of viscous fluid flow in a magnetic G. Bossis, S. Lacis, A. Meunier and O. Volkova fluid coated duct Magnetorheological fluids C. Rinaldi and M. Zahn E.Yu. Taran, Yu.V. Pridatchenko and V.A. Gryaznova Effects of spin viscosity on ferrofluid duct flow profiles Features of magnetorheology of suspension with the in alternating and rotating magnetic fields Cowin polar carrier fluid K. Ueno, M. Fukushima, T. Takagi and S. Kamiyama A. Ponton, A. Bee, E. Hasmonay, R. Perzynski and Linear analysis of surface oscillation of magnetic fluid D. Talbot coating around a cylinder Dynamic probing of thixotropic magnetic gels V.I. Stepanov and Y.L. Raikher K. Shimada, Y. Akagami, T. Fujita, T. Miyazaki, S. Dynamic birefringence in magnetic fluids with allow- Kamiyama and A. Shibayama ance for mechanical and magnetic degrees of freedom Characteristics of magnetic compound fluid (MCF) in of the particles a rotating rheometer D.A. Usanov, Al.V. Skripal, An.V. Skripal and A.V. P. Licinio Kurganov Equilibrium chain dynamics in magnetic fluids Interaction of microwave radiation with magnetic A.Yu. Zubarev, §. Odenbach and J. Fleischer liquid layer placed in waveguide Rheological properties of dense ferrofluids. Effect of chain-like aggregates T. Sawada, H. Nishiyama and T. Tabata Influence of a magnetic field on ultrasound propaga- S. Kantorovich and A.O. Ivanov tion in a magnetic fluid Formation of chain aggregates in magnetic fluids: an influence of polydispersity Heat and mass transfer phenomena S. Thurm and S. Odenbach E. Blums Magnetic separation of ferrofluids Heat and mass transfer phenomena K. Melzner and S. Odenbach A. Lange Investigation of the Weissenberg effect in ferrofluids Thermal convection of magnetic fluids in a cylindrical under microgravity conditions geometry C.-Y. Chen, C.-Y. Hong and S.-W. Wang M.I. Shliomis and B.L. Smorodin Magnetic flows in a tube with the effects of viscosity Convective instability of magnetized ferrofluids variation H. Yamaguchi, Z. Zhang, S. Shuchi and K. Shimada T. Miyazaki, A. Shibayama, T. Sato and T. Fujita Heat transfer characteristics of magnetic fluid in a Measurement of interaction force between small partitioned rectangular box distances sandwiched with magnetic fluid under magnetic field C.-Y. Wen, C.-Y. Chen and S.-F. Yang Flow visualization of natural convection of magnetic fluid in a rectangular Hele-Shaw cell Free surface phenomena M.S. Krakov and I.V. Nikiforov A. Cébers To the influence of uniform magnetic field on The anisotropy of the surface tension at the magnetic- thermomagnetic convection in square cavity field-induced phase transformations V.A. Naletova and A.S. Kvitantsev A.G. Papathanasiou and A.G. Boudouvis Thermomagnetic force acting on an_ ellipsoidal Wetting effects on magneto-hydrostatics of rotating body immersed into a nonuniformly heated magnetic ferrofluid drops: experimental and computational liquid analysis E. Blums, A. Mezulis, N. Buske and M. Maiorov V. Bashtovoi, P. Kuzhir and A. Reks Thermophoretic separation of a_ ferrofluid—water Capillary ascension of magnetic fluids emulsion: preliminary experiments R. Yamane, S. Tomita, J. Mai, M.K. Park and S. T. Vélker, E. Blums and S. Odenbach Oshima Thermodiffusion in magnetic fluids Oscillation of a diamagnetic liquid bubble suspended by magnetic force A. Mezulis, M. Maiorov and E. Blums Transport properties of an ionic magnetic F.R. Cunha, A.J. Sousa and P.C. Morais colloid: experimental study of increasing the ionic The dynamic behavior of a collapsing bubble in a strength magnetic fluid XX Contents Y.I. Dikansky, M.A. Bedjanian, I.Y u. Chuenkova and G. Morton and W.-G. Frih V.N. Suzdalev The force on an object passing through a magnetic Dynamics of magnetic fluid drop’s shape in rotating fluid seal and stationary magnetic fields Z. Li V. Bashtovoi, P. Kuzhir and A. Reks Magnetic fluid seals for DWDM filter manufacturing The impact between a magnetic fluid drop and a magnetic fluid surface L. Xuehui, Z. Jibin, A. Hong, C. Erbin and L. Jun Research on the iron-nitride magnetic fluid safety S. Sudo, M. Funaoka and H. Nishiyama valve for sealing Sequential impact of two magnetic fluid droplets on a paper surface C.D. Buioca, V. Iusan and R. Pirlea Magnetofluidic testing of rock cutting knives H.C. Yang, B.Y. Jeang, S.Y. Yang, H.E. Horng, T.P. Huang and C.-Y. Hong E. Uhlmann, G. Spur, N. Bayat and R. Patzwald Structure of the magnetic fluid film under alternating Application of magnetic fluids in tribotechnical magnetic fields systems S.Y. Yang, Y.F. Chen, Y.H. Ke, W.S. Tse, H.E. Horng, N. Umehara C.-Y. Hong and H.C. Yang MAGIC polishing Effect of temperature on the structure formation in the magnetic fluid film subjected to perpendicular Y. Ido, K. Tanaka and Y. Sugiura magnetic fields Fluid transportation mechanisms by a coupled system of elastic membranes and magnetic fluids M. Igonin and A. Cebers Labyrinthine instability of miscible magnetic fluids R.P. Bhatt Magnetic-fluid-based smart centrifugal switch C.-Y. Chen and C.-Y. Wen Numerical simulations of miscible magnetic flows in a E.J. Rhee, M.K. Park, R. Yamane and S. Oshima Hele—Shaw cell Radial flows The position control of a capsule filled with magnetic fluid V.G. Bashtovoi, O.A. Lavrova, V.K. Polevikov and L. Tobiska J.-W. Seo, S.-M. Jeon, S.J. Park and H.-S. Lee Computer modeling of the instability of a horizontal An experimental and numerical investigation of flat magnetic-fluid layer in a uniform magnetic field panel display cell using magnetic fluid C.-Y. Hong, P.C. Huang, C.-H. Chen, S.Y. Yang, A. Jozefezak, M. Labowski and A. Skumiel H.E. Horng and H.C. Yang Hysteresis of changes of ultrasonic wave absorption Influence of the initially ordered structure on transi- coefficient in a magnetic fluid caused by the magnetic tion of structural pattern field M. Ohaba, Y. Suzuki, T. Sawada, Y.-Z. Liu, M. Takeuchi and T. Tanahashi K. Nakatsuka, B. Jeyadevan, S. Neveu and H. Nonlinear shape oscillations of axisymmetric mag- Koganezawa netic fluid columns in a magnetic field The magnetic fluid for heat transfer applications S. Sudo, K. Ise and T. Ikohagi Medical applications Interfacial phenomena of magnetic fluid adsorbed to two magnets subjected to vertical vibration C. Alexiou, A. Schmidt, R. Klein, P. Hulin, C. Bergemann and W. Arnold Magnetic drug targeting: biodistribution and depen- Technical applications dency on magnetic field strength V.G. Bashtovoi, D.N. Kabachnikov, A.Y. Kolobov, L.M. Lacava, Z.G.M. Lacava, R.B. Azevedo, S.B. V.B. Samoylov and A.V. Vikoulenkov Chaves, V.A.P. Garcia, O. Silva, F. Pelegrini, N. Buske, Research of the dynamics of a magnetic fluid dynamic C. Gansau, M.F. Da Silva and P.C. Morais absorber Use of magnetic resonance to study biodistribution of V.G. Bashtovoi, G. Bossis, D.N. Kabachnikov, M:S. dextran-coated magnetic fluid intravenously adminis- Krakov and O. Volkova tered in mice Modelling of magnetic fluid support R.E. Rosensweig C.D. Buioca, V. Iusan, A. Stanci and C. Zoller Heating magnetic fluid with alternating magnetic field A new type magnetofluidic actuator J. Depeyrot, E.C. Sousa, R. Aquino, F.A. Tourinho, E. J. Zou, X. Li, Y. Lu and J. Hu Dubois, J.-C. Bacri and R. Perzynski Numerical analysis on the action of centrifuge force in Rare earth doped maghemite EDL-MF: a perspective magnetic fluid rotating shaft seals for nanoradiotherapy? Contents N.A. Brusentsov, L.V. Nikitin, T.N. Brusentsova, C. Sestier, Z.G.M. Lacava, L.M. Lacava, M.P. Da Silva, A.A. Kuznetsov, F.S. Bayburtskiy, L.I. Shumakov and R.B. Azevedo, N. Buske, C. Gansau, P.C. Morais, O. N.Y. Jurchenko Silva, F. Pelegrini and D. Sabolovic Magnetic fluid hyperthermia of the mouse experi- In vitro toxicity of magnetic fluids evaluated for mental tumor macrophage cell lines J. Lange, R. K6titz, A. Haller, L. Trahms, W. Semmler M. Sincai, L. Deleanu, D. Argherie and D. Bica and W. Weitschies The effects of magnetic fluids on blood parameters in Magnetorelaxometry——a new binding specific detec- dogs tion method based on magnetic nanoparticles M. Koneracka, P. Kopéansky, M. Timko and C.N. E. Romanus, C. GroB, G. Gléckl, P. Weber and W. Ramchand Weitschies Direct binding procedure of proteins and enzymes to Determination of biological binding reactions by field- fine magnetic particles induced birefringence measurements S. Jayavanth and M. Singh E. Romanus, M. Hiickel, C. Grob, S. Prass, W. Influence of an inhomogeneous magnetic field on Weitschies, R. Brauer and P. Weber erythrocyte aggregation mechanism—an analysis by Magnetic nanoparticle relaxation measurement as a He-Ne laser aggregometer novel tool for in vivo diagnostics M.A.G. Soler, S.W. da Silva, T.F.O. Melo, M. De O. Rotariu, N.J.C. Strachan and V. Badescu Cuyper and P.C. Morais Modelling of microorganisms capture on magnetic Raman spectroscopy of magnetoliposomes carrier particles P.C. Morais, K.S. Neto, P.P. Gravina, L.C. Figueiredo, P.P. Gravina, J.S. Santos, L.C. Figueiredo, K. Skeff M.F. Da Silva, Z.G.M. Lacava, R.B. Azevedo, L.P. Neto, M.F. Da Silva, N. Buske, C. Gansau and P.C. Silva and M. De Cuyper Morais Birefringence and transmission electron microscopy of Biocompatible magnetic fluids: a comparative bire- monolayer and bilayer magnetoliposomes fringence investigation Introduction to the magnetic fluids bibliography M.L.L. Freitas, L.P. Silva, R.B. Azevedo, V.A.P. Magnetic Fluids Bibliography (1998-2001) Garcia, L.M. Lacava, C.K. Grisolia, C.M. Lucci, P.C. Morais, M.F. Da Silva, N. Buske, R. Curi and Author index to volume 252 Z.G.M. Lacava A double-coated magnetite-based magnetic fluid Subject index to volume 252 evaluation by cytometry and genetic tests T. Goetze, C. Gansau, N. Buske, M. Roeder, P. Gérnert and M. Bahr Biocompatible magnetic core/shell nanoparticles

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