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Preview Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 1999: Vol 193 Table of Contents

FA \ournal ot MA iiatarias ELSEVIER Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 193 (1999) xv—xix Contents Preface M. Takahashi and H. Shoji Physics of high density recording thin film media MRM’98 Organisation Xil established by ultra clean sputtering process (Invited paper) a4 Acknowledgement Xiii L.N. He, Z.G. Wang, D.J. Mapps, D.T. Wilton and P. Contents XV Robinson Comparison of track edge noise between oriented and History of magnetic recording isotropic thin film media in quasi-contact magnetic recording 52 F. Jorgensen e H. Muraoka, T. Shoji, I. Watanabe, Y. Sugita and Y. The inventor Valdemar Poulsen (Invited paper) l Nak . akamur M.H. Clark Recording characteristics of perpendicular media de- posited on a ferrite disk substrate 55 Making magnetic recording commercial: 1920-1955 (Invited paper) 8 H. Suzuki, D.D. Djayaprawira, Y. Takahashi, A. Ishikawa, T. Ono and Y. Yahisa W. Andeiesen Effects of Cr-N-ZrO, seed layer formed on glass ‘THE WINNER’; compact cassette. A commercial , bstrates for longitudinal di di 59 and technical look back at the greatest success story ce ee ee Te in the history of AUDIO up to now (Invited paper) 11 S. Nakagawa, M. Hatakeyama, K. Takayama and M. Naoe S.B. Luitjens and A.M.A. Rijckaert | . Study of initial growth region of Cog;Cr,; in The history of consumer magnetic video tape record- Cog3Cr,7/Co,7Cr33/Cr trilayered films for longitudi- ing, from a rarity to a mass product (Invited paper) nal recording media B.K. Middleton N. Matsushita, M. Ichinose, S. Nakagawa and M. Naoe Developments in magnetic recording on rigid disks Co-Zn ferrite films prepared by facing targets sput- (Invited paper) tering system for longitudinal recording layer 68 K. Noda, T. Kawanabe and M. Naoe Recording characteristics and magnetic grains of Keynote about the future of magnetic recording rigid disks using silicon substrates deposited by facing D.E. Speliotis targets sputtering 71 Magnetic recording beyond the first 100 Years (In- G.R. Jones, M. Jackson and K. O’Grady vited paper) 29 Determination of grain size distributions in thin films 75 , : ; M. Takahashi, A. Kikuchi, J. Nakai and H. Shoji Magnetic and magneto-optic media Effect of ultraclean sputtering process on Cr segrega- M. Futamoto, N. Inaba, Y. Hirayama, K. Ito and Y. tiiono n iin n CoCoC rTa thini n film mediai 719 Honda T. Suzuki, K. Harada, N. Honda and K. Ouchi Microstructure and micromagnetics of future thin- Preparation of ordered Fe—Pt thin films for perpen- film media (Invited paper) 36 dicular magnetic recording media 85 0304-8853/99/$ — see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Contents L. Wu, T. Kiya, N. Honda and K. Ouchi A. Furuya, H. Yoshikawa, T. Ohkubo, M. Yamamoto, P. Medium noise properties of Co/Pd multilayer films Tailhades, L. Bouet, C. Despax, L. Presmanes and A. for perpendicular magnetic recording Rousset Magneto-optical properties of a sputtered Bi-sub- N. Sharma, S.M. Casey, G.A. Jones and P.J. Grundy stituted Dy iron garnet-ferrite/spinel-ferrite bilayer Ion beam assisted deposition of CoPt films P. Tailhades, C. Bonningue, A. Rousset, L. Bouet, I. Y. Kitamoto, S. Kantake, F. Shirasaki, M. Abe and M. Pasquet and S. Lebrun Naoe About the interesting properties of mixed-valence de- Low-temperature fabrication of Co ferrite thin films fect spinel ferrites for mass storage media with high coercivity for perpendicular recording disks J. Feng, N. Matsushita, T. Murakoso, S. Nakagawa and by wet process M. Naoe Effects of Al substitution for Fe in Ba ferrite thin films J. Ariake, T. Kiya, N. Honda and K. Ouchi Magnetic and noise properties of Nb added Co—Cr T.-h. Wu, J.C. Wu, B.-M. Chen and H.-P.D. Shieh perpendicular medium Pinning magnetic domain via patterning artificial lat- tice under amorphous magnetic layer N. Honda, K. Ouchi and S. Iwasaki Noise source and noise spectrum of perpendicular L. Uba, S. Uba, A.N. Yaresko, A.Ya. Perlov, V.N. Anto- recording media nov and R. Gontarz Ab initio study of interface alloying effect on mag- A. Morisako, M. Matsumoto and M. Naoe neto-optical spectra in Co/Pt multilayers Properties of c-axis oriented Ba-ferrite sputtered films R.A. Fry, L.H. Bennett, E.D. Torre, R.D. Shull, W.F. S. Kadokura and M. Naoe Egelhoff Jr., R.F.C. Farrow and C.H. Lee Perpendicular Co—Cr thin films using a new sputter- Magneto-optical measurements of Co-Pt (11 1) ing plasma generating apparatus multilayers P.L. Kim, C. Lodder, N.H. Luong and T.D. Hien J.C.A. Huang, T.H. Wu, A.C. Hsu, L.C. Wu and Y.M. Hu The influence of tantalum content in relation to sub- Structure and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of strate temperature on magnetic and structural prop- a new CoPt, alloy grown by MBE erties of Co—Cr-—Ta thin films C. Bordel, S. Pizzini, J.C. Toussaint, B. Kervorkian and J. N. Matsushita, J. Feng, T. Siosawa, S. Nakagawa and M. Voiron Naoe Magnetic properties of amorphous nitrogenated Relationship between coercivity and deposition con- TbFeCo thin films ditions of Ba ferrite films prepared by facing targets sputtering apparatus E. Gan’shina, V. Guschin, I. Romanov, A. Skobelev and A. Tselev H. Jia, J. Veldeman and M. Burgelman Co-—Pd alloy films for magneto-optical recording Effect of helium partial pressure on DC-magnetron V. Ilkovic, S. Tuleja and D. Blazek sputtering of Co—Cr films Magnetic properties of superlattice-configured thin films with variable interlayer couplings J. Veldeman, H. Jia and M. Burgelman Influence of magnetron configuration on CoCr films S. Stavroyiannis, I. Panagiotopoulos, D. Niarchos, J.A. sputtered on flexible substrates Christodoulides, Y. Zhang and G.C. Hadjipanayis Investigation of CoPt/M (M = Ag, C) films for high $t.C. Badescu, V. Badescu, N. Rezlescu and R. Badescu density recording media Modeling the nonlinear dynamics of magnetic do- main walls Magnetic media and MRAM technology T.-h. Wu, J.C.A. Huang, L.C. Wu, L.X. Ye and J.Q. Lu M. Naoe and S. Kadokura Buffer layer effect on magnetic domain structure and Preparation of Co—Cr-Ta films with nano-size mag- coercivity in epitaxial Co/Pt multilayers netic domains for 1000 kfci media (Invited paper) E. Rezlescu and N. Rezlescu B. Cord, O. Keitel, H. Rohrmann and J. Scherer Garnet films for storage applications: growth and Influence of target composition and sputter condi- properties tions on magnetic properties of hard disks Contents Relaxation effects and interactions A. Lisfi, J.C. Lodder, P. de Haan, T. Bolhuis and F-.J.G. Roesthuis N.S. Walmsley, R.W. Chantrell and J.J. Miles Magnetic relaxation in barium ferrite films with per- Microstructural effects in computer simulations of pendicular anisotropy the magnetic and recording properties of thin film media (Invited paper) H. Laidler, K. O'Grady, T.M. Coughlin and J.H. Judy Demagnetising field reduction in keepered media G. Bottoni, D. Candolfo and A. Cecchetti Thermal relaxation of the magnetization in recording MP and ME recording media media K.J. Kim, J. Farkas, D. Hasman, T. Miller, J. Zellia and R. Wood, J. Monson and T. Coughlin P. Jacobs On the thermal decay of magnetization in the pres- Recent developments in binder design for advanced ence of demagnetizing fields and a soft magnetic layer media (Invited paper) H.J. Richter and R.Y Ranjan Relaxation effects in thin film media and their conse- G.W. Warren, R. Sharma, D.E. Nikles, Y. Hu and S.C. quences (Invited paper) Street Amine quinone polyurethane polymers for improved L.S. Prichard and K. O’Grady performance in advanced particulate media High speed switching in metal particle recording me- dia R.J. Veitch, A. Ilmer, W. Lenz and V. Richter MP technology for a new generation of magnetic K. Sato, Y. Yoshida, C. Okuyama, I. Okamoto and M. tapes (Invited paper) Shinohara Reproduced output reduction in thin film media by T. Mercer, P.R. Bissell, J.A. Gotaas and R.G. Gilson thermal fluctuations Hindered settling of particulate dispersions L. Rezlescu, E. Rezlescu, P.D. Popa and N. Rezlescu Time dependence and interactions Fine barium hexaferrite powder prepared by the crys- R. Inamura, K. Sato and T. Mizoguchi tallisation of glass Reduction of remanence in CoCrTaPt high density T. Kamei, N. Kishii and K.-i. Kurihara recording media by pulse field Removal of brown stain on magnetic head by K. Tanahashi, I. Tamai, Y. Takahashi, T. Kanbe and Y. a chelating agent on magnetic tapes Hosoe Reduction of thermal decay in longitudinal recording K. Kurihara, M. Matsute, H. Watanabe, N. Kishii, T. media with a CoCr intermediate layer Ono, H. Kondo and M. Ata Development of highly reactive hardening agents for G. Bottoni, D. Candolfo and A. Cecchetti MP tapes Experimental study of the interactions in CoCr thin films K.S. Jeon and A.M. Lane Polymer adsorption on magnetic particles H. Akimoto, Y. Yoshida, C. Okuyama, I. Okamoto and M. Shinohara T. Omura, T. Ono, N. Nagai and H. Kondo Magnetic relaxation in thin film media as a function Effect of dispersibility of fine particles on electromag- of orientation ratio netic property J.D. Hannay, N.S. Walmsley and R.W. Chantrell V.T. Peikov, K.S. Jeon and A.M. Lane A computational model of thermally activated high Characterization of magnetic inks by measurements speed magnetisation reversal in longitudinal thin film of frequency dependence of AC susceptibility media P.L. Kim, C. Lodder and T. Popma V.T. Peikov, K.S. Jeon and A.M. Lane Field dependence of magnetic viscosity of CoCrTa Transverse susceptibility of magnetic inks. milling in-plane media process Y. Hirayama, K. Ito, Y. Honda, N. Inaba and M. M.P. Morales, C.J. Serna, K. O'Grady, L.S. Prichard, Futamoto J.A. Hutchings, G.H. Milford and D.P.E. Dickson Thermal stability of CoCr-alloy perpendicular mag- Origin of switching field distribution in M-P pig- netic recording media ments XViil Contents D.J. Perettie, T.A. Morgan, Q. Zhao, H.-J. Kang and F.E. K. Okamoto, Y. Sasaki, T. Kudo, K. Sasaki, Y. Nishida, Talke N. Maeda and H. Kondo The use of phosphazene additives to enhance the Development of high capacity floppy disk “HiFD” performance of PFPAE lubricants (Invited paper) G.N. Coverdale, A. Satoh, R.G. Gilson and R.W. E.A. Draaisma, $.R. Cumpson, T.P.H.G. Jansen, P. Chantrell Hidding and S.B. Luitjens Computational studies of the orientation of advanced Performance of advanced tapes with DigaMax™ thin particulate media during coating and drying film heads G. Bottoni, D. Candolfo, A. Cecchetti and F. Masoli Micromagnetics, simulations and recording Magnetic anisotropy distribution in Ba ferrite par- ticles H.N. Bertram and C. Seberino Numerical simulations of hysteresis in longitudinal G. Bottoni, D. Candolfo, A. Cecchetti and F. Masoli magnetic tape (Invited paper) Analysis of the magnetization switching using the rotational hysteresis integral A. Stancu, P.R. Bissell and R.W. Chantrell Interactions characterisation in particulate magnetic T. Bolhuis, L. Abelmann, J.C. Lodder and E.O. Samwel recording media. Experiments and Preisach model On the vectorial calibration of a vibrating sample magnetometer for thin film measurements Y. Uesaka, Y. Nakatani, N. Hayashi and H. Fukushima Computer simulation of SNR in longitudinal and E.O. Samwel, T. Bolhuis, D. Speliotis and J.C. Lodder perpendicular recording (Invited paper) Vectorial measurements of the angular coercive field G.E. Kay, P.R. Bissell, A. Hart and D.A. Parker A micromagnetic model of metal-evaporated tape M. Jackson, L.S. Prichard, K. O'Grady and P.I. Mayo Determination of switching field distribution and S.J. Greaves, H. Muraoka, Y. Sugita and Y. Nakamura easy axis distribution in metal particle tape Simulations of time dependence in perpendicular me- dia S. Lalbahadoersing, J.P.J. Groenland, S.B. Luitjens and J.C. Lodder K. Hattori, T. Aoyama and I. Sato Recording characteristics as a result of the special Three-dimensional magnetization analysis of longitu- morphology of ME tape dinal media using merged MR head with submicron track width O. Kohmoto, T. Tsuda and H. Kitamura Ferromagnetic resonance in digital-video ME tapes H.V. Jones, A.W.G. Duller, R.W. Chantrell, A. Hoare and P.R. Bissell M.D. Bijker, E.M. Visser, J.C. Lodder and Th.J.A. Application of neural networks to the determination Popma of Hx distributions from transverse susceptibility Optimisation of obliquely sputter deposited media data M.D. Bijker, L. Abelmann, J.C. Lodder and Th.J.A. N.S. Walmsley, R.W. Chantrell and K. O’Grady Popma Simulation of the effects of FCC grains on the re- The role of oxygen in obliquely deposited tapes manence of thin film media P.H.W. Ridley, G.W. Roberts, M.A. Wongsam and R.W. S.M. McCann, P.R. Bissell, T. Onions and R.G. Gilson Chantrell Effects of playback on saturation remanent state Finite element modelling of nanoelements noise L. Veiller, D. Ledue and J. Teillet S.M. McCann, P.M. Sollis, P.R. Bissell and T. Onions Magnetic properties of Fe/Tb multilayers: a Monte Noise characterisation of barium ferrite dispersions Carlo investigation K. Kuga, Y. Yoneda, J. Numazawa and M. Naoe K. Aso, T. Sato and M. Ishibashi Large output and high density recording tape with Magnetic force microscopic study of magnetic tapes perpendicular magnetic Co—Cr-Ta film for VCR recorded at MHz frequencies T. Suzuki G.N. Phillips, T. Suzuki, K. Takano and M. Takahashi Particle size effect on recording performance and MFM analysis of recorded bits written by trimmed thermal stability in high-density particulate tapes and untrimmed MR heads Contents R.J. Prance, T.D. Clark, H. Prance and G. Howells GMR, solid state memory and phase change Imaging of magnetically recorded data using a novel scanning magnetic microscope T. Lucinski and G. Reiss In situ monitoring of GMR and M(H) evolution R.H. Arnold, M. Dresenkamp and H. Faber during Co/Cu multilayers growth Two-dimensional measurements and presentation of media recording properties D. Saluel, J. Daval, B. Béchevet, C. Germain and B. Valon S. Lalbahadoersing, J.P.J. Groenland, S.B. Luitjens and Ultra high density data storage on phase change J.C. Lodder materials with electrical micro-tips Modeling and analysis of overwrite behavior versus increasing head field in thin MP tape Head materials M.M. Aziz, B.K. Middleton and J.J. Miles The nature of recorded magnetisation transitions in S. Honda, H. Yamane, M. Nishino and M. Nawate thin film media Granular-type giant magnetoresistance of Co—-Ag and FeCo—CoAg films deposited with tandem Z.G. Wang, L.N. He, D.J. Mapps and D.T. Wilton method Read-while-write operation in magnetic recording . Chern, D.S. Lee, H.C. Chang and T.-h. Wu A. Kratzert, F. Obernosterer and W.F. Oehme Crystalline anisotropy effects on magnetoresistance Estimation of data dependent transition displace- in epitaxial spin-valve sandwiches with antiferromag- ment in thin film media netic NiO films .M. Aziz, B.K. Middleton and J.J. Miles The effect of finite pole lengths of replay heads on the . Rezlescu and N. Rezlescu signal and noise characteristics of thin film recording Magnetoresistance effect in the Mn, _,Zn,Fe,O, cer- media amics . Yoshida, Y. Hirayama, M. Igarashi, M. Futamoto and A.M. Goodman, K. O’Grady, M.R. Parker and S. Burkett . Sugita Competing sweep-rate dependent effects in the hard- Switching mechanism of a perpendicular magnetic loop of spin-valve multilayers recording medium at very low temperature I. Sakamoto, H. Tanoue, N. Hayashi, S. Honda, M. . Ishigaki, Y. Konishi, K. Kondo and K. Koterazawa Nawate and Y. Ikeda Possibility as a magnetic recording media of aus- Ar ion irradiation in Au/Fe multilayers tenitic stainless steel using stress-induced phase trans- formation Trends and future Magnetic recording and MFM M.A.M. Haast, I.R. Heskamp, L. Abelmann, J.C. Lodder and Th.J.A. Popma S.M. Casey, E.W. Hill, J.J. Miles, P. Sivasamy, J.K. Bi- Magnetic characterization of large area arrays of rtwistle, B.K. Middleton, J. Rose and J.N. Chapman single and multi domain CoNi/Pt multilayer dots A study of recorded bit patterns using TEM and MFM J.L. Weston, A. Butera, D. Otte and J.A. Barnard Nanostructured magnetic networks: a materials com- S.J.L. Vellekoop, L. Abelmann, S. Porthun, J.C. Lodder parison and J.J. Miles Calculation of playback signals from MFM images H.J. Borg and R. van Woudenberg using transfer functions Trends in optical recording (Invited paper) P. Arnett, T. Minvielle and S. Nair Author index Extracting media noise characteristics from MFM images Subject index

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