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Preview Journal of Forensic Sciences 2006: Vol 51 Index & Table of Contents

Journal of Forensic Sciences Author Index to Volume 51 2006 Number Month of Issue Pages .Alexander, RT and Radisch, D: Anderson. VJ: see Kishore. R. Hardy. Authors' Response. March. 428 WR. Anderson. VJ. Sanchez. NA. and 1 Januurv l-2()« T Mareh 209^62 Alfonso-Sanchez. MA: see Fernandez- Buoncristiani. MR 3 Mav 463-712 4 July 713-962 Mestre. M. Alfonso-Sanchez. MA. Gen- .\ndrade, .FT, Vincent, (».M, and Saleh, 5 September 963-1222 dzekhadze. K. Layrisse. Z. and Pena. JA FM: Juvenile .Sex Offenders: a Complex 6 November 1223-1.313 Population. Jan.. 163 Allan. CH: see Chu. AY. Ripple. MG. Allan. CH. Thogmartin. JR. and Fowler. .Andrasko, .1: A Simple .MicroThermal A DR Desorption Device. July. 92.3 Aarcnts, MJ: see Maat. GJR. Maes. A. Allard, MW, Polanskey, I), Wilson, MR, Anthonioz. A: see Neumann. C. Cham- Aarents. MJ. and Nagelkerke. NJD Monson, KL, and Budowle, B: Evalua¬ pod. C. Puch-Solis. R. Egli. N. Anthonioz. Abiidurcheman. A: see Perret. G. Abiidiir- tion of Variation in Control Region Se¬ A. Meuwly. D. and Bromage-Griftiths. A eheman. A. Perret-Catipovic. M. Flomen- quences for Hispanic Individuals in the Arantes. LC: see Pujol-Luz. JR. Marques. baiini. M. and Harpe. RL SWGDAM mtDNA Data .Set. .May. .366 H. Ururahy-Rodrigues. .A. Rafael. JA. Acuna. MP: see Cifuentes. LO. Martinez. Allen, M, Divne, .A-M, Calloway, C, and Santana. FHA. Arantes. LC. and Constan¬ EH. Acuna. MP. and Jonquera. HG Erlich, H: Authors' Response. July. 937 tino. R Adair, T\V and Fisher, .A: Suicide With .Allen, RW and Fuller, VM: Quantitation Argo. TR: see Perry. PJ. Argo. TR. Bar¬ Associated Acts of Arson: Two Cases of Human Genomic DNA Through Am- nett. MJ. Liesveld. JL. Liskow. B. Hernan. from Colorado. July. 89.^ plilication of the Amelogenin Likus. JM. Trnka. MG. and Brabson. MA Adair, I VV and KondratiefT, BC: Three Jan.. 76 Arredondo, M, LaPorte, (JM, Wilson, Species of Insects Collected from an Adult Alleyne. LE: see Henry. R-.AC. Alleyne. ,11), .McConnell, T, Shaffer, I)K, and Human Corpse Above 3.^00 m in Eleva¬ LE. and Budow le. B Stam, M: .Analytical Methods Used for tion: A Review of a Case from Colorado. the Discrimination of Substances Sus¬ Sept.. I164 Allison. J: see Czekanski. P. Fasola. M. pected to be Bar Soap: A Preliminary and Allison. J Study. Nov.. 1.3.34 Aebi. B: see Jackowski. C. Bolliger. S. Aghayev. E. Christe. A. Kilchoer. T. Aebi. .Alniog, J: Forensic Science Does Not .Arredondo. .MD: see LaPorte. G.M. Arre¬ B. Perinat. T. Dirnhofer. R. and Thali. MJ Start in the Lab: The Concept of Diagnos¬ dondo. MD. .McConnell. TS. Stephens. JC. tic Field Tests. Nov.. 1228 Cantu. AA. and Shaffer. DK Agg, K.M, Craddock, AF, Bos, R, Fran¬ cis, PS, Lewis, SVV, and Barnett, NVV: A Al-Moussawy. ND: see Al-Talabani. N. Asano. KG: see Eckenrode. B.A. Ramsey. Al-Moussawy. ND. Baker. FA. and S.A. SliKkham. R.A. Van Berkel. GJ. .Asa¬ Rapid Test for Heroin (3.6-Diacetylmor- Mohammed. HA no. KG. and Wolf. DA phine) Based on Two Chemiluminescence Reactions. Sept.. 1080 Al-Talabani, N, .Al-Moussawy, ND, Ba¬ .Atwater, C.S, Durina, ME, Durina, .IP, ker, F'.A, and Mohammed, H.A: Digital and Blackledge, RI): Visualization of Aghayev. E: see Jackow ski. C. Bolliger. S. Aghayev. E. Christe. A. Kilchoer. T. Aebi. Analysis of Experimental Human Bite- Gunshot Residue Patterns on Dark Cloth¬ B. Perinat. T, Dirnhofer. R. and Thali. MJ marks: Application of Two New Methods. ing. Sept.. 1091 Nov.. 1.372 Agrawal. S: see Khan. F. Pandey. A. B Bisen. PS. and Agrawal. S Alvarez. JC: see Martinez-Espin. E. Mar- tmez-Gonz.alez. LJ. Fernandez-Rosado. F. Bai. P: Akutsu. T: see Motani. H. Sakurada. K. Entrala. C. Alvarez. JC, Lorente. JA. Bu¬ see Jiang. S. Wu. W. Yun. L. Bai. P. Hu. J. A^utsu. T. Ikegaya. H. Hayakawa. M. dowle. B. and de Monroy. MO Liu. L. Luo. H. Wu. J. Li. Y. and Hou. Y Sato. Y. Yajima.* D. Sato. K. Kobayashi. see Ran. P. Zhang. B. Zhou. B. Bai. P. K. and Iwase. H .\nastos, N, Lewis, SW, Barnett. NW. Zhou. X. Chen. K. Li. Y. Hou. Y. and and Sims, 1)N: The Determination of Wu. J Akyildiz. EU: .src Pakis. I. Akyildiz. EU. Psilocin and Psilocybin in Hallucinogenic ,vcc Sun. X.M. Fang. YQ. Yun. LB. Bai. P. Karayel. F. Turan. AA. Senel. B. Ozbay. Mushrooms by HPLC Utilizing a Dual Li. ZR. Zhang. J. Li. YB. Wu. J. and M. and Cetin. G Reagent .Acidic Potassium Permanga¬ Hou. YP Alberink. IB, Kuifrok, .\CC, and Kiec- nate and Tris(2.2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium{ll) see Tian. L. Bai. P. Song. XH. Jia. J. khoeler, H: Interoperator Test for Anato¬ Chemiluminescence Detection System. Yuan. WA. Yun. LB. Zhang. J. Wu. J. mical Annotation of Earprints. Nov.. 1246 Jan.. 4.3 and Li. YB 1451 1452 JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES see Wu. W, Jiang. S. Yim, LB. Liu. L. Bai. see Anastos, N. Lewis, SW. Barnett. NW, Berger, CEH, De Koeijer, JA, Glas, VV, P. Yan. J. Zhang. J. Li, YB, Wu. J, and and Sims. DN and Madhuizen, HT: Color Separation in Hou. YP Forensic Image Processing, Jan.. 100 Barni, F, Berti, A, Rapone, C, and Lago, Bailey, JA, Casanova, RS, and Bufkin, G: 0(-Amylase Kinetic Test in Bodily Berger, CEH: see de Koeijer, JA. Berger. K: A Method for Enhancing Gunshot Single and Mixed Stains. Nov., 1189 CEH, Glas, W, and Madhuizen. HT Residue Patterns on Dark and Multico¬ Barni. F: see Berti, A. Barni. F, Virgili, A, Bernardelli. B: see Caligiani. A. Palla, G. lored Fabrics Compared with the Modified D'Errico. G. Rapone. C. lacovacci, G. and and Bernardelli, B Griess Test. July. 812 Lago. G Berner. W: see Briken. P, Habermann. N. Bajrovic. K: see Marjanovic, D. Pojskic. Barns. SM: see Kuske. CR. Barns, SM, Kafka, MP, Berner. W, and Hill, A N. Davoren. J. Kovacevic. L. Durmic, A. Grow, CC, Merrill, L. and Dunbar, J Bernitz, H, van Heerden, WFP, Sol- Bakal. N, Drobnic. K. Primorac. D. Skaro. Baron. MG: heim, T, and Owen, JH: A Technique V. Bajrovic, K. and Hadziselimovic, R see Croxton, RS, Baron, MG, Butler, D, to Capture. Analyze, and Quantify Ante¬ Bakal. N: see Marjanovic. D. Pojskic, N. Kent. T, and Sears, VG rior Teeth Rotations for Application in Davoren. J. Kovacevic. L, Durmic. A, see Pert. AD. Baron, MG, and Birkett, JW Court Cases Involving Tooth Marks, Bakal. N. Drobnic. K, Primorac, D. Skaro. May, 624 Barrio, PA, Trancho, (ilj, and Sanchez, V. Bajrovic. K. and Hadziselimovic. R .JA: Metacarpal Sexual Determination in a Berti, A, Barni, F\ Virgili, A, D’Errico, Baker, FA: see Al-Talabani. N. Al- Spanish Population. Sept.. 990 G, Rapone, C, lacovacci, (>, and Lago, Moussawy. ND. Baker, FA. and Mo¬ G: Allele Frequencies of Penta D and Barth, M; see Berendes, A, Neimke, D, hammed, HA Penta E Loci in Afghanistan Population. Schumacher. R, and Barth. M March, 4.14 .Baldridge, RS, Wallace, SG, and Kirk¬ Bartoli, C: patrick, R: Investigation of Nocturnal Berti. A: see Barni. F. Berti. A, Rapone, C, see Pelissier-Alicot, A-L, Piercecchi-Mar- Oviposition by Necrophilous Flies in Cen¬ and Lago. G ti, M-D. Bartoli. C, Kuhimann, E. Coiffait, tral Texas. Jan.. I2.S P-E. Sanvoisin. A. Giocanti. D, and Leo- Bhushan. A: see Shewale. JG. Bhushan. Ballantyne. J: netti. G A. Nasir, H. Schneida. E, Washington. B. see Gross. AM. Berdos. P. and Ballantyne. J see Piercecchi-Marti, M-D. Louis-Bor- Fleming. A. Sinha. SK. Gross. AM. Bu- see Hanson. EK. Berdos, PN. and Ballan¬ rione. C. Bartoli, C. Sanvoisin. A. Panuel. dowle, B, and Sinha. SK tyne, J M, Pelissier-Alicot. A-L. and Leonetti. G Bianchi, RP: Letter to the Editor—Com¬ see Sanders. CT. Sanchez. N. Ballantyne. Bassett, HE: see Listi. GA and Bassett, HE parison of Fentanyl Extraction from Two J, and Peterson. DA Different Transdermal Patches, July. 919 Bauerova. M: see Martiniakova. M, Ballou, S: Review of: Crime Scene Inves- Grosskopf. B. Omelka, R. Vondrakova, Biedermann, A: see Taroni. F. Bozza. S. tii>ation Methods and Procedures. March. M. and Bauerova, M and Biedermann. A 457 Becart-Robert. A: see Tournel, G, Becart- Bienvenue, JM, Duncalf, N, Marchiar- Ban. J: see Yeung. SHI. Greenspoon. SA. Robert, A, Courtin, P. Hedouin. V, and ullo, 1), Ferrance, JP, and Landers, JP: McGuckian, A, Crouse, CA, Emrich. CA. Gosset. D' Microchip-Based Cell Lysis and DNA Ban. J. and Mathies. RA Extraction from Sperm Cells for Applica¬ Bell, MI): Review of: Clinical Forensic tion to Forensic Analysis. March. 266 Baraybar, .IP and (lasior, M: Forensic Medicine: A Physician’s Guide, (2nd Edi¬ Anthropology and the Most Probable tion), March, 459 Bin. Z: see Jing. J, Bin. Z. Zhihui. Y. Cause of Death in Cases of Violations Gengqian, Z. and Lin, Z Bell, SC, Oldfield, LS, Shakleya, DM, Against International Humanitarian Law: Petersen, .IL, and Mercer, .IW: Chemi¬ Bill!. C: see Ferri, G. Bini. C. Ceccardi. S, An Example from Bosnia and Herzegovi¬ cal Composition and Structure of the Mi¬ Ingravallo. F, Lugaresi. F. and Pelotti. S na, Jan.. 10.1 crocrystals Formed Between Silver! I) and Birdwell. JD: see Wang. T. Xue. N. and Barber, AL and Koran, DR: The Utility y-Hydroxybutyric Acid and y-Hydroxyva- Birdwell. JD of Whole Genome Amplification for Typ¬ leric Acid. July. 808 ing Compromised Forensic Samples. Birkett. JW: see Pert. AD. Baron. MG. and Berdos. P: see Gross. AM. Berdos. P. and Nov.. 1.144 Birkett. JW Ballantyne. J Barilaro, MR: see Robino, C. Barilaro. Berdos. PN: see Hanson. EK. Berdos. PN. Bisen. PS: see Khan. F. Pandey. A. Bisen, MR. Gino. S. Chiarle, R. Palestro. G. and Ballantyne. J PS, and Agrawal. S and Torre. C Blackledge. RD: see Atwater. CS. Durina, Berendes, A, Neimke, D, Schumacher, Barnett. MJ: see Peiry. PJ, Argo. TR, R, and Barth, M: A Versatile Technique ME. Durina. JP, and Blackledge, RD Barnett. MJ, Liesveld. JL. Liskow, B, for the Investigation of Gunshot Residue Blau, RLA: see Crandall, CS. Kerrigan. S, Hernan. JM, Trnka. MG. and Brabson, MA P;itterns on Fabrics and Other Surfaces: Blau, RLA. LaValley. J. Zumwalt. R. and m-XRF. Sept., 1085 McKinney, PE Barnett. NW: see Agg. KM, Craddock. AF. Bos. R. Berg, GE: see Ta'ala. SC. Berg, GE. and Blau, S, Hill, A, Briggs, CA, and Cord- Francis. PS. Lewis. SW. and Barnett. NW Haden. K ner, SM: Missing Perspns-Missing Data: AUTHOR INDEX 1453 The Need to Colleet Antemortem Dental Briggs. CA: see Blau. S. Hill. A. Briggs. Bush, MA, Bush, PJ, and Miller, R(i: Reeords of Missing Persons. Mareh. 386 CA. and Cordner. SM Detection and Classification of Composite Resins in Incinerated Teeth for Forensic Bless, C, Palmeter, H, and Wallace, Briken, P, Habermann, N, Kafka, MP, Purposes. May. 636 MM: Identification of Acer riihnim Using Berner, W, and Hill, A: The Paraphilia- Amplified Fragment Length Polymorph¬ Related Disorders: An Investigation of the Bush. PJ: see Bush. MA. Bush. PJ. and ism. Jan.. 31 Relevance of the Concept in Sexual Mur¬ Miller. RG derers. May. 683 Bock, .IH: Review of; Forensic Botany: Butler. D: see Croxton. RS. Baron. MG. Principles and Applications to Criminal Brogdon, B(J: Review of: Deadlniose: Butler. D. Kent. T. and .Sears. VG Case work, Jan.. 202 Life in a Coroner's Office. Jan.. 201 Butler, JM: Genetics and Genomics of Bodkin. TE: see Brooks. TR. Bodkin. TE. Brogi. G: see Cameriere. R. Brogi. G. Core Short Tandem Repeat Loci Used in Potts. GE. and Smullen. SA Ferrante. L. Mirtella. D. Vultaggio. C. Human Identity Testing. March. 253 Bolliger. S: see Jaekowski. C. Bolliger. S. Cingolani. M. and Fornaeiari. G Butler. JM; see Mulero. JJ. Budowle. B. Aghayev. E. Christe. A. Kilehoer. T. Aebi. Bromage-GrifHths. A: see Neumann. C. Butler. JM. and Gusmao. L B. Perinat. T. Dirnhofer, R. and Thali. MJ Champod. C. Puch-.Solis. R. Egli. N. An- Byard, RW: Esophageal Causes of Sud¬ thonioz. A. Meuwly. D. and Bromage- den and Unexpected Death. March. 390 Bommarito. CR: see Kopehiek. KA and Grifhths. A Bommarito. CR Bylund. P-O: see Lindstrdm. R. Bylund. Brooks, TR, Bodkin, TF^ Potts, (iF^ and P-O. and Eriksson. A Booth, BI), FedorofT, .IP, Curry, SI), Smullen, SA: Elemental Analysis of Hu¬ and Douglass, AB: Sleep Apnea as a man Cremains Using ICP-OES to Classify C Possible Factor Contributing to Aggres¬ Legitimate and Contaminated Cremains. sion in Sex Offenders. Sept.. 1178 Calandro. LM: .Sept.. 967 see Chang. C-W. Mulero. JJ. Budowle. B. Boquete. AV: see Pampm. JB. Rivero. Brumit. PC: see Murmann. DC. Brumit. Calandro. LM. and Hennessy. LK SAG. Cepeda. XLO. Boquete. AV. Vila. PC. Schrader. BA. and Senn. DR see Mulero, JJ. Chang. CW'. Calandro. JF. and Fonseca. RH LM. Green. RL. Li, Y. Johnson. CL. and Brussel. KV: see Mertens. G. Jehaes. E. Boreham. S: see Horton. BP. Boreham. S. Hennessy. LK Rand. S. Brussel. KV. Jacobs. W. and and Hillier. C Marck. EV Calderon. K: see Redd. AJ. Chamberlain. Bos. R: see Agg. KM. Craddock. AF. VF. Kearney,. VF. Stover. D. Karafet. T. Buchholz. BA; see Ubelaker. DH. Buch- Bos. R. Francis. PS. Lewis. SW. and Calderon. K. Walsh, B, and Hammer. ME holz. BA. and Stewart. JEB Barnett. NW Caligiani, A, Palla, (■, and Bernardelli. Budowle. B: Bozza. S: see Taroni. F. Bozza. S. and B: GC-MS Analysis of Hashish Samples; see Allard. MW. Polanskey. D. Wilson. Biedermann. A A Case of Adulteration with Colophony. MR. Monson. KL. and Budowle. B Sept., 1096 Brabson. MA: see Perry. PJ. Argo. TR. see Chang. C-W. Mulero. JJ. Budowle. B. Barnett. MJ. Liesveld. JL. Liskow. B. Calandro. LM. and Hennessy. LK Calloway. C: see Allen. M. Divne. A-M. Hernan. JM. Trnka. MG. and Brabson. MA see Gross. AM and Budowle. B Calloway. C. and Erlich. H see Henry. R-AC. Alleyne. LE. and Bu¬ Cameriere, R, Brogi, (i, F'errante, L, Bradley, M.I, Keagy, RL, Lbwe, PC, dowle. B Mirtella, 1), Vultaggio, C, Cingolani, Kickenbach, MP, Wright, DM, and Le- see Martinez-Espin. E. Martmez-Gonza- M, and F'ornaciari, (>: Reliability in Beau, MA: A Validation Study for Duet lez. IJ. Fernandez-Rosado. F. Entrala. C. Age Determination by Pulp/Trxith Ratio Tape End Matches. May. 504 Alvarez. JC. Lorente. JA. Budowle. B. and in Upper Canines in Skeletal Remains, Brandimarte. G; see Firrao. D. Matteis. P. de Monroy. MO July. 861 see Mulero.‘JJ. Budowle. B. Butler. JM. Scavino. G. Llbertalli. G. leneo. MG. Pel- and Gusmao. L Campbell, N: see De Tata. D. Collins, P. lati. G. Piecardo. P. Pinaseo. MR. Stagno. see Shewale. JG. Bhushan. A. Nasir. H. and Campbell. N E. Costanza. G. Montanari. R. Tata. ME. Brandimarte.-G and Petralia, S Schneida. E. Washington. B. Fleming. A. Cantu, AA; see LaPorte. GM. Arredondo. Sinha. SK. Gross. AM. Budowle. B. and MD. McConnell. TS. Stephens. JC. Cantu. Brenton. BP: see Paine. RR and Sinha. SK AA. and Shaffer. DK Brenton. BP Buel. E; see Nicklas. JA and Buel. E Caragine. T: see Tamariz. J. Voynarovska. Brevet. M: see Chatelain. D. Manaouil. C. K. Prinz. M. and Caragine. T Bulkin. K: see Bailey. JA. Casanova. RS. Marc. B. Rieard. J. Brevet. M, Montpel¬ lier. D. Defouilloy. C. and Jarde. O and Bul'kin. K Casale. E: see Casale. J. Casale. E. Collins. M. Mor- Buikstra, .|F4 Review of: The Hainan Brewer, DD, Dudek, JA, Potterat, .IJ, ello. D, Cathapermal. S. and Panicker. S Bone Manual. July. 956 Muth, SQ, Roberts, .IM, and Wood- see Collins. M. Casale. E. Hibbert. DB. house, DF^: Extent. Trends, and Perpetra¬ Buoncristiani. MR: see Kishore. R. Hardy. Panicker. S. Robertson. J. and Vujie. S tors of Prostitution-Related Homicide in WR. Anderson. VJ. Sanchez. NA. and see Toske. SG. C(X)per. SD, Morello. DR. the United States. Sept.. I If)I Buoncristiani. MR Hays. PA. Casale. JF. and Casale, E 1454 JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES C'asale, .1, Casale, E, Collins, M, Mor- Chaubey. G: see Thangaraj. K. Chaubey. Clegg. C: see McCoy, K. Fremouw. W. ello, I), Cathapermal, S, and Panicker, G. Singh. VK. Reddy. AG. Pavate. PP. Tyner. E, Clegg. C. Johansson-Love. J. S: Stable Isotope Analyses of Heroin and Singh. L and Strunk, J Seized fRiin the Merehant Vessel Pong Chen. G: Cline. RE: see Kokoszka. JE. Cline. RE. Su. May. 603 see Liu. Z. Zhang. B. Chen. G. Yu. L. Leisy, C. Grossweiler. LL. and Word. CJ Casale. JF: see Toske. SG. Cooper. SD. Liao. M. Wang. J. Long. B. and Zhang. L Cody, RB: see Jones. RW. Cody. RB. and Morello. DR. Hays. PA. Casale. JF. and see Long. B. Wang. J. Liu. Z. Chen. G. McClelland. JF Casale. E Yu. L. Luo. Y. Song. Y. and Zhang. L see Wang. J. Long. B. Liu. Z. Chen. G. Coiffait, P-E: see l*t5lissier-Alicot. A-L. Casanova. RS: see Bailey. JA. Casanova. Yu. L. Ma. FZ. Song. Y. and Zhang. L Piercecchi-Marti. M-D. Bartoli. C, Kuhl- RS. and BulTsin. K Chen. K: see Ran. P. Zhang. B. Zhou. B. mann. E. Coiffait. P-E. Sanvoisin. A. Gio- Cassinian. J-J: see Deet)rte. R. Verhoeven. Bai. P. Zhou. X. Chen. K. Li. Y. Hou. Y. canti. D. and Leonetti. G E. Vanhoiitte. E. Knaepen. K. and and Wu. J Collin, OI., Niegel, C, DeRhodes, KE, Cassiman. J-J Chen, L, He, Y, and Li, S: Genetic McCord, BR, and .lackson, (H*: Fast Gas Castillo. A: see Vargas. Cl. Castillo. A. Analysis of 15 STR Loci of Chinese Chromatography of Explosive Com¬ Gil. AM. Pieo. AL. and Garcia. O Ewenki Ethnic Population. Nov.. 1408 pounds Using a Pulsed-Discharge Elec¬ tron Capture fJetector. July. 815 Cathapermal. S: see Casale. J. Casale. E. Chen. L: see Zhu. B. Deng. Y. Zhipig. E. Collins. M. Morello. D. Cathapermal. S. Wei. W. Chen. L. Zhao. J. He. Y. Tian. Y. Collins, KA: see Zaloga. WF and and Panicker. S Xu. Y. Yu. R. Fang. J. and Liu. Y Collins. KA Ceccardi. S: see Eerri. G. Bini. C. Ceccar- Chiarle. R: see Robino. C. Barilaro. MR. Collins, M, Casale, E, Hibhert, l)B, di. S. Ingravallo. E. Liigaresi. E. and Gino. S. Chiarle. R. Palestro. G. and Panicker, S, Roherts«)n, .1, and Viijic, Pelotti. S Torre. C S: Chemical Proliling of Heroin Recov¬ ered from the North Korean Merchant Cepeda. XLO: see Pampin. JB. Rivero. Chisuni, WJ: Review of: Praetieal Ana¬ Vessel Pong Su. May. 567 SAG. Cepeda. XLO. Boqiiete. AV. Vila. lysis and Reeonstrnetion of Shooting In¬ JE. and Fonseca. RH cidents. Nov.. 1445 Collins. M: see Casale. J. Casale. E. Col¬ lins, M. Morello. D. Cathapermal. S. and Cetin. G; see Pakis. 1. Akyildiz. EU. Chiu, S-H, Lu, C-P, and Wen, C-Y: A Panicker. S Karayel. E. Tiiran. AA. Send. B. Ozbay. Motion Detection-Based Framework for M. and Cetin. G Improving Image Quality of CCTV Se¬ Collins. ME: see Schultz, JJ. Collins. ME. curity Systems. Sept.. 1115 and Falsetti. AB Chamberlain. VF: see Redd. AJ. Cham¬ berlain. VE. Kearney. VF. Stover. D. Kar- Chiurillo. MA: see Lander. N. Tovar. F. Collins. P: see De Tata. D. Collins. P. and afet. T. Calderon. K. Walsh. B. and Chiurillo. MA. and RaimVez. JL Campbell. N Hammer. ME Christe. A: see Jackowski. C. Bolliger. S. Constantino. R: see Pujol-laiz. JR, Mar¬ Champod. C: see Neumann. C. Champod. Aghayev. E. Christe. A. Kilchoer. T. Aebi. ques. H, Ururahy-Rodrigues. A. Rafael. C. Puch-Solis. R. Egli. N. Anthonioz. A. B. Perinat. T. Dirnhofer. R. and Thali. MJ JA. Santana. FHA. Arantes. LC. and Con¬ Meiiwly. 1). and Bromage-Grifliths. A Chu, AY, Ripple, M(;, Allan, CH, Thog- stantino, R Chang. C-VV, Mulero, .1.1, Budovvie, li, martin, .|R, and Fowler, DR: Fatal Dog Cooper. SD: see Toske. SG. Cooper. SD. Calandro, EM, and Hennessy, LK: Maulings Associated With Infant Swings. Morello. DR.-Hays. PA. Casale. JF. and Identification of a Novel Polymorphism March. 403 Casale. E in the X-Chromosome Region Homolo¬ Chung. DT: see Opel. KL. Chung. DT. Cordner. SM: see Blau. S. Hill. A. Briggs. gous to the DYSd.Sb Locus. March. 344 Drabek. J. Tatarek. NE. Jantz. LM. and CA. and Cordner. SM Chang. CW: McCord. BR Costanza, G: see F'irrao. D. Matteis. P. see Mulero. JJ. Chang. CW. and Hen¬ Ciluentes, LO, .Marthie/., F>H, Acuna, Scavino. G. Ubertalli. G. lenco. MG. Pel- nessy. LK MP, and .lonqiiera, H(i!: Probability of lati. G. Piccardo. P. Pinasco, MR. Stagno. see Mulero. JJ. Chang. CW. Calandro. Exclusion in Paternity Testing: Time to E. Costanza. G. Montanari. R, Tata. ME. LM. Green. RL. la. Y. Johnson. CL. and Reassess. March. 346 Brandimarte. G and Petralia. S Hennessy. LK Cingolani. M: see Cameriere. R. Brogi. G. Cotton. RW: see Horsman, KM. Hickey. Chasteon, T(il: Re\ievv of: Forensic Ferrante. L. Mirtella. D. Vultaggio. C. JA, Cotton. RW. Landers. JP. and Mad¬ Chemistry. Jan.. 204 Cingolani. M. and Fornaciari. G dox. LO Chatelain, I), Manaouil, C, Mare, B, Ciolino. LA: Courtin. P: see Tournel. G. Becart-Robert. Kieard, .1, Brevet, M, Montpellier, I), •see DeFrancesco. JV. Witkowski. MR, A. Courtin. P, HcTlouin. V, and Gosset, D Deibiiilloy, C, and .larde, (): Adult and Ciolino. LA Hirschsprung's Disease Diagnosed During see Witkowski, MR. Ciolino. LA. and Coyle, HM: Review of: Microbial Foren¬ Forensic Autopsy. .Sept.. 1160 DeFrancesco. JV sics. March. 458 AUTHOR INDEX 1455 Craddock. AF: see Agg, KM. Craddock. Dar, G and Hershkovit/., I: Sacroiliac DcFrancesco. JV; see Witkowski. MR. AF. Bos. R. Francis. PS. Lewis. SW. and Joint Bridging: Simple and Reliable Cri¬ Ciolino. LA. and DcFrancesco. JV Barnett. NW teria for Sexing the Skeleton. May. 480 Deng. Y: see Zhu. B. Deng. Y. Zhang. F. Craig, CL, Hornsby, BM, and Riles, M: Datwyler, SL and VVeiblen, (JD: Genetic Wei. W . Chen. L. Zhao. J. He. Y. Tian. Y. Evaluation and Comparison of the Elec¬ Variation in Hemp and Marijuana [Caii- Xu. Y. Yu. R. Fang. J. and Liu. Y trostatic Dust Print Lifter and the Electro¬ iiahis sativa L.) According to Amplified DeRhodes. KE: see Collin. OL. Niegel. C. static Detection Apparatus" on the F37ra rg ment Length Polymorphisms. March. DeRhodes. KE. McCord. BR. and Jack- Development of Footwear Impressions son. GP on Paper. July. 819 Davis, (Kl: Review of; Forensic Medi¬ deRoux, S.I: Suicidal Asphyxiation by Crandall, CS, Kerrigan, S, Blau, KLA, cine of the Lower Extremity. Nov.. 1448 Inhalation of Automobile Emission with¬ LaValley, .1, Zumwalt, R, and McKin¬ Davoren. J: see Marjanovic. D. Pojskic. N. out Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Sept.. ney, PE: The Influence of Site of Davoren. J. Kovacevic. L. Durmic. A. 1158 Collection on Postmortem Morphine Con¬ Bakal. N. Drobnic. K. Primorac. D. .Skaro. centrations in Heroin Overdose Victims. deroux, S.I and Prendergast, NC: Pul¬ V. Bajrovic. K. and Had/.iselimovic. R March. 413 monary Interstitial Emphysema in Live Day, DM and VVallman, JE: Influence of Birth Determination; Radiographic and Crockett. DF: see Jackson. DS. Crockett. Substrate Tissue Type on Larval Growth Gross Pathologic Features. Jan.. 134 DF. and Wolnik. KA in Calliphora an^nr and Lncilia enprina D'Errico. G: see Berti. A. Barni. F. Virgi- Croft, PR, Lathrop, SL, and Zumwalt, (Diptera: Calliphoridae). May. 657 li. A. D'Errico. G. Rapone. C. lacovacci. RE: Amended Cause and Manner of Dayal. MR: .see Ekiektos. N. Dayal. MR. G. and Lago. G Death Certitication: A Six-Year Review and Manger. PR of the New Mexico Experience. May. 651 Diantonio. LL: see Steadman. DW. Dia- dc Kock, A and Kebcde, F4 DNA Se¬ ntonio. LL. Wilson. JJ. Sheridan. KE. and Cross, R: Fatal Falls from a Height; Two quence Characteri/.ation of the EGA STR Tammariello. SP Case Studies. Jan.. 93 Locus in the Free State Population of Dinsn, R and Thompson, VVC: Review Crouse. CA: see Yeung. SHI. Greenspoon. South Africa. Jan.. 199 of: DNA and the Criminal Justice System: SA. McGuckian. A. Crouse. CA. Emrich. de Koeijer, .lA, Berger, CF^H, (lias, W, rite Technoloi>y oj Justice. Jan.. 206 CA. Ban. J. and Mathies. RA and Madhui/en. HT: Gelatine Lifting, a Dirnhofer. R: Croxton, RS, Baron, M(;, Butler, I), Novel Technique for the Examination of see Jackowski; C. Bolliger. S. Aghayev. F. Kent, r, and Sears, V(J: Development Indented Writing. July. 908 Christe. A. Kilchoer. T. Aebi. B. Perinat. of a GC-MS Method for the Simultaneous Analysis of Latent Fingerprint Compo¬ de Koeijer. JA: see Berger. CEH. De T. Dirnhofer. R. and Thali. MJ nents. Nov.. 1329 KcK’iJer. JA. Glas. W. and Madhui/en. HT see Thali. .MJ. Markwalder. T. Jackowski. C. Sonnenschein. M. and Dirnh(4‘er. R Cruhe/y. E: see Theves. C. Keyser-Trac- de Monroy. MO: see Martine/.-Espin. E. Divne. A-'M: see Allen. M. Divne. A-M. t|ui. C. Crube/.y. E. Salles. J-P. Ludes. B. Martmez-Gon/alez. LJ. Fernandez-Rosa- Calloway. C. and Erlich. H and Telmon. N do. F. Entrala. C. Alvarez. JC. Lssrente. JA. Budowle. B. and de Monroy. MO Domaracki, M and .Stephan, CN: Facial Cui. H: see Zhang. YJ. Cui. H. Cui. Y. and St)ft Tissue Thicknesses in Australian Xu. QS De Tata, D, Collins, P, and Campbell. Adult Cadavers. Jan.. 5 N: The Identification of the Emulsifier Cui. X: see Xing. J. Zhu. B. Cui. X. Sun. J. Component of Emulsion Explosives by Dorman. DC: see Pasquale-Styles. MA. Fang. J. and Qiu. S Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrome¬ Sochaski. MA. Dorman. DC. Krell. WS. Cui. Y: see Zhang. YJ. Cui. H. Cui. Y. and try. March. 303 Shah. AK. and Schmidt. CJ Xu. QS Decorte, R,‘ N'erhoeven, Vanhoutte, dos .Santos. MIS: see .Schwilke. EW. dos Cunha. E: see Rissech. C. Estahrook. GF. F^ Knaepen. K, and Cassiman, Santos. MIS. and Logan. BK Cunha. E. and Malgosa. A Allele Erequcmcy Data for 19 Short Douglass. AB: see Booth. BD. Fedoroff. Tandem Repeats (PowerPlex" 16 and Curry. SD: see Booth. BD. Fedoroff. JP. JP. Curry. SD. and Douglass. AB FEED in a Belgian Population .Sample. Curry. SD. and Douglass. AB March. 436 Drabek. J; see Opel. KL. Chung. DT. C/arnecki. LA: see Dudley. MH. C/ar- Driibek. J. Tatarek. NE'. Jantz. LM. and Defouilloy. C: see Chatelain. D. Mana- necki. LA. and Wells. MA McCord. BR ouil. C. Marc. B. Ricard. J. Brevet. M. Cxekanski, P, Easola, M, and Allison, J: Montpellier. D. Defouilloy. C. and Drobnic. K: see Marjanovic. D. Pojskic. A Mechanistic Model for the Superglue Jarde. O N. Davoren. J. Kovacevic. 1.. Durmic. A. Fuming of Latent Fingerprints. Nov.. 1323 Bakal. N. Drobnic. K. Primorac. D. Skaro. DeF'raneesco, .IV, Witkowski, MR, and V. Bajrovic. K. and Hadziselimovic. R Ciolino. L.\: GHB Free Acid: I. Solution I) Formation Studies and Spectroscopic Dudek. JA: see Brewer. DD. Dudek. JA. Dal C’ason, 'I'A: Review of: Mass Spectra Characterization by 'HNMR and FT-IR. Potterat. JJ. Muth. SQ. Roberts. JM. and ofDesii’iier Drai’s 2005. March. 454 March. 321 W(M)dhouse. DE 1456 JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES Dudley, MH, Czarnecki, LA, and Wells, Kgan, ,IM, Riekenbaeh, M, Mooney, Fang.J: MA: Fatal Capnocytophaga Infection As¬ KK, Palenik, CS, (Jolombeck, R, and see Xing. J, Zhu. B. Cui. X. Sun, J. Fang. sociated with Splcncctoniy, May, 664 Mueller, KT: Bank Security Dye Packs: J. and Qiu. S Synthesis. Isolation, and Characterization see Zhu. B, Deng. Y. Zhang. F, Wei, W. Duer, WC, Spitz, D.l, and McFarland, of Chlorinated Products of Bleached I- Chen. L. Zhao. J, He. Y. Tian. Y, Xu, Y. S: Relationships Between Concentrations (methylamino)anthraquinone. Nov., 1276 Yu. R. Fang, J, and Liu. Y of Cocaine and Its Hydrolysates in Per¬ ipheral Blood. Heart Blood. Vitreous Hu¬ Egli. N: see Neumann, C, Champod, C. Fang, YQ: see Sun. XM, Fang, YQ. Yun, mor and Urine. March. 421 Puch-Solis. R. Egli. N. Anthonioz. A. LB. Bai. P. Li. ZR, Zhang. J. Li. YB. Wu, Meuw'ly. D. and Bromage-Griftiths. A J. and Hou. YP Dudou. JA: see Kastowsky. TK. Steven¬ Eichmann, C: see Hellmann. AP. Rohle- son. MP. and Dullou, JA Fasola, M: see Czekanski, P. Fasola. M. der. U. Eichmann. C, Pfeiffer. I. Parson, and Allison, J Dujay, RC; see Kosanke. KL. Dujay. RC. W. and Schleenbecker, U and Kosanke. BJ Fawcett. WR: see Petrick, LM, Wilson. Kklektos, N, Dayal, MR, and Manger, TA. and Fawcett. WR Dunbar. J: PR: A Eorensic Case Study of a Naturally see Kuske. CR. Barns. SM. Grow. CC. Mummilied Brain from the Bushveld of Fedakar, R: see Durak. D. Fedakar. R. and Merrill. L. and Dunbar. J South Africa. May. 498 Turkmen, N see Merrill. L. Dunbar. J. Richardson. J. Ellinger. ER: see Frank. WE. Ellinger. Fedoroff. JP: see Booth, BD. Fedoroff. JP. and Kuske. CR ER. and Krishack. PA Curry, SD. and Douglass. AB Duncalf. N: see Bienvenue, JM, Dunealf. Emrich, CA: see Yeung. SHI, Green- Feng. S: see Ying. BW. Fan. H, Liu. TT. N. Marchiarullo. D. Ferrance. JP, and spoon. SA. McGuckian, A. Crouse, CA, Zhao. ZH. Liang, ZH, Feng. S. Yuan. WA. Landers. JP Emrich. CA. Ban. J. and Mathies. RA and Yun. LB Dunjic. D: see Puzovie. D, Dunjic. D. Entrala. C: see Martinez-Espin. E. Marti- Fernandez-Mestre, M, Alfonso-San- Popovie. B. Stojkovic, O. Novakovie. I. nez-Gonzalez. LJ. Eernandez-Rosado. E, chez, MA, (iendzekhadze, K, Layrisse, and Milasin. J Entrala. C. Alvarez. JC. Lorente. JA. Bu- Z, and Pena, .lA: Genetic Polymorphisms dowle. B. and de Monroy. MO Durak, I), Fedakar, K. and Turkmen, at Four STR Loci from the HLA Region in N: A Distant-Range. Suicidal Shotgun Entry. J: see Moreno. LI. Mills, DK. En¬ a Venezuelan Population. May. 703 Wound of the Back. Jan.. 131 try, J. Sautter. RT. and Mathee. K Fernandez-Rosado. F: see Martinez-Espin, Duray, SM and Martel, SS: A Quantita¬ Kpstein, BP: Prineiples of liloodsUiiii E. Martmez-Gonzalez. LJ. Eernandez-Ro¬ tive Method for Estimation of Volume Pattern Analysis: Theory and Analysis. sado, E. Entrala. C, Alvarez. JC. Lt)rente. Changes in Arachnoid Foveae with Age. March, 462 JA. Budowle. B. and de Monroy. MO March. 238 Erdberg. P: .s<r Young. MH. Justice, JV. Fernando, DM: see Gainsford. AR, Fer¬ Durina. JP: see Atwater. CS, Durina. MH. and Fadberg. P nando. DM. Lea. RA, and Stowell, AR Durina. JP. and Blackledge. RD Eriksson. A: see Lindstrdm, R. Bylund, P- Ferrance. JP: Durina. MH: see Atwater. CS. Durina, O. and Fa iksson. A see Bienvenue, JM. Duncalf. N. Marchiar¬ MH. Durina. JP. and Blackledge. RD Erlich. H: see Allen. M, Divne. A-M. ullo. D. Ferrance. JP. and l.anders. JP Durmic. A: see Maijanovic. D. Pojskic. N. Calloway. C. and Erlich. H see Voorhees, J. Ferrance. JP. and Landers. JP Davoren. J. Kovacevic. L. Durmic. A. Eroglu. A(i: see Karayel. F. Ozaslan, A. Bakal, N. Drobnic. K. Primorac. D. Skaro. Turan, A A. Pakis. I. Ketenci. C, and F’errante. L: see Cameriere R. Brogi. G. V. Bajrovic. K. and Hadziselimovic. R Eroglu. AG Ferrante, L. Mirtella. D. Vultaggio. C. Cingolani. M. and Fornaciari. Ci Dwyer, and Frierson, RL: The Pre¬ Estabrook. GF: see Rissech. C. Estabrt)ok. sence of Low IQ and Mental Retardation GF. Cunha. E, and Malgosa, ,A Ferri, (J, Bini, C, Ceceardi, S, Ingraval- Among Murder Defendants Referred for lo, F, Lugaresi, F, and Pelotti, S: Minis¬ Pretrial Evaluation. May. 678 F equencing-Based Genotyping of Duffy and ABO Blood Groups for Forensic Pur¬ Dyer, A(L Found, B, and Rogers, 1): Faekler, ML: Review of: Terminal Hal- poses. March, 3.37 Visual Attention and Expertise for Horen- li sties—A Text and Atlas of Ci an shot sic Signature Analysis. Nov.. 1397 Wounds. July. 960 Firrao, D, Matteis, P, Scavino, (J, llbcr- talli, (L lenco, MG, Pellati, G, Piccardo, Ealsetti. AB: see Schultz. JJ. Collins. ME. K and Ealsetti. AB P, Pinasco, MR, Stagno, F, Costanza, (L Montanari, R, Tata, MF, Brandimarte, Kekenrode, B.A, Ramsey, SA, Stockham, Fan. H: (J and Petralia, S: Metal Objects Map¬ RA, Van Berkel, (J.I, Asano, K(L and see Huang. J. Fan. H. Li. H. Jiang. F. and ping After Small Charge Explosions. A VVolf, DA: Performance Evaluation of the Ving. BW Study on AISI 304Cu Steel with Two Scent Transfer Unit"^’ (.STU-lOO) for Or¬ sw Ying. BW. Fan. H. Liu, TT. Zhao. ZH. Different Grain Sizes. May. .320 ganic Compound Collection and Release, Liang. ZH. Feng. S, Yuan., WA, and July. 780 Yun.^LB Fisher. A: see Adair. TW and Fisher. A AUTHOR INDEX 1457 Fleming, A: see Shewale. JG. Bhushan. A. Fukunishi. S: see Tamura, A. Iwata. M. Gino, S: see Robino. C. Barilaro, MR. Nasir. H. Schneida. E. Washington. B. Takase. 1. Miya/aki. T. Fukunishi. S. Gino. S. Chiarle. R, F’alestro. G, and Fleming. A. Sinha. SK. Gross. AM, Bu- Nishio. H, and Suzuki. K Torre. C dowle. B. and Sinha, SK Fuller. VM: see Allen, RW and Giocanti. D: see Pcdissier-Alicot. A-L. Flomenbaum. M: see Ferret. G, Abiidur- Fuller. VM Piercecchi-Marti. M-D. Bartoli. C. Kuhl- eheman. A. Perret-Catipovic, M, Flomen¬ mann. E. Coiffait, P-F. Sanvoisin, A, Gio¬ baum. M, and Harpe. RE G canti, D. and Leonetti. G Flynn, K, O’Leary, R, Roux, C, and (lUinstord, AR, Fernando. DM, Lea, Glas. W: Reedy, B.I: Forensic Analysis of Bicom¬ RA, and Stowell, AR: A Large-.Scale see Berger. CFFF, De Koeijer. JA. Glas. ponent Fibers Using Infrared Chemical Study of the Relationship Between Blood W. and Madhuizen, HT see de KcK'ijer, JA, Berger. CEH. Glas, W, Imaging. May. .S86 and Breath Alcohol Concentrations in and Madhuizen. FIT New Zealand Drinking Drivers, Jan.. 17.1 Fonseca. RFI: see Pampm. JB. Rivero. Giibel. T: see Kemkes. A and Gdbel. T SAG. Cepeda. XLO. Boquete. AV. Vila. Gao, S, VVu, W, Vun, LB, Li, VB, JF. and Fonseca, RH Zhang, L. .Rang, S, Wu, .1, Ye, Y, Luo. (JoFT, .AK and Reichard, R: A Soft-Tis¬ HB, and Hou, YP: Allele Frequencies for sue Calcitication: Differential Diagnosis Koran, DR: Relative Degradation of Nu¬ Three .STR Loci D.1S4.1.S1, DILS446.S, and Pathogenesis, .May. 493 clear and Mitochondrial DNA; An F^xperi- and D18S07.1 in Chinese Population. July. mental Approach, July, 766 Goldfeder. LB: see Gill. JR. Goldfeder. 9.^1 I.B. and Hirsch. CS Foran. DR: see Barber. AL and Foran. DR Ga»). S: see Ye. Y. Liu. L. Lim, HB. Gao. Golombeck. R: see Fgan. JM. Ricken- Fornaciari. G: see Cameriere. R. Brogi. G. S. Zhang. L. Miao. GH. Jiang. S. Zhang. J. bach. M. Mooney. KF. Palenik, CS. Go¬ Ferrante. L, Mirtella, D. Vultaggio. C. Hou, YP. and Li. Y lombeck. R. and Mueller. KT Cingolani. M. and Fornaciari. G Garagnani. L: see Silingardi. E. Rivasi, F. Gosset. F): see Tournel. G. Becart-Robert, Forrest. ARW; see Yorker. BC, Ki/er, .Santunione. AL. and Garagnani, L A. Courtin, P. Hedouin. V, and Gosset. D KW. Lampe, P. Forrest, ARW. l.annan. JM, and Russell, DA Garcia. O: Grant. PM: see Randich. F and Grant. PM see Monterrosa. JC. Morales. JA. and Found. B: see Dyer. AG. Found, B, and Green. RF.: see Mulero. JJ. Chang. CW. Garcui. O Rogers. D see Vargas, CL Castillo, A. Gil, AM, Pico. Calandro, F.M, Green. RL. Li. Y. Johnson, CF.. and Hennessy. F.K Fowler. DR: AL. and Garcia. O see Chu. AY, Ripple, MG. Allan. CH. Garofano. L: see .Senin. N. Groppetti. R, Greenspoon. SA: see Yeung. SHI. Green- spoon. SA. McGuckian. A. Crouse. CA. Thogmartin, JR. and Fowler. DR Garofano. L. Fratini. P. and Pierni. M Emrich. CA. Ban, J. and Mathies. RA see Vreman. HJ, Wong. RJ, Stevenson. DK. Smialek. JF, F-owler. DR. Li. L. (larside, D, Ropero-Miller, .|D, and Rie- Groppetti;. R: see Senin. N. Groppetti. R. Vigorito. RD. and Zielke. HR mer, EC: Postmortem Tissue Distribution Garofano. L. Fratini. P. and Pierni. M of Atomoxetine F'ollow ing Fatal and Non- Francis. PS: see Agg. KM. Craddt)ck. AF. (Jrnss, AM and Bud<»wle, B: Minnesota fatal Doses—Three Case Reports. Jan.. Bos. R. Francis. PS. Lewis. SW. and Population F7ata on L'^ STR Lwi Using 179 Barnett. NW the Identililer'' Kit. Nov.. 1410 Gasior. M: see Baraybar. JP and Gasior. M Frank, \VF^, Kllinger, KR, and (iross, ,VM, Berdns, I’, and Ballantyne, Krishack, PA: Y Chromosome STR Hap- Gendzekhad/e. K: see F'ernandez-Mestre. .1: Y-STR Concordance Study Between lotypes and Allele Frequencies in Illinois M, Alfonso-Sanchez. MA. Gendzekhadze. Y-Plex'''5. Y-Plex'''6. Y-Plex'’''l2. Caucasian. African American, and Hispa¬ K. F^ayrisse. Z, and Pena. JA Powerplex " Y. Y-Filer'MPl. and MPIL nic Males, Sept.. 1207 Nov.. 1423 Gengqian. Z: see Jing, J. FJin, Z. Zhihui. Fratini. I’: see Senin. N. Groppetti. R, Y. Gengqian. Z. and Fan. Z Gross. AM: see Shewale. JG. Bhushan. A. Garofano. L,_Fratini. P, and Pierni, M Nasir. H. .Schneida. E. Washington, B. (ihosh, A and Seshadri.M: Allelic Var¬ Fleming. A, Sinha, SK. Gross. AM, Bu- Freeborough. K: see Rawlins. BCi. Kemp. iation at ACTBP2 Microsatellite for Two dowle. B. and Sinha, SK SJ, Hodgkinson. FH. Riding. JB. Vane. Indian Tribal Groups, July. 947 Grosskopf. B: see Martiniakova. M. CH. Poulton, C. and Freeborough, K Gil. AM: see Vargas. CL Castillo. A. Gil. Grosskopf. B. Omelka. R. Vondrakova. Fremouw, W: see McCoy, K, Fremouw, AM, I’ico. AL. and Garcia. O .M. and Bauerova, M W. Tyner. F. Clegg. C. Johansson-Love. J, (;ill, .IR, (ioldFeder, LB, and Hirsch, Grossweiler. l.F^: see Kokoszka. JF. Cline, and Strunk. J CS: Use of "Therapeutic Complication" RF, F.eisy. C, Grossweiler. LL. and Frierson. RL: see Dwyer. RG and I'rier- as a Manner of Death. .Sept.. 1127 Word. CJ son. RL (Rll-King. H: Review of: Forensic Re¬ (Jrnve, .\A, Rohwer, HR. Laurens, .IB, Fujitani. N: see Kido. A. Fujitani, N, Hara. covery of Hiinuin Remains: Archaeologi¬ and Vorster, BC: The Analysis of Illicit M. and Kimura. H cal Approaches. Nov.. 1449 Methaqualone Containing Preparations by 1458 JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Harvey, LM, Harvey, SJ, Horn, M, Per- Tandem Repeat Loei in the Barbadian for Forensic Purposes. March. 376 na. A, and Salih, .1: The Use of Blood¬ Population. March, 440 hounds in Determining the Impact of Grow. CC: see Kuske, CR. Barns. SM, Herbison, P: see Kieser. JA. Laing. W. and Genetics and the Environment on the Ex¬ Grow. CC. Merrill. L. and Dunbar. J Herbison. P pression of Human Odortype, Sept.. 1109 (iullherg. R(il and Logan, BK: Results of Hernan, JM: see Perry. PJ, Argo. TR. Harvey. SJ: see Harvey. LM, Harvey, SJ, a Proposed Breath Alcohol Proficiency Barnett, MJ. Liesveld. JL, Liskow. B, Horn. M. Perna. A, and Salih. J Test Program. Jan.. 168 Hernan. JM. Trnka. MG. and Brabson, MA Haslindawaty, N: see Tuladhar, BS. Ha- (lupta, SK, Thangaraj, K, and Singh, L: slindawaty. N. Nada. B. Panneerchelvam. Hershkovitz. I: see Dar. G and Hershko- A Simple and Inexpensive Molecular S. and Norazmi, MN vitz, 1 Method for Sexing and Identification of the Forensic Samples of Elephant Origin. Havrilla. GJ: see Worley. CG. Wiltshire. Hibbert. DB: see Collins. M. Casale, E. July. 805 SS. Miller. TC, Havrilla. GJ. and Hibbert, DB. Panicker. S, Robertson, J. Majidi. V and Vujic. S Gusmao. L: see Mulero. JJ. Budowle. B. Butler. JM. and Gusmao. L Hayakawa, M: see Motani, H. Sakurada. Hickey. JA: see Horsman, KM, Hickey. K, Akutsu. T. Ikegaya. H, Hayakawa. M, JA. Cotton, RW. Landers. JP. and Mad¬ H Sato. Y. Yajima. D. Sato. K, Kobayashi, dox. LO K, and Iwase. H Flabermann. N: see Briken. P. Habermann; Hicks, AE: Commentary On: Saks MJ. N. Kafka. Mf\ Berner. W. and Flill. A Hays. P: see Lurie. 1. Hays. P, and Valen¬ VanderHaar H. On the “General Accep¬ tino, A tance" of Handwriting Identification Prin¬ Haden. K: see Ta'ala. SC. Berg. GE. and ciples. J Forensic Sci 2005;5()( 1): 1 19-26.. Haden. K Hays. PA: see Toske. SG. Cooper, SD. Morello. DR. Hays. PA. Casale. JE. and March. 430 Hadziselimovic. R: see Marjanovic. D. Pojskic. N. Davoren. J. Kovacevic. L. Casale. E Hill, A: Durmic. A. Bakal. N. Drobnic. K. Primor- He. Y: see Blau. S, Hill. A. Briggs. CA. and ac. D. .Skaro. V. Bajrovic. K. and Hadzi¬ see Chen. L. He. Y. and Li. S Cordner, SM selimovic. R see Zhu. B. Deng. Y. Zhang, E. Wei, W. see Briken. P. Habermann. N. KalLa. MP, Chen. L. Zhao. J. He. Y. Tian. Y. Xu. Y. Berner. W. and Hill, A Hagimoto, V and Yamamoto, H: Analy¬ Yu. R. Fang. J. and Liu. Y sis of a Soldered Wire Burnt in a Fire. Hillier. C: see Horton, BP. Boreham. S. Jan.. 87 Heath, LE and Saunders, VA: Assessing and Hillier. C the Potential of Bacterial DNA Profiling Hammer, MF: see Redd, AJ. Chamberlain. Hino. D: see Morikawa. T, Nakaki. S-i. for Forensic Soil Comparisons. Sept.. VF. Kearney, VF. Stover. D. Karafet. T. Moriyoshi. H. Nakayama. H, Hino. D. 1062 Calderon, K. Walsh. B. and Hammer. MF Miyoshi. M. and Itohara, K Hedouin. V: see Tournel. G. Becart-Ro- Han. K-H; see Kim. D-1. Lee. U-Y. Park. Hirsch. CS: see Gill. JR. Goldfeder. LB, bert. A. Courtin. P. Hedouin. V, and Gos- D-K. Kim. Y-S. Han. K-H. Kim. K-H. and and Hirsch. CS set. D Han. S-H Hodgkinson, EH: see Rawlins. BG. Kemp. Hellmann, AP, Kohleder, U, Eichmann, Han. S-H: C, Pfeiffer, I, Parson, W, and Schleen- SJ. Hodgkinson. EH. Riding, JB. Vane, ,vcc Hu. K-S. Koh. K-S. Han. S-H. Shin. becker, U: A Proposal for Standardization CH. Poulton, C. and Ereeborough. K K-J. and Kim. H-J in Forensic Canine DNA Typing: Allele see Kim. D-l, Lee, U-Y. Park. D-K. Kim. Holland. CA: Melton. T. Holland. CA. Nomenclature of Six Canine-Specific STR Y-S. Han. K-H. Kim, K-H. and Han. S-H and Nelson. K Loci, March, 274 Hanson, KK, Berdos, PN, and Ballan- Horn. M: see Harvey. LM. Harvey. SJ. Henke, i: see Henke. L and Henke. J tyne, .1: Testing and Evaluation of 43 Horn, M. Perna. A. and Salib. J "Noncore" Y Chromosome Markers for Henke, L and Henke, .1: Supplemented Hornsby. BM: see Craig. CL. Hornsby. Eorensic Casework Applications. Nov.. Data on Mutation Rates in 33 Autosomal BM. and Riles. M 1298 Short Tandem Repeat Polymorphisms. March. 446 Horsman, KM, Hickey, .|A, Cotton, Hara. M: see Kido. A, Eujitani, N. Hara, RVV, Landers, .IP, and Madd(tx, LO: M. and Kimura. H Hennessy. LK: Development of a Human-Specific Real- see Chang. C-W, Mulero. JJ. Budowle. B. Harding, BE and Wolf, BC: Alligator Time PCR Assay for the Simultaneous Calandro. LM. and Hennessy. LK Attacks in Southwest Florida. May, 674 see Mulero. JJ. Chang. CW. and Hen¬ Quantitation of Total Genomic and Male Hardy, WR: see Kishore, R, Hardy. WR. nessy. LK DNA. July. 758 Anderson, VJ. Sanchez. NA. and Buon- see Muleri). JJ, Chang, CW. Calandro. Horton, BP, Boreham, S, and Hillier, C: cristiani. MR LM. Green, RL. Li. Y. Johnson. CL. and The Development and Application of a Hennessy. LK Harpe, RL: see Perret. G. Abudureheman. Diatom-Based Quantitative Reconstruc¬ A, Perret-Catipovic. M. Flomenbaum. M. Henry, R-AC, Alleyne, LFi,^ and Bu¬ tion Technique in Forensic Science. and Harpe. RL dowle, B: Population Data on Eight Short May. 643 AUTHOR INDEX 1459 Hou, Y: leneo. MG: see Firrao, D. Matteis. P. Jensen. CG: see Paterson. SK. Jensen. CG, see Jiang, S, Wii, W, Yim. L, Bai, P. Hu. J. Seavino. G. Ubertalli. G. leneo. MG. Pel- Vintiner. SK. and McGlashan, SR Liu, L. Luo, H. Wu. J. Li. Y. and Hou. Y lati. G. Pieeardo, P. Pinaseo. MR, Stagno. Jia. J: see Tian. L. Bai. P. Song. XH. Jia. J. see Ran. P, Zhang. B. Zhou. B. Bai, P, E. Costanza. G. Montanari. R. Tata. ME, Yuan. WA. Yun, LB. Zhang. J. Wu. J, and Zhou. X. Chen, K. Li. Y. Hou. Y. and Brandimarte, G and Petralia. S Li. YB Wu. J Ikegaya. H: see Motani, H. Sakurada. K. Jiang. F: see Huang. J, Fan, H. Li. H, Hou, YP: Akutsu. T. Ikegaya. H, Hayakawa, M. Jiang. F. and Ying. BW see Gao. S, Wu, W, Yun. LB. Li. YB. Sato. Y. Yajima. D, Sato. K, Kobayashi. Zhang. L. Jiang. S. Wu, J, Ye. Y. Luo. HB. K. and Iwase. H Jiang, S, Wu, W, Yun, L, Bai, P, Hu, and Hou, YP J, lJu, I., Luo, H, Wu, J, Li, Y, and Ingravallo. F: see Ferri. G. Bini. C. Cee- see Sun. XM. Fang, YQ, Yun. LB. Bai, P, eardi. S. Ingravallo. F. Lugaresi. F. and Hou, Y: Distribution of D9S2L5(). Li. ZR. Zhang. J. Li. YB. Wu. J. and Pelotti. S GATA164F()7. and D1()S2469 Alleles Hou, YP in a Chinese Population Sample. March. see Wu, W. Jiang. S, Yun. LB. Liu. L. Bai. Itohara, K: see Morikawa. T. Nakaki. S-i. 448 P, Yan. J. Zhang. J. Li. YB. Wu. J. and Moriyoshi. H, Nakayama. H. Hino. D. Hou, YP Miyoshi. M. and Itohara, K Jiang. S: see Ye. Y. Liu. L. Luo. HB. Gao, S, see Gao. S. Wu. W. Yun, LB. Li, YB. Iwase. H: see Motani. H. Sakurada, K, Zhang, L, Miao. GH. Jiang. S. Zhang, J. Zhang. L. Jiang. S. Wu. J. Ye. Y. Luo. HB, Akutsu, T. Ikegaya. H. Hayakawa. M. Hou.Vp. and Li. Y and Hou. YP Sato. Y. Yajima. D. Sato. K. Kobayashi. see Wu. W. Jiang, S. Yun, LB. Liu. L. Bai. Houck, MM: Review of; Forensic K. and Iwase. H P. Yan. J. Zhang. J, Li. YB. Wu. J. and Science: An Introclnction to Scientific Iwata. M: see Tamura. A. Iwata. M. Ta- Hou. YP and investigative Techniques, (Second kase. I, Miyazaki, T. Fukunishi. S, Nishio. see Ye. Y. Liu. L. Luo. HB. Gao. S. Edition). Jan.. 205 H. and Suzuki, K Zhang. L. Miao. GH, Jiang, S, Zhang, J. Hsiao. C-T: see Hsieh. H-M, Huang. L-H. Hou. YP. and Li. Y Tsai. L-C, Liu. C-L. Kuo. Y-C. Hsiao. C- .1 .ling, J, Bin, Z, Zhihui. Y, (kmgqian. Z, T. Linaere. A. and Lee. JC-I Jaekiw. JJ: see Petraeo. NDK. Proni, G. and Lin. Z: Allele Frequency of Hsieh, H-M, Huang, L-H, Tsai, L-C, Jaekiw. JJ. and Sapse. A-M DI3S1491 and D16S768 in Two Popula¬ Liu, C-l>, Kuo, Y-C, Hsiao, C-T, Li- tions. Sept.. 1202 .lackowski, C, Bolliger, S, Aghayev, E, nacre. A, and Lee, .IC-I: Species Identi- Christe, A, Kilchoer, T, Aehi, B, Pcri- Johansson-Love. J: see .VlcCoy. K. Fre- lication of Kachnga tecta Using the nat, T, Dirnhofer, R, and Thali, M.I: mouw. W. Tyner. E. Clegg. C. Johansson- Cytochrome b Gene. Jan.. 52 Reduction of Postmortem Angiography- Love. J. and Strunk, J Hu. J: see Jiang. S, W'u. W. Yun. L. Bai. P,. Indueed Tissue Edema by Using Polyethy¬ Jt)hnson, CL; see Mulero. JJ. Chang. CW'. Hu. J, Liu, L. Luo, H. Wu. J. Li. Y. and lene Glycol as a Contrast Agent Dissolver. Calandro. LM. Green. RL. Li. Y. Johnson, Hou. Y Sept.. 1134 CL. and Hennessy. LK Hu, K-S, Koh, K-S, Han, S-H, Shin, K- Jaekowski. C: see Thali. MJ. Markwalder. Joling, R.I: Re\ iew of; How to Become a .1, and Kim, H-.I: Sex Determination T. Jaekowski. C. Sonnensehein, .M. and Dangerous Expert Witness: Advanced Using Nonmetrie Characteristics of the Dirnhofer, R Mandible in Koreans. Nov.. 1376 Techniques and Strate{>ies. July. 955 Jackson. DS. Crockett, DF, and Wolnik. Huang, ,1, Fan, H, Li, H, ,|iang, F, and KA: The Indirect Detection of Bleach Jones, RW, Cody, RB, and McClelland. Ying, BVV: Population Genetics for Five (Sodium Hypochlorite) in Beverages as .IF: Differentiating Writing Inks Using STR Loci in Tibetan Group of Chinese Evidence of Product Tampering, July, 827 Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spec¬ Population. May. 697 trometry. July. 915 Jackson. CiP: see Collin. OL. Niegel. C. Huang. L-H: see Hsieh. H-M. Huang. L- DeRhodes. KE. McCord. BR. and Jack- Jonquera. HG: see Cifuentes. LO. Marti'- H. Tsai. L-C. Liu. C-L. Kuo. Y-C. Hsiao. son. GP nez. EH. Acuna. MP. and Jonquera. HG C-T. Linaere. A. and Lee. JC-I Jacobs. W: see Mertens. G. Jehaes. E. Justice. JV: see Young. MH, Justice. JV. Hunsaker. DM: see Shields, LBE. Hunsa- Rand. S. Brussel. KV. Jacobs. W. and and Erdberg. P ker. DM. and Hunsaker. JC Marck, EV K Hunsaker. JC: see Shields. LBE, Hunsa¬ Jantz. LM: see Opel. KL. Chung. DT. ker. DM. and Hunsaker. JC Drabek. J. Tatarek. NE. Jantz. LM. and Kafka. MP: see Briken. P. Habermann, N, McCord. BR Katka. .MP, Berner. W. and Hill. A Husted. DS: see Myers. WC. Husted. DS. Safarik. ME. and OToole. ME Jarde. O: see Chatelain. D. Manaouil. C. Karafet. T: see Redd. AJ. Chamberlain. Marc. B. Ricard. J. Brevet. M, Montpel¬ VF. Kearney. VF. Stiiver. D, Karafet. T. 1 lier. D. Defouilloy. C. and Jarde. O Calderon. K. Walsh, B, and Hammer. MF laeovaeei. G: see Berti. A. Barni. F. Vir- Jehaes. E: see Mertens. G. Jehaes. E. Kuraman. F: Use of Diagonal Teeth gili. A. D'Errieo. G. Rapone. C, laeovaeei. Rand. S. Brussel. KV. Jacobs. W. and Measurements in Predicting Gender in a G. and Lago. G Marck. EV Turkish Population. May. 6.30 1460 JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES Karayel, F, Ozaslan, A, Turan, AA, parative Dental Analysis Following the Contemporary Forensic Collections: Im¬ Pakis, I, Ketenci, C, and Erojjlu, AG: South Asian Tsunami of 2004. Jan.. 109 plications for Identification. Sept.. 974 Sudden Death in Inl'aney due to Bieuspid Kilchoer. T: see Jackowski. C. Bolliger, S. Kondratieff, BC: see Adair, TW and Kon- Aortie Valve. Sept.. I 147 Aghayev. E. Christe. A. Kilchoer. T. Aebi. dratieff. BC Karayel. F; see Pakis. 1. Akyildiz. EU. B. Perinat. T. Dirnhofer. R. and Thali. MJ Konings. M: see Maharajh, HD and Kon- Karayel. F. Turan. A A. Senel. B. Ozbay. Kim, I)-l, Lee, U-Y, Park, D-K, Kim, Y- ings, M M. and Cetin. G S, Han, K-H, Kim, K-H, and Han, S-H: Kontanis, EJ and Reed, FX: Evaluation Kashyap. VK; see Singh. A. Trivedi. R. Morphometries of the Hyoid Bone for of Real-Time PCR Amplification Efficien¬ and Kashyap. VK Human Sex Determination from Digital cies to Detect PCR Inhibitors, July. 795 Photographs, Sept.. 979 Kastowsky, TK, Stevenson. MP, and Kopchick, KA and Bommarito, CR: Kim. H-J: see Hu. K-S. Koh, K-S, Han. S- DiiHou, .lA: Sudden Death from Saeeular Color Analysis of Apparently Achromatic H. Shin. K-J. and Kim, H-J Laryngeal Cyst. Sept.. 1 144 Automotive Paints by Visible Microspec¬ Kim. K-H: .see Kim. D-1. Lee. U-Y, Park, trophotometry. March. 340 Katsumata. Y: see Ohtaki. H. Yamamoto. D-K. Kim. Y-S. Han. K-H, Kim, K-H. and T. Yoshikawa. S. Yoshimoto. T. Uehihi. Kosanke. BJ: see Kosanke. KL. Dujay. Han. S-H R. and Katsumata. Y RC. and Kosanke. BJ Kim. Y-S: see Kim. D-l. Lee. U-Y. Park, Keagy. RL: see Bradley. MJ. Keagy. RL. Kosanke, KL, Dujay, RC, and Kosanke, D-K. Kim, Y-S. Han. K-H, Kim. K-H.,and Lowe. PC. Riekenbaeh. MP. Wright. DM. BJ: Pyrotechnic Reaction Residue Particle Han. S-H and LeBeau. MA Analysis, March. 296 Kimura. H: see Kido, A. Fujitani. N. Hara. Kearney. VF: see Redd. AJ. Chamberlain. Kovacevic. L: see Marjanovic. D, Pojskic. M. and Kimura. H VF. Kearney. VF. Stover. D. Karafet. T. N. Davoren. J, Kovacevic, L, Durmic. A. Calderon. K. Walsh. B. and Flammer. MF Kinard, WF: Review of: Niielear Foren¬ Bakal. N. Drobnic. K, Primorac. D. .Skaro. sic Analysis. Jan.. 203 V, Bajrovic, K. and Hadziselimovic. R Kebede. E: .see De Koek. A and Kebede. E Kirkpatrick. R: see Baldridge. RS, Wal¬ Krell, WS: see Pasquale-Styles. MA. So- Kenikes, A and (»dbel, T: Metrie Assess¬ lace. SG. and Kirkpatrick. R chaski. MA. Dorman. DC. Krell. WS. ment of the "Mastoid Triangle" for Sex Shah. AK. and Schmidt. CJ Determination: A Validation Study. Sept.. Kishore, R, Hardy, VVR, Anderson, VJ, 985 Sanchez, NA, and Buoncristiani, MR: Krishack. PA: see Frank, WE, Ellinger. Optimization of DNA Extraction from ER, and Krishack. PA Kemp. SJ: see Rawlins. BG. Kemp. .SJ. Low-Yield and Degraded Samples Using Hodgkinson. EH. Riding. JB. Vane. CH. the BioRobot" EZl and BioRobot" M48. Kristensen, MF^, Lynnerup, N, and Sejr- sen, B: Comparison of Handmarks in Poulton. C. and Freeborough. K Sept.. 1055 Manual Strangulation: An Experimental Kent. T: .see Croxton. RS. Baron. MG. Kizer. KW: see Yorker, BC. Kizer. KW, Study, March. 381 Butler. D. Kent. T. and Sears. VG Lampe. P. Forrest. ARW, Lannan. JM, and Kuhimann, E: see Pelissier-Alicot. A-L, Russell, DA Kerrigan. S: see Crandall. CS. Kerrigan. S. Piercecchi-Marti. M-D, Bartoli, C. Kuhi¬ Blau. REA. LaValley. J. Zumwalt. R. and Knaepen. K: see Deeorte. R, Verhoeven, mann. E, Coiffait. P-E. Sanvoisin, A. Gio- MeKinney. PE E. Vanhoutte. E. Knaepen. K. and Cassi- canti. D. and Leonetti, G man. J-J Ketenei. C: see Karayel. F. Ozaslan. A. Kuo. Y-C: see Hsieh. H-M. Huang, L-H. Turan. AA. Pakis. I. Ketenei. C. and Knops, LA, Northrop, DM, and Person, Tsai. L-C, Liu, C-L. Kuo. Y-C. Hsiao. C- Eroglu. AG FX: Capillary Electrophoretic Analysis of T. Linacre. A, and Lee. JC-1 Phosphorus Species in Clandestine Keyser-Traequi. C: see Theves. C. Key- Kuske, CR, Barns, SM, (Jrow, CC, Methamphetamine Laboratory Samples. ser-Traequi. C. Crubezy. E. Salles. J-P. Merrill, L, and Dunbar, J: Environmen¬ Jan.. 82 Ludes. B. and Telmon. N tal Survey for Four Pathogenic Bacteria Kobayashi. K: see Motani. H. Sakurada. and Closely Related Species Using Phylo¬ Khan, F, Pandey, A, Bisen, PS, and K, Akutsu. T. Ikegaya, H. Hayakawa. M. genetic and Functional Genes. May. 548 Agrawal, S: Allele Erequeney Profile of Sato. Y. Yajima. D. Sato. K, Kobayashi. Three STR Loei in Nine North Indian K. and Iwase. H Kuske. CR: see Merrill, L. Dunbar, J. Populations. May. 706 Richardson. J and Kuske. CR Koh, K-S: .see Hu. K-S. Koh, K-S. Han, S- Kido, A, Fujitani, N, Hara, M, and H. Shin, K-J. and Kim. H-J Kimiira, H: Genetie Data of 16 Y-Chro- mosomal Short Tandem Repeat Loei in Kokoszka, .IF, CHne, RFL Leisy, C, Lago, G: (irossweiler, LL, and Word, C.I: The .see Barni. F. Berti. A. Rapone. C. and Afrieans from South Afriea. Nov.. 1414 Successful DNA Typing of Samples Fol¬ Lago. G Kieekhoefer. H: see Alberink. IB. Ruifrok. lowing a Thermal Cycler Power Loss. see Berti, A. Barni, F. Virgili. A. D'Errico. ACC. and Kieekhoefer. H Sept.. 1074 G. Rapone. C. lacovacci. G. and Lago. G Kieser, ,IA, I.aing, W, and Herbison, P: Komar, I) and Lathrop, S: Frequencies Lahr, MB and Rosenberg, KD: Com¬ Lessons Learned from Large-scale Com¬ of Morphological Characteristics in Two mentary On: Alexander.RT. Radisch D.

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