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FAI \ournal ot magnetism and magnetic materials ELSEVIER Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 225 (2001) 418-422 www.elsevier.com/locate/jmmm Author index to volume 225 Al-Omari, I.A., Structural and Mossbauer spectroscopic Carpenter, E.E., Iron nanoparticles as potential mag- studies of Fey 7_ .Cr,Alp 3 alloys netic carriers Alexiou, C., W. Arnold, P. Hulin, R.J. Klein, H. Renz, Cerchez, M., see Stancu, A. F.G. Parak, C. Bergemann and A.S. Liibbe, Mag- Chalmers, J.J., see Moore, L.R. netic mitoxantrone nanoparticle detection by histo- Charles, S.W., see Stevenson, J.P. logy, X-ray and MRI after magnetic tumor targeting Chatterjee, J., Y. Haik and C.-J. Chen, Modification and Alyautdin, R.N., see Kuznetsov, A.A. characterization of polystyrene-based magnetic mi- Antipov, A.A., see Voigt, A. crospheres and comparison with albumin-based Arnold, W., see Alexiou, C. magnetic microspheres Azevedo, R.B., see Morais, P.C. Chen, C.-J., see Chatterjee, J. Azevedo, R.B., see Lacava, L.M. Chen, C.-J., see Haik, Y. Cherchenko, A., see Mykhaylyk, O. Chesne, S., see Perrin-Cocon, L.A. Babincova, M., D. Leszczynska, P. Sourivong, Chong, C.T., see Xu, Y. P. Ciémanec and P. Babinec, Superparamagnetic Chua-anusorn, W., see Pardoe, H. gel as a novel material for electromagnetically Ciémanec, P., see Babincova, M. induced hyperthermia Colton, R.J., see Miller, M.M. Babincova, M., D. Leszczynska, P. Sourivong and P. Connolly, J. and T.G. St Pierre, Proposed biosensors Babinec, Lysis of photosensitized erythrocytes in an based on time-dependent properties of magnetic alternating magnetic field fluids Babinec, P., see Babincova, M. Cooper, R.P., see Todd, P. Babinec, P., see Babincova, M. Baig, A., see Hasanain, S.K. Bakuzis, A.F., see Morais, P.C. Bergemann, C., see Sieben, S. Bergemann, C., see Alexiou, C. Dailey, J.P., see Stevenson, J.P. Bica, D., see Sincai, M. De Cuyper, M. and S. Valtonen, Investigation of the Bjelke, B., see Kim, D.K. spontaneous transferability of a phospholipid- Bolwell, B.J., see Moore, L.R. poly(ethylene glycol)-biotin derivative from small Bounnak, S., see Miller, M.M. unilamellar phospholipid vesicles to magnetolipo- Bourrel, V., see Elaissari, A. somes Barner, K., see Troyanchuk, I.O. De Pinho, S., see Rocha, F.M. Brockmann, B., see Sieben, S. Deger, S., see Jordan, A. Brusentsov, N.A., V.V. Gogosov, T.N. Brusentsova, Deuser, M.S., see Todd, P. A.V. Sergeev, N.Y. Jurchenko, A.A. Kuznetsov, Dimitrov, D.V., A. Mack and S. Gangopadhyay, A O.A. Kuznetsov and L.I. Shumakov, Evaluation of study of the induced anisotropy in a ferromagnetic ferromagnetic fluids and suspensions for the site- grain from an exchange coupled antiferromagnetic specific radiofrequency-induced hyperthermia of grain with uniaxial anisotropy MX11 sarcoma cells in vitro Dmitriev, N.S., see Kuznetsov, A.A. Brusentsova, T.N., see Brusentsov, N.A. Dobson, J., see Pardoe, H. Buchanevich, O.M., see Mykhaylyk, O.M. Donath, E., see Voigt, A. Baumler, H., see Voigt, A. Doyle, J.F., see Todd, P. Bushynski, M.V., see Troyanchuk, I.O. Drulis, H., see Gaczynski, P. Buske, N., see Voigt, A. Dudchenko, N., see Mykhaylyk, O. Buske, N., see Lacava, L.M. Dunn, S., see Todd, P. 0304-8853/01/$-see front matter PII: S0304-8853(01)00185-8 Author index to volume 225 Edelstein, R.L., see Miller, M.M. 138 Hundley, M.F., see Petrovic, C. 317 Elaissari, A. and V. Bourrel, Thermosensitive magnetic Haussinger, K., see Moller, W. 218 latex particles for controlling protein adsorption and desorption 151 , Elaissari, A. M. Rodrigue, F. Meunier and C. Herve, — i ee ee ; = an : : Iwasieczko, W., see Gaczynski, P. 351 Hydrophilic magnetic latex for nucleic acid extrac- tion, purification and concentration 127 Ensling, J., see Saito, K. 381 Jiang, H., see Xu, Y. 359 Esker, A.R., see Stevenson, J.P. 47 Johannsen, M., see Jordan, A. 118 Jordan, A., R. Scholz, K. Maier-Hauff, M. Johannsen, P. Wust, J. Nadobny, H. Schirra, H. Schmidt, S. Failing, S., see Hafeli, U. 73 Deger, S. Loening, W. Lanksch and R. Felix, Felix, R., see Jordan, A. 118 Presentation of a new magnetic field therapy system Filippov, V.I., see Kuznetsov, A.A. 95 for the treatment of human solid tumors with Fisk, Z., see Petrovic, C. 317 magnetic fluid hyperthermia 118 Flores, G.A., see Liu, J. 209 Jurchenko, N.Y., see Brusentsov, N.A. 113 Fotiadis, D.1., see Voltairas, P.A. Kabelitz, D., see Tchikov, V. Kehr, J., see Kim, D.K. 256 Gaczynski, P., F.G. Vagizov, W. Suski, B. Kotur, W. Khabari, A., see Zhang, P. 337 Iwasieczko and H. Drulis, Magnetic and hyperfine Kim, D.K., Y. Zhang, W. Voit, K.V. Rao and M. interaction in RFe,Als (R= C e, Sc) compounds 351 Muhammed, Synthesis and characterization of sur- Gangopadhyay, S., see Dimitrov, D.V. 403 factant-coated superparamagnetic monodispersed Garcia, A., see Petrovic, C. 317 iron oxide nanoparticles 30 Garg, V.K., see Morais, P.C. 37 Kim, D.K., Y. Zhang, J. Kehr, T. Klason, B. Bjelke and Gluchoedov, N.P., see Komissarova, L.K. 197 M. Muhammed, Characterization and MRI study of Ganga, D., see Sincai, M. 235 surfactant-coated superparamagnetic nanoparticles Gogosov, V.V., see Brusentsov, N.A. 113 administered into the rat brain 256 Goncalves, G.R.R., see Morais, P.C. 84 Klason, T., see Kim, D.K. 256 Granado, E., see Petrovic, C. 317 Klein, R.J., see Alexiou, C. 187 Griffiths, P., see Zhang, P. 337 Kobayashi, H., see Saito, K. 381 Grittner, C., S. Rudershausen and J. Teller, Improved Kohlhaufl, M., see Moller, W. 218 properties of magnetic particles by combination of Kolokoltsev, O.V. and V. Vountesmeri, Optimization of different polymer materials as particle matrix l MO Bragg diffraction of guided optical waves by Giitlich, P., see Saito, K. 381 MSW in YIG films by using inclined magnetic bias Gulaya, N.M., see Mykhaylyk, O.M. 226 field 394 Komissarova, L.K., A.A. Kuznetsov, N.P. Gluchoedov, M.V. Kutushov and M.A. Pluzan, Absorptive Hafeli, U., G. Pauer, S. Failing and G. Tapolsky, capacity of iron-based magnetic carriers for blood Radiolabeling of magnetic particles with rhenium- detoxification 197 188 for cancer therapy 73 Korduban, A.M., see Mykhaylyk, O.M. 226 Haik, Y., see Chatterjee, J. 21 Kotur, B., see Gaczynski, P. 351 Haik, Y., V. Pai and C.-J. Chen, Apparent viscosity of Kotzuruba, A.V., see Mykhaylyk, O.M. 226 human blood in a high static magnetic field 180 Kreyling, W.G., see Moller, W. 218 Hasanain, S.K., A. Baig, A.M umtaz and S.A. Shaheen, Kronke, M., see Tchikov, V. 285 Dynamic response in Lay 5sCag.4sMnO3: temperature Kutushov, M.V., see Komissarova, L.K. 197 and field dependence 322 Kuznetsov, A.A., V.I. Filippov, R.N. Alyautdin, N.L. Hatch, G.P. and R.E. Stelter, Magnetic design con- Torshina and O.A. Kuznetsov, Application of siderations for devices and particles used for magnetic liposomes for magnetically guided trans- biological high-gradient magnetic separation port of muscle relaxants and anti-cancer photody- (HGMS) systems 262 namic drugs 95 Herve, C., see Elaissari, A. 127 Kuznetsov, A.A., see Brusentsov, N.A. 113 Heyder, J., see Moller, W. 8 Kuznetsov, A.A., see Komissarova, L.K. 197 Heyder, J., see Moller, W. 218 Kuznetsov, A.A., A.M. Yunin, A.A. Savichev, O.A. Hjorvarsson, B., see Labergerie, D. 373 Kuznetsov, N.S. Dmitriev and V.T. Palchun, Appli- Hosseini-Tehrani, A., see Zhang, P. 337 cation of magnetic devices in otiatria 202 Hulin, P., see Alexiou, C. Kuznetsov, O.A., see Kuznetsov, A.A. 420 Author index to volume 225 Kuznetsov, O.A., see Brusentsov, N.A. 113 Moller, W., W.G. Kreyling, M. Kohlhaufl, K. Kuznetsov, O.A., see Kuznetsov, A.A. 202 Haussinger and J. Heyder, Macrophage functions measured by magnetic microparticles in vivo and in vitro Labergerie, D., K. Westerholt, H. Zabel and B. Moore, L.R., A.R. Rodriguez, P.S. Williams, K. Hjorvarsson, Hydrogen induced change of the McCloskey, B.J. Bolwell, M. Nakamura, J.J. Chal- atomic magnetic moments in Fe/V-superlattices mers and M. Zborowski, Progenitor cell isolation Lacava, B.M., see Lacava, L.M. with a high-capacity quadrupole magnetic flow Lacava, L.M., B.M. Lacava, R.B. Azevedo, Z.G.M. sorter Lacava, N. Buske, A.L. Tronconi and P.C. Morais, Morais, P.C., V.K. Garg, A.C. Oliveira, L.P. Silva, R.B. Nanoparticle sizing: a comparative study using Azevedo, A.M.L. Silva and E.C.D. Lima, Synthesis atomic force microscopy, transmission electron and characterization of size-controlled cobalt-ferrite- microscopy, and ferromagnetic resonance based ionic ferrofluids Lacava, Z.G.M., see Lacava, L.M. Morais, P.C., see Lacava, L.M. Lanksch, W., see Jordan, A. Morais, P.C., G.R.R. Goncalves, A.F. Bakuzis, K. Skeff Liibbe, A., see Sieben, S. Neto and F. Pelegrini, Experimental evidence of Liibbe, A.S., see Alexiou, C. dimer disruption in ionic ferrofluid: a ferromagnetic Lesniewska, B., see Saito, K. resonance investigation Leporatti, S., see Voigt, A. Movshovich, R., see Petrovic, C. Leszezynska, D., see Babincova, M. Muhammed, M., see Kim, D.K. Leszcezynska, D., see Babincova, M. Muhammed, M., see Kim, D.K. Liberti, P.A., C.G. Rao and L.W.M.M. Terstappen, Mumtaz, A., see Hasanain, S.K. Optimization of ferrofluids and protocols for the Mykhaylyk, O., A. Cherchenko, A. Ilkin, N. Dudchen- enrichment of breast tumor cells in blood ko, V. Ruditsa, M. Novoseletz and Y. Zozulya, Glial Lichtenfeld, H., see Voigt, A. brain tumor targeting of magnetite nanoparticles in Lima, E.C.D., see Morais, P.C. rats Liu, J., G.A. Flores and R. Sheng, In-vitro investigation Mykhaylyk, O.M., A.V. Kotzuruba, O.M. Buchanevich, of blood embolization in cancer treatment using A.M. Korduban, E.F. Meged and N.M. Gulaya, magnetorheological fluids Signal transduction of erythrocytes after specific Loening, S., see Jordan, A. binding of ecdysterone and cholesterol immobilized Lothar a Brassard, see Oster, J. on nanodispersed magnetite Lu, L., see Xu, Y. Nadobny, J., see Jordan, A. Mack, A., see Dimitrov, D.V. Nakamura, M., see Moore, L.R. Maier-Hauff, K., see Jordan, A. Novoseletz, M., see Mykhaylyk, O. Marche, P.N., see Perrin-Cocon, L.A. Marttila, H., see Makinen, J. Oliveira, A.C., see Morais, P.C. Massalas, C.V., see Voltairas, P.A. Oster, J., J. Parker and Lothar a Brassard, Polyvinyl- Mayer, J., see Saito, K. alcohol-based magnetic beads for rapid and efficient McCloskey, K., see Moore, L.R. separation of specific or unspecific nucleic acid Meged, E.F., see Mykhaylyk, O.M. sequences Meunier, F., see Elaissari, A. Mohwald, H., see Voigt, A. Miller, M.M., P.E. Sheehan, R.L. Edelstein, C.R. Pagliuso, P.G., see Petrovic, C. Tamanaha, L. Zhong, S. Bounnak, L.J. Whitman Pai, V., see Haik, Y. and R.J. Colton, A DNA array sensor utilizing Palchun, V.T., see Kuznetsov, A.A. magnetic microbeads and magnetoelectronic detec- Parak, F.G., see Alexiou, C. tion Pardoe, H., W. Chua-anusorn, T.G. St Pierre and J. Miyazaki, Y., see Saito, K. Dobson, Structural and magnetic properties of Makinen, J., H. Marttila and M.K. Viljanen, Auto- nanoscale iron oxide particles synthesized in the mated purification of Borrelia burgdorferi s.1. PCR presence of dextran or polyvinyl alcohol products with KingFisher™ magnetic particle pro- Parker, J., see Oster, J. cessor prior to genome sequencing Pauer, G., see Hafeli, U. Moller, W., G. Scheuch, K. Sommerer and J. Heyder, Pelegrini, F., see Morais, P.C. Preparation of spherical monodisperse ferrimagnetic Perrin-Cocon, L.A., S. Chesne, I. Pignot-Paintrand, iron-oxide microparticles between 1 and Spm P.N. Marche and C.L. Villiers, Use of magnetic diameter nanobeads to study intracellular antigen processing Author index to volume 225 Petrovic, C., M.F. Hundley, R. Movshovich, P.G. Sincai, M., D. Ganga, D. Bica and L. Vékas, The Pagliuso, J.L. Sarrao, J.D. Thompson, Z. Fisk, A. antitumor effect of locoregional magnetic cobalt Garcia, E. Granado, I. Torriani and C. Rettori, ferrite in dog mammary adenocarcinoma Possible mixed valence behavior of CelrsGa and Skeff Neto, K., see Morais, P.C. YbIr,.Ga 317 Sobrinho, P.G., see Sousa, M.H. Pignot-Paintrand, I., see Perrin-Cocon, L.A. 161 Sommerer, K., see Moller, W. Pluzan, M.A., see Komissarova, L.K. 197 Sorai, M., see Saito, K. Pushkarev, N.V., see Troyanchuk, I.O. 331 Sourivong, P., see Babincova, M. Sourivong, P., see Babincova, M. Sousa, M.H., J.C. Rubim, P.G. Sobrinho and F.A. Rao, C.G., see Liberti, P.A. 301 Tourinho, Biocompatible magnetic fluid precursors Rao, K.V., see Kim, D.K. based on aspartic and glutamic acid modified Renz, H., see Alexiou, C. 187 maghemite nanostructures Rescheleit, D., see Sieben, S. 175 St Pierre, T.G., see Pardoe, H. Rettori, C., see Petrovic, C. 317 St Pierre, T.G., see Connolly, J. 156 Riffle, J.S., see Stevenson, J.P. Stancu, A., L. Stoleriu and M. Cerchez, Micromagnetic Rocha, F.M., S. de Pinho, R.L. Zollner and M.H. evaluation of statistical and mean-field interactions Santana, Preparation and characterization of affinity in particulate ferromagnetic media 411 magnetoliposomes useful for the detection of anti- Stelter, R.E., see Hatch, G.P. 262 phospholipid antibodies Stevenson, J.P., M. Rutnakornpituk, M. Vadala, A.R. Rodrigue, M., see Elaissari, A. Esker, S.W. Charles, S. Wells, J.P. Dailey and J.S. Rodriguez, A.R., see Moore, L.R. Riffle, Magnetic cobalt dispersions in poly(dimethyl- Rubim, J.C., see Sousa, M.H. siloxane) fluids 47 Rudershausen, S., see Griittner, C. Stoleriu, L., see Stancu, A. 411 Ruditsa, V., see Mykhaylyk, O. Su, Y., see Xu, Y. 357 Rutnakornpituk, M., see Stevenson, J.P. Sukhorukov, G.B., see Voigt, A. 59 Suski, W., see Gaczynski, P. 349 Szymezak, H., see Troyanchuk, I.O. 331 Safatik, I. and M. Safarikova, Isolation and removal of proteolytic enzymes with magnetic cross-linked erythrocytes 169 Tamanaha, C.R., see Miller, M.M. 138 169 | Safaiikova, M., see Safaiik, I. Tapolsky, G., see Hafeli, U. 73 Saito, K., Y. Yamamura, J. Mayer, H. Kobayashi, Y. Tchikov, V., S. Winoto-Morbach, D. Kabelitz, M. Miyazaki, J. Ensling, P. Gitlich, B. Lesniewska and Kronke and S. Schiitze, Adhesion of immunomag- M. Sorai, Heat-capacity anomaly due to spin netic particles targeted to antigens and cytokine reorientation and thermodynamic functions of receptors on tumor cells determined by magneto- ErFeO; and TmFeO; phoresis Santana, M.H., see Rocha, F.M. Teller, J., see Grittner, C. Sarrao, J.L., see Petrovic, C. Terstappen, L.W.M.M., see Liberti, P.A. Savichev, A.A., see Kuznetsov, A.A. Thompson, J.D., see Petrovic, C. Scheuch, G., see Moller, W. Todd, P., R.P. Cooper, J.F. Doyle, S. Dunn, J. Vellinger Schirra, H., see Jordan, A. and M.S. Deuser, Multistage magnetic particle Schmidt, H., see Jordan, A. separator Scholz, R., see Jordan, A. Torriani, I., see Petrovic, C. Schutze, S., see Tchikov, V. Torshina, N.L., see Kuznetsov, A.A. Sergeev, A.V., see Brusentsov, N.A. Tourinho, F.A., see Sousa, M.H. Shaheen, S.A., see Hasanain, S.K. Tronconi, A.L., see Lacava, L.M. Shan, Z.S., see Xu, Y. Troyanchuk, I.0., M.V. Bushynski, N.V. Pushkarev, H. Sheehan, P.E., see Miller, M.M. Szymezak and K. Barner, Magnetic phase transitions Shen, B.-g., see Zhang, W.-y. and magnetoresistance in the Lap7Bao.3(Mn,_.- Sheng, R., see Liu, J. Me,)O; (Me=Fe, Al) single crystals and Shumakov, L.I., see Brusentsov, N.A. Lag 7Sro.3(Mn;_,.Me,)O; (Me= Fe, Cr, Al) ceramics 331 Sieben, S., C. Bergemann, A. Liibbe, B. Brockmann and D. Rescheleit, Comparison of different particles and Urban III, F.K., see Zhang, P. 337 methods for magnetic isolation of circulating tumor cells Silva, A.M.L., see Morais, P.C. 37 Vadala, M., see Stevenson, J.P. 47 Silva, L.P., see Morais, P.C. 37 Vagizov, F.G., see Gaczynski, P. 351 422 Author index to volume 225 Valtonen, S., see De Cuyper, M. 89 Xu, Y., J.P. Wang, Z.S. Shan, H. Jiang, Y. Su, C.T. Vellinger, J., see Todd, P. 294 Chong and L. Lu, Structural and magnetic proper- Viljanen, M.K., see Makinen, J. 134 ties of HCP-CoCrPt-—SiO, granular media Villiers, C.L., see Perrin-Cocon, L.A. 161 Vékas, L., see Sincai, M. 235 Yamamura, Y., see Saito, K. Voigt, A., N. Buske, G.B. Sukhorukov, A.A. Antipov, Yan, A.-r., see Zhang, W.-y. S. Leporatti, H. Lichtenfeld, H. Baumler, E. Donath Yunin, A.M., see Kuznetsov, A.A. and H. Mohwald, Novel polyelectrolyte multilayer micro- and nanocapsules as magnetic carriers Zabel, H., see Labergerie, D. Voit, W., see Kim, D.K. Zborowski, M., see Moore, L.R. Voltairas, P.A., D.I. Fotiadis and C.V. Massalas, Elastic Zhang, H.-w., see Zhang, W.-y. stability of silicone ferrofluid internal tamponade Zhang, P., F. Zuo, F.K. Urban III, A. Khabari, P. (SFIT) in retinal detachment surgery Griffiths and A. Hosseini-Tehrani, Irreversible mag- Vountesmeri, V., see Kolokoltsev, O.V. netization in nickel nanoparticles Zhang, S.-y., see Zhang, W.-y. Zhang, W.-y., S.-y. Zhang, A.-r. Yan, H.-w. Zhang and B.-g. Shen, Effect of the substitution of Pr for Nd on microstructure and magnetic properties of nanocom- Wang, J.P., see Xu, Y. posite Nd>Fe,4B/a-Fe magnets Wells, S., see Stevenson, J.P. Zhang, Y., see Kim, D.K. Westerholt, K., see Labergerie, D. Zhang, Y., see Kim, D.K. Whitman, L.J., see Miller, M.M. Zhong, L., see Miller, M.M. Williams, P.S., see Moore, L.R. Zollner, R.L., see Rocha, F.M. Winoto-Morbach, S., see Tchikov, V. Zozulya, Y., see Mykhaylyk, O. Wust, P., see Jordan, A. Zuo, F., see Zhang, P. JA, \ournal ot Ma iiatorias ELSEVIER Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 225 (2001) 423-425 www.elsevier.com/locate/jmmm Subject index to volume 225 2D-electrophoresis 161 cAMP 226 DNA hybridization 138 Cancer therapy 209 DNA separation 145 Absorptive capacity 197 Cancer treatment 187, 194 Dog 235 AC magnetic field 109, 118, 194 Carbon 73 Drug delivery 89 AC susceptibility 322 Carboxymethyldextran-ferrite 113 Dynamic response 322 Adenocarcinoma 235 Cardiolipin 101 Adhesion 285 Catalytic sensitizer 95 Ear disease 202 Adsorption 127, 151, 285 CD34+ 277 Ecdysterone 226 Adsorption isotherm 67 Cell lysis 194 Electromagnetic field 109 AFM 21 Cell motility 8 Electron microscopy 161 Albumin microspheres 21 Cell separator 294 Embolization 209 Alternating magnetic field 109 Cell sorting 277 Endocytosis 161, 235 Alveolar clearance 8 cGMP 226 Energy product 389 Alveolar macrophage 218 Chemotherapy 187 Epithelial tumor cells 175 Anatomy of the eye 248 Cholesterol 226 Erythrocytes 21, 59, 169, 194, 197, 226 Anesthesis 95 Chymotrypsin 169 ESR 241 Antibody 101, 285 Circulating tumor cells 175 Exchange bias 403 Antigen processing 161 Classification 294 Exchange coupling 389 Antiphospholipid antibody 101 Clusters 322 Exchange interaction 331 Antitumor effect 235 Coated ferrofluids 187 Eye disease 47 Approximate analytic solutions 401 Cobalt 47 Eye surgery 248 Aqueous magnetic fluid 156 Cobalt ferrite 37, 235 Aspartate-based ferrofluids 67 Coercivity 389 Ferrimagnetic 8 Atomic force microscopy 21, 79 Colossal magnetoresistance 331 Ferrite 109 Automation 145 Confocal laser scanning microscopy 59 Ferro-carbon 113 Contrast agent 241, 256 Ferrofluids 30, 37, 41, 67, 79, 84, 113, 187, B-cell receptor 161 Coprecipitation 30 248, 301 Bacteria detection 145 Core-shell 17 Ferromagnetic resonance 79, 84 Barbiturates 197 Core-shell particles 127, 151 Ferromagnetism 322 Bilirubin 197 Covalent coupling 21 Flow rate 180 Biocompatibility 47 Crystal growth 317 Fluorescence microscopy 161 Biomagnetism 180 Cycle sequencing 134 Flux density calculations 262 Biosensor 138, 156 Cytometry 285 Force density 262 Biotin 285 Cytoskeleton 218 Block copolymers 47 Gel 109 Blood detoxification 197 Blood purification 197, 301 Desorption 127, 151 Glioblastoma 118, 241 Glutamate-based ferrofluids 67 Blood vessel seal 209 Dextran 41 Glutaraldehyde cross-linking 169 Blood-brain barrier disruption 241 Dextran nanoparticles 241 GMR 138 Borrelia burgdorferi s.\. 134 Dextran-ferrite 113 Gold-coating 17 Brachytherapy 73 Diadony 95 Guided-optical waves 394 Brain 256 Digital subtraction angiography, DSA 187 Brain tumor 118, 241 Diperony 95 Breast cancer 301 Dipolar interaction 337 Hearing rehabilitation 202 Breast tumor 235 Dispersion 47 Heat capacity 317, 381 Brownian rotation 156 DNA array 138 Hematoporphyrin 194 0304-8853/01/$-see front matter PII: S0304-8853(01)00186-X 424 Subject index to volume 225 Heme protein 197 Magnetic fractionation 161 Nanocomposite magnets 389 High coercivity 359 Magnetic iron-oxide microparticles 218 Nanodispersed iron 241 High gradient 262 Magnetic latex 127, 151 Nanodispersed magnetite 226 High static magnetic field 180 Magnetic liposomes 95 Nanoparticle synthesis 17, 37 Histology 187 Magnetic loading 301 Nanoparticles 337 Human blood 180 Magnetic microspheres 21, 73 Nanoparticles 30, 256 Human serum albumin 21 Magnetic moment 373 Nanoscale particles 41 Hybrid microspheres | Magnetic nanoparticle 17, 47, 118 Nebulization 8 Hydrodynamic radius 156 Magnetic particle 277 Néel and Brown relaxation 109 Hydrogen 373 Magnetic particle processor 134 Nested PCR 134 Hyperfine field 346 Magnetic particles 1, 187 Nickel ferrite 84 Hyperthermia 109, 113, 118 Magnetic properties 41, 346 Non-specific binding 17, 301 Magnetic recording 359 Nucleic acid purification 145 Immobilization 226 Magnetic relaxation 156, 337 Nucleic acids 127 Immunodiagnostic 101 Magnetic seal 209 Immunomagnetic separation 175, 277 Magnetic separation 262 Oncology 95 In vivo targeting 187 Magnetic susceptibility 156, 351 Ossicular implants 202 Indium-111 (In-111) 8 Magnetic tympanic membrane prosthesis Induced anisotropy 403 202 Interstitial hyperthermia 118 Magnetic valve 202 Particle separator 294 Intraarterial administration 187 Magnetically targeted carriers 73 Particle—size distribution 79 Intracellular compartment 161 Magnetite 8, 41 PCR product purification 134 Iron 73 Magnetite microspheres 209 Phagocytosis 218, 218 Iron microspheres 209 Magnetization 331, 337 Phagosome motion 218 Iron nanoparticle 17 Magneto-optical Bragg diffraction 394 Phase diagram 331 Iron oxide 256 Magnetoelectronics 138 Phase transitions, second-order 84 Iron particles 294 Magnetoliposomes 89, 101 Phosphatidylethanolamine 101 Iron-carbon 197 Magnetophoresis 285 Phosphatidylserine 101 Iron-oxide particles 8 Magnetophoretic mobility 294 Phospholipid transfer 89 Iron-silica 197 Magnetopneumography 218 Phospholipids 101 Irreversible temperature 337 Magnetorheological fluids 209 Photodynamic therapy 194 Isomer shift 346 Magnetostatic waves (MSW) 394 Photosense 95 Mammary tumor 235 Photosensitizer 95 J774A.1 macrophage 218 Manganites 331 Poly(alkylcyanoacrylate) | Mathematical model 180 Poly(dimethylsiloxane) 47 KingFisher™ 134 Membrane effects 226 Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) 89 Langmuir adsorption isotherm 285 Meniere’s disease 202 Poly(lactic acid) 1 Lectin 21 Metal phthalocyanine 95 Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) 127 Light exposure 194 MFH-applicator 118 Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (= NIPAM) Liposomes 89, 95, 101 Micelles 17, 47, 109 151 Lower critical solution temperature Microcapsules 59 Polyelectrolyte multilayers 59 (LCST) 151 Microparticles 294, Polysaccharide 1 Lung fibrosis 218 Microspheres 175 Polystyrene | Lung imaging 8 Microstructure 389 Polystyrene microspheres 21 Microsurgery of middle ear 202 Polystyrene particles 151 Macrophage function 218 Mitoxantrone 187 Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) 41, 145 Maghemite 21, 41 Modeling 248 Precipitation polymerization 151 Maghemite nanostructure 67 Monodisperse 8 Preisach model 411 Magnetic adsorbent 169 MR imaging 187 Preparation 8 Magnetic beads 138, 145, 175, 262 MRI 241, 256 Progenitor cell 277 Magnetic carriers 17, 59 Mossbauer effect 351 Prostate carcinoma 118 Magnetic cell separation 277 Mossbauer spectroscopy 346 Prosthesis 202 Magnetic cobalt particles 235 Mossbauer spectroscopy 37, 41 Proteases 169 Magnetic design 262 MTC 73 Protein 151 Magnetic drug targeting 95, 187 Multistage 294 Protein assay 21 Magnetic elastomers 202 Muscle relaxants 95 Protein binding 1 Magnetic fluid 67 MX-11 sarcoma 113 PVA microspheres 145 Subject index to volume 225 Quadrupole 262 Silicone 248 Technetium-99m (’’™Tc) 8, 73 Quadrupole separator 277 Siloxane 47 Teraphthal 95 Singlet oxygen 194 Tetanus toxin 161 Size control 37 Thermal stability 359 Rabbit 187 Smoker 218 Thermosensitive particles 127, 151 Radical formation 194 Sorption efficiency 197 TNF 285 Radiofrequency ablation 113 Specific absorption rate 109 Toxicity test (osmotic) 197 Radiolabeling 8, 73 Specific power absorption rate 113 Transmission electron microscopy 37, 59, Raman spectroscopy 67 Spherical 8 79 Rare cell extraction 301 Spin reorientation 381 Trypsin 169 Rare earth compounds 351 Spinning top aerosol generator 8 Tumor cells 301 Rare-earth orthoferrite 381 Stabilizer 47 Tumor imaging 241 Rat 241, 256 Starch 187 Tumor model 187 Restored-iron 197 Statistical and mean-field interaction Retina elasticity 248 field 411 Retinal detachment 47, 248 Stealth 89 Valence fluctuations 317 Reverse micelle 17 Stoner—Wohlfarth particle 411 Vesicles 89 Rhenium-188 ('**Re) 73 Streptavidin 285 Viscosity 180 Structure properties 346 VX-2 squamous cell carcinoma 187 SAR 113 Superlattices 373 Sarcoma 113 Superparamagnetic gel 109 Scanning electron microscopy 21 Superparamagnetism 17, 30, 37, 256 X-ray imaging 187 Scleral buckle 248 Surface modification 197 Segregation 359 Surfactant 30 YIG films 394 SEM 21 Synthesis 41 Separation 294 Separator design 262 Zeta potential | Signal transduction 226 T>-weighted 241 Silica 1 Tamponade 248

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