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Preview Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 1991: Vol 14 Index

J. Inher. Metab. Dis. 14 (1991) 943-945 © SSIEM and Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands Author Index to Volume 14 Abbitt, B. 228 de Bree, P. K. 367 Crystal, R.G. 512 Abe, T. 896 Bremer, H. J. 329 Curtis, D. 314 Abeling, N.G.G.M. 364, ten Brink, H. J. 345, 349, 379 653, 681 Dahl, H.-H. M. 140 Acosta, P. B. 253 Briones, P. 285 Daudet, H. 846 Akaboshi, I. 787 Brismar, J. 174 Day, D. 890 Al Ageel, A. 174 Brivet, M. 333 Demarquez, J. L. 289 Albert, E. 270 Brockstedt, M. 382 Deprun, C. 842 Alvarez, L. 311 Brodehl, J. 604 Dhondt, J.-L. 117, 633 Andresen, S. 314 Brook, J.G. 241 DDiivvorlyl,i , P.A . 26874,5 341, 838 Antoshechkin, A. G. 749 Bross, P. 314 Apostolidou, I. 835 Brown, G. K. 140 Don, N. A. 942 Applegarth, D. A. 851, 932 Brown, J. K. 436 van Doorninck, W. J. 881 Aramaki, S. 839 Bruin, T. 389 Dorche, C. 341 Argov, S. 902 Brul, S. 152 Dorland, L. 367 Aubourg, P. 325 Buckels, J. A.C. 596 Dumas, M. L. 846 Austin, V. 371 Burchell, A. 305 Dumas, R. 846 Aviram, M. 241 Burchell, B. 563 Duran, M. 259, 325, 367 Awata, H. 777, 783 Burdelski, M. 604 Dutra, J.C. 400 Azen, C. 371 Dutra-Filho, C. S. 400 Cabral, A. 259 Bakker, H. D. 269, 379, 389, Caglar, M. 765 Eda, Y. 783 730 Carpenter, K. 231 van Elk, E. 317 Balistreri, W. F. 459 Carre, M. 289 Endo, F. 777, 783, 787 Barash, V. 902 Carreras, E. 285 Endo, H. 793, 805 Bardet, J. 277, 842 Carroll, J. E. 876 Endres, W. 270, 308 Barth, M. L. 400 Casteels, M. 357 Engel, P. 314 Barth, P.G. 297, 329 Castenson, P. 228 Engst, S. 314 Bayleran, J. 707 Castiglioni, L. 371 Espeel, M. 853 Bellet, H. 846 Cataltepe, $. 836 Eusebio, F. 259 Bennett, M. J. 165, 915 Chabas, A. 908 van den Berg, J. E. T. 269 Chadefaux, B. 841 Farriaux, J. P. 263, 633 Berger, R. 269, 367, 765 Chang-Stroman, L. M. 512 Feinberg, S. B. 890 van den Berghe, G. 407 Charpentier, C. 668, 841 Feller, N. 293 Bergman, R. 241 Chentsova, T. V. 749 Fensom, A. H. 128 Besley, G. T. N. 128, 338 Cheron, G. 668 Fisch, R.O. 890 Beukenhorst, H. 367 Christensen, E. 314, 329 Fischer, M. 849 Birrer, P. 512 Clarke, D. 563 Fischer, R. 902 Biryukov, V. V. 134 Clayton, P. T. 478 Fontaine, M. 263 Bisset, W. M. 771 Coates, P.M. 915 Frantzis, N. 845 Bitterman-Deutsch, O. 241 Contraire, B. 341 Friedman, E.G. 371 Blakemore, A. 314 Cooper, A. 128 Friedman-Birnbaum, R. 241 Blau, N. 845 Corbetta, C. 833 Fujitaka, M. 843 Blom, H. J. 375 Cortner, J. A. 915 Fukuda, S. 800 Boers, G. H. J. 375 Coskun, T. 698, 765, 836 Fukushima, H. 819 Bohles, H. J. 329 Coude, M. M. 668, 841 Bolhuis, P. A. 297 Coughtrie, M. W. H. 563 Gahl, W. A. 375 Bolund, L. 314 Couturier, M. 215 Gascon, G. 174 Boneh, A. 393 Covanis, A. 845 van Gennip, A. H. 364, 379, Bonnefont, J. P. 668 de Craemer, D. 853 932 Boulay, B. 707 de la Cruz, F. 371 Ghisla, S. 314 Boutron, A. 333 Cryer, D. R. 915 Gibb, L. 305 943 944 Author Index to Volume 14 Gibson, K. M. 265 Johnson, J. L. 932 Macek, M. 653 Giouroukos, S. 267 Jones, M. Z. 228 Machill, G. 940 Giros, M. L. 311, 908 Judge, M. R. 338 Macleod, P.M. 851 Giugliani, R. 400 Magnan de Bornier, B. 846 Gleispach, H. 174 Kamerling, J. P. 730 Maia, M. 715 Glick, N. 849 Kamoun, P. 277, 668, 841, Malgat, M. 289 Goldenfum, S. L. 400 842 Mannaerts, G. P. 357 Gomez, S. 838 Kaplan, F. 707 Maroteaux, P. 361 Goodman, S.I. 165 Karpova, E. A. 134 Martinez Ibanez, V. 281 Grant, D. M. 421 Kastelein, J. J. P. 389 Matalon, R. 371 Green, A. 531, 693 Katsarou, E. 267 Matsuda, I. 777, 783, 787 Greene, C. 881 Kelly, D. 314, 531 Matsumoto, I. 839 Greenwood, R. 202 Khellaf, A. 333 Mazat, J. P. 289 Gregersen, N. 314 Kierat, L. 845 McCreanor, G. M. 202, 848 Grimm, U. 940 Kint, J. 385 McElvaney, N. G. 512 de Groot, C. J. 293 Kirby, D. M. 140 Meguro, Y. 896 Grosmanova, A. 265 van der Klei-van Moorsel, de Meirleir, L. J. 301 Gross, K. C. 253 J.M. 382 Melotti, D. 833 Gruszczynska, B. 397 Kleijer, W. J. 353, 653 Michals, K. 371 Guardiola, A. 908 de Klerk, J. B.C. 317, 3285, Michelakakis, H. 267, 835 Guesnu, M. 361 674 Middleton, B. 321 Guibaud, P. 838 Kobashi, H. 231 Midorikawa, M. 721 Guillois, B. 842 Kobayashi, S. 896 Mieli-Vergani, G. 497 Giineral, F. 741 Kogak, N. 765 Milla, P. J. 771 Koch, R. 371, 685 Sa Miranda, M.C. 715 Haas, R. 270 Kodama, H. 896 Missiou-Tsagaraki, S. 845 Hadorn, H.-B. 270 K¢ivraa, S. 314 Mitsubuchi, H. 787 Haengeli, Ch. A. 333 Konishi, H. 843 Miyabayashi, S. 793, 805 Hagenfeldt, L. 341 Kozich, ¥Y. 265, 357 Modell, B. 640 Hahn, D. A. 876 Kuhara, T. 839 Morin, D. 846 Hale, D. E. 165 Kuliev, A. M. 640 Mowat, A. P. 497 Hanamizu, H. 805 Kuroda, Y. 231 Munnich, A. 289 Handa, S. 721 Kuwahara, T. 800 Hanley, W. 371 Kvittingen, E. A. 554 Narcy, C. 277, 361 Hansen, L. L. 140 Narisawa, K. 793 Harkness, R. A. 202, 848, 938 Lachaux, A. 838 Naritsin, D. B. 749 Harper, J. I. 338 Lake, B. D. 338, 538 Némecek, J. 265 Havass, Z. 928 Lamirau, T. 289 Nishigaki, T. 819 Heales, S.J. R. 661 Langelaar, S.A. 653 Nishimura, M. 896 Hechtman, B. 707 Lanman, J.T. 932 Nobukuni, Y. 787 Helmig, M. 270 Lansberg, P. J. 389 Nord, A. 881 Hoffmann, G. F. 265, 329 Largilliére, C. 263 Holme, E. 281 Larsson, A. 341 Odiévre, M. 526 Hommes, F. A. 685 Latta, A. 604 Ogura, K. 721 Horai, S. 805 Le, N.-A. 915 Oiknine, Y. 241 ten Houten, R. 297 Lebrun, T. 633 Okada, S. 721, 819 Hubrich, B. 247 Lehnert, W. 329 Okamoto, H. 800 Hussain, M. 497 Lemonnier, A. 333 Orii, T. 800 Hyanek, J. 265, 357 Lemonnier, F. 215 Oshima, A. 813 von Lengerke, H. J. 831 Qwada, M. 825 Ibel, H. 270 Leonard, J. V. 546, 661, 771 Ozalp, I. 698, 741, 765, 836 IJlst, L. 317, 325, 674 Letellier, T. 289 Ozand, P. T. 174 Ikedo, Y. 800 Levy, H. L. 371, 755 Imam, H. 436 van Lie Peters, E. M. 297 Pandya, A. L. 685 Indo, Y. 787 Liebaers, I. 301 Papagaroufalis, C. 835 Inoue, Y. 839 Lilling, S. 902 Papandreou, O. 845 Inui, K. 721, 819 Lissens, W. 301 Parini, R. 833 Ito, M. 231 Llacer, A. 285 Parvy, P. 277, 842 Itoh, K. 813 Lloret, J. 281 Patterson, J. 228 Loggers, H.G. 297 Pehal, F. 265 Jaeken, J. 385 Loras, I. 838 van Pelt, J. 730 Jakobs, C. 281, 325, 345, 349, Loumakou, M. 845 Pentchev, P. 580 353, 382, 653, 674, 681 Lovell, K. L. 228 Peters, PE. $31 Author Index to Volume 14 Piceni Sereni, L. 833 Schaap, M.C. L. 389 Ueda, K. 843 Pichlmayr, R. 604 Van Schaftingen, E. 263 Ullrich, K. 831 Pinto, R. A. 715 Schelen, A. 357 Plandsoen, W. G. 364 Schmidt, H. 831 Valette, H. 846 Podskarbi, T. 308, van Schooneveld, M. J. 379 Valk. J. 329 Poll-The, B. T. 361, 681 Schreuder, C. H. 367 Vamecgq, J. 165 Pollitt, R. J. 165, 321, 693 Schulpis, K. H. 845 Vamos, E. 301 Pontiggia, M. 833 Schutgens, R. B. H. 152, 345, Vanier, M. T. 580 Portela, R. 259 353, 357, 361, 932 Vegni, M. 833 Preece, M. A. 693 Seidlitz, G. 940 Verner, P. 265 Pronicka, E. 397 Semyachkina, A. N. 134 Vilaseca, M. A. 285 Przyrembel, H. 317, 325, 674 Shaw, D. 851 Vliegenthart, J. F.G. 730 Shemer, A. 241 Vos, G. D. 297 Querol, J. 285 Shin, Y. S. 270, 308 Voznyi, Y. V. 134 Quetin, P. 361 Silva, M. F. B. 259 Silveira, C. 259 Waisbren, S. E. 755 Rabier, D. 277, 842 Skardoutsou, A. 267 Wajner, M. 400 Railian, G. P. 749 Smith, V. V. 338 Wanders, R. J. A. 152, 293, Rajagopalan, K. V. 932 Sorensen, P. 932 297, 317, 325, 345, 349, 353, Ramaekers, V. Th. 385 de Sousa, C. 693 357, 361, 379, 382, 674, 681 Rating, D. 329 Srebnik, A. 241 Wank, R. 270 Rayner, M. H. 896 Srseti, §. 653 Waring, R.H. 431 Reisinger, H. 247 SrSiiova, K. 653 Weisberg, S. 890 Reynolds, A. P. 938 Stellaard, F. 345, 353, 653 Weiss, M. 270 Ribeiro, M.G. 715 Stephanidis, C. J. 835 Wenz, E. 371 Ribes, A. 281, 285 Steventon, G. B. 431 Widerschain, G. 940 Ringe, B. 604 Stibler, H. 385 Widhalm, K. 247 Riudor, E. 281 Stilwell, J. A. 627 Wijburg, F. A. 293, 297 Rizzo, W. B. 876 Strauss, A.W. 314 Wilcken, B. 942 Robertson, K. J. 563 Strobl, W. 247 Williams, A.C. 431 Robinson, P. 661 Stroomer, A. 364 Williams, J.C. 685 Rocchiccioli, F. Sturman, S. 431 van Wilsem, A. 297 Rodeck, B. 604 Sukegawa, K. 800 Winter, V. 314 Rodriguez-Lafrasse, C. Sutherland, L. 563 Wolf, B. 923 Roels, F. 853 Suzuki, K. T. 825, 896 Woolf, D. A. 661 van Roermund, C. W. T. 152, Suzuki, Y. 813 Wooster, R. 563 349, 357 Roesel, R. A. 876 Tada, K. 793, 805 Xanthou, M. 835 Rohr, F. 371 Tager, J. M. 152 Rolland, M. O. 267, 838 Takeda, E. 231 Yabuuchi, H. 721 Rossi, A. 833 Taminiau, J. A.J. M. 269 Yamada, Y. 800 Roulaud-Parrot, F. 289, 341 Tanaka, J. 819 Yamaguchi, S. 800 Rouse, B. 371 Tanderman, A. 375 Yamasaki, T. 843 Rousson, R. 580 Taniike, M. 819 Yamashita, F. 839 Rovers, P. 367 Tanoue, A. 777, 783 Yodhino, M. 839 Riidiger, N. 314 Tardieu, M. 333 Yokota, I. 231 Ruitenbeek, W. 297 Tasso, T. 259 Yoshida, S. 843 Tatlidil, H. 741 Young, E. P. 128 Saijo, T. 23 Tatur, V. Yu. 749 Yiice, A. 765 Sailly, J.C. 633 Tavares de Almeida, I. 259 Sakura, N. 843 Thomas, E. 174 Zabot, M. T. 341, 838 Sakuraba, H. 813 Thompson, G. N. 546 van der Zalm, T. 876 Samsom, J. F. 382 Tokatli, A. 698, 836 Zee, T. 653 Sanderson, I. R. 771 Tomatsu, S. 800 Zeman, J. 265, 357 Dos Santos, M. R. 715 Touraine, J. L. 619 Zolotukhina, T. V. 134 Sasaki, T. 800 Trefz, F.K. 329 Zschiesche, M. 940 Sato, K. 839 Trijbels, J. M. F. 375 Saudubray, J. M. 277, 361, Tsukamoto, H. 819 681 Tsvetkova, I. V. 134 J. Inher. Metab. Dis. 14 (1991) 946-948 © SSIEM and Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands Subject Index to Volume 14 abortion 851 chondrodysplasia punctata 361, 853 N-acetylaspartic acid, quantitative analysis of chorionic villus sampling 908, 932 653 cirrhosis 333, 497 N-acetylaspartic acid aspartoacylase 267, 329 cis-4-decenoic acid 661 acetylation polymorphism 421 copper accumulation in astrocytes 896 N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulphatase 5 cost-benefit analysis 627, 633, 640 UDP N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase 942 Crigler—Najjar syndrome 563 a-N-acetylglucosaminidase deficiency 23 Crohn’s disease 771 N-acetylglutamate synthetase 685 cystathionine synthase deficiency 375 acyl-CoA oxidases 165, 681 cysteine 431 adenosine deaminase 87 adipic acid 849 dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate 96 agoraphobia 755 deletion mutation, Tay-Sachs, Canadian 707 alcoholism 113 deoxyadenosine 87 amino acid metabolism, inborn errors in Brazil 2-deoxyglucose uptake 215 400 development, mental 18, 881 %,-antitrypsin 497, 512 dicarboxylic acids 841 apolipoprotein B dihydropteridine reductase deficiency 49 determination 247 dihydropyrimidinuria 367 turnover 915 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D receptor 231 apolipoproteins 241 dwarfism 876 aqueous humour organic acids in 668 Dyggve—Melchior—Clausen syndrome 876 arginine, in urea cycle disorders 277 dystrophin gene 819 argininosuccinase deficiency 109 argininosuccinate synthase deficiency 277 Ela subunit of pyruvate dehydroxygenase, genes arylamine N-acetyltransferase 421 for 793 arylsulphatase B 5 ecogenetics, hepatic xenobiotic metabolism 431 ATP cycle 202 encephalomyopathy 805 enzyme-linked immunoassay 247 bile acids epilepsy 18 metabolism 357, 459, 478 erythrocyte, nucleotide variations in HPRT paucity 215 deficiency 848 in amniotic fluid 353 ethylmalonic-adipic aciduria 693 bilirubin 563 exercise 202 biopterin deficiency 845 biotin 838, 839 Fabry disease 105 biotinidase deficiency Fanconi syndrome 285 biotin-responsive 923 fasting test, hepatic metabolism 546 neonatal screening 928 fatty acid content, in cultured fibroblasts 215 bone abnormalities 890 fatty acid oxidation 152, 407 bone dysplasia 876 fatty acids 317, 325, 661 bone marrow transplantation, in Lesch-Nyhan first trimester diagnosis 128 disease 270 flavouring 849 branched-chain 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase 37 fluorescence staining 45 gene analysis of 787 fumarylacetoacetase 53, 281, 554 Canavan disease 267, 329, 653 galactosaemia 114, 253 carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein 385 leukocytes in diagnosis 382 carbohydrate metabolism, hepatic homeostasis galactose 114 407 galactose toxicity 253 cardiomyopathy 75 galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase 253 carnitine 693, 75 galactosialidosis 730 cerebrospinal fluid B-galactosidase 813 metabolites in phenylketonuria 749 a-galactosidaseA 105 organic acids in 841 GM\-gangliosidosis 813 cholestanoic acidaemia 357 GM2-gangliosidosis B1 variant 715 cholestasis 459, 526, 531 gelatin 849 cholesterol 241 gene therapy 497 intracellular processing 580 genetic defect in OTC deficiency 29 946 Subject Index to Volume 14 947 genetic heterogeneity, human and caprine hypoxanthine, production by ATP turnover 202 B-mannosidosis 13 hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase genetics services 640 202, 270, 848 ghosts, peroxisomal 853 glucose-6-phosphatase 305 ichthyosis 338 B-glucuronidase 908 a-L-iduronidase 134 gene for 800 immunocytochemistry of peroxisomal disorders glucuronides 563 853 glucuronyltransferase deficiency, Crigler—Najjar immunodeficiency 87 syndrome 563 insulin resistance 80 glutaric aciduria 165 isoleucine loading 63 glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency 329 isotope dilution, analysis of N-acetylaspartate glutaryl-CoA oxidase 165 653 glutathione synthetase deficiency 341 isovaleric acidaemia 111 D-glyceric acidaemia 263 glycogen 407 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase 853 glycogen branching enzyme 902 ketone bodies 407 glycogen storage diseases 311 Krabbe disease 940 glycogen storage disease type I 80, 305, 831 glycogen storage disease type IB 771 lactic acidosis 45, 75, 140, 285, 289, 293, 301 glycogen storage disease type VI 269 Leigh syndrome 297 glycogen storage disease type VIII 308 Lesch—Nyhan disease 270 glycoproteins, carbohydrate deficient 385 leukocytes, for diagnosis of galactosaemia 382 goat 13 leukodystrophy 385 gyrate atrophy 379 liver 407-626, 853 fetal, transplantation 619 hepatic disease 765 liver disease, argininosuccinase deficiency in 109 hepatic encephalopathy 436 liver failure, differential diagnosis of hepatic failure 285, 289 galactosaemia in 382 hepatocellular necrosis 526 liver transplantation 281, 554, 596, 604, 619 hepatoma 497 low-density lipoprotein 908 hepatomegaly 526, 531 lymphocyte proliferation 389 hexanol dehydrogenase 338 lysinuric protein intolerance 833 B-hexosaminidase A a-chain 715 lysosomal diseases, incidence in Brazil 400 deletion mutations 707 histochemistry of liver disorders 538 macrocephaly 329 histochemistry, Sjogren—Larsson syndrome in macrophages 241 338 macular mouse model 896 homeostasis, liver in 407 magnesium malabsorption, inheritance of 397 homocystinuria 375 ManGIcNAc 18 HPLC analysis, bilirubin conjugates 563 B-mannosidosis 13, 18, 228 Hungary 928 maple syrup urine disease 37, 787, 881 Hurler disease 134 medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 317, 661 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase 174 medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase deficiency, mutation 314 inhibitor 389 medium-chain triglycerides 841 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, long chain menadione 293 321, 325, 674 Menkes disease 896 3-hydroxydicarboxylic aciduria 321, 325 methionine transamination 375 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid 838 2-methylacetoacetyl-CoA thiolase deficiency 63 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid dioxygenase 783 S-methylation 431 5-hydroxytryptophan deficiency 49 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase 838, 839 25-hydroxyvitamin D 24-hydroxylase 231 methylmalonic aciduria 113, 259, 668 hyperammonaemia 685, 698, 836 mevalonic aciduria 265 hypercholesterolaemia mitochrondria, scanning laser microscopy of 45 (hyperapobetalipoproteinaemia) 247 mitochondrial DNA 805 homozygous familial 389 mitochondrial dysfunction in Reye syndrome hyperglycinaemia, false 112 436 hyperlipidaemia, combined familial 915 mitochondrial f-oxidation disorders 317 hyperornithinaemia 379 molybdenum cofactor deficiency 364, 932 hyperphenylalaninaemia monoamine oxidase 431 biopterin defects 117 morphometry, hepatic 853 maternal 371 mucopolysaccharidoses, incidence in Brazil 400 hyperprolinaemia type 2 846 mucopolysaccharidosis type III B23 hypomagnesaemia, familial, with secondary mucopolysaccharidosis type VII 800, 908 hypocalcaemia 397 multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenation deficiency hypothyroidism, congenital 633 693 948 Subject Index to Volume i4 muscle cell culture 297 renal transplantation 80 muscular dystrophy 819 respiratory chain defects 293, 297, 289 myopathies 45 Reye syndrome 436 riboflavin treatment 165, 333 NADH-oxidation 293 ribonucleotide reductase 87 NADH:QI1 oxidoreductase 297 l-naphthol 563 Sanfilippo B 23 neonatal screening 117, 633, 923 Saudi Arabia 174 neurolipidosis 580 screening 627, see also neonatal screening neutral lipid storage disease with ichthyosis 241 sialidosis 730 neutropenia 771 sialuria 942 Niemann-Pick disease type C 580 sialyloligosaccharides 730 non-ketotic hyperglycinaemia 835 Sj6gren—Larsson syndrome 338 nuclear magnetic resonance, haptic metabolism, in sleep patterns, 5-hydroxytryptophan deficiency vivo 546 effect 49 sodium valproate, lethal hyperammonaemia 836 octanoate 661 oligosaccharide screening 311 sphingolipidoses, signal transduction, defective in 393 organic acid disorders selected screening for 329 sphingomyelin 580 post mortem detection 668 stable isotopes 546, 653, 915 ornithine carbamoyl transferase deficiency 29, steroid metabolism, X-linked ichthyosis 96 277, 842 succinate:cytochrome c reductase 285 carrier detection 836 succinylacetone 281 B-oxidation 321, 333, 674 sudden infant death syndrome 668 sulphamidase deficiency 13 peliosis hepatitis 831 sulphite oxidase 843, 932 peritoneal dialysis 835 sulphite oxidase deficiency 938 peroxisomal disorders 152, 165, 345, 349, 357, sulphoxidation 431 361, 853 bile acids in prenatal diagnosis 353 Tay-Sachs disease 707, 715 peroxisomal f-oxidation 681 tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency 117, 825, 843 pharmacogenetics 421 thiamine 75 phenylketonuria 633, 749, 755, 851, 890 thiosulphate in urine 938 heterozygote detection 741 thyroid in B-mannosidosis 228 maternal 371 transferrin 385 phenylpropionic acid loading test 693 transplantation, liver 281, 554, 596, 604, 619 phosphatidylinositol turnover 393 trilamellar inclusions 853 phosphatidylserine 721 Turkey phosphofructokinase deficiency 902 hyperammonaemia 698 phosphorylase b kinase 269 PKU heterozygotes 741 subunits of 308 tyrosinaemia, secondary 289 phytanic acid 345, 349 tyrosinaemia, type 1 53, 281, 554, 765 pipecolic acid 876 tyrosinaemia, type III 783 plasmalogens 152 precursor protein for B-galactosidase 813 UDP galactose-4-epimerase deficiency 114 prenatal diagnosis 134, 353, 554, 653 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 563 pristanic acid 345, 349, 681 urea cycle disorders 107, 685 prolidase, inactive polypeptide 777 arginine deficiency in 277 propionic acid 668 liver transplantation in 277 propionic acidaemia 259, 839 uric acid 202 protease inhibitor 497 protein kinase C 393 value-of-life 627 pseudodeficiency 908 vitamin D-dependent rickets type II 231 pterins, analysis of 825 purines, in CSF in molybdenum cofactor deficiency 364 X chromosome 140 pyrimidine catabolism 367 X-chromosome inactivation 105 pyroglutamic aciduria 341 X-linked ichthyosis 96 pyruvate dehydroxygenase complex 140, 301, xanthine 202 793 xanthine oxidase 843 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase 845 xenobiotics 421 renal disease 53, 80, 113, 765, 846 Zellweger syndrome 152, 349, 357

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