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February 1995 Vol 49 No 1 In this volume — In this number Editorial Health promotion: shades of Lewis Carroll C Kelleher Epidemiology Adult height and mortality in London: early life, socioeconomic confounding, or shrinkage DA Leon, G Davey Smith, M Shipley, D Strachan Childhood socioeconomic status and risk of cardiovascular disease in middle aged US women: a prospective study M D Gliksman, | Kawachi, D Hunter, G A Colditz, J E Manson, M J Stampfer, F E Speizer, W C Willett, CH Hennekens Ischaemic heart disease: trends in mortality in Hong Kong, 1970-89 T S Yu, S L Wong, T W Wong Extreme obesity: sociodemographic, familial, and behavioural correlates in The Netherlands M P Merkus, L M R Mathus-Vliegen, C Broekhoff, A M P Heijnen Social class and preventive health behaviour: a British example R Pill, T J Peters, M R Robling Birth weight and special educational needs: effects of an increase in the survival of very low apy eae infants in London S T Kempley, F S Diffley, G Ruiz, D Lowe, B G Evans, H R Gamsu Low birth weight in Spain associated with sociodemographic factors C Rodriquez, E Regidor, J L Gutiérrez-Fisac Disability: use of an independent living fund in south east London and user’s views about the system of cash versus care provision Y Doyle Work characteristics and psychiatric disorder in civil servants in London S A Stansfield, F M North, | White, M G Marmot Opiates or cocaine: mortality from acute reactions in six major Spanish cities J Sanchez, B Rodriguez, L de la Fuente, G Barrio, J Vicente, J Roca, L Royuela, and the State Information Service on Drug Abuse Working Group Pelvic endometriosis: reproductive and menstrual risk factors at different stages in Lombardy, northern Italy F Parazzini, M Ferraroni, L Fedele, L Bocciolone, S Rubessa, A Riccardi Lung cancer: is there an association with socioeconomic status in The Netherlands A JM van Loon, R A Goldbohm, P A van den Brandt Health services Mammography screening: an incremental cost effectiveness analysis of two view versus one research view procedures in London S Bryan, J Brown, R Warren Emotional reactions in women attending a UK colposcopy clinic D H Gath, N Hallam, L Mynors-Wallis, A Day, S A K Bond Screening for colorectal cancer: reasons for refusal of faecal occult blood testing in a general practice in England K A Hynam, A R Hart, S P Gay, A Inglis, A C B Wicks, J F Mayberry Methods Survey response rates: national and regional differences in a European multicentre study of vertebral osteoporosis T W O’Neill, D Marsden, C Matthis, H Raspe, A J Silman, and the European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study Group Sudden infant death sysdrome in New Zealand: are risk scores useful? S M Williams, B J Taylor, E A Mitchell, R Scragg, R P K Ford, A W Stewart, and the New Zealand National Cot Death Study Group The short form 36 health status questionnaire: clues from the Oxford region’s normative data about its usefulness in measuring health gain in population surveys S Ziebland Short reports Schizophrenia: increased risk associated with winter and city birth- a case control study in 12 regions within England and Wales N Takei, P C Sham, E O’Callaghan, C Glover, R M Murray Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus: incidence in childhood in Belgrade 1982-92 H D Vlajinac, B M Bojovié, S B Sipeticé, B J Adanja, M S Jarebinski, S Z Radmanovié, D S Zdravkovié Alcohol consumption and obesity in the adult population of Spain J L Gutérrez Fisac, F Rodriguez-Artalejo, C Rodriguez Blas, J del Rey-Calero Letters to the editor - Notices Instruction to authors April 1995 Vol 49 No 2 Editorial Public health medicine and primary health care: convergent, divergent, or parallel paths? R S Bhopal Epidemiology International variation in socioeconomic inequalities in self reported health A E Kunst, J JM Geurts, J van den Berg Sickness absence as a measure of health status and functioning: from the UK Whitehall study M Marmot, A Feeney, M Shipley, F North, S L Syme Health status: does it predict choice in further education? L Koivusilta, A Rimpela, M Rimpela Passive smoking by self report and serum cotinine and the prevalence of respiratory and coronary heart disease in the Scottish heart health study H Tunstall-Pedoe, C A Brown, M Woodward, R Tavendale Coronary risk factor levels: Differences between educational groups in 1972-87 in eastern Finland J Pekkanen, A Uutela, T Valkonen, E Vartiainen, J Tuomilehto, P Puska Establishing baseline data in cancer registration in northern England: implications for Health of the Nation targets M Kardara, S Acquilla, D Forster, C McCarthy, J Stevenson Cervical cancer: incidence and survival in migrants within Spain J M Borras, V Sanchez, V Moreno, A Izquierdo, P Viladiu Childhood cancers: space-time distribution in Britain E A Gilman, E G Knox Down’s syndrome: prevalence and ionising radiation in an area of north west England 1957-91 J P Bound, B J Francis, P W Harvey Birth prevalence of malformations in members of different ethnic groups and in the offspring of matings between them, in Birmingham, England / Leck, R J Lancashire Physical fitness of 9 year olds in England: related factors S Kikuchi, R J Rona, S Chinn Child pedestrian deaths: sensitivity to traffic volume — evidence from the USA / Roberts, | Crombie Health services Risk factors for childhood burns: a case-control study of Ghanaian children S N Forjuoh, research B Guyer, D M Strobino, P M Keyl, M Diener-West, G S Smith The hospital admissions study in England: are there alternatives to emergency hospital admission? J Coast, A Inglis, K Morgan, S Gray, M Kammerling, S Frankel Assessing equity in access to health care provision in the UK: does where you live affect your chances of getting a coronary artery bypass graft? Y Ben-Shlomo, N Chaturvedi Estimating the sexual mixing patterns in the general population from those in people acquiring gonorrhoea infection: theoretical foundation and empirical findings A Renton, L Whitaker, C Ison, J Wadsworth, J R W Harris Components of small area variation in death rates: a method applied to data from Sweden R Westerling Short report Growth and relative stability of the proporticn permanently sick in English family health service authorities, 1981-91 DC Lloyd, G Scrivener Letters to the editor - Corrigendum - Notice June 1995 Vol 49 No 3 In this number Editorial Getting research into practice M Roland Health services Can general practice provide useful information? — evaluation of a primary health care research information project in northern England A E Wilson, C Pollock, T Weeks, A Dowell Rotterdam general practitioners report (ROHAPRO): a computerised network of general practices in Rotterdam, The Netherlands B J C Middelkoop, A M Bohnen, J S Duisterhout, A W Hoes, H J C M Pleumeekers, A Prins Surgery for glue ear: the English epidemic wanes N Black Hepatitis B vaccination: the cost effectiveness of alternative strategies in England and Wales P Mangtani, A J Hall, CE M Normand Epidemiology Infant mortality and famine: a study in historical epidemiology in northern England S Scott, S R Duncan, C J Duncan Risk factors in clinically diagnosed presenile dementia of the Alzheimer type: a case-control study in northern England D P Forster, A J Newens, D W K Kay, J A Edwardson Body fat and stroke: unmasking the hazards of overweight and obesity R Shinton, G Sagar, G Beevers Body mass index and cardiovascular mortality at different levels of blood pressure: a prospective study of Norwegian men and women R Selmer, A Tverdal Ischaemic heart disease mortality among men in Norway: reversal of urban-rural difference between 1966 and 1989 @ Krtiger, A Aase, S Westin Variation in reported prevalences of hypertension in The Netherlands: the impact of methodological variables P J van de Mheen, L Bonneux, L J Gunning-Schepers Avoidable mortality in Lithuania A GaiZauskiené, R Gurevicius Medically treated suicide attempts: a four year monitoring study of the epidemiology in The Netherlands E Arensman, A J F M Kerkhof, M W Hengeveld, J D Mulder Psychiatric morbidity: a multilevel approach to regional variations in the UK C Duncan, K Jones, G Moon Atopy: a predisposing factor for chronic bronchitis in Fintand E O Terho, M Koskenvuo, J Kaprio Physical activity, calcium intake, and bone mineral content in children in The Netherlands M F Q VandenBergh, S A DeMan, J C M Witteman, A Hofman, W Th Trouerbach, D E Grobbee Limb reduction defects in the northern region of England 1985-92 M J Wright, J N Newell, M E Charlton, E N Hey, L J Donaldson, J Burn Prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in Singapore men with sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection: role of sexual transmission in a city state with intermediate HBV endemicity B H Heng, K T Goh, R Chan, S K Chew, S Doraisingham, G H Quek Methods A time to pregnancy questionnaire designed for long term recall: validity in Oxford, England M Joffe, L Villard, Z Li, R Plowman, M Vessey Potential years of life lost: what is the denominator? A K Marlow Short reports Alzheimer’s disease and the relationship between silicon and aluminium in water supplies in northern England GA Taylor, A J Newens, J A Edwardson, D W K Kay, D P Forster Asthma history and sociodemographic characteristics in elderly French people C Nejjari, J F Tessier, P Barberger-Gateau, L Letenneur, J F Dartigues, R Salamon Prevalence of asthma and related factors in primary school children in an industrial part of England C D Singleton, A C Gatrell, J Briggs Social network and lifestyle in Danish adults M Osler Referees List of referees 1994 Letters to the editor - Notice - Book reviews - Short reviews August 1995 Vol 49 No 4 Editorial Public health epidemiology J P Mackenbach Review article The invasive management of angina: issues for consumers and commissioners D Gunnell, ! Harvey, L Smith Comment The use of family health services authority registers as a sampling frame in the UK: a review of theory and practice H R Roberts, L Rushton, K R Muir, R Dengler, C A C Coupland, C M Jenkinson, A Ruffell, C E D Chilvers Duncan memorial Public participation in health care quality L S Levin lecture Epidemiology Alcohol consumption, diet, coronary risk factors, and prevalent coronary heart disease in men and women in the Scottish heart health study M Woodward, H Tunstall-Pedoe Cardiovascular risk factors in Australia: trends in socioeconomic inequalities S Bennett Concurrence of monthly variations of mortality related to underlying cause in Europe D L Crombie, D M Fleming, K W Cross, R J Lancashire Mortality from benign prostatic hyperplasia: worldwide trends 1950-92 C La Vecchia, F Levi, F Lucchini Venous ulcer healing: effect of socioeconomic factors in London P J Franks, N Bosanquet, M Connolly, M | Oldroyd, C J Moffatt, R M Greenhaigh, C N McCollum Hormone replacement therapy: characteristics of users and non-users in a British general practice cohort identified through computerised prescribing records T Lancaster, G Surman, M Lawrence, D Mant, M Vessey, M Thorogood, P Yudkin, E Daly Asthma and factory emissions in northern England: addressing public concern by combining geographical and epidemiological methods C E Dunn, J Woodhouse, R S Bhopal, S D Acquilla Tropospheric ozone: respiratory effects and Australian air quality goals A Woodward, C Guest, K Steer, A Harman, R Scicchitano, D Pisaniello, | Calder, A McMichael Coronary revascularisation: why do rates vary geographically in the UK? N Black, S Langham, M Petticrew Does routine screening for breast cancer raise anxiety? Results from a three wave prospective study in England S Sutton, G Saidi, G Bickler, J Hunter Influenza mortality among the elderly in France, 1980-90: how many deaths may have been avoided through vaccination F Carrat, A-J Valleron Methods Estimating completeness of cancer registration: an empirical evaluation of the two source capture-recapture approach in Germany H Brenner, C Stegmaier, H Ziegler The ten questions screen for childhood disabilities: its uses and limitations in Pakistan M S Durkin, Z M Hasan, K Z Hesan Apparent association between benzene and childhood leukaemia: doubts concerning a report by Knox J F Bithell, G J Draper (Response by E G Knox) Short reports Population estimates from patient registers held by British FHSAs R M Haynes, A A Lovett, G Bentham, J S Brain, S H Gale Stomach cancer mortality in Spain: an ecological analysis of diet, altitude, latitude, and income J Vioque, C M Egea, M Porta Letter to the editor - Notices - Short reviews October 1995 Vol 49 No 5 Editorial Clinical audit: more research is required A Barton, R Thomson, R Bhopal Review article Randomised controlled trials of physical activity promotion in free living populations: a review M Hillsdon, M Thorogood, T Anstiss, J Morris Epidemiology Perinatal mortality in a first generation immigrant population and its relation to unemployment in The Netherlands L H Lumey, S A Reijneveld Socioeconomic factors and mortality in urban settings: the case of Barcelona, Spain C Borrell, A Arias Factors associated with weight for height and skinfold thickness in British children E Duran-Tauleria, R J Rona, S Chinn Sickness absence in the Whitehall Il study, London: the role of social support and material problems E G S Rael, S A Stansfeld, M Shipley, J Head, A Feeney, M Marmot Health behaviours explain part of the differences in self reported health associated with partner/marital status in The Netherlands / M A Joung, K Stronks, H van de Mheen, J P Mackenbach Seasonal ataxia in western Nigeria: evaluation of the impact of health education on hospital prevalence B Adamolekun Low back pain in Hong Kong: prevalence and characteristics compared with Britain E M C Lau, P Egger, D Coggon, C Cooper, L Valenti, D O’Connell Health services Coeur en santé St-Henri - a heart health promotion programme in Montreal, Canada: design research and methods for evaluation J O’Loughlin, G Paradis, N Kishchuk, K Gray-Donald, L Renaud, P Finés, T Barnett Coeur en santé St-Henri — a heart health promotion programme in a low income, low education neighbourhood in Montreal, Canada: theoretical model and early field experience G Paradis, J O'Loughlin, M Elliott, P Masson, L Renaud, G Sacks-Silver, G Lampron Measuring quality of life in patients with myocardial infarction or stroke: a feasibility study of four questionnaires in The Netherlands M C Visser, P J Koudstaal, R A M Erdman, J W Deckers, J Passchier, J van Gijn, D E Grobbee A measurement of social support in epidemiological research: the social experiences checklist tested in a general population in The Netherlands M A van Oostrom, M A R Tijhuis, J CJM de Haes, R Tempelaar, D Kromhout A method for estimating baseline health care costs S F Hurley, L M Bond, J B Carlin, D B Evans, J M Kaldor Short reports General practice consultation in childhood in The Netherlands: sociodemographic variation M A Bruijnzeels, J C van der Wouden, M Foets Society for Social Abstracts Medicine Letters to the Editor - Notices December 1995 Vol 49 No 6 In this number Editorial Medical audit in The Netherlands: experience over 22 years A F Casparie Comment Epidemiology and the Italian national health service P Vineis, E Paci Review article Multiple sclerosis: its epidemiological, genetic, and health care impact R Williams, A S Rigby, M Airey, M Robinson, H Ford Epidemiology Insulin treated diabetes mellitus: causes of death determined from record linkage of population based registers in Leicestershire, UK N T Raymond, J D Langley, E Goyder, J L Botha, A C Burden, J R Hearnshaw Seasonal variation in coronary heart disease in Scotland A S Douglas, M G Dunnigan, T M Allan, J M Rawles Stress, social support, and stopping smoking after myocardial infarction in England D C Greenwood, K R Muir, C J Packham, R J Madeley Children with low birth weight and low gestational age in Oslo, Norway: immigration is not the cause of increasing proportions C Stoltenberg, P Magnus Emergency appendicectomy and meat consumption in the UK P Appleby, M Thorogood, K McPherson, J Mann Fall frequency and incidence of distal forearm fracture in the UK T W O'Neill, J Varlow, J Reeve, D M Reid, C Todd, A D Woolf, A J Silman Outpatients revisited: subjective views and clinical decisions in the management of general surgical outpatients in south west England A Faulkner, A Saltrese-Taylor, J O’Brien, M Williams, C D Collins, S Frankel Children’s vision screening: impact on inequalities in central England L K Smith, J R Thompson, G Woodruff Improving hypertension control among excessive alcohol drinkers: a randomised controlled trial in France T Lang, V Nicaud, B Darné, B Rueff Neonatal intensive care cots: estimating the population based requirement in Trent, UK P R Burton, E Draper, A Fenton, D Field Tuberculosis among the homeless at a temporary shelter in London: report of a chest x ray screening programme D Kumar, K M Citron, J Leese, J M Watson Methods Interpreting the new iliness question in the UK census for health research on small areas S Martin, T A Sheldon, P Smith Sample sizes for studies using the short form 36 (SF-36) S A Julious, S George, M J Campbell Short report Self reported prevalence and treatment of sleep disorders in Austria A Schmeiser-Reider, 7— J Bolitschek, B Holzinger, A Skrobal, M Kunze, H Lechner, B Saletu, eitlhofer Letter to the editor - Notices Main subject index 1995 Author index 1995

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