B H P Beard PL, 105 Harris DJ], 316 Paterson B, 159 Berry CP, 372 Hanson JC, 372 Perry J, S15 Bosma TL, 310 Hibbard JS, 244 Pierce JD, 372 Brady AR, 244 Hocking L, 189 Powers F, $10 Buttergieg H, 189 Hubbard JE, 121 J R Jagger J, SIS Raup G, 172 » James H, 159 irricO R, bo 4 Jewesson PI, 310 S hiesee € KS.O ,9 5 45 Johnston L, ) 256 RL. 365 K Savy GK, 65 Schaefer J, 305 ‘ Knoblauch MD, 168 Ser| mnenetengee t., 1776 Krzywda EA, 29 myaenecs Set Stepanski LM, 134 L Stevenson ly, 45 Lyman B, 36 T M [an SJ, 182 Edmiston CE. 29 Martin RE, 127 Tan W, 95 McGinnis C, 54 Tice AD, SS Edwards B, 189 McMahon DD, 250 Monarch K, $21 U Morris DA, 365 Mulberry GK, 244 O W Orr PA, 45 Wallis M, 159 Osmond F, 189 Weinstein SM, 357 Galloway M, 320 Goodwin DD, 372 Grimes-Holsinger V, 109 Goss L, 274 Vol. 25, No. 6, November/December 2002 Subject Index for Volume 25 numbershe rs prn eceded f tDey peripheral intravenous catheters in, tape, versus combi\ nation B-cell | tumors in, unconjugated anti descriptive study of, 159 —e bodies for, 266 ChloraPrep, versus isopropyl alcohol dressings, in children, S6 hepatocellular, hepatic arterial infu and chlorhexidine, 244 irni: ng stryul es, tailoring sion in, 127 Chronic transfusion therapy, immune tations to, 165 oncologic emergencies in, 182 complications in, 316 b, for B-cell neoplasms, 266 Catheter(s Combination dressings, versus adhesive central venous tape, in children, 256 Antibodies, unconjugated, tor B-ce neoplasms, 266 infection of, 29 Continuing education test, 196, $31 Antineoplastic agents, administrat peripherally inserted, quality im CRNI Certification Examination, re- provement for, 250 view questions for, 22, 87, ot, 83 (INS position p hepatic arterial, 127 157, 242, 303, 345 peripheral intravenous CRNI/CLNI Recertification Examina- combination versus adhesive tape tion, review questions for, 196 . , dressings for, in chil B-cell neoplasms, unconjugated anti dren, 256 podi} es Tor 2, 66 D in infants and children, descrip Benchmarking data, in venous access Dehydration, hyperosmolar hyper- tive study of, 159 device selection, 3>»2 U Pr performance predictors for, 189 glycemic nonketotic, in par- lise ise, parenter il nutrition in, selection of, benchmarking data in, enteral nutrition, 36 ¢ 320 Diabetic gastroparesis, treatment of, Bloodborne pathogen exposure. S¢ Catheter dressings, combination versus 105 also Intection control adhesive tape, in children, 256 Disseminated intravascular coagulation, legal aspects of, $21 Catheter-related infections in cancer, 182 management of, $5 microbial etiology and pathogenesis Dopamine, renal dose, 365 prevention ot CDC guidelines for, $36 of, 29 Dressings, combination versus adhesive prevention of, CDC guidelines for, tape, in children, 256 infusion safety products for, $10 $36 Drug administration, teaching of, skills workpl Ice policic s tor, SIS Blood products, recombinant, 305 Centers for Disease Control and Pre checklist in, 109 vention, guidelines for preven Blood transfusions. See Transfusions tion of catheter-related infec Book review, 383 tions, $36 Brain injury, traumatic, infusion sup port in, | ) Central venous catheters Editorials, 7, 79, 153, 215, 295, 343 , infection of, 29 S1 Burns, parenteral nutrition in, 45 peripherally inserted, quality im- Education and training, for home infu- provement for, 250 sion therapy, 176 Chemotherapy Electrolyte disturbances, in parenteral hepatic arterial infusion in, 12 nutrition, 36 Canada hepatic arterial infusion of, 127 End-line filters, for phlebitis preven- home parenteral therapy in, 372 Children tion, 95 infusion program resource nurse combination versus adhesive tape Evidence-based decision-making, per- consult service in, 310 dressings for, 256 sonal digital assistant in, 274 Journal of Infusion Nursing F Chief Executive Officer’s report, 230 Nurses, home infusion therapy, clinical Filters, end-line, for phlebitis preven- position papers, 20, 83 and educational characteristics tion, 95 President’s address, 228 otf, 176 Fluid and electrolyte imbalances, in State of the Society report, 223 Nursing education, for home infusion parenteral nutrition, 36 Infusion phlebitis therapy, 176 in pediatric peripheral intravenous Formulas enteral nutrition, glutamine supple catheterization, 159 O prevention of, end-line filters for, 95 mentation of, 65 Infusion program resource nurse con- Oncologic emergencies, recognition and total parenteral nutrition sult service, 310 treatment of, 182 composition of, 55 Institutional policies, for infection con- glutamine supplementation of, 56 trol, $15 P G Isopropyl alcohol, versus ChloraPrep, Pain, in reflex sympathetic dystrophy 244 syndrome, 121 Gastroparesis, diabetic, treatment of, Pain management, infusion nurse’s role 105 J in, 20 (INS position paper) Glucose metabolism, in parenteral nu- Parenteral nutrition trition, 36 Journal articles, writing of, 134 in burns, 45 Glutamine supplementation, 65 in hepatic, biliary, and renal disease, K H 25 Kidney disease, parenteral nutrition in, in home care, 372 Head trauma, infusion support in, 172 25 metabolic complications of, 36 Healthcare workers, infection control nutrition assessment and formula tor L composition for, 55 infusion safety products for, $10 in sepsis, 45 management of exposures and, $5 Learning styles, tailoring presentations in trauma, 45 protective policies for, $15 to, 168 Peripheral intravenous catheters Hepatic arterial catheters, 127 Legal issues, in infusion practice, $21 combination versus adhesive tape Hepatic disease, parenteral nutrition in Liver disease, parenteral! nutrition in, dressings for, in children, 256 25 25 placement of Hepatitis, current therapy for, 379 Lymphoma, B-cell, unconjugated anti- in infants and children, descrip- Home care bodies for, 266 tive study of, 159 infusion therapy in, clinical and edu performance predictors for, 189 cational preparation for, 176 Peripherally inserted central venous parenteral nutrition in, 372 M catheter, quality improvement Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonke- Malpractice, in infusion practice, $21 tor, 250 totic dehydration, in par Personal digital assistant, in infection Medication administration, teaching of, enteral nutrition, 36 skills checklist in, 109 control, 274 Metabolic complications, of parenteral Phlebitis in pediatric peripheral intravenous nutrition, 36 Immune complications, in chronic catheterization, 159 Metastasis, hepatic, hepatic arterial in- transfusion, 316 prevention of, end-line filters for, 95 fusion for, 127 Infants Postexposure prophylaxis, for blood Monoclonal antibodies, unconjugated, combination versus adhesive tape for B-cell neoplasms, 266 borne pathogen exposure, $5 dressings for, 256 Multidisciplinary infusion team, 310 Professional profiling, 357 peripheral intravenous catheters in, Professional publications, writing for, descriptiv e study of, 159 134 Infection control Program presentations, 168 N CDC guidelines for, $36 for healthcare workers Needlesticks Q infusion safety products for, $10 management of, SS management of exposures and, prevention of Quality improvement, for peripherally $5 infusion safety products for, $10 inserted central venous protective policies for, $15 institutional policies for, $15 catheterization, 250 legal aspects of, $21 Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act, personal digital assistant in, 274 $10 R Infusion medication administration, Neonates. See Infants teaching of, skills checklist in, Neurological impairment, infusion sup- Recombinant blood products, 305 109 port in, 172 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syn- Infusion Nurses Society New products and services, 70, 141, drome, 121 2001 Financial Report, 228 201, 280, 327, 383 Renal disease, parenteral nutrition in, 25 , No. 6, November/December 2002 Renal dose dopamine, 365 T [Transparent polyurethane film/soft R> esume pr: eparmaetntiioonn, 2 35 cloth dressing, versus adhesive ; ; 3 leaching, of infusion medication ad A> iste uximanb, +f or 2c ell ir neop|l asms, 2606 ministration, skills checklist tape, for ' children, 2=5 6 in, 109 Trauma, parenteral nutrition in, 45 leam ipproach, in infusion program, Traumatic brain injury, infusion sup- a2 i ) port in, _1~7 2 parenteral nutrition 7 : Tumor lysis syndrome, 182 in burns, 45 n } hepIa tic, biliary, and r" enal ] disease, 5 U m- etabolic! complications of, 32 6 Unconjugated antibodies, for B-cell nutrition assessment and formula neoplasms, 266 composition ror, $5 sepsis, 45 in trauma, 45 home infusion therapy, Vascular access devices, selection of, benchmarking data in, 320 mmune complications in, W ant blood products for, Writing, for profession publications, 134 Journal of Infusion Nursing