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Articles ANAYA MuNoz, Alejandro: The Emergence and Development of the Politics of Recognition of Cultural Diversity and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Mexico: Chiapas and Oaxaca in Comparative Perspective Bain, Mervyn: The Cuban Perception of the Gorbachev Era BarRAccA, Steven: Devolution and the Deepening of Democracy: Explaining Outcomes of Municipal Reforms in Mexico Burpick, John: Why is the Black Evangelical Movement Growing in Brazil? Cuero, Marcos: Appropriation and Resistance: Local Responses to Malaria Eradication in Mexico, 1955-1970 Dr La Capena, Marisol: Are Mestizos Hybrids? The Conceptual Politics of Andean Identities ELENA, Eduardo: What the People Want: State Planning and Political Participation in Peronist Argentina GILLINGHAM, Paul: The Emperor of Ixcateopan: Fraud, Nationality and Memory in Modern Mexico GomeEz-MErA, Laura: Explaining MERCOSUR’s Survival: Strategic Sources of Argentine-Brazilian Convergence Hooke, Juliet: Indigenous Inclusion/Black Exclusion: Race, Ethnicity, and Multicultural Citizenship in Contemporary Latin America Jacoss, Jamie Elizabeth, and MaLponapo, Martin: Civil Society in Argentina: Opportunities and Challenges for National and Transnational Organization LuNDaQuisT, Jennifer H., and Massey, Douglas S.: Politics or Economics? International Migration during The Nicaraguan Contra War PANIZZA, Francisco, and Puiir, George: Second Generation Reform in Latin America: Reforming the public sector in Uruguay and Mexico Ponzio, Carlos A: Globalisation and Economic Growth in the Third World: Some Evidence from Eighteenth-Century Mexico RATH, Thomas: ‘Que e/ cielo un soldado en cada hijo te dio ...”: Conscription, Recalcitrance and Resistance in Mexico in the 1940s SAETHER, Steinar A: Independence and the Re-definition of Indianness around Santa Marta, Colombia, 1750-1850 SANCHEZ ANCOCHEA, Diego: Domestic Capital, Civil Servants and the State: Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic under Globalisation SANCHEZ-FUNG, José R: Exchange Rates, Monetary Policy and Interest Rates in the Dominican Republic during the 1990s Boom and New Millennium Crisis SANTA-Cruz, Arturo: Monitoring Elections, Redefining Sovereignty: The 2000 Peruvian Electoral Process as an International Event SmiTH, Benjamin Thomas: Anticlericalism and Resistance: The Diocese of Huajuapam, 1930-1940 SZNAJDER, Mario, and RoniGerR, Luis: From Argentina to Israel: Escape, Evacuation and Exile Wap, Peter: Re-thinking Mestizaje: Ideology and Lived Experience WooparbD, James P: History, Sociology, and the Political Conflicts of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in the 1920s Commentary CESARINI, Paola, and Herret, Shareen: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Rights Scholarship in Latin America Reviews ANDERMANN, Jens, and Rowe, William (eds.), /mages of Power: Iconography, Culture and the State in Latin America, reviewed by Raymond B. Craib Armus, Diego (ed.), Disease in the History of Modern Latin America: From Malaria to AIDS, reviewed by William F. Sater AUYERO, Javier, Contentious Lives: Two Argentine Women, Two Protests, and the Ouest for Recognition, reviewed by Maxine Molyneux AviLaA Espinosa, Felipe Arturo, Los origenes del zapatismo, reviewed by Neil Harvey BayarD De Vo1o, Lorraine, Mothers of Heroes and Martyrs: Gender Identity Politics in Nicaragua, 1979-1999, teviewed by Edurne Larrakoetxea Bohigas BENAVIDES, O. Hugo, Making Ecuadorian Histories: Four Centuries of Defining Power, reviewed by Sarah A. Radcliffe BoorsTEIN COUTURIER, Edith, The Si/ver King: The Remarkable Life of the Count of Regla in Colonial Mexico, reviewed by Brian Hamnett Bortz Jeffrey L., and Haper, Stephen (eds.), Zhe Mexican Economy, 1870-1930: Essays on the Economic History of Institutions, Revolution and Growth, reviewed by Colin M. Lewis BorzuTzky, Silvia, Vital Connections: Politics, Social Security and Inequality in Chile, reviewed by Jasmine Gideon Bour Enrique, HEYMANN, Daniel, and NAvajas, Fernando (eds.), Latin American Economic Crises: Trade and Labour, reviewed by Jaime Ros Boyer, Christopher R., Becoming Campesinos: Politics, Identity, and Agrarian Struggle in Postrevolutionary Michoacan, 1920-1935, reviewed by Benjamin Thomas Smith Brown, David H., Santeria Exnthroned: Art, Ritual, and Innovation in an Afro-Cuban Religion, reviewed by Martin Holbraad BurGess, Katrina, Parties and Unions in the New Global Economy, reviewed by Steven T. Wuhs Burt, Jo-Marie, and Mauceri, Philip (eds.), Politics in the Andes: Identity, Conflict, Reform, reviewed by Cynthia McClintock BuTLer, Matthew, Popular Piety and Political Identity in Mexico’s Cristero Rebellion, Michoacan, 1927-1929, reviewed by Benjamin Thomas Smith CasTRO-KLAREN, Sara, and CHASTEEN, John Charles (eds.), Beyond Imagined Communities: Reading and Writing the Nation in Nineteenth-Century Latin 1merica, reviewed by Nicola Miller CHASSEN-LOPEZ, Francie R., From Liberal to Revolutionary Oaxaca: The View from the South, Mexico 1867-1911, reviewed by Benjamin Thomas Smith CHIBNIK, Michael, Crafting Tradition: The Making and Marketing of Oaxacan Wood Carvings, reviewed by Chloe Sayer CORONADO SuZAN, Gabriela, Las voces silenciadas de la cultura mexicana: identidad, resistencia y creatividad en el dialogo interétnico, reviewed by John Gledhill CRAVEN, David, Art and Revolution in Latin America 1910-1990, reviewed by Valerie Fraser DAviLa, Jerry, Diploma of Whiteness: Race and Social Policy in Brazil, 1917-1945, reviewed by Antonio Sérgio Alfredo Guimaraes Dawson, Alexander S., /ndian and Nation in Revolutionary Mexico, reviewed by Adrian A. Bantjes De Acosta, José (ed. Jane E. Mangan), Natural and Moral History of the Indies, reviewed by Heidi V. Scott Deeps, Susan M., Defiance and Deference in Mexico’s Colonial North: Indians under Spanish Rule in Nueva Vizcaya, reviewed by Eric Van Young DEL CANTO, Estanislao, Memorias militares, reviewed by William F. Sater DELLA PAOLERA, Gerardo, and TayLor, Alan M. (eds.), A New Economic History of Argentina, reviewed by Roy Hora De MELLo E Souza, Laura, Zhe Devil and the Land of the Holy Cross: Witchcraft, Slavery, and Popular Religion in Colonial Brazil, reviewed by Nancy Priscilla Naro Dr MELLO E Souza, Marina, Res negros no Brasil escravista: historia da festa de coroacao de Rei Congo, reviewed by Luciana Martins Di TELLA, Torcuato S., History of Political Parties in Twentieth Century Latin America, reviewed by Jorge I. Dominguez DomiNGUEZ, Francisco, and GuEDES De OLIverrA, Marcos (eds.), Mercosur: Between Integration and Democracy, reviewed by Nicola Phillips DuNKERLEY, James (ed.), Studies in the Formation of the Nation State in Latin America, reviewed by Karen Caplan EATON, Kent, Politicians and Economic Reform in New Democracies: Argentina and the Philippines in the 1990s, reviewed by Gerald A. McDermott ECKSTEIN, Susan Eva, and WicKHAM-CROWLEY, Timothy P. (eds.), What Justice? Whose Justice? Fighting for Fairness in Latin America, reviewed by Line Schjolden ELLNER, Steve, and HELLINGER, Daniel (eds.), Venezuelan Politics in the Chavez Era: Class, Polarization and Conflict, reviewed by Richard Gott ERLICK, June Carolyn, Disappeared: AJ ournalist Silenced — The Irma Flaquer Story, reviewed by James Painter ForMENT, Carlos A., Democracy in Latin America, 1760-1900: Vol. 1, Civic Selfhood and Public Life in Mexico and Pern, reviewed by Paulo Drinot FRENCH, John D., Drowning in Laws: Labor Law and Brazilian Political Culture, reviewed by Line Schjolden FUMERTON, Mario, From Victims to Heroes: Peasant Counter-rebellion and Civil War in Ayacucho, Peru, 1980—2000, reviewed by Lewis Taylor Gaspert, Wolfgang, Becoming Maya: Ethnicity and Social Inequality in Yucatan since 1500, reviewed by John Gledhill Gipson, Edward L. (ed.), Federalism and Democracy in Latin America, reviewed by Eliza Jane Willis GoN, Uki, The Real Odessa: How Péron Brought the Nazi War Criminals to Irgentina, reviewed by Ignacio Klich GREENE, Roland, Unreguited Conquests: Love and Empire in the Colonial Americas, reviewed by Jo Labanyi GUTMANN, Matthew C. (ed.), Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America, reviewed by Sylvia Chant GUTMANN, Matthew C., Zhe Romance of Democracy: Comphant Defiance in Contemporary Mexico, reviewed by Viviana Patroni HAAGH, Louise, C7t#zenship, Labour Markets and Democratization: Chile and the Modern Sequence, reviewed by Robert Gwynne Haser, Stephen, Razo, Armando, and Maurer, Noel, The Politics of Property Rights: Political Instability, Credible Commitments and Economic Growth in Mexico, 1876—1929, reviewed by Jonathan C. Brown Hatt, Linda B., Mary, Mother and Warrior: The Virgin in Spain and the Americas, reviewed by Andrew Redden Hart, Stephen, and YounG, Richard (eds.), Contemporary Latin American Cultural Studies, reviewed by Jon Beasley-Murray Hatzky, Christine, Julio Antonio Mella (1903-1929): Eine Biografie, reviewed by Marcus Klein HAYDEN, Cori, When Nature Goes Public: The Making and Unmaking of Bioprospecting in Mexico, reviewed by Oscar A. Forero HeMMING John, Die /f You Must: Brazilian Indians in the Twentieth Century, reviewed by Stephen Nugent HERRERA, Robinson A., Natives, Europeans, and Africans in Sixteenth-Century Santiago de Guatemala, reviewed by Jorge Lujan-Munioz Hire, Katherine, and Crsarini, Paola (eds.), Authoritarian Legacies and Democracy in Latin America and Southern Europe, reviewed by Laura Tedesco Ho.pEN, Robert H., Armies without Nations: Public Violence and State Formation in Central America, 1821-1960, reviewed by Douglass Sullivan-Gonzalez JOHNSON, Lyman L. (ed.), Death, Dismemberment and Memory: Body Politics in Latin America, reviewed by Paul Gillingham JosepH, Gilbert M., and HENDERSON, Timothy J. (eds.), Zhe Mesaico Reader: Fiistory, Culture, Politics, reviewed by Patience A. Schell KAMPWIRTH, Karen, Feminism and the Legacy of Revolution: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chiapas, reviewed by Julie Shayne KENNEY, Charles D., Fujimori’s Coup and the Breakdown of Democracy in Latin Ameria, reviewed by Julio F. Carrion KurBy, Peader, /ntroduction to Latin America: Twenty-First Century Challenges, reviewed by Julian Buxton LENGYEL, Miguel F., and Venrura-D1as, Vivianne (eds.), 7rade Policy Reforms in Latin America: Multilateral Rules and Domestic Institutions, reviewed by Diego Sanchez-Ancochea Levitsky, Steven, Zransforming Labor-Based Parties in Latin America: Argentine Peronism in Comparative Perspective, reviewed by Laurence Allan Lewis, Laura A., Hall of Mirrors: Power, Witchcraft, and Caste in Colonial Mexico, reviewed by Eric Van Young MacLAcuHLan, Colin, A History of Modern Brazil: The Past against the Present, reviewed by Jens R. Hentschke McCatium, Cecilia, Gender and Sociality in Amazonia: How Real People Are Made, reviewed by German Freire McCann, Bryan, Hello, Hello Brazil: Popular Music in the Making of Modern Brazil, by Sean Stroud McCauGuan, Michael, The Battle of Venezuela, reviewed by Steve Ellner McCoy, Jennifer L., and Myers, David J. (eds.), The Unraveling of Representative Democracy in Venezuela, reviewed by Steve Ellner MAINWARING, Scott, and WELNA, Christopher, Democratic Accountability in Latin America, reviewed by Carlos Santiso MANz, Beatriz, Paradise in Ashes: A Guatemalan Journey of Courage, Terror, and Hope, reviewed by Alexander Wilde Masterson, Daniel M., and FUNADA-CLASSEN, Sayaka, The Japanese in Latin America, reviewed by Stephanie C. Moore Mattiace, Shannan L., To See with Two Eyes: Peasant Activism and Indian Autonomy in Chiapas, reviewed by R. Aida Hernandez Castillo MeiscH, Lynn, Andean Entrepreneurs: Otavalo Merchants and Musicians in the Global Arena, reviewed by Alicia Torres Mesa-LaGo, Carmelo (ed.), Economia y bienestar social en Cuba a comienzos del siglo XXT, reviewed by Claes Brundenius MIDDLEBROOK, Kevin J. (ed.), Dilemmas ofP olitical Change in Mexico, reviewed by Rita Moch-Arias Montero, Alfred P., and Samuets, David J. (eds.), Decentralization and Democracy in Latin America, reviewed by Merilee S. Grindle Montes De Oca VEGA, Mercedes, Rasy, Dominique, REYES EQuiGuAS, Salvador, and SELLEN, Adam T., Cartografia de tradicion hispanoindigena: mapas de Mercedes de Tierra, siglhs XVI y XVII, reviewed by Eleanor Wake Montoya, Rosario, FRAZIER, Lessie Jo, and Hurtic, Janise (eds.), Gender’s Place: Feminist Anthropologies of Latin America, reviewed by Christine Kovic Mora, Frank O., and Hey, Jeanne A. K. (eds.), Latin American and Caribbean Foreign Policy, reviewed by Laurence Allan Muecke, Ulrick, Political Culture in Nineteenth-Century Peru: The Rise of the Partido Civil, reviewed by Natalia Sobrevilla Perea MULLER, Katharina, Privatising Old-Age Security: Latin America and Eastern Europe Compared, reviewed by Armando Barrientos Mraz, John, Nacho Lopez: Mexican Photographer, reviewed by Seth Fein Munck, Ronaldo, Contemporary Latin America, reviewed by Julia Buxton Naro, Nancy Priscilla (ed.), Blacks, Coloureds and National Identity in Nineteenth- Century Latin America, reviewed by O. Nigel Bolland Newcomer, Daniel, Reconciling Modernity: Urban State Formation in 1940s Leon, Mexico, reviewed by Benjamin Thomas Smith Nouzeites, Gabriela, and MONTALDO, Graciela (eds.), Zhe Argentina Reader: History, Culture, Politics, reviewed by John King NuGENT, Stephen, and Harris, Mark (eds.), Some Other Amazonians: Perspectives on Modern Amazonia, reviewed by Jeremy M. Campbell PapRON, Ricardo, The Spacious Word: Cartography, Literature, and Empire in Early Modern Spain, reviewed by Daniela Bleichmar PuTNAM, Lara, Zhe Company They Kept: Migrants and the Politics of Gender in Caribbean Costa Rica, 1870-1960, reviewed by Nicola Foote REMIJNSE, Simone, Memories of Violence: Civil Patrols and the Legacy of Conflict in Joyabaj, Guatemala, reviewed by Jim Handy Rosinson, David J., Collaguas I. Lari Collaguas: economia, sociedad y poblacion, 1604-1605. Elomenaje a Franklin Pease, reviewed by Linda A. Newson ROLDAN VERA, Eugenia, The British Book Trade and Spanish American Independence: Education and Knowledge Transmission in Transconiinental Perspective, reviewed by Frank Safford Roquas, Esther, Stacked Law: Land, Property and Conflict in Honduras, reviewed by Andy Thorpe Rusio, Luis, and KAUFMAN PURCELL, Susan (eds.), Mexico under Fox, reviewed by George Philip Rus, Jan, HERNANDEZ CAsTILLO, Rosalva Aida, and MatriAce, Shannan L. (eds.), Mayan Lives, Mayan Utopias: The Indigenous Peoples of Chiapas and the Zapatista Rebellion, reviewed by John Gledhill SALDANA-PorTILLo, Maria Josefina, Zhe Revolutionary Imagination in the Americas and the Age of Development, reviewed by Nicola Miller SCHELL, Patience A., Church and State Education in Revolutionary Mexico, reviewed by Katherine Bliss SCHWARTZ, Stuart B. (ed.), Zropical Babylons: Sugar and the Making of the Atlantic World, 1450-1680, reviewed by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto SIGAL, Pete (ed.), ufamous Desire: Male Homosexuality in Colonial Latin America, reviewed by Jacqueline Holler SIKKINK, Kathryn, Mixed Signals: U.S. Human Rights Policy and Latin America, reviewed by Alexander Wilde SKIERKA, Volker, Fidel Castro, a Biography, reviewed by Wayne S. Smith SLaTTA, Richard W., and Lucas DE GRUMMOND, Jane, Simon Bolivar’s Quest for Glory, reviewed by Aline Helg SLUYTER, Andrew, Colonialism and Landscape: Postcolonial Theory and Applications, reviewed by Christian Brannstrom SoMMER, Doris (ed.), Bilingual Games: Some Literary Investigations, reviewed by Jon Beasley-Murray TaussiG, Michael, My Cocaine Museum, reviewed by Jon Beasley-Murray THIBAUD, Clément, Repiblicas en armas: los ejércitos bolivarianos en la Guerra de Independencia en Colombia y Venezuela, reviewed by Matthew Brown THURNER, Mark, and GUERRERO, Andrés (eds.), Affer Spanish Rule: Postcolonial Predicaments oft he Americas, reviewed by Elisa Sampson Vera Tudela TRAWICK, Paul B., Zhe Struggle for Water in Pern: Comedy and Tragedy in the Andean Commons, reviewed by Robert C. Hunt VIZENTINI, Paulo, and WIESEBRON, Marianne, Free Trade for the Americas? The United States’ Push for the FTAA Agreement, reviewed by Diego Sanchez Ancochea WEDEL, Johan, Santeria Healing: A_Journey into the Afro-Cuban World ofD ivinities, Spirits and Sorcery, reviewed by Martin Holbraad WEINER, Richard, Race, Nation and Market: Economic Culture in Porfirian Mexico, reviewed by Gavin O’Toole WEINTRAUB, Sidney, RUGMAN, Alan M., and Boypb, Gavin (eds.), Free Trade in the Americas: Economic and Political Issues for Governments and Firms, reviewed by Nicola Phillips WEYLAND, Kurt (ed.), Learning from Foreign Models in Latin American Policy Reform, reviewed by Colin M. Lewis WEYLAND, Kurt, The Politics of Market Reform in Fragile Democracies: Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela, reviewed by Frances Hagopian WHITTEN, Jr., Norman E. (ed.), Millennial Ecuador: Critical Essays on Cultural Transformations and Social Dynamics, reviewed by Emily Walmsley Wituiams, Gareth, Zhe Other Side of the Popular: Neoliberalism and Subalternity in Latin America, reviewed by Jorge Larrain WINN, Peter (ed.), Victims of the Chilean Miracle: Workers and Neoliberalism in the Pinochet Era, 1973-2002, reviewed by Alan Angell Wisk, Carol, Reinventing the State: Economic Strategy and Institutional Change in Pern, reviewed by Julio F. Carrion Wocan, Peter, Magical Writing in Salasaca: Literacy and Power in Highland Ecuador, reviewed by Emilia Ferraro

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