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JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS VOLUME 562 10 SEPTEMBER 2006 INDEX Ablowitz, M. J., Fokas, A. S. & Musslimani, Z. H. On a new non-local formulation of water waves, 313-343 Bellet, F., Godeferd, F. S., Scott, J. F. & Cambon, C. Wave turbulence in rapidly rotating flows, 83-121 Boersma, B. J. See Breugem, Boersma & Uittenbogaard Breugem, W. P., Boersma, B. J. & Uittenbogaard, R. E. The influence of wall permeability on turbulent channel flow, 35-72 Buldakov, E. V., Taylor, P. H. & Eatock Taylor, R. New asymptotic description of nonlinear water waves in Lagrangian coordinates, 431-444 Cabot, W. See Oberlack, Cabot, Pettersson Reif & Weller Cambon, C. See Bellet, Godeferd, Scott & Cambon Chen, J., Meneveau, C. & Katz, J. Scale interactions of turbulence subjected to a straining relaxation—destraining cycle, 123-150 Chumakoy, S. G. Statistics of subgrid-scale stress states in homogeneous isotropic turbulence, 405-414 Clark, R. P. & Smits, A. J. Thrust production and wake structure of a batoid-inspired oscillating fin, 415-429 Eatock Taylor, R. See Buldakov, Taylor & Eatock Taylor Fokas, A. S. See Ablowitz, Fokas & Musslimani Gao, P. & Lu, X.-Y. Effect of surfactants on the long-wave stability of oscillatory film flow, 345-354 Giacomazzo, B. & Rezzolla, L. The exact solution of the Riemann problem in relativistic magnetohydrodynamics, 223-259 Godeferd, F. S. See Bellet, Godeferd, Scott & Cambon Gordillo, J. M. & Pérez-Saborid, M. Axisymmetric breakup of bubbles at high Reynolds numbers, 303-312 Hammerton, P. W. See Turner & Hammerton Hogg, A. J. See Mathunjwa & Hogg Homsy, G. M. See Siddavaram & Homsy Katz, J. See Chen, Meneveau & Katz Lu, X.-Y. See Gao & Lu Manneville, P. See Scheid, Ruyer-Quil & Manneville Matar, O. K. See Zadrazil, Stepanek & Matar Mathunjwa, J. S. & Hogg, A. J. Stability of gravity currents generated by finite-volume releases, 261-278 Meneveau, C. See Chen, Meneveau & Katz Musslimani, Z. H. See Ablowitz, Fokas & Musslimani Oberlack, M., Cabot, W., Pettersson Reif, B. A. & Weller, T. Group analysis, direct numerical simulation and modelling of a turbulent channel flow with streamwise rotation, 383-403 O’Dea, R. D. & Waters, S. L. Flow and solute uptake in a twisting tube, 173-182 Pérez-Saborid, M. See Gordillo & Pérez-Saborid Pettersson Reif, B. A. See Oberlack, Cabot, Pettersson Reif & Weller JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS VOLUME 562 10 SEPTEMBER 2006 INDEX Ablowitz, M. J., Fokas, A. S. & Musslimani, Z. H. On a new non-local formulation of water waves, 313-343 Bellet, F., Godeferd, F. S., Scott, J. F. & Cambon, C. Wave turbulence in rapidly rotating flows, 83-121 Boersma, B. J. See Breugem, Boersma & Uittenbogaard Breugem, W. P., Boersma, B. J. & Uittenbogaard, R. E. The influence of wall permeability on turbulent channel flow, 35-72 Buldakov, E. V., Taylor, P. H. & Eatock Taylor, R. New asymptotic description of nonlinear water waves in Lagrangian coordinates, 431-444 Cabot, W. See Oberlack, Cabot, Pettersson Reif & Weller Cambon, C. See Bellet, Godeferd, Scott & Cambon Chen, J., Meneveau, C. & Katz, J. Scale interactions of turbulence subjected to a straining relaxation—destraining cycle, 123-150 Chumakoy, S. G. Statistics of subgrid-scale stress states in homogeneous isotropic turbulence, 405-414 Clark, R. P. & Smits, A. J. Thrust production and wake structure of a batoid-inspired oscillating fin, 415-429 Eatock Taylor, R. See Buldakov, Taylor & Eatock Taylor Fokas, A. S. See Ablowitz, Fokas & Musslimani Gao, P. & Lu, X.-Y. Effect of surfactants on the long-wave stability of oscillatory film flow, 345-354 Giacomazzo, B. & Rezzolla, L. The exact solution of the Riemann problem in relativistic magnetohydrodynamics, 223-259 Godeferd, F. S. See Bellet, Godeferd, Scott & Cambon Gordillo, J. M. & Pérez-Saborid, M. Axisymmetric breakup of bubbles at high Reynolds numbers, 303-312 Hammerton, P. W. See Turner & Hammerton Hogg, A. J. See Mathunjwa & Hogg Homsy, G. M. See Siddavaram & Homsy Katz, J. See Chen, Meneveau & Katz Lu, X.-Y. See Gao & Lu Manneville, P. See Scheid, Ruyer-Quil & Manneville Matar, O. K. See Zadrazil, Stepanek & Matar Mathunjwa, J. S. & Hogg, A. J. Stability of gravity currents generated by finite-volume releases, 261-278 Meneveau, C. See Chen, Meneveau & Katz Musslimani, Z. H. See Ablowitz, Fokas & Musslimani Oberlack, M., Cabot, W., Pettersson Reif, B. A. & Weller, T. Group analysis, direct numerical simulation and modelling of a turbulent channel flow with streamwise rotation, 383-403 O’Dea, R. D. & Waters, S. L. Flow and solute uptake in a twisting tube, 173-182 Pérez-Saborid, M. See Gordillo & Pérez-Saborid Pettersson Reif, B. A. See Oberlack, Cabot, Pettersson Reif & Weller Index 477 Porter, D. See Porter & Porter Porter, R. & Porter, D. Approximations to the scattering of water waves by steep topography, 279-302 Rezzolla, L. See Giacomazzo & Rezzolla Ruyer-Quil, C. See Scheid, Ruyer-Quil & Manneville Scheid, B., Ruyer-Quil, C. & Manneville, P. Wave patterns in film flows: modelling and three- dimensional waves, 183-222 Scott, J. F. See Bellet, Godeferd, Scott & Cambon Siddavaram, V. K. & Homsy, G. M. The effects of gravity modulation on fluid mixing. Part 1. Harmonic modulation, 445-475 Smits, A. J. See Clark & Smits Stepanek, F. See Zadrazil, Stepanek & Matar Taylor, P. H. See Buldakov, Taylor & Eatock Taylor Turner, M. R. & Hammerton, P. W. Asymptotic receptivity analysis and the parabolized stability equation: a combined approach to boundary layer transition, 355-381 Uittenbogaard, R. E. See Breugem, Boersma & Uittenbogaard Viudez, A. Spiral patterns of inertia-gravity waves in geophysical flows, 73-82 Waters, S. L. See O'Dea & Waters Weller, T. See Oberlack, Cabot, Pettersson Reif & Weller Zadrazil, A., Stepanek, F. & Matar, O. K. Droplet spreading, imbibition and solidification on porous media, 1—33 Zannetti, L. Vortex equilibrium in flows past bluff bodies, 151-171 Journal of Fluid Mechanics Volume 562 10 September 2006 A. Zadrazil, F. Stepanek Droplet spreading, imbibition and solidification on porous media & O. K. Matar W. P. Breugem, B. J. Boersma The influence of wall permeability on turbulent channel flow & R. E. Uittenbogaard A. Vitidez Spiral patterns of inertia—gravity waves in geophysical flows F. Bellet, F. S. Godeferd, Wave turbulence in rapidly rotating flows J. F. Scott & C. Cambon J. Chen, C. Meneveau Scale interactions of turbulence subjected to a straining—relaxation & J. Katz destraining cycle L. Zannetti Vortex equilibrium in flows past bluff bodies R. D. O'Dea & S. L. Waters Flow and solute uptake in a twisting tube B. Scheid, C. Ruyer-Quil Wave patterns in film flows: modelling and three-dimensional waves & P. Manneville B. Giacomazzo & L. Rezzolla The exact solution of the Riemann problem in relativistic magnetohydrodynamics J.S. Mathunjwa & A. J. Hogg Stability of gravity currents generated by finite-volume releases R. Porter & D. Porter Approximations to the scattering of water waves by steep topography J. M. Gordillo Axisymmetric breakup of bubbles at high Reynolds numbers & M. Pérez-Saborid M. J. Ablowitz, A. S. Fokas On a new non-local formulation of water waves & Z. H. Musslimani P. Gao & X.-Y. Lu Effect of surfactants on the long-wave stability of oscillatory film flow M. R. Turner Asymptotic receptivity analysis and the parabolized stability equation: & P. W. Hammerton a combined approach to boundary layer transition M. Oberlack, W. Cabot, Group analysis, direct numerical simulation and modelling of a turbulent B. A. Pettersson Reif channel flow with streamwise rotation & T. Weller S. G. Chumakov Statistics of subgrid-scale stress states in homogeneous isotropic turbulence R. P. Clark & A. J. Smits Thrust production and wake structure of a batoid-inspired oscillating fin 415 E. V. Buldakov, P. H. Taylor New asymptotic description of nonlinear water waves in Lagrangian & R. Eatock Taylor coordinates 43] V. K. Siddavaram The effects of gravity modulation on fluid mixing. Part |. Harmonic & G. M. Homsy modulation INDEX TO VOLUME 5 Phe Journal of Fluid Mechanics now accepts submissions via Manuscript Central Go to http://www.jfm.damtp.cam.ac.uk/ as an author Cambridge Journals Online CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS http://www.journals.cambridge.org/jid_flm

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