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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 1992: Vol 115 Index PDF

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Preview Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 1992: Vol 115 Index

Author index to volume 115 Abe, S., see M. Matsumoto 115 (1992) Chen, H.-m. and Z.-h. Liu, Electrolessly Abramovich, A.I., see L.I. Koroleva 115 (1992) plated cobalt alloy films for perpendicu- Altounian, Z., see A. Zaluska 115 (1992) lar magnetic recording media 115 (1992) Andrienko, A.V., L.V. Podd’yakov and V.L. Chen, S.-g. and G.-d. Fang, The analysis of Safonov, Parametric excitation of quasi- the MIG heads 115 (1992) phonons in antiferromagnets by mi- Chen, S.B., see Z.Y. Lee 115 (1992) crowave magnetic field 115 (1992) Chen, Y., C.P. Luo, Z.T. Guan, Q.Y. Lu and Aron, Ch., see P. Auric 115 (1992) Y.J. Wang, The properties of magneto- Asano, S., see Y. Kubo 115 (1992) optical MnBiY (Y = Al, Ag, Au, Cu, In, Atkinson, R., Simple formula for the mag- Zn, Pt) thin films 115 (1992) neto-optic Kerr effect in large period Coey, J.M.D., see H.-S. Li 115 (1992) magnetic multilayers 115 (1992) Coey, J.M.D., see H.J. Masterson 115 (1992) Auric, P., Ch. Aron and C. Jeandey, Costa, B.F.O., see S.M. Dubiel 115 (1992) Mossbauer investigation of amorphous Cox, U.J., see J.A.C. Bland 115 (1992) Fe ,Sijo9_, /Si multilayered films 115 (1992) 223 Ayres de Campos, N., see S.M. Dubiel 115 (1992) 307 Da Silva, X.A., see L. Palermo 115 (1992) Dai, C., see D.s. Dai 115 (1992) Dai, D.s., R.y. Fang, P. Long, S. Zhang, T.j. Barinov, V.A., see E.P. Yelsukov 115 (1992) 271 Ma, C. Dai and X.x. Zhang, Structure, Bateson, R.D., see J.A.C. Bland 115 (1992) 359 magnetic and magneto-optical properties Beauvillain, P., see J.P. Renard 115 (1992) L147 of MnBiRE thin films 115 (1992) Behrooz, A., see Q.H. Lam 115 (1992) 197 Dai, D.W., see Z.Y. Lee 115 (1992) Beuerle, T., see K. Hummler 115 (1992) 207 De Julian, G., see D.-X. Chen 115 (1992) Bissell, P.R., see E.O. Samwel 115 (1992) 327 Della Torre, E., see F. Vajda 115 (1992) Bland, J.A.C., S.J. Blundell, M. Gester, R.D. Deriu, A., see F. Leccabue 115 (1992) Bateson, J. Singleton, U.J. Cox, C.A. Lu- Dimesso, L., see F. Leccabue 115 (1992) cas, W.C.K. Poon and J. Penfold, Mag- Ding, J., R. Street and P.G. McCormick, netisation and magnetoresistance of Magnetic hardening of mechanically al- Co/GaAs(001) films 115 (1992) loyed Sm,Fe,7N, 115 (1992) Blundell, S.J., see J.A.C. Bland 115 (1992) Donnet, D.M., J.N. Chapman, H.W. van Bocelli, G., see F. Leccabue 115 (1992) Kesteren and W.B. Zeper, Investigation Briceno, G., see Q.H. Lam 115 (1992) of domain structures in Co/Pt multilay- Buschow, K.H.J., see T.H. Jacobs 115 (1992) ers by modified differential phase con- trast microscopy 115 (1992) Cai, J.W., see H.R. Zhai 115 (1992) 20 Du, T., see D. Shen 115 (1992) Caldas, A., see L. Palermo 115 (1992) 265 Duan, M.-q. and Y. Xu, A theoretical inves- Calestani, G., see F. Leccabue 115 (1992) 190 tigation on the magneto-optical effect of Cao, L., see L.-s. Kong 115 (1992) L137 CeF, and NdF; 115 (1992) Carrillo, D., see F. Leccabue 115 (1992) 190 Dubiel, S.M., B.F.O. Costa and N. Ayres de Chambers, A., see J.S.S. Whiting 115 (1992) 174 Campos, First '!?Sn Mossbauer-effect Chantrell, R.W., see H. Pfeiffer 115 (1992) 366 study of the o-phase in the Fe—Cr system 115 (1992) 307 Chapman, J.N., see D.M. Donnet 115 (1992) 342 Dupas, C., see J.P. Renard 115 (1992) L147 Chen, C.H., see P.C. Kuo 115 (1992) 183 Chen, D.-X., M. Vazquez and G. de Julian, Engemann, J., see J.G.Th. te Lintelo 115 (1992) 333 AC loss analysis and domain structure in magnetostrictive amorphous wires 115 (1992) Fahnle, M., see K. Hummler 115 (1992) 207 Chen, G., see Q.-s. Song 115 (1992) Fang, G.-d., see S.-g. Chen 115 (1992) 133 Chen, H., see X.-f. Han 115 (1992) Fang, R.y., see D.s. Dai 115(1992) 66 374 Author index to volume 115 Fujii, H., see T. Hiraoka 115 (1992) 168 Koroleva, L.I., T.V. Virovets, A.I. Fujiwara, H., see T. Sakurai 115 (1992) 250 Abramovich and Ya.A. Kessler, New semiconductor spin glass Cu, ,3;Ge, /3 Geng, S.-L., see Z. Yang 115 (1992) 77 Cr,S,. Comparison of magnetic and elec- Gester, M., see J.A.C. Bland 115 (1992) 359 tric properties of the spin glasses Cug5 Gorobets, Yu., I. Melnichuk and Yu. Pi- IngsCr2Se, and Cu, /;Ge, ,3Cr2S, 115 (1992) 311 menov, The effect of cooling on the bub- Kubo, Y. and S. Asano, Magnetic Compton ble lattice structure 115 (1992) profile of gadolinium: conduction-elec- Grossinger, R., see T.H. Jacobs 115 (1992) tron spin polarization 115 (1992) 177 Gu, B.X., see H.R. Zhai 115 (1992) Kutakowski, K., A. Maksymowicz and M. Guan, Z.T., see Y. Chen 115 (1992) Magdon, The one-ion magnetostriction Guo, G.-h., see X.-f. Han 115 (1992) in amorphous alloys 115 (1992) L143 Kuo, P.C., Y.D. Yao, J.H. Huang and C.H. Han, D.-H., see Z. Yang 115 (1992) Chen, Fabrication and magnetic proper- Han, X.-f., H.-m. Jin, H. Chen, G.-h. Guo ties of manganese—aluminium permanent and T.-s. Zhao, Crystalline electric field magnets 115 (1992) 183 at the rare-earth sites in R,Y,_,Cos5,, compounds (R = Dy and Tb) 115 (1992) Lam, O.H., C.D. Jeffries, A. Behrooz, G. Hayashi, N., see H. Kobayashi 115 (1992) Briceno and A. Zettl, The complex per- Hiraoka, T., T. Takabatake, S. Miyata and meability and harmonic generation of a H. Fujii, Hall effect in the heavy fermion Bi,Sr,CaCu,0g_, crystal: measure- compounds U;Au,Sn, and U3;Cu,Sn, 115 (1992) ments and models — 115 (1992) 197 Hu, Y.S., see Z.Y. Lee 115 (1992) Le Dang, K., see J.P. Renard 115 (1992) L147 Huang, J.H., see P.C. Kuo 115 (1992) Leccabue, F., B.E. Watts, D. Carrillo, J.L. Hummler, K., T. Beuerle and M. Fahnle, Sanchez, G. Bocelli, G. Calestani, L. Ab-initio calculation of local magnetic Dimesso, A. Deriu and D. Negri, Phase moments and hyperfine fields in R,Fe,,B formation and properties of rapidly solid- (R = Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er) 115 (1992) ified DyFe(B, C) alloys 115 (1992) Lee, Z.Y., X.S. Miao, P. Zhu, Y.S. Hu, D.F. Jacobs, T.H., K.H.J. Buschow, H. Miller Wan, D.W. Dai, S.B. Chen and G.Q. Lin, and R. Grossinger, Thermal expansion The properties of RE-TM magneto-opti- measurements on R>Fe,7C, compounds 115 (1992) cal films 115 (1992) JaScur, M., see T. Kaneyoshi 115 (1992) Lévy, J.-C.S., see J.S.S. Whiting 115 (1992) Jeandey, C., see P. Auric 115 (1992) Li, H.-S. and J.M.D. Coey, Ay 9 determina- Jeffries, C.D., see Q.H. Lam 115 (1992) tion for Sm,Fe,7N3 115 (1992) Jiang, Q., see D. Shen 115 (1992) Lin, G.Q., see Z.Y. Lee 115 (1992) Jin, H.-m., see X.-f. Han 115 (1992) Liu, J.-Z., see Z. Yang 115 (1992) Jin, L., see D. Shen 115 (1992) Liu, W.-b. and X.-j. Zhou, Modulation of floppy disks 115 (1992) Kadomatsu, H., see T. Sakurai 115 (1992) Liu, Z.-h., see H.-m. Chen 115 (1992) Kaneko, T., see M. Matsumoto 115 (1992) Lodder, J.C., see E.O. Samwel 115 (1992) Kaneyoshi, T. and M. JaScur, Magnetization Lodder, J.C., see J.G.Th. te Lintelo 115 (1992) process of an amorphous sperimagnetic Long, P., see D.s. Dai 115 (1992) 66 insulator 115 (1992) Lu, M., see H.R. Zhai 115 (1992) 20 Kanomata, T., see M. Matsumoto 115 (1992) Lu, Q.Y., see Y. Chen 115 (1992) 55 Kappler, J.P., G. Schmerber and J.G. Sereni, Lucas, C.A., see J.A.C. Bland 115 (1992) 359 Magnetic and thermal properties of Lunney, J.G., see H.J. Masterson 115 (1992) 155 Ce;Rh, 115 (1992) Luo, C.P., see Y. Chen 115 (1992) 55 Kessler, Ya.A., see L.I. Koroleva 115 (1992) Luo, H.L., see X.P. Zhong 115 (1992) 107 Kleemann, W., see Y.J. Wang 115 (1992) Kobayashi, H., T. Okuda, N. Kobayashi, I. Ma, T.j., see D.s. Dai 115 (1992) 66 Sakamoto and N. Hayashi, Conversion Magdon, M., see K. Kutakowski 115 (1992) L143 electron Mossbauer study of the (Bi, Majumdar, A.K., see R. Singhal 115 (1992) 245 Y)3Fe;O,, single-crystal films 115 (1992) Maksymowicz, A., see K. Kutakowski 115 (1992) L143 Kobayashi, N., see H. Kobayashi 115 (1992) Marliére, C., see J.P. Renard 115 (1992) L147 Kong, L.-s., L. Cao and B.-g. Shen, Magnetic Masterson, H.J., J.G. Lunney, J.M.D. Coey properties of Er,Fe,,C, compounds by and A. Moukarika, Iron oxide thin films melt-spinning 115 (1992) L137 produced by laser ablation deposition 115 (1992) 155 Author index to volume 115 375 Matsumoto, M., S. Abe, H. Yoshida, S. Mori, Sanchez, J.L., see F. Leccabue 115 (1992) 190 T. Kanomata and T. Kaneko, Pressure Schmerber, G., see J.P. Kappler 115 (1992) 241 effect on the Néel temperature and ex- Sereni, J.G., see J.P. Kappler 115 (1992) 241 change striction of the ordered alloy Shen, B.-g., see L.-s. Kong 115 (1992) L137 Au;Mn, (J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 104- Shen, D., X. Yu, T. Du, L. Jin, Q. Jiang and 107 (1992) 2061-2062) ( Erratum) 115 (1992) 371 J. Tang, Magnetic and magneto-optical McCormick, P.G., see J. Ding 115 (1992) 211 properties of RE-TM erasable optical Melnichuk, I., see Yu. Gorobets 115 (1992) 204 disk 115 (1992) 35 Mercier, D., see J.S.S. Whiting 115 (1992) 174 Shibata, S.-i. and Y. Tazuke, Spin freezing Miao, X.S., see Z.Y. Lee 115 (1992) 44 and magnetic interactions in a Heisen- Miao, Y.Z., see H.R. Zhai 115 (1992) 20 berg spin glass Cog ;TiS, 115 (1992) 287 Miyata, S., see T. Hiraoka 115 (1992) 168 Singhal, R. and A.K. Majumdar, Crystalliza- Mori, S., see M. Matsumoto 115 (1992) 371 tion of glassy FegyBy9_,Si, (0 <x < 12) Morkowski, J.A., see A. Szajek 115 (1992) 171 alloys 115 (1992) 245 Moukarika, A., see H.J. Masterson 115 (1992) 155 Singleton, J., see J.A.C. Bland 115 (1992) 359 Miller, H., see T.H. Jacobs 115 (1992) 260 Song, Q.-s. and G. Chen, RF-sputtered Fe- Murashita, Y., see T. Sakurai 115 (1992) 250 SiAl films for MIG head 115 (1992) 127 Street, R., see J. Ding 115 (1992) 211 Negri, D., see F. Leccabue 115 (1992) 190 Stro6m-Olsen, J.O., see A. Zaluska 115 (1992) 230 Niedoba, H., see J.S.S. Whiting 115 (1992) 174 Sun, K., see X.P. Zhong 115 (1992) 107 Szajek, A. and J.A. Morkowski, Phase dia- Oguro, I., see T. Sakurai 115 (1992) 250 gram of the metamagnetic FeRh 115 (1992) 171 Okuda, T., see H. Kobayashi 115 (1992) 255 Takabatake, T., see T. Hiraoka 115 (1992) 168 Palermo, L., P.J. von Ranke, X.A. da Silva Tang, J., see D. Shen 115 (1992) 35 and A. Caldas, The determination of the Tazuke, Y., see S.-i. Shibata 115 (1992) 287 Landé factors and effective exchange pa- Te Lintelo, J.G.Th., J.C. Lodder, J. Enge- rameters for a group of (Pr,Y,_,)AI, al- mann and Th.J.A. Popma, Investigation loys using a doublet-triplet model 115 (1992) 265 on Co-Cr micro-strips for VBLM 115 (1992) 333 Pardavi-Horvath, M., see F. Vajda 115 (1992) 187 Penfold, J., see J.A.C. Bland 115 (1992) 359 Vajda, F., E. Della Torre and M. Pardavi- Pfeiffer, H. and R.W. Chantrell, Calculation Horvath, Analysis of reversible magneti- of the anisotropy field distribution in zation-dependent Preisach models for magnetic particle assemblies: the influ- recording media 115 (1992) 187 ence of thermal fluctuations 115 (1992) 366 Van Kesteren, H.W., see D.M. Donnet 115 (1992) 342 Pimenov, Yu., see Yu. Gorobets 115 (1992) 204 Vazquez, M., see D.-X. Chen 115 (1992) 295 Podd’yakov, L.V., see A.V. Andrienko 115 (1992) 180 Veillet, P., see J.P. Renard 115 (1992) L147 Poon, W.C.K., see J.A.C. Bland 115 (1992) 359 Vélu, E., see J.P. Renard 115 (1992) L147 Popma, Th.J.A., see J.G.Th. te Lintelo 115 (1992) 333 Virovets, T.V., see L.I. Koroleva 115 (1992) 311 Puchalska, I.B., see J.S.S. Whiting 115 (1992) 174 Von Ranke, P.J., see L. Palermo 115 (1992) 265 Voronina, E.V., see E.P. Yelsukov 115 (1992) 271 Renard, D., see J.P. Renard 115 (1992) L147 Renard, J.P., P. Beauvillain, C.D upas, K. Le Wan, D.F., see Z.Y. Lee 115(1992) 44 Dang, P. Veillet, E. Vélu, C. Marliére Wang, H., see H.R. Zhai 115 (1992) 20 and D. Renard, Large magnetoresistance effects in UHV grown fcc (111) Co/Cu Wang, Y.J. and W. Kleemann, Perpendicu- multilayers 115 (1992) L147 lar anisotropy in magnetic multilayer films 115 (1992) 9 Safonov, V.L., see A.V. Andrienko 115 (1992) 180 Wang, Y.J., see Y. Chen 115 (1992) 55 Sakamoto, I., see H. Kobayashi 115 (1992) 255 Watson, M.L., see J.S.S. Whiting 115 (1992) 174 Sakurai, J., see T. Sakurai 115 (1992) 250 Watts, B.E., see F. Leccabue 115 (1992) 190 Sakurai, T., Y. Murashita, H. Fujiwara, H. Whiting, J.S.S., M.L. Watson, A. Chambers, J.-C.S. Lévy, D. Mercier, I.B. Puchalska Kadomatsu, I. Oguro and J. Sakurai, Pressure studies of magnetic and electri- and H. Niedoba, Magnetic and theoreti- cal properties of Pr3Al 115 (1992) 250 cal studies of NiFe layers coupled through a chromium interlayer 115 (1992) 174 Samwel, E.O., P.R. Bissell and J.C. Lodder, Internal field corrections in perpendicu- lar columnar structured Alumite films 115 (1992) 327 Xu, Y., see M.-q. Duan 115 (1992) 1 376 Author index to volume 115 Xu, Y.B., see H.R. Zhai 115 (1992) 20 Zeng, H.-X., see Z. Yang 115 (1992) 77 Zeper, W.B., see D.M. Donnet 115 (1992) 342 Yan, J.-J., see Z.-J. Zhou 115 (1992) 87 Zettl, A., see Q.H. Lam 115 (1992) 197 Yang, Z., H.-X. Zeng, D.-H. Han, J.-Z. Liu Zhai, H.R., M. Lu, Y.Z. Miao, Y.B. Xu, and S.-L. Geng, Morphological, struc- S.M. Zhou, H. Wang, J.W. Cai, B.X. Gu, tural and magnetic characteristics of Co— S.L. Zhang and H.Y. Zhang, Magneto- Ti and Co-Sn substituted Ba-ferrite par- optics in layered and multilayered films 115 (1992) 20 ticles for magnetic recording 115 (1992) 77 Zhang, H.Y., see H.R. Zhai 115 (1992) 20 Yao, Y.D., see P.C. Kuo 115 (1992) 183 Zhang, S., see D.s. Dai 115 (1992) 66 Yelsukov, E.P., E.V. Voronina and V.A. Zhang, S.L., see H.R. Zhai 115 (1992) 20 Barinov, Mossbauer study of magnetic Zhang, X.x., see D.s. Dai 115 (1992) 66 properties formation in disordered Fe—Al Zhao, T.-s., see X.-f. Han 115 (1992) 281 alloys 115 (1992) 271 Zhong, X.P., K. Sun and H.L. Luo, Study on Yeung, W., Influence of matrix elements on the relaxation process in cobalt-modified susceptibilities 115 (1992) 163 iron oxide 115 (1992) 107 Yoshida, H., see M. Matsumoto 115 (1992) 371 Zhou, S.M., see H.R. Zhai 115 (1992) 20 Yu, X., see D. Shen 115 (1992) 35 Zhou, X.-j., see W.-b. Liu 115 (1992) 112 Zaluska, A., Z. Altounian and J.O. Strom- Zhou, Z.-J. and J.-J. Yan, Sputtering iron Olsen, Microstructure studies of melt-ex- oxide films by a water vapor process 115 (1992) 87 tracted Nd—Fe-B fibers 115 (1992) Zhu, P., see Z.Y. Lee 115 (1992) 44 Subject index to volume 115 Actinides 115 (1992) 168 Fibers 115 (1992) 230 Amorphous systems 115 (1992) 35, 44, 143, Fine particles 115 (1992) 77, 107, 112, 190, 217, 223, 245, 366 295 Anisotropy 115 (1992) 255, 265, Garnets 115 (1992) 255, 333 281, 287 Grain boundaries 115 (1992) 99 — fields 115 (1992) 366 — films 115 (1992) 9, 99 Hall effect 115 (1992) 168, 359 — magnetocrystalline 115 (1992) 77, 152 Heavy fermion systems 115 (1992) 168 — uniaxial 115 (1992) 204 Hyperfine fields 115 (1992) 207, 223, Antiferromagnetism 115 (1992) 168, 180 307 Hysteresis loop 115 (1992) 44, 155, 174, Band structure 115 (1992) 143, 163, 187, 287, 333 171, 177 Bubble lattice 115 (1992) 204 Information storage — longitudinal magnetic recording 115 (1992) 127 Coercivity 115 (1992) 107, 133, — magnetic recording media 115 (1992) 77, 87, 99, 174, 183, 211 197, 112, 127, Tay Core loss 115 (1992) 295 155, 187, 204, 327, Crystal fields 115 (1992) 9, 152, 265, 333, 366 281 — magneto-optical recording 115 (1992) 1, 20, 35, 55 Crystal structures 115 (1992) 55, 66, 255, — magneto-optical recording me- 311 dia 115 (1992) 35, 44, 66, Crystallization 115 (1992) 190 87, 342, 353 Curie temperature 115 (1992) 137 — perpendicular magnetic record- ing 115 (1992) 9, 99, 327 Degeneracies 115 (1992) 143 Demagnetization 115 (1992) 327, 333, Kerr effect 115 (1992) 44, 87, 155, 342, 359 353 Density of states 115 (1992) 163 Kerr rotation 115 (1992) 20, 35, 55, Devices 66 — magnetic recording 115 (1992) 133 Kondo effect 115 (1992) 241, 250 Disorder — alloys 115 (1992) 271 Magnetic annealing 115 (1992) 107 Domain Magnetic fields 115 (1992) 180 — structure 115 (1992) 44, 295, 342 Magnetic interactions 115 (1992) 265 — wall dynamics 115 (1992) 204, 342 Magnetic moments 115 (1992) 171, 271 — calculations 115 (1992) 207 Electrical resistivity 115 (1992) 183, 250 Magnetic phase diagrams 115 (1992) 171, 250 Exchange Magnetic structures 115 (1992) 207 — interlayer 115 (1992) 20, 147, 174 Magnetization 115 (1992) 147, 155, — RKKY 115 (1992) 287 183, 359 — high fields 115 (1992) 241 Faraday rotation 115 (1992)1 — low fields 115 (1992) 245 Ferrites 115 (1992) 77, 87, 107, — processes 115 (1992) 187, 211, 133 217, 342 Ferromagnetism 115 (1992) 204 — reversal 115 (1992) 187, 295 378 Subject index to volume 115 — saturation 115 (1992) 327 — compounds 115 (1992) 1, 241, 250, — temperature dependence 115 (1992) 281 265 Magneto-optics 115 (1992) 1, 20 — metals 115 (1992) 177 Magnetoelastics 115 (1992) 180 Magnetoresistance 115 (1992) 147, 311, Sendust alloy 115 (1992) 127 359 Single domain particles 115 (1992) 366 Magnetostriction 115 (1992) 143, 260, Single-ion model 115 (1992) 281 295 Sperimagnetism 115 (1992) 217 Melt extraction 115 (1992) 230 Spin glass 115 (1992) 287, 311 Microstructure 115 (1992) 55, 183, 230 Spin—orbit coupling 115 (1992) 9 Mixed valences 115 (1992)1 Spin polarization 115 (1992) 171, 177 Modulation of floppies 115 (1992) 112 Spin reorientation 115 (1992) 137 Mossbauer spectroscopy 115 (1992) 190, 223, Sputtering 115 (1992) 127 255, 271, 307 Stray fields 115 (1992) 333 Superconductors Nanometric crystals 115 (1992) 155 — high T, 115 (1992) 197 Neutron diffraction — single crystals 115 (1992) 197 — polarized 115 (1992) 359 Surface roughness 115 (1992) 112 New compounds Susceptibility 115 (1992) 187 — semiconductors 115 (1992) 311 — calculation 115 (1992) 163 — initial 115 (1992) 311 Parametric excitation 115 (1992) 180 — nonlinear 115 (1992) 311 Permanent magnets 115 (1992) 137, 183, — temperature dependent 115 (1992) 1 211, 230 Synthesis 115 (1992) 87 Permeability 115 (1992) 190 — complex 115 (1992) 197 Phase transitions 115 (1992) 245 Thermal expansion 115 (1992) 260 — magnetic 115 (1992) 171, 241, 250 Thermal fluctuations 115 (1992) 366 Phonons 115 (1992) 180 Thermal stability 115 (1992) 245 Pressure effects 115 (1992) 250 Thin films 115 (1992) 35, 55, 66, Si, i27, 133, 1% Rare earth-transition metal com- 204, 327, 359 pounds 115 (1992) 190, 207, — bilayers 115 (1992) 20 230, 281 — multilayers 115 (1992) 9, 20, 44, — interstitial carbides 115 (1992) 137, 260 147, 174, 223, 342, — interstitial nitrides 115 (1992) 152, 211 353 Rare earths — thickness 115 (1992) 99 — alloys 115 (1992) 35, 66 — trilayers 115 (1992) 20 — amorphous 115 (1992) 35 Transition metals 115 (1992) 307

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