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Titles (ndex Journal of Health Education 1999 Index of Titles Articles Disease Prevention Survey of Search Committee Chairper- Adolescents Progress in Attaining the National sons: Candidate Qualifications Preferred Magazines Teens are Reading: What Health Promotion and Disease Prevention for Entry-Level Tenure-Track Health Edu- Health-Related Messages are They Get- Objectives for Schools — September/ cation Faculty Positions, A — September/ ting? — May/June: 152 October: S-58 October: 297 Commentary on A Survey of Search Alcohol Guidelines Committee Chairpersons — September/ High School Students’ Efforts to Reduce Guidelines — January/February: 62 October: 303 Alcohol Use in Their Communities: Project Health Education Teaching for Understanding in Health Northland’s Youth Development Compo- Alternative Intersession Break Health Education: The Role of Critical and Crea- nent, 1999 — November/December: 330. Education Off-Campus — November/ tive Thinking Skills Within Constructiv- Peer Leadership in School and Commu- December: 358. ism Theory — March/April: 67 nity Alcohol Use Prevention Activities — Assessment of School Health Nursing July/August: 202 HIV/AIDS Services in the United States - September/ Relationship of the Estimation of Binge Assessment of Practices in School-Based October: $-50 Drinking Among College Students & Per- HIV/AIDS Education — September/Octo- Attitudes Regarding Health Education sonal Participation in Binge Drinking: ber: S-28 in Elementary Students — March/April: 90 Implications for HE & Promotion - Effective Ways to Improve Health Edu- International Travel March/April: 98 cation Materials — January/February: 47 Planning & Implementing an Inter- Alcohol and Drugs Finding Health Education Jobs on the national Travel/Study Course Experience Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Internet — September/October: 305 for Health Professionals and Students — Policies and Education in the United Growth and Program Evaluation in May/June: 166 States — September/October: S-42 Community Health Education Centers — July/August: 229 Media Literacy CHES Examination Growth in Conversion Foundations: Media Literacy: A Health Education Performance on the CHES Examination: Implications for Health Education — May/ Perspective — May/June: 180 Implications for Institutions Offering June: 162 Mental Health Programs in Health Education — January/ Healthy Start: A New Comprehensive Shame and Psychosocial Health: Consid- February: 42 Preschool Health Education Program - erations for Health Education — January/ January/February: 9 Clinical Medicine February: 30 Parent Involvement in 7th Grade School Planetree: A Bridge Between Clinical Health Education: A Statewide View — Nutrition Medicine & Public Health —- March/April: 85 March/April: 110 Increasing Nutrition Knowledge in Diabetes School Physical Education: Secondary Preschool Children: The Healthy Start Evaluation of a Diabetes Education Pro- Analysis of the School Health Policies Project, Year 1 — July/August: 217 gram for Fifth-Grade Students — March/ and Programs Study — September/Octo- Measuring Progress in Meeting April: 73 ber: S-21 National Health Objectives for Food Ser- 376 Journal of Health Education — November/December 1999, Volume 30, No. 6 Titles (ndex Journal of Health Education 1999 Index of Titles Articles Disease Prevention Survey of Search Committee Chairper- Adolescents Progress in Attaining the National sons: Candidate Qualifications Preferred Magazines Teens are Reading: What Health Promotion and Disease Prevention for Entry-Level Tenure-Track Health Edu- Health-Related Messages are They Get- Objectives for Schools — September/ cation Faculty Positions, A — September/ ting? — May/June: 152 October: S-58 October: 297 Commentary on A Survey of Search Alcohol Guidelines Committee Chairpersons — September/ High School Students’ Efforts to Reduce Guidelines — January/February: 62 October: 303 Alcohol Use in Their Communities: Project Health Education Teaching for Understanding in Health Northland’s Youth Development Compo- Alternative Intersession Break Health Education: The Role of Critical and Crea- nent, 1999 — November/December: 330. Education Off-Campus — November/ tive Thinking Skills Within Constructiv- Peer Leadership in School and Commu- December: 358. ism Theory — March/April: 67 nity Alcohol Use Prevention Activities — Assessment of School Health Nursing July/August: 202 HIV/AIDS Services in the United States - September/ Relationship of the Estimation of Binge Assessment of Practices in School-Based October: $-50 Drinking Among College Students & Per- HIV/AIDS Education — September/Octo- Attitudes Regarding Health Education sonal Participation in Binge Drinking: ber: S-28 in Elementary Students — March/April: 90 Implications for HE & Promotion - Effective Ways to Improve Health Edu- International Travel March/April: 98 cation Materials — January/February: 47 Planning & Implementing an Inter- Alcohol and Drugs Finding Health Education Jobs on the national Travel/Study Course Experience Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Internet — September/October: 305 for Health Professionals and Students — Policies and Education in the United Growth and Program Evaluation in May/June: 166 States — September/October: S-42 Community Health Education Centers — July/August: 229 Media Literacy CHES Examination Growth in Conversion Foundations: Media Literacy: A Health Education Performance on the CHES Examination: Implications for Health Education — May/ Perspective — May/June: 180 Implications for Institutions Offering June: 162 Mental Health Programs in Health Education — January/ Healthy Start: A New Comprehensive Shame and Psychosocial Health: Consid- February: 42 Preschool Health Education Program - erations for Health Education — January/ January/February: 9 Clinical Medicine February: 30 Parent Involvement in 7th Grade School Planetree: A Bridge Between Clinical Health Education: A Statewide View — Nutrition Medicine & Public Health —- March/April: 85 March/April: 110 Increasing Nutrition Knowledge in Diabetes School Physical Education: Secondary Preschool Children: The Healthy Start Evaluation of a Diabetes Education Pro- Analysis of the School Health Policies Project, Year 1 — July/August: 217 gram for Fifth-Grade Students — March/ and Programs Study — September/Octo- Measuring Progress in Meeting April: 73 ber: S-21 National Health Objectives for Food Ser- 376 Journal of Health Education — November/December 1999, Volume 30, No. 6 1999 Index of Titles e vice and Nutrition Education — September/ Evaluation of an Innovative Compre- tion, and Coping with Opposing Views — October: S-12 hensive School Health Education Teacher May/June: 142 Prediction Accuracy and Contrast of Training — May/June: 173 Preservice Teacher's Knowledge & Atti- Three Dichotomous Cholesterol Measures Quality Assurance of Peer Health tudes Regarding Gay Men & Lesbians: — September/October: 284 Education Training — March/April: 93 Impact of a Cognitive Educational Inter- Study of Graduate Bulletins to Deter- vention — March/April: 125 Physical Activity mine General Information and Gradua- Review of Emergency Contraception Annual Walkathons as a Community tion Requirements for Doctoral Degree and Implications for Health Educators - Education Strategy for the Asian American/ Programs in Health Education — January/ July/August: 247 Pacific Islander Populations in Alameda February: 15 Sexual Activity Among College Students County, California - March/April: S-25 Use and Impact of the Competencies Living in Residence Halls and Fraternity Building on Tradition: Promoting Phy- for Entry-Level Health Educators on or Sorority Housing — July/August: 242 sical Activity with American Indian Com- Professional Preparation Programs — July/ munity Coalitions — March/April: S-37 Smoking August: 209 California Get On the Move — March/ Adherence to the CDC Guidelines for April: S-6 Psychological Development School Health Programs to Prevent Tobacco Culturally Tailoring a Physical Activity Why Good Girls Shouldn't Be Nice: Use and Addiction — September/Octo- Program for Hispanic Women: Recruit- Implications of Female Psychological ber: S-4 ment Successes of La Vida Buena’s Salsa Development for Health Educators — Jan- Analysis of the Tobacco Settlement Aerobics — March/April: S-18 uary/February: 5 in Relation to Adolescent Tobacco Use — Depiction of Exercise on Prime-Time November/December: 345 Safety Television — May/June: 137 Coliege Freshmen Smokers Versus Adolescents’ Access to Firearms: Epi- Identifying Policy Opportunities to Nonsmokers: Academics, Social, and demiology and Prevention — September/ Increase Physical Activity in the SE Asian Emotional Expectations and Attitudes October: 290 Community in Long Beach, California — Toward College — September/October: 274 Driver Fatigue and At-Risk Groups: March/April: $-58 Significance for Health Educators — Jan- Spirituality Influencing Policy to Promote Physical uary/February: 20 Everyday Spirituality: A Core Unit Activity — March/April: $-52 Influencing Parental Safety Behavior: Health Education and Lifetime Wellness — La Vida Caminando: A Community- The Secondary Impact of a Youth-Directed March/April: 104 Based Physical Activity Program Designed Intervention — March/April: 115 by and for Rural Latino Families — March/ Student Mentoring Perceived Self-Efficacy in Performing April: S-13 Faculty Graduate Student Mentoring: Lifesaving Skills: An Assessment of the Mobilizing and Maintaining a Coali- Implications for Health Education — Janu- American Red Cross’s Responding to tion to Promote Physical Activity Among ary/February: 24 Emergencies Course — July/August: 235 African Americans in SE Stockton, Cali- fornia — March/April: S-31 Prevalence of Injury Prevention Activi- Students’ Health Organizational Characteristics Facili- ties in American Schools, The - September/ College Students’ Health Interests: A tating Initiation and Institutionalization of October: S-34 Comparison by Ethnicity, Gender, and Physical Activity Programs in a Multiethnic other Demographic Variables — January/ Sex Education Urban Community - March/April: S-44 February: 36 Moral Justification for School-Based Shared Responsibilities: California’s Condom Availability Program — November/ State and Community Partnerships to Pro- Buyers Guide December: 336 mote Physical Activity Among Diverse Multiple Meanings of Safer Sex, The - Buyers Guide Populations — March/April: S-64 September/October: 310 Buyers Guide — March/April: Center Playground Safety Sexuality Playground Safety: Using Research CLIPS Condom Use and Problem Behaviors to Guide Community Policy - November/ Among Sexually Active Adolescents — Health Education December: 352 March/April: 120 Incorporating Health Education into Female Genital Mutilation: What Health Medical Missions: The Global Health Professional Preparation Educators Should Know — July/August: 222 Corps Experience — September/Octo- AAHE and NCATE: A Working Rela- Pregnancy Prevention, Sexuality Educa- ber: 325 tionship — May/June: 157 Journal of Health Education — November/December 1999, Volume 30, No. 6 377 1999 Index of Titles Commentary Role Models Use the Real Thing for Best Results in Health Educators as Positive Health Adolescent Health - November/December: Physical Activity Role Models — January/February: 59 367 Physical Active Individuals in Sedentary Using the Wizard of Oz to Teach Students Communities — March/April: S-4 Scholar's Address About Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships — January/February: 51 Editorial Health Education Of Culture and Multiverse: Renouncing Mental Health Health Education the Universal Truth in Health —- September/ Improving One’s Self-Concept: Coping Stimulating Discourse in the Health October: 267 with Faults, Flaws, and Excuses — July/ Education Field — September/October: 266 August: 252 Journal of Health Education Self Study Writing Your Humor Prescription: A Change and Continuity in the Journal of Continuing Education Stress Management Teaching Strategy - Health Education — January/February: 3 Self-Study Questions for Continuing July/August: 258 Education — July/August: 215 Minority Health Foreword Developing Cultural Sensitivity Toward Teaching Ideas Health Promotion African Americans — May/June: 190 Foreword — September/October: S-3 Adolescents Health Tree: An Interactive Needs As- Standard of Living - March/April: 134 sessment Tool for Hispanic Students - Physical Activity May/June: 186 On the Move! California’s Physical Alcohol Activity Initiative — March/April: S-3 Binge Drinking? Serving Sizes Can Be Nutrition Deceiving — July/August: 256 Overfat Students 2000: Teachers Can Guidelines From Experimenting to Dependency Help Trim the Fat ( Yuck! ) — September/ in 43 Seconds: Teaching Junior High and October: 323 Guidelines High School Students About the Progress- Using Charts and Rap in Nutrition Guidelines for Authors — July/Au- ing of Alcoholism — May/June: 185 Education — May/June: 195 gust: 261 Three Rs of Children of Alcoholics: Rules, Roles, Roads — July/August: 254 Safety Introduction Teaching Elementary Students About Health Seatbelt Safety — January/February: 54 Health Promotion Exploring Personal Health History from Introduction — September/October: $-2 a Multicultural Perspective — September/ Senses October: 315 Olfaction and Taste - January/Feb News ruary: 52 Health Education News Active Involvement in Health Educa- Teaching News — May/June: 200 tion: The Student Health Newsletter — May/ Teaching Poison Prevention to Ele- June: 188 mentary School Students — September/ Personal Perspective Aesop was a Health Educator —- March/ October: 320 April: 129 Health Education Problem Based Learning: Preparing Vision for the New Millennium: Learners for the 21st Century — November/ Strengthening the Host, A — March/ December: 369 April: 131 Putting Politics Back in Public Health Professional Preparation Education — November/December: 372 Defining Advanced Level Competen- Unintended Consequences: A Case cies for Health Education Specialists — May/ Study of Elvis Presley - November/Decem- June: 197 ber: 364 378 Journal of Health Education — November/December 1999, Volume 30, No-6 Authors (ndon Journal of Health Education 1999 Index of Authors Airhihenbuwa, Collins O. - September/ Butler, Karen — March/April: 125 Figg, Mary - November/December: 372 October: 267 Buxton, Ted — January/February: 47 Filozof, Eileen M. — May/June: 162 Alborn, Barbara — May/June: 173 Cassady, Diana; — March/April: S-6 Foo, Mary Anne — March/April: S-58 Allbrecht, Terrance— November/ Chamness, Brenda E. - January/ Frazee, Aileen M. — May/June: 157 December: 372 February: 56 Fu, Qiang — March/April: 120 Ames, Evelyn E. — May/June: 157 Chao, Maichew - March/April: $-58 Garg, Renu — May/June: 162 Anderson, Mark A. — September/Octo- Chau, Jamie — March/April: S-25 Geiger, Brian F. — January/February: 54 ber: $-34 Clark, Jeffrey K. - July/August: 229 Gilbert, Lisa - March/April: 98 Atkinson, Dixie — July/August: 254; Cleary, Michael; — January/February: 42 Giles, Rebecca — January/February: 42 September/October: 323 Collins, James L. — September/Octo- Goosman, Carrie — May/June: 195 Auld, Elaine — July/August: 209 ber: S-28, 58 Gonzales, Maria Guadalupe - March/ Ausherman, Judith — July/August: 222 Cortes, Fidelito - March/April: $-52 April: S-13 Ausherman, Judith A.— March/April: 67 Cosgrove, William — January/Febru- Goodwin, Stephen — March/April: 129 Baezconde-Garbabati, L.A. — March/ ary: 42 Grassi, Kathleen — March/April: S-13 April: S-18 Coulter, Martha L.— November/Decem- Greenberg, Jerrold - November/ Balog, Joseph — November/December: 336 ber: 372 December: 358 Basu, Linda — September/October: 325 Crosset, Linda S. — September/October: S-4 Grimes-Smith Barb - May/June: 185 Beck, Kenneth H. — September/Octo- Crane, Nancy —September/October: 320 Gulitz, Elizabeth - November/Decem- ber: 303 Cullen, Karen W. — March/April: 73 ber: 372 Berne, Linda A. — May/June: 142 D’ Agostino, Catherine — January Hallock, Bridget A. - March/April: 110 Bigler, Mary A.— May/June: 195 February: 9; July/August: 217 Hahn, Ginger — March/April: S-18 Birch, David A. — March/April: 110; D’Andrea, Tara — January/February: 9; Harris, Kari Jo — March/April: 132 May/June: 188 July/August: 217 Harriet, Barr — January/February: 42 Black, David R. -January/ February: 42 Dake, Joseph A. - November/Decem- He, Gary — March/April: $-13 Black, Jill M. - March/April: 67; July/ ber: 345 Hodges, Bonni — January/February: 5 August: 222, 258 Damgaard, Anni — March/April: 85 Holcomb, J. David — March/April: 73 Bolen, Julie C.—September/October: S-34 Daniels, Kerry L. — May/June: 137 Hubbard, Betty — January/February: 42 Bowden, Rodney G. - September/ Davis, Thomas M.-— January/February: 59 Hudson, Susan D. - November/ October: 284 Dawson, Leonard — May/June: 162 December: 352 Bradley, Beverly J. - September/Octo- Dinger, Mary K. — July/August: 242 Iammarino, Nicholas K.- May/June: 166 ber: S-50 DuShaw, Martha L. — September/ Islan, Raft — May/June: 137 Bradley, Carrie B.— May/June: 137 October: $-50 Jang, Virginia L. — March/April: S-6 Brakke, Janel — September/October: 325 Dy, Sadira Sokhan - March/April: S-58 Janowiak, John — November/December: 364 Brainerd, Elaine F. - September/Octo- Eddy, James M. — July/August: 209 Jeng, Ifeng - May/June: 173 ber: S-50 Eitel, Patricia - September/Octo- Joly, Brenda Morissette — July/August: 247 Brener, Nancy D. — September/October: ber: S-21 Jordan, Audrey D. — March/April: S-44 S-4, 12, 28, 28 Eir, William — March/April: $-58 Kalaya, Linda — May/June: 185 Brey, Rebecca A. — January/February: 24 Ellis, Nancy — May/June: 173 Kann, Laura — September/October: Brizzolara, Jeffery A. - September/ Ervin, Gail — March/April: $-52 S-28, 42, 58 October: 284 Everett, Sherry A. — September/Octo- Kandakai, Tina L. — July/August: 235 Brookins-Fisher, Jodi — January/Feb- ber: S-4; $-34 Kimanyika, Shiriki —- March/April: S-4 ruary: 15 Fennell, Reginald — May/June: 190 King, Keith A — May/June: 137 :July/ Budman, Margo V. - September/Octo- Fishman, Julie A. — September/Octo- August: 235 ber: S-34 ber: S-4 Journal of Health Education — November/December 1999, Volume 30, No. 6 379 1999 Index of Authors Kingery, Paul M. — March/April: 73; Sep- Parsons, Nancy — July/August: 242 Sowby, Sherman K. -— March/April: 131 tember/October: 284 Patterson, Sheila M. — May/June: 157 Spencer, Leslie — September/October: 274 Knobloch, Mary Jo — March/April: 115 Pealer, Lisa N. — September/October: 297 Sprance, Linda — January/February: 9 Kolbe, Lloyd J.-September/October: S-3, 58 Pechacek, Terry F — September/October: S-4 Steeples, Melody — March/April: $-52 Komro, Kelli A. - July/August: 202; Perez, Miguel A. — May/June: 186 Strack, Robert — May/June: 142 September/October: 290; November/Decem- Perrin, Karen M. — November/Decem- Syre, Thomas R. — March/April: 120 ber: 330 ber: 367 Tan, Gerdean — September/October: 315 Koch, Susan — September/October: 325 Perry, Cheryl L. — July/August: 202 Tanjasiri, Sora Park— March/April: S-6, 64 Kotecki, Jerome E. — January/February: Pesa, Jacqueline A. —- March/April: 120 Tappe, Marlene — May/June: 173 56; July/August: 229 Pinzon-Perez, Helda L. - May/June: 186 Taub Alyson — May/June: 197; Lachter, Raandi Bernstein — November/ Poindexter, Patricia— January/February: 42 September/October: 305 December: 330 Pope, A.J. — January/February: 15 Tello, Patricia —- March/April: S-13 Lammers, Jane W. — May/June: 142 Powell, Kenneth E. —- September/Octo- Thompson, Donna — November/ Lara-Albers, Elizabeth — March/April: S-37 ber: S-34 December: 352 Lee, David — March/April: $-25 Price, James H. — January/February: 3; Tomita, Mark - September/October: 305 Lew, Lillian $.- March/April: S-58 May/June: 137; September/October: S-2; Torabi, Mohammad — May/June: 173 Lew, Rod — March/April: $-25 November/December: 345 Ubbes, Valerie A. — March/April: 67 Lewis, Phyllis J. — September/October: $-50 Puckett, Kim — March/April: $-37 Veblen-Mortenson, Sara —July/ August: 202 Liller, Karen D. - September/October: 320 Ransom, Mary V. — March/April: 132 Vernon, Mary E. — September/October: $-50 Lindsey, Billie J. - January/February: 36; Rauhe, Betty J. — May/June: 152 Vincent, Murray L. — May/June: 142 March/April: 93 Reynolds, Tammi -— January/February: 51 Wantz, Molly— May/June: 173 Mack, Mick G.- November/December: 352 Rhodes, Monica — March/April: $58 Warren, Charles W. — September/Octo- Maney, Dolores W. — July/August: 25¢ Robinson, Jason — March/April: S-58 ber: S-58 Manley, Audrey F. — March/April: S-3 Roel, Joseph P. — July/August: 202 Wecshler, Howell —September/October: S-12 Marks, James S. - September/October: S-3 Roger, Kathy — March/April: $-52 Weiler, Robert M.— January/February: 52; McNab, Warren L. - July/August: 252 Santelli, John S.— September/October: $-50 September/October: 297 Modzeleski, William -— September/ Saunders, Cynthia M. — January/ Welshimer, Kathleen J.— July/August: 222 October: S-42 February: 36; March/April: 93 Whitehorse, Lorraine E.— March/April: S-18 Lieberman, Lisa — January/February: 9 Sauter, Marcia — July/August: 229 Wiginton, Kristin — January/February: 30 Mahan, Charles—November/December: 372 Scandurra, Anita J. — March/April: 104 Williams, Carolyn L. - July/August: 202 Manzano, Ruth — March/April: S-18 Schiraldi, Glenn R. — March/April: 131; Williams, Christine L. - January/ Massad, Susan — May/June: 152 September/October: 266 February: 9; July/August: 217 McDonald, Marian C. — May/June: 162 Schwartz, Lisa W. — July/August: 209 Williams II, Lemuel C.- March/April: S-31 Metzler, Christine — September/October: 320 Scanlan, Andria — March/April: 98 Woo, Judy M. — March/April: $-25 Middletown, Kathleen — January/February: 42 Sciacca, John — January/February: 42 Wood, Martin L. - July/August: 229 Miles, Octavia —- March/April: $-44 Seabert, Denise M. — September/Octo- Yancey, Antronette K.— March/April: S-44 Min, Kyung Joon — March/April: $-25 ber: 297 Yates, Bradford — May/June: 180 Montgomery, Deanna H. —March/April: 73 Sechrist, Michael —-September/October: 310 Yehieli, Michele —September/October: 325 Moore, Michele Johnson — September/ Shadday, Tracey — November/December: 369 Young, Janice Clark — May/June: 195 October: 297 Sherman, Lori D. — March/April: 73 Young, Michael — January/February: 62; Morrison, Cynthia M. — March/April: S-6 Simmons-Morton, Bruce — September/ March/April: 90, Center, 134; May/June: Morse, Naomi Siegel- March/April: $-52 October: S-21 200; July/August: 215, 261 Nguyen, Kim D. - March/April: $-25 Slee, David A. — September/Octo- Young, Tamera — January/February: 62; Neiger, Brad — January/February: 42 ber: S-34 March/April: 90, Center, 134; May/June: Nix, Susan Talbot — July/August: 217 Small, Meg L. - September/October: S- 200; July/August: 215, 261 Okahara, Linda - March/April: S-25 12, 21, 28, 42, 58 Ogletree, Roberta J. — January/February: 24 Smith, Becky J. - July/August: 209: Olano, Victor R. — March/April: $-31 September/October: S-2 O’Rourke, Thomas W. — May/June: 166; Smith, Margaret M. — May/June: 157 July/August: 209 Smith, Quentin W. - March/April: 73 Page, Randy M. — March/April: 98 Sorensen, Ursula N. - January/ Pargee, Dwight — March/April: $-37 February: 20 BT.i/] Journal of Health Education — November/December 1999, Volume 30, No. 6

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