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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com science @)oinecrs JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Journal of Luminescence 109 (2004) 226-228 RA EET www.elsevier.com/locate/jlumin Index of Authors and Papers Abrarov, S.M., S.U. Yuldashev, S.B. Diaz, A.L., see B. Howe 109 (2004) 51 Lee, T.W. Kang, Suppression of the do Carmo R. Pinto, M., see C.E.M. green photoluminescence band in Carvalho 109 (2004) 207 ZnO embedded into porous opal by Dumeige, Y., F. Treussart, R. Al- spray pyrolysis 109 (2004) 25 leaume, T. Gacoin, J.-F. Roch, P. Akiyama, N., S. Muramatsu, M. Arai, Grangier, Photo-induced creation of K. Nakamura, G. _ Baldacchini, nitrogen-related color centers in dia- Vibronic relaxation processes of Fa mond nanocrystals under femtose- 109 (20041)5 5 109 (2004) 61 centers in KCI:Li cond illumination 109 (20041)4 3 109 (2004) 39 Al-Ageily, M., see V. Masilamani Durygin, A., see Ya. Zhydachevskii 109 (20041)7 3 Albuquerque, R.Q., see S.P. Vila-Nova 109 (20041)4 3 Al-Diab, A., see V. Masilamani Exarhos, G.J., see Y. Sun 109 (2004) 85 109 (2004) 61 Alleaume, R., see Y. Dumeige 109 (20041)6 3 Allen, J.W., see A.V. Firth Firth, A.V., S.W. Haggata, P.K. 109 (20041)4 3 Al-Salhi, M., see V. Masilamani Khanna, S.J. Williams, J.W. Allen, 109 (20041)7 3 Alves Jr., S., see S.P. Vila-Nova S.W. Magennis, I.D.W. Samuel, 109 (20041)4 3 Al-Zhrani, K., see V. Masilamani 109 (20041)5 5 D.J. Cole-Hamilton, Production Arai, M., see N. Akiyama and luminescent properties of CdSe 109 (20041)7 3 Autiero, H., see S.P. Vila-Nova and CdS nanoparticle-polymer com- 109 (20041)6 3 posites 109 (20041)5 5 Baldacchini, G., see N. Akiyama 109 (20041)7 3 Bazin, H., see S.P. Vila-Nova 109 (2004) 61 109 (20041)2 9 Gacoin, T., see Y. Dumeige Bonner Jr., C.E., see L.J. Richardson 109 (20041)3 5 109 (20042)0 7 Graener, H., see A.V. Podlipensky Brinn, I.M., see C.E.M. Carvalho Grangier, P., see Y. Dumeige 109 (2004) 61 109 (20041)3 5 Grebenev, V., see A.V. Podlipensky Carvalho, C.E.M., M.A.A. _ Silva, 109 (2004) 93 Greeff, A.P., see S.H. Chen I.M. Brinn, M. do Carmo R. Pinto, A.V. Pinto, J. Schripsema, R.L. Longo, Tautomerization in_ the Haggata, S.W., see A.V. Firth 109 (2004) 163 ground and first excited singlet states Hanamura, E., see A. Tomita 109 (2004) 19 of phenyl-lapimidazole 109 (2004) 207 Hermanowicz, K., Spectroscopic prop- Chen, S.H., A.P. Greeff, H.C. Swart, erties of the rubidium and cesium 109 (2004) 9 Degradation of ZnS:Cu,Al,Au phos- aluminum double molybdate crystals 109 (2004) 75 phor powder in different gas mix- Holloway, P.H., see J.P. Kim tures 109 (2004) 93 Howe, B., A.L. Diaz, Characterization Choi, C.-S., M.-K. Kim, K.-S. Jeon, of host-lattice emission and energy transfer in BaMgAl,90,7:Eu> * 109 (2004) 51 K.-H. Lee, A functionalized dia- 109 (2004) 1 nthryl tetraaza macrocycle having Hu, L., see G. Wang 109 (20041)8 7 the recognizing and switching ability 109 (2004) 121 Hu, L., see S. Xu Cole-Hamilton, D.J., see A.V. Firth 109 (2004) 163 Itoh, T., Successive occurrence of the Dai, S., see G. Wang 109 (2004) 1 T,(2,2*) and T.(n, 2*) phosphores- Dai, S., see S. Xu 109 (2004) 187 cence and the S,(n, 2*) fluorescence Davidson, M.R., see J.P. Kim 109 (2004) 75 observed for p-cyanobenzaldehyde in de Sa, G.F., see S.P. Vila-Nova 109 (2004) 173 a solid matrix 109 (2004) 221 Index of Authors and Papers 227 109 (20041)0 3 Jansons, J., see A. Trukhin Mitchell, K.A., see S.C. Rasmussen 109 (2004) 111 109 (20041)2 1 Jeon, K.-S., see C.-S. Choi Muramatsu, S., see N. Akiyama 109 (2004) 155 Jiang, Z., see G. Wang 109 (2004) 1 109 (20041)8 7 Jiang, Z., see S. Xu Nakamura, K., see N. Akiyama 109 (2004) 155 Noginov, M.A., see Ya. Zhydachevskii 109 (2004) 39 Kang, T.W., see S.M. Abrarov 109 (2004) 25 Kanth, C.L., B.V. Raghavaiah, B.A. Pereira, G.A.L., see S.P. Vila-Nova 109 (2004) 173 Rao, N. Veeraiah, Optical absorp- Pinto, A.V., see C.E.M. Carvalho 109 (2004) 207 tion, fluorescence and thermolumi- Podlipensky, A.V., V. Grebenev, G. nescence properties of ZnF,-MO- Seifert, H. Graener, Ionization and TeO2(=M ZOnO , CdO and PbO) photomodification of Ag nanoparti- 109 (20041)9 3 glasses doped with Er** ions cles in soda-lime glass by 150 fs laser 109 (2004) 19 Kawabe, Y., see A. Tomita 109 (20041)3 5 irradiation: a luminescence study 109 (20041)6 3 Khanna, P.K., see A.V. Firth 109 (2004) 75 Puga-Lambers, M., see J.P. Kim 109 (20041)8 1 Kim, H.W., see J. Lim Kim, J.P., M.R. Davidson, M. Puga- Qi, L., see Y. Sun 109 (2004) 85 Lambers, E. Lambers, P.H. Hollo- way, Oxygen codoping of ZnS:Tb,F electroluminescent thin film 109 (2004) 75 Raghavaiah, B.V., see C.L. Kanth 109 (20041)9 3 Kim, M.-K., see C.-S. Choi 109 (20041)2 1 Rao, B.A., see C.L. Kanth 109 (20041)9 3 Rasmussen, S.C., D.J. Sattler, K.A. Lambers, E., see J.P. Kim 109 (2004) 75 Mitchell, J. Maxwell, Photophysical Lee, B.I., see Y. Sun 109 (2004) 85 characterization of 2,3-difunctiona- Lee, C., see J. Lim 109 (20041)8 1 lized thieno[3,4-b]pyrazines 109 (2004) 111 Lee, K.-H., see C.-S. Choi 109 (20041)2 1 Richardson, L.J., C.E. Bonner Jr., J. Lee, M., see Y. Sun 109 (2004) 85 Lewis, G.B. Loutts, W.J. Rodriguez, Lee, S.B., see S.M. Abrarov 109 (2004) 25 B.M. Walsh, Temperature depen- ia, B.. ¥. tm, Zz. Ye, ©. Sh, dence on the cross-relaxation rates in Tm** doped strontium fluorapa- Luminescence properties of CdSiO3:Mn** phosphor 109 (20042)1 5 tite 109 (20041)2 9 Lewis, J., see L.J. Richardson 109 (20041)2 9 Roch, J.-F., see Y. Dumeige 109 (2004) 61 109 (2004) 129 Li, L., J. Yang, X. Wu, C. Sun, Y. Liu, Rodriguez, W.J., see L.J. Richardson S. Liu, B. Su, Analysis of guanosine- 109 (2004) 69 5’-monophosphate at nM level based Sabharwal, S.C., see Sangeeta 109 (20041)6 3 on the co-luminescence effect of Tb— Samuel, I.D.W., see A.V. Firth 109 (2004) 31 109 (2004) 85 Gd-—GMP system Samuels, W.D., see Y. Sun 109 (20041)0 3 Liblik, P., see A. Trukhin Sangeeta,, S.C. Sabharwal, Kinetics of Lim, J., K. Shin, H.W. Kim, C. Lee, thermally stimulated luminescence 109 (2004) 69 Photoluminescence Studies of ZnO from alkaline earth borates 109 (2004) 19 thin films grown by atomic layer Sato, T., see A. Tomita 109 (20041)8 1 109 (20041)1 1 epitaxy Sattler, D.J., see S.C. Rasmussen 109 (2004) 31 109 (20042)0 7 Liu, S., see L. Li Schripsema, J., see C.E.M. Carvalho 109 (20042)1 5 109 (20041)3 5 Liu, Y., see B. Lei Seifert, G., see A.V. Podlipensky 109 (2004) 31 109 (20042)1 5 Liu, Y., see L. Li Shi, C., see B. Lei 109 (20042)0 7 109 (20041)8 1 Longo, R.L., see C.E.M. Carvalho Shin, K., see J. Lim 109 (20041)2 9 109 (2004) 19 Loutts, G.B., see L.J. Richardson Shirai, M., see A. Tomita 109 (2004) 39 109 (20042)0 7 Loutts, G.B., see Ya. Zhydachevskii Silva, M.A.A., see C.E.M. Carvalho 109 (20041)0 3 109 (2004) 31 Lushchik, Ch., see A. Trukhin Su, B., see L. Li 109 (2004) 39 Suchocki, A., see Ya. Zhydachevskii Magennis, S.W., see A.V. Firth 109 (20041)6 3 Sugak, D., see Ya. Zhydachevskii 109 (2004) 39 109 (2004) 31 Masilamani, V., K. Al-Zhrani, M. Al- Sun, C., see L. Li Salhi, A. Al-Diab, M. Al-Ageily, Sun, Y., L. Qi, M. Lee, B.I. Lee, W.D. Cancer diagnosis by autofluores- Samuels, G.J. Exarhos, Photolumi- cence of blood components 109 (20041)4 3 nescent properties of Y.O3:Eu** 109 (20041)7 3 Mathis, G., see S.P. Vila-Nova phosphors prepared via urea preci- Matkovskii, A., see Ya. Zhydachevsku 109 (2004) 39 pitation in non-aqueous solution 109 (2004) Maxwell, J., see S.C. Rasmussen 109 (20041)1 1 Swart, H.C., see S.H. Chen 109 (2004) 228 Index of Authors and Papers 109 (2004) 19 109 (20041)8 7 Tanaka, K., see A. Tomita Wang, G., see S. Xu 109 (20041)6 3 Tomita, A., T. Sato, K. Tanaka, Y. Williams, S.J., see A.V. Firth 109 (2004) 31 Kawabe, M. Shirai, K. Tanaka, E. Wu, X., see L. Li Hanamura, Luminescence channels 109 (2004) 19 of manganese-doped spinel Xu, S., G. Wang, S. Dai, J. Zhang, L. 109 (2004) 61 Treussart, F., see Y.D umeige Hu, Z. Jiang, Infrared to visible Trukhin, A., P. Liblik, Ch. Lushchik, upconversion in Er*‘-doped lead J. Jansons, UV cathodoluminescence oxyfluorosilicate glasses 109 (2004) 187 of crystalline «-quartz at low tem- Xu, S., see G. Wang 109 (2004) 1 peratures 109 (2004) 103 109 (2004) 31 Yang, J., see L. Li 109 (20042)1 5 Veeraiah, N., see C.L. Kanth 109 (2004) 193 Ye, Z., see B. Lei 109 (2004) 25 Vila-Nova, S.P., G.A.L. Pereira, R.Q. Yuldashev, S.U., see S.M. Abrarov Albuquerque, G. Mathis, H. Bazin, 109 (2004) 1 H. Autiero, G.F. de Sa, S. Alves Jr., Zhang, J., see G. Wang 109 (20041)8 7 Study of the luminescence of Eu(III), Zhang, J., see S. Xu Tb(II]) and Gd(III) cryptates con- Zhydachevskii, Ya., A. Durygin, A. taining Py(CO,Et), as ligands 109 (2004) 173 Suchocki, A. Matkovskii, D. Sugak, G.B. Loutts, M.A. Noginov, Radia- Walsh, B.M., see L.J. Richardson 109 (2004) 129 tion and thermally induced effects in Wang, G., J. Zhang, S. Xu, S. Dai, L. YAIO3;3:Mn crystals 109 (2004) 39 Hu, Z. Jiang, Thermal analysis, spectra and laser properties of a new Yb**-doped multicomponential tellurite-based glass 109 (2004) 1 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com science @oinecr: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Journal of Luminescence 109 (2004) 229 www.elsevier.com/locate/jlumin Subject Index a-Quartz 103 Macrocycle L 121 Absorption 9 Absorption spectra 111, 129 Nanocrystals 61 Nanoparticle 163 Afterglow 215 Nanostructured materials 135 Annealing 181 Non-symmetrical imidazole 207 Association constant 121 Atomic Layer epitaxy 181 Opal 25 Autofluorescence of blood components 143 Optical absorption 193 Cancer marker 143 p-Cyanobenzaldehyde 221 Cathodoluminescence 93, 103 p-Dichlorobenzene host 221 Charge-transfer excitation 19 Phosphor degradation 93 Chemometrics 207 Phosphorescence 221 Color center laser 155 Photoluminescence 25, 85, 163, 181 Color centers 19, 39, 61 Photonic band-gap 25 Co-luminescence effect 31 Polymer 163 Composite 163 Porphyrin 143 Cryptates 173 Precipitation 85 d-d Transition 19 Quantum efficiency 111 Determination 31 Quantum yield 121 Diagnosis of cancer 143 Radiation defects 103 Diamond 61 Rare-earth ion 31 Double molybdates 9 Recognizing ability 121 Electroluminescence 75 Single fluorescent emitter 61 Electron—phonon coupling 9 Solvent effects 111 Emission quantum yield 173 Spectral signatures of cancer 143 Emission spectra 111, 129 Spectroscopic properties 1, 111, 187 Energy transfer 31, 51 Sputter deposition 75 Stokes shift 9 Femtosecond irradiation 135 Switching ability 121 Femtosecond laser 61 Fluorescence 193, 221 Tautomerism 207 Fluorescent pH titration 121 Temperature dependence 221 Fluorescent receptor 121 Thermally stimulated luminescence 69 Thermoluminescence 39, 193, 215 y-radiation 39 Thin film 75 Guanosine-5’-monophosphate 31 Time-resolved emission 129 Trap 215 Hot luminescence 155 Upconversion 187 Kinetics 69 Urea 85 Laser induced deformation 135 Vibronic relaxation 155 Laser materials 129 Long-lasting phosphor 215 White light emission 163 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ee : science @joineers MTI MINESCENCE ELSEVIER Journal of Luminescence 109 (2004) 231 www.elsevier.com/locate/jlumin Materials Index Alkaline earth borates 69 Manganese-doped spinel 19 Mn:MgAlI,O, 19 BAM 51 ed. BaMgAl,9Q,7_ 51 Non-symmetrical imidazole . p-Cyanobenzaldehyde 221 Cadmium selenide 163 Phosphor 75, 85, 93 Cadmium sulphide 163 CdSiO;:Mn** 215 ; CSeciiihtin SN Silver nanoparticles 135 cot 9 Soda-lime glass 135 3 : Tellurite glass 1 Er’ ions 193 TeO, glasses 193 Erbium 187 Thulium ions 129 Eu 51 Europium-doped YO; 85 YAIO;3:Mn 39 ae Fluorapatites 129 ZnO 25, 181 Lead oxyfluorosilicate glass 187 ZnS:TbOF 75

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