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Preview Journal of Hydrology 1995: Vol 166 Table of Contents

Journal pes, of Hydrology VIER Journal of Hydrology 166 (1995) 479-480 Contents of Volume 166 Vol. 166 Nos. 1-2 March 1995 Research Papers A method for measuring free CO, in upland streamwater using headspace analysis D. Hope, J.J.C. Dawson, M.S. Cresser and M.F. Billett Soilwater chemistry in a holm oak (Quercus i/ex) forest: inferences on biogeochemical processes for a montane-Mediterranean area A. Avila, D. Bonilla, F. Roda, J. Pifol and C. Neal Transport of atrazine, 2,4-D, and dicamba through preferential flowpaths in an unsaturated claypan soil near Centralia, Missouri J.A. Tindall and K. Vencill Stream chemistry in the middle hills and high mountains of the Himalayas, Nepal A. Jenkins, W.T. Sloan and B.J. Cosby Homogeneity tests based upon Gumbel distribution and a critical appraisal of Dalrymple’s test H.D. Fill and J.R. Stedinger Simulated water balance of Scots pine stands in Sweden for different climate change scenarios A.|. Gardenas and P.-E. Jansson A geomorphologic non-linear cascade (GNC) model for estimation of floods from small alpine watersheds D.D. Bérod, V.P. Singh, D. Devred and A. Musy Determination of the origin of the waters of Kéycegiz Lake, Turkey C. Serdar Bayari, N. Kazanci, H. Koyuncu, S.S. Caglar and D. Gékce Vol. 166 Nos. 3-4 April 1995 Special Issue: Atmospheric and Hydrological Processes at the Soil-Vegetation—Atmosphere Interface Preface Comparison of energy fluxes calculated with the Penman—Monteith equation and the vegeta- tion models SiB and Cupid M.G. Inclan and R. Forkel A simple soil—plant—atmosphere transfer model (sispat) development and field verification 1. Braud, A.C. Dantas-Antonino, M. Vauclin, J.L. Thony and P. Ruelle Accommodation between transpiring vegetation and the convective boundary layer J.L. Monteith Estimation of evapotranspiration from a millet crop in the Sahel combining sap flow, leaf area index and eddy correlation technique H. Soegaard and E. Boegh A re-evaluation of the Webb correction using density-weighted averages G. Kramm, R. Dlugi and D.H. Lenschow Implementation of near-field dispersion in a simple two-layer surface resistance model B.J.J.M. van den Hurk and K.G. McNaughton 480 Vertical and horizontal distribution of wind speed and air temperature in a dense vegetation canopy A.F.G. Jacobs, J.H. van Boxel and R.M.M. El-Kilani.........0.0. 0.0000. ee eee 313 The Crau field experiment: turbulent exchange in the surface layer under conditions of strong local advection I er ee be re ee ee er ee ra 327 Estimation of regional heat and moisture fluxes in homogeneous terrain with bluff roughness elements Re oe OO ee a ee gk iis Wg keane DAWA a kan ee be 6 353 Flux aggregation at large scales: on the limits of validity of the concept of blending height I a ge hae el Ne a ea as phi DL ERG ha NOS SOS WARE eA DOA YO 371 Heat and moisture flux profiles in a region with inhomogeneous surface evaporation es SS a ed CW oe ad Fede eS eee Rb eee Re Pee eee eie 383 Occult precipitation: sampling, chemical analysis and process modelling in the Sumava Mts. (Czech Republic) and in the Taunus Mts. (Germany) ee rl Seka eR Od kWh Ge Eee ba en eb babeeépoeees 409 The introduction of macroscale hydrological complexity into land surface-atmosphere transfer models and the effect on planetary boundary layer development a en ans dbo d be kek cP s PPO EME oA VO Fey Bo bee oe ees 8% 421 Evaluation of surface soil moisture distribution by means of sar remote sensing techniques and conceptual hydrological modelling A. Giacomelli, U. Bacchiega, P.A. Troch and M. Mancini ...................000005 s 445 Distributed estimation of incoming direct solar radiation over a drainage basin I i sin org Ad ia ae aka bee 1S ORS SE RES LONER ERO ed 8 461

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