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Preview Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry 1991: Vol 303 Index

J. Electroanal. Chem., 303 (1991) 307 Elsevier Sequoia S.A., Lausanne Author index Aeiyach, S. 125 Koper, M.T.M. 65, 73 Sanz, F. 45 Akiyama, T. 199 Krishnan, V. 185 Saté, G.P. 199 Schuhmann, D. 289 Barloy, L. 283 Lacaze, P.C. 125, 297 Seto, J. 161 Battioni, P. 283 Lakshmanan, A.S. 261 Shimizu, K. 199 Bedioui, F. 283 Lakshminarayanan, V. 95 Sinan, F. 289 Leiva, E.P.M. 55 Sluyters, J.H. 65, 73 Chandrasekaran, M. Lipkowski, J. 245 Sokirko, A.V. 17, 27 Chemla, M. 105 Soriaga, M.P. 255 Cohen, R. 289 Maeda, K. 171 Soubiran, P. 125 Cope, D.K. 1 e050 Sticha, M. 237 Mansuy, D. 283 Stumper, J. 277 Matsui, M. 171 Devynck, J. 283 Sugimori, A. 199 McBride, J.R. 255 Suzuki, M. 171 Minks, B.P. 277 Farzin, K. 211 Moslih, J. 297 Fuchigami, T. 139 Tallman, D.E. 1 Murali, K.R. 261 Furuya, N. 271 Torrent, J. 45 Gaillon, L. 283 Nelson, A. 221 Noel, M. 185 Uebelgiinn, K. 211 Ushijima, H. 199 Henglein, F. 245 Vanel, P. 289 Périé, J. 105 Verhaegh, N.A.M. 277 Iwasita, T. 211 Périé, M. 105 Vielstich, W. 211 Iwunze, M.O. 267 Peter, L.M. 277 Von Buttlar, H. 211 Izumi, T. 151 Pham, M.-C. 297 Watanabe, I. 151 Kajitani, M. 199 Rajagopalan, S.R. 95 Weber, J. 237 Kavan, L. 237 Rangarajan, N. 261 Kelly, JJ. 277 Rangarajan, S.K. 261 Yasuda, A. 161 Kharkats, Yu.I. 17, 27 Rojas, M.I. 55 Yokoyama, Y. 151 Kihara, S. 171 Rusling, J.F. 267 Yoshiba, H. 271 Kolb, D.M. 245 J. Electroanal. Chem., 303 (1991) 308-311 Elsevier Sequoia S.A., Lausanne Subject index Acetonitrile Nuclear grade resins: kinetics of isotopic and Effects of substituents and chalcogen atoms ionic exchanges for borate and chloride (Périé on the reduction half-wave potentials of (sub- etal.) 105 Stituted 1-cyclopentadienyl)(1,2-substituted Cobalt 1,2-ethylenedichalcogenolato)cobalt(II1) Effects of substituents and chalcogen atoms complexes in acetonitrile solutions (Ushijima on the reduction half-wave potentials of (sub- etal.) 199 stituted -cyclopentadienyl) (1,2-substituted Aromatic carbonyl compounds 1,2-ethylenedichalcogenolato)cobalt(III) Glassy carbon surface effects of the electrore- complexes in acetonitrile solutions (Ushijima duction for aromatic carbonyl compounds. et al.) 199 Part 1. Benzaldehyde (Chandrasekaran et al.) Corrosion 185 A potential controlled transient technique for corrosion studies (Lakshminarayanan, Raja- Benzaldehyde gopalan) 95 Glassy carbon surface effects of the electrore- Cyclopentadienyl duction of aromatic carbonyl compounds. Effects of substituents and chalcogen atoms Part 1. Benzaldehyde (Chandrasekaran et al.) on the reduction half-wave potentials of (sub- 185 stituted 1-cyclopentadienyl)(1,2-substituted Biphenyl 1,2-ethylenedichalcogenolato)cobalt(III) Formation of polyparaphenylene (PPP) films complexes in acetonitrile solutions (Ushijima by electrooxidation of biphenyl in CHCl). etal.) 199 A study of the nucleation process at a platinum electrode (Soubiran et al.) 125 Deuterium Borate ion Search for neutrons from controlled deu- Nuclear grade resins: kinetics of isotopic and terium concentrations in palladium (Viel- ionic exchanges for borate and chloride (Périé stich) 211 etal.) 105 Diffusion— migration currents The theory of limiting diffusion—migration Cadmium selenide currents in partially dissociated electrolytes Photoelectrochemical studies on pulse plated (Kharkats, Sokirko) 17 CdSe films (Murali et al.) 261 Dipole potentials Chalcogens An extended Hiickel/point dipole model for Effects of substituents and chalcogen atoms the calculation of dipole potentials for sp on the reduction half-wave potentials of (sub- metals (Rojas, Leiva) 55 stituted 1-cyclopentadienyl)(1,2-substituted Dissociation recombination reactions 1,2-ethylenedichalcogenolato)cobalt(II1) Theory of the effect of migration current complexes in acetonitrile solutions (Ushijima exaltation taking into account dissociation— etal.) 199 recombination reactions (Kharkats, Sokirko) Chloride ion 27 The nature of specific adsorption. Adsorp- tion of chloride and iodide ions at mercury in Electrochromicity the presence of polyethylene oxide (Cohen et Electrochromic properties of vacuum-evap- al.) 289 orated organic thin films. Part 4. The case of 2,4,7-trinitro-9-fluorenylidene malononitrile Indium (Yasuda, Seto) 161 Electrochemical oscillators: an experimental Electron transfer study of the indium/thiocyanate oscillator Voltammetric interpretation of ion transfer (Koper, Sluyters) 65 coupled with electron transfer at a liquid/ Indium /thiocyanate ion oscillator liquid interface (Maeda et al.) 171 Electrochemical oscillators: an experimental Ethylene study of the indium/thiocyanate oscillator Effects of substituents and chalcogen atoms (Koper, Sluyters) 65 on the reduction half-wave potentials of (sub- lodate ion stituted -cyclopentadienyl)(1,2-substituted High quantum yield photoreduction of iodate 1,2-ethylenedichalcogenolato)cobalt(III) in basic solution at p-GaAs (Minks et al.) complexes in acetonitrile solutions (Ushijima 277 etal.) 199 lodide ion The nature of specific adsorption. Adsorp- Fluorenylidene tion of chloride and iodide ions at mercury in Electrochromic properties of vacuum-evap- the presence of polyethylene oxide (Cohen et orated organic thin films. Part 4. The case of al.) 289 2,4,7-trinitro-9-fluorenylidene malononitrile Iodine (Yasuda, Seto) 161 Adsorbate-catalyzed corrosion. Anodic dis- solution of palladium catalyzed by chemi- Gallium arsenide sorbed iodine in halide-free solutions Electroreduction of nitrous oxide to nitrogen (McBride, Soriaga) 255 using a gas-diffusion electrode loaded with Pt Ion exchange catalyst (Furuya, Yoshiba) 277 Electrodes modified by perfluoro ion ex- Geometry of electrode change polymeric films prepared from aque- Representation of reversible current for arbi- ous solutions of Nafion and Tosflex (Weber trary electrode geometries and arbitrary etal.) 237 potential modulation (Cope, Tallman) 1 Nuclear grade resins: kinetics of isotopic and Glassy carbon ionic exchanges for borate and chloride (Périé Glassy carbon surface effects of the electrore- etal.) 105 duction of aromatic carbonyl compounds. Ion transfer Part 1. Benzaldehyde (Chandrasekaran et al.) Voltammetric interpretation of ion transfer 185 coupled with electron transfer at a liquid/ Gold liquid interface (Maeda et al.) 171 Activation of a gold electrode by electro- Isotope exchange chemical oxidation-reduction pretreatment in Nuclear grade resins: kinetics of isotopic and hydrochloric acid (Izumi et al.) 151 ionic exchanges for borate and chloride (Périé An optical study of pyridine adsorption on etal.) 105 gold using synchrotron radiation (Henglein et al.) 245 Malononitrile Gramicidin Electrochromic properties of vacuum-evap- Electrochemical studies of thallium(1) trans- orated organic thin films. Part 4. The case of port across gramicidin modified electrode-ad- 2,4,7-trinitro-9-fluorenylidene malonitrile sorbed phospholipid monolayers (Nelson) (Yasuda, Seto) 161 221 Manganese Electrochemistry of manganese porphyrin in- Hiickel model tercalated into montmorillonite (Gaillon et An extended Hiickel/point dipole model for al.) 283 the calculation of dipole potentials for sp Mercury metals (Rojas, Leiva) 55 The nature of specific adsorption. Adsorp- Hydrochloric acid pretreatment tion of chloride and iodide ions at mercury in Activation of a gold electrode by electro- the presence of polyethylene oxide (Cohen et chemical oxidation-reduction pretreatment in al.) 289 hydrochloric acid (Izumi et al.) 151 sp Metals An extended Hiickel/point dipole model for 310 the calculation of dipole potentials for sp Palladium metals (Rojas, Leiva) 55 Adsorbate-catalyzed corrosion. Anodic dis- Microemulsions solution of palladium catalyzed by chemi- Influence of water on stability of perylene sorbed iodine in halide-free acid solutions anion radicals in bicontinuous microemul- (McBride, Soriaga) 255 sions (Iwunze, Rusling) 267 Search for neutrons from controlled deu- Migration current exaltation terium concentrations in palladium (Viel- Theory of the effect of migration current stich) 211 exaltation taking into account dissociation— Partially dissociated electrolytes recombination reactions (Kharkats, Sokirko) The theory of limiting diffusion—migration 27 currents in partially dissociated electrolytes MIRFTIRS (Kharkats, Sokirko) 17 Electrochemical oxidation of 2-naphthol. In- Perfluorate ion situ MIRFTIRS study of the mechanism and Electrode modified by perfluoro ion ex- film structure (Pham et al.) 297 change polymeric films prepared from aque- Montmorillonite ous solutions of Nafion and Tosflex (Weber Electrochemistry of manganese porphyrin in- et al.) 237 tercalated into montmorillonite (Gaillon et Perylene anion radicals al.) 283 Influence of water on stability of perylene anion radicals in bicontinuous microemul- Nafion sions (Iwunze, Rusling) 267 Electrodes modified by perfluoro ion ex- Phospholipid monolayers change polymeric films prepared from aque- Electrochemical studies of thallium(1) trans- ous solutions of Nafion and Tosflex (Weber port across gramicidin modified electrode-ad- et al.) 237 sorbed phospholipid monolayers (Nelson) Naphthol 221 Electrochemical oxidation of 2-naphthol. In- Photoelectrochemistry situ MIRFTIRS study of the mechanism and Photoelectrochemical studies on pulse plated film structure (Pham et al.) 297 CdSe films (Murali et al.) 261 Neutrons Platinum Search for neutrons from controlled deu- Electroreduction of nitrous oxide to nitrogen terium concentrations in palladium (Viel- using a gas-diffusion electrode loaded with Pt stich) 211 catalyst (Furuya, Yoshiba) 271 Nitrogen Formation of polyparaphenylene (PPP) films Electroreduction of nitrous oxide to nitrogen by electrooxidation of biphenyl in CH,Cl,. using a gas-diffusion electrode loaded with Pt A study of the nucleation process at a catalyst (Furuya, Yoshiba) 271 platinum electrode (Soubiran et al.) 125 Nitrous oxide Point dipole model Electroreduction of nitrous oxide to nitrogen An extended Hiickel/point dipole model for using a gas-diffusion electrode loaded with Pt the calculation of dipole potentials for sp catalyst (Furuya, Yoshiba) 271 metals (Rojas, Leiva) 55 Nucleation Polyethylene oxide Formation of polyparaphenylene (PPP) films The nature of specific adsorption. Adsorp- by electrooxidation of biphenyl in CH,Cl,. tion of chloride and iodide ions at mercury in A study of the nucleation process at a the presence of polyethylene oxide (Cohen et platinum electrode (Soubiran et al.) 125 al.) 289 Polymeric films Oscillating reactions Electrodes modified by Perfluoro ion ex- Electrochemical oscillators: an experimental change polymeric films prepared from aque- study of the indium/thiocyanate oscillator ous solutions of Nafion and Tosflex (Weber (Koper, Sluyters) 65 etal.) 237 Electrochemical oscillators: their description Polyparaphenylene films through a mathematical model (Koper, Formation of polyparaphenylene (PPP) films Sluyters) 73 by electrooxidation of biphenyl in CH,Cl,. 311 A study of the nucleation process at a size different from that of the solvent (Tor- platinum electrode (Soubiran et al.) 125 rent, Sanz) 45 Polythiophene films Synchrotron radiation Degradation and its prevention, and the An optical study of pyridine adsorption on deactivation and reactivation of electroactive gold using synchrotron radiation (Henglein et polythiophene films during oxidation/re- al.) 245 duction cycles (Harada et al.) 139 Porphyrin Thallium Electrochemistry of manganese porphyrin in- Electrochemical studies of thallium(I) trans- tercalated into montmorillonite (Gaillon et port across gramicidin modified electrode-ad- al.) 283 sorbed phospholipid monolayers (Nelson) Potential modulation 221 Representation of reversible current for arbi- Thin films trary electrode geometries and arbitrary Electrochromic properties of vacuum-evap- potential modulation (Cope, Tallman) 1 orated organic thin films. Part 4. The case of Pulse plating 2,4,7-trinitro-9-fluorenylidene malononitrile Photoelectrochemical studies on pulse plated (Yasuda, Seto) 161 CdSe films (Murali et al.) 261 Thiocyanate ion Pyridine Electrochemical oscillators: an experimental An optical study of pyridine adsorption on study of the indium/thiocyanate oscillator gold using synchrotron radiation (Henglein et (Koper, Sluyters) 65 al.) 245 Tosflex Electrodes modified by perfluoro ion ex- change polymeric films prepared from aque- Resins ous solutions of Nafion and Tosflex (Weber Nuclear grade resins: kinetics of isotopic and etal.) 237 ionic exchanges for borate and chloride (Périé etal.) 105 Voltammetry Voltammetric interpretation of ion transfer Solute molecule adsorption coupled with electron transfer at a liquid/ On the adsorption of solute molecules with a liquid interface (Maeda et al.) 171

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